M01 Business Technology and Equpment

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Based on November, 2022, Curriculum Version II

MODULE TITLE: Using Business Technology and

Module code: LSA ACF2 M01 1122
Nominal duration: 40 Hours
Prepared by: Ministry of Labor and Skill

November, 2022

Adama, Ethiopia
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Table contents--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------page


1.1. Selecting technology and software applications...................................................................8

1.1.1. Overview of Business technology.................................................................................8

1.1.1. Business.....................................................................................................................8

1.1.2. Technology..............................................................................................................11

1.1.2. Select Technology.......................................................................................................12

1.2. Workplace Ergonomics......................................................................................................31

1.2.1. The Focus of Ergonomics................................................................................................31

1.2.2. Importance of Ergonomics..........................................................................................33

1.2.3. Benefits of ergonomics............................................................................................34

1.2.4. Methods Analysis....................................................................................................34

1.2.5. Workplaces arrangement.............................................................................................35

1.2.6. Ergonomics risk...........................................................................................................42

Unit Two organize data and Process.............................................................................................45

2.1. Identifying opening files and records and processes data..................................................46

2.1.1. Using Computer..........................................................................................................46

2.1.2. Operating input devices...............................................................................................48

2.1.3. Output devices.............................................................................................................49

2.1.4. Storing data..................................................................................................................50

Unit three Maintain technology.....................................................................................................59

3.1 Identifying and replacing used technology consumables...................................................60

3.1.1. Identifying technology needs maintenance.................................................................60

3.2. Carrying out and arranging routine maintenance...............................................................61

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Cleaning Peripherals..................................................................................................................62

3.3. Identifying equipment faults and taking action..................................................................65

Computer Preventive Maintenance Schedule...........................................................................66


Developers’ profile.......................................................................................................................69

Annex1: Ergonomic.......................................................................................................................70

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Figure 1-0-1 DSL Modem.............................................................................................................21
Figure 1-0-2 Wireless router..........................................................................................................21
Figure 1-0-3 photocopy.................................................................................................................22
Figure 1-0-4 scanner......................................................................................................................23
Figure 1-0-5 inkjet Printer.............................................................................................................24
Figure 1-0-6 laser Printer...............................................................................................................25
Figure 1-0-7 LED Printer...............................................................................................................26
Figure 1-0-8 Snapshot Printers........................................................................................................27
Figure 1-0-9 Multifunctional Printers..............................................................................................28
Figure 1-0-10 plotter......................................................................................................................29
Figure 0-11 business equipment....................................................................................................30
Figure 2-0-1 manual input devices................................................................................................49
Figure 2-0-2 output devices...........................................................................................................50
Figure 2-0-3 input and output flowchart.......................................................................................50
Figure 3.1.3-1 keyboard and mouse..............................................................................................65

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Ministry of Labor and Skills wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives
of TVT instructors and respective industry experts who donated their time and expertise to the
development of this Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM).

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PCs Personal computers

RAM micro-processor and memory
TCP/ IP Internet protocol suite
WWW World Wide Web
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
SQL Structured Query Language
CAE Computer Aided Engineering
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing
CD -ROM compact disc read-only memory
LBP Diseases of musculoskeletal system
COM Computer Output Microfilm
OHS Occupational health and safety

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Introduction to the Module
Today is an interesting time to study business and business technology. Business is a set of
interrelated activities carried out with a view to make profit. Therefore, we define business
enterprise as the organizational context within which men, ideas, money, materials and machines
are combined for the purpose of providing needed goods or services, in order to make a profit.
Because of get more profit always organization need to improve its activities. So using
technology is very important to bringing changes in the ways we produce and deliver goods and

The as the Internet and other improvements in communication now affect the way we do
business. Generally technology is very important to enhance business activities. It plays an
important role in daily commerce tasks. It can enhance productivity, increase sales and quickly
get key operational information to management for important decision making. This technology
includes the effective use of computer software to organize information and data about the
organization’s activities. According to this context the learning module covers the knowledge,
skill and attitude relative to the competence required to Select and use technology, Process and
organize data and maintain a range of business technology.

This module covers the units:

 Select and use technology

 Organize data and Process
 Maintain technology

Learning Objective of the Module

 Appropriately Select and use business technology
 Perform Process and organize data
 Properly Maintain technology

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Module Instruction
For effective use this modules trainees are expected to follow the following module instruction:
1. Read the information written in each unit
2. Accomplish the Self-checks at the end of each unit

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Unit One Select and use technology
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
 Selecting technology and software applications
 Adjusting Workspace based on ergonomic requirements
 Using appropriate technology
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Identify appropriate technology and software applications
 Carry out Workspace, furniture and equipment ergonomic
 Use Technology according to organizational requirements

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1.1. Selecting technology and software applications
1.1.1. Overview of Business technology

The word business technology is constructed from two words:- Business and Technology or
Business and technology are two different terms; however, technology plays a key role in
helping businesses produce results. It is defined as the use of scientific know-how for practical
functions. The definition of business technology denotes the application of information, science,
and profession involving technical designing for business roles, such as attaining organizational
and economic goals. In this light, business technology ensures appropriate coordination and
organization of technological management within the entire enterprise. There exist various
examples of business technology. Software, and hardware technology (computers, mobile).

Fore example software technology such as:- Example of hardware technology such
 Microsoft Word,
 financial spreadsheet systems
 Microsoft Excel etc.
1.1.1. Business

The term business refers to an enterprising entity that deals with commercial activities. Business
ranges in the matter of scale from small to large. It is any activity that provides goods or services
to consumers/customers for the purpose of making a profit. There are many types of businesses
in the world that provide goods and services to customers in order to make profit. And the
businesses industries need to improve their activities by using appropriate technology. Because
all businesses industries hope to sell their products or services to customers for more than it cost
to make a profit. Technology can enhance productivity, increase sales and quickly get key
operational information to management for important decision making. Commercial organization
like companies or other organizations that:-

 Buys and sells goods (merchandize business)

 Makes products ( manufacturing business)
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 Provides services (services business) are using appropriate technology according to their
business types to compute their competitors. Especially the smart use of technology
helps small companies stay ahead of the competition by improving communications,
making employees more efficient and tapping into effective marketing channels. Most
businesses understand that they need to challenge not only their competitors but also
themselves in order to constantly improve their customers’ view and their ability to meet
market demand.

