Department of Computer Science: Pachamuthu College of Arts and Science For Women Dharmapuri

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IoT & Web Technology, The Internet of Things Today, Time for Convergence, Towards the IoT
Universe, Internet of Things Vision, IoT Strategic Research and Innovation Directions, IoT Applications,
Future Internet Technologies, Infrastructure, Networks and Communication, Processes, Data Management,
Security, Privacy & Trust, Device Level Energy Issues, IoT Related Standardization, Recommendations on
Research Topics.


M2M to IoT – A Basic Perspective– Introduction, Some Definitions, M2M Value Chains, IoT Value
Chains, An emerging industrial structure for IoT, The international driven global value chain and global
information monopolies. M2M to IoT-An Architectural Overview– Building an architecture, Main design
principles and needed capabilities, An IoT architecture outline, standards considerations.


IoT Architecture -State of the Art – Introduction, State of the art, Architecture. Reference Model-
Introduction, Reference Model and architecture, IoT reference Model, IoT Reference Architecture-
Introduction, Functional View, Information View, Deployment and Operational View, Other Relevant
architectural views.


IoT Architecture Introduction, IoT applications for industry: Future Factory Concepts, Brownfield IoT,
Smart Objects, Smart Applications, Four Aspects in your Business to Master IoT, Value Creation from Big
Data and Serialization, IoT for Retailing Industry, IoT For Oil and GasIndustry, Opinions on IoT Application
and Value for Industry, Home Management, eHealth.


Internet of Things Privacy, Security and Governance Introduction, Overview of Governance, Privacy
and Security Issues, Contribution from FP7 Projects, Security, Privacy andTrust in IoT-Data-Platforms for
Smart Cities, First Steps Towards a Secure Platform, Smartie Approach. Data Aggregation for the IoT in
Smart Cities, Security.

Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT stands for Internet of Things. It refers to the interconnectedness of physical devices, such as
appliances and vehicles that are embedded with software, sensors, and connectivity which enables these
objects to connect and exchange data.
This technology allows for the collection and sharing of data from a vast network of devices,
creating opportunities for more efficient and automated systems.
IOT is a system of interrelated things, computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects,
animals, or people that are provided with unique identifiers.
And the ability to transfer the data over a network requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer
History of IOT
 1982- Vending machine
 1990-Toaster
 1999-IOT(Kevin Ashton)
 2000-LG Smart Fridge
 2004-Smart Watch
 2007-Smart i phone
 2009-Car Testing
 2011-Smart TV
 2013-Google Lens
 2014-Echo
 2015-Tesla autopilot

Four Key Components of IOT

 Device or sensor
 Connectivity
 Data processing
 Interface

Main Components Used in IoT

Low-power embedded systems: Less battery consumption, high performance are the inverse factors
that play a significant role during the design of electronic systems.
Sensors: Sensors are the major part of any IoT application. It is a physical device that measures and
detects certain physical quantities and converts it into signal which can be provided as an input to
processing or control unit for analysis purpose.
Different types of Sensors
 Temperature Sensors
 Image Sensors
 Gyro Sensors
 Obstacle Sensors
 RF Sensor
 IR Sensor
 MQ-02/05 Gas Sensor
 LDR Sensor

Control Units:
It is a unit of small computer on a single integrated circuit containing microprocessor or processing
core, memory and programmable input/output devices/peripherals.
Cloud computing:
Data collected through IoT devices is massive, and this data has to be stored on a reliable storage
This is where cloud computing comes into play. The data is processed and learned, giving more
room for us to discover where things like electrical faults/errors are within the system.
Availability of big data:
We know that IoT relies heavily on sensors, especially in real-time.
As these electronic devices spread throughout every field, their usage is going to trigger a massive
flux of big data.
Networking connection:
In order to communicate, internet connectivity is a must, where each physical object is represented
by an IP address. However, there are only a limited number of addresses available according to the IP
Due to the growing number of devices, this naming system will not be feasible anymore. Therefore,
researchers are looking for another alternative naming system to represent each physical object.
Ways of Building IOT
There are two ways of building IoT:
 Form a separate internet work including only physical objects.
 Make the Internet ever more expansive, but this requires hard-core technologies such as rigorous
cloud computing and rapid big data storage (expensive).

IoT Enablers
RFIDs: uses radio waves in order to electronically track the tags attached to each physical object.
Sensors: devices that are able to detect changes in an environment (ex: motion detectors).
Nanotechnology: as the name suggests, these are tiny devices with dimensions usually less than a
hundred nanometers.
Smart networks: (ex: mesh topology).
Working with IoT Devices
Collect and Transmit Data :
For this purpose sensors are widely used they are used as per requirements in different
application areas.
Actuate device based on triggers produced by sensors or processing devices:
Ifcertain conditions are satisfied or according to user’s requirements if certain trigger is activated
then which action to perform that is shown by Actuator devices.
Receive Information:
From network devices, users or devices can take certain information also for their analysis and
processing purposes.
Communication Assistance:
Communication assistance is the phenomenon of communication between 2 networks or
communication between 2 or more IoT devices of same or different networks.
This can be achieved by different communication protocols like: MQTT, Constrained
Application Protocol, ZigBee, FTP, HTTP etc.
Characteristics of IoT
 Massively scalable and efficient
 IP-based addressing will no longer be suitable in the upcoming future.
 An abundance of physical objects is present that do not use IP, so IoT is made possible.
 Devices typically consume less power. When not in use, they should be automatically programmed
to sleep.
 A device that is connected to another device right now may not be connected in another instant of
 Intermittent connectivity – IoT devices aren’t always connected. In order to save bandwidth and
battery consumption, devices will be powered off periodically when not in use. Otherwise,
connections might turn unreliable and thus prove to be inefficient.
Desired Quality of any IoT Application
It is the basic first requirement in any IoT infrastructure. Connectivity should be guaranteed from
any devices on any network then only devices in a network can communicate with each other.
There can be diversity in IoT enabled devices like different hardware and software configuration or
different network topologies or connections, but they should connect and interact with each other despite so
much heterogeneity.
Dynamic in Nature
IoT devices should dynamically adapt themselves to the changing surroundings like different
situations and different prefaces.
Self-adapting and self-configuring technology
For example, surveillance camera. It should be flexible to work in different weather conditions and
different light situations (morning, afternoon, or night).
Just data collection is not enough in IoT, extraction of knowledge from the generated data is very
For example, sensors generate data, but that data will only be useful if it is interpreted properly.
So intelligence is one of the key characteristics in IoT. Because data interpretation is the major part
in any IoT application because without data processing we can’t make any insights from data. Hence, big
data is also one of the most enabling technologies in IoT field.
The number of elements (devices) connected to IoTzones is increasing day by day. Therefore, an IoT
setup should be capable of handling the expansion.
It can be either expand capability in terms of processing power, storage, etc. as vertical scaling or
horizontal scaling by multiplying with easy cloning.
Each IoT device has a unique identity (e.g., an IP address). This identity is helpful in
communication, tracking and to know status of the things.
If there is no identification then it will directly affect security and safety of any system because
without discrimination we can’t identify with whom one network is connected or with whom we have to
So there should be clear and appropriate discrimination technology available between IoT networks
and devices.
Sensitive personal details of a user might be compromised when the devices are connected to the
Internet. So data security is a major challenge.
This could cause a loss to the user. Equipment in the huge IoT network may also be at risk.
Therefore, equipment safety is also critical.
It should be hybrid, supporting different manufacturer’s products to function in the IoT network.
As a quick note, IoT incorporates trillions of sensors, billions of smart systems, and millions of
Application Domains
IoT is currently found in four different popular domains:
1) Manufacturing/Industrial business - 40.2%
2) Healthcare - 30.3%
3) Security - 7.7%
4) Retail - 8.3%
Modern Applications
 Smart Grids and energy saving
 Smart cities
 Smart homes/Home automation
 Healthcare
 Earthquake detection
 Radiation detection/hazardous gas detection
 Smartphone detection
 Water flow monitoring
 Traffic monitoring
 Wearables
 Smart door lock protection system
 Robots and Drones
 Healthcare and Hospitals, Telemedicine applications
 Security
 Biochip Transponders (For animals in farms)
 Heart monitoring implants (Example Pacemaker, ECG real time tracking)
 Agriculture
 Industry
Advantages of IoT
 Improved efficiency and automation of tasks.
 Increased convenience and accessibility of information.
 Better monitoring and control of devices and systems.
 Greater ability to gather and analyze data.
 Improved decision-making.
 Cost savings.
Disadvantages of IoT
 Security concerns and potential for hacking or data breaches.
 Privacy issues related to the collection and use of personal data.
 Dependence on technology and potential for system failures.
 Limited standardization and interoperability among devices.
 Complexity and increased maintenance requirements.
 High initial investment costs.
 Limited battery life on some devices.
 Concerns about job displacement due to automation.
 Limited regulation and legal framework for IoT, which can lead to confusion and uncertainty.

Time for Convergence

Integrated environments that have been at the origin of the successful take up of smartphone platforms
and capable of running a multiplicity of user-driven applications and connecting various sensors and objects
are missing today.

Such super-stack like environments, bringing together a number of distinct constituencies, represents
an opportunity for Europe to develop Internet of Things ecosystems.

As an example this would include the definition of open APIs and hence offer a variety of channels for
the delivery of new applications and services.

Such open APIs are of particular importance at module range on any abstraction level for application-
specific data analysis and processing, thus allowing application developers to leverage the underlying
communication infrastructure and use and combine information generated by various devices to produce
added value across multiple environments.

As a quintessence the next big leap in the Internet of Things evolution will be the coherence of efforts
on all levels towards innovation.

In case of the IoT community this would mean that out of many possible “coherence horizons” the
following will likely provide the foundation for a step forward to the Internet of Things:
 Coherence of object capabilities and behaviour: the objects in the Internet of Things will show a huge
variety in sensing and actuation capabilities, in information processing functionality and their time of
 In either case it will be necessary to generally apprehend object as entities with a growing
“intelligence” and patterns of autonomous behaviour.
 Coherence of application interactivity: the applications will increase in complexity and modularisation,
and boundaries between applications and services will be blurred to a high degree.
 Fixed programmed suites will evolve into dynamic and learning application packages.
 Besides technical, semantic interoperability will become the key for context aware information
exchange and processing.
 Coherence of corresponding technology approaches: larger concepts like Smart Cities, Cloud
computing, Future Internet, robotics and others will evolve in their own way, but because of
complementarity also partly merge with the Internet of Things.
 Here a creative view on potential synergies can help to develop new ecosystems.
 Coherence of real and virtual worlds: today real and virtual worlds are perceived as two antagonistic
 At the same time virtual worlds grow exponentially with the amount of stored data and ever increasing
network and information processing capabilities.
 Understanding both paradigms as complementary and part of human evolution could lead to new
synergies and exploration of living worlds.

Towards the IoT Universe(s)

In analogy to the definition that a universe is commonly defined as the totality of existence, an Internet
of Things universe might potentially connect everything.

As a further analogy to new theories about parallel universes, different Internet of Things worlds might
develop and exist in parallel, potentially overlap and possess spontaneous or fixed transfer gates.

These forward-looking considerations do certainly convey a slight touch of science fiction, but are
thought to stimulate the exploration of future living worlds.
The overall scope is to create and foster ecosystems of platforms for connected smart objects,
integrating the future generation of devices, network technologies, software technologies, interfaces and other
evolving ICT innovations, both for the society and for people to become pervasive at home, at work and while
on the move.

These environments will embed effective and efficient security and privacy mechanisms into devices,
architectures, platforms, and protocols, including characteristics such as openness, dynamic expandability,
interoperability of objects, distributed intelligence, and cost and energy-efficiency.

Whereas the forthcoming Internet of Things related research in the scope of Horizon 2020 and
corresponding national research programs will address the above matters, challenges from a societal and
policy perspective remain equally important, in particular the following:

 Fostering of a consistent, interoperable and accessible Internet of Things across

sectors,including standardisation.

 Directing effort and attention to important societal application areas such as health and
environment, including focus on low energy consumption.

 Offering orientation on security, privacy, trust and ethical aspects in the scope of
current legislation and development of robust and future-proof general data protection

 Providing resources like spectrum allowing pan-European service provision and

removal of barriers such as roaming.

 Maintaining the Internet of Things as an important subject for international cooperation

both for sharing best practises and developing coherent strategies.

IOT Background and Scope

 IOT can be contemplated as a comprehensive network framework consisting of various
connected real-world
 objects, which depend on sensory, communication, networking, and information processing
technologies[19]. The
 base technology for IOT is RFID which works by allowing microchips to transfer identifying
data to the reader via
 wireless medium. Through RFID, any person can analyze, trace, and monitor the objects
connectedwithRFID tags
 [20]. Other fundamental technology being Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), mainly works
on intelligent sensors
 for sensing and monitoring. RFID finds its application in transportation of goods to consumers,
production of
 pharmaceutical goods, andretail since 1980s [21, 22] and WSN applies to traffic, healthcare
and industrial
 monitoring [23, 24]. The advancement in both the technologies accelerate the growth of IoT.
A lot of other
 technologies and devices including barcodes, location-based service, SoA, near field
communication, Wimax,
 ZigBee, cloud computing etc. are also getting used to makea comprehensive network to
empower IoT [25]-[29]

IoT Vision
 Various definitions of IoT co-exist due to the fact that everyone gives it a meaning according to
their own
 perspective leading to obvious fuzziness. The definition is a mix of two terms-Internet and
Things. The former gives
 ita network-oriented vision whereas the latter one pushes it towards objects which are combined
to get settled in a
 single architecture. IoT signifies “world-wide network of interconnected objects uniquely
addressable based on

 standard communication protocols” [11]. The biggest challenge in IoT is to uniquely identify
each object in parallel with representation and storage of the information that is exchanged
among the objects.
 The three visions of IoT[8] are shownin fig 2:
 Things Oriented Vision
 Internet Oriented Vision
 Semantic Oriented Vision
In this vision, objects are tracked by sensors and technologies using RFID [27]. Each object is
uniquely identified byElectronic Product Code (EPC).
The data is collected through sensors and sensor based embedded system. Thisvision depends on
RFID-based sensor networks and other sensor-based networks which integrate technologies basedonRFID,
sensing, computing devicesandtheglobal connectivity.
The internet-oriented vision sees the various physical devices interacting with each other. The sensor-
based objectscan be determined uniquely and theirwhereabouts can be regularly monitored.
These smart embedded objects canbe consideredasmicrocomputerswithcomputingresources.
This vision states that the data collected through sensors will be huge. Thus, the collected data is
The raw data is processed in order to make it consistent and least redundant which is useful for
From things perspective, IoT focuses on the integration of smart devices or objects in a single
architecture,where things being RFID tags, the Internet perspective gives IoT a network-oriented meaning.

IoT architecture
 The IoT associates trillions of objects or devices which will generate a lot of traffic and to
handle that huge data storage will be needed [12].
 The issues like security and privacy also needs to be ensured when proposingthe new
 architecture for IoT addressing scalability, interoperability, reliability, QoS etc. The primitive
architecture of IoT is proposed in [10] and [12].

The five-layered architecture of IoT which is shown in Fig.3 is discussed below:

Perception Layer:
The Perception layeralso called as ‘Device Layer’,is composed of physical devices and sensors.
The sensors include RFID or barcodes based on identification of the objects. This layer works
on identifying and collecting the information via sensor devices.
Based on the kind of sensors we prefer to gather the data, the data can be geographic,
temperature-specific, orientation-specific etc. The gathered data is thus sent to
Network Layer:
The Network layer is also known to be the ‘Transmission Layer’. This layer guarantees for the
secure transfer ofthe information gathered from sensors to the information processing system.
The transmission media can be wired or wireless and technology can be 3G, UMTS, Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth, infrared, ZigBee, etc based on the sensors.
Thus, the Network layer is responsible for transmittingthe information from Device layer to
Middleware layer.
Middleware Layer:
Each smart object communicates with other devices only if they implement same service type.
It takes the data from Network layer and stores itin the database. It processes information and
decides the solution by analyzing the results.
Application Layer:
This layer is responsible for managing the application globally depending onthe processing of
objects’information in the Middleware layer.
The various applications of IoT are smart health, smart agriculture, smart home, smart city,
smart transportation, etc.
Business Layer:
This layer manages the complete IoT system in terms of the applications and services. It makes
business models, graphs, flowcharts etc. on the basis of data obtained from previous layer. Depending on
the result analysis, this layer will predict the future actions.
Applications of IOT:
IoT applications are still in their nascent stages. However, its use is spreading expeditiously.
As for now,
ransportation, security and privacy.
A brief idea about the possible applications of IoT in various domains isdiscussed below.

Natural calamities prediction:

The sensors through their interaction, coordination and simulation can predict
thenaturalcalamitieslikeearthquake, hurricane,volcaniceruptionsetc. so asto initiatefeasibleactionsintime.
Water shortage detection:
The IoT can find out the shortage of water at possible locations. The group of sensors,along
with simulation tasks not only monitors water intercession but may also be able to identify the sewage
releaseinthewaterstreamleadingtoaccidental hazards withsevereafter-effects.
The IoThasthecapability ofmakingthehomessmartbymanagingenergy
consumption,providinginteractionamongthehomeappliances, spotting emergencies, ensuringsafetyetc.
The IoT can be of great help in medical area for enhancing the lives of many by monitoring
metricsassociatedwithhealth,managing medicinesininventoryetc.
Smart farming:
Through a group of sensors different land requirements can be identified and particular
actionscan be taken as per the need of the land. Various use case scenarios include smart wrapping up of
seeds, fertilizers tocater to particular environmental conditions.
Smart Transport:
The intelligent network of sensors will be able to efficiently monitor the traffic and
canimplement fascinating and much needed feature of ceaseless electronic highway toll, law enforcement,
monitoringrulesbreachingbyvehicles, decreasingenvironmental pollution,alleviatingtrafficetc.
Smart Cities:
The IoT also finds its application in designing smart cities e.g., observing and controlling the
goodair quality, identifyingemergencyroutesetc.
Smart Security:
The IoT sensors also find their applications in the area of security e.g. inspection of
spaces,maintaininginfrastructure andequipments, alarmingetc.

Infrastructure of IOT:

The Internet of Things will become part of the fabric of everyday life. It will become part of our
overall infrastructure just like water, electricity, telephone, TV and most recently the Internet.

1) Plug and Play Integration:

Internet of Things becomes as simple as plugging it in and switching it on.

Such plug and play functionality requires an infrastructure that supports it, starting from the
networking level and going beyond it to the application level.

2) Infrastructure Functionality:

The infrastructure needs to support applications in finding the things required. An application
may run anywhere, including on the things themselves.

