6Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics
6Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics
6Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics
Writing a persuasive essay on 6th-grade topics can present its own set of challenges. First and
foremost, one needs to carefully select a topic that is not only suitable for the grade level but also
interesting enough to captivate the attention of a 6th-grade audience. Finding a balance between a
topic that is relevant and age-appropriate can be a task in itself.
Next, crafting a persuasive essay requires the writer to develop a clear thesis statement and provide
strong supporting arguments. For a 6th-grade essay, it's crucial to simplify complex ideas and
express them in a way that is both comprehensible and persuasive for a young audience. This
involves breaking down the main points into simpler terms without diluting the essence of the
Additionally, maintaining a coherent structure throughout the essay is essential. This includes
organizing the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion in a logical sequence. Ensuring that
each paragraph flows seamlessly into the next while staying on topic can be challenging for young
Furthermore, adapting the language and tone to suit a 6th-grade level of understanding is crucial.
The writer must avoid jargon or overly complex vocabulary and instead opt for language that is
accessible and engaging for the target audience. Striking the right balance between formality and
relatability can be a delicate task.
Lastly, the process of revising and editing becomes significant. Checking for grammar, spelling, and
punctuation errors is important to ensure the clarity and professionalism of the essay. The revision
process may require multiple iterations to refine the content and polish the final product.
If you find this process overwhelming, there are resources available to help. Similar essays and
much more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net , where professional assistance is offered to guide
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6Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics 6Th Grade Persuasive Essay Topics
Language Disorders Paper
According to National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders
(NIDCD) 6 to 8 million individuals in the United States are affected by a language and
speech disorder (Statistics on Voice, Speech, and Language, 2010). Millions of children
are faced with speech language disorders and understanding the factors like biological,
and environmental influ ences can help researchers, clinicians and educators in their
practice to aide this population. If language disorders are due to the environmental
occurrences or hereditability in children, the an swers to these questions must be known.
Once these key elements are better understood, this pa per will look into the relationship
between language delays and behavioral issues in children. ... Show more content on
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Chomsky (Steinberg 2011) views language as an innate ability children carry; this views
centers the idea that the process of acquiring language is rooted in organized cognitive
structures, and these traits are considered fundamentally biological. Chomsky (Steinberg
2011) states that each child has the potential to learn language with a lan guage
acquisition device (LAD). The LAD contains linguistic universals, one being the ability
to speak a universal amount of utterances which Chomsky labels this knowledge as
linguistic crea tivity (Steinberg 2011). It also provides for the ability to learn the
complexities of a language rapidly and uniformly. Chomsky, and other research has
provided a wealth of knowledge to ex plain language development, but it has its
limitations. Whether language is hard wired or a learned experience, we know language
has universal components that are shared among many languages and are a part of
language development. This paper will try take a point of view that encompasses both of
these perceptive. The model that best suits this idea is the interactionist
Elisa In The Chrysanthemums By John Steinbeck
In John Steinbeck s The Chrysanthemums, we are introduced to Elisa, an intelligent,
talented woman living on a ranch in the Salinas Valley with her husband. She is thirty
five years old with no children and no real human interaction with anyone other than her
husband, who is mostly dismissive of her in all matters other than her gardening. The
ranch is located in a remote area of the Salinas Valley with no real neighbors to speak of.
The story mostly consists of Elisa s encounter with a traveling tinker man in search of
work repairing kitchen utensils and blades of all sorts. The encounter with the tinker man
brings out a side of Elisa that contradicts her everyday androgynous appearance and
brings her desire to be noticed as a woman to the ... Show more content on
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While working in her garden, the covered wagon of a traveling tinker man pulls onto the
ranch property. At first, Elisa stands her ground and refuses the man s offers. After some
observation, the tinker man realizes that there is a way to connive his way into her world.
He starts to talk with her about her gardening. When he mentions her chrysanthemums,
he has her full attention. He uses flattery to engage her in conversation regarding
something about which she is passionate. She gets involved in describing the feeling with
which she tends to her flowers and begins to feel like someone in whom another man
might be interested. She has gone so long with no real interest from her husband and here
is this man who seems genuinely interested in what she does. He feigns an interest in the
flowers and even convinces her that he has a customer who would love to be able to
grow chrysanthemums as spectacular as hers. She loses herself in her description of how
to care for these flowers and, as a reader, one can sense the substitution these flowers
represent for the children that she does not have in her life. She gives this man some of
her sprouts to deliver to his customer and instructs him to tell the alleged customer how
to care for them. After this interaction, she feels renewed as a woman. She has opened
herself to feel desire and
The Cloud Of The Sky
Joshua Richardson
ICTN 3250/1
Mr. John Picard
October 20, 2014
From IT Infrastructure to ITaaS
What is the cloud? Many say they are those white puffs in the sky. True, but those are not
the clouds that are referred to in the Information Technology industry. The cloud that IT
professionals speak of is a place that isn t seen but is known to exist. Dropbox, Box,
Google Drive, OneDrive, iCloud Drive; all different types of cloud storage options for
securing your music, documents, and other kinds of files. There are many different uses
for the cloud in the life of a professional. Box, for example, is mainly designed to share
documents and files between users in a more formal business setting. On the other hand,
Google Drive, Dropbox, ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
These data center switches become the Fabric Interconnect between the UCS , and those
two products combined help to make cloud storage possible. There are other companies
that are using services and products to make this happen; such as EMC and NetApp.