Activity .1.1.

1. How many businesses in industries sector you with familiar around in your
environment? List at least five business names what you know.
2. Did you think to create your own business? If not, Why identify now your business
3. Which technology is favorable for your business? What equipment you will need to do your
4. Think about some simple tools you use every day. Is it technology?
5. Did you identify the types of industry and business? What industry you like? Why?

Types of Industry

 Agriculture & Forestry/Wildlife

 Business & Information
 Construction/Utilities/Contracting
 Education
 Finance & Insurance
 Food & Hospitality
 Health Services
 Natural Resources/Environmental
 Transportation etc.

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Classification of industry sectors and business organization under sectors

Industry sectors Business type Industry sectors Business type

Education Child Care Service Other (Education) Private School
College/Universities Technical School
Elementary/Secondary Tutoring Services
Vocational School

Classification of industry sectors and business organization under sectors

Industry Business type Industry sectors Business type
Accountant Agriculture/ Farming(Animal Production)
Finance & Insurance

Auditing Forestry/ Farming(Crop Production)

Bank, Credit Union and Wildlife Landscape Services
Bookkeeping Consultant
Business & Information

Cash Advances and Employment Office

Collection Agency
Online Business
Publishing Services and Video
Architect(designer) Athletic Trainer
Health Services

Building Construction Emergency Medical Services

Building Inspection Emergency Medical
Concrete Manufacturing Transportation
Contractor Home Health Services

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Engineering/Drafting Hospital
Equipment Rental Massage Therapy
Medical Office

Classification of industry sectors and business organization under subsector

Industry sectors Business type Industry sectors Business type
Food & Hospitality

Alcohol Sales Pharmacy

Alcoholic /Hotels Physical Therapy

Other(Health Services)
Food/Beverage Physician’s Office
Manufacturing) Radiology
Bakery Manufacturing Veterinary Medicine
Restaurant/Bar Wholesale
Other (Food &

Specialty Drug Distribution

Specialty Food(Meat)

Activity 1.2.

1. Write a paragraph about industry sector and business in a sector. Discuss with your

1.1.2. Technology

Technology is the practical use of human knowledge to extend human abilities and to
satisfy customers’ needs and wants. It is the application of scientific knowledge for practical
purposes or applications. Technology can also use scientific principles to advance industry.
There are many different types of technology, differing in historical invention and application, as
well as by the type of problem they solve.
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Types of technology as general:-

 mechanical technology,
 medical technology
 communications technology,
 electronic technology
 industrial technology and
 Transportation technology
 Manufacturing technologies. Though these different types of technology all serve
different purposes, range in design, and are applied in different ways, they all have
one thing in common: they all solve a problem.

1.1.2. Select Technology

Common Types of business Technology

There are various types of technology on the world; however, some are more commonly used
than others. Example of business technology:-
 Computers (Desktop, Laptop)
 Digital cameras
 Modems
 Routers
 Scanners
 Photocopiers
 Audio recorders etc.

A. Computers

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A computer is an electronic device for storing and processing information. A personal computer
has a separate hard drive and monitor that are attached to other equipment such as a keyboard
and mouse. Personal computers are used in all organizations to carry out many different tasks.
Organizational data is usually processed using a computer and different software applications.
Today, Computers are used across multiple businesses. They´re equipped with software that
enables them to perform all sorts of tasks such as analyzing financial information, sending and
receiving emails and designing sales presentations. The computer is made as a desktop apparatus
or a mobile laptop for either office or traveling purposes.

Four types of personal computers include:

 Desktops
 Laptops
 Tablets
 Mobile devices also known as handhelds:- Smartphones most widely used
handheld computer

Desktop Computers and Laptops

For most companies, the most useful piece of equipment is also the most understood. Desktop
computers loaded with office and productivity software packages allow workers to write letters,
analyze financial information, send and receive emails, and design sales presentations. The
computer itself could be a desktop model with a separate monitor and keyboard, or a mobile
laptop. So personal computers (PCs) operate using Microsoft Windows are the most common. A
laptop is a small, portable computer that has its hard drive, screen and keyboard within the same
piece of equipment. Laptops are popular as they are portable, lightweight and don’t solely rely
on a plug-in power supply (they have rechargeable batteries).

Personal computer hardware

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 System unit :- micro-processor and memory (RAM)
 Input devices:- keyboard and mouse
 Output devices:- most common is computer display, or monitor
 Secondary storage:- hard disks, solid-state storage, and optical disks
 Hard disks:- store programs and very large data files
 Communication devices:- modems

B. Software Types

System software is responsible for controlling, integrating, and managing the individual
hardware components of a computer system so that other software and the users of the system
see it as a functional unit without having to be concerned with the low-level details such as
transferring data from memory to disk, or rendering text onto a display. Generally, system
software consists of an operating system and some fundamental utilities such as disk formatters,
file managers, display managers, text editors, user authentication (login) and management tools,
and networking and device control software.

Application software is used to accomplish specific tasks other than just running the computer
system. Application software may consist of a single program, such as an image viewer; a small
collection of programs (often called a software package) that work closely together to
accomplish a task, such as a spreadsheet or text processing system; a larger collection (often
called a software suite) of related but independent programs and packages that have a common
user interface or shared data format, such as Microsoft Office, which consists of closely
integrated word processor, spreadsheet, database, etc.; or a software system, such as a database
management system, which is a collection of fundamental programs that may provide some
service to a variety of other independent applications.

Three type of application software

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 General purpose application software that is used in nearly all careers (ex:
browser, word processor, spreadsheet, data base management system, presentation
 Specialized computer programs that are narrowly focused on specific disciplines
and occupations (ex: graphics and Web authoring programs.)
 Mobile apps or mobile applications, or simply apps, are small programs designed
for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. The most popular
mobile apps are for social networking, playing games, and downloading music and
Comparison Application Software and System Software

System Software Application Software

Computer software, or just software Application software, also known as an
is a general term primarily used for application or an "app", is computer
digitally stored data such as computer software designed to help the user to
programs and other kinds of perform specific tasks.
information read and written by
computers. App comes under
computer software though it has a
wide scope now.
Example: 1) Microsoft Windows 1) Opera (Web Browser)
2) Linux 2) Microsoft Word (Word Processing)
3) Microsoft Excel (Spreadsheet
3) Unix
4) Mac OSX 4) MySQL (Database Software)
5) DOS 5) Microsoft PowerPoint (Presentation
6) Adobe Photoshop (Graphics
Interaction: Generally, users do not interact with Users always interact with application
system software as it works in the software while doing different activities.
Dependency: System software can run Application software cannot run without
independently of the application the presence of the system software.

