Essay About Community Service
Essay About Community Service
Essay About Community Service
Crafting an essay on the subject of community service presents a unique set of challenges that require
both introspection and external research. The difficulty lies not only in articulating personal
experiences and reflections but also in navigating the delicate balance between highlighting
individual growth and emphasizing the broader impact on the community.
One must delve into their own encounters with community service, extracting meaningful lessons
and insights. This process involves self-reflection, an ability to discern the transformative aspects of
the experiences, and an adept articulation of these revelations on paper. It demands a keen
understanding of one's own motives, the challenges faced, and the valuable lessons learned during
the service.
Additionally, the challenge extends to the need for a comprehensive understanding of the
community being served. This entails research and an empathetic exploration of the diverse needs
and dynamics within the community. Effectively conveying the impact of the service requires a
nuanced understanding of the community's context, and this, in turn, necessitates thorough
investigation and a commitment to presenting a well-rounded perspective.
Furthermore, the writer must grapple with the task of avoiding clichГ©s and generalizations. With
countless essays written on this ubiquitous topic, it becomes imperative to bring a unique and
authentic voice to the narrative. Crafting an essay that stands out requires creative thinking and a
genuine expression of one's passion for community service.
In conclusion, writing an essay about community service is a multifaceted challenge that demands
self-awareness, research skills, and creative expression. It involves not only recounting personal
experiences but also placing them within the broader context of the community served. While this
task may seem daunting, it offers an opportunity for personal growth and a deeper connection to the
values of service and community.
For those seeking assistance in navigating the intricacies of such essays or exploring a variety of
topics, resources like provide a platform where similar essays and more can be
ordered, offering valuable support in the essay writing process.
Essay About Community Service Essay About Community Service
Benefits of Sweatshops
The Benefit of Sweatshops
Robert Gelber
Abstract: Many countries, industries and people are becoming more affected by
sweatshops in different ways because of they re continuous increase in growth.
Sweatshops benefit many developing countries as they provide opportunities of
employment to the people living in poverty and benefit the community at large by
creating an economic infrastructure that utilizes the country s resources and increases
their tax base. These institutions first came into existence in the early 1800 s and were
referred to as dwelling houses, which were local factories that generally had the same
idea of the sweatshop that we have in today s society. There ... Show more content on ...
True womanhood created an ideology that was very beneficial to the textile industry
(Hapke, 2001) as it was based strictly on a profit driven management system, which
viewed its workers as factory hands rather than domestic workers. Lowell Mills was a
company that used this ideology to it s full potential. The making of a product was
broken down into specific categories so that each person had a specific task and
repeated that task over and over and over again. Instead of one person making a
product from start to finish, each person was given one task to perform repeatedly. For
example one person would be spinning the yarn while the next worker would be
weaving cloths (Hapke, 2001). This would increase productivity so that products could
be manufactured at a more efficient rate that would generate more profit. Between 1880
1940 tenement houses became the ideal place to produce garments. The term Sweatshop
was beginning to come into existence as the sweating system was commonly used
during this time. In the lower east side of New York, tenement houses reached an
outrageous number of 35,000, which resulted in a million and a half people working in
these establishments (Hapke, 2001). The working conditions in these houses were
horrendous as they were terribly overcrowded to the point where it was uncomfortable
and unhealthy to work in the small, poorly ventilated rooms. The facilities were also
Savages Character Analysis
The Huaorani people face many challenges throughout their endeavors in protecting the
rainforest in Ecuador for themselves, or at least from those that want to terrorize their
indigenous territories. The Huaorani people fight back to try and restore their land, and
by doing so they have to fight by using environmental organizations to have them help
succeed in their journey. Organizations, such as ONHAE, CONFENIAE, Via AUCA, and
many others will help the Huaoraniindigenous peoples fight back in order to save their
rainforestin Ecuador. In the book Savages, by Joe Kane, the Huaorani s face a lot of trials
and tribulations throughout their journey. Dragging along JosГ© who had also traveled
through great lengths to be enlightened by the way... Show more content on ...
