Cancer and Pregnancy in The Post-Roe v. Wade Era
Cancer and Pregnancy in The Post-Roe v. Wade Era
Cancer and Pregnancy in The Post-Roe v. Wade Era
1 Department of Internal Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT 06030, USA
2 Department of Hematology and Oncology, DHR Health Oncology Institute, Edinburg, TX 78539, USA;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +1-860-679-8025; Fax: +1-860-679-4613
Abstract: Cancer during pregnancy, affecting 1 in 1000 pregnancies, is rising in incidence due to
delayed childbearing and improved detection. Common types include breast cancer, melanoma and
cervical cancer and Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. There are several physiological changes that occur during
pregnancy that make its management a challenge to clinicians. Managing it requires multidisciplinary
approaches and cautious test interpretation due to overlapping symptoms. To minimize fetal radiation
exposure, non-ionizing imaging is preferred, and the interpretation of tumor markers is challenging
due to inflammation and pregnancy effects. In terms of treatment, chemotherapy is avoided in the first
trimester but may be considered later. Immunotherapy’s safety is under investigation, and surgery
depends on gestational age and cancer type. Ethical and legal concerns are growing, especially with
changes in U.S. abortion laws. Access to abortion for medical reasons is vital for pregnant cancer
patients needing urgent treatment. Maternal outcomes may depend on the type of cancer as well
as chemotherapy received but, in general, they are similar to the non-pregnant population. Fetal
outcomes are usually the same as the general population with treatment exposure from the second
trimester onwards. Fertility preservation may be an important component of the treatment discussion
depending on the patient’s wishes, age and type of treatment. This article addresses the complicated
nature of a diagnosis of cancer in pregnancy, touching upon the known medical literature as well
as the ethical–legal implications of such a diagnosis, whose importance has increased in the light of
recent judicial developments.
the overturning of the Roe v. Wade ruling on access to cancer treatment for pregnant
3. Diagnostic Challenges
3.1. Impact of Pregnancy on Cancer Diagnosis
Pregnancy involves a change in the physiology of the body and has a high metabolic
demand, which is amplified by the detection of a cancer. The physiological changes that
occur during pregnancy may contribute to the masking of cancer symptoms [14]. There
are several overlapping signs and symptoms of cancer and pregnancy, including nausea
and vomiting, appetite changes, constipation, abdominal discomfort, anemia, a palpable
breast mass/increased volume and consistency of breast tissue, hyperpigmentation, and
fatigue [15,16]
risk of radiation-induced cancer, but more than 99% of exposed fetuses will not develop
childhood cancer or leukemia [18].
Several radioisotopes are considered unsafe in pregnancy. Some of them may cross
the placenta and remain in the fetus for several days and can cause organ damage [18]. In
general, therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals should be avoided during pregnancy, except in
cases where the mother’s life is at risk. In such situations, careful assessment of the fetal
dose and gestational age (GA) may be necessary, and the possibility of the termination of
pregnancy should be considered.
5. Treatment Considerations
5.1. Multidisciplinary Approach in Managing Cancer during Pregnancy
The diagnosis of cancer during pregnancy is an extremely sensitive situation, requiring
delicate and specialized care by a multidisciplinary team. It is also important that such
cases are managed at a higher-level care center, with the access to resources and specialists
necessary to address all aspects of treatment [2]. It is important for a maternal fetal medicine
specialist and the relevant oncology specialists, along with the primary care provider and
an appropriate mental health professional, if required, to be involved. This constitutes
high-value care covering all aspects of the mother’s and fetus’ well-being.
A recent article by Silverstein et al., the authors suggest counseling patients about
pregnancy termination when appropriate for the kind of cancer and the gestational age
at diagnosis, especially in cases of an aggressive or advanced stage of cancer being found
early in pregnancy [30]. However, according to Wolters et al., no studies have shown an
improved maternal prognosis, as very few case control studies exist on this topic [28]. They
recommend against the termination of pregnancy solely for the purpose of improving
maternal outcomes.
