Lynch Syndrome For The Gynaecologist, TOG-2021
Lynch Syndrome For The Gynaecologist, TOG-2021
Lynch Syndrome For The Gynaecologist, TOG-2021
12706 2021;23:9–20
The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Mourad W Seif PhD FRCOG,d D Gareth Evans MD FRCP,e Emma J Crosbie PhD FRCOG*f
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Specialty Registrar and Honorary Clinical Lecturer, Centre for Academic Women’s Health, University of Bristol,
Bristol, UK
Consultant Histopathologist and Emeritus Professor of Medical Education, Department of Histopathology, Manchester University NHS
Foundation Trust, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Manchester, UK
Foundation Programme Doctor, Division of Cancer Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, St Mary’s
Hospital, Manchester, UK
Consultant Gynaecologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Division of Gynaecology, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester University NHS Foundation
Trust, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Manchester, UK
Professor of Medical Genetics and Cancer Epidemiology and Honorary Consultant in Medical Genetics, Division of Evolution and Genomic
Medicine, University of Manchester, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK
Professor of Gynaecology Oncology and Honorary Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, Division of Cancer Sciences, Faculty of Biology,
Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK
*Correspondence: Emma J Crosbie. Email:
Key content To understand the testing strategies for Lynch syndrome in women
Lynch syndrome is an autosomal dominant condition closely with gynaecological cancer.
associated with colorectal, endometrial and ovarian cancer. To learn how best to counsel women with Lynch syndrome
Women with Lynch syndrome are at increased risk of both regarding gynaecological cancer and risk-reducing strategies to
endometrial and ovarian cancer and should be offered personalised enable informed decision-making.
counselling regarding family planning, red flag symptoms and risk-
reducing strategies. Ethical issues
Surveillance for gynaecological cancer in women with Lynch Offering gynaecological surveillance despite a lack of robust
syndrome remains controversial; more robust data are needed to evidence for its clinical effectiveness may falsely reassure women
determine its effectiveness. and delay risk-reducing hysterectomy.
Universal testing for Lynch syndrome in endometrial cancer is Genetic testing may yield variants of unknown significance with ill-
being adopted by centres across Europe and is now recommended defined clinical implications, which can lead to confusion
by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; thus, and anxiety.
Genetic testing has implications not only for the individual, but
gynaecologists must become familiar with testing strategies and
their results. also for the whole family, so expert counselling is crucial.
Testing strategies involve risk stratification of cancers based on
Keywords: endometrial cancer / genetic predisposition / Lynch
phenotypical features and definitive germline testing. syndrome / mismatch repair / ovarian cancer
Learning objectives
To define the pathogenesis of Lynch syndrome and its associated
gynaecological cancers.
Please cite this paper as: Ryan NAJ, McMahon RFT, Ramchander NC, Seif MW, Evans DG, Crosbie EJ. Lynch syndrome for the gynaecologist. The Obstetrician &
Gynaecologist 2021;23:9–20.
ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 9
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Lynch syndrome for the gynaecologist
cancers, including colorectal, endometrial and ovarian Deletions involving epithelial cell adhesion molecule
cancer. It is thought to be the most common high (EpCAM) can lead to downstream epigenetic silencing of
penetrance inherited predisposition to cancer, with most MSH2.7 Less commonly, inherited inactivation of the MMR
affected people unaware of their risk.2 Gynaecological cancer system can arise from germline hypermethylation of the
is often the first cancer diagnosis in women with Lynch promoter region of MLH1.8
syndrome.3 This provides an opportunity to diagnose Lynch The role of the MMR system in maintaining genomic
syndrome before they or their family are affected by further stability is shown in Figure 2. Without a functioning MMR
oncological sequelae. Early diagnosis allows women to be system, the uncorrected mutation rate accompanying DNA
enrolled in cancer surveillance programmes and enables synthesis increases by 1000-fold.9 An individual with Lynch
cascade testing for their at-risk family members. There is a syndrome inherits one pathogenic allele of an MMR gene. In
well-documented survival advantage for those with Lynch keeping with the Knudson hypothesis, once the second allele
syndrome who are compliant with colonoscopic surveillance acquires a somatic inactivating mutation, the MMR system is
for bowel polyps.4 In addition, early identification of Lynch nonfunctional, leading to widespread genomic instability as
syndrome can enable the uptake of cancer risk-reducing errors made during replication go uncorrected.