She talked about the education system for the Huaorani and how it was based on
immense destruction, of ethnocide, emotional and physical trauma, and deracination
(Kane 138). She talks about how the Huaorani were uncivilized, therefore not being
able to have the education systems grow and thrive. They needed to learn how to
build their schools by becoming more civilized and forbidding their old ways. This
was when Dr David Neill was hired by Maxus who was someone that the Huaorani
people had trusted, but he ended up plotting against them, and had them sign an
agreement which had the Huaorani nation struggling with no power to control any of
the oil companies. Dr. David Neill replanted the forests that would be destroyed by the
Block Sixteen and had a road built, with great fanfare. The reason this was an option was
because Neills project could extract oil from the forest without doing permanent damage
to the
Annotated Bibliography On Tomboy
Annotated Bibliography Abate, Michelle Ann. Tomboys: A Literary and Cultural History.
Philadelphia: Temple, 2008. Print. Michelle Abate has put together a scholarly evaluation
of the evolution of the tomboy through recent American history. She examines this
cultural transformation of the female persona by examining prominent characters in
literature and film. She writes about the March sisters in Little Women but also analyzes
lesser known characters like Capitola Black in The Hidden Hand. Her goal is to help the
reader understand how the definition of tomboy has changed since the 18th century and
the impact change has on feminist culture the 21st century. She covers the role race and
sexuality have in defining the tomboy image and... Show more content on
The Scarlet Letter. New York: Penguin, 1986. Print. This classic novel is set during the
infancy of this country. The Puritanical community of 17th century Boston finds the
condemned Hester Prynne with a scarlet letter A upon her chest along with the
product of her indiscretion, an infant. Upon the gallows, she is ordered to reveal the
name of the father of her child yet she remains steadfast in her resolve to remain silent
and create a life for herself and Pearl. This decision allows the reader to understand the
tension that the puritan way of life created for all of the citizens. The novel begins
with the story of the narrator and his role within his customs house duties two hundred
years after Hester s story ended. The narrator s story is a direct reflection of Hester s
story and has many of the same symbolisms. Within the custom house the narrator is
surrounded by men who are the embodiment of do as I say not as I do. He is also
isolated within his own community much like Hester was in Boston. The Scarlet Letter
is an example of early drama that was created by strong symbols including nature vs
nurture, evil and original sin. This work by Nathaniel Hawthorne s is the beginning of
the conflict that really began in the 18th century of intelligence vs. emotions and how
society moved away from Puritanical idealism with the advent of the
Personal Boundaries
Boundaries in a person s life are very crucial. Many people live their life day to day
with no boundaries. Individuals might see others and think that nothing is wrong with
that individual, but deep down inside, those people are beyond broken. This is a quote
by Edgar Allan Poe, The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy
and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins? This quote
means that individuals can set boundaries all they want, but people are soon to forget
about those boundaries that they set. People go back into their old habits of not having
boundaries and do whatever they feel like. Individuals should start standing up for what
they believe in, not care about the world, and the judgment that others will receive.
Boundaries that I need to set in my life are anxiety problems, spiritual, and friendship
boundaries. Anxiety... Show more content on ...
Individuals want to be able to do whatever they want, but God sees everything we do
and individuals need to stand up and do what is right. In Matthew 5:28, it says But I
tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery
with her in his heart. This verse is telling individuals that when a man looks at a
woman in a sexual way that is not his wife, he has committed adultery. People need to
set spiritual boundaries for themselves and follow the Lord s commandments. I need to
make smart decisions and not follow worldly values. If I follow worldly values, then I
would be a messed up person. In the book Boundaries , it says But if we do our work,
and God does his, we will find strength in a real relationship with our Creator. This quote
is saying that if we do our work here on earth and God does his in heaven, then we will
have a more strong relationship. My life would be different if I stopped caring about
everyone else around me and live for the Lord like He has called me
The United States Is Ill Prepared For Cyberwarfare
The United States is Ill Prepared for Cyberwarfare Nuclear silos launching warheads.
