CRJ OEB Report
CRJ OEB Report
CRJ OEB Report
10 September 2013
Revision Record
Rev. No. Content Date
First Issue New consolidated version 10 Sep 2013
Appendix 1 – CRJ 1000 Initial Type Rating Training .......................................................... 28
Appendix 2 – Differences Training CRJ 100/200 to CRJ 1000 ........................................... 29
Appendix 3 – Differences Training CRJ 700/705/900 to CRJ 1000 .....................................30
Appendix 4 – CRJ Training Programmes ............................................................................31
Appendix 5 – Guidance concerning OSD applicability ....................................................... 34
Herbert Meyer 4) 5) 6)
EASA OSD Section Manager
3) 4) 5)
Evan Nielsen EASA EASA Flight Standards
Patrick Pouligny 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
4) 5) 6)
Joachim Puff EASA OEB Team Member
Oliver Puff EASA OEB Team Member
Wolfgang Rasche EASA OEB Team Member
Georges Rebender 1) 2) 3)
JAA JAA Operations Director
Jean-Luc Rolland EASA OEB Team Member
4) 5)
Tobias Schlüren EASA OEB Team Member
4) 5)
Christian Thorhauge EASA OEB Team Member
Fergus Woods 2) 3)
JAA JAA Licensing Director
Gene Hartman FAA FSB Chairman
Steve Albert FAA FSB Team Member
Harvey Gay FAA FSB Team Member
Thomas Kersten FAA FSB Team Member
Ron Patton FAA FSB Team Member
Paul Ramirez FAA FSB Team Member
CRJ 200/700 evaluation (2001)
CRJ 900 evaluation (Nov 2004)
CRJ 705 evaluation (2005)
CRJ 1000 evaluation and operational suitability flights (May/Jul 2010)
CRJ 1000 evaluation and operational suitability flights (Aug/Sep 2010)
CRJ 1000 CTLC evaluation (Jul 2013)
Executive Summary
This report combines JAA and EASA operational evaluations of the Bombardier CRJ series aircraft
and specifies the relevant EASA pilot qualification requirements.
The evaluation of the Rockwell Collins HGS 4200 Head-up Guidance System for the CRJ 1000
has been evaluated by a separate OEB in a dedicated report.
Most operational evaluations were conducted jointly by integrated teams composed of TCCA, FAA
and JAA/EASA members. Each Authority uses the results of the evaluation process to produce a
report specific to its particular requirements that, while similar in intent, may differ somewhat in
detail. This OEB report is applicable to operations under the framework of EASA.
The evaluations were performed in compliance with the (J)OEB Handbook and the EASA Terms of
Reference for OEBs. Further guidance was found in the Common Procedures for Conducting
Operational Evaluations, and the applicable regulations at the time of the relevant evaluations,
laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew
and to air operations.
All Bombardier CRJ series aircraft have been assessed as variants requiring familiarization or
differences training, as applicable.
The license endorsement for the Bombardier CRJ series aircraft is established as “CL65”.
The CRJ initial and differences type rating training syllabi which have been evaluated are referred
to in this report. Relevant training footprints evaluated and acceptable to the OEB, including the
minimum course duration and training devices used, are shown at Appendix 1, 2 and 3. A general
description of the CRJ training programmes is contained at Appendix 4.
The report contains Training Areas of Special Emphasis (TASE) and addresses operation on more
than one type or variant.
With regard to operational requirements for aircraft instruments and equipment / communication
and navigation equipment (Part-CAT, Subpart D), compliance was confirmed against EU-OPS
requirements for the CRJ 1000 at the time of the evaluation.
In 2001, Bombardier Aerospace requested that a JOEB be conducted to determine the aircraft type
designation and pilot training requirements for the first CRJ series aircraft, the CL-600-2B19
(referred to as "CRJ 100/200") and the CL-600-2C10 (referred to as "CRJ 700") series aircraft. The
JOEB designated the CRJ 700 as a variant to the CRJ 100/200. Initial type rating training and
differences training from the CRJ100/200 to the CRJ 700, and vice versa, were evaluated as
described in this report. The JOEB further established the type rating designation "CL65".