The cloud is increasingly becoming a very common reality in the IT industry. The idea of
storing files in places other than the hard drive of a computer or the server in the next
room has opened a door for new beginnings and unending possibilities. Many companies
have IT departments that are internal to their company. Without these IT departments
many companies would have many non working computers, networks, and other office
devices that would hinder the business from making money. The current IT infrastructure
is mostly maintained and operated in house by contracted employees that usually have a
great knowledge of general electronics and computers. Being that IT is so important to
how companies work it is always under scrutiny to continue to develop. With the cloud in
mind there has recently been talk about how IT could use the cloud to advance their
efforts. Information Technology as a Service (ITaaS) has become a new reality for some
companies. The idea is that IT organizations can use the cloud to move away from an
Infrastructure platform to a Service model.
This ITaaS model promotes IT being setup to be much more effective than it currently is.
One concept from this
Lizzie Borden Argumentative Analysis
Purposeful death in the United States is a common thing, sadly, but how many are
actually murder? According to Statista.com, in 2014 there were 5.1 deaths per 100,000
residents in the US. Not many of these murders were familicides, but they still happen,
and in the case of Lizzie Borden, she killed her parents. It is crystal clear that Lizzie
Borden killed her parents, and there is plenty of evidence to prove it. The scenes at the
Borden household were quite gruesome, and full of evidence. For example, both Andrew
and Abby Borden were killed with an astonishing number of hits. Combined, the Bordens
received 29 hits with the murder weapon, 19 for Abby, and 10 for Andrew (Linder,
2004). Clearly Lizzie had something going on with both to continue whacking, even after
they died. Not to mention, Abby was killed a while before Andrew. Andrew was killed
[maybe] 90 minutes after Abby (Linder, 2004). This could be another contributing factor
to why Andrew had less hits, Lizzie may have gotten tired. In essence, this sheds some ...
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To enumerate, they make sense when they say that she would have hid more evidence,
but she might not have cared because she knew she would get away with it. The jury only
took 90 minutes to decide a verdict, and it was not guilty (Maranzani, 2012). She got
away with it, and she knew she would. Similarly, the police made sense when they said
that it was too hot for someone to stay in the barn for as long as she did, but it was not as
hot as they made it out to be. The high was 78° F and the low was 63° F. It can get hotter
than that in other places, like here. Also, some people might say that someone could have
snuck in and hid in the guest room and killed them. Police didn t find any forced entry
into the house, and the doors were locked (Eddy, 2015). This was an inside job, no one
else could have done it. Overall, everything can be backed up by evidence disproving the
The Waste Of Municipal Solid Waste
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle has been the mantra of administrations and environmentalists
since the early 1970 s and is as relevant now as it was then. Household recycling
behaviors have become a common strategy for the diversion of municipal solid waste
(MSW) from landfills and energy recovery plants (ERP). Although many, if not most,
residences engage in at least some recycling behaviors significant amounts of trash
reaching landfills and ERPs could have been recycled. There exists a wealth of research
regarding how and why the populace engages in recycling and what potential barriers
result in a high percentage of recyclables reaching landfills and ERPs. It is the position of
the author that one significant barrier is a lack of current educational initiatives presented
to household recyclers at regular intervals. For example, the recycling industry recently
gained the ability to facilitate used pizza boxes. A quick anecdotal sample of my
immediate neighbors found that they were still discarding these items with their MSW.
The ambition of this research is to identify practical, cost effective, methods to keep
residential recyclers informed of current recycling abilities. The research seeks to
investigate the result of directly applying informational placards on residential recycling.
Will the increased and readily available information and instructions lead to higher
recycling rates and greater diversion of recyclables from MSW? By applying the
treatment to
Essay On Niccolo Machiavelli
Niccolo Machiavelli was one of the sixteenth century political philosophers around the
world. He was born at 1468 in Florence, and he received humanities education. Niccolo
Machiavelli wrote a book that name is The Price which has had a unique impact on
people at that time and until know. Subsequently, understanding the idea of Machiavelli
will help us to understand the ways that the authoritarians and absolute monarchs try to
keeping them from the power by using fear and violence. He was one of the unique
political philosopher du to of having different opinion about the view of human nature
and the ways that prince can take power and maintained it. Niccolo Machiavelli used
human nature and showed that he respects human nature to control ... Show more content
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Machiavelli explains the human nature in form that is important for a prince to know.