3) Semantic Modelling of Things:

semantic information regarding the things, the information they can provide or the actuation
they can perform need to be available.(e.g: temperature the sensor measures).

Networks and Communications

Networks Technology

Network users will be humans, machines, things and groups of them.

1) Complexity of the Networks of the Future:
the complexity of future networks and the expected growth of complexity due to the growth of Internet of

2) Growth of Wireless Networks:

Wireless networks especially will grow largely by adding vast amounts of small Internet of Things devices
with minimum hardware, software.

3) Mobile Networks:
The mobile phone of the future could provide mobile function.

4) Expanding Current Networks to Future Networks:

expand current end user network nodes into networks of their own or even a hierarchy of networks.
network of network.

5) Overlay Networks:
In some locations even multiple networks overlaying one another physically and logically.

6) Network Self-organization:
Self-organization principles will be applied to configuration by sensing.

7) IPv6, IoT and Scalability:

The current transition of the global Internet to IPv6 will provide a virtually unlimited number of public IP
addresses able to provide bidirectional and symmetric (true M2M) access to Billions of smart things.

8) Green Networking Technology: GreenTouch

These network technologies have to be appropriate to realist the Internet of Things and the Future Internet in
their most expanded state to be anticipated by the imagination of the experts.
Communication Technology

1) Unfolding the Potential of Communication Technologies:

communication technology to be undertaken in the coming decade will have to develop and unfold all
potential communication profiles of Internet of Things devices. Communications technologies for the Future
Internet and the Internet of Things will have to avoid such bottlenecks by construction not only for a given
status of development, but for the whole path to fully developed and still growing nets.

2) Correctness of Construction:
Correctness of construction of the whole system is a systematic process that starts from the small systems
running on the devices up to network and distributed applications.

3) An Unified Theoretical Framework for Communication:

Communication between processes running within an operating system on a single or multi-core processor.


1. What is the full form of IoT?

a) Internet of Technology
b) Incorporate of Things
c) Internet of Things
d) Incorporate of Technology
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: The full form of IoT is the “Internet of Things”. IoT means accessing and controlling equipment
and devices that are used daily through the Internet.
1. What is the full form of IoT?
a) Internet of Technology
b) Incorporate of Things
c) Internet of Things
d) Incorporate of Technology
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: The full form of IoT is the “Internet of Things”. IoT means accessing and controlling equipment
and devices that are used daily through the Internet.

2. What is IoT?
a) network of physical objects embedded with sensors
b) network of virtual objects
c) network of objects in the ring structure
d) network of sensors
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects embedded with sensors, software,
and other technologies for exchanging data with other devices over the internet.
3. Who coined the term “Internet of Things”?
a) Kevin Aston
b) John Wright
c) Edward Jameson
d) George Garton
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Kevin invented coined the term “Internet of Things” in 1999 during his work at Procter &
Gamble to describe the network connecting objects in the physical world with the Internet.

4. When was the actual term “Internet of Things” coined?

a) 1998
b) 1999
c) 2000
d) 2002
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: The actual term “Internet of Things” was coined in 1999 by technologist Kevin Aston during his
work at Procter & Gamble while giving a presentation about technology and the internet.

5. Which of the following is not an IoT device?

a) Table
b) Laptop
c) Arduino
d) Tablet
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: IoT devices are embedded with sensors, microprocessors, actuators, etc. Laptop, Arduino, and
Tablet are embedded systems and they can be operated with the internet, thus they are IoT devices.

6. Which of the following is false about IoT devices?

a) IoT devices use the internet for collecting and sharing data
b) IoT devices need microcontrollers
c) IoT devices use wireless technology
d) IoT devices are completely safe
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: IoT devices are wireless devices and they use the internet for collecting and sharing data. They
are not completely safe because they store data and sometimes hackers access them.

7. Which of the following is not an IoT platform?

a) Amazon Web Services
b) Microsoft Azure
c) Salesforce
d) Flipkart
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Answer: d
Explanation: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Salesforce provide cloud computing IoT services.
But Flipkart is an e-commerce website that provides marketing facilities.
8. Which of the following is not an application of IoT?
a) BMP280
b) Smart home
c) Smart city
d) Self-driven cars
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Answer: a
Explanation: Smart homes, smart cities, and self-driven cars are applications of IoT. BMP280 is a sensor that
is used to measure air pressure. It is a component of IoT devices.

9. Which of the following is not a fundamental component of an IoT system?

a) Sensors
b) Connectivity and data processing
c) User interface
d) Transformer
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: Sensors are required to collect data, network connectivity is required for data processing and to
interface with the user. Transformers are not required as they are used for voltage transformation.

10. What is the full form of IIOT?

a) Index Internet of Things
b) Incorporate Internet of Things
c) Industrial Internet of Things
d) Intense Internet of Things
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: The full form of IIOT is the “Industrial Internet of Things”. It is for industry-oriented
applications and communication transportation is done through both wired and wireless devices.

11. Which layer is used for wireless connection in IoT devices?

a) Application layer
b) Network layer
c) Data link layer
d) Transport layer
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Answer: c
Explanation: Data link layer is used for Ethernet and wireless connections. The network layer is used for
Internet Protocols. The transport layer is used for TCP/UDP protocols and the application layer directly
interacts with the application.

12. Which of the following is false about the IoT components?

a) A light sensor (photoresistor) is an analog sensor
b) A microphone is a digital sensor
c) A push button is a digital sensor
d) A keyboard is a digital sensor
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Answer: b
Explanation: A light sensor is an analog sensor because it senses light intensity. A microphone is also an
analog sensor because it senses sound. Push buttons and keyboards are operated digitally so, they are digital
13. Which of the following is used to capture data from the physical world in IoT devices?
a) Sensors
b) Actuators
c) Microprocessors
d) Microcontrollers
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sensors are used to capture data from the physical world. Microprocessors and microcontrollers
are used to control the operations and actuators are for outputs of IoT devices.

14. Which of the following command is used to trigger the Amazon echo IOT device?
a) Hello
b) Suri
c) Alexa
d) Hey
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Answer: c
Explanation: Amazon Echo is a hands-free speaker that can be controlled with the human voice. It connects to
Alexa voice services and “Alexa” command is used to trigger Amazon echo IoT device.

15. Which of the following is false about the MANET IoT network?
a) It is a self-configuring network
b) It has a low data rate
c) It doesn’t have any encryption
d) Power is readily available for complex security
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Answer: d
Explanation: MANET is an unstable network. It is self-configuring and it has a low data rate. It doesn’t have
power availability for complex security. It also doesn’t have any encryption.

16. Which of the following is not a sensor in IoT?

a) BMP280
b) DHT11
c) Photoresistor
d) LED
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Answer: d
Explanation: BMP280 is an air pressure sensor. DHT11 is a humidity and temperature sensor. A photoresistor
is a light sensor. LED is not a sensor as it emits light.

17. Which of the following is not an actuator in IoT?

a) Stepper motor
b) A fan
c) An LED
d) Arduino
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Answer: d
Explanation: An actuator converts electrical signals into a corresponding physical quantity. A stepper motor or
a fan can rotate. An LED can emit light. So, they are actuators. But Arduino is not.
18. What is the use of PWM signals in IoT development boards?
a) They are used by sensors to have analog input
b) They are used by sensors to have digital input
c) They are used by actuators to have analog input
d) They are used by actuators to have digital input
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Answer: c
Explanation: PWM signals are used for power regulation. Actuators mostly need analog signals to operate. So,
PWM signals are used by actuators to have analog input.

19. Which of the following is used to reprogram a Bootloader in IoT devices?

a) VHDL programming
b) IDE
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Answer: c
Explanation: Bootloader is firmware on a microcontroller. ICSP is used to reprogram a Bootloader in IoT
devices. ICSP stands for In-Circuit Serial Programming. It is a special programming method to program

20. Which of the following is true about ArduinoIoT devices?

a) They are open-source software
b) They can only read analog inputs
c) They have their own operating systems
d) They don’t have pre-programmed firmware
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Arduino designs are open-source software. They can read both analog and digital inputs. They
don’t have operating systems and firmware is pre-programmed inside them.

21. How many number of elements in the Open IoT Architecture?

a) 3 elements
b) 7 elements
c) 8 elements
d) 6 elements
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: The 7 main elements are: sensor middleware (X-GSN), cloud data storage, scheduler, service
delivery, and utility manager, request definition, request presentation, configuration and monitoring.

22. IoT-A stands for

a) Internet of Things Area
b) Industrial of things Architecture
c) Internet of Things Address
d) Internet of Things Architecture
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: The EU’s Internet of Things Architecture is another example of the way in which we can solve
IoT related challenges.
23. Which of the following is not a feature of the Raspberry PI model B IoT device?
a) It has 256 MB SDRAM
b) It has a single USB connector
c) It has its own operating system
d) It has an Ethernet port
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Raspberry PI model B has a single 2.0 USB connector and an on-board 10/100 Ethernet RJ45
jack. It has its own operating system and 512 MB SDRAM memory.

24. Which of the following processor is used in the Raspberry PI 3 IoT device?
a) Broadcom BCM2711
b) Broadcom BCM2837
c) Broadcom BCM2838
d) Intel 8085
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Answer: b
Explanation: Raspberry PI 3 has Broadcom BCM2837 microprocessor. It is a 64-bit Quad-core
microprocessor. Broadcom BCM2711 is the microprocessor of Raspberry PI 4 Model B.

25. Which library is used to access I2C in ArduinoIoT devices?

b) Wire
c) DHT11
d) ArduinoJson
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: I2C is a synchronous and serial communication protocol. Wire library is used to access this
protocol in Arduino. Initialization is done with Wire.begin() command.

26. Which of the following is not related to Arduino IDE IoT software?
a) Serial monitor
b) Verify
c) Upload
d) Terminate
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Answer: d
Explanation: Verify option is used to verify or compile the Arduino code and the upload option is used to
upload the code to the Arduino development board. Serial monitor is used to display the data.

27. Which of the following is a complete line of home IoT devices that include smart switches?
a) Belkin’sWeMo
b) Cinder
c) Awair
d) Canary
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Answer: a
Explanation: Belkin’sWeMo is a complete line of home IoT devices that includes smart switches, cameras,
lights, an air purifier and more. It allows the end user to control a lot of different devices with one smartphone
28. IoT gateway must provide
a) Protocol abstraction
b) Data storage
c) Security with hardware
d) Simple and fast installation
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: IoT gateway must provide:
Protocol abstraction
Computing and I/O performance
Integration communication capability.

29. What IoT collects?

a) Device data
b) Machine generated data
c) Sensor data
d) Human generated data
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: IoT is aggregating and compressing massive amounts of low latency/ low duration/high volume
machine generated data coming from a wide variety of sensor to support real time use cases.

30. Which of the following protocol is used to link all the devices in the IoT?
b) UDP
c) Network
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: The internet of Thing is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the
Internet Protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link billions of devices worldwide.

Question Bank:

1. Expain about IoT& Web Technology, The Internet of Things Today?

2. Write the briefly Time for Convergence?
3. Discuss about IoT Strategic Research and Innovation Directions?
4. Write about IoT Applications, Future Internet Technologies, Infrastructure, Networks and
5. Briefly write note on Device Level Energy Issues?
6. Write about IoT Related Standardization, Recommendations on Researchtopics?

Machine-to-machine (M2M)

Machine-to-machine, or M2M, is a broad label that can be used to describe any technology that
enables networked devices to exchange information and perform actions without the manual assistance of
humans. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) facilitate the communication between
systems, allowing them to make their own autonomous choices.

How M2M works

The main purpose of machine-to-machine technology is to tap into sensor data and transmit it to a
network. Unlike SCADA or other remote monitoring tools, M2M systems often use public networks and
access methods -- for example, cellular or Ethernet -- to make it more cost-effective.

M2M applications and examples

Machine-to-machine communication is often used for remote monitoring. In product restocking, for
example, a vending machine can message the distributor's network, or machine, when a particular item is
running low to send a refill. An enabler of asset tracking and monitoring, M2M is vital in warehouse
management systems (WMS) and supply chain management (SCM).

Utilities companies often rely on M2M devices and applications to not only harvest energy, such as oil
and gas, but also to bill customers -- through the use of Smart meters -- and to detect worksite factors, such as
pressure, temperature and equipment status.
In telemedicine, M2M devices can enable the real time monitoring of patients' vital statistics,
dispensing medicine when required or tracking healthcare assets.

The combination of the IoT, AI and ML is transforming and improving mobile payment processes and
creating new opportunities for different purchasing behaviors. Digital wallets, such as Google
Wallet and Apple Pay, will most likely contribute to the widespread adoption of M2M financial activities.

Smart home systems have also incorporated M2M technology. The use of M2M in this embedded
system enables home appliances and other technologies to have real time control of operations as well as the
ability to remotely communicate.

M2M is also an important aspect of remote-control software, robotics, traffic control, security, logistics
and fleet management and automotive.

Key features of M2M

Key features of M2M technology include:

 Low power consumption, in an effort to improve the system's ability to effectively service M2M

 A Network operator that provides packet-switched service

 Monitoring abilities that provide functionality to detect events.

 Time tolerance, meaning data transfers can be delayed.

 Time control, meaning data can only be sent or received at specific predetermined periods.

 Location specific triggers that alert or wake up devices when they enter particular areas.

 The ability to continually send and receive small amounts of data.

M2M requirements

According to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), requirements of an M2M

system include:

 Scalability - The M2M system should be able to continue to function efficiently as more connected objects
are added.

 Anonymity - The M2M system must be able to hide the identity of an M2M device when requested,
subject to regulatory requirements.
 Logging - M2M systems must support the recording of important events, such as failed installation
attempts, service not operating or the occurrence of faulty information. The logs should be available by

 M2M application communication principles - M2M systems should enable communication between M2M
applications in the network and the M2M device or gateway using communication techniques, such as
short message service (SMS) and IP Connected devices should also be able to communicate with each
other in a peer-to-peer (P2P) manner.

 Delivery methods - The M2M system should support Unicast,

anycast, multicast and broadcast communication modes, with broadcast being replaced by multicast or
anycast whenever possible to minimize the load on the communication network.

 Message transmission scheduling - M2M systems must be able to control network access and messaging
schedules and should be conscious of M2M applications' scheduling delay tolerance.

 Message communication path selection - Optimization of the message communication paths within an
M2M system must be possible and based on policies like transmission failures, delays when other paths
exist and network costs.

M2M vs. IoT

While many use the terms interchangeably, M2M and IoT are not the same. IoT needs M2M, but M2M
does not need IoT.

Both terms relate to the communication of connected devices, but M2M systems are often isolated,
stand-alone networked equipment. IoT systems take M2M to the next level, bringing together disparate
systems into one large, connected ecosystem.

M2M systems use point-to-point communications between machines, sensors and hardware over
cellular or wired networks, while IoT systems rely on IP-based networks to send data collected from IoT-
connected devices to gateways, the cloud or middleware platforms.

Difference between IoT and M2M

1. Internet of Things : IOT is known as the Internet of Things where things are said to be the
communicating devices that can interact with each other using a communication media. Usually every day
some new devices are being integrated which uses IoT devices for its function.

2. Machine to Machine : This is commonly known as Machine to machine communication. It is a concept

where two or more than two machines communicate with each other without human interaction using a
wired or wireless mechanism.
M2M is also named as Machine Type Communication (MTC) in 3GPP ( 3rd Generation Partnership
M2M is communication could carried over mobile networks, for ex- GSM-GPRS, CDMA EVDO Networks

Difference between IoT and M2M :

Basis of IoT M2M

Abbreviation Internet of Things Machine to Machine

Devices have objects that are responsible Some degree of intelligence is

for decision making observed in this.

Connection type The connection is via Network and using

The connection is a point to point
used various communication types.

Traditional protocols and

Communication Internet protocols are used such
communication technology
protocol used as HTTP, FTP, and Telnet.
techniques are used

Data is shared between other applications

Data is shared with only the
Data Sharing that are used to improve the end-user
communicating parties.

Internet connection is required for Devices are not dependent on the

communication Internet.

Type of It supports point-to-point

It supports cloud communication
Communication communication.

Involves the usage of both Hardware and

Computer System Mostly hardware-based technology

A large number of devices yet scope is

Scope Limited Scope for devices.
Basis of IoT M2M

Business 2 Business(B2B) and Business 2

Business Type used Business 2 Business (B2B)

Open API support Supports Open API integrations. There is no support for Open APIs

It requires Generic commodity devices. Specialized device solutions.

Centric Information and service centric Communication and device centric.

Approach used Horizontal enabler approach Vertical system solution approach .

Devices/sensors, connectivity, data Device, area networks, gateway,

processing, user interface Application server.

Examples Smart wearables, Big Data and Cloud, etc. Sensors, Data and Information, etc.
A Beginner’s Guide to Perspective
What’s “perspective?”
Perspective gives a three-dimensional feeling to flat images.
To achieve this effect, you need to draw nearer objects larger than further objects.

Linear Perspective
Linear perspective is the most well-known type of perspective.
Draw objects smaller as they become further away until they disappear at a certain “vanishing

Linear perspective has vanishing points, and everything else is based on the lines
leading to those vanishing points.

One-Point Perspective
This method has a single vanishing point, and everything converges towards that one
single point. One-point perspective is the simplest form of linear perspective and usually used
for rooms and corridors.

● Two-Point Perspective
This method has two vanishing points.
Two-point perspective is often used for drawing exteriors of buildings.

One feature of two-point perspective is that all the vertical lines are perpendicular to
the horizon.

● Three-Point Perspective
As you may imagine, three-point perspective has three vanishing points.
By adding a third vanishing point above (or below) the vanishing point of the two-point
perspective method, you can make the camera look up or look down at an object.
When drawing from these angles, a form of distortion called “height distortion” will
Three-point perspective is a method for drawing such height distortion.

Eye Level
The phrase “eye level” is something you will see many times as you learn about

In art, eye level is the height of the horizon.

It is like a line that shows the height of the camera in photography.

Setting the eye level helps determine the overall structure of your illustration.
For example, setting the eye level to the same eye level as the character makes the
camera look directly at the person.

● Eye Levels and Horizons

It’s also good to keep in mind the relationship between the eye level and the horizon.

The eye-level is the same as the horizon if the camera is looking in the same direction.
Raising the eye level will also raise the position of the horizon.
In turn, lowering the eye level will also lower the position of the horizon.
Things to Take Care When Using Linear Perspective

● Vanishing points should not be too close

If there are multiple vanishing points, putting them close together will result in a
distorted illustration.
You should generally have a reasonable distance between vanishing points.