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Productivity tools, such as

 Microsoft Word,
 word processing package
 Microsoft Excel
 a financial spreadsheet system, can perform many of the most common tasks a small
business requires.
 Microsoft PowerPoint allows users to prepare professional-looking sales presentations
quickly and easily.
 Word processing software

Word processing software allows the user to create, store and print written documents. You can
type, edit and insert graphics to create documents that you can easily print and save. The most
commonly used word processing software is Microsoft Word.

 Spreadsheets and accounting software

In accounting, a spreadsheet is a large sheet of paper that displays the financial transactions of a
company. Spreadsheet software records and processes accounting transactions within areas such
as: - accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll. It spreads, or shows, all the information,
such as costs, income, taxes, on a single sheet and organizes information into columns and rows.
The data can then be manipulated by a formula to give a total or sum. A spreadsheet presents a
lot of information in an easy-to-read format. It helps the decision makers see the financial ‘big
picture’ of an organization. The most commonly used spreadsheet software is Microsoft Excel

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C. Internet

The internet is the largest computer network in the world, connecting millions of computers. A
network is a group of two or more computer systems linked together. The Internet is a global
system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/
IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of
private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are
linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet
carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the interlinked hypertext
documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.

Uses of Internet

Internet has been the most useful technology of the modern times which helps us not only in our
daily lives, but also our personal and professional lives developments. The internet helps us
achieve this in several different ways. For the students and educational purposes the internet is
widely used to gather information so as to do the research or add to the knowledge of various
subjects. Even the business professionals and the professionals like doctors, access the internet to
filter the necessary information for their use. The internet has served to be more useful in
maintaining contacts with friends and relatives who live abroad permanently.

Advantages of Internet:

 E-mail: Email is now an essential communication tools in business. With e-mail you can
send and receive instant electronic messages, which works like writing letters. Your
messages are delivered instantly to people anywhere in the world, unlike traditional mail that
takes a lot of time. Email is free, fast and very cheap when compared to telephone, fax and
postal services.
 24 hours a day - 7 days a week: Internet is available, 24x7 days for usage.
 Information: Information is probably the biggest advantage internet is offering. There is a
huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subject, ranging
from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new

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ideas and technical support. You can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of
subject that you are looking for by using search engines like Google, yahoo, msn, etc.
 Online Chat: You can access many ‘chat rooms’ on the web that can be used to meet new
people, make new friends, as well as to stay in touch with old friends.
 Services: Many services are provided on the internet like net banking, job searching,
purchasing tickets, hotel reservations, guidance services on array of topics engulfing every
aspect of life.
 Communities: Communities of all types have sprung up on the internet. Its a great way to
meet up with people of similar interest and discuss common issues.
 E-commerce: Along with getting information on the Internet, you can also shop online.
There are many online stores and sites that can be used to look for products as well as buy
them using your credit card. You do not need to leave your house and can do all your
shopping from the convenience of your home. It has got a real amazing and wide range of
products from household needs, electronics to entertainment.
 Entertainment: Internet provides facility to access wide range of Audio/Video songs, plays
films. Many of which can be downloaded. One such popular website is YouTube.
 Software Downloads: You can freely download innumerable, software’s like utilities,
games, music, videos, movies, etc from the Internet.

Limitations of Internet

Theft of Personal information: Electronic messages sent over the Internet can be easily
snooped and tracked, revealing who is talking to whom and what they are talking about. If you
use the Internet, your personal information such as your name, address, credit card, bank details
and other information can be accessed by unauthorized persons. If you use a credit card or
internet banking for online shopping, then your details can also be ‘stolen’.

Negative effects on family communication: It is generally observed that due to more time spent
on Internet, there is a decrease in communication and feeling of togetherness among the family

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Virus threat: Today, not only are humans getting viruses, but computers are also. Computers
are mainly getting these viruses from the Internet. Virus is is a program which disrupts the
normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to
virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk.

Internet hardware

a. Modem

The primary piece of hardware you need is a modem. The type of internet access you choose will
determine what type of modem you need. Dial-up access uses a telephone modem, DSL service
uses a DSL modem, cable access uses a cable modem, and satellite service uses a satellite
adapter. It is communication device. The word ‘modem’ stands for modulator/demodulator. A
modem converts digital signals from a computer into analogue sound signals that can be sent
over a telephone line. It is a device that lets a computer talk to another computer over a telephone
line; that is, it connects you to the internet. In the workplace, a modem is connected to a server
and personal computers are connected to the server with a network cable.

Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is a family of technologies that provides digital data
transmission over the wires of a local telephone network. DSL originally stood for digital
subscriber loop. In telecommunications marketing, the term DSL is widely understood to mean
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), the most commonly installed DSL technology.
DSL service is delivered simultaneously with wired telephone service on the same telephone
line. This is possible because DSL uses higher frequency bands for data separated by filtering.
On the customer premises, a DSL filter on each outlet removes the high frequency interference,
to enable simultaneous use of the telephone and data.

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DSL Modem

Figure 1-0-1 DSL Modem

b. Router

A router is a hardware device that allows you to connect several computers and other devices to
a single internet connection, which is known as a home network. Many routers are wireless,
allowing you to easily create a wireless network.

Wireless router

Figure 1-0-2 Wireless router

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D. Copy machine

A photocopier is a machine that makes copies of documents and other visual images onto paper
or plastic film quickly and cheaply.

E. Scanners

Scanners convert hardFigure 1-0-3information

copy (paper) photocopyinto digital (electronic) information, which you
can send electronically via email. An image of handwriting, or map on paper, converted into an
electronic image, can be inserted into the document you are working on. It can also be resized or
cropped if you only want a part of the image. This can also be done using a digital photo instead
of a scanned image. In most offices, scanners are incorporated into a photocopier.

Figure 1-0-4 scanner

F. Printer
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Printers are Output devices used to prepare permanent Output devices on paper. A printer
produces a paper copy of information generated by a computer.