This essay will highlight the most important ways for becoming a prince, which are the
ability of the person, using trickery and manipulation or even treason, and the support of
people and the nobles to reach the rank of a prince. Machiavelli explains the human
nature of a prince among people to be feared and loved in the same time in order to have
the ability to control
Questions On Sexual Offences Act Essay
The parties mentioned in the question may be charged with three different sexual
offences. The first possible scenario is rape, contrary to Section 1 of the Sexual Offences
Act 2003 (henceforth referred to as SOA 2003 ) and the parties that may be liable are
Steve and Ryan. The second offence is one contrary to Section 4 SOA 2003: causing a
person to engage in sexual activity without consent. The parties that could be held
accountable are Steve for his actions concerning Sonia as well as Jane and Leela for their
actions against Steve. Finally, the third offence is sexual assault contrary to Section SOA
2003 and Jane is the person concerned. Rape Steve Steve engaged in unprotected sex
with Leela after having falsely convinced her that she could not get pregnant as a result
of it. He may be liable for rape depending on whether or not Leela s consent is deemed to
be initially valid and unaffected by Steve s deception. There is potential scope for
prosecution under Section 74 of SOA 2003 which postulates that consent is considered to
be given if he agrees by choice, and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice .
Although capacity has not been expressly defined in statute, according to the guidelines
established in IM v LM Others [2014], in order for a person to have the mental capacity
to consent to sex , he/she need only have a basic understanding of the act sex: what it
involves physically, the fact that there may be health risks and the fact that some
Alienation, By Karl Marx
Alienation has been widely reported in the area of work by Karl Marx on the example of
a worker. According to him work for the laborer is an external element that does not
belong to his essence. By doing work one feels unhappy which prevents him from
developing the physical and spiritual energy and causes the ruin of the spiritual and
mortification of the flesh. Marx notes that work of the laborer is an external because it is
not his own, does not belong to him, and the worker should not be in the process of
working for himself, but for someone else. He calls it loss of self, placing himself in
sacrifice, and calls it a work in which man alienates. Marx contends that man gets to be
seen as a product worth just the work he makes and man is further lessened to a
subsisting creature bereft of any limit of flexibility with the exception of the will to work.
According to Marx there are four forms of
Alienation that exists in capitalist society. Viewing the worker as a product of labor
means that the more the worker works hard, the more production of the product hence
not giving them time to either relax or attend to family issues. The worker spends most of
the time in the object and their life does not belong to them anymore but belongs to the
product they are manufacturing. This means that the greater the object the worker is
producing, the less himself. I remember the times when my good friend started to work
in certain software company where
Great Hammerhead Shark Migration Essay
Recent studies from the article Hammerhead shark migration gives new hope for
conservation discusses how these hammerhead sharks have been listed onto the IUCN
(International Union for the Conservation of Nature) since 2007, also having certain
regulation about international trade threatening species going extinct. Dr. Tristian
Guthridge explains the benefits of understanding the shark s behavior and more research
of where these sharks are migrating, and possibly manage the time of fishing in the areas
to eliminate human and shark altercations. With the wide spread of ocean water it can be
difficult to study the traveling of sharks; however, the research group was able to tag the
sharks with both acoustic and satellite tag, and use photo identification and laser
photogrammetry (Charlie Huveneers).
During the observation, the shark s motions and ... Show more content on
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Dr. Charlie Huveneers personal first hand data proved that the great hammerhead sharks
are very migratory. Using this data to Tag, Photo, and researching their movements. He
believes this can be very useful to the future of this endangered species. Great
Hammerhead sharks travel a vast migration 3030 km or more. FUCK!! Oh my bad. I
didn t take my meds and shit. Anyway, using this information Dr. Huveneers considers
that this species is being over fished by trophy hunters due to their long migratory
patterns and range of environmental range. I personal believe that not only did Dr.
Huveneers did an outstanding job on the research for this article. This article in a
scholarly article a lot of scientific terms and evidence came alone with it. My
understanding of these gorgeous animals shows a lot of appreciation not only for the
science behind it all but the respect for this animal I share this world with. Needless to
say, I do hope your respect for this animals are at the same level as
Inventory System Analysis
Inventory Systems Analysis Team C
April 2, 2012
Dr. Maryam Bolouri
The redevelopment of Jade Stadium, formally Lancaster Park, has been a project in
development for a number of years. It is interesting to view the processes and changes in
approaches to reach compromises, that have occurred in the lead up to this project
especially with the stage the redevelopment is at now, (near completion). The emphasis
placed upon planning and funding has had a huge impact to not only the time frame for
completion of project but at a more basic stage of whether the redevelopment would even
go ahead. The information used for this review dates back only as far as January 99, but
even by that stage several years work had gone into pushing and ... Show more content
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The funding of the redevelopment of jade stadium has played one of the most contentious
roles in the planning of the entire project. The sticking point for many was the level of
input by the city council, of tax payers money into the Jade Stadium project. This process
is shown to have been very political and taken more time than any other part of the
planning chain.
$43 million was needed to fund the redevelopment of Jade Stadium. $4 million of this
was provided by the Christchurch city council, which was also responsible for
underwriting the loan for the rest of the project. This loan has been planned to be fully
repaid in 16 years, according to the business plan.
