International Standard
International Standard
International Standard
Third edition
Reference number
ISO 5982:2019(E)
© ISO 2019
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ISO 5982:2019(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Definition of values of apparent mass of the human body under vibration............................................ 3
4.1 Apparent mass of the seated body under x-axis vibration................................................................................ 3
4.2 Applicability of values of apparent mass of the seated body under x-axis vibration................. 3
4.3 Apparent mass of the seated body under y-axis vibration................................................................................. 7
4.4 Applicability of values of apparent mass of the seated body under y-axis vibration................. 8
4.5 Apparent mass of the seated body under z-axis vibration.............................................................................. 11
4.6 Applicability of values of apparent mass of the seated body under z-axis vibration............... 12
4.7 Apparent mass of the standing body under z-axis vibration........................................................................ 15
4.8 Applicability of values of apparent mass of the standing body under z-axis vibration......... 16
5 Seat-to-head transmissibility of the seated human body under vertical vibration......................17
5.1 Definition of values of seat-to-head transmissibility........................................................................................... 17
5.2 Applicability of values of seat-to-head transmissibility.................................................................................... 18
Annex A (informative) Identification of the data used to define the range of idealized
apparent mass and seat-to-head transmissibility...........................................................................................................20
Annex B (informative) Lumped mass model..............................................................................................................................................28
Annex C (informative) Mathematical models............................................................................................................................................31
Annex D (informative) Apparent mass of seated body under vertical vibration for three
different ranges of body masses (55 kg, 75 kg and 98 kg)......................................................................................40
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
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For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
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World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see www.iso
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 108, Mechanical vibration, shock and
condition monitoring, Subcommittee SC 4, Human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock.
The biodynamic response of the seated human body subjected to vibration has widely been assessed
in terms of driving-point mechanical impedance or apparent mass and seat-to-head transmissibility.
While the first two functions relate to the force and motion at the point of input of vibration to the
body (“to the body” transfer functions), the last function refers specifically to the transmission of
motion through the body (“through the body” transfer function). Since biodynamic responses are non-
linear with respect to vibration magnitude, those functions are defined for a specific range of vibration
magnitudes. Knowledge of these functions under conditions representative of those encountered
while driving specific types of vehicles can find applications in current laboratory procedures defined
for assessing vehicle seat performance and for predicting whole-body vibration exposure levels on
platforms of mobile machinery. Although such procedures currently require that specific tests be
conducted with human subjects acting as test loads, these functions can form the basis for developing
a mechanical system capable of simulating the human body or for deriving functions that can account
for the human interface when the tests are being conducted with rigid masses. Such functions can
further form the basis for developing analytical models representing the human body, which through
combination with suitable suspension seat models can provide numerical means of estimating the
seat performance and of achieving optimal seat suspension and cushion design. Notwithstanding the
above applications, this document provides unification of available published data on the driving-point
mechanical impedance, apparent mass and seat-to-head transmissibility response functions satisfying
a specific set of conditions. In view of the restrictions imposed on posture and vibration excitation
levels, the values defined for each of these functions can be more applicable to drivers of off-road, heavy
road and industrial vehicles.
The response of the human body subjected to whole-body vibration is dependent on several factors,
a) subject mass,
b) posture and back support,
Major changes to previously given ranges of idealized values for the apparent mass of the seated human
body were considered necessary in view of the new data available since the publication of the second
edition (ISO 5982:2001). The second edition only considered the driving-point mechanical impedance/
apparent mass of seated individuals, without a back support, exposed to vertical vibration (z-axis). As
part of this document, a range of idealized values is defined for seated individuals, with and without a
back support, exposed to sinusoidal or broad-band random vibration in the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis with
unweighted RMS acceleration lower or equal to 2 m/s2. Idealized values of apparent mass for standing
individuals, while exposed to vertical vibration (z-axis), have also been added. Values for seat-to-head
transmissibility (STHT) remained mostly unchanged and are still provided for seated individuals
without a back support while exposed to z-axis vertical vibration.
This document incorporates the most recent data to have been published on the apparent mass and seat-
to-head transmissibility, while satisfying the conditions specified above. Annex A provides information
on the selection of published data to define the range of idealized values of apparent mass and seat-to-
head transmissibility. The frequency ranges for defining these values are limited to 0,5 Hz to 20 Hz for
vertical vibration (z-axis) and to 0,5 Hz to 10 Hz for lateral ( y-axis) and fore-aft (x-axis) vibration, since
predominant vibrations are known to occur within those ranges for several types of off-road, heavy
road and industrial vehicles. In Annex B, an analytical model of the seated human body is provided to
satisfy the range of idealized values defined for the apparent mass and seat-to-head transmissibility
functions. Alternatively, mathematical expressions in the form of transfer functions are provided in
Annex C to approximate the mean (target) values defined for these functions. Finally, values for the
apparent mass are provided in Annex D for three specific body masses ranges on the basis of a study
involving 27 male subjects.