Types of printer

May be when you hear the word printer, you may think of laser and ink-jet printers. But there are
many more categories. If you are looking to buy a new printer, this list will help you learn the
different types and make an educated decision about which type is right for you / your business.
Read the article below to learn more.

a. Inkjet Printers

The first and standard type is the inkjet printer. Although a bit outdated, they are still widely
used because they are reasonably priced. Their biggest advantage is that they can blend different
colors smoothly. Though laser printers are faster, inkjet printers offer the best photo and image

Another reason to opt for an inkjet printer is versatility. Unlike other types of printers, inkjet can
print on a wide variety of media. For example, you can print on a specially designed canvas.
Plus, you can print on different formats of paper, from banner-size to everything else.

r Figure 1-0-5 inkjet Printer

Advantages Inkjet Printers :

 Capable of producing highly detailed and photo-realistic prints

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 Limited warm-up time required
 Small footprint


 Higher cost-per-page than most laser printers

 Wet prints
 Can be less reliable than laser printers

b. Laser Printers

For office or business use, you will want speed, and the laser printer delivers just that. It also
offers better text quality over inkjet printers, which is essential for office use.

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Figure 1-0-6 laser Printer
Usually, the use of laser printers is for printing in large quantities, so the price per page is
cheaper than inkjet printers. Laser printers are still widely used in large offices as they are
traditionally more efficient than inkjet printers.

 More cost effective than inkjet printers
 Increases productivity
 High print speed
 Higher paper capacity
 Often expandable with Paper Trays, finishers etc.
 Grows with your business
 May require short ‘warm-up times’
 Larger footprint
 High voltage usage leads to small carbon emissions
c. LED Printers

Very similar to laser printers, LED printers still use toner and a rotating drum. They are different
only in the source of light. They source light from an LED array.

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Figure 1-0-7 LED Printer

This means they work in different ways.

LED printers are similar to laser printers but use a light emitting diode rather than a laser to
create images on the print drum or belt. Due to their fewer moving parts – LED printers are often
considered more efficient and reliable than laser printers. Our most popular LED printers are
produced by OKI.

a. Reliable and efficient
b. Cheaper to manufacture than laser printers
c. Often include free warranty extensions

Disadvantages: None

d. Snapshot Printers

With a rise in the use of digital photos and graphics, we've seen a demand for specifically designed
printers. That is how the snapshot printer came about. This is the best type of printer for image and
photo printing. The Snapshot printer is great for families that have a lot of photos to share, or for
companies printing posters.

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Figure 1-0-8 Snapshot Printers

Photo printers can function without a PC connection.

e. Multifunctional Printers

Last but not least, there is the multifunctional printer. This printer can be classified as a
subcategory. Inkjet and laser printers can both be multifunctional.

Figure 1-0-9 Multifunctional Printers

Multifunctional lasers are designed for people who need more than just a printer. They can also
scan images, eliminating the need for a scanner. Because they offer more functions, they are also

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bigger in size. Sometimes known as all-in-one printers, multifunction printers are often capable
of performing printing, copying, scanning, and faxing tasks. This can simplify the completion of
multiple tasks within an office or domestic environment, with no need for more than one unit


a. More cost efficient than buying multiple devices

b. More compact than buying multiple devices
c. Perform numerous tasks simultaneously
d. More power efficient than the implementation of numerous devices


a. Can restrict usage time available for larger workgroups.

G. Plotter
 Plotters are used to print graphical output on paper.
 It interprets computer commands and makes line drawings on paper using multicolored
automated pens. It is capable of producing graphs, drawings, charts, maps etc.
 Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) applications like CAD (Computer Aided Design)
and CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) are typical usage areas for plotters.

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Figure 1-0-10 plotter

Business technology equipment

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Figure 0-11 business equipment
Binding equipment
There are lots of different ways you can join paper to make a book. A quick and easy method is
to use staples, paper clips or fold-away clips.

Heat binder
An electric heat-binding machine uses heat to bind a document between specially glued covers.
paper drilling machines

Using a small manual hole puncher, holes can be punched down the side of a document so it can
be placed in a ring binder.

Comb binder
A comb binder uses plastic or wire combs to join pages together. A plastic cover is often used
for the front, and a thick card for the back.

Cutter is used to trim the edges of a document before binding it or to cut pages to a particular
Networking of Computers consumables
and Printers
Computers are often linked toReplace
form a network. This
technology can allow people
consumables, within an organization to
share documents or information, provide a central repository to store documents, or for people to
communicate using email within an office. ribbons
alsoand cartridges
allow several computers to share a printer
or storage device. A network can be limited to computers within a shared office, or span across
multiple offices and locations.  floppy disks

Technology equipment  toner cartridges

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 Zip disks
 computers
 printers
 photocopiers
 faxes
 Telephones.
 Microphone
 Scanner
 Webcam
 .Graphics
 Tablets
 Touchpads
 Cameras
 Video Capture

1.2. Workplace Ergonomics

Definition of ergonomics

Ergonomics (Greek: Ergon = work + Nomos = custom, law) is an interdisciplinary scientific

approach to problems of adjusting work to humans, aiming to increase productivity, i.e. working
efficiency, work safety, and humanization of human labor.

Ergon – work
Nomos – laws of
Ergonomics is the laws of work that define the limits to human capability.
Ergonomics is the science of improving employee performance and well-being in relation to the

 Job tasks,
 Equipment, and
 The environment.
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1.2.1. The Focus of Ergonomics

The focus is on the interaction between the person and the machine and the design of the
interface between the two.

 Improved machine performance that increased the psychological or physical stress on

workers or damaged the local environment would not constitute improved performance of the
total work system or better attainment of its goals.
 When faced with productivity problems, engineers might call for better machines, personnel
management might call for better trained people
 Ergonomists call for a better interface and better interaction between the user and the
machine – better task design.

The clear definition of Ergonomic

Ergonomics is a means of improving working conditions and reducing illness at work

 Ergonomics attempts to ‘Fit the Job to the Man’ rather than ‘Fit the Man to the Job’
 Ergonomics is concerned with the design of systems in which people carry out work
 Ergonomics optimizes Efficiency, Health, Safety and Comfort of people through better
designs of products and work places.