strategies, including taking aspirin and lifestyle modification. Hypermutation may eventually lead to carcinogenesis –
The gynaecologist, therefore, has a crucial role in diagnosing although it is important to note that in the lifetime of a
Lynch syndrome and advising women of its implications. Lynch syndrome carrier, thousands of cells become MMR-
deficient, but very few cause cancer. This is in part associated
with the immune response they elicit. This phenomenon has
Lynch syndrome
been observed in the endometrium, where normal glands
Lynch syndrome was first described by Aldred Warthin in demonstrate MMR deficiency.10
1913 and was further delineated by Henry Lynch in 1966,
after whom the condition is named.5 In these seminal
The epidemiology of Lynch syndrome
pedigrees, it was endometrial cancer that predominated. The
cancers associated with Lynch syndrome are shown The exact prevalence of Lynch syndrome in the general
in Figure 1. population is unclear. The American Gastroenterological
Lynch syndrome arises from inherited mutations, known Association estimates the prevalence to be 1 in 440.11 A
as pathogenic variants, in the genes encoding the proteins of recent study from Denmark estimated the prevalence to be as
the highly conserved DNA mismatch repair (MMR) system: high as 1 in 278 in the general population.2 This would make
mutL homolog 1 (MLH1), mutS homolog 2 (MSH2), mutS Lynch syndrome the most common inherited cancer
homolog 6 (MSH6) and PMS1 homolog 2 (PMS2).6 predisposition syndrome. Most (up to 95%) individuals
who carry a Lynch syndrome-causative pathogenic variant
are unaware of it.2
Any cancer (81%) In cancer populations, a recent systematic review and
meta-analysis concluded that around 3% of endometrial
Brain (5%) cancers are caused by Lynch syndrome, although the quality
of the evidence is poor.12 This is equivalent to the rate of
Lynch syndrome seen in colorectal cancer,13 and current UK
Breast (13%)* guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care
Stomach (8%)
Excellence (NICE) supports the universal screening of
Duodenum (7%)
individuals with colorectal cancer,14 and more recently,
Pancreas (6%) those with endometrial cancer,15 for Lynch syndrome. The
Endometrium (57%)
number of Lynch syndrome diagnoses associated with
Ovary (17%)
Colon (45%) ovarian cancer is less clear.16 A single centre study found
Bladder (8%) Sigmoid/rectum (13%) 21% of non-serous epithelial ovarian cancer to be MMR
Ureter/kidney (7%) deficient;17 however, there is currently insufficient high
quality evidence to give reliable estimates.
Lynch syndrome is not a uniform disorder. The degree of
penetrance, disease spectrum and age of cancer onset vary
according to the mutated gene.4 For example, the incidence
Figure 1. Percentage maximum risk of cancer in females at 75 years
of age across different pathogenic gene variants. *In path_PMS2, the of endometrial cancer in MSH6 pathogenic variant carriers is
risk of breast cancer could be as high as 55%, but the data are of poor as high as that in MLH1 and MSH2 pathogenic variant
quality because of low incidence. carriers,4 and the risk is much higher than in PMS2
10 ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Figure 2. A functional DNA mismatch repair system recognising and removing an insertion/deletion loop that has arisen during cellular
pathogenic variant carriers. However, the risk of colorectal cancer is less, yet still considerably higher than the
cancer associated with MSH6 is much lower4 (Table 1). This general population.4
has implications for gynaecological surveillance and risk- Biennial colonoscopic colorectal surveillance forms the
reducing strategies. bedrock of management.11 High quality surveillance is
associated with a significant reduction in deaths from
colorectal cancer in Lynch syndrome carriers.4 The
Colorectal cancer and Lynch syndrome
pathophysiology of Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal
Colorectal cancer is the most common and lethal cancer seen cancers makes colonoscopic detection difficult because
in Lynch syndrome carriers. The risk of developing colorectal tumours arise from flat adenomas that are hard to detect.