1 Scope
This document describes the range of idealized values of the apparent mass modulus and phase
applicable to seated individuals with and without a back support subjected to x-, y- and z‑axis sinusoidal
or broad-band random vibration and to standing individuals subjected to z‑axis sinusoidal or broad-
band random vibration under specific experimental conditions. Additionally, this document describes
the range of idealized values of seat-to-head transmissibility modulus and phase applicable to seated
individuals without a back support subjected to z‑axis sinusoidal or broad-band random vibration.
The ranges of idealized values defined in this document are considered to be valid for subjects on a
rigid seat (or standing on a rigid platform for z-axis only), with feet supported and vibrated. The range
of idealized seat-to-head transmissibility values is considered to be applicable also to the condition with
the feet hanging freely. For seated individuals subjected to sinusoidal or broad-band random vibration,
the apparent mass values are defined over the frequency range of 0,5 Hz to 10 Hz for the x‑axis and
y‑axis, and over the frequency range of 0,5 Hz to 20 Hz for the z‑axis. The frequency and amplitude
characteristics of the vibration fall within the range for which most vibration exposure is likely to
predominate while driving vehicles such as agricultural tractors, earth-moving machinery and fork-lift
trucks. Application to automobiles is not covered by this document in view of the lack of a meaningful
database for conditions involving posture and vibration excitation levels most likely associated with
car driving.
The upper and lower values of modulus and phase defined at each frequency for each of the biodynamic
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 5805, Mechanical vibration and shock — Human exposure — Vocabulary
apparent mass
M( f )
complex ratio of applied periodic excitation force at frequency f, F( f ), to the resulting vibration
acceleration at that frequency, a( f ), measured at the same point and in the same direction as the applied
force, as given by Formula (1)
F(f )
M( f )= (1)
a( f )
Note 1 to entry: The apparent mass is a complex quantity (i.e. it possesses real and imaginary parts) from which
the modulus and phase can be computed.
Note 2 to entry: This document is based on measurements in which both force and acceleration were measured
at the same point, this being the point of introduction of vibration to the body, namely the buttocks (seat-body
interface) or the feet.
Note 3 to entry: In the case of non-harmonic vibration, apparent mass is determined from the force and
acceleration spectra.
driving-point mechanical impedance
z( f )
complex ratio of applied periodic excitation force at frequency f, F( f ), to the resulting vibration velocity
at that frequency, v( f ), measured at the same point and in the same direction as the applied force, as
given by Formula (2)
F(f )
z( f ) = = j2πfM ( f ) (2)
v( f )
j represents the complex phasor between the mechanical impedance and apparent mass
j = −1 . )
Note 1 to entry: The relationship between driving-point mechanical impedance and apparent mass is entirely
determined by the fixed relationship between velocity and acceleration for which a 90° phase difference exists
under periodic excitation.
Note 2 to entry: In the case of non-harmonic vibration, driving-point mechanical impedance is determined from
the force and velocity spectra.
seat-to-head transmissibility
complex non-dimensional ratio of the response motion of the head to the forced vibration motion at the
buttocks (seat-body interface)
Note 1 to entry: The ratio can be one of displacements, velocities or accelerations.
Note 2 to entry: The seat-to-head transmissibility is a complex quantity (i.e. it possesses real and imaginary
parts) from which the non-dimensional modulus and the phase can be computed.
Note 3 to entry: In the case of non-harmonic vibration, seat-to-head transmissibility is determined from the
motion spectra.