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Figure 1.2 computer ergonomic

Domains of Ergonomics

Physical (repetitive movements, layout, health, safety)

Cognitive (mental workload, decision making, and work stress)

Organizational (communication, teamwork, work design, and telework)

1.2.2. Importance of Ergonomics

A. Economic Value

1. Reduction of costs by preventing work related problems

2. Health care costs for treatment

3. Costs associated with loss of labor

4. Companies can improve efficiency, worker productivity and cost reduction

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5. Ergonomically designed products deliver benefits to customers and edge out
competition Special situations – short vs. tall, overweight, handicapped,
elderly, pregnant women

B. Social Value

 Human wellbeing, safety, health and comfort

 Reduces accidents at work, at home, etc. by reducing human error

 Improves relationship between operators and equipment

 Decreases absence from work

 Diseases of musculoskeletal system (LBP)

 Psychological illnesses (stress)

 User friendly products

1.2.3. Benefits of ergonomics

 Productivity

 Product quality

 Safety

 Health

 Reliability

 Job satisfaction

 Personal development

1.2.4. Methods Analysis

A. Analyzing how a job gets done

B. It begins with an analysis of the overall operation

C. It then moves from general to specific details of the job concentrating on

D. Workplace arrangement

E. Movement of workers and/or materials

The need for methods analysis can arise from a variety of sources
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 Changes in tools and equipment

 Changes in product design or introduction of new products

 Changes in materials and procedures

 Government regulations or contractual agreements

 Accidents or quality problems

Methods Analysis Procedure

 Identify the operation to be studied, and gather relevant data

 Discuss the job with the operator and supervisor to get their input

 Study and document the present methods

 Analyze the job

 Install the new methods

 Follow up implementation to assure improvements have been achieved

Guidelines for Selecting a Job to Study

Consider jobs that:

 Have a high labor content

 Are done frequently

 Are unsafe, tiring, unpleasant, and/or noisy

 Are designated as problems

 Quality problems

 Processing bottlenecks etc.

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1.2.5. Workplaces arrangement

Office Ergonomics

 Positioning of the Chair

 Keyboard and Input Device Arrangement

 Work Surface and General Housekeeping

 Environmental Concerns

 Work Conditioning

Office Ergonomics – Chair

Perhaps you find your chair is not particularly comfortable and seems to become less so each
time you plop down upon it. This guide is designed to help you identify chair features that will
make your seated work more comfortable and productive

Figure 1.2-2 office furniture ergonomic

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There are numerous seat adjustment options including:

 Seat height
 Backrest height
 Armrest height
 Armrest width
 Backrest tilt
 Variable backrest stop
 Backrest tension
 Seat pan depth
 Foot ring height
 Sit directly in front

 Locate at or just above waist level

 Moveable/adjustable

 Height should allow wrist to be in neutral position

 Locate mouse adjacent to keyboard on comfortable side

Ergonomics Set-up

Employees whose job duties require the use of computer workstations shall consider the


 Adjust chair height so feet are firmly supported on the floor and hip angle is 90˚-120˚
with knees slightly lower than hips. Footrests are available through Facilities.

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 Adjust seat depth so two (2) to three (3) fingers can fit between back of knee and front
edge of chair while hips are all the way back in chair.

 Sit back in your seat so that your back is fully supported. Keep your seat back in a locked
position instead of allowing it to rock back and forth freely. If you choose to have your
chair in the rock position, you can increase the seat back tension for better support.

 Adjust seat back lumbar support so it fits the natural curve in the small of your back.

 For desktop keyboarding: Lower arm rests if they don’t allow you to sit with your
stomach all the way up to your desk.

 For keyboard tray use: Adjust arm rest height to support forearms without causing
shoulder shrugging, slouching or elbow winging (to the side).

Figure 1.2-3 sitting procedure


 While seated, sit with arms relaxed by side and bend elbows so hands are just below
elbow height. If hands are two (2) to four (4) inches below desk, you may elect to rest
forearms on desktop with computer equipment pushed back. You may also use a
keyboard tray. (If hands are above the desk, you may need desk to be raised.)

 If you choose a keyboard tray, adjust height of keyboard tray so that forearm is in line
with keyboard. Objective is to keep wrists straight. You may need to tilt keyboard tray to
achieve straight wrists. Most commonly, the back (far) edge of keyboard tray should be
tilted downward.
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 Place mouse at keyboard level. Wrists should not be bent up, down or sideways.


 Place monitor directly centered in front of you. If you have two (2) monitors that
are used equally, center them and put them at an angle slightly inward towards
each other.

 Adjust height of monitor so that if you drew a straight line horizontally from eyes
to monitor, your gaze would hit two (2) to three (3) inches below top of monitor.
(If you wear bifocals, the monitor needs to be much lower.)

 Monitor should be about an arm’s length away (plus or minus an additional hand


1. With your chair adjusted properly, is your keyboard and mouse approximately
at elbow height?

2. Are your arms in near your trunk rather than stretched out in from of you?

3. Is there at least an inch of clearance between the bottom of your work surface
and the top of your thighs?

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Figure 1.2-4 adjusted workplace ergonomics

Office Ergonomics – Environment

A. Correct amount of color and contrast of light

B. Reduce (optimally eliminate) glare

C. Task lighting (e.g., desk lamp, monitor light)

D. Blink often to keep eyes moist

E. Adjust gaze every 15 minutes by focusing on object at least 20 ft away

F. Relax eyes before they become fatigued

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Figure 1.2-5 adjusted work condition/environment

Hazards associated with lighting:

 Glare: a computer screen positioned in front of a bright window is difficult to


 Flickering lights: a fluorescent globe might malfunction, causing irritation and


 Inadequate or dim light: reading in dim light causes eyestrain

 Reflections: sunlight reflecting on a screen makes it very difficult to read

 Shadows: shadows shifting across your work area may cause you to sit with
bad posture when reading.

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1.2.6. Ergonomics risk

Occur when the type of work you do, your body position and/or your working conditions put a
strain on your body. They are difficult to identify because you don’t immediately recognize the
harm they are doing to your health. Examples include: poor lighting, improperly adjusted
workstations and chairs, frequent lifting, repetitive or awkward movements.