In 2002 the JOEB completed an evaluation of the CL-600-2D24 series aircraft (referred to as "CRJ
900"). Initial type rating training for the CRJ 900 and differences training from the CRJ 100/200 and
from the CRJ 700 to the CRJ 900 and vice versa were evaluated. The JOEB designated the CRJ
900 as a variant to the previously evaluated CRJ series aircraft, requiring differences training
between the CRJ 100/200 and the CRJ 900; and familiarization training between the CRJ 700 and
the CRJ 900, as described in this report.
In 2005 a JOEB was conducted to assess type rating training for the CL-600-2D15 (referred to as
"CRJ 705") and to revise the existing recommendations to identify performance improvements that
were being introduced for the CRJ 900.
Due to the limited nature and scope of the changes to the CRJ 900 and its latest derivative, the
CRJ 705, this particular tripartite operational evaluation was conducted through analysis. Since
very few of the CRJ 900BP sub-variants have been produced and will not be produced anymore,
the JOEB decided that the evolution from CRJ900BP to CRJ900IP would not be part of this
evaluation, both sub-variants being named CL-600-2D24 (CRJ 900).
The JOEB designated the CRJ 705 as a variant to the previously evaluated CRJ series aircraft,
requiring differences training between the CRJ 705 and the CRJ 100/200 and familiarization
training between the CRJ 705 and the CRJ 700 and CRJ 900; as described in this report.
On 6 February 2009, Bombardier applied for a tripartite operational evaluation by TCCA, the FAA
and EASA for the Bombardier CL-600-2E25 series aircraft (referred to as "CRJ1000").
The CRJ1000 initial type rating training and differences training was evaluated in the summer of
2010. EASA and TCCA undertook a further partial evaluation of the differences training from the
previous CRJ series aircraft to the CRJ 1000. Differences courses from the CRJ 1000 to the
previous CRJ series aircraft have not been validated; therefore, a full type rating training should be
accomplished in those cases.
The OEB designated the CRJ 1000 as a variant to the previously evaluated CRJ series aircraft,
requiring differences training as described in this report.
A dedicated operational evaluation of credit for recent experience requirements in accordance with
Part-FCL, FCL.060(b)(4) and with Part-ORO, ORO.FC.140(a) was performed on 9-12 July 2013
upon request of Bombardier.
The "T6“ test as described in FAA AC 120-53A and EASA Draft CS-FCD was chosen as the most
conservative methodology. 4 pilots current and qualified in the CRJ 700 and with no previous
experience on the CRJ 1000, performed a representative sample of take-offs and landings in a
CRJ 700 FFS as base aircraft, in a CRJ 1000 aircraft, and in a CRJ 1000 FFS.
When evaluating the results, the EASA OEB team took into account the CRJ 700 / 1000 aircraft
data, the provisions in Part-ORO, AMC1 ORO.FC.200(a)(a) for the determination of inexperienced
crew members, as well as the experience levels of the test subjects. The CRJ 700 / 1000 recent
experience requirements are reflected in this report.
With reference to Part-FCL, FCL.010 (‘type of aircraft’) and GM1 FCL.700, the Bombardier CRJ
series aircraft have been evaluated for aircraft categorisation and license endorsement.
All Bombardier CRJ series aircraft have been assessed as variants requiring familiarization or
differences training, as applicable.
2 Aeroplanes 4
3 Licence
Manufacturer Model Name Endorsement
(CL65 Regional Jet series)
- 100
CL600-2B19 - 200
- 440
- Challenger 850
- 700
- 701 (D) CL65
(Bombardier) CL600-2C10
- 702
- Challenger 870
CL600-2D15 - 705
CL600-2D24 - 900
- Challenger 890
CL600-2E25 - 1000
4. Aircraft Specifics
The CRJ series aircraft design ensures similar characteristics between all variants regarding
cockpit layout, system operation, and handling characteristics. This level of commonality has a
direct and significant impact on the design and construction of the training programmes.