cancer depends on the affected gene and the sex of the These cancers have a propensity for the right side of the
individual. For those with MLH1 pathogenic variants, the colon, rather than the rectum or sigmoid colon.4
cumulative lifetime risk of colorectal cancer is 47% (95% Furthermore, synchronous and metachronous cancers are
confidence interval [CI] 39–54%). For those with PMS2 common, so more extensive surgery with ileo-sigmoidal or
pathogenic variants, the risk is 14% (95% CI 3–25%).4 Lynch ileo-rectal anastomosis is often required or preferred.6
syndrome-associated colorectal cancer has an earlier age of For the gynaecologist, this information should help
onset, with a crude median age at diagnosis of 52 years versus counsel women undergoing Lynch syndrome testing
69 years in sporadic disease.11 Women have a lower because the main effect of a Lynch syndrome diagnosis is
penetrance than men, which means their risk of colorectal the need for regular colonoscopies. Gynaecologists should
ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 11
Lynch syndrome for the gynaecologist
12 ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Table 2. An overview of cancer risk-reducing strategies for women with Lynch syndrome
Lifestyle (smoking
cessation, reduce weight,
Hysterectomy ( bilateral increase exercise, healthy
Considerations salpingo-oophorectomy) Aspirin diet) Hormone-based therapy
Target population Female LS carriers, family All LS carriers, especially those All LS carriers Females of reproductive age
completed with a raised BMI
Timing For path_MLH1 and From 18 years Any age From the age of menarche
path_MSH2 at 35 years until natural age of
For path_MSH6 at 40 years menopause
For path_PMS2 at 50 years
Mechanism of Removes organs prone to Not fully understood General cancer risk factor Reduced endometrial
action cancer reduction proliferation, anti-
inflammatory effect
Evidence Retrospective cohorts Large international Limited evidence in LS Retrospective cohort data
randomised controlled populations mostly drawn
studies from non-LS population and
small retrospective cohort
Contraindications Surgical and anaesthetic Peptic ulcer disease, bleeding Those with pre-existing health History of estrogen-
contraindications, wish for disorders/haemophilia, severe conditions that would dependent or breast
future fertility cardiac failure, active alcohol prohibit excessive physical cancer, active arterial
abuse exercise thromboembolic disease,
undiagnosed vaginal
bleeding, thrombophilia
disorder, history of venous
Harms Surgical harms such as Dyspepsia, haemorrhage None Dysuria, skin reactions,
infection, pain, visceral injury, (usually minor as young mood alterations
death, etc. Also risks of early population – trial data would
menopause (if BSO) such as support prescription unless
vasomotor symptoms, any contraindications)
increased risk of
cardiovascular disease,
Unknowns Whether two-stage surgical Optimal dosage The effectiveness of such Benefit of intrauterine
procedure to remove uterus strategies in LS-specific systems in reducing
after childbearing and ovaries cancer risk endometrial cancer risk in
after menopause improves LS carriers
Abbreviations: BMI = body mass index; BSO = bilateral salpingo-oophrectomy; EC = endometrial cancer; LS = Lynch syndrome; OC = ovarian cancer;
path_ = pathogenic variant
ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 13
Lynch syndrome for the gynaecologist
Table 3. Gynaecological surveillance methodologies currently used in women with Lynch syndrome
Estimated Estimated
Type of Surveillance sensitivity specificity
cancer method Benefit Disadvantage (%) (%)
Endometrial Pelvic ultrasound Cheap, widely accessible, acceptable In premenopausal women, 15–100 55–100
cancer to women, minimal complications, difficult to interpret; no tissue
can assess ovaries diagnosis; risk of incidental
Endometrial biopsy Outpatient procedure, tissue Painful, risk of infection/ 80–100 60–100
diagnosis, widely accessible perforation, sampling error, need
for repeat procedure
Outpatient hysteroscopy Outpatient procedure, tissue Small evidence base in LS, risk of 90–100 90–100
directed biopsy diagnosis, widely accessible, target infection/perforation, visceral
biopsy injury, relatively expensive, can be
prohibitively painful
Ovarian Pelvic ultrasound Cheap, widely accessible, acceptable Small evidence base in LS, high 10–60 40–100
cancer to women, minimal complications, rate of incidental findings leading
can assess endometrium to unnecessary interventions
Serum CA125 Cheap, widely accessible, acceptable Small evidence base in LS, 20–58 80–98
to women, minimal complications, nonspecific and therefore can
can be done in primary care lead to unnecessary anxiety and
NB: Sensitivity and specificity data for ovarian cancer is taken from wild type and other high-risk populations; the figures in women with Lynch
syndrome are not known. CA125 = cancer antigen 125; LS = Lynch syndrome
improve morbidity and survival outcomes. Trials have Cancer Screening Study (UKFOCS) found that a
investigated many modalities (Table 3). Transvaginal combination of serum CA125 and transvaginal ultrasound
ultrasound has limited utility for detecting endometrial scanning was sensitive and led to a stage shift in disease in
abnormalities in premenopausal women, as endometrial women with a lifetime risk of ovarian cancer >10%.