Repetitive Stress Injury

What are the risk factors?
a. Repetitive exertions
b. Posture stresses
c. Contact stresses
d. Static exertions
e. Forceful exertions
Figure 1.2-6 ergonomics risk


 Pain indicates damage to muscles, tendons, or ligaments

 Numbness, tingling and loss of strength and/or coordination may indicate nerve damage

 Cold hands may indicate nerve and/or circulatory problems

Five main categories Ergonomics risk:

A. Muscle

 May occur from chronic overuse or use of muscle groups not frequently used

 With rest symptoms resolve in a day or two

B. Tendon

 With overuse the tendon and sheath may become damaged and not
operate properly-wont “glide” as smoothly

C. Ligament

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 Connect bone to bone-such as vertebrae- and can be damaged if improper
lifting technique is used or other back problems occur.

D. Circulatory

 Can be impaired by vibration, repetitive motion, awkward postures, low

temperatures, etc.

E. Nerve

 Often occurs due to compression such as elbows resting on hard surfaces or

sleeping on your arms


nomics r
.27 ergo
Figure 1

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Self-check 1

Part-I: Choose the correct answer

1. According to business technology one of the following is odd?

A. spreadsheet B. mobile C. word-process D. accounting software

2. One the following is business type in agricultural industry sector

A. Auditing B. Accountant C. Lawyer D. Farming (Animal Production)

3. one of the following is not importance of ergonomics
A. Social value B. economic value C . Reducing illness at work D. none

Part II Matching
Instruction: select the correct answer for the given column.


1. Industry sector A. Farming(Animal Production)

2. Types of business B. Agriculture & Forestry/Wildlife
3. Software technology C. Microsoft Word
4. Types of Technology D. Communication
5. Internet Equipment E. Modem
6. Common types of Techno. F. Computers

Test III: short Answer writing

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

1. Clearly define business technology

2. List out at least three examples of business technology
3. What is the meaning of ergonomic?
4. Mention the procedures of workplace Ergonomics
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5. List types of printer with their advantages

Unit Two organize data and Process

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
 Identifying opening files and records and processes data
 Operating input devices
 Storing data
 Using manuals, training booklets and online help
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Generate open files , records and amend tasks
 Operate Input devices
 Appropriately store data and exit applications without damage to or loss of data

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 Use manuals, training booklets and/or online help

2.1. Identifying opening files and records and processes data

2.1.1. Using Computer

A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own
memory that can accept data (input), process the data according to specified rules, produce
information (output), and store the information for future use.

Opening files and records

A file refers to the physical unit of information contained within a paper or electronic folder.
Files are created and included in a filing system to provide formal evidence of the business
transactions of an organization. Their purpose is to capture, maintain and provide access to
evidence of transactions over time in accordance with accountability and business practices.
The establishment of a coherent filing system provides for faster and systematic filing, faster
retrieval of information, greater protection of information, and increased administrative
stability, continuity and efficiency.

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Records are held in files to enhance accessibility and identification. Records creation results
directly from the transaction of business. In most cases the way in which people and
organizations do business results naturally in the creation of records; in other cases a record
must be deliberately created because conducting the transaction, by itself, does not generate
the record. Records that will meet accountability requirements and other needs of an
organization cannot be created or managed without an adequate record keeping system.

Four types of files include:

Document files – created by word processors
Worksheet files – created by electronic spreadsheets
Database files – created by database management systems
Presentation files - created by presentation graphics applications

Classification systems are established so that records will be filed or stored according to a
document set of rules. Records need to be retrievable when needed. Determining the type of
filing arrangement appropriate for an organization depends on how records will be utilized.

Needs analysis: a needs analysis should be conducted to help determine an appropriate

classification system.

Types of filing arrangements: the type of filing arrangement depends on the needs of the
organization. Alphabetic, Numeric, Alphanumeric, Subject and Geographic, Standardization: a
consistent system is key to an effective records management program.

Identification aids and supplies: these consist of folders, folder tabs, file guides, and color
coding. Miscellaneous folders house the group of records that have not been assigned individual
file folders.

A computer file is a piece of arbitrary information, or resource for storing information, that is
available to a computer program and is usually based on some kind of durable storage. A file is
durable in the sense that it remains available for programs to use after the current program has
finished. Computer files can be considered as the modern counterpart of the files of printed
documents that traditionally existed in offices and libraries.

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2.1.2. Operating input devices

Input Devices: - is any peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment to provide data and
control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or other information
appliance. Input device Translate data from form that humans understand to one that the
computer can work with. Most common are keyboard and mouse.

Example of Input Devices :

 Mouse (pointing device)
 Keyboard
 Microphone
 Touch screen\
 Scanner
 Webcam
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 .Graphics
 Tablets
 Touchpads
 Camera
 Video Capture
 Hardware. Figure 2-0-12 manual input devices
 Microphone
 Barcode
 reader
 Digital camera
 Gamepad
 Electronic Whiteboard

2.1.3. Output devices

Output devices an output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to
communicate the results of data processing carried out by an information processing system
(such as a computer) which converts the electronically generated information into human
readable form.
Example on Output Devices
1. Monitor
2. LCD Projection Panels
3. Printers (all types)
4. Computer Output Microfilm (COM)
5. Plotters
6. Speaker(s)
7. Projector

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Figure 2-0-13 output devices
The input and output devices flow chart

Figure 2-0-14 input and output flowchart

2.1.4. Storing data

 Computer based storage- (Open file)

Data Storage Elements

Entity – person, place or thing that data is stored about.