Power plants exploding. Water systems contaminated. Currency devalued and locked
away. Vehicles simultaneously going haywire all at once. That could be just the first 10
minutes of reports simultaneously reaching the President of the United States. How could
all of these disasters happen? Simply put, all of these scenarios involve components
which rely on the use of cyberspace. While citizens of the United States have been
increasing our dependence on the use of computer systems in all walks of life, we
citizens have been becoming systematically and increasingly more exposed to the
possibilities of cyberattacks and by extension all out cyberwarfare. Is... Show more
content on ...
By United States, I mean our country. As a product of my generation, however, I
envision our country as being the leader of the free world though. So it follows that I
conclude it is also important to recognize that a leader must set the standard by which
they wish to lead. Therefore, if the United States fails, the free world fails. Likewise,
when any single piece of free world fails, then by extension, it can be reasoned that the
United States has failed in its leadership. When I say the United States is ill prepared
for cyberwarfare, I am not only speaking solely to attack directly against our nation
alone. I am also referring to our standing as leader of the free world, which no doubt is
weakened any time one piece of the free world is weakened or vulnerable to threat
By using the term ill prepared, I aim to convey that the United States is not equipped
with enough protection to prevent every possible instance of the threat of
cyberwarfare from occurring. I propose we are not where our nation should be in
terms of dealing with all actual occurrences of the threat of cyberwarfare, were it to be
fully realized. This can be carried over into our response capability to any such attack,
which may manifest in many forms. For example, our response against perpetrators and
those who aid or comfort
Essay on Film Noir Features in Blade Runner and The Matrix
Film Noir Features in Blade Runner and The Matrix
The Matrix has a main science fiction theme but also includes features of film noir
films. It is directed and written by Andy and Larry Wachowski. Other than Science
Fiction and film noir the film can also be classed as a Hybrid.
Blade Runner is more of a film noir film than The Matrix . Although it does include
action and fighting scenes but these have film noir features in them. Most ideas about
the film are connected with film noir such as the mystery, the low key lighting and
symbolic objects. It was directed by Ridley Scott and written by Phillip K. Dick,
Hampton Fancher and David Webb Peoples.
The main characters in The Matrix ... Show more content on ...
The Matrix and Blade Runner both include strong female characters. In Blade Runner
the strong female characters are Rachael and Zhora and in The Matrix it is Trinity.
Audiences demand strong characters because it is like a role reversal, in most films
men are the hero and leading characters, which makes it unusual for women to be strong
and powerful. The world war influenced film makers to make films which had strong
female characters to encourage women and make them feel appreciated for all of the
jobs that they were doing during the war whilst men were on the battlefields.
In Blade Runner the main character, Deckard, is an ex policeman and ex blade runner.
He is found and reassigned as a blade runner to find some rogue replicants who have
gone On the run . In The Matrix the main character Thomas A. Anderson is found by a
group of people who have found out that he is the one who will stop The Matrix , he is
bought in to The real world to stop agents and make the world right .
I feel that in Blade Runner the main issues and ideas that the film considers are that the
society in the future is very separated and there are no longer family structures, also that
real is a difficult term to understand as there are replicants in their time and they are
made to
Reflection On Breaking The Elevator Norm
On Monday, October 16, 2017, around 1:00 o clock 2:00 o clock PM, my partner,
Shantelle, and I broke the elevator norm. Our setting took place at Miami Beach
Community Health Center North (Address: 11645 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33181)
and the number of observers was about twenty. The observers aged between 20 plus
through 70 plus, we had observers from a pregnant womanto an old man in a wheelchair,
and from nurses to a security guard. Most of our spectators were women and few were
men, and race of the observers was among Hispanics and African Americans, if I m not
mistaken, I think there was an Indian/Bangladeshi woman. I think most of the
observers are middle class and most of the observers mood was nervous and quite
because they were waiting for a checkup or since it was a hospital. When my partner
and I arrived at the health center, I was nervous since I don t know how other people
would react when I am facing them in the elevator. On the first try, I did not say
anything, nor I look at them because I got nervous. When the time arrived for actually
breaking the norm, I was scared since I don t know what the other person s reaction
would be. As I am facing the people on the elevator, I started to see the awkward look
coming from the people and I was feeling uncomfortable. There were some people who
would just look at their phone or look the other way as I make eye contact with them.
The reason I felt uncomfortable because no one usually make eye contact inside the