Other major sources of revenue for the Jade Stadium redevelopment have been,
Canterbury Rugby, Canterbury and New Zealand Cricket and the catering licensee,
Spotless Services Limited.
All were involved in providing a business plan, which proved the viability of the project
and the capability of Jade Stadium Limited to repay the loan in the prescribed time
Grants were also received for the project from other sources, including The Community
Trust, The Canterbury Foundation and the
Lotteries Grants Board. The business plan also explored other avenues for gaining
additional revenue; these included the possibility of naming rights, and by way of rental
and the use of the corporate facilities. With
Leeches Research Paper
Leeches are found all over the world and are found in freshwater. The closest worm to a
leech is an earthworm. Certain types can grow up to 16 inches in length. Leeches have
suckers on both parts of their body and when you are bitten by a leech, their saliva causes
blood to increase and it prevents blood clots. They have very sharp teeth, but small jaws.
A leech has 32 brains and most of them sucks blood. Not just humans get bit by leeches,
but also animals. A leech can take in the amount of blood 5 times more than they weigh.
Since leeches eat so much, they can go without food for a whole year. Digestion in a
leech is very slow because it gives room for the leech to live and can last up to several
months. Leeches have saved several lives
Supper At Emmaus
I am going to discuss the representation of humans and the reflection of Renaissance
themes in the following paintings; Caravaggio s The Taking of Christ, The Entombment
of Christ, Supper at Emmaus. I will also be looking at Dürer s Melencholia I.
The most common themes featured in Renaissance art; classicism, individualism,
secularism, nudes, nature, youth and religion.
Caravaggio s Supper at Emmaus has been constructed according to Luke s narrative in
the bible 24:28 32. Dramatic theatrical lighting surrounding the figures in the painting is
used to create a sense of surprise that would be appropriate for a sense of miracle. The
themes of religion/ biblical art are the most prevalent in this painting. There is also a
symbolic meaning to the choice of fruit featured in this painting. The apple is
significantly associated with the Temptation and The Fall of Man. ... Show more content
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Each garment or item in the painting that is coloured seems consistent and stable despite
the juxtaposition between lightness and darkness. The central figure, Christ, is portrayed
as both youthful and beardless. With this portrayal of Christ comes a sensuality and sense
of ambiguity. This is not unlike figures shown before in Caravaggio s paintings of boys
and angels. In the Supper at Emmaus, Caravaggio employed several different techniques
for the positioning of the figures, for example the use of abbozzo. Abbozzo is rapidly
executed, diagonal brushstrokes used as a rough guide to the placing of forms. He also
used rilievo. This is a sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand
out from the surrounding
Ethnic And National Identities Of Koreans Essay
Ethnic and national identities of Koreans in Kazakhstan by Yekaterina Pak
On March 1 2013, in the apartment of my older brother, in small town in the north of
Kazakhstan, everything was prepared for the celebration of my niece s first year birthday
that Koreans usually call tol . Small low wooden table was covered with different
subjects symbolizing various good wishes for our little girl s future: a spool of thread for
long life, a book for knowledge, bowl of rice for prosperity, money for richness and
others. My niece was wearing special Korean dress hanbok that was brought from Korea
and was handed over among my relatives whenever they have their own tol . The
tradition of first year birthday has been always kept in my family as a reminiscence of
our ethnic belonging. Currently in Kazakhstan live about one hundred thousands ethnic
Koreans whose families were deported to the Soviet Kazakhstan almost eighty years ago
from the Far East. Stalin s repression politics regarding ethnic minorities who were living
next to the borders has significantly transformed identities of the deported people. How
do Koreans in Kazakhstan experience their ethnic and national identities in the context of
multi ethnic state? Living all my life in Kazakhstan and being a third generation of ethnic
Koreans living outside the place of ethnic origin, I have never questioned my identities
and have never thought how important it can be. In order to investigate my own quest for
identity in this
Negligence And Its Impact On Society
Negligence is a tort that is a major focus point in how people and organizations interact
with each other. How the tort of negligence developed is critical for understanding who is
held accountable when a civil wrong has occurred. Negligence focuses on three basic
elements: a duty of care, a breach of said duty, and causation of damage. The goal of this
assessment is to examine the development of these three elements of negligence tort law
in England, and hopefully explain its significance in how it affects society. First, a duty
of care must be established for a legitimate negligence claim. The concept of a duty of
care is that it demonstrates the defendant (the one wrongdoer) had some sort of
responsibility to take care of the claimant (the wronged party who is bringing forth the
claim). In English law, the landmark case that conceived the idea of establishing a duty
of care was Donoghue v Stevenson (1932 UKHL 100), a case involving a woman who
drank a bottle of ginger beer and found a dead snail in the bottle, thus bringing suit
against the manufacturer. The House of Lords ruled in the claimant s favor, stating the
manufacturer does owe a duty of care to the consumer. Arguably the most integral part of
the ruling in Donoghue is where Lord Atkin states:
You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably
foresee would be likely to injure your neighbor. Who, then, in law is my neighbor? The
answer seems to be persons who are so closely and
Hate Speech Vs Free Speech
For decades, there has been a war between free and hate speech such as the African
Americans attempting to take their freedom of speech while also battling against
prejudice and discrimination from Caucasians. It has taken over Universities in countries
all across the world, and seems to only progressively get worst. Instead of respecting
other s views, it seems as though many people cannot accept a view unless it is their
own, which turns into the violence shown in the article Hate Speech vs Free Speech.