e.g entity - The item about which information is stored in a record. Examples include an
employee, an inventory item, and a customer.
Attributes – facts about entity.
e.g. attributes - The properties, identifying numbers, and characteristics of interest of an entity
that is stored in a database. Examples are employee number, pay rate, name, and address.
Fields – where attributes are stored.
e.g. field - The portion of a data record where the data value for a particular attribute is stored.
For example, in a spreadsheet each row might represent a customer and each column is an
attribute of the customer. Each cell in a spreadsheet is a field
Records – group of related attributes about an entity. E.g A set of fields whose data values
describe specific attributes of an entity, such as all payroll data relating to a single employee. An
example is a row in a spreadsheet.
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File – group of related records. E.g. file - A set of logically related records, such as the payroll
records of all employees.
Data value - The actual value stored in a field. It describes a particular attribute of an entity. For
example, the customer name field would contain “wxz Company” if that company was a
Master file - A permanent file of records that stores cumulative data about an organization. As
transactions take place, individual records within a master file are updated to keep them current .
For example, individual customer accounts balances are updated to reflect new sales transactions
and payments received. Periodically, new records are added to or removed from a master file, for
example, when a new customer is added or a former customer deleted.
Transaction file - A file that contains the individual business transactions that occur during a
specific fiscal period. Transaction files are not permanent and may not be needed beyond the
current fiscal period. However, they are usually maintained for a specified period for backup
Database - A set of interrelated, centrally controlled data files that are stored with as little
data redundancy as possible. A database consolidates records previously stored in separate
files into a common pool and serves a variety of users and data processing applications. A set of
interrelated, centrally coordinated files is referred to as a database. For example, the accounts
receivable file might be combined with customer, sales analysis, and related files to form a
customer database.
By now we understand that a database is simply an organized collection of data with ‘tables’ as
its fundamental building blocks. Tables allow us to create the framework for storing information
in the database. Each column (also called ‘field’) of the table corresponds to a specific
characteristic (or ‘attribute’ in database terms) of the stored information. Each row (also called
‘record’) corresponds to a particular instance of the information.
In physical terms, most computer files are stored on hard disks-spinning magnetic disks inside a
computer that can record information indefinitely. Hard disks allow almost instant access to
computer files. File can store data or information in various formats. Suppose in a file data is
stored in the tables just like the one below:

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Table 2.1

As you saw above, each table stores can hold a great deal of data. Each table contains a lot of
records. A record is all of the data or information about one person or one thing. In the table
below, all of the information about each cartoon character is stored in a 'row' or record.
Table 2.2

 What information could you find in the record for Cat Woman?
 What do you think the database at your college stores records about?
 How about the library? What records would be stored on that database?

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Each table contains a lot of records. A record is made up of lots of individual pieces of
information. Look at Wonder Woman's record; it stores her first name, last name, address, city
and age. Each of these individual pieces of information in a record are called a 'field'. A 'field' is
one piece of data or information about a person or thing.

Table 2.3.

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Data processing

Once business activity data have been entered into the system, they must be processed to
keep the databases current. The four different types of data processing activities, refer as follows:

Four main activities

 Create new data records:-Creating new data records, such as adding a newly
hired employee to the payroll database.
 Read, retrieve or view existing data records.
 Update existing stored data records. Updating previously stored data.
 Delete data or records.
 Deleting data, such as purging the vendor master file of all vendors the company
no longer does business with.

Application Software

Application software consists of programs designed to make users more productive and/or assist
with personal tasks

 To make business activities more efficient

 To assist with graphics and multimedia projects
 To support home, personal, and educational tasks
 To facilitate communications

System software

System software serves as the interface between the user, the application software, and the
computer’s hardware

Business software

Business software is application software that assists people while performing business activities.

Type of business software

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Word processing

Sample:-Word processing software allows users to create and manipulate documents

Clip art is a collection of electronic drawings, photos, and other images

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Developing a document


Spreadsheet software allows users to organize data in rows and columns and perform

Charting depicts data in a spreadsheet in graphical form

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Charting depicts data in a spreadsheet in graphical form

Examples of Graphics and Multimedia Software

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Self-check 2

Part-I: Choose the correct answer

1. According to elements of data storage one of the following is odd

A, Fields B. Attributes C. Entity D. word-process

2. One the following is types of files except one?

A, Database files B. Document files C. Worksheet files D. none

3. one of the following is type of input device but not one?
B. Keyboard B. mouse C . scanner D. monitor

Part I Matching
Instruction: select the correct answer for the given column.


1. Type of file A. database

2. Records B. Output devices
3. Monitor D. Alphabetic, Numeric, etc
4. Input device E. all of the data about person/thing
5. Types of filing arrangements. F. Keyboard

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Test II: short Answer writing
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

1. Clearly define file

2. List types of files

3. Open file by your name and create database based on what you want, then show
records and field, save the file properly.

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Unit three Maintain technology
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics:
 Identifying and replacing used technology consumables
 Carrying out and arranging routine maintenance
 Identifying equipment faults and taking action
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Understand technology consumables and replace
 Carry out routine maintenance and/or arrange equipment
 Perform equipment faults accurately and take action

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1.1 Identifying and replacing used technology consumables

All organizations need to maintain technical equipment and consumables. Routine or

preventative maintenance ensures that technical equipment remains in good working order.
Business technology may be maintained in-house or by using a manufacturer-approved
technician. By routinely cleaning and maintaining equipment, you can prevent problems and
faults occurring. There are some maintenance processes you can do yourself to keep the
equipment you use in good working order. For example, you can routinely clean your keyboard,
monitor and mouse by using a damp cloth or other cleaning materials such as monitor wipes.
You can remove dust from inside your keyboard by turning it upside down and tapping it.

ii. Identifying technology needs maintenance

Maintenance in an IT environment
 Some items requiring maintenance in an IT environment would be:

Printers- Printouts may be streaky or faded. The printer may need either cleaning or new

Monitors- Fingerprints may make the text difficult to read.

PC's- A PC may not boot correctly. In investigation required and possible re-installation of the
operating system.
Disk Drive- The system may not read floppy disks. The drive may need cleaning.
Replacing paper- Printers, photocopiers and fax machines may run out of paper.
Precautions are guidelines to be followed to prevent damage to equipment or injury to people.
The following are very important precautions:
 Before cleaning any electrical equipment make sure that it is switched off and
unplugged from the mains.

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 Allow certain equipment, such as monitors and laser printers, to cool down and lose
their capacitance (charge) before cleaning them for at least 30minutes.

 When cleaning inside the PC, or handling parts from a PC such as hard disk or circuit
boards, you should earth yourself using antistatic wrist strap.

 Always refer to the manufactures manual before attempting to clean any equipment,
because improper cleaning or maintenance may be dangerous and also may invalidate
your warranty. Some equipment such as power supplies and monitors use voltages and
therefore should only be maintained by specially trained people. It could be dangerous
for anyone else to open these up for maintenance.

b. Carrying out and arranging routine maintenance

Preventive maintenance reduces the probability of hardware or software problems by

systematically and periodically checking hardware and software to ensure proper operation.


