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Body 1
This learning module in Science VI is made to help and aid grade six
learners to discover and assimilate more knowledge about the EARTH AND
SPACE. It has been prepared to make the study of each lesson interesting, easy,
and significant.
The lessons are presented through descriptive texts and made use of
pictures from some trusted sites to visualize what it aims to bestow. In addition,
through this module you can explore the movement of Earth, thus you will
appreciate the great creation of the world. Appropriate and different learning
activities are provided to enhance and reinforce the skills towards
comprehending these Science lessons.
Learners can also make use of real objects that are available within the
classroom or anywhere as a model in connection with the topics. Learners
should always focus their attention in analyzing the lesson. This module will
help learners to enjoy the beauty of the planets, so it give a big help in
improving study habits.
It is important to read carefully with comprehension and understand the
discussions in the presented topics in order to answer the given activities and
assessments easily. Learners may work it by their own or with the help of
parents, teacher or classmates for the cooperative and guided learning.
For any questions regarding this module, feel free to approach the teacher
for clarifications and ask for the proper guidance. Always remember that
teacher’s major objective is to help the learners in studying their lessons.
Enjoy working on this module.
Let’s go and let’s have an amazing spaceflight using this module as our
spaceship. Get ready for launch…
Content Standards
At the end of studying this module, the learners demonstrate understanding of:
1. the earth’s rotation and revolution (S6ES-IVc-3)
Most Essential Learning Competencies
At the end of studying this module, the learners should be able to:
1. Differentiate between rotation and revolution and describe the effects of
the Earth’s motions
It’s very important that the learners have already learned the following skills
before using this module:
1. Difference between Rotation and Revolution
2. Describing effects of Earth’s movements
3. Performing Experiments
4. Drawing Solar System
5. Describing and locating every planets in the Solar System
6. Making Solar System model
7. Reporting articles
A. Directions: Give the missing letters to identify the word that will complete
the sentence. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. R__t__t__o__ is the turning of the earth on its axis.
2. R__v__l__t__o__ is the movement of the earth around the sun on its orbit.
3. A__i__ is an imaginary line that runs through the earth from the North Pole
to the South Pole where the Earth spins in a counterclockwise direction.
4. The Earth’s axis is t__l__e__.
5. O__b__t is an elliptical path where the earth revolves around the sun
B. Directions: Fill the graphic organizer with the correct information. Pick
the information inside the box.
Period: Period:
______________________________ ______________________________
Effect: Effect:
______________________________ ______________________________
B. Modified True or False: Write TRUE on the blank before the number if
the statement is correct, but if the statement is incorrect, underline the
word that makes it false and write the correct term on the blank before the
______________1. The sun rises in the East.
______________2. The sun rising indicates night time.
______________3. The rotation period of the Earth lasts in a year.
______________4. The Philippine has four seasons.
______________5. The Earth’s tilt affects the wind system.
Figure 1.1: The Earth (Scan the QR code for the Photo Reference)
Earth is constantly
Funtastic rotating on its axis, Are you the Sun?
Fact: revolving to its
Because my
orbit around the
World is spinning
Sun and moving
around you.
throughout the
Milky Way with
the rest of the
Solar System.
The Earth is made of rocks, soil, water and air. The shape of the Earth is
Oblique Spheroid, it is flattened at the poles and bulged at the equator. It is a
very tiny part of the Universe but it is the only planet in the Solar System where
life exists. The Earth moves at a constant speed and follows a counterclockwise
The Solar system consists of planets, asteroids and the Sun, it is also belongs
to a galaxy called Milky Way. Sun is the closest star to Earth, so it pulls the
planets and other celestial bodies near to it, because of its greater gravitational
Lesson 1: Movements of the Earth 6
Try me:
Compose an acrostic poem 6
with verses starting with each
letters of EARTH.
It is the movement or spinning movement of the Earth on its axis in a
counterclock wise direction or from west to east. Axis is an imaginary line runs
through the center from North Pole to South Pole. Earth is slightly tilted on its
axis at a 23.5 degree. Because of the tilt, many places on Earth do not have
exact 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night.