4.2 Applicability of values of apparent mass of the seated body under x-axis vibration
The values of apparent mass are applicable to the seated human body, subjected to sinusoidal or broad-
band random fore-aft vibration, while seated on a rigid surface with the feet resting flat on the base
platform and the back being supported and unsupported. The limits of applicability approximately
Table 1 — Modulus and phase of the mean (target) and range of idealized apparent mass of the
seated body with a back support under x-axis vibration
Modulus Phase
Frequency kg °
Hz Upper Lower Standard Upper Lower Standard
Mean Mean
limit limit deviation limit limit deviation
0,5 65,3 68,8 62,8 2,4 −0,1 1,8 −2,8 1,9
0,63 65,6 68,5 63,8 1,8 −0,3 1,2 −2,7 1,6
0,8 68,2 70,0 66,7 1,2 −1,2 −0,9 −1,8 0,4
1 69,5 72,1 67,8 1,7 −1,8 −1,2 −2,4 0,5
1,25 71,5 74,9 68,9 2,3 −4,7 −3,8 −5,9 0,8
1,6 74,8 78,3 71,1 2,7 −8,2 −7,3 −9,4 0,9
2 78,7 83,4 73,8 3,8 −12,2 −10,3 −14,6 1,9
2,5 85,2 92,5 79,3 5,3 −20,1 −15,0 −24,7 4,5
3,15 87,5 92,5 82,8 3,9 −31,4 −24,0 −38,4 6,6
4 86,4 90,8 78,9 4,9 −49,2 −40,6 −60,7 8,5
5 76,1 83,8 60,1 9,4 −69,7 −58,5 −80,8 8,9
6,3 56,7 67,3 47,8 7,4 −87,1 −77,4 −101,3 9,7
8 39,4 47,8 33,3 6,8 −100,6 −90,7 −115,2 9,5
10 28,4 35,3 23,6 5,6 −107,6 −100,3 −122,2 8,9
Figure 1 — Mean (target) and range of idealized values for the apparent mass of the seated body
with a back support under x-axis vibration
Table 2 — Modulus and phase of the mean (target) and range of idealized apparent mass of the
seated body without a back support under x-axis vibration
Modulus Phase
Frequency kg °
Hz Upper Lower Standard Upper Lower Standard
Mean Mean
limit limit deviation limit limit deviation
0,5 62,9 70,3 48,6 8,2 −12,8 1,4 −20,1 9,8
0,63 63,6 71,0 48,5 8,7 −13,6 1,2 −21,6 10,3
0,8 61,7 68,2 48,5 7,1 −19,7 −1,0 −34,0 14,2
1 58,5 66,9 46,8 7,0 −25,3 −1,2 −40,1 17,4
1,25 49,5 62,7 40,2 8,5 −28,7 −4,3 −45,5 16,7
1,6 46,3 58,5 39,1 6,4 −33,5 −9,3 −48,4 14,0
2 48,7 60,1 41,8 6,8 −39,3 −14,6 −50,1 13,0
2,5 47,9 59,4 38,8 7,3 −54,9 −24,6 −72,9 16,9
3,15 40,3 51,5 28,6 6,9 −71,1 −33,7 −97,5 21,1
4 31,4 45,3 19,1 8,4 −87,5 −49,3 −113,8 22,1
5 23,8 36,3 13,6 8,0 −105,6 −71,6 −124,8 19,2
6,3 14,5 21,2 8,5 4,3 −122,6 −92,0 −137,9 16,8
8 8,2 12,0 5,4 2,3 −129,1 −103,7 −145,5 15,1
10 5,7 7,5 3,6 1,3 −130,2 −108,6 −147,2 14,3
Figure 2 — Mean (target) and range of idealized values for the apparent mass of the seated body
without a back support under x-axis vibration
4.4 Applicability of values of apparent mass of the seated body under y-axis vibration
The values of apparent mass are applicable to the seated human body, subjected to sinusoidal or broad-
band random lateral vibration, while seated on a rigid surface with the feet resting flat on the base
platform and the back being supported and unsupported. The limits of applicability approximately
correspond to the range of measurement conditions over which data were obtained, and are identical to
those described in 4.2.
Table 3 — Modulus and phase of the mean (target) and range of idealized apparent mass of the
seated body with a back support under y-axis vibration
Modulus Phase
Frequency kg °
Hz Upper Lower Standard Upper Lower Standard
Mean Mean
limit limit deviation limit limit deviation
0,5 65,3 72,9 59,7 5,3 −19,8 −9,8 −26,7 6,5
0,63 65,6 74,0 59,8 5,8 −19,6 −10,6 −25,7 5,7
0,8 67,8 77,0 63,0 5,7 −23,4 −17,1 −28,1 4,2
1 70,6 79,1 64,6 5,6 −29,7 −22,8 −34,8 4,7
1,25 70,9 82,7 63,0 7,4 −39,7 −33,8 −44,8 4,7
1,6 67,1 83,3 55,2 11,7 −56,9 −52,8 −61,5 3,9
2 58,9 80,1 46,4 13,5 −71,5 −66,6 −79,4 5,0
2,5 43,3 52,0 36,0 6,4 −80,7 −73,0 −92,1 7,1
3,15 30,5 34,4 26,2 3,2 −86,9 −77,5 −98,7 8,0
4 21,7 26,5 16,7 3,3 −91,4 −85,3 −101,1 6,6
5 17,3 21,7 11,5 3,6 −95,3 −88,4 −101,9 5,6
6,3 13,4 17,6 7,7 3,6 −103,1 −96,0 −110,0 5,6
Figure 3 — Mean (target) and range of idealized values for the apparent mass of the seated body
with a back support under y-axis vibration
Table 4 — Modulus and phase of the mean (target) and range of idealized apparent mass of the
seated body without a back support under y-axis vibration
Modulus Phase
Frequency kg °
Hz Upper Lower Standard Upper Lower Standard
Mean Mean
limit limit deviation limit limit deviation