● Be careful of the position of the eye level

The position of the eye level in one-point perspective and two-point perspective
should not be too high or too low.

Suppose you raised the eye level and horizon positions in a 1-point perspective like
the following illustration.
You’re supposed to be looking down at the box, but there’s too much height distortion
to make it look natural.

Global value chains

A value chain describes the full range of activities that firms and workers perform to
bring a product from its conception to end use and beyond, including design, production,
marketing, distribution, and support to the final consumer.

Analyzing an industry from a global value chain (GVC) perspective permits

understanding of the context of globalization on the activities contained within them by
“focusing on the sequences of tangible and intangible value-adding activities, from
conception and production to end use.
M2M value chain

IoT value chains

The Information-Driven Global Value Chain(I-GVC)

 Fundamental roles within the I-GVC

 Inputs:
 Sensors, RFID, and other devices.
 End-Users.
 Data Factories.
 Service Providers/Data Wholesalers.
 Intermediaries.
 Resellers.
The Information-Driven Global Value Chain.

Inputs to the information-driven global commodity chain

 Sensors and other devices (e.g. RFID and NFC).

 End-users
->Both of these information sources input tiny amounts of data into the I-GVC chain,
which are then aggregated, analyzed, repackaged, and exchanged from value chain.
-> As a result, sensor devices and networks, RFIDs, mobile and consumer devices,
Wi-Fi hotspots, and end-users all form part of a network of “subcontractors” in the
value chain, all contributing to the increased value of the information products

Sensors and radio frequency identification

 Sensors and RFID devices are working as inputs to the I-GVC through the capture
and transmission of data necessary for the development of information products.
 Smart phones have also been developed that allow mobile devices to interact with
sensors and RFID.
 This allows for a two-way interaction between a mobile terminal and the sensor
 The data is used as one part of the input to the commodity chain, which uses it to
create the information products that are eventually exchanged.
 In this sense, the sensor networks, and NFC and RFID technologies may be viewed as
subcontractors Resellers Intermediaries Data Factories Service Providers/ Data
Wholesalers End User Information Domestic and overseas input from human and
sensor-based ‘subcontractors’ to the I-GVC, workers that constantly gather data for
further processing and sale.


 End-users that choose to use and participate within the digital world are now deeply
embedded into the very process of production.
 Every human that enters a search query into a search engine,
 Every human that agrees to allow the mobile broadband platform to inform a service
of their location,
 Every human that uses NFC to allow a bank to establish and confirm their identity are
also functioning as subcontractors to the global information systems that form the
basis of the I-GVC.

Production processes of the information – driven global value chain

 Data factories
 Data factories are those entities that produce data in digital forms for use in other
parts of the I-GVC.
 Service providers/data wholesaler:
 Service Providers and Data wholesalers are those entities that collect data from
various sources worldwide, and through the creation of massive databases, use it to
either improve their own information products or sell information products in various
 Example: Twitter, Facebook, Google


 In the emerging industrial structure of the I-GVC, there is a need for

intermediaries that handle several aspects of the production of information products.
 The development of databases such as the ones created by Google, Facebook,
and Twitter may therefore require the creation of entities that are able to protect
individuals’ privacy rights in relevant regional settings.
 Intermediary is to reduce transaction costs associated with the establishment of
a market for many different companies to participate in.

IIoT Architecture

A typical industrial IoT architecture or IIoT architecture describes the arrangement of

digital systems so that they together provide network and data connectivity between
sensors, IoT devices, data storage, and other layers. Therefore, IIoT architecture must have
the following:
IIoT Architecture Components

1. IoT-enabled devices at the edge of the network

These are the groupings of networked objects located at the edge of an IoT ecosystem.

These are situated as near as feasible to the data source. These are often wireless
actuators and sensors in an industrial environment.

A processing unit or small computing device and a collection of observing endpoints

are present. Edge IoT devices may range from legacy equipment in a brownfield environment
to cameras, microphones, sensors, and other meters and monitors.

What occurs at the network’s most remote edge? Sensors acquire data from both the
surrounding environment and the items they monitor.

Then, they transform the information into metrics and numbers that an IoT platform
can analyze and transform into actionable insights.
Actuators control the processes occurring in the observed environment. They modify
the physical circumstances in which data is produced.

2. Edge data management and initial processing

Without high-quality, high-volume data, sophisticated analytics and artificial

intelligence cannot be used to their full potential. Even on the sensor level, data processing is
possible, which is necessary if you need information immediately.

In this aspect, edge computing provides the quickest answers since data is
preprocessed at the network’s edge, at the sensors themselves. Here, you can conduct
analyses on your digital and aggregated data.

3. Cloud for advanced processing

Edge devices are restricted in their capacity for preprocessing. While you should
strive to reach as near to the edge as is realistically possible to limit the consumption of
native computational power, users will need to utilize the cloud for processing that is more
in-depth and thorough.

At this point, you must choose whether to prioritize the agility and immediacy of edge
devices or the advanced insights of cloud computing.

Cloud-based solutions can perform extensive processing. Here, it is possible to

aggregate data from different sources and provide insights that are unavailable at the edge.

In the context of IIoT architecture, the cloud will have:

 A hub: It offers a secure link to the on-site system in addition to telemetry and
device control. The hub provides remote connectivity to and from on-premises
systems, if required, across several locations. It maintains all elements of
communication, such as connection management, the secure communication
channel, and device verification and authorization.
 Storage: It is useful for storing information before and after it is processed.
 Analytics: It aids in data processing and analysis.
 A user interface: It provides visualization for conveying the analysis findings
to the end user, often via a web browser interface and also through alerts via
email, text message, and/or phone call.
4. Internet gateways

Here sensor data is gathered and turned into digital channels for further processing at
the internet gateway.

After obtaining the aggregated and digitized data, the gateway transmits it over the
internet so that it may be further processed before being uploaded to the cloud. Gateways
continue to be part of the edge’s data-collecting systems.

They remain adjacent to the actuators and sensors and perform preliminary data
processing at the edge.
Gateways may be deployed as hardware or software:

 Hardware: Hardware gateways are autonomous devices. Wire-based (analog

and digital) and wireless interfaces are provided for the downstream sensor
 They also provide Internet connectivity, either natively or via a standard link to
a router.
 Software: On PCs, software gateways may be installed instead of connecting
hardware gateways.
 The software operates either in the background or foreground and offers
upstream and downstream communications links as the hardware entry point,
with the PC supplying the physical interfaces.
 Software-based gateways may enable access to visual sensor settings and sensor
data presentation via user interfaces.

5. Connectivity protocols

Protocols are required for the transfer of data across the IIoT system. These protocols
should preferably be industry-standard, well-defined, and secure.

Protocol specifications may contain physical properties of connections and cabling,

the procedure for establishing a communication channel, and the format of the data sent over
that channel.

Some of the common protocols used in IIoT architecture include:

 Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP): It is a connection-led,

bidirectional, multiplexing, compact data-encoding message transport protocol.
AMQP, unlike HTTP, was built for IIoT-oriented cloud connectivity.
 MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT): This is a compact client-server message
transport protocol. MQTT benefits IIoT devices because of its short message
frame sizes and minimal code space.
 Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP): This is a datagram-led protocol
that may be deployed via a transport layer, including user datagram protocol
(UDP). CoAP is a condensed version of HTTP developed for IIoT
6. IIoT platforms

IIoT systems are now capable of orchestrating, monitoring, and controlling operations
throughout the whole value chain.

The platforms control the device data and manage the analytics, data visualization,
and artificial intelligence (AI) duties from the edge devices and, in certain cases, the sensors
right through to the cloud and back.

The industrial internet reference architecture (IIRA) may serve as a reference for
developing sophisticated systems in the IIoT domain.

In general, the IIRA’s frameworks advocate that businesses design a framework using
a systematic approach, which includes feedback and iterations.

1. Which service permits the changes to the IoT services?

a) Update
b) Registered service status
c) Enable from suspension
d) Enable
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Answer: a
Explanation: Update service permits changes to the IoT services. In particular, it allows for
the updating of the service’s lifecycle metadata according to the requested changes.
2. What is the role of Cloud in smart grid architecture of IoT?
a) Security
b) Collect data
c) Manage data
d) Store data
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: Cloud to edge Middleware: manage data and edge devices, data streaming and
event processing, control authorized access.
3. What is the component of an IoT system that executes a program?
a) A sensor
b) A microcontroller
c) An actuator
d) A digital to analog converter
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Answer: b
Explanation: Microcontroller is the component of an IOT device that executes a program. It
contains a control unit, converters, timers, flash memory, etc. These are used to control the
program execution.
4. Which programming language is used by Arduino IDE IoT software for writing codes?
a) Python
b) Java
c) C/C++
d) JavaScript
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Answer: c
Explanation: C and C++programming languages are used in Arduino IDE for writing,
compiling, and uploading codes. Several in-built libraries are also imported for better coding
5. What is the full form of DHCP in IoT communication protocols?
a) Dynamic Host Communication Protocol
b) Domain Host Communication Protocol
c) Dynamic Host Control Protocol
d) Domain Host Control Protocol
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Answer: a
Explanation: DHCP is a network management protocol used on internet protocol networks to
automatically assign IP addresses. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Communication Protocol.
6. What is the full form of IDE in Arduino IDE IoT software?
a) Intra Defence Environment
b) Intra Development Environment
c) Integrated Development Environment
d) Integrated Deployed Environment
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Answer: c
Explanation: The full form of IDE in Arduino IDE IoT software is Integrated Development
Environment. It is a cross-platform application for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating
7. provides to send data from IoT devices.
a) Web API
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The data sharing utility provides Web API so that we can send data
from our IoT device, known as thing in documentation.
8. The number of elements in the Open IoT Architecture?
a) 6 elements
b) 8 elements
c) 7 elements
d) 3 elements
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: The 7 main elements are : sensor middleware (X-GSN), cloud data storage,
scheduler, service delivery and utility manager, request definition, request presentation,
configuration and monitoring.

9. Global Sensor Network is built for

a) Reducing cost and time for development
b) Reducing cost and increasing time for development
c) Increasing cost and increasing time for development
d) Increasing cost and decreasing time for development
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: GSN is developed on the observation that most of the requirements for the
application development sensor network are same. Having each sensor network development
using its own custom software not only increases the cost but also takes time for development
and deployment.

10. One of the main characteristics of Linked Stream Data is “Live Streaming”.
a) True
b) False
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Most of the data on the web is from sensing devices. To facilitate the integration
of data from sensed devices and other sources, both sensor stream source and data are being
enriched with schematic descriptions, creating Linked Stream Data. It shows the live data
depending on our application.

11. The huge number of devices connected to the Internet of Things has to communicate
automatically, not via humans. What is this called?
a) Skynet
b) Bot 2 Bot
c) Machine 2 Machine
d) Intercloud
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: Devices are connected to other devices like mobiles, laptops, etc, to
communicate among themselves which is called machine to machine and that involves
wireless communication techniques, serial connection and powerline connection.

12. Internet of Things needs a lot of network connection. What is the proposed “white Space”
radio standard called?
a) Bluetooth
b) WiMax
c) Weightless
d) Zigbee
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: White space is nothing but gaps that sit in the frequency band used to broadcast
digital TV. The development of so called “Weightless standard” is for the use of TV white
space and for IOT/M2M purpose. The main intention is to reduce the cost and power

13. What is the sensor/protocol used in GSN?

a) HTTP protocol
b) CoAP protocol
c) MQTT protocol
d) XMPP protocol
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Answer: b
Explanation: Constrained Application Protocol is a specialized web transfer protocol which
enables constrained devices to communicate over internet and it is required for GSN in
transferring data stream.

14. Which is the core wrapper of GSN?

a) Serial
b) UDP
c) GPSTest
d) ZeroMQWrapper
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Answer: d
Explanation: Wrappers are classified as remote and local wrappers in GSN. Unlike them, the
ZeroMQWrapper is a core wrapper which allows for publishing stream elements that are
produced by a Virtual Sensor.

15. Open IoT ontology is extending the W3C SSN ontology which supports the description of
the physical and processing structure of sensors.
a) True
b) False
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Sensors are not constrained to physical sensing devices, rather a sensor is
anything that can calculate the value of the phenomenon. Thus, either a device or
Computational process or a combination of them could play the role of a sensor.

16. Open IoT manages the registration, data acquisition, deployment of sensors and
interconnected of objects, through which network?
a) GSN
b) X-GSN
c) LSM
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: The core fundamental concept in X-GSN is the virtual sensor, which can
represent not only physical devices but in general any abstract or concrete entity that observes
features of any kind.

17. Which environment does Global Sensor Network work on?

a) C++
d) C
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: GSN is expected to work in all standard computing environments. As Java is
portable in nature which means that Java bytecode can execute on all platforms, GSN works
on Java. C++, HTML and C are not portable in nature.

18. is a community that is working together to establish an IoT architecture.

a) Eclipse IoT
b) Red Hat
c) Intercloud
d) Bot 2 Bot
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Eclipse IoT is a community that is working together to establish an IoT
architecture based on open source technologies and standards.

19. provides a middleware and application container for IoT gateway.

a) Eclipse Kura
b) Red Hat
c) Intercloud
d) Bot 2 Bot
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Eclipse Kura provides a general purpose middleware and application container
for IoT gateway services and includes everything for the edge, such as an application
container or runtime environment.

20. is a modular and cloud based platform.

a) Eclipse Kura
b) Red Hat
c) Intercloud
d) Eclipse Kapua
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: Eclipse Kapua is a module and cloud based platform that provides services
required for real time data management and analytics.

21. Kapua also provides a core integration framework.

a) True
b) False
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Kapua also provides a core integration framework and an initial set of core IoT
services, including a device registry, and application enablement.

22. an open source stack for gateways and the edge.

a) Eclipse Kapua
b) Red Hat
c) Intercloud
d) Eclipse Kura
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: Eclipse Kura, an open source stack for gateways and edge, and Eclipse Kapua,
the first open source IoT cloud platform.

23. API enables services portability between

a) Systems
b) Devices
c) Networks
d) Services
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: API enables services portability between sysyems, I.e., service may be allocated
to end-systems or servers, with possible relocation and replication throughout its lifecycle.

24. Ubiquitous service provision depends on

a) QoS
b) Management
c) Interoperability
d) Routing
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ubiquitous service provision depends on interoperability, not only for
provisioning of a standard QoS controlled IP bearer, but also for cross domain naming,
security, mobility, multicast, including fair compensation for utility provisioning.

25. API architecture not only includes critical elements but also caters for
a) System
b) Devices
c) Network
d) Multi homing
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Answer: d
Explanation: API architecture not only includes critical elements but also caters for multi
homing, mobile networks with dynamic membership, and third party persistent storage based
on indirection.

26. All portals are embedded into a single supercomputer, known as

a) Network
b) Web
c) Internet
d) System
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: The web is now one, enormous, global computer. Our devices are them phones,
tablets, TVS, watches, glasses, etc. These all portals are embedded into this single computer,
known as Web.

27. is uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices.

a) Internet
b) IoT
c) Bigdata
d) Cloud
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: The IoT is the part of the Internet that is made up of “uniquely identified
embedded computing devices,” as Wikipedia status. Just like the world Wide Web is a
Internet, so does the IoT.
28. Web is a mesh of computers, so too is
a) IoT
b) Bigdata
c) Cloud
d) Internet
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Just like the World Wide Web runs over the Internet, so does the IoT. Similarly
to how the Web is a mesh of computers, so too is the IoT.

29. Without computers embedded in house keys are worthless.

a) Data
b) Services
c) Both Data and Services
d) Neither data nor services
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: Without data and services, the little computers embedded in thermostat, house
keys, baby monitors, trash cans, fire extinguishers, and store shelve are nearly worthless.

30. Services are the way in which the IoT is connected to data.
a) Cloud
b) Bigdata
c) Internet
d) Network


1. Different between M2M value chain and IOT value chain?

2. Explain about An emerging industrial structure for IoT?

3. Write about The international driven global value chain and global information

4. Difference about M2M and IOT?

5. Briefly explain about Main design principles and needed capabilities?

6. Write about IOT architecture?

Architecture of Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT) technology has a wide variety of applications and use of
Internet of Things is growing so faster.
Depending upon different application areas of Internet of Things, it works
accordingly as per it has been designed/developed.
But it has not a standard defined architecture of working which is strictly followed
The architecture of IoT depends upon its functionality and implementation in
different sectors. Still, there is a basic process flow based on which IoT is built.
So. here in this article we will discuss basic fundamental architecture of IoT i.e., 4
Stage IoT architecture.

1. Sensing Layer
The sensing layer is the first layer of the IoT architecture and is responsible
for collecting data from different sources.
This layer includes sensors and actuators that are placed in the environment to
gather information about temperature, humidity, light, sound, and other physical
These devices are connected to the network layer through wired or wireless
communication protocols.
2. Network Layer
The network layer of an IoT architecture is responsible for providing
communication and connectivity between devices in the IoT system.
It includes protocols and technologies that enable devices to connect and
communicate with each other and with the wider internet.
Examples of network technologies that are commonly used in IoT include
WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and cellular networks such as 4G and 5G.
Additionally, the network layer may include gateways and routers that act as
intermediaries between devices and the wider internet, and may also include security
features such as encryption and authentication to protect against unauthorized access.
3. Data processing Layer
The data processing layer of IoT architecture refers to the software and
hardware components that are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting
data from IoT devices.
This layer is responsible for receiving raw data from the devices, processing
it, and making it available for further analysis or action.The data processing layer
includes a variety of technologies and tools, such as data management systems,
analytics platforms, and machine learning algorithms.
These tools are used to extract meaningful insights from the data and make
decisions based on that data.Example of a technology used in the data processing layer
is a data lake, which is a centralized repository for storing raw data from IoT devices.
4. Application Layer
The application layer of IoT architecture is the topmost layer that interacts
directly with the end-user.
It is responsible for providing user-friendly interfaces and functionalities that
enable users to access and control IoT devices.This layer includes various software and
applications such as mobile apps, web portals, and other user interfaces that are
designed to interact with the underlying IoT infrastructure.
It also includes middleware services that allow different IoT devices and
systems to communicate and share data seamlessly.The application layer also includes
analytics and processing capabilities that allow data to be analyzed and transformed into
meaningful insights.
This can include machine learning algorithms, data visualization tools, and
other advanced analytics capabilities.

IoT Architecture -State of the Art

A reference model is a model that describes the main conceptual entities and how they
are related to each other, while the reference architecture aims at describing the main
functional components of a system as well as how the system works, how the system is
deployed, what information the system processes, etc.

An ARM is useful as a tool that establishes a common language of an M2M or IoT


State of the art:

European Telecommunications Standards Institute M2M/oneM2M.