thickness fluctuates naturally during the menstrual cycle. However, few Lynch syndrome-associated ovarian cancers
On the other hand, hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy are informed this analysis.32
invasive procedures, with 30–40% of women suffering pain
during their completion. Overall, data relating to
Fertility and Lynch syndrome
gynaecological surveillance are of low quality, with a
predominance of single-centre, retrospective studies. The There is no evidence that Lynch syndrome has any effect on
results are contradictory, with some studies showing benefit fertility. However, as an autosomal dominant condition,
and others not.18 Many women diagnosed with carriers of Lynch syndrome have a 50% chance of passing on
gynaecological cancers through surveillance were the defective MMR gene to their children. Lynch syndrome is
symptomatic at the time. Furthermore, endometrial cancer on the list of conditions curated by the Human Fertilisation
survival rates in women with Lynch syndrome are extremely and Embryology Authority (HFEA), for which those affected
good anyway, with a 10-year survival of 90% or more.31 can access pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT). PGT
Thus, the benefit for endometrial cancer-specific survival is allows embryos lacking the MMR pathogenic variant to be
uncertain. The literature does not support gynaecological selected for transfer following in vitro fertilisation (IVF). This
surveillance for improving outcomes from ovarian cancer in reduces the risk of transmission, but IVF is a demanding
Lynch syndrome. The United Kingdom Familial Ovarian process and many couples affected by Lynch syndrome prefer
14 ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
to conceive naturally, whatever the risk. The uptake of PGT relies on the patient describing, and the clinician recording,
by women or their partners affected by Lynch syndrome is an accurate family history. This is not always practical in busy
variable, but patient survey data indicate a significant outpatient departments. If your patient has a particularly
minority would consider it.33 In the UK, it is convention strong family history of cancer, it is best to seek advice from
for genetic counsellors to lead on referral for PGT; however, your local clinical genetics service.
gynaecologists may be asked for advice, so they should know Women with Lynch syndrome develop endometrial cancer
what is possible and what is involved. Those wishing to at an earlier age than those with sporadic tumours.18 While
conceive naturally should be advised that the risk of younger women may be more likely to have Lynch
endometrial cancer rises sharply for women older than syndrome-associated endometrial cancer, restricting Lynch
40 years and may frustrate pregnancy plans that are left syndrome testing to women under the age of 50 years would
too late. miss cases of Lynch syndrome. The same is true for
histological subtype; endometrioid endometrial and ovarian
tumours34 are most commonly associated with Lynch
Screening gynaecological cancers for Lynch
syndrome, but other histological subtypes have been
reported.44 It is widely held that restricting Lynch
The prevalence of Lynch syndrome in women with syndrome testing according to clinical parameters is
endometrial and ovarian cancer is around 3% and 1–2%, imperfect and that tumour-based testing is the most
respectively.12,34 There is an emerging consensus that all effective way of triaging women for germline analysis.45
women with endometrial cancer should be screened for
Lynch syndrome, where resources permit.18 Indeed, this is Tumour-based testing
what NICE recommends.15 Where resources are limited, A defective MMR system leads to phenotypical features
testing can be restricted to those who develop endometrial within the tumour. When a pathogenic variant is acquired
cancer under the age of 70 years, or where other clinical within a gene, it affects the expression of that gene’s
features are suggestive of Lynch syndrome; for example, a corresponding protein, either through the amount of
strong family history of Lynch syndrome- protein produced or changes in its structure and function.
associated cancers.18 Tumour-based testing does not identify people with Lynch
syndrome; it stratifies their risk for the condition. This is
important because it is widely accepted that tumour-based
Diagnosing Lynch syndrome in women
tests can be done without explicit consent.18 They are used to
with endometrial cancer
identify individuals who should undergo definitive, but
Clinical criteria expensive, germline testing to ensure testing strategies remain
Warthin and Lynch discovered Lynch syndrome through cost effective46 (Figure 3).