0,5 64,5 72,0 56,7 6,5 −23,1 −15,1 −29,6 7,4
0,63 64,9 73,0 56,7 6,9 −23,8 −17,6 −29,4 5,9
0,8 64,7 74,0 56,7 7,1 −27,5 −25,4 −29,0 1,9
1 62,5 72,0 55,8 6,7 −30,5 −26,5 −35,7 4,6
1,25 59,2 70,1 50,6 7,3 −34,0 −27,8 −43,8 6,4
1,6 58,6 68,6 50,5 6,8 −46,3 −30,2 −63,0 14,8
2 52,8 66,2 41,7 7,7 −61,9 −33,6 −86,6 23,3
2,5 39,2 50,9 30,3 6,5 −76,7 −38,4 −102,0 29,0
3,15 26,3 33,3 22,4 3,6 −83,7 −44,0 −107,6 30,1
4 18,3 22,1 15,5 2,4 −86,4 −50,9 −111,6 27,0
5 14,9 17,8 11,8 2,2 −92,3 −60,0 −117,5 24,6
6,3 11,6 14,4 9,3 1,9 −103,6 −77,6 −127,7 20,7
8 8,4 10,3 6,9 1,3 −113,8 −93,8 −135,2 16,9
10 6,7 8,8 5,2 1,3 −116,9 −93,7 −138,4 18,7
Figure 4 — Mean (target) and range of idealized values for the apparent mass of the seated body
without a back support under y-axis vibration
4.6 Applicability of values of apparent mass of the seated body under z-axis vibration
The values of apparent mass are applicable to the seated human body, subjected to sinusoidal or broad-
band random vertical vibration, while seated on a rigid surface with the feet resting flat on the base
platform and the back being supported and unsupported. The limits of applicability approximately
correspond to the range of measurement conditions over which data were obtained, as follows:
a) the posture is described as erect seated with or without backrest support, while the feet are
supported and vibrated;
b) the angle for the back support is ranging from 90° to 102° for the condition with a backrest support;
c) the mass of the subjects ranges from 62 kg to 106 kg for the condition with a backrest support, and
from 49 kg to 107 kg for the condition without a backrest support;
d) the RMS amplitude of unweighted sine and random excitation within the frequency range of 0,5 Hz
to 20 Hz is between 0,63 m/s2 and 1,0 m/s2 for the condition with a backrest support and between
0,8 m/s2 and 2,0 m/s2 for the condition without a backrest support.
Table 5 — Modulus and phase of the mean (target) and range of idealized apparent mass of the
seated body with a back support under z-axis vibration
Modulus Phase
Frequency kg °
Hz Upper Lower Standard Upper Lower Standard
Mean Mean
limit limit deviation limit limit deviation
0,5 58,6 62,4 52,5 3,6 0,2 0,8 −0,3 0,4
0,63 58,8 62,5 52,6 3,6 0,1 0,9 −0,5 0,5
Figure 5 — Mean (target) and range of idealized values for the apparent mass of the seated body
with a back support under z-axis vibration
Table 6 — Modulus and phase of the mean (target) and range of idealized apparent mass of the
seated body without a back support under z-axis vibration
Modulus Phase
Frequency kg °
Hz Upper Lower Standard Upper Lower Standard
Mean Mean
limit limit deviation limit limit deviation
0,5 60,4 66,1 56,2 3,7 −1,1 2,8 −7,4 3,5
0,63 60,5 66,3 56,1 3,8 −1,4 3,5 −9,0 4,2
0,8 58,0 67,0 40,1 6,7 −1,3 2,8 −8,1 3,7
1 58,8 68,1 40,7 6,8 −2,5 2,2 −11,1 4,0
1,25 59,8 69,8 42,7 6,7 −2,8 1,1 −10,4 3,5
1,6 61,0 73,4 45,3 7,1 −3,7 −0,3 −10,1 3,1
2 61,8 77,1 47,9 8,2 −5,1 1,2 −11,6 3,4
2,5 65,9 83,0 51,6 8,8 −7,7 −1,4 −12,8 3,2
3,15 71,9 89,9 56,6 9,5 −11,5 −2,5 −20,2 4,3
4 81,2 105,8 60,3 12,5 −23,8 −6,9 −38,7 8,2
5 76,8 98,8 49,7 13,8 −46,3 −18,8 −64,2 12,9
6,3 55,5 74,1 36,3 10,4 −60,3 −43,5 −70,8 7,8
8 40,8 57,9 29,9 7,3 −63,9 −51,8 −72,9 5,8
10 32,7 47,7 22,5 6,3 −67,3 −50,9 −79,2 8,6
12,5 24,6 37,9 14,6 6,6 −74,3 −57,5 −85,6 8,8
16 17,2 28,9 8,4 5,4 −76,5 −64,8 −85,8 7,2
20 14,5 24,6 7,2 4,6 −73,6 −62,8 −84,7 7,5
Figure 6 — Mean (target) and range of idealized values for the apparent mass of the seated body
without a back support under z-axis vibration
4.8 Applicability of values of apparent mass of the standing body under z-axis vibration
The values of apparent mass are applicable to the standing human body on a rigid platform, subjected
to sinusoidal or broad-band random vertical vibration. The limits of applicability approximately
correspond to the range of measurement conditions over which data were obtained, as follows:
a) the posture is described as standing upright erect or relaxed;
b) the mass of the subjects ranges from 63 kg to 102 kg;
c) the RMS amplitude of unweighted sine and random excitation is between 0,5 m/s2 and 1,0 m/s2
over the frequency range of 0,5 Hz to 20 Hz.
