Manual e
Manual e
Manual e
Your safety and the safety of others is very important. We have provided You will also see other important messages that are preceded by the word
important safety messages in this manual and on the HRC RTL250F. Please NOTICE.
read these messages carefully.
This word means:
A safety message alerts you to potential hazards that could hurt you or
others. Each safety message is preceded by a safety alert symbol and Your HRC RTL250F or other property can be
one of three words, DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION. damaged if you don’t follow instructions.
These mean: The purpose of these messages is to help prevent damage to your HRC
RTL250F, other property, or the environment.
if you don’t follow instructions.
Each message tells you what the hazard is, what can happen and what you
can do to avoid or reduce injury.
PGM-FI Setting Tool Manual
All information in this publication is based on the latest product information available at the time of approval for printing.
Honda Racing Corporation reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice and without incurring any obligation.
No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission.
Important Information
• This kit is sold as is without warranty, and the entire risk as to quality and performance is with the buyer.
• This kit is designed and manufactured to enhance the performance of the RTL250F, and as is stated in the RTL250F owner’s manual, should be used only in an
organized competitive event upon a closed course which is conducted under the auspices of a recognized sanctioning body or by permit issued by the local gov-
ernmental authority having jurisdiction.
• This kit is not suitable for use with any other parts.
Prepare fully charged 12 V battery before setting the PGM-FI.
PGM-FI Setting
This section covers the PGM-FI setting procedure by PC communications. Software Install
PGM-FI Setting 1. Set software CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive and click on the CD-ROM icon.
2. When a window like below is displayed, double-click “SETUP.EXE” to install
System requirements and communication attachment the application.
1.System requirements
• IBM AT compatible PC
• OS: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
• CPU: Pentium 200MHz or higher (recommended)
• Main memory: 32MB or more (recommended)
• Display: 1024 x 768 or higher resolution (recommended)
• CD-ROM: CD-ROM drive is required (The product is provided with a CD-R)
• Serial port: Serial port is required (for communicate with ECU)
If the serial port is not equipped, use USB-RS232C adaptor
3. A window like below will appear and will prepare for setup process.
2.The attachment
• UNIT, ASSY SERIAL I/F and FI Warning Unit: 38880-NN4-305
PGM-FI Setting
4. Then, a window like below will appear. To continue setup, click “Next.” 6. Setup will ask you to specify a directory to install the application in here. If
you need not change the default directory, click “Next.”
• Exit all other programs before starting installation.
5. When you using the Windows XP, the User Information window is appeared.
Click “Next.”
PGM-FI Setting
8. Confirm the folder and name etc. to install the application in, then click 10. Now, installation is completed.
“Next.” Click “Finish.”
9. A window like below will appear and installation is continued. When installation is completed, a shortcut like below will appear.
Use this folder putting on the desktop etc.
PGM-FI Setting
Before you begin
Functional Descriptions • About the pull-down menu
When you start up the setting tool, a window like below will appear. Data Edit Selector of No. 4 in the previous section is a pull-down menu.
(5) (3)
Click “ ” as shown in the figure above and a menu will appear below.
Items to edit are changed here.
Reverse video indicates the item to be selected.
PGM-FI Setting
2. Disconnect the fuel pump 2P (Black) connector under the fuel tank.
PGM-FI Setting
3. Remove the connector cap from the service check 4P (Red) connector in the File Operation
connector boot, the connect the Red connector of the serial I/F to the service
check 4P connector. Opening a File
Disconnect the condenser 2P (Black) connector, then connect the Serial I/F When you click “Open File”, a list of files which can be read in will appear.
Black connector to the wire harness side connector. Select a file you wish to use and click OK. Then, the data will be read in.
Note: Note:
• Do not start the engine with the I/F cord attached. • Displayed file “05RTL250.e2p” is a default data.
• Always use fully charged 12 V battery. If the battery voltage is insufficient or • Some reference setting data are included in this CD-ROM. We recommend
the battery is disconnected during setting, abnormality will occurs in the set- to use these data basically.
ting data. • If you become confused about adjustment settings, return to the standard
setting by replacing the setting data to the default data “05RTL250.e2p”.
PGM-FI Setting
If the process of “Open File” is aborted, the following window will appear.
Click “OK” to continue. Because of the RTL250F is not equipped with a tachometer, the following
speed range expressions are used when setting the PGM-FI.
Idle speed:
PGM-FI Setting
Save a File If the process of Save File is aborted, the window below will appear.
When you click “Save File”, a list of files already saved will appear and request Click “OK” to continue.
you to input file name.
If you use more than 8 characters for a file name, the window below will
To continue “Save File”, click “OK” and type in again a file name with eight or
less characters.