The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) in 2009 formed a

Technical Committee (TC) on M2M topics aimed at producing a set of standards for
communication among machines from an end-to-end viewpoint.
ETSI M2M high-level architecture

1.1 ) ETSI M2M high-level architecture

M2M Device:

 An M2M device connects to the Network Domain either directly or through an M2M
 Direct connection:
 The M2M Device is capable of performing registration, authentication,
authorization, management, and provisioning to the Network Domain.
 Direct connection also means that the M2M device contains the appropriate physical
layer to be able to communicate with the Access Network.

M2M Gateway:

 This is the case when the M2M device does not have the appropriate physical layer,
compatible with the Access Network technology, and therefore it needs a network
domain proxy.
 The M2M Gateway acts as a proxy for the Network Domain and performs the
procedures of authentication, authorization, management, and provisioning. An M2M
Device could connect through multiple M2M Gateways.
M2M Area Network:

 This is typically a local area network (LAN) or a Personal Area Network (PAN) and
provides connectivity between M2M Devices and M2M Gateways

M2M Gateway:

 The M2M Gateway contains M2M Applications and M2M Service Capabilities.
 The M2M Gateway may also provide services to other legacy devices that are not
visible to the Network Domain.
 The device that provides connectivity for M2M Devices in an M2M Area Network
towards the Network Domain.

Access Network:

The network that allows the devices in the Device and Gateway Domain to communicate
with the Core Network.

Core Network:

 IP connectivity.
 • Service and Network control.
 • Interconnection with other networks.
 • Roaming.

M2M Service Capabilities:

 Functions use underlying Core Network functions, and their objective is to abstract
the network functions for simpler applications.

M2M Applications:

 M2M applications (e.g. smart metering) that utilize the M2M Service Capabilities
through the open interfaces.

Network Management Functions:

 functions to manage the Access and Core Network

M2M Management Functions:

 Functions required to manage the M2M Service Capabilities on the Network Domain
while the management of an M2M Device or Gateway is performed by specific M2M
Service Capabilities.

 There are two M2M Management functions:

 M2M Service Bootstrap Function (MSBF):
The MSBF facilitates the bootstrapping of permanent M2M service layer security
credentials in the M2M Device or Gateway and the M2M Service Capabilities in
the Network Domain.
 M2M Authentication Server (MAS):
 safe execution environment where permanent security credentials such as the
M2M Root Key are stored.
 Any security credentials established on the M2M Device or Gateway are stored in
a secure environment such as a trusted platform module.

M2M Service Capabilities, M2M Nodes and Open Interfaces

ETSI M2M service capabilities

M2M Capabilities for different M2M Nodes

Architecture Reference Model:

ITU-T IoT Reference Model P

Reference Model and Architecture

• An ARM consists of two main parts: a Reference model and a Reference Architecture.

• A reference model describes the domain using a number of sub-models

From Reference to concrete architecture and actual system
IOT Reference architecture and reference model dependency

IOT Reference Model

IoT domain model

The domain model captures the basic attributes of the main concepts and the relationship
between these concepts. A domain model also serves as a tool for human communication
between people working in the domain in question and between people who work across
different domains.
Model notation and semantics

UML Class diagram main modelling concepts

Main concepts

The IoT is a support infrastructure for enabling objects and places in the physical world to
have a corresponding representation in the digital world.
Physical vs.
Virtual World

• The Devices are physical artefacts with which the physical and virtual worlds interact.
Devices as mentioned before can also be Physical Entities for certain types of applications,
such as management applications when the interesting entities of a system are the Devices
themselves and not the surrounding environment. For the IoT Domain Model, three kinds of
Device types are the most important:

1. Sensors:

 These are simple or complex Devices that typically involve a transducer that converts
physical properties such as temperature into electrical signals.
 These Devices include the necessary conversion of analog electrical signals into
digital signals, e.g. a voltage level to a 16-bit number, processing for simple
calculations, potential storage for intermediate results, and potentially communication
capabilities to transmit the digital representation of the physical property as well
receive commands.
 A video camera can be another example of a complex sensor that could detect and
recognise people.

2. Actuators:

 These are also simple or complex Devices that involve a transducer that converts
electrical signals to a change in a physical property (e.g. turn on a switch or move a
 These Devices also include potential communication capabilities, storage of
intermediate commands, processing, and conversion of digital signals to analog
electrical signals.
3. Tags:

 Tags in general identify the Physical Entity that they are attached to. In reality, tags
can be Devices or Physical Entities but not both, as the domain model shows.
 An example of a Tag as a Device is a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag,
while a tag as a Physical Entity is a paper-printed immutable barcode or Quick
Response (QR) code.
 Either electronic Devices or a paper-printed entity tag contains a unique identification
that can be read by optical means (bar codes or QR codes) or radio signals (RFID
 The reader Device operating on a tag is typically a sensor, and sometimes a sensor
and an actuator combined in the case of writable RFID tags.

Information Model

Virtual Entity in the IoT Domain Model is the “Thing” in the Internet of Things, the
IoT information model captures the details of a Virtual Entity- centric model. Similar to the
IoT Domain Model, the IoT Information Model is presented using Unified Modelling
Language (UML) diagrams.

High-level IoT Information Model

Relationship between core concepts of IoT Domain Model and IoT Information Model.

Functional model

The IoT Functional Model aims at describing mainly the Functional Groups (FG) and their
interaction with the ARM, while the Functional View of a Reference Architecture describes
the functional components of an FG, interfaces, and interactions between the components.
The Functional View is typically derived from the Functional Model in conjunction with
high-level requirements.
Device functional group

The Device FG contains all the possible functionality hosted by the physical Devices
that are used for increment the Physical Entities.

This Device functionality includes sensing, actuation, processing, storage, and

identification components, the sophistication of which depends on the Device capabilities

Communication functional group

The Communication FG abstracts all the possible communication mechanisms used

by the relevant Devices in an actual system in order to transfer information to the digital
world components or other Devices.

IoT Service functional group

The IoT Service FG corresponds mainly to the Service class from the IoT Domain
Model, and contains single IoT Services exposed by Resources hosted on Devices or in the
Network (e.g. processing or storage Resources).

Virtual Entity functional group

The Virtual Entity FG corresponds to the Virtual Entity class in the IoT Domain
Model, and contains the necessary functionality to manage associations between Virtual
Entities with themselves as well as associations between Virtual Entities and related IoT
Services, i.e. the Association objects for the IoT Information Model.
Associations between Virtual Entities can be static or dynamic depending on the
mobility of the Physical Entities related to the corresponding Virtual Entities.

IoT Service Organization functional group

The purpose of the IoT Service Organisation FG is to host all functional components
that support the composition and orchestration of IoT and Virtual Entity services.

Moreover, this FG acts as a service hub between several other functional groups such
as the IoT Process Management FG when, for example, service requests from Applications or
the IoT Process Management are directed to the Resources implementing the necessary

IoT Process Management functional group

The IoT Process Management FG is a collection of functionalities that allows smooth

integration of IoT-related services (IoT Services, Virtual Entity Services, Composed
Services) with the Enterprise (Business) Processes.

Management functional group

The Management FG includes the necessary functions for enabling fault and
performance monitoring of the system, configuration for enabling the system to be flexible to
changing User demands, and accounting for enabling subsequent billing for the usage of the
system. Support functions such as management of ownership, administrative domain, rules
and rights of functional components, and information stores are also included in the
Management FG.

Security functional group

The Security FG contains the functional components that ensure the secure operation
of the system as well as the management of privacy.

The Security FG contains components for Authentication of Users (Applications,

Humans), Authorisation of access to Services by Users, secure communication (ensuring
integrity and confidentiality of messages) between entities of the system such as Devices,
Services, Applications, and last but not least, assurance of privacy of sensitive information
relating to Human Users.

Application functional group

The Application FG is just a placeholder that represents all the needed logic for
creating an IoT application. The applications typically contain custom logic tailored to a
specific domain such as a Smart Grid
Communication model


The IoT Reference Model can only provide IoT-related guidelines for ensuring a safe
system to the extent possible and controllable by a sys- tem designer.
Eg: smart grid.


Because interactions with the physical world may often include humans, protecting
the User privacy is of utmost importance for an IoT system.

The IoT-A Privacy Model depends on the following functional components: Identity
Management, Authentication, Authorisation, and Trust & Reputation


Generally, an entity is said to ‘trust’ a second entity when the first entity makes the
assumption that the second entity will behave exactly as the first entity expects.”


The Security Model for IoT consists of communication security that focuses mostly
on the confidentiality and integrity protection of interacting entities and functional
components such as Identity Management, Authentication, Authorisation, and Trust &


1. What happens when service providers change their operating system and communication
a) Inoperability and complexity arises
b) Only complexity arises
c) Only Inoperability arises
d) Nothing arises
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Complexity arises when service providers change their operating system and
communication protocols, which results in inoperability. Service providers use standard
protocols and conventional interfaces to facilitate information among diverse services.

2. In SOA, Service is termed as

a) Software service
b) Network service
c) Business service
d) Developer service
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: SMCQ represents the group of services called in a particular sequence
associated with the particular rules to meet the business requirements. This is why the service
in SOA is termed as Business Service.

3. Are SOA components loosely coupled.

a) True
b) False
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: They are loosely coupled. That means every service is self-contained and exists
alone logically.

4. The SOA architecture is divided into how many layers?

a) 5 layers
b) 2 layers
c) 7 layers
d) no layers ie., only one layer
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: SOA architecture is viewed as five horizontal layers. They are as follows:-
i. Consumer Interface Layer
ii. Business Process Layer
iii. Services Layer
iv. Service Component Layer
v. Operational Systems Layer

5. Which layer in SOA delivers messages between applications?

a) ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)
b) Service Broker
c) SOA registry
d) SOA supervisor
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: ESB is a group of components/ software which helps us to send and receive
messages between the disparate applications. It is usually shown as a huge plump pipe in the

6. Which block is the central reference of meta-data for services?

a) ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)
b) Service Broker
c) SOA registry
d) SOA supervisor
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: SOA registry is like a reference database of services. It describes what each
service does, where they are located, and how they can communicate.

7. Which block ties work flow and SOA registry?

a) ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)
b) Service Broker
c) Accounting package
d) SOA supervisor
View Answer
8. Which blocks deals with performance issues?
a) ESB(Enterprise Service Bus)
b) Service Broker
c) SOA registry
d) SOA supervisor
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: SOA supervisor is a traffic cop ensuring do not having issues. It deals with
performance issues of the system so that appropriate service levels are met. If any of the
services have performance problems it sends messages to the proper infrastructure to fix the

9. What are the three terminologies on which SOA service stands

a) Contract, Address and Building
b) Contract, Address and Service
c) Service, Contract and Building
d) Service, Building and Address
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Contract-It describes parameters and return values for a method.
Address-It is a URL which points to the location of the service.
Building-It determines how the communication is done.

10. Which standard is preferable to achieve SOA?

a) Software service
b) Business service
c) Network service
d) Web service
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: In SOA we need services to be loosely coupled. A web service communicates
using the SOAP protocol which is XML based, Which is very loosely coupled.

11. SOA stands for

a) Solution Oriented Architecture
b) Sector Oriented Architecture
c) Service Oriented Architecture
d) Source Oriented Architecture
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: SOA stands for Service Oriented Architecture. Service Oriented Architecture
(SOA) approach traditionally used to couple functionality of heavyweight corporate IT
systems, are becoming application to embedded real world devices.

12. is used to describe a perceived, quickly growing set of web based applications.
a) Web 4.0
b) Web 3.5
c) Web 2.0
d) Web 4.5
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: Web 2.0 to describe a perceived, quickly growing set of web based applications.
A topic that has experienced extensive coverage involves the relationship between Web 2.0
and service oriented architectures.

13. is the philosophy of encapsulating application logic in services.

a) API
b) SOA
c) Both SOA and API
d) Neither SOA and API
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: SOA is the philosophy of encapsulating application logic in services with a
uniformly defined interface and making these publicly available via discovery mechanisms.

14. are a modern interpretation of service oriented architectures used to build

distributed software systems.
a) SOA
b) API
c) Microservices
d) Web 2.0
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: Microservices are a modern interpretation of service oriented architectures used
to build distributed software systems. Services in the microservice architecture are processes.

15. Services in a microservice architecture are that communicates with each other
over the network.
a) Microservices
b) SOA
c) API
d) Processes
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: Services in the microservice architecture are processes that communicate with
each other over the network in order to fulfill a goal. These services use technology agnostic

16. What is the role of Bigdata in smart grid architecture of IoT?

a) Store data
b) Manage data
c) Collect data
d) Security
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Bigdata stores time series data, unstructured data, provided context for
analytics, API for enterprise applications.

17. What is the role of Cloud in smart grid architecture of IoT?

a) Store data
b) Manage data
c) Collect data
d) Security
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: Cloud to edge Middleware: manage data and edge devices, data streaming and
event processing, control authorized access.

18. What is the role of Gateway in smart grid architecture of IoT?

a) Store data
b) Manage data
c) Collect data
d) Security
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: Gateway: collects data from sensors, abstract protocols, perform local
autonomous decision, transfer information.

19. What is the role of Sensor in smart grid architecture of IoT?

a) Store data
b) Manage data
c) Collect data
d) Security
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Sensors and Actuators are connected, send data when needed, secure and low
power, easy to install and configure.

20. IoT gateway must provide

a) Simple and fast installation
b) Security with hardware
c) Data storage
d) Protocol abstraction
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: IoT gateway must provide:
Protocol abstraction
Computing and I/O performance
Integration communication capability.

21. Which of the following is IoT device manageability?

a) Protocol abstraction
b) Simple and fast installation
c) Security with hardware
d) Data storage
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: IoT Device Manageability:
Simple and fast Installation and configuration
Enable deployment of new application
Remote administration of gateways.

22. IoT security management includes

a) Protocol abstraction
b) Simple and fast installation
c) Security with hardware
d) Data storage
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: IoT security management :
Improves security with hardware
Enable secure communication to sensors
End to End Security from Sensor to Cloud.

23. IoT data scalability includes

a) Protocol abstraction
b) Simple and fast installation
c) Security with hardware
d) Data storage
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: IoT Data Scalability:
Data and Event processing at the edge
Data storage at the edge
Hierarchical clouds.

24. Which is the example for smart grid edge device for utility?
a) Smart Meters
b) Smart Home
c) Smart Car
d) Smart Collage
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: One of the examples of Smart Edge Devices for Utility is Smart Meters.

25. According to the analysis on IoT application frame work, smart grid is divided into
a) 2layers
b) 3 layers
c) 4 layers
d)5 layers
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: According to analysis on IoT application framework based on a smart grid, node
features of various parts, distinct application needs and basic IoT model, IoT based on smart
grid is a combination of :
Perception layer
Smart network layer
Smart Application layer.

26. Monitor target of the smart includes sensor objects in the power link.
a) Perception layer
b) Smart network layer
c) Smart Application layer
d) Data layer
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Monitor target of the smart perception layer includes sensor objects in the
power link, smart house hold objects and smart security objects.

27. layer can be divided into the data access network and the core network.
a) Perception layer
b) Smart network layer
c) Smart Application layer
d) Data layer
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: Smart network layer can be divided into the data access network and the core
network. The data on perception terminals and interaction terminals is uploaded to the power
access network and the Internet separately according to its type and security level.

28. In layer, various application platforms are built as required by the services
needs of smart grid.
a) Perception layer
b) Smart network layer
c) Smart Application layer
d) Data layer
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: In the smart application layer, various application platforms are built as required
by the services needs of smart grid. The application platform as required by the services
needs of smart grid.

29. ICT stands for

a) Information and Communication Technology
b) Internet and Communication Technology
c) Internet and Communication of Things
d) Information and Communication of Things
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: A hierarchical architecture of IoT that applies to all aspects of smart grid, based
on research on smart grid ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) as well as its
functional demand analysis.

30. Do we have defects with the existing power communication network?

a) True
b) False
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: There exists many defects with the existing power communication network. For
example, blind zones are present. Currently, high voltage transmission lines completely rely
on manual inspection.

Question Bank:

1. Explain about IoT Architecture?

2. Write about Introduction, State of the art, Architecture?

3. Briefly explain about Reference Model and architecture?

4. Write about Information View, Deployment and Operational View?

5. Explain about other relevant architecture views?

UNIT – 4

Applications of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

Internet of Things is revolutionizing our world in to a smarter place. Industrial

Internet of Things (IIoT) is part of bigger IoT system which focuses on devices and objects
used in business environment. Find out what are the industrial applications of IoT.

Applications of Industrial Internet of Things

1. Industrial Automation

Industrial automation is one of most significant and common application of

Internet of Things.
Automation of machines and tools enables companies to operate in an efficient
way with sophisticated software tools to monitor and make improvements for next process

Automation tools like PLC (Programmable Logic Control) and PAC

(Programmable Automation Control) are used with smart sensor networks connected to a
central cloud system which collect huge amount of data. Specially designed software and
applications are used to analyze the data and its behavior for improvements.

2. Autonomous Vehicles – Decrease the Load on Human Workforce

Autonomous vehicles don’t just imply self-driving cars or trucks. These also include
autonomous robots.

There are many examples of warehouses that have deployed robots that work without
human intervention.

Robots had been deployed earlier as well to work on factory floors. However, earlier,
they were guided by a defined set of tracks on which they would function.

Today, autonomous robots do not need defined tracks to function.

They are also capable of determining any other human or robot in their path and
change their route accordingly.

The system deployed, allows humans to give instructions to these robots with the
click of a button on a tablet.

Now, the robots are also capable of working alongside their human counterparts
without any collisions.

3. Predictive Maintenance – Reducing Risk With Timely Upkeep of Machines

Industrial machines these days are equipped with smart sensors.

These sensors are capable of monitoring and maintaining a pre-decided set of working
conditions for the machines.

Earlier, maintenance was done with the help of scheduled checking and reporting.
However, in the case of machines, age isn’t always a dependable criterion for
scheduling maintenance activities.

Today, however, sensors are installed alongside the machines.

They monitor the health of the machines at all times and report any issues in the
machines at the time they occur.

This helps reduce the downtime that might’ve otherwise occurred.

One such technology of sensors being developed is smart dust.

Smart dust is tiny dust-sized sensors that would be deployed in the working
environment alongside the machines.

They would be capable of monitoring parameters such as vibrations, humidity,

temperature, and so on.

The data so collected will be stored on the cloud for further analysis.

4. Futuristic Farming – Improving the Yield with Better Monitoring of Farmland

It is not just in factories and manufacturing industries that IIoT finds its applications.

