LitCharts The Weary Blues
LitCharts The Weary Blues
LitCharts The Weary Blues
LINES 25-30 Further, in line 34, the speaker describes how the blues singer
is pursued by his song: it “echo[es] through his head.” He can’t
“I got the ... seem to escape from it. The assonant /oo/ sound that runs
... I had died.” through the final five lines of the poem, in words like “tu
Stars are traditional symbols of hope and guidance. One can hear the music of the poem’s end-stops in lines 6-7:
For instance, sailors have historically used the stars
to help them navigate on their voyages. They used stars to He did a lazy sway…
locate themselves on a dark and threatening ocean. So when He did a lazy sway…
the speaker says that the “stars went out” as the blues singer
walked home in line 32, that’s a sign that things aren’t going Both lines are end-stopped—indeed, the lines are identical,
well: the blues singer is traveling in the dark, without the hope repeating each other exactly. They serve as refr
ains, almost like
or guidance that the stars usually provide. (Note that the the chorus of a pop-song. The end-stops make the lines sound
speaker doesn’t describe the sun rising.) The speaker thus uses definite, contained, even iconic: they give the lines all the punch
the symbol to suggest that the blues singer is trapped in deep, and definition that a really good chorus needs.
unrelenting darkness, with no way out. In turn, this suggests Similarly, in the blues singer’s song, he uses end-stop to mark
how costly it is, how painful to make the art that he does. the ends of musical phrases. Note the way that lines 26 and 28
Reflecting and channeling so much pain has deprived him of are both end-stopped:
I got the Weary Blues
Where this symbol appears in the poem: And I can’t be satisfied..
Got the Weary Blues
• Line 32: “stars” And can’t be satisfied..
Similarly, in line 34, the speaker describes how, after the blues
Where Simile appears in the poem:
singer leaves the club, “the Weary Blues echoed through his
head.” In other words, he still has the song stuck in his head. But • Line 13: “He played that sad raggy tune like a musical
the metaphor suggests that something darker is going on: the fool.”
blues singer can’t escape the song, he’s pursued by it. There’s • Line 35: “He slept like a rock or a man that’s dead.”
no way out of the weary blues for him. It bounces around in his
head like a song echoing through a cave. REPETITION
Finally, the blues singer himself uses metaphor. In line 22, he “The Weary Blues” doesn’t just describe a blues song: it takes
Lines 25 and 27 repeat each other, as do lines 26 and 28, both Thump
Thump, thump
thump, thump
thump, went his foot on the floor.
times with slight alterations.
Here, the speaker is describing watching the blues singer play
The speaker and the blues singer also use other kinds of
the piano and sing his song. As he sings and plays, he stamps his
repetition. For instance, there are the anaphoric repetitions of
foot on the floor, keeping time: “Thump, thump, thump.” Instead
“Ain’t got nobody” in lines 19 and 20. And there are the
of simply telling the reader how the blues singer stamps his
speaker’s interjections in lines 11, 14, and 16: “O Blues!,”
foot, the speaker imitates the stomping directly. The three
“Sweet Blues!,” and “O Blues!” These involve both anaphora
strongly stressed syllables, “thump, thump, thump” sound like a
(the repetition of “O” in lines 11 and 16) and epistrophe (with
foot pounding against the hollow floor of the stage.
the word “Blues!” at the end of all three).
Onomatopoeia is thus one of several devices that the speaker
Those lines are particularly interesting: they break the flow of
uses to channel the sound, rhrhythm
ythm, and feel of the blues
the poem, interrupting its rh rhyme
yme scheme
scheme. They feel like
singer’s song. Instead of just describing the song, the poem
moments where the speaker is transported by the music, crying
itself becomes a blues song. The onomatopoeia in line 23 is one
out in pleasure and release. But, as the speaker does so, the
of the places in the poem where the speaker is most obvious
poem remains pretty musical—using one of the same devices
about this—where the speaker indicates most clearly that he or
that the blues singer uses, anaphora. Indeed, these passionate
she wants his poem to convey the energy and rhythm of the
cries feel like the cries a blues singer might make between
blues song. After all, the words “thump, thump, thump” convey
verses. So even as the speaker breaks up the music of the
nothing but rhythm and energy: they don’t mean anything on
poem, the poem's use of repetition allows it to remain
their own. This language is purely musical.
connected to the musicality of the blues.
Finally, the speaker uses par
allel phrases and sentences Where Onomatopoeia appears in the poem:
throughout the poem. For instance, there's the almost-
repetition of “that poor piano” and “that old piano” in lines 10 • Line 23: “Thump, thump, thump,”
and 18. And there are the grammatically similar sentences in
lines 32 and 33. These uses of parallelism are less noticeable
than the other kinds of repetition in the poem, but they too VOCABULARY
contribute to its musicality, helping the speaker not only
describe but imitate the blues. Droning (Line 1) - Making a continuous noise (here, this verb
refers to the blues musician).
Where Repetition appears in the poem: Drowsy (Line 1) - Sleepy, soft, lazy.
Taken all together, these rhyming couplets give the poem a SETTING
musical, bluesy feeling. The rhymes are direct; they sound like
the kind of rhymes one might hear in a blues song. “The Weary Blues” is set in a blues club on Lenox Avenue in
When the speaker quotes the blues singer directly, in lines Harlem, a neighborhood in New York City. (After the poem was
19-22 and 25-30, the poem comes even closer to directly written, Lenox Avenue was renamed Malcolm X Boulevard.)
imitating the blues. Lines 19-22 rhyme ABCB, which is the The club is old-fashioned and run-down. For instance, it is lit
structure of a ballad stanza
stanza, a traditional form for songs in only by an “old gas light”—a lamp that burns gas. In other words,
English: it doesn’t have electricity—even though by the time the poem
was written, New York City had been electrified for many
... all this world
world, years.
... but ma self
self. This run-down, squalid setting reflects the difficult conditions
... quit ma frownin
frownin’ that black people endured in New York City: neighborhoods
... on the shelf
shelf.” like Harlem were neglected, poorly maintained, and poorly
serviced by the City. Despite the seedy, ramshackle setting,
Lines 25-30 then rhyme ABABCB. Here, the poem almost however, the blues singer still manages to make great
follows the standard ABAB rhyme scheme that blues singers art—music that transports and transforms its listeners. In this
usually use in their songs: way, the speaker suggests that black art manages to triumph
over the limitations that racism places on it.
... the Weary Blues
... be satisfied
... the Weary Blues
Altman, Toby. "The Weary Blues." LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 28 Oct
2019. Web. 22 Apr 2020.
Altman, Toby. "The Weary Blues." LitCharts LLC, October 28, 2019.
Retrieved April 22, 2020.