Day and Night- Earth’s rotation causes the day and the night. The length of the
complete rotation is 24 hours or 1 day. As the Earth turns, the other half is
facing the sun, so this side of the planet experiencing daytime. The other half
that is not facing the sun experiencing night time. The sun rises in the east, so it
sets in the west.
T a k e n o t e : The sun does not move around the Earth. In fact, the
rotation of the Earth on its axis makes it look as if the sun was moving.
Wind Movement- Rotation of the Earth also affects the air movement or wind.
As Earth rotates counterclock the winds between the equator and the poles
move in a circular pattern. The north flowing air over the equator gradually
flows to the east (in the Philippines Northeast monsoon wind is called
“Hanging Amihan”, it brings cold season), the south air goes to west or left
(Southwest monsoon wind is called “Hanging Habagat”, it brings strong
rains), these wind movements creating wind system. This is why weather and
climate conditions are different in places.
Take a break and play a game…
Scan the QR code for the fun game
about the Rotation and Revolution:
(Click the play
button to start the
game. Drag your
answers to the blank
Figure 1.3: boxes. After playing,
Revolution of click “submit your
Earth and the answers” to check
Season (Scan the your
QR code above) score.)
As the Earth rotates on its axis, it also moves around the Sun through an
imaginary line called orbit. The shape of this orbit is Elliptical, which is the
reason why sometimes the Earth is far from or close to the Sun. This movement
is called revolution. The Earth revolves around the Sun in a counterclockwise
direction, and takes 365 ¼ days or one year.
The calendar used by the majority of people is the Gregorian calendar,
which only uses 365 days; so to compensate the excess time and to keep the
calendar in sync with the revolution period, a Leap year is used every four
years, a time when one day is added to the end of February.
Four Seasons- Variety of seasons (in some countries- summer, autumn, winter
and spring) is the effect of Earth’s revolution.
HOTS Question as the Sun: Why does there are four seasons in some countries?
Different parts of the Earth have different seasons throughout the year
because of the Earth’s revolution and the tilt of its axis. As the Earth moves
around the Sun, its axis is always tilted in the same direction throughout its
orbit; as a result, different parts of the Earth receive different amounts of
sunlight at different times.
Funtastic Fact:
During summer, North Pole experiences the natural phenomenon called the
“Midnight Sun”, it is when this part of the Earth experiences the longest daylight
period. Even if its midnight, the Sun here is still shining bright like a noon time.
During winter, the North Pole is tilted away from the Sun, it is the time when
the shortest daylight period occurs (a long cold lonely night).
The Exploration:
Ancient Clock- Learners will read about how early
civilizations tracked timeEand
A R then
T H ’use
S their
R E Flearning
I N E D toMbuild
working model. They will also use their models to take
measurements and make observations.
Funtastic Fact:
If the Earth is spinning, why don’t we feel dizzy?
We do not feel dizzy from the Earth’s rotation because we are spinning
along with the Earth at the same constant speed. This means that we do not
experience any acceleration or deceleration, which are the causes of
dizziness. This is what we call the “Inertia”. The Earth’s rotation is also
slow for humans to detect.
Learning Activity 1: 9
Learning Activity 2:
Directions: Answer the following clear and brief.
1. List at least three possible things that could happen if the Earth would
stop rotating.
2. Does the South Pole experience the same seasons like what the North
Pole does? Why?
3. Give two ways to enjoy the two seasons of the Philippines.
4. If it is daytime in the Philippines, why it is night time in the United
5. How does movement of Earth affects people?
Posttest 11
Answer Keys
A. 1. c B. 1. k
2. d 2. d
3. d 3. h
4. c 4. b Learning Activity 2:
5. d 5. cE A R T H ’ S R E F I N E D M O T I O N
1-5.) Answers may vary
6. d 6. f
7. b 7. a
Learning Activity 3:
Learning Activity 1:
A. 1. Rotation
B. 2. Revolution
Rotation 24 HRS. Day3.
4. tilted
Revolution 365 ¼ day seasons
5. Orbit
Belen, Science Beyond Border, Grade 6 Textbook. Vibal Group, Inc. 2016
Cruz, Science for Smart Learners, Grade 6 Textbook. Diwa Learning Town. 2020
Photograph link:
Video link:
Exploration video-