Argument Essay Example

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Argument Essay Example

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Argument Essay Example" can be both challenging and
rewarding. The difficulty lies in the need to articulate a well-structured argument that not only
presents a clear thesis but also supports it with compelling evidence and logical reasoning. The
process requires a deep understanding of the chosen subject, extensive research, and critical thinking

Firstly, selecting a strong and debatable thesis statement is crucial. This requires careful consideration
of various perspectives and a keen awareness of the topic's nuances. Once the thesis is established,
the challenge lies in developing a coherent and organized structure that effectively conveys the
argument. Each paragraph must contribute to the overall flow, presenting ideas in a logical sequence
while maintaining clarity and cohesion.

Research is a fundamental aspect of writing an argument essay. It involves gathering relevant and
credible sources to support the claims made in the essay. This requires time and effort to sift through
various materials, evaluate their reliability, and integrate them seamlessly into the essay. Proper
citation and referencing are also essential to maintain academic integrity.

Moreover, constructing a compelling argument requires not only presenting evidence but also
anticipating and addressing counterarguments. This adds another layer of complexity, as it demands
a thorough understanding of potential objections and a skillful presentation of rebuttals.

The challenge continues in the writing process itself. Balancing the use of language to convey ideas
effectively while maintaining an engaging and persuasive tone is a delicate task. Clarity is paramount,
but creativity and a strong command of language are also crucial to capture the reader's attention and
make a lasting impression.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Argument Essay Example" demands a combination
of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. It is a process that challenges writers
to delve deep into a subject, construct a compelling argument, and present it in a clear and engaging
manner. While it may be demanding, the skills developed during this process are invaluable.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing challenges, various
resources are available, including online writing services. Platforms offer
professional help in crafting essays, research papers, and more, providing support to students facing
the complexities of academic writing.
Argument Essay Example Argument Essay Example
The Auditor Book Summary
Auditor, an instructional novella written by James K. Loebbecke, tells the story of
Jack Butler, a man from the San Francisco Bay area, who goes to college, majors in
accounting, and goes to work for a large accounting firm referred to as The Firm. The
story is loosely based upon the real world experiences of the author, and is written to
give students a look into the world of public accounting that goes beyond a textbook.
The Auditor not only gives students a chance to follow Jack Butler s journey up the
company ladder at The Firm, but also reiterates the relative importance of conventional
lessons learned in school.
The story begins with a nerve filled morning for Jack Butler. He is one of three managers
who are being considered for ... Show more content on ...
Chapter five marks the beginning of Jack s career at The Firm. It is on this day that he
is introduced to the Bearisms. Bearisms were a list of unwritten rules and sayings The
Bear, Quentin Barnes, had compiled over his years with The Firm. Two weeks later,
Jack was headed to a national training center for The Firm. Upon returning from his
training trip, Jack sets out on his first audit engagement to the Bakersfield Cement
Plant. On his first engagement, Jack discovers two problems. First, he finds out that a
clerk had borrowed money out of the petty cash box, and that the money is missing.
Second, he discovers that another employee has been adjusting inventory numbers.
This first audit experience serves as a great learning experience for students because it
gives them an idea of what could happen on your first audit. Jack showed that although
it was his first audit, he was going to make sure he did the right thing to address both
issues. To conclude the chapter, Jack states that he left Bakersfield feeling that he had
not only learned a lot, but had done a good job as well. This story helps the student to
understand the full process of an audit and know what to do if problems are discovered.
The chapter as a whole displays to the student how a new hire goes through the training
process and then begins on their first audit. This allows the student to form an idea of
what to expect when they begin their careers at their respective firms.
Compassion Fatigue Critique
Research critique slides for Courtney Center