Although it has not been implemented widespread yet, IIoT could make a big
difference in the agriculture industry.

By implementing connected IIoT projects in large farms, the farmers can keep a track
of the yield from the field to the market.

In large-sized farms, manual surveying is prone to a lot of errors.

Using satellite imaging and IIoT, the farmers can check various agricultural aspects.
These include soil quality, humidity, air quality, and temperature with the help of
sensors installed in the farmland.

The farmers can then regulate the irrigation and decide on the fertilizers to be given to
the plants..
5. Aerospace – Increasing Safety in Airplanes

Another major industry that makes the best use of IIoT is the airline industry.

At the manufacturing plants, companies use IIoT solutions to track the availability of
parts that are required.

Management of inventory can be done without human interaction.

Airlines have to carry out many maintenance procedures daily.

Sensors collect the airplane machinery’s data at all times. The data is sent in real-time
to the manufacturer.

In case of any discrepancy, the suppliers would be able to fix the issue in time to save
time and money both.

6. Smart Logistics – Quicker and More efficient shipments

Logistics can be touted as one of the front runners in terms of adopting IIoT.

Industries such as e-commerce, airlines, manufacturing, have started adopting IIoT in

their operations.

Some of the best examples are from the e-commerce industry.

Here millions of parcels are being packed and shipped across all corners of the world.

Handling such a large operation requires efficient tracking.

IIoT helps them track packages through easy-to-read scanners and LoRa to track
shipments without the need for a GPS system.

The manufacturing industry is using IIoT to ensure its perishables are being shipped
quickly and more efficiently.

Airlines are also using IIoT to diagnose issues in the aircraft for easy maintenance.
This ensures planes are safe to travel and also makes it easier to ship spare parts based
on diagnostics and maintenance.

7. Wearables – Improving Worker Efficiency

One would imagine wearables to be only consumer-centric such as Fitbits and the

But industries are leveraging the technology on their premises for their employees.

Organizations are using wearable devices on employees to ensure they are at their
best performance level. Various parameters are checked to ensure this.

Accordingly, they can upgrade their work areas to be more suitable for their
employees. This can include humidity, temperature, etc.

Other industries such as healthcare and pharma companies are also adopting the use
of IIoT wearables.

These wearable devices monitor the health of their employees. They also maintain a
conducive atmosphere, where a controlled environment is imperative.

Smart sensors and controls ensure the environment is well controlled automatically
for the best results in research and development.

Other industries can also leverage wearables to bring in efficiency and effectiveness
in the workplace.

8. Energy Networks – Improving Energy Utilization

Energy is by far the most important resource we have and ensuring that it is used to
the maximum without wastage, is imperative.

Hence, there are multiple applications of IIoT in the energy sector.

One such application is Smart Meters. They monitor energy consumption at particular
times and report it back.
Using this information, the meters can be programmed to make the optimum use of
energy during the times when the demand is low.

It can also manage the various energy demand spikes that occur during specific times.

The oil and gas industries also make use of IIoT well with smart sensors.

How IIoT enables the factory of the future

Trillion-dollar projections on the expanding size of the market are urging companies
to capitalize on the Industrial IoT (IIoT).
For many, however, it remains unclear how factories should apply IIoT to begin
making the hyper-efficient and agile factory of the future a reality.
As the Fourth Industrial Revolution transforms manufacturing and material handling,
enterprises continue to look for ways to create value from converging technologies.
But what are the steps that companies need to take to put together an effective agenda
of action?
Future factory concept in IIoT
The future factory is the way the industry is implementing smart technologies that
bring together machine, people and products to communicate and interact in order to increase
their productivity.
I find it essential that the implementation of the industrial internet is incorporated into
these sensors detect any oil or gas leakage in any of its pipelines and inform the maintenance
teams immediately.
The company’s strategy and business development. In other words, chief executives
must embrace change.
In order to advance decision-making on the correct level, CEOs must be included
from the very beginning, possibly as the initiative main sponsor. IT officers alone cannot
drive real digital transformation.

The Future of IIoT

It is easier to justify large investments in future industrial internet in environments

where industrial internet is incorporated into production by transitioning directly to
automated, advanced IIoT environments.
The transition phase is less complicated when the existing infrastructure is light,
because there are fewer things that must be accounted for in applying new solutions.
A case in point is Romania, where the internet infrastructure is now top of the class in
The Romanian infrastructure was created rather recently compared to more affluent
European countries, and therefore, the entire web is more modern than that in Finland, for
Industrial internet in practice
Applications of IoT in manufacturing are already a reality. There are dozens of
different use cases of IIoT in enterprises.
Companies are developing IoT applications that work, and they have started making a
difference. For example, transportation and warehousing benefit from automated vehicles and
asset tracking.
In manufacturing, predictive maintenance (PdM) and asset performance management
(APM]) are key areas where industrial internet boosts value creation.

The importance of edge analytics

Companies have been proactive in moving the processing of IIoT to cloud services.
However, it is not necessarily a wise move to have everything in the cloud. During
critical stages of the manufacturing process it is crucial that decisions can be made
instantaneously. Here, manufacturers can benefit from edge analytics.
Edge computing enables real-time analytics. Edge analytics is an approach to data
collection and analysis where automated analytical computation is performed on data at a
sensor, network switch or another device instead of waiting for the data to be sent back to a
centralized data store.

Creating future value with IIoT

There’s no value in the data without advanced algorithms of machine learning. Value
can be created in surprisingly simple ways by putting data to work.
Peloton Tech’s truck platooning system is a case study that illustrates how IIoT is
already creating value.
The system uses vehicle-to-vehicle communication to connect the braking and
acceleration between two trucks.
The lead truck controls the simultaneous acceleration and braking of the whole fleet,
reacting faster than a human or even a sensor system could.

What Does Brownfield Mean?

Brownfield refers to the implementation of new systems to resolve IT problem areas

while accounting for established systems. New software architecture must account for
existing and running software.

A commonly used IT term, Brownfield was borrowed from the building industry,
where brownfield land describes a geographical location where new buildings may be
constructed after considering the area's established structures and services.

Brownfield Vs Greenfield
The term greenfield was originally used in construction to designate land that has
never been used and therefore, involves no need to rebuild or to demolish existing
In software development, the term references software built from scratch, in a new
environment, without the necessity to consider prior work or to integrate with other systems.
Greenfield, in sum, suggests a straightforward process and infrastructural
The Downside Of Greenfield Development
How about the downside? For one thing, greenfield products may force companies to
dispose of devices that could have served them for decades.
Starting with a clean slate, at times, means discarding everything that had existed so
far. The compatibility issue is particularly poignant with industrial manufacturers.
Here, going greenfield means those whole infrastructures will need to be replaced.
As Ben Dickson predicted in 2016, “Such efforts cause the IoT landscape to grow in
many different directions at the same time, effectively becoming a fragmented hodgepodge of
incompatible and non-interoperable standards and protocols.”

Challenges To Brownfield Development

What is brownfield, then, and is it any better? Brownfield designates industrial or
commercial property that is either underused or considered as a potential site for
In urban planning, this is an area that has been previously built on. In software
development, this is software building on heritage systems or created to work alongside
already existing systems. Implementing IoT technologies in brownfield scenarios poses
a similar challenge.
Rather than freely building from scratch, one has to consider the existing architectures
and work within pre-established constraints.

Heightened implementation effort is needed here as well. The heritage hardware and
software may have taken years to put in use and cannot simply be discarded. When it comes
to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), companies need to build on infrastructures that
cannot be easily replaced or where a replacement is not commercially viable.

Extending The Brownfield With An IoT Platform

To say that implementing brownfield IoT technologies is challenging would be an
Within an increasingly diversified IoT landscape, however, finding actionable IoT
brownfield solutions gets all the more interesting.
Services such as Record Evolution IoT development studio—our IoT platform that
acts as an end-to-end enabler integrating an app development studio with a device
management suite—allow IoT devices to seamlessly connect, bringing forth their
functionality and power within a heterogeneous landscape.
The platform allows you to connect legacy devices coming from different vendors as
well as devices belonging to different generations.
Our aim has been to facilitate communication between both intra-gen and cross-
vendor devices.

Strategies For The Brownfield

Arming facilities with brownfield IoT technologies for more IoT connectivity is a
transformation process that can be seen from several different angles.

Wolfgang Thieme, Chief Product Officer at BTI, enumerates current approaches, the
most prominent of which is outfitting existing infrastructure with smart sensors to collect data
on the shop floor.
In this scenario, an IoT gateway aggregates data from remote sensors and
communicates the data to the cloud.
Retrofitting legacy assets—including assets that have no history of prior sensor
capabilities—with current IoT sensors is one step towards becoming IoT-ready.

Using Converters
Another approach towards full connectivity is to bring IoT to the programmable logic
controllers (PLCs) that manage and supervise existing automation systems.
Operating in a local environment without the ability to communicate with “the outside
world”, the PLCs process, not retain, huge amounts of production data that can be brought to
the cloud for analysis.
Recommended here is the use of a converter that extracts sensor data from the PLCs
using automation-specific protocols, and further communicates the data with the help of
wireless IoT connectivity.

Substituting Remote I/O Modules

A third approach is to substitute remote I/O modules with IoT-ready ones. Thanks to
cloud services and wireless technologies, remote management today is distributed across
wide areas and can even have a global span.

IoT-ready remote I/O modules can close the gap between the edge and the cloud by
passing data from the edge directly to a variety of cloud platforms via MQTT and RESTful
APIs. The IoT-ready I/O modules are robust, suited for outdoor applications, and equipped
with wide-area communication capabilities.

Introducing IoT DCP

Yet another solution would be to introduce an IoT device computing platform (IoT
DCP). This is a scalable software platform that is co-located with legacy devices. It supports
protocol drivers such as BACnet, Modbus or LonWorks.
Also, it uses a transport layer security (TLS) protocol to establish a secure connection
to the cloud data collection service.
These possibilities can be used in combination or separately to create a viable and
cost-effective solution.

Industry Insights
The potentials inherent in brownfield development are not yet fully untapped.
Advancements can be moving at a much quicker pace.
Many industrial manufacturers prefer to go entirely greenfield as the attraction of
starting from scratch also means no predefined parameters and no dealing with past
development efforts.
Brownfield developers are constrained by hardware, software, and design decisions
that put a strain on their own conceptual work.
Non-invasive incremental development is popular among industrial manufacturers as
it offsets the need for radical change while still offering a point of entry into the world of
digital transformation.
Managing The Brownfield
At Record Evolution, we have developed an IoT platform that facilitates brownfield
IoT development and supports the coexistence of different devices within highly
heterogeneous environments.

The platform is flexible and adaptable, allowing the connection of components at

different levels across brownfield IoT technologies. The platform has built-in infrastructure
for custom app development, an array of integrated development tools, cloud services, and
APIs. Developers can now focus on the essentials, that is, on their app creation and device
management efforts.

Adding Devices Step By Step

The IoT development platform enables seamless transition into the world of
connected devices. There is no disruption to anticipate: you can focus on the development
work without having to consider production downtime.

Tests can be run in the platform’s test environment until the finalization of a fully
customized migration strategy.

Platform Collaboration
Collaborative and community-building features enable developers to share their
findings with other users or external partners.

Developers can collect ideas, or, in the case of large enterprises, use the platform
internally across the entire company.

The one-platform-for-all model generates tremendous value in terms of accumulated

human capital. Developers can write apps, move them between layers, mine for insights,
share, and bring more value back to the platform.

This user-centric, service-oriented infrastructure gives developers access to cross-

vendor and company-wide know-how, thus amplifying creative potential.

Holistic Brownfield Development

Transitioning to the greenfield means incurring tremendous costs and suffering
production downtime.

Instead, legacy devices and old architectures can be made IoT-ready thanks to an
open-ended, facilitator perspective on IoT development.

A big-picture, holistic approach to the brownfield can be achieved with an IoT

platform for device management and app development.
What are Smarts Objects in IoT

The concept of smart in IoT is used for physical objects that are active, digital,
networked, can operate to some extent autonomously, reconfigurable and has local control of
the resources. The smart objects need energy, data storage, etc.

A smart object is an object that enhances the interaction with other smart objects as
well as with people also. The world of IoT is the network of interconnected heterogeneous
objects (such as smart devices, smart objects, sensors, actuators, RFID, embedded computers,
etc.) uniquely addressable and based on standard communication protocols.

In a day to day life, people have a lot of object with internet or wireless or wired
connection. Such as:

o Smartphone
o Tablets
o TV computer

These objects can be interconnected among them and facilitate our daily life (smart home,
smart cities) no matter the situation, localization, accessibility to a sensor, size, scenario or
the risk of danger.

Smart objects are utilized widely to transform the physical environment around us to a
digital world using the Internet of things (IoT) technologies.

A smart object carries blocks of application logic that make sense for their local
situation and interact with human users. A smart object sense, log, and interpret the
occurrence within themselves and the environment, and intercommunicate with each other
and exchange information with people.
What are Smart Applications?

Smart applications are those applications that incorporate data-driven, actionable

insights into the user experience.

Insights are delivered in context as features in applications that enable users to more
efficiently complete a desired task or action.

They often take the form of recommendations, estimates, and suggested next actions.
Smart applications can be consumer-facing or employee-facing. In some cases, the “user” is
not a human, but a machine or system.

For example, retail smart applications make product recommendations based on

analysis of customer buying behavior while logistics applications provide data-driven
estimates of delivery times of goods and products.

Healthcare smart applications offer possible patient diagnosis and treatment

recommendations to clinicians based on analyses of patient and research data.

Why Smart Applications Matter

◼ Smart applications operationalize insights

No matter how effective your data science capabilities, data-driven insights hold no
value if they can’t be operationalized and acted upon. Smart applications surface
insights in context to users and systems, so they can take corresponding actions.

◼ Personalize the customer experience

Today’s customer expects to be treated as an individual by the companies or
organizations she interacts with, regardless of industry. By surfacing tailored insights,
smart applications personalize the user experience, leading to higher customer loyalty
and reduced customer churn.

◼ Optimize customer interactions

Smart applications that deliver tailored insights enable enterprises to nudge customers
and users to take specific actions that lead to desired outcomes in support of both
tactical and strategic business goals.

◼ Improve operational efficiency

Machine-to-machine IoT smart applications coupled with event-driven architectures
allow enterprises to improve efficiency by intelligently automating operational
processes based on real-time insights.

◼ Enable new business models

Smart applications help enterprises in traditional industries, such as retail, financial
services and transportation, develop new business models based on software, data, and
predictive insights.
What to keep in mind if you’re considering smart applications

Although smart applications are required to effectively compete in the digital

economy, they require a rethinking of the way most enterprises develop, deploy, and manage
software. Before getting started, consider the following:

Does your enterprise have a robust data science practice?

Data-driven, actionable insights are what make smart applications smart. A robust
data science practice to uncover actionable insights hidden in large volumes of data is a
prerequisite for successful smart applications.

Have your developers embraced Agile methodology?

By their nature, smart applications are dynamic, not static. They must be continuously
updated with new features and capabilities, which requires developers that ship code early
and often.

This means developers must embrace Agile methodology and cloud

native microservices architectures.

Have your data scientists embraced Agile?

Agile isn’t just for developers. Data scientists must also take an Agile approach to
analytics to support smart applications. Data science is an iterative discipline, meaning data
scientists must be able to ask lots of questions of their data and update algorithms and models

Do your developers and data pros collaborate?

Traditionally, application and software developers haven’t worked closely with data
engineers and data scientists.

Developing and maintaining smart applications requires enterprises to break down

these cultural barriers and enable collaboration between developers and data professionals.

Are you prepared to rethink existing business models?

Smart applications aren’t an evolution of traditional enterprise applications. Rather,

they are a revolutionary step forward.

To get maximum value from smart applications, enterprises must be prepared to

rethink business models and experiment with new ways of making money in the digital
economy that leverage software, data, and analytics.
The Big Differences: Smart Applications Versus Traditional Enterprise Applications


Data-driven. Data science and machine Data blind. Most traditional enterprise
learning at scale that lead to actionable applications were not designed to ingest or use
insights are the lifeblood of smart output from analytical systems.

Deliver insights in context. Smart applications One size fits all. Traditional enterprise
seamlessly present personalized insights in the applications present similar views and features
context of the user experience to enable to all users with limited ability for
action. customization.

Dynamic and evolving. Developers and data Relatively static. Once operationalized,
scientists continuously evolve smart traditional enterprise applications are rarely
applications based on new data, insights, and updated in light of new data, insights, or user
user feedback. feedback.

Loosely coupled architecture. Smart Monolithic architecture. Traditional enterprise

applications require a loosely coupled, applications are monolithic, meaning their
microservices-based architecture to support component parts are highly interdependent,
continuous evolution. making changes difficult to implement.

The Internet of Things extends a wide variety of applications with unlimited

capabilities across many industries. Each application and example of IoT highlights four
different integrations of elements: Sensors/devices, Connectivity, Data Processing, and User

How Does IoT Work?

Some IoT applications may permit the user to trigger and execute an action and alter
the system remotely. For example, one may use an app on their screen to adjust temperatures
in a test lab or storage room.

Also, some artificial intelligence IoT devices may complete actions automatically,
minus waiting for the user to trigger them.
But it all depends upon:

1. IoT Sensors/Devices
Sensors are necessary to gather data from the environment consistently. Their primary
function is to enable connected IoT devices to collect and transfer relevant data for
real-time processing.

The Internet of Things leverages Sensors or Devices to gather data from connected
environments, and the sensors and devices can be chosen or modified based on the

Targeted sensors like smoke detectors or temperature detectors are used for specific
purposes, whereas devices like beacons and QR codes with logos can be used for
multiple applications.

2. Connectivity
For data gathered by sensors to get into the cloud, it needs an uninterrupted channel
for transmission.Sensors and Interrelated computing devices get connected to the
cloud via various methods, including Satellite networks, mobile, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,
router, or with a direct internet connection using ethernet.Selecting which
connectivity channel to use depends on your specific IoT application. Still, the
primary aim of connectivity channels is to transfer data onto cloud platforms.
3. Data Processing
After data successfully uploads to the cloud, computing software, and big-data
analytics process it to render it comprehensive and insightful for the end-user.For
instance, night vision and motion sensors can detect unauthorized activity within a
defined parameter. Still, the signals get sent to the user via an alert or video footage.
4. User Interface
IoT leverages a user interface to make data ready and practical for consumption by an
end-user. The IoT-connected devices display the processed information on a dashboard or
alert the user via any set and viable notification, as real-time system monitoring
occurs.IoT enables provisions for live system monitoring using a mobile phone or a web
browser app.
4 Key Aspects of IoT Success

1. Volume

The whole thing about IoT is that it does not rest. That means there is a constant flood
of data coming your way.