The take-off profiles are similar for all CRJ series aircraft. The only difference is that the CRJ
100/200 has one less callout for flap retraction.
The minimum height for the autopilot engagement after take-off is 600 feet AGL for all CRJ series
The approach profiles are similar for all CRJ series aircraft.
Approach speeds are dependent upon aircraft weight. Landing weight for the CRJ 1000 is the
greatest while the CRJ 100/200 is the lightest of all CRJ variants. Nevertheless, critical speeds are
presented to the pilot in a standardized manner for all CRJ series aircraft.
With reference to Part-CAT, CAT.OP.MPA.320(b) the approach category for the CRJ series aircraft
is as follows:
CRJ 100/200
45 degrees D
CRJ 700
45 degrees C
CRJ 900
45 degrees C/D*
CRJ 705
45 degrees C/D*
CRJ 1000
45 degrees C
* The aircraft are offered in three versions: standard (Std), extended range (ER) and long range
(LR). The VREF at the maximum landing weight associated with the Std and ER versions
satisfies Category C requirements. The LR version has an increased maximum landing weight
such that its associated VREF brings the airplane into Category D. When utilized, the approach
speed associated with maximum landing weight satisfies the Category C requirement for the LR
The categories are based on the approach speed provided by the Manufacturer and need to be
reconsidered if operators increase the approach speed. When flight crews are operating more
than one variant, the use of the highest approach category for all variants operated should be
The use of automatic voice callouts are the same for all CRJ variants. Consistent with the
applicable regulations for civil aviation aircrew and air operations, these callouts may be
customized for low visibility operations in accordance with operator requirements. Callouts should
be standardized within the applicable aircraft fleet when operating more than one type or variant.
Although the CRJ 700, 705, 900 and 1000 have flaps and slats while the CRJ 100/200 has flaps
only, the slat / flap or flap extension speeds are similar for all CRJ series aircraft.
Flap Setting CRJ 100/200 CRJ 700 CRJ 705 / 900 CRJ 1000
(degrees) (CL-600-2B19) (CL-600-2C10) (CL-600-2D15/2D24) (CL-600-2E25)
Immediate Action items are identical for all CRJ series aircraft. Abnormal and emergency
procedures are presented in Quick Reference Handbooks of an identical format for all CRJ series
aircraft. Although individual steps may differ, the steps are carried out under the guidance of the
handbook in a logical decision-making manner.
The OEB performed a representative number of operational suitability flights in the CRJ 1000 and
concluded that the CRJ1000 is operationally suitable for its certified use.
The OEB recommends that an operator using more than one CRJ variant in its fleet, should, when
possible, use a unique cockpit configuration for the following safety related items:
unit system (metric or non-metric) on all displays;
altimeter settings (QNH/QFE);
callouts; and
FMS specifications and functions (software and hardware).
MDR tables for the CRJ series aircraft are shown below. Definitions of the various levels for
Training / Checking / Currency are those used in the CPD.
Aircraft Type
Designation: CL65
CRJ 100/200 CRJ 700 CRJ 705 CRJ 900 CRJ 1000
(CL-600-2B19) (CL-600-2C10) (CL-600-2D15) (CL-600-2D24) (CL-600-2E25)
CRJ 100/200
n/a D/D/C D/D/C D/D/C 1)
CRJ 700
C/C/B n/a A/A/A A/A/A 1)
CRJ 705
C/C/B A/A/A n/a A/A/A 1)
CRJ 900
C/C/B A/A/A A/A/A n/a 1)
CRJ 1000
D/D/E 2) 3) D/D/D 2) 3) D/D/A 2) 3) D/D/A 2) 3) n/a
1) The CRJ 1000 to CRJ 100/200, 700, 705/900 differences training has not been evaluated. In the
interim, a full type rating training should be accomplished instead.
