An Innovative SSSC Device For Power Quality Enhancement

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

An Innovative SSSC Device for Power Quality

Namburi Nireekshana1 Onteru Divya2
Assistant Professor, EEED 160720734008 BE, EEED
Methodist College of Engineering & Technology Methodist College of Engineering & Technology

Mohammed Abdul Saquib Adil3 Rathod Rahul4

160720734005BE, EEED 160720734316 BE, EEED
Methodist College of Engineering & Technology Methodist College of Engineering & Technology

Mohammed Shoaib Mohiuddin 5

160720734015BE, EEED
Methodist College of Engineering & Technology

Abstract:- Recent developments in technology have  A power factor of 1 (or 100%) indicates that all the power
resulted in increased power consumption from a larger is active power, meaningthe system is purely resistive.
number of nonlinear loads, consequently impacting the  A power factor less than 1 indicates the presence of
overall quality of power transmission. It is crucial for the reactive power, which istypical in systems with inductive
power transmitted in a line to be of top-notch quality. The or capacitive loads.
power flow is determined by factors such as line
impedance and the magnitudes of voltage at the sending A. Importance of Reactive Power:-
and receiving ends. Nonlinear loads can lead to the
generation of harmonic currents, resulting in system  Voltage Stability: Reactive power is essential for
resonance, capacitor overloading, decreased efficiency, maintaining voltage levels within acceptable limits. A
and changes in voltage magnitude. The simulation results lack of reactivepower can lead to voltage drops, affecting
demonstrate the enhanced system stability achieved the performance and reliability of electrical equipment.
through the utilisation of FACTS devices. Additionally,  Transmission and Distribution Efficiency: Adequate
the SSSC-based stabiliser proves to be highly effective in reactive power support helps in reducing power losses and
dampening power system oscillations. enhancing the efficiency of electrical transmission and
distribution systems.
Keywords:- Reactive Power, SSSC, MATLAB2018b  Motor and Equipment Operation: Inductiveloads, such as
electric motors, require reactive power for their operation.
I. INTRODUCTION Providing the necessary reactive power ensures the proper
functioning of these devices.
Reactive power is an essential component in alternating
current (AC) electrical systems, alongside active power. B. Sources of Reactive Power:-
While active power (measured in watts) represents the actual
energy used to perform work, reactive power (measured in  Capacitors: These devices can supplyreactive power and
volt-amperes reactive or VAR) is associated with theexchange are often used to improve power factor and voltage
of electric fields in the system without performing any real regulation.
work. Reactive power is the power associated with the  Inductors: While inductive loads consume reactive power,
establishment of magneticand electric fields in AC circuits. It inductors themselves can also be a source of reactive
does not performany useful work directly but is crucial for power when appropriately controlled.
maintaining voltage levels and supporting the flow of active
power. Understanding and managing reactive power arecrucial
for ensuring the reliability and efficiency of electrical power
The power factor is a critical parameter associated with systems. Utilities and industriesemploy various methods and
reactive power, representing the ratio of real power (active devices to control and optimize reactive power flow to meet
power) to apparent power (the sum of active and reactive operational requirements.
power). It is quantified as a valueranging from 0 to 1, with a
higher power factor signifying a more efficient utilization of
electrical power.