Table 7 — Modulus and phase of the mean (target) and range of idealized apparent mass of the
standing body under z-axis vibration
Modulus Phase
Frequency kg °
Hz Upper Lower Standard Upper Lower Standard
Mean Mean
limit limit deviation limit limit deviation
0,5 78,3 86,8 73,5 7,4 −0,1 0,0 −0,3 0,2
0,63 78,3 86,8 73,5 7,4 −0,1 0,0 −0,3 0,2
0,8 79,8 88,6 75,0 7,6 −0,2 0,0 −0,4 0,2
1 79,8 87,1 75,7 6,4 −0,4 −0,2 −0,6 0,2
1,25 80,0 85,7 76,3 5,0 −1,6 −1,0 −2,7 1,0
1,6 81,2 87,3 77,3 5,3 −4,4 −1,7 −9,4 4,3
2 82,3 90,5 78,2 5,8 −6,3 −2,2 −15,3 6,4
2,5 86,1 95,3 81,6 6,2 −8,7 −3,8 −21,0 8,2
3,15 88,3 103,4 71,5 11,7 −12,3 −6,0 −28,8 11,1
Figure 7 — Mean (target) and range of idealized values for the apparent mass of the standing
body under z-axis vibration
The upper and lower limiting values at each one-third-octave band centre frequency encompass the
mean values of all data sets selected, and are shown by continuous curves in Figure 8. The central value
at each frequency, shown by dashed curves in Figure 8, provides an estimate of the weighted mean of
all data sets selected, and forms the target value for all applications. The standard deviations computed
with respect to the weighted mean (target) values are also listed in Table 8.
Applications shall generate/employ values of seat-to-head transmissibility between the upper and
lower limits given in Table 8 at any frequency, and represent “through the body” transfer functions
applicable to the seated human body under the conditions specified and over the frequency range of
0,5 Hz to 20 Hz.
If an application only satisfies the requirements of this document at certain frequencies, then those
frequencies should be stated in any description of the application.
Table 8 — Modulus and phase of the mean (target) and range of idealized seat-to-head
transmissibility of the seated body under z-axis vibration
Frequency Modulus
Hz Upper Lower Standard Upper Lower Standard
Mean Mean
limit limit deviation limit limit deviation
0,5 0,97 1,02 0,87 0,06 0,0 0,0 −0,1 0,01
0,63 0,98 1,02 0,87 0,06 −0,1 −0,1 −0,1 0,02
0,8 0,98 1,03 0,87 0,06 −1,5 −0,1 −3,0 2,1
1 1,00 1,04 0,86 0,07 −1,7 0,0 −5,0 2,9
1,25 1,02 1,09 0,86 0,08 −2,7 −0,1 −6,0 3,0
1,6 1,06 1,15 0,87 0,10 −3,2 −0,2 −6,3 3,1
2 1,10 1,24 0,93 0,11 −4,2 −0,2 −7,8 3,8
2,5 1,19 1,38 1,04 0,12 −5,2 −1,1 −10,1 4,1
c) the RMS amplitude of unweighted sine and random excitation is between 1,0 m/s2 and 2,8 m/s2
over the frequency range of 0,5 Hz to 20 Hz.
Figure 8 — Mean (target) and range of idealized values for the seat-to-head transmissibility of
the seated body under z-axis vibration
Annex A
A set of selection rules are defined for selecting the published data to be used for the synthesis[36]. Only
those data sets satisfying all of the following conditions were considered:
a) data sets reporting either the magnitude or the magnitude and phase of the biodynamic response
b) data sets derived using adult subjects with body mass ranging from approximatively 55 kg to 110 kg;
c) data sets reported under either sinusoidal or random vibration within the 0,5 Hz to 20 Hz frequency
range for the vertical direction, while those for the horizontal direction were limited up to 10 Hz;
d) data sets acquired under vibration of unweighted RMS magnitude lower than or equal to 2 m/s2;
e) data sets acquired with clearly defined subject while those reporting a single subject data were
carefully examined;
f) head acceleration data for seat-to-head transmissibility were acquired using an accelerometer
positioned either on a bite-bar or at the top of the skull.