• Number of characters you may use for a file name is limited to eight or less.
• Be sure to put the cursor before “.e2p” when you type in a file name. If you
omit the extension (.e2p), you cannot open it. (It will not be listed.)
PGM-FI Setting
Changing Setting
Changing Engine Speed Segmentation
Changing TH Segmentation You can arbitrarily change engine speed segmentation.
TH position can arbitrarily be changed.
Use mouse or up/down arrow keys to make change click “Enter key” to enter Choose a point to change with mouse or left/right arrow keys and press "Enter
your change. key" after you put in a new value.
The change cancel is done by clicking "Cancel key". The range in which you can make change is only within the zone of the scale.
The range in which you can make change is only within the zone of the scale. Change of segmentation made here will also take effect in changing ignition
You cannot make setting of segmentation for air-fuel ratio map and ignition
timing map separately.
• TH and engine speed segmentations can only be changed on “Fi Map”
PGM-FI Setting
After change
PGM-FI Setting
How to change data of all area 2. Changing air-fuel ratio (graph display)
Graph mode displays a horizontal axis of map display graphically.
When you click “All area Data change”, the screen will be like above.
This screen enables you to off set all data. Click “Enter Key” to have change
take effect.
Only, be aware that this operation makes all data be the same value.
PGM-FI Setting
When you select “Fi Map (graph mode)”, a screen like below will appear. Adjustable areas will be selected with their color changed color. Use up/down
arrow keys to make change.
Change made here will also take effect in the map display.
You can change the graph color and graph size referring to the instruction on
both sides of graph as shown.
PGM-FI Setting
In order to change data, click on the point where desired TH opening and the
engine speed meets. Then, a scale as shown below will appear.
After change
PGM-FI Setting
How to change data of all area 2. Changing ignition timing (graph display)
Graph mode displays a horizontal axis of map display graphically.
When you click “All area Data change”, the screen will be like above.
This screen enables you to off set all data. Click “Enter Key” to have change
take effect.
Only, be aware that this operation makes all data be the same value.
PGM-FI Setting
When you select “IG Map (graph mode)”, a screen like below will appear. Adjustable areas will be selected with their color changed color. Use up/down
arrow keys to make change.
Change made here will also take effect in the map display.
You can change the graph color and graph size referring to the instruction on
both sides of graph as shown.
PGM-FI Setting
When you click “Data Write”, the following window will appear. Check connection and communication settings and retry communication click-
ing “Data Write” again.
After transfer the setting data, disconnect the UNIT, ASSY SERIAL I/F and FI
Warning Unit from the vehicle, and connect the condenser 2P (Black) connec-
tor and fuel pump 2P (Black) connector.
Install the connector cap to the service check connector.
Do not operate the kickstarter before connecting the condenser 2P (Black) and
Turn ON the power switch of the UNIT, ASSY SERIAL I/F and FI Warning Unit. fuel pump 2P (Black) connector, so the electrical components might be dam-
When you click “OK”, the following window will appear. age.
PGM-FI Setting
By clicking “Data Read”, you can retrieve setting data from ECU.
Take the same procedure as Data Write and the screen will be like below.
PGM-FI Setting
*1: CD-ROM drive
No. State Cause Action to take
1 Unable to install Don’t know how *refer to 1 If you click on the My
to operate Computer icon, a win-
CD-ROM drive is Make the drive recognized and dow like left will
not recognize try installation again appear.
Defect of CD-ROM Please contact HRC service. Click CD-ROM and
(deep scratch, then click SETUPEX
etc.) and installation will
2. Unable run the Unsupported OS This tool runs on windows start.
tool 98/Me/2000/XP. If there is not CD-ROM
3. Unable to com- The serial port *refer to 2 icon displayed in the
municate with setting incorrect window, your PC
ECU might not be
Power supply of Check battery connection. equipped with CD-
ECU is turned off. Check battery charging condi- ROM drive or is not
tion recognizing one.
Check serial interface power Consult instruction
switch. manual of your PC to
Incorrect serial Check connection (Refer to the confirm this.
interface con- page on connection with the
nection vehicle) *2: How to check serial port
Data read out The retrieved data cannot be Click “View system
from ECU can- retransmitted as it is. information” in the
not be transmit- In order to transmit retrieved
ted. System Tasks.
data, you should save it once. (depending on the
(Refer to the page on data Operating System)
4. Default file is not A same problem *refer to 3
displayed when is occurs with
starting up first the English ver-
PGM-FI Setting
System Properties window will open. *3: In case you open "Open File" when starting up for the first time.
Countermeasure : Open the directory including the tool, and change the file