2) With regard to differences training and checking, the following items should be trained and checked in
a Level C or level D FFS (level D training and checking, as defined in the CPD):
Engine Failure at V1 (only when transitioning from the CRJ 100/200 to the CRJ 1000);
Rudder Failures.
3) The “Nav-to-Nav Transfer” function requires Level C training and checking (as defined in the CPD).
ODR tables are used to show an operator’s compliance method. Bombardier generic ODR tables
concerning differences between the CRJ series aircraft have been evaluated by the JAA/EASA.
These ODR tables are Bombardier generic and therefore may not include items that are applicable
to particular operators. The ODR tables assume that pilots are current and qualified in operating
the base aircraft.
The Bombardier ODR tables have been developed in accordance with EU regulations for civil
aviation aircrew and air operations. These ODR tables have been found acceptable by the
JAA/EASA. They represent an acceptable means of compliance with MDR provisions for the
aircraft evaluated, based on those differences and compliance methods shown. These tables do
not necessarily represent the only means of compliance for operators with aircraft having other
Operators using more than one variant must have approved ODR tables pertinent to their fleet.
With reference to Part-ORA, AMC2 ORA.ATO.125(b), additional familiarisation training for CRJ
variants may be included in the theoretical knowledge training of the initial type rating course.
Flight training should be conducted on a single CRJ variant.
Initial type rating training for all CRJ series aircraft was evaluated by the JAA/EASA and found in
compliance with JAR-FCL 1, Subpart F, AMC 1.261 (c) (2).
A training footprint for the CRJ 1000 initial type rating training, including the minimum course
duration and training devices used is shown at Appendix 1.
Difference levels for training / checking / currency are described in the MDR tables of this report.
7.2.1 Differences Training from the CRJ 100/200 to the CRJ 700, and vice versa
The differences training from the CRJ 100/200 to the CRJ 700 requires Level C training using a
CRJ 700 FTD Level 2 (or higher). Differences training from the CRJ 700 to the CRJ 100/200
requires Level D training using a CRJ100/200 FTD Level 2 or higher.
7.2.2 Differences Training from the CRJ 100/200 to the CRJ 900, and vice versa
The differences training from the CRJ 100/200 to the CRJ 900 requires Level C training.
Differences training from the CRJ 900 to the CRJ 100/200 requires Level D training using a
CRJ100/200 FTD Level 2 or higher.
7.2.3 Familiarization Training from the CRJ 705 to the CRJ 900, and vice versa
The familiarization training from the CRJ 705 to the CRJ 900 and vice versa, requires Level A
7.2.4 Differences Training from either the CRJ 100/200, the CRJ 700, or the CRJ 705/900 to
the CRJ 1000
Bombardier differences training from the CRJ 100/200, the CRJ 700 and the CRJ 705/900 to the
CRJ 1000 was evaluated and found in compliance with Appendix 2 to JAR-FCL 1.240 & 1.295 and
AMC FCL 1.261 (c) (2).
With regard to differences training and checking, the following items should be trained and
checked in the relevant Level C or D FFS (level D training and checking, as defined in the CPD):
Taxiing, Normal Take-off & Landing;
Engine Failure at V1 (only when transitioning from the CRJ 100/200 to the CRJ 1000);
No-Flap / No-Flap and Slat Approach & Landing; and
Rudder Failures.
The “Nav-to-Nav Transfer” function requires Level C training and checking (as defined in the CPD).
7.2.5 Differences Training from the CRJ 1000 to the CRJ 100/200, the CRJ 700, and the CRJ
Differences training from the CRJ 1000 to any other variant has not been evaluated. In the interim,
a full type rating training should be accomplished instead.
Part-FCL, FCL.710(a) and FCL.725(a) address training requirements for type rating, differences
and familiarization training to include the relevant elements as defined in the operational suitability
evaluation. Part-ORO, ORO.FC.145(b) addresses operator requirements to include the relevant
elements as defined in the operational suitability evaluation when establishing the training
programmes and syllabi.