A set of rejection criteria has been added:
1) data sets with unsupported feet (for data involving apparent mass/driving-point mechanical
Table A.1 — Characterization of the data sets considered for mechanical impedance and
apparent mass of the seated body in the fore-aft direction (x-axis) — With a back support
Subjects Excitation
Bibliographic Number Mass Type Amplitude Frequency Reported function
reference (gender) (mean) range
kg Hz
57 to 85 1,0 m/s2 RMS Mean apparent mass
[6] – vb 8 (M) Random 0,25 to 20
(65,7) unweighted Modulus and phase
59 to 92 0,5 m/s2 RMS Mean apparent mass
[16] – vb 8 (M) Random 0,5 to 10
(71,2) unweighted Modulus and phase
59 to 92 0,5 m/s2 RMS Mean apparent mass
[16] – ib 8 (M) Random 0,5 to 10
(71,2) unweighted Modulus and phase
59 to 92 1,0 m/s2 RMS Mean apparent mass
[16] – vb 8 (M) Random 0,5 to 10
(71,2) unweighted Modulus and phase
59 to 92 1,0 m/s2 RMS Mean apparent mass
[16] – ib 8 (M) Random 0,5 to 10
(71,2) unweighted Modulus and phase
NOTE vb – vertical back support; ib – inclined back support.
Table A.2 — Characterization of the data sets considered for mechanical impedance and
apparent mass of the seated body in the fore-aft direction (x-axis) — No back support
Subjects Excitation
Bibliographic Number Mass Type Amplitude Frequency Reported function
reference (gender) (mean) range
kg Hz
57 to 85 0,5 m/s2 RMS Mean apparent mass
Table A.3 — Characterization of the data sets considered for mechanical impedance and
apparent mass of the seated body in the lateral direction (y-axis) — With a back support
Subjects Excitation
Bibliographic Number Type Amplitude Frequency
Mass (mean) Reported function
reference (gender) range
57 to 85 1,0 m/s2 RMS Mean apparent mass
[6] – vb 8 (M) Random 0,25 to 20
(65,7) unweighted Modulus and phase
59 to 92 0,5 m/s2 RMS Mean apparent mass
[16] – vb 8 (M) Random 0,5 to 10
(71,2) unweighted Modulus and phase
59 to 92 0,5 m/s2 RMS Mean apparent mass
[16] – ib 8 (M) Random 0,5 to 10
(71,2) unweighted Modulus and phase
Table A.4 — Characterization of the data sets considered for mechanical impedance and
apparent mass of the seated body in the lateral direction (y-axis) — No back support
Subjects Excitation
Bibliographic Number Mass Type Amplitude Frequency Reported function
reference (gender) (mean) range
kg Hz
57 to 85 0,5 m/s2 RMS Mean apparent mass
[6] 8 (M) Random 0,25 to 20
(65,7) unweighted Modulus and phase
57 to 85 1,0 m/s2 RMS Mean apparent mass
[6] 8 (M) Random 0,25 to 20
(65,7) unweighted Modulus
Mean mechanical
55 to 93 1,0 m/s2 RMS impedance
[11] 15 (M) Sinusoidal 1,13 to 80
(75) unweighted
Modulus and phase
Table A.5 — Characterization of the data sets considered for mechanical impedance and
apparent mass of the seated body in the vertical direction (z-axis) — With a back support
Subjects Excitation
Bibliographic Number Mass Type Amplitude Frequency Function consid-
reference (gender) (mean) range ered
kg Hz
Mean mechanical
Table A.6 — Characterization of the data sets considered for mechanical impedance and
Table A.7 — Characterization of the data sets considered for mechanical impedance and
apparent mass of the standing body in the vertical direction (z-axis)
Subjects Excitation
Bibliographic Number Mass Type Amplitude Frequency Reported function
reference (gender) (mean) range
kg Hz
Mechanical imped-
≤0,5 g peak un- ance
[2] 1 (M) 84 Sinusoidal 1 to 20
Mechanical imped-
77,7 and 84 0,2 g peak ance
[4] 2 (M) Sinusoidal 1 to 20
(81) unweighted
Phase (individual)
Mean mechanical
50 to 76a 0,1 g peak impedance
[29] 20 (M) Sinusoidal 3 to 200
(59) unweighted
Median normalized
Median 1,0 m/s2 RMS apparent mass
[25] 12 (M) Random 0,5 to 30
(73,5) unweighted
Modulus and phase
Median normalized
63 to 83b 1,0 m/s2 RMS apparent mass
[26] 8 (M) Random 0,5 to 20
(72) unweighted
Modulus and phase
Median apparent
65,6 to 102 0,5 m/s2 RMS mass
[39] 12 (M) Random 0,5 to 20
(77,5) unweighted
Modulus and phase
a Body mass range of 5 subjects.
b Body mass range estimated from individuals’ data.