#2 APA Citation
Potter, P., Deshields, T., Berger, J.A., Clarke, M., Olsen, S., Chen, L. (2013). Evaluation
of a compassion fatigue resiliency program for oncology nurses. Oncology Nursing
Forum 40(2), 180 187.
#3 Statement of the Problem
Problem Identification o Oncology nurses are at great risk for compassion fatigue o
Limited interventions and resources available to nurses experiencing compassion fatigue.
Background Compassion fatigue is the combination of burnout and secondary traumatic
Scope of the Problem It has been reported that 16 39% of registered nurses have
experienced compassion fatique, and 8 38% experienced burnout.
Consequences of the Problem The
The Preparation Plan for Redesigning Gadgets INC. Network
The purpose of this paper is to start redesigning the network for the small company.
They are requesting that the budget is kept as minimal as possible. The company
Gadgets INC. has many file and print servers that they would like to remain online in the
newly done network. This network has 100 workstations. With the workstations they
have 20 Windows 8 computers, 60 Windows 7 computers, 20 Windows XP computers
and four Windows Server 2003 machines. We have been told from the ISP our internet
access will be configured for us on the site. The ISP has routers and will be giving us a
static IP address. The agreement is that we have only one leased line from our site to the
ISP, the provided address is
The newly configured network will have more capability and advantages to allow the
servers to get the data where needed quicker. With the new changes we will roll out a
new IP addressing scheme and it will not be static, it will be DHCP. This network will
have static IP s only addressed to servers and printers. We are going to have DNS,
WINS roles put onto some of the servers. We plan on delegating the group policies
where needed, any group policy that will be implemented will be stated in the Group
Policy section.
The advantages of this network will be to provide faster intranetworking, faster speeds
and allow the servers to delegate the permissions in a more efficient manner. There are
going to be exclusions, and reservations made for select
Florida State University Recommendation Report
Lyndon Engemann
ENC 1102 (Technical Online)
Dr. Trogan

Final Report:
Florida State University Recommendation Report
Exploring Issues in Common Core
Drafted at the bequest of John Smith, Gubernatorial Candidate
By Dr. Lyndon Engemann, Chair of Education Department

Table of Contents
What is Common Core
Effects of Common Core
Common Core in Florida
Works Cited

Purpose of this Report
This paper was drafted by the Office of Educational Affairs of Florida State University at
the bequest of future gubernatorial candidate John Smith. This report is commissioned as
part of a policy review for a political campaign and any interpretation should reflect as
such. During this election 2018 ... Show more content on ...
Ironically the 1965 act was in response to issues with low academic performance of
impoverished students (as will be discussed later, standardized testing has a negative
impact on low income students). The groundwork for Common Core as we know it was
laid out much later. During the Bush administration the No Child Left behind created a
standardized test purgatory. Schools facilitated cheating and a chronic issue with schools
lowering the passing rates created unsustainable issues. The economic recession and the
Obama Administration also attempted to reform the system with what is known as the
Race to the Top . Under this system there was a funding incentive for high performing
schools. This system also relied heavily on standardized testing. An interesting
repercussion of the Race to the Top is that it created a massive data drive to collect
student information. Out of these two failed programs and an economic recession came
the drive for Common Core. common core was developed in 2009 and implemented in
2010, it was then accepted by 45 states. The education industry is (books, software,
curriculum) are aligning their products to match common core. The National Governors
Association is the actual legal owner of the Common Core Standards. The Florida
standards which are based on Common Core were rolled out a little differently. During
the 2013 2014 school
Research Worksheet
Research Worksheet
Jesse Travis
Midwestern University Research Worksheet Questions
What hierarchy of evidence is used when making decisions about clinical interventions?
While research has long paralleled medicine, the use of strong research evidence as the
basis for clinical action is more recent (Houser, 2015). The historically accepted
hierarchy of evidence separates evidence into levels of trust, from highest to lowest
(Greenhalgh, 2010):
1.Systematic reviews of randomized controlled trails
2.Randomized controlled trails
3.Controlled clinical trials
4.Observational studies (cohort studies or case controlled studies)
5.Case studies, expert opinion, bench studies
While this structure provides a starting point for the critique ... Show more content on ...
Give a brief description of each section: The IMRAD format is the most common format
for scientific papers and includes an introduction, methods, results, and discussion section
(Greenhalgh, 2010). The introduction section includes a summary of the author s reasons
for developing the study; the methods section displays the author s techniques which
include study design and tools for data analysis; the results section displays the data
found by the experiment; then finally, the discussion section contains the author s
interpretation and application of the results (Greenhalgh, 2010).
What is systematic bias? Systematic bias is anything that may artificially make a change
to conclusions drawn from study data and prevent direct evaluation of study groups
(Greenhalgh, 2010). The aim of all good research is the comparison of changes with
target groups while controlling for as many external influences as possible to ensure
reliability of results.
What are the different types of biases to check for in a randomized controlled trial?
Give a brief explanation of each. According to Greenhalgh (2010), there are four kinds
of bias which must be addressed during randomized controlled trials (p. 52):
Josh Ruffell Research Paper
Experienced Animal Keeper and Trainer Josh Ruffell