The following aircraft systems or procedures should receive special emphasis during CRJ 100/200
to CRJ 700 differences training (in ground and flight training):
Pre-flight walk around (landing gear, door configuration, APU location, wings)
Pitch during climb out and approach
Engine failure during take-off
ECS, APU and power management (FADEC)
7.3.2 TASE for CRJ 700 and CRJ 705/900 Initial Type Rating Training
The following aircraft systems or procedures should receive special emphasis during CRJ 700 and
CRJ 705/900 initial type rating training (in ground and flight training):
The following aircraft systems or procedures should receive special emphasis during CRJ 1000
initial type rating training (in ground and flight training):
Special events training is recommended to improve basic crew understanding and confidence
regarding aircraft handling qualities, options and procedures as these relate to design
characteristics and limitations. Examples of this training should include the following:
recovery from unusual attitudes;
handling qualities and procedures during recovery from an upset condition (e.g. wake
vortex encounter, loss of control incident);
high altitude high and slow speed buffet margins and flight characteristics;
Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT), TCAS, EGPWS (emphasis on avoidance and escape
manoeuvres, altitude awareness, TCAS / EGPWS warnings, situational awareness and
crew co-ordination, as appropriate);
wind shear and predictive wind shear escape manoeuvres;
operation of aircraft in icing environments including super cooled liquid droplet (SLD)
events (depending on FFS software); and
manual flight with minimum use of automation (e.g. raw data, without FD).
Part-ORO, ORO.FC.A.245 addresses the alternative training and qualification programme. Where
an ATQP has been approved by the Competent Authority, the programme should be consistent
with the requirements and recommendations of this evaluation, taking into account any training
areas of special emphasis and ODR tables, as applicable.
Recurrent training must be compliant with EU regulations for civil aviation aircrew and air
operations, as applicable, and include the Training Areas of Special Emphasis as identified in this
report. These requirements should be considered as a minimum and expanded, as appropriate, for
pilots who have had only limited exposure and/or who do no longer fulfil the currency requirements.
Operators must establish an approved recurrent training and checking programme which is
relevant to the aircraft variant flown and its intended operation. The recurrent training programme
may vary with several factors which have a significant influence. Some of these factors are: actual
exposure of the flight crew member(s), specific routes and aerodromes used by the operator and
new developments in technology. These factors and/or a combination thereof will determine the
required recurrent training.
Recurrent training should incorporate special events training as described in this report, on a
rotational basis.
Recurrent training performed on one CRJ series aircraft is valid for other CRJ variants flown,
provided that the differences are addressed.
License skill tests and operator proficiency checks must be performed in accordance with
applicable EU regulations for civil aviation aircrew and air operations.
8.1 Skill test following CRJ 1000 Initial Type Rating Training
The following features must be checked following CRJ 1000 initial type-rating training:
use of the “two-stepped” flight director;
knowledge of CBW rudder system and associated failures;
knowledge and skills related to the use of FMS and crosschecks using the FMA ;
use of EICAS; and
use of FADEC controlled thrust setting system .
Low Visibility Operations (LVO) recurrent training and checking should be in accordance with
AMC1 SPA.LVO.120 (f).
A proficiency check conducted on one variant is valid for all variants, provided that the differences
have been covered during the recurrent training. However, recurrent training and proficiency
CRJ Series page 22
EASA Operational Evaluation Board Bombardier CRJ Series – Flight Crew Qualifications
checking should be alternated between the CRJ 100/200, the CRJ 700/705/900, and the CRJ
1000, as applicable.
When the use of a HGS is approved, checking must include suitable demonstration of HGS use for
modes and phases of flight authorized. Checking standards for HGS are equivalent to those for
non-HGS operations. Periodic assessment of non-HGS skills should also be demonstrated.
Therefore, an instructor / examiner may request that manoeuvres be performed without the use of
a HGS.
Note: The evaluation of the Rockwell Collins HGS 4200 Head-up Guidance System for the
CRJ1000 has been evaluated by a separate OEB in a dedicated report.