Annex B
The model (see Figure B.1) constitutes a three-degrees-of-freedom system for which the masses,
springs and dampers do not correspond to physiological structures within the body. The input force
is considered to be applied to mass m0 for which the resulting displacement is represented by x0. The
model parameters listed in Table B.1 were derived to obtain agreement with the weighted mean (target)
values defined for the apparent mass in the vertical direction with no back support and the seat-to-
head transmissibility as given in Tables 6 and 8. The model predictions are illustrated by dashed lines
in Figures B.2 and B.3 where they are compared with the range of idealized values defined respectively
for the apparent mass and the seat-to-head transmissibility. The model parameters listed in Table B.1
would most likely apply to a subject with total body mass of 75 kg, while assuming that 73 % of the
mass is resting on the seat. For the purpose of computing seat-to-head transmissibility, mass m2 may
tentatively be taken to represent the head.
Table B.1 — Values of the parameters of the model (body mass of 75 kg)
Mass Stiffness Damping coefficient
Parameter kg N/m N×s/m
m0 m1 m2 m3 k1 k2 k3 c1 c2 c3
Value 2 6 2 45 9,99 × 103 3,44 × 104 3,62 × 104 387 234 1,39 × 103
X frequency in Hz
Y1 modulus in kg
Y2 phase in °
Figure B.2 — Comparison between model (dashed line) predictions and the range of idealized
values for the vertical apparent mass with no back support
X frequency in Hz
Y1 modulus
Y2 phase in °
Figure B.3 — Comparison between model (dashed line) predictions and the range of idealized
values for the seat-to-head transmissibility
Annex C
Mathematical models
Mathematical expressions in the form of transfer functions denoted by H(s) are defined to approximate
the mean (target) values defined at each frequency in Figures 1 to 7 for the apparent mass and in
Figure 8 for the seat-to-head transmissibility. The coefficients of the transfer functions are given in
Tables C.1 to C.8 for H(s). The computed responses resulting from these formulae are illustrated by
dotted lines in Figures C.1 to C.8 where they are compared with the mean and range of idealized values
defined respectively for the apparent mass and the seat-to-head transmissibility.
H(s) is given by Formula (C.1):
P( s )
H( s ) = K ⋅ (C.1)
Q( s )
s = 2πjf j = −1
Table C.1 — Coefficients of the transfer function for the apparent mass of the seated body with a
back support under x-axis vibration
Figure C.1 — Comparison between the transfer function (dotted line) and the range of idealized
values for the apparent mass of the seated body with a back support under x-axis vibration
Table C.2 — Coefficients of the transfer function for the apparent mass of the seated body
without a back support under x-axis vibration
Coefficient H(s) Coefficient H(s)
K 1,441 × 1016 C1 1,552 × 1010
A1 1,143 × 101 D1 3,211 × 1015
B1 1,317 × 102 C2 3,172 × 101
A2 2,080 D2 3,530 × 102
B2 9,667 × 102 C3 1,592 × 101
A3 6,484 D3 1,876 × 102
B3 6,941 × 103 C4 1,952
D4 9,798 × 102
Figure C.2 — Comparison between the transfer function (dotted line) and the range of idealized
values for the apparent mass of the seated body without a back support under x-axis vibration
Table C.3 — Coefficients of the transfer function for the apparent mass of the seated body with a
back support under y-axis vibration
Coefficient H(s) Coefficient H(s)
K 1,196 × 1019 C1 2,326 × 1016
A1 1,782 × 101 D1 6,880 × 1012
B1 9,781 C2 1,736 × 101
A2 2,761 × 101 D2 1,846 × 102
B2 6,740 × 102 C3 5,406 × 101
Figure C.3 — Comparison between the transfer function (dotted line) and the range of idealized
values for the apparent mass of the seated body with a back support under y-axis vibration
Table C.4 — Coefficients of the transfer function for the apparent mass of the seated body
without a back support under y-axis vibration
Coefficient H(s) Coefficient H(s)
K 8,154 × 1015 C1 2,675 × 1010
A1 1,191 × 101 D1 1,745 × 1015
B1 2,420 × 101 C2 1,025 × 102
A2 1,400 × 101 D2 1,345 × 102
B2 5,490 × 102 C3 1,690 × 101
A3 −2,204 D3 1,319 × 102
B3 1,400 × 104 C4 1,576 × 101
D4 5,115 × 102
X frequency in Hz
