1. The document is a certificate of calibration for a Parker Research Corporation TB-10 Magnetic Weight-Lift Test Bar, serial number 8671.
2. The test bar is calibrated to lift specified weights in AC and DC modes according to industry standards for magnetic particle inspection yokes.
3. A second page provides calibration details for an Accu-Weigh scale against measurement standards traceable to NIST.
1. The document is a certificate of calibration for a Parker Research Corporation TB-10 Magnetic Weight-Lift Test Bar, serial number 8671.
2. The test bar is calibrated to lift specified weights in AC and DC modes according to industry standards for magnetic particle inspection yokes.
3. A second page provides calibration details for an Accu-Weigh scale against measurement standards traceable to NIST.
Original Description:
Patron de Peso
Original Title
Certificado de Barra Patron de Peso Serie 8671 - Mt
1. The document is a certificate of calibration for a Parker Research Corporation TB-10 Magnetic Weight-Lift Test Bar, serial number 8671.
2. The test bar is calibrated to lift specified weights in AC and DC modes according to industry standards for magnetic particle inspection yokes.
3. A second page provides calibration details for an Accu-Weigh scale against measurement standards traceable to NIST.
1. The document is a certificate of calibration for a Parker Research Corporation TB-10 Magnetic Weight-Lift Test Bar, serial number 8671.
2. The test bar is calibrated to lift specified weights in AC and DC modes according to industry standards for magnetic particle inspection yokes.
3. A second page provides calibration details for an Accu-Weigh scale against measurement standards traceable to NIST.
PARKER RESEARCH CORPORATION R O . BOX 1406 DUNE DI N, F LOR I DA 34697-1406 U.S.A. C E R T I F I C A T I O N LOT NUMBE R : 5 0 3 S E R I AL NO . 8 6 7 1 7-15-09 DATE The TB-10 Magnetic Weight ft Test Bar provides for the calibration and certification of Magnetic Partile Inspection Yokes to the following specifications. Bar weight is stamped on each bar and is traceable to NI ST A S M E S E C T I O N V, AR TI CL E 7 AS T M E709 A S T M E1444 MI L-S TD-271E & F (S HI P S ) NAVS EA-TB-T9074-AS-GI B010/271 These specifications require that Magnetic I nspection Y okes shall be capabie of lifting 10 pounds in A C and 40 pounds in DC . MI L - S TD- 1949 and A S T M E 1444 require a DC weight lift of 30 pounds with leg spacing of 2 to 4 inchs and 50 pounds with a leg spacing of 4 to 6 inches. INSTRUCTIONS: P lace Yoke iegs on the test bar at the recommended spacing. In the A C mode, energize Yoke and lift the test bar (10 pounds). For the DC lift test, (30 to 50-pounds) 3 to 5 test bars must be bolted together through the hole located in the center of each bar. With the Yoke set in the DC mode. follow the procedure as described above. All Parker R esearch Contour P robes (Yokes) comply with and exceed the requirements of these specifications. CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRARON NO. 22910-302 -j P age 1 of1 Calibration Date: 10/02/2008 Recalibration Due: 10/02/2009 Parker Research Corporati on, Clearwater, FL Customer: Description: Scale [Balance] Manufacturer: Accu-Wei gh Model: Universal S ize: 20 Ib x 1 oz Mfr Seria! No: 505340 ID Number: n/a As Received: Within Tolerance Uncertainty: ANSI/ASTM E617 Cl ass 6 Tolerances Calibration Location Calibration Ambient: Observed Condition P revious Cent P rocedure: Technician: As Returned: shop 73 F., R.H. 52% good 21955-501 002-B - Bal ance/Scal e Michael L. Reed Within Tolerance CALI BRATI ON RE S ULTS : T e s t p o i n t ( s ) : 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 l b / o z P o i n t s check: 4.0 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 l b / o z Checks accurat e to +/-1 di vi si n (1 oz) at t e s t p o mt ( s ) . No adjustmen t r e q u i r e d. Acce p t ab l e Description ' AP P LI CABLE ME A S URE ME NT S TANDARDS Mfr. Model I.D. Number Due Date N.I.S.T. Ref. No. Weight Set, C.l RiceLake Cast Iron 41.1 09/30/09 20933-101 AS F OUND AND FINAL RE S ULTS ARE THE S AME , UNLE S S OTHE RWIS E NOTE D The calibration described above was performed n compliance with ANS I/NCS L Z540-1-1994, ISO 10012-1 &ISO/IEC Guide 25. Accuracies of standards used are traceable tothe National Institute of Standards &Technology (N.I.S.T.) or nave been derived from accepted vales of naturally occurring physical constants. Certified Calibrations' responsibilities shall in noevent, or for any cause whatsoever exceed the cost of the service represented. This report applies only to the item(s) identified above, at the time of testing. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Certified Calibrations. Inc.