A wildlife expert who got his start as an animal keeper at Furry Friends Zoo in
Lyndeborough, New Hampshire, Josh Ruffell attended Salem State College (SSC) in
Salem, Massachusetts, from 1996 to 1997. After completing general studies and
biology coursework at SSC, he matriculated at Moorpark College in Moorpark,
California, where he completed the Exotic Animal Training and Management Program
with a focus on wildlife education and exotic animal training. Josh Ruffell s
responsibilities at Moorpark included training and caring for a number of wild animals
including a black leopard, an olive baboon, an American kestrel, a dromedary camel, a
double yellow headed amazon parrot, and multiple spotted hyenas.

Josh Ruffell went on to serve as an animal trainer for various television and film
production companies in California and Osaka, Japan. From 2005 to 2008, he ... Show
more content on ...
He most recently served a two year tenure as assistant curator of the Australia Zoo in
Beerwah, Australia. This position placed Josh Ruffell in charge of six different
departments and required expertise in areas that ranged from wildlife shows and animal
care to grounds keeping and audiovisual services.

Before becoming general assistant curator in 2013, Josh Ruffell served the Australia
Zoo as a curator of birds and reptiles. He has also completed extensive work as in the
entertainment industry, training animals for several international production companies
and consulting on CBS s Survivor. Mr. Ruffell also served as an animal keeper and
general manager for New England Reptile Distributors, where he oversaw all facets of
daily operations for a 10,000 square foot breeding facility in Plaistow, New
Discounted Cash Flow (Dcf) Analysis
DCF Modeling
Copyright 2008 by Wall Street Prep, Inc.

***************************** SAMPLE PAGES FROM TUTORIAL GUIDE


Table of contents
SECTION 1: OVERVIEW DCF in theory and in practice Unlevered vs. levered DCF
SECTION 2: MODELING THE DCF Modeling unlevered free cash flows Discounting to
reflect stub year and mid year adjustment Terminal value using growth in perpetuity
approach Terminal value using exit multiple approach Calculating net debt Shares
outstanding using the treasury stock method Modeling the weighted average cost of
capital (WACC) Sensitivity analysis using data tables Modeling synergies

***************************** SAMPLE PAGES FROM TUTORIAL GUIDE

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Projected income and cash flow streams are after interest expense and net of any interest
income: Net income Increases in working capital +/ Deferred taxes + D A
***************************** expenditures Capital +/ Net SAMPLE PAGES
FROM TUTORIAL GUIDEborrowing Levered FCF 6 For illustrative Purposes Only

Income Statement (10 K / 10 Q / PR / Company) Use normalized EBIT Use effective tax
rate CFS / IS / Footnotes

Analyst research Company Internal projections Use marginal tax rate Analyst research
Company Internal projections


Modeling unlevered free cash flows

Always remember to: Footnote assumptions in detail Test your assumptions Use
consistent cash flows and costs of capital

Reference from core model

Input WACC of 10% for now. ***************************** We will calculate

wacc shortly. SAMPLE PAGES FROM TUTORIAL GUIDE For illustrative Purposes
Only *****************************

Calculation = days post deal date / 365

Discounting to reflect

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