With reference to Part-ORO, AMC1 ORO.FC.240(a)(4)(vii), the OEB has determined that a line
check performed on either CRJ series aircraft is valid for all variants.
In accordance with Part FCL, FCL.060(b)(4) and with Part-ORO, ORO.FC.140(a), the following
credits are defined for recent experience requirements when operating more than one CRJ series
Recent experience requirements for operation on more than one CRJ series aircraft
CRJ 100/200
--- no credit no credit no credit
credit of 2 take-offs
CRJ 700 and landings
no credit --- full credit
full credit 1)
credit of 2 take-
CRJ 1000 offs and
no credit landings full credit ---
full credit 1)
Flight crews operating the CRJ 1000 and CRJ 700 variants may receive full credit after
completion of the associated line flying under supervision and
having achieved either 100 flight hours and flown 10 sectors (as PF) within a
consolidation period of 120 consecutive days; or
9.2 Currency
Flight crews operating the CRJ 100/200 and any other CRJ series aircraft must complete one
sector (as PF or PNF) on each variant within the previous 90 days.
Where the HGS is available, every pilot should use the HGS whenever deemed useful during
normal operations, and should alternate to perform all flight phases using the Head-Down
indication systems in order to maintain currency in both indicating systems.
10.1 LIFUS
Where there is a change of operating conditions or route structure this should be taken into
account and may need the addition of sectors to cover these elements.
10.2 LIFUS following initial type rating training on the CRJ 1000
In the case of an initial type rating training on the CRJ1000, a minimum of 8 sectors of LIFUS (as
PF) including a line check is recommended. This may be reduced at the discretion of the
competent Authority, taking in account the recommendations of this report and previous
Bombardier CRJ experience of the pilots.
10.3 Familiarization Flights when transitioning from the CRJ 100/200 to either the CRJ 700
or to the CRJ 705/900, or vice versa
In the case of pilots transitioning from the CRJ 100/200 to either the CRJ 700 or to the CRJ
705/900, or vice versa, a minimum of 4 sectors of Familiarization Flights are recommended.
10.4 Familiarization Flights when transitioning from the CRJ 100/200 to the CRJ 1000
In the case of pilots transitioning from the CRJ 100/200 to the CRJ 1000, a minimum of 8 sectors
of Familiarization Flights (as PF) are recommended.
10.5 Familiarization Flights when transitioning from either the CRJ 700 or the CRJ 705/900
to the CRJ 1000
In the case of pilots transitioning from either the CRJ 700 or the CRJ 705/900 to the CRJ 1000, a
minimum of 2 sectors of Familiarization Flights are recommended.
LIFUS / Familiarization Flights for initial training and when transitioning between CRJ variants
Following initial
not evaluated not evaluated not evaluated 8 sectors
type rating
CRJ 100/200
--- 4 sectors 4 sectors not evaluated
CRJ 700
4 sectors --- 0 sectors not evaluated
CRJ 1000
8 sectors 2 sectors 2 sectors ---
11.1 Prerequisites
Requirements for operations on more than one type or variant are contained in Part-ORO,
ORO.FC.140, ORO.FC.240 and AMC1 ORO.FC.240. Furthermore, crewing of inexperienced flight
crew members is addressed in ORO.FC.200(a).
In accordance with AMC1 ORO.FC.240(a)(4)(vii), the OEB has determined that, when operating
more than one CRJ variant:
recurrent training and checking on any CRJ variant is valid for all variants operated,
provided that the differences between the variants are addressed; and
recurrent training and proficiency checking should be alternated between the CRJ
100/200, the CRJ 700/705/900, and the CRJ 1000, as applicable.
Operators must demonstrate to the competent Authority, compliance with Part-CAT, Subpart D
(Instruments, Data, and Equipment) relevant to their aircraft prior to entry into service.