5.2. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is generally avoided during the first trimester as this may lead to
significant morbidity, especially congenital malformations [31–33]. A recent cohort study
found that the major congenital malformation rate among offspring was as high as 21.7%
(95% CI 7.5–43.7%) when associated with maternal exposure to chemotherapy prior to
12 weeks, compared with 3% in women who received chemotherapy after 12 weeks (95%
CI, 3.13–27.30) [34]. The nature and mechanisms by which chemotherapy induces these
malformations is not clearly understood and involves a variety of factors, including genetic
susceptibility, the timing of exposure to chemotherapy and the type of drug used [34]
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Defects in the eyes, genitalia, and central nervous system become obvious after birth and
develop throughout infancy and childhood [34,35].
As previously mentioned, in cases of advanced or aggressive cancers, counseling
patients regarding the termination of pregnancy is appropriate. Chemotherapy is generally
avoided during the first trimester of pregnancy to avoid interference with organogenesis.
There is a strict association between the initiation of chemotherapy and congenital malfor-
mations in the first trimester, namely defects in the heart, limbs, neural tube, palate, eyes
and ears [36,37]. The risk of malformations is reduced after this period and the incidence
is similar to the general population, without cancer and not receiving chemotherapy [38].
Drug passage through the placenta depends on factors like protein binding, lipid solubility,
and ionization constant. Fetal exposure to drugs is influenced by maternal pharmacoki-
netics, such as the volume of distribution, placental metabolism and excretion rate, pH
difference between maternal and fetal fluids, and hemodynamic changes during pregnancy.
Although several chemotherapeutic agents have a low molecular weight, are lipid-soluble
and are non-ionized, which are all factors that favor passive diffusion, concentrations of
these drugs are found to be significantly lower than in the maternal circulation. The admin-
istration of most cytotoxic drugs is considered relatively safe after the first trimester [38,39]
After reaching the 35-week gestational mark, the medical consensus typically leans
toward avoiding chemotherapy. This precautionary measure is taken to allow for a substan-
tial duration for the maternal and fetal bone marrow to recuperate adequately following the
conclusion of the last chemotherapy cycle, thereby optimizing the health and well-being of
both the expectant mother and the developing fetus in the lead-up to delivery [28]. Breast
feeding should be avoided in patients receiving chemotherapy [40].
An analysis of clinical trials by Mittra et al. showed that, in a 10-year period from 2011
to 2020, seven patients who had a diagnosis of cancer during pregnancy and who decided
to take their pregnancy to term decided to continue treatment with immunotherapeutic
agents. All pregnancies resulted in vaginal births of apparently normal infants [45].
stage at which they are diagnosed but, when combined, outcomes appear to be similar to
non-pregnant patients.
8. Preservation of Fertility
For many women, having children after being diagnosed with cancer is a key compo-
nent of psychological well-being. Experiencing infertility on its own is linked to consider-
able psychological distress, resulting in depression rates twice as high as those found in the
general population [62]. Additionally, this leads to a reduction in the quality of life concern-
ing emotional well-being, relationships, and sexuality. A study by Schover et al. showed
that 76% of cancer patients of child-bearing age wished to have children after recovering
from cancer [63]. The risk of infertility with cancer treatment is mostly dependent on the
patient’s age and the type of treatment received. Most fertility preservation techniques for
women, such as embryo cryopreservation, oocyte preservation, ovarian tissue preservation,
ovarian transposition and hormonal treatment, are not viable for use during pregnancy [64].
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It is, therefore, prudent to offer these options following delivery, along with an evaluation
of reproductive capacity.
9. Conclusions
A diagnosis of cancer during pregnancy adds to the many challenges that patients
already face regarding the pregnancy itself. It is additionally challenging to all provider
teams involved, and in the wake of the recent overturning of abortion laws it is important
to have clarity and clear guidelines on how best to approach a situation that is already
medically complex. Various tumor markers behave differently throughout the course of
pregnancy. Chemotherapy and targeted therapies are generally avoided during the first
trimester, but studies show that they are safe later during the pregnancy. Radiation is
avoided throughout pregnancy. Maternal outcomes are generally favorable following
delivery, but more studies are required to assess long-term fetal outcomes and side effects.
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