Where is the Line on College Campuses? It addresses both sides of the problem in a
predominately emotional way (Xia, 2017). By using pathos mainly, it connects the reader
to the problem at hand and causes them to want to make change when given the
examples of all the horrible things hate speech has done while clashing with free speech.
Free speech should not be affected by those that decide to use that freedom to do wrong
unless it causes violence, suicidal tendencies, or destruction. Xia begins by telling about
how a guest speaker s visit to debate with students was canceled for the reasoning of
violence. Milo Yiannopoulos tours colleges across the country had caused protesters,
whether attending the universities or not, to become violent with one another. A man had
even been shot in Seattle. Berkeley is known as the birthplace of the Free Speech
Movement , which had angered its students when Milo and another speaker, Ann Coulter
s, visits were canceled due to hateful
The Renaissance Was A Period Of The Art And Learning...
The Renaissance was a period of the rebirth of the art and learning styles based on Greco
Roman inspiration. These ideas had been lost in Europe due to the Dark Ages. The
Renaissance began in the 1300s, and it reached its crowning point during the 1500s.
During this time, trading was thriving, and this allowed for innovative ideas to spread.
Trade routes from the Middle East and far East brought mathematical and scientific
advancements to Europe. The profits from trade allowed prosperous merchants to support
artists to create new works of art. The rebirth was also included the influence of new
ways of looking at the world. Also during this time artists and writers switched their
attention towards an individualistic point of view. By incorporating new skills in their
creations, they were able to express a humanism aspect. This was an era of great
revolution in political, social, economic, and cultural extents.
Ideals in the Renaissance involved the significance of an individual, which was
humanism, inspiration from the Romans and Greeks, and realism. Someone was
considered an ideal in the Renaissance if they had many special qualities or gifts in
various areas. Renaissance humanism was a response to the standard educational
program that focused on logic and linguistics and the other great later medieval Christian
philosophy, Scholasticism. (roebuckclasses.com) This means that throughout the
Renaissance, education was an important factor. During this time, the
Social Bodies Book Review
Chapter 1 titled Social Bodies: Tightening the Bonds of Beauty provides an overview of
social bodies and the nature of masculine and feminine standards society has adopted
through changing culture and social norms. It connects the change of cultural ideologies
and social institutions to directly changing body standards and customs in order to prove
why the ideals of beauty have changed causing higher rates of cosmetic procedures.
Partially due to image socialization, tighter bonds of beauty for women than men are
reflected in the statistics reported by the ABPS. Lastly, this chapter discusses the
definition of cosmetic surgery for the purpose of clarifying what the book is discussing
later on.
Transitioning to chapter 2, the author prepares ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net
Sullivan is a nonfiction account of the political and social views of cosmetic surgery as it
grows into a custom of society today. The unique point of view the author provides
allows the reader to fully grasp the many components that have made the reputation of
cosmetic surgery. This insight acquired from the abundance of sources cited in the
bibliography of this book ensures that the information and data provided is credible and
relevant to the topic at hand. This book can relate to virtually any topic of discussion
pertaining to cosmetic surgery as a growing industry. The broad spectrum of topics,
viewpoints, and references throughout this book will easily weave into the support of my
claim that the growing industry of cosmetic surgery demands greater recognition in
society. Specifically, points in the book that stood out to potentially support my claim
include, the potential problems the future of plastic surgery holds, the varying
consequences a changing ideal of beauty entails, and finally, the power of commercialism
in today s society. This book, in my educated opinion, would be a great choice for anyone
uneducated on aesthetic surgery or anyone thinking of getting or performing such
The Epidemic Of Dengue Fever
The holiday season tends to attract Canadians to visiting warmer destinations in the
hopes of escaping our frigid winter weather. These warmer destinations, like the
Caribbean, have much to offer; with balmy tropical weather, hot beaches, ocean views,
and plenty of sun. Unfortunately, along with the luxuries of these areas comes with the
risk of an array of tropical diseases, such as dengue fever. The thought of contracting this
illness is not ideal for the perfect winter getaway but is beginning to become a somber
reality with the dramatic increase of incidences in tropical climates globally. Dengue
fever, also historically known as break bone fever, is caused by the dengue virus and is
endemic in tropical areas around the world. If severe, the illness can progress to more
serious conditions, including dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome.
Dengue fever is emerging as a major global concern as an estimated 2.5 billion people
are at risk and an increasing trend in annual number of cases over recent reported years
(1,2). The dengue virus (DENV) is a small, positive, enveloped RNA virus about 40 50
nm in diameter. DENV belongs to the genus flavivirus; a member of the Flaviviridae
family (1). Its single stranded genome codes for three structural proteins (capsid,
precursor membrane, and envelope), and 7 non structural proteins. There are four
different serotypes of the virus, DENV 1 through DENV 4, that are all antigenically and
genetically different. Although
“Changing Face of Professional Education in India with...