Y1 modulus in kg
Y2 phase in °
Figure C.4 — Comparison between the transfer function (dotted line) and the range of idealized
values for the apparent mass of the seated body without a back support under y-axis vibration
Table C.5 — Comparison between the transfer function (dotted line) and the range of idealized
values for the apparent mass of the seated body with a back support under z-axis vibration
Coefficient H(s) Coefficient H(s)
K 2,672 × 1016 C1 2,830 × 101
A1 6,553 × 101 D1 1,168 × 103
B1 2,031 × 103 C2 1,531 × 102
A2 3,694 × 101 D2 1,078 × 104
B2 6,043 × 103 C3 3,131 × 101
A3 2,866 × 102 D3 5,969 × 103
B3 5,010 × 104 C4 1,014 × 107
D4 3,791 × 1015
X frequency in Hz
Y1 modulus in kg
Y2 phase in °
Figure C.5 — Comparison between the transfer function (dotted line) and the range of idealized
values for the apparent mass of the seated body with a back support under z-axis vibration
Table C.6 — Coefficients of the transfer function for the apparent mass of the seated body
without a back support under z-axis vibration
Coefficient H(s) Coefficient H(s)
K 2,531 × 1016 C1 2,791 × 1010
A1 6,459 × 102 D1 1,099 × 1016
B1 5,309 × 104 C2 1,824 × 101
A2 3,035 × 101 D2 9,270 × 102
B2 1,154 × 103 C3 7,130 × 101
A3 2,112 × 101 D3 2,427 × 103
B3 6,340 × 103 C4 2,019 × 101
D4 6,666 × 103
X frequency in Hz
Y1 modulus in kg
Y2 phase in °
Figure C.6 — Comparison between the transfer function (dotted line) and the range of idealized
values for the apparent mass of the seated body without a back support under z-axis vibration
Table C.7 — Coefficients of the transfer function for the apparent mass of the standing body
under z-axis vibration
Coefficient H(s) Coefficient H(s)
K 1,277 × 105 C1 2,128 × 101
A1 1,539 × 103 D1 1,412 × 103
B1 2,427 × 105 C2 1,157 × 101
A2 3,268 × 101 D2 3,308 × 103
B2 1,962 × 103 C3 9,178 × 101
A3 9,532 D3 5,947 × 103
B3 3,353 × 103 C4 5,158 × 10−4
D4 8,912 × 104
X frequency in Hz
Y1 modulus in kg
Y2 phase in °
Figure C.7 — Comparison between the transfer function (dotted line) and the range of idealized
values for the apparent mass of the standing body under z-axis vibration
Table C.8 — Coefficients of the transfer function for the seat-to-head transmissibility of the
seated body under z-axis vibration
Coefficient H(s) Coefficient H(s)
K 5,232 × 1015 C1 1,781 × 1010
A1 4,888 × 101 D1 6,092 × 1015
B1 1,598 × 103 C2 2,340 × 101
A2 2,835 × 101 D2 1,156 × 103
B2 3,532 × 103 C3 2,573 × 101
A3 −1,776 × 102 D3 3,643 × 103
B3 3,819 × 104 C4 3,518 × 102
D4 4,492 × 104
X frequency in Hz
Y1 modulus
Y2 phase in °
Figure C.8 — Comparison between the transfer function (dotted line) and the range of idealized
values for the seat-to-head transmissibility of the seated body under z-axis vibration
Annex D
The apparent mass values presented in this annex are intended to provide, for different body masses,
the biodynamic response of seated individuals with no back support under vertical vibration. These
values are provided from a study[35], for the ranges of total body masses of 55 kg (9 male subjects with
ranges of 50 kg to 60 kg, mean value of 55,7 kg), 75 kg (9 male subjects with ranges of 70 kg to 80 kg,
mean value of 75,2 kg) and 98 kg (9 male subjects with ranges of 93 kg to 107 kg, mean value of 98 kg)
and are listed in Table D.1. The resulting values for all three ranges of body masses for the apparent
mass are further represented graphically in Figure D.1. The values presented in this annex are not
intended to necessarily replicate the values measured on a human subject with a specific body mass.
Table D.1 — Modulus and phase of the apparent mass of the seated body without a back support
under z-axis vibration for three ranges of body masses (55 kg, 75 kg and 98 kg)
Modulus Phase
kg °
55 kg 75 kg 98 kg 55 kg 75 kg 98 kg
0,5 40,2 56,0 74,1 3,5 3,1 2,4
0,63 40,2 56,0 74,1 3,5 3,1 2,4
0,8 41,2 57,8 76,3 2,8 2,7 2,1
1 42,0 59,4 78,3 2,2 1,9 1,5
Figure D.1 — Apparent mass of the seated body without a back support under z axis vibration
for three ranges of body masses: 55 kg (bold curve), 75 kg (dashed curve) and 98 kg
(dotted curve)
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