You'll have to find a way to stay afloat or you’ll drown in it. One way is to learn how
to swim, which means you do all the work yourself.

If you have a sizeable IT department with data analytics capabilities this might be
feasible. For others it will be easier to invest in flotation devices, i.e. data analytics and
visualization tools.

2. Variety

But it’s not all about the amount of data. Imagine you won free ice cream for the rest
of your life, delivered to your home at the start of every week.

Every Monday morning you would open your front door to receive a tub of vanilla ice
cream. After a few weeks or months you’re bound to get fed up. But what if every week
brought you a new and unexpected variety?

3. Velocity

One of the best things about IoT-produced big data is that you can get it in real time.
At the most basic level data velocity means immediate action if something goes wrong.

So if you calculate getting ROI by minimizing waste in the cold chain, velocity is
what gets you there.

For example, if your truck has a problem with its refrigeration unit, the driver gets
alerted and knows to call a functioning replacement or drive to a closer cold hub. Without
data velocity he’d happily keep going while the shipment melts and spoils.
4. Veracity

The most important thing in this blog is this: if your data is wrong it doesn’t matter how
much of it you get or how fast you collect it. So how to make sure you are collecting accurate
data? There are two main ways, namely automation and calibration.

There are four capabilities organizations need internally for harnessing big
data to create value: data democratization, data contextualization, data
experimentation and data execution.
Data democratization is capability to integrate data across the firm and enable a wide range
of employees to access and understand data where it is needed at any given time. The sheer
volume of data can be a challenge, but this can be alleviated when employees across the firm
can benefit from extracting insights from the data.
Data contextualization is the ability to assign meaning as a way of interpreting the data
within which an action is executed. Firms collect a significant amount and different types of
data, including data on customer behaviour, market demand, shifting preferences and
changing customer needs. The capability to identify the contextual clues to gain a holistic
view of customers is positively associated with better value creation.
Data experimentation is the firm’s capability to promote ‘trial and error’ and continuous
experimenting with the data and monitor the changes. The research suggests that a ‘trial and
error’ organizational culture, when coupled with a greater level of data accessibility, tends to
have a better chance to transform value from big data within the firm. Firms that put a lot of
emphasis on the robustness of the data itself rather than on experimentation are less
successful at extracting value.
Data execution is the capability to transform data insights into actions that lead to
identification of new opportunities that increase customer engagement thus creating value.
The researchers found variation in how firms execute big data insights and that the real value
of big data depended heavily on the speed of the firm’s execution ability.

What Is Serialization?
Serialization is the process of converting a data object—a combination of code and
data represented within a region of data storage—into a series of bytes that saves the state of
the object in an easily transmittable form. In this serialized form, the data can be delivered to
another data store (such as an in-memory computing platform), application, or some other

The reverse process—constructing a data structure or object from a series of bytes—

is deserialization. The deserialization process recreates the object, thus making the data
easier to read and modify as a native structure in a programming language.

Serialization enables us to save the state of an object and recreate the object in a new
location. Serialization encompasses both the storage of the object and exchange of data.
Since objects are composed of several components, saving or delivering all the parts
typically requires significant coding effort, so serialization is a standard way to capture the
object into a sharable format.

With serialization, we can transfer objects:

 Over the wire for messaging use cases

 From application to application via web services such as REST APIs
 Through firewalls (as JSON or XML strings)
 Across domains
 To other data stores
 To identify changes in data over time
 While honoring security and user-specific details across applications

Why Is Data Serialization Important for Distributed Systems?

In some distributed systems, data and its replicas are stored in different partitions on
multiple cluster members. If data is not present on the local member, the system will retrieve
that data from another member. This requires serialization for use cases such as:

 Adding key/value objects to a map

 Putting items into a queue, set, or list
 Sending a lambda functions to another server
 Processing an entry within a map
 Locking an object
 Sending a message to a topic

What Are Common Languages for Data Serialization?

A number of popular object-oriented programming languages provide either native
support for serialization or have libraries that add non-native capabilities for serialization to
their feature set. Java, .NET, C++, Node.js, Python, and Go, for example, all either have
native serialization support or integrate with serializer libraries.

Data formats such as JSON and XML are often used as the format for storing
serialized data. Customer binary formats are also used, which tend to be more space-efficient
due to less markup/tagging in the serialization.

What Is Data Serialization in Big Data?

Big data systems often include technologies/data that are described as “schemaless.” This
means that the managed data in these systems are not structured in a strict format, as defined
by a schema. Serialization provides several benefits in this type of environment:

 Structure. By inserting some schema or criteria for a data structure through

serialization on read, we can avoid reading data that misses mandatory fields, is
incorrectly classified, or lacks some other quality control requirement.
 Portability. Big data comes from a variety of systems and may be written in a
variety of languages. Serialization can provide the necessary uniformity to
transfer such data to other enterprise systems or applications.
 Versioning. Big data is constantly changing. Serialization allows us to apply
version numbers to objects for lifecycle management.

IoT in Retail Industry : Use Cases, Benefits, Trends and More

A quick trip to your local retail store, supermarket, or convenience store would
suggest how inescapable the Internet of Things (IoT) has become in the retail sector. The
sectorial landscape has experienced a seismic shift with the evolution of IoT.

Today, stores are constantly leveraging emerging technologies like cloud, mobile,
RFID, beacons & more to provide connected retail services and offer better shopping
experiences to customers. And, with that, more than 70% of retailers feel confident that IoT
will significantly impact how they will do business in the future.

If you also want to leverage IoT applications in your retail business but wish to learn
more about the IoT capabilities that influence upcoming trends, business benefits & more. In
that case, the article is for you.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

 The Role of IoT in The Retail Market

 Internet of Things in Retail: Market Trends
 Benefits of IoT in Retail
 The Use of IoT in The Retail Industry
 How Rishabh Can Help Retailers Utilize IoT
Retailers are under increasing pressure to keep up with consumer demands, quality
services, on-time deliveries & competitive pricing.
These factors and the lack of technical know-how restrict them in a market where they
would otherwise thrive.
From business process optimization to cost reduction and service automation, the
application of the internet of things in retail can address significant challenges & drive
unprecedented benefits.
The Role of IoT in the Retail Market

IoT refers to a network of physical devices, objects & spaces embedded with
Bluetooth beacons, sensors, Global Positioning System (GPS) & Radio-frequency
identification (RFID) technologies.

It helps brands track the location, condition & movement of their assets & inventory
anytime, anywhere. Retailers get 360-degree visibility by connecting and exchanging data
with systems & devices over the internet.

Listed below are two of the most common IoT applications in the retail industry:

1. Data collection & sharing: Devices embedded with sensors help track product and
shopping lifecycle. It would include tracking various forms of data, including environmental
& equipment, asset performance, stock levels & more. This information can be stored,
transformed & analyzed using algorithms to extract meaningful insights to optimize
2. Process automation: IoT-enabled connected stores and devices can be partially or fully
automated to bring efficiency, sustainability & resilience to retail operations and processes.
Further, retail automation helps increase the pace, precision & efficiency of supply chain
operations, inventory management, order fulfillment & checkout.

Internet of Things in Retail: Market Trends

According to Research & Markets Analysis;

Due to the seismic shift in demand for IoT in retail, its market size is expected to hit
$177.90 billion by 2031.
North America will dominate the IoT in the retail industry.
It is attributed to factors including an increase in digitalization and the adoption of IoT
solutions by the retail sector.
However, the Asia-Pacific region is to witness the highest growth rate during the
forecast period (2031)
Factors include effective store space monitoring, inventory management, supply chain
management, and customer behavior monitoring. It will drive demand for IoT in the retail
Optimization and automation of the supply chain is identified as the main
factor for IoT adoption
Further, connectivity technologies, including digital signage, top-of-the-shelf
displays, beacons, and price displays, will allow brands to access large volumes of
data on customer activity during in-store shopping.

Benefits of IoT in Retail

IoT implementation in the retail industry is gaining momentum due to several reasons.
The technology aids in developing new business models, analyzing consumer behavior,
optimizing processes & increased employee productivity. Let’s look at the key benefits of
implementing IoT apps in retail.

 Optimized Supply Chain Management: RFID & GPS technologies allow retailers to
identify and inspect every object across warehouses, in transit and on the shelves. Connected
sensors provide a consistent stream of real-time data from the floor to the store. It helps
identify potential bottlenecks, enable contingency planning, allow route optimization and
accelerate product delivery. It also enables manufacturers, suppliers and distribution centers
to optimize shipping & handling times while ensuring speedy delivery to vendors and
 Enhanced Customer Experience: IoT capabilities and machine learning algorithms can
accurately assess consumer data to personalize shopping experiences. Bluetooth Light Energy
(BLE) beacons can help personalize shopping by sending alerts & notifications about special
discounts and seasonal offers on smartphones based on a shopper’s location proximity.
 Layout Optimization: Aisle analytics software clubbed with infrared sensors enables IoT
technology to improve the in-store layout. It helps optimize customer behavior. This data can
be used to understand buyer journeys, identify confused and impatient shoppers and
determine the reasons for abandoned carts. IoT retail analytics and Machine-learning-driven
demand forecasting can help the staff anticipate demand, supply & customer retention ratios
and make proactive decisions to adjust the shopping environment.
 Efficient Inventory Management: RFID chips, beacons and sensors can seamlessly
synchronize assets and inventory with data centers. Smart price tags and digital displays
integrated with image analytics capabilities help improve control and order stock levels &
expiration dates in the warehouse and on the front shelves.

The Use Cases of IoT in the Retail Industry

The modern retail ecosystem comprises various IoT devices, platforms, applications
& more. Here’s how retailers leverage IoT’s potential to navigate the changing retail
Seamless In-Store Navigation
Sensor-based lights, temperature controls, security controls, stock monitoring, indoor
air quality (IAQ), and point-of-sale queuing assistance aid in enhancing the in-store
experience for shoppers.

Indirect advantages of the data extracted and analyzed from the IoT mentioned above
include compliance monitoring across lighting schedules, energy consumption, refrigeration
zones, warehousing, HVAC equipment performance & maintenance plans.

Costa Coffee uses a smart vending machine solution across its stores.

 Incorporated a cashless payment system and remote temperature monitoring sensors. And,
features a secure loyalty card connectivity system for the vendor
 Enabled, the coffee chain to get real-time information about cash collection, restocking and
more. It helped drastically reduce the overstocking challenge
Smart Shelves
Help track items to ensure they’re never out-of-stock, and check that things aren’t
misplaced on various shelves.

Fitted with weight sensors and RFID tags & readers allow scanning of the products on
both display and stock shelves. It makes your inventory process cost-effective and more

Additionally, by connecting each RFID tag to a reader, Smart Shelves can detect in-
store theft — saving money on security personnel and cameras.

Kroger, a US-based supermarket chain, has installed 2000+ Edge shelves (RFID-equipped
shelves) throughout the center of the supermarket, including most aisles with dry goods.

A robust interconnected network of sensors sends out;

 Automatic replenishment alerts (for items out of stock), misplaced item alerts,
 Last scanned alerts (for prevention of theft),
 Expired date notifications, customer interest notifications (how much is the item looked at,
picked up, put back, etc)
IoT: a Technological Advancement for Oil & Gas
Boris defines the essence of IoT in the oil and gas industry, unveils its benefits, and
describes how oil and gas companies use IoT solutions to their advantage.

If you need expert help to implement an advanced IoT solution for your oil and gas
business, don’t hesitate to contact ScienceSoft’s Internet of Things (IoT) team.

IoT solutions cover all key industry segments:

 Upstream operators use it to enhance drilling and extraction management and reduce non-
productive time.
 Midstream operators improve fleet management as well as pipeline and storage
 Downstream businesses leverage IoT for optimized oil and gas processing and distribution.

Benefits of Oil and Gas IoT

 Real-time visibility. IoT solutions provide real-time view into equipment performance and
safety status, environmental conditions, and fleet operations, enabling oil and gas companies
to continuously monitor their facilities and track ships or delivery trucks.
 Predictive maintenance. The data from IoT sensors installed at oil & gas facilities enables
predictive analytics and root cause analysis. They help identify pre-failure conditions and
perform maintenance in advance to avoid major downtimes and ensure smooth operation and
smarter utilization of assets. This feature is especially helpful in maintaining remote offshore
facilities, which often lack visibility and rely on manual check-ups. Employing IoT helps
optimize maintenance schedules there to avoid unnecessary visits of technicians while
ensuring maximum equipment health.
 Hazard management. IoT solutions monitor the presence of flammable gases and toxic
vapors in the atmosphere and help prevent gas leackage or oil spills. Accident prevention
capabilities of IoT also make drilling and extraction operations safer and reduce injury rates
by enabling advanced workplace safety monitoring and instant danger alerts.
 Improved bottom line. The IoT-enabled benefits discussed above contribute to the cost
efficiency of the industrial workflow. By optimizing the use of the facilities, equipment,
resources, and workforce, the Internet of Things solutions provide oil and gas companies with
the means to increase productivity and reduce expenditures, thus increasing the overall
 Reduced environmental impact. Oil and gas industry is one of the largest contributors to
climate change: via direct operations as well as the fuels that it produces, it accounts for over
40% of global greenhouse-gas emissions. To reduce their carbon footprint, upstream
operators can reduce fugitive emissions and flaring with the help of IoT-enabled leak
detection and predictive maintenance, while downstream operators leverage IoT to improve
their energy efficiency.
 Regulatory compliance. Comprehensive data on facility operations provided by IoT
solutions paves the way for better compliance with industry standards and regulations.
How Oil and Gas Companies Leverage IoT Capabilities

Fleet management. IoT solutions enable real-time monitoring of tanker and vessel
location and condition, idle time, cargo status, etc. to optimize carrier use and facilitate
preventive maintenance. This feature can be further advanced with IoT-enabled geo-fencing.

Euronav, the world’s largest independent crude oil tanker company, employs a
centralized IoT-based platform called FAST (Fleet Automatic Statistics & Tracking) that
captures data from ships for real-time analysis.

End-to-end connected pipelines ensure safe and cost-effective oil and gas
transportation through IoT-enabled monitoring of pipeline parameters like temperature, flow,
pressure, etc. The collected data is used to detect abnormalities and helps optimize human
efforts and avoid accidents caused by equipment failures.

Shell launched an IoT solution called Digital Oilfield to enrich Shell Nigeria’s
pipeline facility with advanced capabilities such as remote pipeline surveillance and wellhead
monitoring, field data analysis, automation, etc.

Seismic exploration sensors help map subsurface drilling sites optimize the process
of oil exploration. A network of connected sensors collects seismic wave data and transfers it
to remote servers, which process the data and provide an image of the subsurface site. The
sensor-based system accelerates site selection data analysis and drives informed decision-

Internet of Things in Healthcare: Applications, Benefits, and Challenges

The IoT healthcare market is projected to grow from $128 billion in 2023 to $289
billion by 2028. That's a growth rate of almost 18% per year!

From monitoring patient vitals in real-time to tracking medical assets, IoT is enabling
doctors and providers to deliver better, more proactive care.

In this post, we'll explore exactly what IoT is, the current IoT healthcare applications,
the major benefits it brings, and key challenges too.

Read on to learn how IoT is transforming modern healthcare and changing the future
for the better.

What exactly is IoT, and Why is it important In Healthcare?

These devices are connected through the internet and create an IoT system that allows
them to interact with one another and with other internet-enabled devices and services.

We can consider an IoT healthcare facility as a collection of ubiquitous computing

that mainly deals with external activities.
These devices are connected through the internet and create an IoT system that allows
them to interact with one another and with other internet-enabled devices and services.

We can consider an IoT healthcare facility as a collection of ubiquitous computing

that mainly deals with external activities.

Now you will say, why is IoT important in Healthcare?

So, in healthcare, IoT-based healthcare systems collect a variety of patient data and
get inputs from doctors and medical professionals. Continuous glucose monitoring for insulin
pens is the best example of this.

All these devices can communicate with each other and take important actions that
would provide timely help to save someone’s life. After collecting the data, an IoT healthcare
device would send this critical information to the cloud so that doctors can act upon it.

From this, we can say that the potential application of IoT in healthcare can improve a
patient’s health, healthcare employee productivity, and hospital workflow.

How IoT Helps In Healthcare — Process

Here is the detailed workflow of IoT healthcare:

 A sensor collects data from a patient, doctor or nurse inputs data.

 AI-driven algorithms like Machine Learning (ML) are used to analyze the collected
 The device decides whether to act or send the information to the cloud.
 Doctors or health practitioners can make actionable and informed decisions based on
the data provided by IoT healthcare solutions.

What is the current state of IoT in healthcare?

The healthcare industry is beginning to see a surge in the adoption of Internet of
Things (IoT) technology. The rapid development of new innovative technology with various
government-integrated facilities is driving market growth.

As we have already discussed above, the healthcare IoT market is expected to show
an annual growth rate (CAGR 2023-2028) of 17.8%, leading to a market volume of
US$289.2 billion by 2028.

Some other key statistics on the current state of IoT in healthcare include:

 The services segment held a 59% revenue share in 2022.

 The hospital segment has garnered a 35% revenue share in 2022.
 Asia Pacific region is projected to grow at a CAGR of 18.50% from 2023 to 2032.
Here is a Market Share of IoT in Healthcare, by Region:
Regions Revenue Share in 2022 (%)

North America 40.30%

Asia Pacific 20.60%

Europe 25.70%

Latin America 9%

MEA 4.40%
Hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and even patients' homes are starting to integrate
IoT devices into healthcare processes.

Wearables such as fitness trackers and smartwatches are some of the most commonly
used IoT devices in healthcare. They allow patients to track their fitness levels and monitor
their health conditions in real time.

Ingestible sensors are being used to monitor medication adherence and patient vital signs,
while computer vision technology is helping to identify early warning signs of diseases like

Benefits of IoT in Healthcare

The benefits of IoT in different industries are numerous, and the healthcare industry is
no exception. Here are some of the top advantages of IoT in healthcare.

Simultaneous Reporting and Monitoring

According to the report of Research and Markets, the projected growth of the Global
RPM (Remote Patient Monitoring) systems market to over $175.2 billion by 2027 indicates
that there is a significant and growing demand for remote patient monitoring technologies.

Remote health monitoring via connected devices can save lives in the event of a
medical emergency like heart failure, diabetes, asthma attacks, etc.

With real-time monitoring of the health condition in place by means of a smart

medical device connected to a smartphone app, connected medical devices can collect
medical and other required health data and use the data connection of the smartphone to
transfer the collected information to a physician or to a cloud platform.
End-to-end Connectivity and Affordability
IoT can automate patient care workflow with the help of healthcare mobility
solutions and other new IoT technologies, and next-gen healthcare facilities.