Changing Face of Professional Education in India With Institute Industry Partnership
Education in India has a very long history. As knowledge is a very important source of
India s competitiveness. But India s ability to tap and nurture the competitiveness would
depend on how well education is institutionalized. Education has become India s super
infrastructure . When the whole world was deep asleep in darkness of ignorance Indians
were busy discovering new things. Even today India has largest number of graduates in
the world. In the nearly 50 years since independence, India has built a university
education system ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
And this is precisely the reason why amongst various other fields of knowledge, desire
for acquiring management qualifications is growing, both amongst the fresh graduates
and working executives. During the past two decades, India has made enormous strides
in its economic and social development. But the greatest challenge to India is, to convert
its large human resource base to knowledge workers, equipped with multiple skills that
can harness and take advantage of this booming knowledge economy.
Higher Education in India is one of the most developed in the entire world. There has in
fact been considerable improvement in the higher education scenario of India in both
quantitative and qualitative terms. In technical education, the IITs, and in management,
the IIMs have already marked their names among the top higher educational institutes of
the world. Moreover the Jawaharlal University and Delhi University are also regarded as
good higher educational institutes for doing postgraduates courses and research in
science, humanities and social sciences. As a result, students from various parts of the
world are coming today for higher education in India.
After liberalization many multi national companies entered in India due to which the
demand for professionals increased. With establishment of many private institutions,
professional education now moved
Ilm M3.18
Introducing the qualification The ILM Level 3 Diploma in Leadership and Management
has been specially designed for first line managers looking to develop a wide range of
management and leadership skills suitable for their role. The qualification also develops
both understanding and application of leadership skills through the use of action learning.
The Diploma consists of six mandatory units Understanding change , Planning change ,
Time management , An introduction to leadership , Effective team leading and
Developing leadership capability . Participants then complete the qualification with a
range of optional units that combine to minimum credit of 18. From ... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
Choose from Teams that Work and Vision for Change . Both videos feature real case
studies, not actors, and are supplied with full support materials Unit assessments. A range
of ready touse assessments, complete with mark sheets, covering units and clusters of
ILM membership
All learners gain free studying membership of ILM for one year. Designed to help
candidates get the most from their course and advance their management career, studying
membership gives access to a wide range of specialist support and development materials
and services. Once registered, candidates can activate their ILM studying membership
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What Makes a Top 100 Hospital . Your assignment is to visit one of the websites of one
of the 20 top 100 hospitals on the list in this link: Top 20 out of Top 100 Hospitals. After
reviewing the hospital and health system, and analyzing its services and organizational
structure, you are to write a 500 to 1,000 words (2 to 4 pages) paper on what you feel has
made this facility a top 100 hospital. All papers must be submitted in the APA format,
which includes title page and reference page, with APA formatted references. In Doc
Sharing you will find additional Application Paper information for this assignment.
There are a ton of factors that go into ... Show more content on HelpWriting.net ...
John Hopkins ranks number 3 overall in the country in cancer specialties, number one in
psychiatry, ear, nose, throat, and neurology and neurosurgery specialties when it comes to
adult patients (Allgeyer, 2011). In regards to pediatric care, John Hopkins Hospital ranks
ninth overall in cancer care, pulmonology, and urology. John Hopkins also ranks very
well and certainly near the top of the list in the country in Neonatology,
Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, Diabetes amp; Endocrinology, and Cardiology amp;
Heart Surgery amongst other essential care options.
Clearly, patient care is also a critical factor in how hospitals in general around the nation
are chosen for the top 20, 50, and 100 lists that are generated on a year to year basis and
fairly so since it is one of the most important parts of the criterion (Allgeyer, 2011). The
national average for customer satisfaction for overall hospitals is 69% and that
percentage of voters specifically would recommend their hospitals to their friends and
family (Reed amp; May, 2011). John Hopkins Hospitals just happens to hold an 85%
overall positive customer satisfaction, which is well above the national average and
pretty much lets you know that a lot of people get a lot out of the hospital and a lot of
people think that this hospital is very effective at what they do (Reed amp; May, 2011).