Appendix 1
Times for FTD and FFS Modules include time for briefing and debriefing
This table reflects the pilot training analysed by EASA, which was found to be compliant with
applicable requirements. Any variations to this course should be evaluated by the Competent
Authority or through an EASA OSD evaluation. This serves to ensure that an equivalent level of
training and safety are reached, and may lead to variations to the table above.
Appendix 2
Times for FTD and FFS Modules include time for briefing and debriefing
This table reflects the pilot training analysed by EASA, which was found to be compliant with
applicable requirements. Any variations to this course should be evaluated by the Competent
Authority or through an EASA OSD evaluation. This serves to ensure that an equivalent level of
training and safety are reached, and may lead to variations to the table above.
Appendix 3
Day 1
Classroom Instruction
Aircraft Systems
Partial Skill Test
Times for FTD and FFS Modules include time for briefing and debriefing
This table reflects the pilot training analysed by EASA, which was found to be compliant with
applicable requirements. Any variations to this course should be evaluated by the Competent
Authority or through an EASA OSD evaluation. This serves to ensure that an equivalent level of
training and safety are reached, and may lead to variations to the table above.
Appendix 4
The CRJ training programmes were evaluated against compliance with JAR-FCL 1, Subpart F,
AMC 1.261 (c) (2)
Para 1 – Type
The TCM document which defines the objectives and conduct of the course is sub-divided into
various chapters to address Initial and Differences Training.
Para 2 – Variants
Differences training is based upon clearly defined learning objectives and addresses all identified
Operational Differences Requirements (ODR).
The allocated time is in compliance with the regulatory requirements. Student progress is recorded
as required.
All students are “Trained to Proficiency”. The student’s skill is monitored throughout training and
continuously measured to determine that the knowledge and skill objectives are being met. The
student must continue to demonstrate knowledge and skill after achieving the required level. Skill
tests are conducted in an FFS Level C or D.
Phase testing is integrated throughout Phase 1 (Ground School) and Phase 2 (FFS Training).
In Phase 1, at the end of each CBT activity, a practical review is incorporated to challenge the
student’s technical knowledge of the aircraft system. This is followed by an examination that
addresses all learning objectives. The student must pass the examination and the test is reviewed
and corrected to 100% before proceeding to new material. The student’s technical knowledge is
challenged and confirmed during System Trainer / FSTD instructor-led training sessions. The
student’s ability to apply the knowledge is judged against the established knowledge and skill
requirements needed to pass the course. Prior to starting Phase 2 training, a system review is
conducted where the student must reaffirm Phase 1 knowledge and skill requirements. Since the
training course is an ISD controlled exercise, a final theoretical knowledge examination at the end
of Phase 1 is not required.
Phase 2 testing is conducted continuously. The student must use system knowledge to identify
system problems and demonstrate ability to safely complete the required manoeuvre. A Skill Test
at the end of Phase 2 training is used to verify compliance with the regulatory requirements.
FSTDs are subject to qualification in accordance with CS-FSTD(A). The following devices are
suggested by the manufacturer, as applicable for the appropriate variant and relevant training:
FFS Level D
FMS / System Trainers
Cockpit mock-ups
CBT instruction is fully integrated within the CBT programme. An instructor is available full time to
support the CBT learning and provide further non-programmed assistance, if required. Daily
briefings and debriefings are conducted.
All Phase 1 training is fully integrated. The student is introduced to new material through the CBT
and the learning experience is continued by instructor-led integrated training sessions in a briefing
room, system trainer and/or FTD. In addition to acquiring detailed system knowledge, the student
must demonstrate proficiency in the following before proceeding to Phase 2 training:
normal checklists and flows
abnormal procedures and checklist compliance
emergency procedures and checklist compliance
operator SOPs
The TCM identifies the length of the course including the number of hours of training device
All skill test items are taught and the student must demonstrate proficiency in these training
objectives before the student is recommended to proceed to the skill test. The TCM identifies the
number of hours of FSTD utilization including skill test. The total hours allotted to programmed
device training includes:
System Trainer: 12 hours
FSTD 2: 15 hours
FFS Level D: 32 hours, plus additional time for the skill test