Check the condition of cables, components, and peripherals. Clean components to reduce the
likelihood of overheating. Repair or replace any components that show signs of damage or
excessive wear.

Use the following tasks as a guide to create a hardware maintenance program:

 Remove dust from fan intakes.

 Remove dust from the power supply.
 Remove dust from components inside the computer.
 Clean the mouse and keyboard.
 Check and secure loose cables.


Verify that installed software is current. Follow the policies of the organization when installing
security updates, operating system updates, and program updates. Many organizations do not
allow updates until extensive testing has been completed. This testing is done to confirm that the
update will not cause problems with the operating system and software.
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Use the tasks listed as a guide to create a software maintenance schedule that fits the needs of
your computer equipment:
 Review security updates.
 Review software updates.
 Review driver updates..
 Scan for viruses and spyware.
 Remove unwanted programs
 Scan hard drives for errors.
Cleaning Peripherals

Liquid spillages /(Electrical safety hazards )

To avoid electrics shocks, alert staff of the need to keep liquids away from all equipment
connected to the electricity supply.
Advise staff to disconnect equipment from power supply before mopping up spills.


Carefully clean dust away from the vents in the monitor's enclosure using a vacuum cleaner.
Anything other than a vacuum cleaner (e.g. a rag or air blower) is likely to push the dust inside
the enclosure where it can lie on electrical components, causing failure. You should clean the
glass screen with one of the cleaners described previously. If you use a spray to clean a monitor
you should be careful to spray the wipe.

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You will get the greatest benefit from cleaning a printer if you can remove any dust from the
paths of moving parts. To do this you may need to remove covers or paper trays. However, at all
times refer to the printer manual. It will contain the instructions for removing parts and may even
have some tips on cleaning. Do not use any liquid cleaner on a printer unless the manufacturer
recommends it.


To clean printers:

 Switch off and unplug the printer, and wait at least 30 minutes for it to cool.
 Wear disposable plastics gloves.

 Clean the outer casing of the printer using a dampened paper towel

 Check for, and remove any loose bits of paper.

 Vacuum inside the printer using a static-safe vacuum cleaner.


The keyboard tends to not only accumulate a lot of dust and skin residue but also some hair and
lint form clothing. Loose matter can generally be removed with the vacuum cleaner.

Figure 3.1.3-15 keyboard and mouse

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The mouse tends to accumulate a mixture of dust and skin residue from the surface it rolls on.
Therefore to properly clean the mouse:

 Turn the mouse upside down and push down and away the roller-opening hatch with two
fingers until you see the panels open.
1. Use a soft, dry, lint free cloth to wipe the ball clean. Never use cleaning fluid or
2. To clean the steel rollers carefully use a cotton swab to remove the material buildup.
3. Replace the ball in it its housing, and then re-insert the retaining panel. When the panel
is in place push it down and backwards until it locks firmly.

Be proactive in computer equipment maintenance and data protection. By performing regular

maintenance routines, you can reduce potential hardware and software problems. Regular
maintenance routines reduce computer downtime and repair costs.. This list of tasks can then be
used to create a maintenance program.

The following are the benefits of preventive maintenance:

 Increases data protection

 Extends the life of the components
 Increases equipment stability
 Reduces repair costs
 Reduces the number of equipment failures
Maintenance expectations

In business organization, properly performed maintenance has the following out comings or
benefits for the organization.

 Increase in productivity of labor

 Increase in quality of products
 Minimize operation cost

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 Less man power
 Less spare parts used
 Minimize power consumption
 Safe working condition
Replacing used Technology consumables
 Back-up tapes
 Floppy disks
 Print heads
 Printer ribbons and cartridges
 Toner cartridges

3.3. Identifying equipment faults and taking action

Equipment faults that are not dangerous will also require you to speak to others to organize
repairs. You will be more effective if you know the correct terms for key parts of the equipment.
Manufacturer’s instructions are likely to contain a labeled diagram of the equipment you can use.
Identifying equipment faults may include:

 Checking repairs have been carried out

 Encouraging feedback from work colleagues
 Keeping a log book of detected faults
 Preparing a maintenance program
 Regular back-ups of data
 Regular OHS inspections
 Routine checking of equipment

Computer Preventive Maintenance Schedule

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With proper maintenance you can avoid trouble and keep your computer running at peek
efficiency. The basic steps are:
 Keep your operating system up-to-date with all the latest security releases.
 Run an anti-virus program regularly to keep your computer bug free.
 Run system utilities regularly to make sure your hardware is operating correctly.

Table 3.1. a schedule prepared for computer maintenance/you can use as a guide.
Daily Weekly Monthly Annually
Delete Temp Windows Files X
Run Virus Scan X
Windows Update X
Run Spigot X
Run Ad-Aware X
Check for Updates software X
Run Disk Cleanup X
Run Scan Disk/Check Disk X
Run Disk Defragmenter X
Check for Updates to Adobe Reader X
Clean Computer, Mouse, Keyboard & X X X

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Self-check 3

Part I Matching
Instruction: select the correct answer for the given column.


1. Outcome of maintain A. Checking repairs have been carried out

2. Equipment fault B. each data in the table
3. Technology consumable C. CD
4. Schedule D. Cleaning equipment and Windows Update

Test II: short Answer writing

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below.

2. List technologies equipment needs maintenance and prepare schedule.

3. List replaceable technology consumable.

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 publication_12_13193_1244 operate application software packages

 Ervin M.J., 2010,

 9781587132636_ch04.qxp

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Developers’ profile
No Name Qualificatio Field of Organizati Mobile E-mail
n (Level) Study on/ number
1 Lammi MBA In Accounting Ambo TVT 091372339 Lammidhuguma@gmail
Dhugum finance & finance 3 .com
2 Ejigu MA Accounting Barayu PT 091344047 kenaketejigu@gmail.co
Tarafe & finance 8 m

3 Asnake MSc Accounting Adama 091222444 Asnakeabay142@

Abay & finance RVUTc 2 gmail.com

4 Kasa BA Accounting A.A 091278025 kssterefe@gmail.com

Tarafe & finance KMCTVT 9

5 Tilahun BA Accounting Afar 094281707 Telegram

Walde & finance Adadle PT 5

6 Mokanan MSc Accounting 097510582 Telegram

t Mulu & finance 3

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Annex1: Ergonomic

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