IoT in healthcare enables interoperability, artificial intelligence machine-to-machine

communication, information exchange, and data movement that makes healthcare service
delivery effective.

Data Assortment and Analysis

The vast amount of data that a healthcare device sends in a very short time owing to
their real-time application is hard to store and manage if access to the cloud is unavailable.

Even for healthcare professionals to acquire data originating from multiple devices
and sources and analyze it manually is a tough bet.

Tracking and Alerts

On-time alert is critical in chronic conditions. Medical IoT devices gather vital signs
of any disease and transfer that data to doctors for real-time tracking, while dropping
notifications to people about critical parts via mobile apps and smart sensors.


1. Which network is used by a sensor?

a. PAN and LAN b. PAN and HAN

c. HAN and LAN d. HAN, PAN, and LAN

Answer: (d) HAN, PAN, and LAN

2. A gateway software must be smart enough so that it can handle .

a. Sensors b. Logging c. Message d. GPS

Answer: (b) Logging

3. Dell uses which of these Edge gateway models?

a. 3500 b. 4000 c. 4500 d. 5000

Answer: (d) 5000

4. UDP and TCP are called protocols:

a. Network b. Transport c. Session d. Application

Answer: (b) Transport

5. The layer provides a security based connection:

a. Transport b. Application c. Session d. Network

Answer: (a) Transport

6. WOT reduces the of HTTP:

a. Load b. Overload c. Overhead d. Overrun

Answer: (c) Overhead

7. In which message format is the Statue line present?

a. Response message b. Request message

c. Both response and request d. Neither response nor request

Answer: (a) Response message

8. Which type of elements helps in streaming XMPP?

a. XHL b. XPL c. MPL d. XML

Answer: (d) XML

9. XMPP supports .

a. Jabber ID b. Federation c. Foundation d. Structured data

Answer: (b) Federation

10. The Buffer overrun could be reduced using:

a. Data integrity b. Byte orientation c. Flow control d. Traffic control

Answer: (c) Flow control

11. MAC addresses is used in the form of .

a. IP addresses b. Network address c. Burned in address d. Hardware address

Answer: (b) Network addresses

12. The address of the original IEEE 802 MAC comes from .

a. Http b. Ethernet address

c. IP address d. MAC address

Answer: (b) Ethernet address

13. Gateway provides the connection between and .

a. Controller and device b. Network and Controller

c. Network and Cloud d. Cloud and Controller

Answer: (d) Cloud and Controller

14. introduced the Wind River:

a. Intel b. IBM c. Syntel d. Tech Mahindra

Answer: (a) Intel

15. The transportation brings some new control:

a. Building Automation b. Smart Energy

c. Industrial automation d. Route Navigation

Answer: (a) Building Automation

16. The XMPP implementation utilises .

a. Gaming b. CoAP

c. Polling d. Email

Answer: (c) Polling

17. XMPP uses the architecture:

a. Public/subscriber b. Message

c. Centralized client-server d. Decentralized client-server

Answer: (d) Decentralized client-server

18. IRC is an abbreviation for :

a. Interconnect Reduce Chat b. Internet Relay Chat

c. Interconnection Relay Chat d. Internet Reduce Chat

Answer: (b) Internet Relay Chat

19. The Network layer protocol is present in the .

a. Bridges b. Packets c. Switches d. Host

Answer: (d) Host

20. The filtering is a security measure on various wireless networks:

a. IP b. OUI c. MAC d. NIC

Answer: (c) MAC

21. What is the full form of IANA?

A) Internal Assessment Numerical Access

B) Internet Association Numbers Authority

C) International Aid For Network Automation

D) Internet Assigned Numbers Authority

Answer:- D

22. IoT stands for:

A) Internet of Tech B) Incorporation of Things

C) Internet of Things D) Incorporation of Technology

Answer:- C

23. Which of the following can not be considered an IoT device?

A) Smartwatch B) Andriod Phone

C) Laptop D) Tubelight
Answer:- D

24. Which is not an IoT platform?

A) Xiaomi Cloud B) GoogleCloud

C) Myntra D) AWS(Amazon Web Services)

Answer:- C

Explanation: AWS, Google Cloud, and Xiaomi Cloud deliver cloud computing IoT services.
But Myntra is an e-commerce website that supplies goods.

25. Which of the following can not be considered an IoT device?

A) Smartwatch B) Andriod Phone

C) Laptop D) Tubelight

Answer:- D

26. IoT is based on technology.

A) Hardware B) Software C) None D) Both of these

Answer:- D

27. What is the standard form of RFID?

A) Radio Frequency Identification

B) Radio Waves Frequency Identification

C) Radio Frequency InterDependent

D) Radio Wave Frequency Independent

Answer:- A

28. What is considered the standard length for a MAC Address?

A) 8 bits B) 32 bits C) 48 bits D) None of these

Answer:- C
29. What “bit” represents the address bit in the control register?


Answer:- C

30. What is mandatory for an IP Packet to contain?

A) Destination IP Address B) Source IP Address

C) Both of these D) None of these

Answer:- C

Explanation: Each IP Packet must contain source and destination IP addresses.


1. Explain about IoT applications for industry?

2. Write about Four Aspects in your Business to Master IoT?

3. Briefly write about Value Creation from Big Data and Serialization?

4. Explain about IoT for Retailing Industry?

5. Write about IoT For Oil and GasIndustry?

6. Briefly write about Home Management, eHealth for iot?


IoT Governance Explained

As IoT usage becomes more widespread, the physical network of IoT devices grows
larger and more complicated to manage, with approximately 13.1 billionIoT devices in
operation today according to Statista.

An IoT governance model is an effective way to address data security and privacy
concerns, as well as legal, ethical, and public relations matters. It establishes the policies,
procedures, and practices that define how a company will design, build, deploy, and manage
an IoT system.

The Three Main Criteria of an IoT Governance Model

A good IoT governance model should serve as a roadmap to follow, addressing the
most pressing IoT concerns, including data security, data management, privacy, and
technological requirements.

The more comprehensive an IoT governance model is, and the more areas of concern
it covers, the more effectively it will overcome challenges and deliver successful results.

Therefore, companies can make more informed decisions, maintain customer

confidence, and avoid paying penalties due to non-compliance.

No two IoT governance models are alike. But there are three areas that any model
should cover.

These include Technical Architecture, Data Management, and Information


Technical Architecture
Technical architecture is the blueprint to follow to design an IoT system and related
software. There may already be a technical architecture standard in place before the creation
of the IoT governance model.

This standard may be used as is or modified to suit the unique requirements of the IoT
governance model.

It may need modifying based on the volume of IoT devices that are added or
interacted with, the technical limitations of the physical IoT device, and the type of data the
IoT device will collect.

Given the nature of the subject, matters surrounding technical architecture are largely
established by technical experts such as coders, programmers, and project managers.

Data Management
Data management is one of the most complex and challenging components of an IoT
governance model.
That is because there are more than technical considerations to be made. How a
company collects, stores, and uses data is a major legal and ethical hurdle to overcome.

Data scientists, data analysts, and data engineers play a huge role in outlining the data
management components of an IoT governance model. For example, the data analyst may
outline what data should be collected and how it should be analyzed, while a data engineer
will propose the tools to be used for easy data access and interpretation.

Information Security
Information security refers to how secure an IoT device is. Following the
recommended manufacturer guidelines is the best way to secure an IoT device.
And those configurations should be reviewed when changes occur, such as when IoT
devices are added or removed from the network.
Information security also refers to the data collection process, including the type and
volume of data collected. If an IoT device collects Personally Identifiable Information (PII),
strict security measures should be in place to protect that data.
These include requiring users to provide additional proof of identity with MFA, and
encrypting sensitive PII during transmission from one IoT device to another device.
Stay Ahead With the Latest IoT Solutions

IoT success depends on data governance, security and privacy

1. Engaging innovation without the proper preparation

We all know we shouldn’t innovate for innovation’s sake. According to Sam

Edelstein, Chief Data Officer at the City of Syracuse, “The biggest danger relative to IoT
likely has to do with treating it as a shiny object.” He warns that preparation will “take time
and money,” which affects its potential. “Without it,” he adds, “investment in IoT could
result in little or no benefit.”
2. Not clearly understanding data or accurately defining the problem

Preparation must be rooted in clarity. Dana Blouin, IoT thought leader, reports that
“the biggest mistake a company could make to put themselves in jeopardy would be to not
clearly define a data privacy policy, which clearly outlines what the scope of the data being
collected will be and how it will be used.”

3. Not asking the right questions

Kirk Borne, Principal Data Scientist at Booz Allen Hamilton, reminds us that “the
promise of IoT is greater visibility and actionability.” Further, he contends that “this promise
can go unfulfilled” if we don’t ask the right questions, such as:

Who owns the data?

How do we ensure data quality, discovery, usability and security for the many
different teams and business units that create, use and manage the data?

What are the key business questions and goals that are driving what data we collect
and use?

How do we manage ad hoc data analytics? Do we restrict it or encourage it?

4. Failing to anticipate the flood of data and breadth of complexity

“Data governance is getting evermore complex with the devolution of company tech
borders, [with] data flowing to and from a breadth of devices, which are more often mobile
and across a wider range of operating systems and platforms,” says Ian Moyse, Sales Director
at Axios Systems.

5. Keeping too strong of a hold on data

To many, governance is synonymous with control – that is, to ensure security and
compliance, even data quality.

But Chuck Martin, Editor at MediaPost, contends that it’s a mistake to “too tightly
restrict the ebb and flow of information, especially among and between connected devices.”

That kind of grip can quickly break down the agility and nimbleness for which we
6. Skipping compliance best practices

Compliance best practices are there for a reason and should be embraced. According
to Glen Gilmore, Principal at Gilmore Business Network (provider of digital marketing and
social business strategic consulting):

“The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has urged business to adopt specific best
practices relating to big data and connected devices.

The failure to adhere to these articulated best practices is a failure of governance and
the Achilles’ heel of legal liability in the use of big data and IoT.”

7. Underestimating security and privacy implications

Bill McCabe, Recruiter at SoftNet, says it’s a mistake to “underestimate the added
security and privacy demands that come with the introduction of IoT.”

When everything is connected, everything is at risk, Gilmore points out, and “a data
breach destroys consumer trust and can devastate an enterprise’s reputation and business.

In the rush to capitalize on big data and connected devices, businesses are putting
themselves at big risk by not putting privacy and security first.

8. Taking data platforms (and people skills) for granted

We often assume that the infrastructure – both the platform and the people – are there
to support our innovations.

But Steele urges us to take a hard look at such assumptions. “The infrastructure that
data lands on is overlooked and is a critical foundation for dealing with mass amounts of data
in an efficient and secure way.

9. Operating under a veil of complacency

We need to take ownership of our data governance. Martin warns that we mustn’t fall
prey to “complacency regarding external technologies, expecting that outside suppliers have
products that are completely bulletproof.” Do the necessary due diligence to make sure
governance is covered – or pay the price.

10. Waiting until all the ducks are in a row

Finally, we often wait until every possible kink has been smoothed. But don’t wait too
long. According to Daniel Newman, CEO at Broadsuite Media Group, “It’s a risk to wait on
leveraging the power of big data – but even if you aren’t jumping in strategically, your plan
to manage compliance needs to be a priority for when you do.” Translation: Get involved.

IoT Security Issues

Public Perception:If the IoT is ever going to truly take off, this needs to be the first
problem that manufacturers address. In fact, Deloitte’s 2022 Connectivity and Mobile Trends
Survey found that 52% of users are worried about the security vulnerabilities of smart home

Vulnerability to Hacking: Researchers have been able to hack into real, on-the-market
devices with enough time and energy, which means hackers would likely be able to replicate
their efforts. For example, a team of researchers at Microsoft and the University of Michigan
found a plethora of holes in the security of Samsung’s SmartThings smart home platform,
and the methods were far from complex.

Are Companies Ready?: AT&T’s Cybersecurity Insights Report surveyed more than 5,000
enterprises around the world and found that 85% of enterprises are in the process of or intend
to deploy IoT devices. Yet a mere 10% of those surveyed feel confident that they could
secure those devices against hackers.

True Security: Jason Porter, AT&T’s VP of security solutions, told Insider Intelligence that
securing IoT devices means more than simply securing the actual devices themselves.
Companies also need to build security into software applications and network connections
that link to those devices.

IoT Privacy Issues

Too Much Data: The sheer amount of data that IoT devices can generate is staggering. A
Federal Trade Commission report entitled “Internet of Things: Privacy & Security in a
Connected World” found that fewer than 10,000 households can generate 150 million
discrete data points every day. This creates more entry points for hackers and leaves sensitive
information vulnerable.

Unwanted Public Profile: You’ve undoubtedly agreed to terms of service at some point, but
have you ever actually read through an entire document? The aforementioned FTC report
found that companies could use collected data that consumers willingly offer to make
employment decisions. For example, an insurance company might gather information from
you about your driving habits through a connected car when calculating your insurance rate.
The same could occur for health or life insurance thanks to fitness trackers.

Eavesdropping: Manufacturers or hackers could actually use a connected device to virtually

invade a person’s home. German researchers accomplished this by intercepting unencrypted
data from a smart meter device to determine what television show someone was watching at
that moment.

Consumer Confidence: Each of these problems could put a dent in consumers’ desire to
purchase connected products, which would prevent the IoT from fulfilling its true potential.

Most Common Threats to Security and Privacy of IoT Devices

As technology is becoming advanced, attacks on internet devices are increasing very
rapidly and becoming more and more common.
Now, security and privacy have become a very important aspect of any IoT device.
In this article, we will discuss some most common threats to the security and privacy of IoT
1. Weak Credentials
Generally, large manufactures ship their products with a username of “admin” and
with the password “0000” or “1234” and the consumers of these devices don’t change them
until they were forced to that by security executive.
These kinds of acts make a path for hackers to hack consumer’s privacy and let
them control the consumer’s device. In 2016, the Mirai botnet Attack as a result of using
weak credentials.
2. Complex Structure of IoT Devices
IoT devices have a very complex structure that makes it difficult to find the fault in
devices. Even if a device is hacked the owner of that device will be unaware of that fact.
Hackers can force the device to join any malicious botnets or the device may get infected
by any virus.
We can not directly say that the device was hacked because of its complex structure.
A few years ago, a security agency has proved that a smart refrigerator was found sent
thousand plus spam mails. The interesting fact was that the owner of that refrigerator even
did not know about that.
3. Outdated Software and Hardware
It has been seen that IoT devices are secured when they are shipped. But the issues
come here when these devices do not get regular updates.
When a company manufactures its device, it makes the devices secure from all the
threats of that time but as we discussed earlier, the Internet and technologies are growing at
a very fast rate. So after a year or two, it becomes very easy for hackers to find the
weakness of old devices with modern technologies.
That’s why security updates are the most important ones.
4. Rapid increase in Ransomware
With the advancement of the internet, hackers are also getting advanced. In the past
few years, there is a rapid increase in malicious software or ransomware. This is causing a
big challenge for IoT device manufacturers to secure their devices.
5. Small Scale Attacks
IoT devices are attacked on a very small scale. Manufacturing companies are trying
to secure their devices for large scale attacks but no company is paying to attention small
attacks. Hackers do small attacks on IoT devices such as baby monitoring devices or open
wireless connections and then forced to join botnets.
6. Insecure Data Transfer
It is very difficult to transmit data securely in such a large amount as there are
billions of IoT enabled devices. There is always a risk of data leaking or get infected or
7. Smart Objects
Smart objects are the main building block of any device. These smart objects should
able to communicate with another object or device or a sensor in any infrastructure
securely. Even while these devices or objects are not aware of each other’s network status.
This is also an important issue. Hackers can hack these devices in open wireless networks.

Smart City technology

The technology being used to build Smart Cities today is commonly known as the
Internet of Things (IoT).
The Internet of Things allows for the connection of day-to-day items through the
Internet. COPA-DATA leverages this technology with its software platform zenon to enable
Smart Cities.

IoT solutions for Smart Cities allow municipalities and utilities to make faster and
better decisions that will lead to greater efficiency, safety and quality of life for everyday
people. We live in a digitized world where IoT technology makes it possible for us to collect,
analyze and use data to optimize processes and the consumption of valuable resources.

The zenon Software Platform uses the wide spectrum of this technology for multiple
purposes, including:
Data acquisition: Hardware-independent data collection and transfer on all your
operations and equipment.
Visualization and control: The simplification and streamlining of complex processes
to give you more control and visibility.
Analytics and reporting: Calculations and estimates are made based on historical
and real-time data and with the help of advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and
machine learning.
Engineering: The simplified configuration of automation solutions to make projects
easier for you to develop and manage.
Data management: The comparison and organization of real-time data on a city-
wide basis to make more intelligent and impactful decisions.

Areas of Smart City innovation

Thanks to the integration of technology in many different areas of life, there are
multiple aspects to the development of a Smart City, such as:
Infrastructure: The infrastructure within a Smart City can include anything
from street lighting to the water network and transportation systems. zenon has the ability to
keep track of and control many of these elements.
Buildings: The zenon smart city Software Platform can collect and analyze data to
enhance building systems from heating and air conditioning to lighting and elevators. The
goal is to optimize efficiency and energy savings for all the building’s processes.
Energy use: In a Smart City it is all about finding solutions for saving energy and
making sure urban dwellers have all the energy they need. Because urban areas depend so
heavily on energy use, our smart city software platform zenon has a variety of capabilities to
ensure a reliable and robust energy supply.
Smart City solutions with zenon

zenon has the power to analyze data and help develop Smart City solutions that can
improve sustainability, safety, and efficiency in cities all over the world. Smart City
technology can apply to many different city components, such as energy, water, buildings,
transportation, and traffic. See below to learn more about zenon’s wide-reaching solutions to
city challenges.
If you need a solution that allows you to secure energy supply or control your grid more
effectively, zenon is a proven and reliable way to streamline your processes and improve
network reliability in the city, so that everyone can depend on the energy they need to
function.Whether it is for smart grids, substations, hydropower plants, wind farms, or
photovoltaic systems, zenon provides an integrated environment for all applications.
A reliable water supply is one of the most important services that every city needs. The zenon
Software Platform has capabilities to predict rates of water depletion and provide answers so
you can resolve problems. With zenon, maintenance technicians can stay on top of leaks or
other problems that may occur with the water supply through the help of alert messages. This
way, downtime is reduced and maintenance costs can be more easily controlled.
Smart Buildings
zenon offers utility management for Smart Cities by creating simple and effective solutions
for the operations and processes that take place in city buildings. For example, zenon can
help you come up with ways to save energy in public buildings to cut down on costs, waste,
and your impact on the environment.
This software has the ability to integrate energy systems and, it can do the same thing with
most systems that are needed to run a building. From heating and air conditioning to elevators
and electricity, zenon can take on the management of all these systems and condense it into a
more streamlined and data-driven automated process.
Transportation and Traffic
Another aspect of Smart City life that zenon can enhance is the public transportation and
traffic systems. For instance, you can use zenon to oversee and control lighting on airport
runways or to control overhead displays on high-traffic roads. Because one of zenon’s staple
functions is the conservation of energy, our software also monitors for possible savings in
public transportation energy usage.