The national average for people not recommending their hospitals to family and friends
are at 5%, while
Linguistic Devices In Romeo And Juliet
Act II, Scene IV of Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet, opens with an exchanged between
Romeo s companions, Benevolio and Meructio. Having attended Capulet s party the
night before, Benevolio informs Meructio that Tybalt, Juliet s cousin and sworn enemy of
the Montague s, has sent Romeo s father a letter. Meructio declares it a challenge, asking,
... is he a man to encounter Tybalt? Benevolio retorts, Why, what is Tybalt?, Meructio
elaborates by declaring:
More than Prince of Cats. Oh, he is the coura geous captain of compliments! He fights as
you sing prick song, keeps time, distance, and proportion; he rests his minim rests, one,
two and the third in your bosom: the very butcher of a silk button; a duelist, a duelist; a
gentle man of the very first house, of the first and second cause ah, the immortal passata,
the punta reiversa, the hai! (II. iii. 18 24)
Concentrating on Mercutio s third sentence here beginning, He fights as you sing prick /
song... this paper will explore how various linguistic devices, including metaphor, a
number of rhetorical figures, and parody come together in this effusive and highfalutin
description of Tybalt s fighting style to convey important information about Mercutio s
character, Tybalt s fighting style, and fashions in fencing, ultimately attesting to
Shakespeare s impressive ability to manipulate language in order to create layered
meaning. He fights as you sing prick / song, Meructio begins with a simile that quickly
Unit 6 M2 And M3
Sharna Rose, 13VA BTEC National in Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 6: Personal
and Professional in Health and Social Care M2: Assess how the action plan has helped
support own development over the duration of the programme M3: Use an example to
examine the link between theory and practice Creating action plans and reflective
practice has helped me develop both personally and professionally. Through the duration
of my health and social care course, looking back at the goals I had set myself in the
beginning some were more realistic than others. However, an action plan gave me a
better way of how to progress with my goals and targets. Designing an action plan in
order to fit my individual needs also developed my organisational being ... Show more
content on HelpWriting.net ...
Again, now that I have found ways on how to maintain being organised, this has given
me time to meet particular deadlines and complete work I have outstanding. Have I
changed throughout my course? Personally, for the duration of the health and social care
course I believe that I have changed. This course has given me the additional skills and
knowledge in which I can use for the future. My presentational skills especially have
improved as before when I had to present to an audience I would become very nervous,
however in various units presenting in front of an audience was essential. From the
encouragement from both the teachers and my peers I am able to now confidently speak
in front of a small audience and be comfortable with my work and present it I have also
used their feedback as a way to improve myself. Have I developed personally and
professionally? At the start of the health and social care course I knew that I wanted a
career working within the health or social care sector. From working with local
authorities (such as schools, elderly care home) I have learned how to communicate
effectively with different service users. Professionally I have learned the importance of
guidelines within a health and social care sector. I know and understand the relevant that
I am able to promote later within my career with working with service users. Over the
duration of the health and social care
The Relationship Of Civilization, Nature, And Freedom Of...
The Relationship of Civilization, Nature, and Freedom in The Cherry Orchard In Anton
Chekhov s The Cherry Orchard, the effects of an emerging bourgeoisie is seen in the
lives of an aristocratic family on the brink of losing their home in the Russian
countryside. An encroaching industrialization movement on this landscape, where human
concept of the civilized world is disrupted and in contrast with the natural world, creates
tension. The author asks whether or not these two elements, civilization and nature, can
coexist harmoniously. Human perspectives on this matter in the play take many different
forms and sides, thus creating the trouble that drives the plot forward to its arguably
tragic ending. One major theme in Chekhov s The Cherry Orchard explores the
relationship between an old order, which legitimizes itself in having an intimate
relationship with the natural world and the noneconomic, and a new one in the framing of
a disrupted Russian class system. This clash forces the human perspective of civilization
and freedom to change amongst characters as their idea of what is nature is challenged.
Chekhov thus suggests that there is no true freedom to be found in society, merely
differing lens through which to view oneself and the world around them. Firstly, to
understand this relationship, one must understand Chekov s definition of the new and old
orders. His new order, representative of industrialized civilization, is a place of change
and tension, where moving
Pope Francis Research Papers
Each year we encounter new people and new events that seemingly shake up the world
around us. One of these people whom we encountered in 2013 was Pope Francis. Almost
every Christian and non Christian knows something about Pope Francis. He was named
person of the year by Time Magazine, referred to as an inspiration by Catholics around
the world, and he seemed to win the hearts of all Christians with his charm. He especially
has seemed successful at attracting young adults and millenials to faith, a feat that is
usually too difficult for even the most experienced pastor to succeed at doing. Pope
Francis certainly became popular in 2013. His charm, his honesty, his devotion to God,
and even his ability to be on social media all added ... Show more content on
HelpWriting.net ...
The missional task of discipleship. How do we prepare ourselves to nurture ourselves or
others when they hear a call in their lives such as that of Jesus. A call that simply says
Follow Me. A call toward a life shaped by Jesus for the rest of their days. Maybe it is a
call to a specific task, maybe it s a call to a new vocation, or maybe it s a call to make
disciples for Jesus. How do we as Christians prepare ourselves and others for this kind of
call to discipleship this kind of life transforming trust and faith in Jesus Christ and what
God has planned for our lives? It is all through faith. Through trusting and believing in
Jesus Christ. And we have to have faith and trust no matter how we receive a
The Development of New Ethnic Identities such as Black...
