Best English Essays

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Best English Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Best English Essays" poses a unique set of challenges, as it
requires a delicate balance between personal interpretation and scholarly analysis. The difficulty lies
in navigating the vast sea of literary works, each contributing to the rich tapestry of English
literature. Selecting the "best" essays involves a subjective evaluation that demands a profound
understanding of the nuances within the language, historical context, and cultural significance.

The task begins with extensive research to identify notable essays that have left an indelible mark on
the landscape of English literature. This process is not only time-consuming but also demands an in-
depth comprehension of the stylistic variations, rhetorical techniques, and thematic elements that
define outstanding essays. The challenge is not merely summarizing the chosen pieces but delving
into the intricate layers of meaning, dissecting the author's intentions, and offering a fresh

Moreover, addressing the subjective nature of the topic adds complexity. What might be considered
the best by one scholar could be challenged by another, making it crucial to present a well-argued
case for the chosen essays. This demands a thorough understanding of literary criticism, enabling the
writer to navigate conflicting viewpoints and build a persuasive argument that withstands scrutiny.

Crafting eloquent prose that mirrors the essence of the essays being discussed is an additional
hurdle. Balancing a scholarly tone with personal insight requires finesse, and the essayist must strive
to capture the essence of the selected works while presenting a cohesive and engaging narrative.

In conclusion, the difficulty in writing an essay on the topic of "Best English Essays" is not just
about analyzing and summarizing literary works; it's about navigating the complexities of
subjectivity, delving into the depths of literary analysis, and expressing these insights in a
compelling and articulate manner.

For those seeking assistance in tackling such intricate topics or exploring a wide array of essays, it's
worth noting that resources like offer a platform where similar essays and more
can be ordered, providing valuable support for academic endeavors.

Best English Essays Best English Essays

Social Pressure On The Government Crisis
I measure domestic political volatility through observable events that are likely to
indicate leadership change or social pressure on the government, in both cases using
variables constructed with data from the Cross National Time Series (CNTS)
dataset.footnote{cite{Banks2011Cross National}. A number of studies have used the
CNTS data to capture political volatility or instability, but there is no consensus on the
best approach or best variables to use. To list a few: cite{Sasikumar2009testingtheories}
codes a measure of political instability using a weighted index of CNTS variables,
combining general strikes, demonstrations and government crises;
cite{ghosn2011domestic} uses demonstrations and government crises as separate
variables; cite{Brunetti1998uncertainty} use number of changes in the national
constitution as a measure of policy uncertainty; cite{Roe2011politicalinstability} use the
government crisis measure. My constructed variables build on ideas developed in these
prior studies and adapts the measures to better fit the volatility concepts I seek to capture
with this measure.}\ For public pressure, I use a measure of demonstrations, riots and
political strikes. The goal is to capture events which would be substantial enough as to be
observable internationally as domestic pressures. Since the data do not record the sizes or
issue areas associated with these social unrest events, I rely on their frequency. I
construct a binary variable which is coded 1 if more than
Core Competence In Drug Courts
Drug courts have become an integral part of the criminal justice system. They offer a
specialized approach for participants not offered in criminal courts. They have filled a
void in the criminal justice system that was left by the war on drugs. Due to this
specialized approach, judges must assume a controversial role in the participants lives. A
judge is held to the highest standard in a participant s journey through the drug court
system. Some argue that drug courts are not the proper way to handle drug offenders. If
judges assume their role as a leader, communicator, community builder, and institution
builder participants will gain a lifechanging experience in drug courts.


In the 1980s, crack ... Show more content on ...
Drug courts provide closer supervision than probation, the other notable community
based treatment. 17 Drug courts are six times more likely than probation to graduate
participants from treatment. In a study of 2,000 graduates nationally it was found that
drug courts have lower rates of re arrest than probation. The re arrest rate after graduation
from of drug courts was sixteen percent after one year and twenty seven percent after the
second year. 18 The re arrest rates after completing probation are forty six percent after
one year and sixty percent after two years. 19 Studies show that for every graduating
participant the criminal justice system saves from 4,000 1,2000 US dollars. These
savings can be broken down into reduced prison time, arrests, trials, and victimization.

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