Smart City benefits with zenon

If you choose zenon to help you move forward with your urban planning, you’ll
receive a number of benefits, including:
System control from any location
Easy integration with existing systems and infrastructures
Easy-to-use wizards and tools
High-performance visualization
Advanced reporting and predictive analytics
Scalability for projects and systems
Flexibility with new operations
Fast, secure access to information

Plan your Smart City with zenon

Our zenon Software Platform is secure and easy-to-use, and it's quickly becoming the
future of urban life. IoT solutions for Smart Cities can be implemented, not only in energy-
saving and building processes, but also across entire industries.

With zenon, a city is no longer just a city — it’s something altogether smarter and
more in tune with tomorrow. Discover how to integrate Smart City technology and
automation into your city plans and processes with zenon today. Contact us now for more
information about our ever-developing Smart City solutions.

Data aggregation
Data aggregation is often used to provide statistical analysis for groups of people and
to create useful summary data for business analysis. Aggregation is often done on a large
scale, through software tools known as data aggregators.

Data aggregators typically include features for collecting, processing and presenting
aggregate data.

What does data aggregation do?

Data aggregators summarize data from multiple sources. They provide capabilities for
multiple aggregate measurements, such as sum, average and counting.

Examples of aggregate data include the following:

 Voter turnout by state or county. Individual voter records are not presented, just the vote
totals by candidate for the specific region.

 Average age of customer by product. Each individual customer is not identified, but for
each product, the average age of the customer is saved.

 Number of customers by country. Instead of examining each customer, a count of the

customers in each country is presented.

Data aggregation can also result in a similar effect to data anonymization -- as individual data
elements with personally identifiable details are combined and replaced with a summary
representing a group as a whole. An example of this is creating a summary that shows the
aggregate average salary for employees by department, rather than browsing through
individual employee records with salary data.

Aggregate data does not need to be numeric. You can, for example, count the number of any
non-numeric data element.

Before aggregating, it is crucial that the atomic data is analyzed for accuracy and that there is
enough data for the aggregation to be useful. For example, counting votes when only 5% of
results are available is not likely to produce a relevant aggregate for prediction.

How do data aggregators work?

Data aggregators work by combining atomic data from multiple sources, processing
the data for new insights and presenting the aggregate data in a summary view.

Furthermore, data aggregators usually provide the ability to track data lineage and can
trace back to the underlying atomic data that was aggregated.

Collection. First, data aggregation tools may extract data from multiple sources, storing it in
large databases as atomic data. The data may be extracted from internet of things (IoT)
sources, such as the following:

 social media communications;

 news headlines;

 personal data and browsing history from IoT devices; and

 call centers, podcasts, etc. (through speech recognition).

Processing. Once the data is extracted, it is processed. The data aggregator will identify the
atomic data that is to be aggregated. The data aggregator may apply predictive analytics,
artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning algorithms to the collected data for new
insights. The aggregator then applies the specified statistical functions to aggregate the data.

Presentation. Users can present the aggregated data in a summarized format that itself
provides new data. The statistical results are comprehensive and high quality.
Uses for data aggregation

Data aggregation can be helpful for many disciplines, such as finance and business
strategy decisions, product planning, product and service pricing, operations optimization and
marketing strategy creation.

Users may be data analysts, data scientists, data warehouse administrators and subject
matter experts.

Aggregated data is commonly used for statistical analysis to obtain information about
particular groups based on specific demographic or behavioral variables, such as age,
profession, education level or income.

For business analysis purposes, data can be aggregated into summaries that help
leaders make well-informed decisions.

User data can be aggregated from multiple sources, such as social media
communications, browsing history from IoT devices and other personal data, to give
companies critical insights into consumers.

Smart City

A smart city uses Internet of Things (IoT) sensors in urban areas to collect data and
automate systems such as traffic, energy use, and waste management. By doing so, smart
cities improve the efficiency of urban services, reduce costs, and deliver a higher standard of

Smart City Initiatives

While smart cities may appear in different forms, they are mainly characterized by
one or more of the following initiatives: intelligent transportation, smart buildings, smart
energy grids and meters, smart governance, smart healthcare, smart public safety, and
environmentally-friendly policies.

Notably, a smart city is not a single entity. Rather it is a combination of different

smart solutions integrated together to improve the quality of life in that city. Typically, smart
cities are built through partnerships between public and private sectors.
Smart City Technologies
Smart cities utilize several enabling technologies to provide intelligent services to
their citizens.

These include IoT technologies, big data and analytics, edge computing, regional data
centers, 5G networks, cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning
(ML), blockchain, and robotics.

Smart City Examples

Around the world there are a number of smart cities, each pursuing their own smart
city initiatives:

 Singapore: operates a city-wide network of sensors and cameras to monitor

traffic, weather, and pollution
 Amsterdam: uses a digital twin to simulate and test urban planning decisions
before they are implemented in the real world
 San Diego: implemented a number of smart grid initiatives, including a smart
street lighting system and a system for managing the flow of electric vehicles
Top 10 Smart Cities in the World
City Index Score

Copenhagen 80.3

Seoul 74.3

Beijing 74.0

Amsterdam 72.6

Singapore 70.5

New York 70.4

London 70.3

Zurich 69.7

Sydney 69.4

Toronto 69.1
Internet of Things (IoT) and the Smart City

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of physical objects, such as devices,
vehicles, and buildings, embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity, which enable
them to collect and exchange data.

These connected devices can communicate with other devices and systems, allowing
them to function and share data seamlessly.

Together, IoT and the smart city are being used to efficiently address the escalating
demands for resources of so many residents living, working, driving, and interacting with
each other.
For example, IoT and smart city initiatives are being applied to the improvement of
traffic management, energy consumption, public safety, healthcare, and more.

IoT Technologies for Smart Cities

The foundation of smart cities relies on the utilization of Internet of Things (IoT)
devices and networks. These devices, in combination with software solutions, user interfaces,
and communication networks, enable and enhance the functioning and efficiency of smart

Ultimately, the goal is to have IoT technologies interconnected, with data flowing
seamlessly between devices, in order to create a truly smart city that can improve quality of

More specifically, these IoT technologies include radio-frequency identification

(RFID), near-field communication (NFC), low-power wide-area (LPWA), wireless
telecommunications, wireless sensor network (WSN), DASH7, and addressing.

Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID)

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tagging devices use radio frequencies to
transfer data, mainly to track and identify objects and people. In a smart city, tracking the
location and movement of vehicles, equipment, and even people can generate important data
that can be used to optimize the operation of transportation systems, waste collection routes,
and parking availability.

Near-Field Communication (NFC)

Near-field communication (NFC) is a set of standards for smartphones and other
devices – like credit card readers – to establish radio communication with each other by
bringing them into close proximity, typically within an inch (or a few centimeters). In smart
cities, NFC is used for bidirectional short-distance communication, such as contactless
payments, access control, and electronic ticketing.

Low-Power Wide-Area (LPWA)

Low-power wide-area (LPWA), in licensed spectrum, is an optimal solution for IoT
applications that require low-power, low-cost, and low-bandwidth communication. At the
same time, LPWA technologies benefit from battery life of ~10 years.
Wireless Telecommunications
3G, 4G Long-Term Evolution (LTE), and 5G are cellular wireless
telecommunications standards that have been primarily used by mobile phones and data

The higher density offered by 5G means that it has the ability to support 10x more
connected devices, per square kilometer of network, as compared to 4G LTE.

This feature is particularly relevant to the proliferation of the Internet of Things

(IoT) because a 5G network enables the simultaneous operation of 1 million connected
devices in one square kilometer. In a smart city, 5G and IoT become essential for applications
such as traffic management, emergency response, and self-driving cars.

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a network that is untethered to any wires and
comprises a large number of small, low-power devices called sensor nodes. Specifically,
these nodes are equipped with sensors, microcontrollers, and wireless communication
capabilities, and are deployed in a variety of environments to monitor and collect data.


DASH7 is a long-range, low-power wireless communications standard, ideally suited

for sensor networks, active RFID tags, and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

This standard is typically used in applications requiring modest bandwidth like text
messages, sensor readings, asset tracking, or location-based advertising coordinates.

Addressing refers to the process of uniquely identifying and addressing IoT devices
and other network entities. This is necessary to ensure that data and commands can be
properly routed and delivered to the correct devices and systems in a smart city.

IoT Applications for Smart Cities

Smart city services and Internet of Things (IoT) applications are improving the way
we live. Examples range from greater safety on roads, to saving valuable time from daily
commutes, to providing cleaner air for people to breathe – their impact has already been felt
in cities around the globe.
1) Smart Urban Mobility
Traffic congestion is one of the key challenges of every city administration. IoT is
playing a key role in alleviating traffic congestion by making various types of real-time data
available on vehicular movement.

Traffic Monitoring
Smart traffic management solutions are being used to monitor and analyze traffic
flows. These systems optimize traffic lights and help prevent roadways from becoming too
congested, based on time of day or ‘rush hour’ schedules.

Smart Parking
Smart parking applications use cameras and other sensors to help drivers find
available parking spaces without continuously circling around crowded city blocks or parking

Sensors placed on parking spots transmit data to a server, which delivers information
to drivers via mobile phone applications or display boards. To-date, smart parking has
already increased the capacity of roads by 10%.

Connected Vehicles
Connected cars and transport services are growing in adoption, with their ability to
provide real-time traffic data and faster routes to drivers. According to Insider Intelligence,
connected cars will make up 97% of the total number of registered vehicles in the U.S. by

2) Urban Sustainability
Our world is transitioning to more environmentally-aware smart cities and IoT
technologies are the catalyst for this shift. Beyond existing initiatives – such as switching to
energy-efficient LED lighting or creating low-emission zones – smart lighting, smart meters,
and smart waste management are important examples of urban sustainability.

Smart Lighting
Smart lighting changes the intensity of street lights based on movement of vehicles
and pedestrians. This results in notable energy savings and reduction of light pollution. Also,
installing sensors to detect malfunctioning public lights reduces maintenance costs.

According to CTIA’s Smart Cities Playbook, smart lighting solutions have the
potential to save more than $1 billion per year across the United States. While in Europe, on a
more micro-level in the city of Guadalajara, Spain, 13,500 LED lights were connected to a
central management system, reducing street lighting energy consumption by 68%.
Smart Meters
Smart meters are IoT devices that are attached to buildings and connected to a smart
energy grid, allowing utility companies to manage energy flow more effectively.

Also, smart meters enable users to track their power consumption, leading to more
energy usage awareness and potential savings. Insider Intelligence predicts that utility
companies will save $157 billion by 2035 due to smart meter adoption.

As an example, Vodafone, one of the world’s largest wireless carriers, has over 12
million smart meter connections globally using its IoT technology, saving an estimated 1.6
million tons of CO2e.

Smart Waste Management

Smart waste management can improve efficiency and reduce costs by using capacity
sensors to track the level of waste held in garbage cans and recycling containers, determining
the most efficient pick-up routes for waste management companies or public services.

3) Smart Buildings and Environment

One of the key purposes of a smart city is to improve the quality of life of its citizens
in both indoor and outdoor environments.

Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and data are advancing a wide range of urban
services, buildings, and infrastructure in order to achieve this purpose.

In particular, smart buildings use a number of IoT devices to support these goals,
including the following hardware:

Smart city and Internet of Things (IoT) technology are also working in tandem to
solve problems in air quality, building automation, and noise.

Air Quality Monitoring

Air quality data is being used in cities around the world to support urban planning
decisions, such as where to locate new buildings and roads, and to develop and enforce air
pollution regulations.

Specifically, air quality monitoring has been made possible with optical,
electrochemical, and beta attenuation sensors placed around a smart city.
Building Automation
IoT technologies are helping to improve the efficiency, safety, and comfort of public
buildings such as schools, libraries, government facilities, and community centers through

The goal with building automation is to enhance the end user’s experience and reduce
operating costs, all while providing a more sustainable environment.

Noise Monitoring
Different types of sensors and devices can be used for noise monitoring, such as
microphones, accelerometers, and geophones.

These IoT devices are placed strategically around a smart city to capture data on noise
levels, which is then transmitted to a central monitoring system.


1. The IoT platforms are mainly divided into how many types
a) 3 types
b) 5 types
c) 4 types
d) 2 types
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: The IoT platforms could be divided into four types:
eGovermnent related
Company based
Business oriented platform.

2. In order to promote the government should employ more management.

a) eGovermnent related
b) Enterprise-based
c) Company based
d) Business oriented platform
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: In order to promote the eGovermnent information system evolution and
improve their management, the local/regional/ national governments should employ
more management intelligence by utilizing an IoT platform.

3. In order to improve their competitiveness and services assurance, the

require independently funded IoT projects.
a) eGovermnent related
b) Enterprise-based
c) Company based
d) Business oriented platform
View Answer
Answer: b
Explanation: In order to improve their competitiveness and services assurance, the
market oriented enterprises and companies require independently funded IoT projects.


4. The may become an important facilitator and stimulate for the modern
a) eGovermnent related
b) Enterprise-based
c) Company based
d) Business oriented platform
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: The pure business oriented IoT may become an important facilitator and
stimulus for the modern economy, by attracting investments and developing strategic
industry sectors.

5. ITS stands for

a) Internet Travel Services
b) Internet Transportation Security
c) Intelligent Transportation Security
d) Intelligent Transportation Services
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: ITS stands for Intelligent Transportation Services. The center is linked with
set of services, intelligent transportation services city fire protection and security;
corporation medical services; commercial and tourism services; and tax and fees
payment services.

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6. The autonomous based IoT platforms are used for internal management of
the corresponding enterprise.
a) eGovermnent related
b) Enterprise-based
c) Company based
d) Business oriented platform
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: The autonomous enterprise based and company based IoT platforms are
used for internal management of the corresponding enterprise and as such are
supported by independent investments.

7. Does information resource management need to be integrated into market

a) True
b) False
View Answer
8. The use of RFID in product logistics may realize automatic acquisition of logistics
a) True
b) False
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: The use of RFID in product logistics may realize automatic acquisition of
logistics information, logo recognition, as well as reliable cargo delivery, safe customs,
and tracking visualization.

9. An IoT center is envisaged as an important part of the generic IoT platform

to unify the organization.
a) Individual Information
b) Individual Integration
c) Integrated Information
d) Individual and Integrated Information
View Answer
10. The core element of architecture of smart city is
a) Mobile Unified Service
b) Urban Application Platform
c) Management center
d) Integrated Information Provider
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: An IoT platform, which could serve as a generic architectural foundation for
a smart city development has an Integrated Information Provider as its core element.

11. The core element is operated by

a) PaaS
b) IoT service Provider
c) SaaS
d) IaaS
View Answer
12. Supplementary platforms in the architecture provide support for these services.
a) True
b) False
View Answer
Answer: a
Explanation: Supplementary platforms in the architecture provides support for these
services include:
A cloud computing data center
A management center
An application platform.

13. Who will use their own IoT business models?

a) PaaS
b) SaaS
c) IaaS
d) Service provider
View Answer
Answer: d
Explanation: IoT service provider will use their own IoT business models, architectures,
and operating platforms.

14. Which approach is used in this architecture?

a) Top down approach
b) Bottom up approach
c) Top down and Bottom Up
d) Neither Top down nor bottom up
View Answer
15. IoT promotes the creation of IoT terminal industry
a) Devices
b) Network
c) Clusters
d) Things
View Answer
Answer: c
Explanation: IoT platform promotes the creation of IoT terminal Industry clusters, which
will greatly attract commercial capital investments in the IoT modern services.

16. is an application layer protocol for resource constrained devices.

a) CoAP b) HMTP c) MQTT d) TCP/IP

Answer: CoAP

17. supports low energy radio operation.


c) RFID/NFC d) Bluetooth

Answer: Bluetooth

18. tags, devices, smart phones useful in identification.


c) RFID/NFC d) IEEE 802.15.4.LoWPAN

Answer: RFID/NFC

19. enables open application layer for constrained nodes.


c) RFID/NFC d) IEEE 802.15.4.LoWPAN

Answer: IEFT CoAP

20. Number of methods in CoAP?

a) 2 b) 5 c) 4 d) 3

Answer: 4

21. specification defining the PHY and MAC layer of low power devices.


c) RFID/NFC d) IEEE 802.15.4.LoWPAN

Answer: IEEE 802.15.4.LoWPAN

22. 6LoWPAN Adaption layer contains?

a) Header compression b) Fragmentation

c) Layer 2 forwarding d) Header compression, Fragmentation, and Layer 2 forwarding

Answer: Header compression, Fragmentation, and Layer 2 forwarding

23. Which protocol is used to link all the devices in the IoT?

a) TCP/IP b) Network c) UDP d) HTTP

Answer: TCP/IP

24. WSN stands for

a) Wired Sensor Network b) Wireless Sensor Network

c) Wired Service Network d) Wireless Service Network

Answer: Wireless Sensor Network

25. resources are identified by Uniform Resource Identifiers.

a) CoAP b) HMTP c) MQTT d) TCP/IP

Answer: CoAP

26. Which protocol interacts asynchronously over UDP?

a) HMTP b) CoAP c) MQTT d) TCP/IP

Answer: CoAP
27. enables seamless integration of LoWPAN devices with internet leveraging.


c) RFID/NFC d) IEEE 802.15.4.LoWPAN

Answer: IETF 6LoWPAN

28. How many messages types are there in CoAP?

a) 2 b) 5 c) 3 d) 4

Answer: 4

29. Adheres to approach for managing resources and support mapping to HTTP.

a) RETful b) IoT c) Restful d) RESTful

Answer: RESTful

30. CoAP messages are short.

a) True b) False

Answer: True


1. Explain about Internet of Things Privacy, Security and Governance?

2. Write about Contribution from FP7 Projects?

3. Briefly write about IoT-Data-Platforms for Smart Cities?

4. Write about Data Aggregation for the IoT in Smart Cities, Security?

5. Briefly write about IoT in Smart Cities?

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