careful documentation of their patients’ pedigrees. The
importance of taking a detailed family history in an Immunohistochemistry
oncology clinic cannot be overestimated. The Amsterdam II Loss of tumour expression of one or more MMR proteins,
criteria33 and revised Bethesda guidelines36 are age and family known as MMR deficiency, is a feature of Lynch syndrome
history-based prediction tools that were designed to target (Figure 4). MMR protein immunohistochemistry has a
Lynch syndrome testing in colorectal cancer. Use of these sensitivity of 80–100% and a specificity of 60–80% for
tools in endometrial cancer has been explored in several detecting Lynch syndrome-associated endometrial cancer.18
studies, and the reported specificity is 61% and 49% for The relative lack of specificity is associated with somatic loss
Amsterdam II criteria and revised Bethesda guidelines, of MMR expression – usually as a consequence of
respectively.37 Unfortunately, such family history scores hypermethylation of the promoter region of the MLH1
have very low sensitivity to identify MSH6 or PMS2 gene.47,48 MLH1 methylation testing correctly identifies
pathogenic variant carriers.38 The newer prediction tools tumours caused by somatic methylation events, thereby
MMRpredict,39 MMRpro40 and PREMM541 have increased reducing the proportion of patients who need to undergo
diagnostic accuracy. MMRpredict has a reported sensitivity definitive germline Lynch syndrome testing.
of 94% and a specificity of 91% for MLH1 and MSH2
pathogenic variant carriers, while discrimination of MSH6 Microsatellite instability testing
was more difficult and PMS2 was not assessed.42 A head-to- Microsatellites are small DNA motifs that are repeated
head comparison of these new family history-based tools throughout the genome.49 They comprise 2–5 nucleotides
concluded that MMRpro and PREM1,2,6 could be repeated 5–50 times. These sequences are highly conserved in
implemented in both clinical and population settings using the offspring of an individual; however, there is marked
a risk cut-off of 5%.43 However, the precision of these tools variation across a population.50 Microsatellite instability
ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 15
Lynch syndrome for the gynaecologist
Tumour tissue
Figure 3. Outline of a potential diagnostic schema used to risk stratify tumours for Lynch syndrome. Abbreviations: IHC = immunohistochemistry;
LS = Lynch syndrome; MMR = mismatch repair; MSI-H = microsatellite instability high; MSI-L = microsatellite instability low; MSS = microsatellite
stable. *Indicates that IHC and MSI-based tumour triage can be used in combination or individually.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. Mismatch repair immunohistochemistry showing loss of A: MLH1, B: MSH2, C: MSH6 and D: PMS2 protein in endometrial cancer
glands, with conserved expression in stromal tissue.
16 ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
Figure 5. Comparison of CD8+ cytotoxic T-cell infiltration in a sporadic mismatch repair proficient endometrial cancer (top panels) with a Lynch
syndrome-associated endometrial cancer (bottom panels). The abundance of neoantigens expressed by Lynch syndrome-associated tumours leads
to enhanced immunogenicity and a robust anti-cancer T-cell response.
(MSI) is a marker of hypermutation as seen in Lynch and the quality of available studies is much lower.18 There is
syndrome-associated tumours.51 As Lynch syndrome good reported concordance between MSI and
tumours have multiple insertion/deletion mutations, there immunohistochemistry testing for Lynch syndrome tumour
is inevitably variation within the tumour microsatellites. identification,18 but more recent data suggest that MSI
Detecting these variations gives a means of diagnosis through testing is less accurate in endometrial cancer – particularly at
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing. Tumours are identifying MSH6 carriers.53
categorised as MSI-stable (MSS), or MSI-low (MSI-L) if
<30% of markers are unstable, and MSI-high (MSI-H) if Genomic diagnosis
>30% of markers are unstable; this is the category to which Genomic testing of the tumour or the patient is referred to
most Lynch syndrome tumours belong. Sporadic tumours as somatic and germline testing, respectively. Both are
can also be MSI-H;40 usually as a result of hypermethylation done using next-generation sequencing (NGS). While
of the promoter region of MLH1. The diagnostic accuracy of germline testing is the only means by which a diagnosis
MSI testing has been reported as high, with a sensitivity of of Lynch syndrome can be made, it is not always
92% and a specificity of 59% in colorectal cancer, where most straightforward. First, the PMS2 gene is very hard to
research has concentrated.52 Similar accuracy is reported for sequence, so it can only be done in specialist centres.
endometrial cancer, although the number of tested tumours Second – and more importantly – when a gene is
ª 2021 The Authors. The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. 17
Lynch syndrome for the gynaecologist
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