The Development of New Ethnic Identities such as Black British or British/Asian When
referring to British Asians, the majority of us often fall into the trap of understanding the
Asians referred to are linked to the Indian Subcontinent, i.e. India, Pakistan etc. What we
tend to forget is that Asians are associated with a number of different countries and with
Asia being the largest continent in the world, what exactly is meant by the term British
Asians? Generally, here in Britain, they are perceived to be the brown kind and are often
associated with the Indian subcontinent. This may seem like a genuine error, but
colloquially speaking we have come to accept this fact and refer to it commonly ... Show
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Those that the criticising Asians believe have been prompted by western society and
essentially the white man . And whichever Asian that may follow in the footsteps of such
traditions and ideologies is known as a coconut , brown on the outside, white on the
inside. It appears that British Asians have adopted the culture of the host country and
have assimilated into this society quite clearly. This can be argued to be a intentional by
some members of the Asian community and others may well suggest it is an unintended
consequence of living and growing up in Britain. Such a term has gradually eroded and
faded from the minds of the people that used it commonly. It seems that nowadays a new
type of culture has emerged and that British Asians a have now integrated into British
Society and are now more or less at home and come to terms with who they are and what
they believe. But to what extent is this true? Are Asians still the reserved people they
once were or are they breaking free from the confines that they themselves had created
and developed keeping morale s preserved just as they have been on the other side of the
world? But how far can one go in actually accepting the fact that the majority of Asians
have adopted and amalgamated into the western society to a
Analysis Of The Raincloud And The Garden And A...
Arnold, George Tucker. The Raincloud and the Garden: Psychic Regression as Tragedy
in Welty s A Curtain of Green . South Atlantic Bulletin 44.1 (1979). JSTOR. Web. 1 Nov.
2015. Arnold s article discusses the way in which Mrs. Larkin is unable to accept or
comprehend the fact of her husband s death, as his death seems unreal to her. He further
discusses how the plants in her garden reflect off of her mental state as the plants are
overgrown and untamable. He further examines the role of Mrs. Larkin and how she
leaves the role as mistress behind, as she would obey her servant; she has grown mute.
Arnold also goes more in depth into the physical characteristics of Mrs. Larkin as she has
lost a sense of her own body; she is no longer an attractive young woman and continues
to wear her discolored brown overalls. Finally, he mentions the critical ending as the rain
comes and reaches her peacefulness and understands that she has no control over nature.
Brown, Alan. Welty s A Curtain of Green. Literary Criticism 51.5 (1909 2001). Academic
Search Premier. Web. 26 Oct. 2015. In Brown s literary criticism Welty s A Curtain of
Green, he discusses how Mrs. Larkin tries to reconcile in her mind the conflicting
realities that seem to have rendered her life meaningless. He focuses on the way the
garden is used as an appropriate setting for her inner struggle because of its paradoxical
ability to please and to destroy. As described, her garden is overgrown and acts as a
Women s Behavior Or Aggressiveness Towards The Bobo
Bobo Doll Experiment Accomplishment is socially judged by ill defined criteria so that
one has to rely on others to find out how one is doing (Bandura). In the 1960s and 1970s,
being a psychologist was difficult. In order to prove a theory, you would have to conduct
different experiments that would lead to a conclusion that was still criticized by society.
An example, of a psychologist that had difficulty with his experiment is Albert Bandura.
In the Bobo Doll Experiment, Albert Bandura used different methods, on groups of kids
of different ages and genders. To understand the Bobo Doll Experiment, one must first
know what Albert Bandura s experiment was about, how it correlates to children s
aggression, and how television and games contribute to children s behavior. The purpose
of Albert Bandura experiment was to study the children s behavior or aggressiveness
toward the Bobo doll, after observing an adult being aggressive toward the doll
themselves. This experiment is now known as The Bobo Experiment. According to the
Association for Psychological Science, Albert Bandura conducted this Bobo doll
experiment with children as young as three years old and as old as 6 years old. Bandura
used a female role model and the subjects were divided into three groups. The first group
was exposed to the aggressive role model and the second group was exposed to their non
aggressive role model. And the third group was not exposed to aggression at all.
(Association for
The Common Viral Vectors Of Gene Therapy
To what extent are retroviral, adenoviral, and adeno associated viral vectors effective in
transferring and integrating therapeutic genes?
Sunya Kedir
Extended Essay
15 December 2015
This investigation will examine the common viral vectors that are used in gene therapy:
retrovirus, adenovirus, and adeno associated virus. It will assess the form in which the
virus carries genetic material (RNA or DNA), the genetic capacity (in kilobases), the
genome organization of the virus and the therapeutic gene, the structure of the virus, the
function of each component, the process in which the virus infects the host cell, the
process of integration, the advantages and disadvantages of the use of that virus, and
finally, clinical trial cases in which the virus was used as a vector. By looking at these
aspects for each type of virus, I am able determine the extent to which they are effective
in transferring and integrating therapeutic gene in the use of gene therapy.
When I was learning about genetic modification, and the different vectors involved in it,
last year in IB Biology HL 1, I wondered whether or not it was used on humans. After
some research, I discovered that it is indeed used on humans; however, it is used for the
purpose of treating various genetic disorders. I was intrigued. During my research,
however, I did not find a single source that assessed all the common viral vectors using
the same framework to assess each one through.