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. METHODOLOGY This simulation capability facilitates the manipulation of
power flow within thetransmission line. Primarily, the SSSC
The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is serves toregulate power flow during steady-state conditions
an important device in power systems and has several key in a power system, while also possessing the capability to
functions that contribute to the stability and efficiency of the improve transient stability.
electrical grid. SSSC allows for precise and rapid control of
power flow in transmission lines. Byadjusting the impedance The SSSC controller adeptly alleviates power system
of the line in a controlled manner, it enables operators to oscillations, markedly improving thesystem's voltage profile.
optimize the usage ofexisting transmission infrastructure and This proposed SSSC controller effectively mitigates power
manage power flows more efficiently. SSSC can help in system oscillations in both inter-area and local modes. These
enhancing voltage stability in the power system. By recommended stabilizers have been applied and assessed in
dynamically adjusting the line impedance, it can mitigate power systems under severedisturbances and diverse loading
voltage fluctuations and maintain voltage levels within conditions. Grounded in FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission
acceptable limits, especially during transient conditions. Systems), the stabilizer exhibits outstanding damping
SSSC provides a means to dampen power oscillations in the characteristics, notably enhancing system stability in
transmission network. This is particularly important for comparison to standalone systems.
maintaining system stability and preventing the occurrence of
voltage instability or large-scale blackouts. A. Working and Operation:-
The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)is a
As more renewable energy sources are integrated into modern Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) device
the grid, the variability of power generation increases. SSSC that utilizes a voltage source converter connected in series to
can help manage the challenges associated with integrating a transmission line through a transformer. Operating akin to a
renewable energy by providing dynamic control over controlled series capacitor or series inductor, the key
transmission parameters. The Static Synchronous Series differentiation lies in the independently controlled injected
Compensator plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall voltage. This distinctive feature allows the SSSC to function
performance, stability, and reliability of power systems, effectively under diverse loadconditions, including both high
making it an importantcomponent in modern electrical grids. and low demand scenarios

The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), The SSSC has three main components:-
belonging to the FACTS (Flexible Alternating Current
Transmission System) family, is integrated in series with a  The primary component is the Voltage Source Converter
power system. Comprising a solid-state voltage source (VSC).
converter generating a controlled alternating current voltage  The Transformer connects the SSSC to the transmission
atthe fundamental frequency, the SSSC achieves a 90-degree line.
phase difference between the injected voltage and the line  The Energy Source supplies voltage to the DC capacitor
current, simulating either inductive or capacitive reactance. and compensates for device losses.

Fig. 1 Basic Structure of SSSC

The Static Synchronous Series Compensator functions in However, thedrawback lies in substantial costs associated
a manner akin to the STATCOM, differing in that it is with therequirement for a sizable energy supply.
connected in series rather than in parallel. This system
possesses the ability to transmit both active and reactive B. Modes of Operations:-
power, enabling it to counteract resistive voltage drops and Typically, the line reactance remains consistent, yet its
uphold a consistently high effective X/R ratio unaffected by overall influence can be altered through the injection of
the extent of series compensation. voltage. As the level of inductive reactance compensation
increases from 0% to 100%, the line current decreases.
Conversely, the line current ascends as the level of capacitive
reactance compensation rises from 0% to 33%.

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 2 Modes of Operation of Proposed Method

The static synchronous series compensate or has the  Damping Power Oscillations:- SSSC is employed to
ability to both raise and reduce the transferable power. This dampen power oscillations that can occur in the
may be achieved by reversing the polarity of the injected transmission network. This improves the overallstability of
voltage. The reversed polarity voltage is immediately applied the power grid and prevents the amplification of
to the line voltage drop, simulating an increase in line oscillations that could lead to instability.
resistance. The effect of reactance compensation on  Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) Devices:-
normalized power flow in the transmission line can be SSSC is part of the family of Flexible AC Transmission
encapsulated as follows: System devices. These devices, including SSSC, provide
dynamic control of power system parameters to enhance
 When the emulated reactance is capacitive, increasing grid performance, stability, and reliability.
reactance compensation in the positive direction leads to  Grid Expansion and Reinforcement:- Instead of or in
an increase in both active and reactive power flow, while addition to traditional methods of grid expansion,SSSC can
decreasing the effective reactance. be utilized to increase the transmission capacity of existing
 Conversely, when the emulated reactance is inductive, lines. This can defer the need for building new transmission
increasing reactance compensation in the negative infrastructure, saving costs and time.
direction results in a decrease in both active andreactive  Mitigating Subsynchronous Resonance (SSR):- SSSC can
power flow. be used to mitigate subsynchronous resonance, a
phenomenon that can occur in powersystems with series-
III. APPLICATIONS compensated transmission lines. The device helps control
system dynamics and prevent detrimental effects on
The Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) finds equipment.
applications in various aspects of power systems where precise  Integration of Renewable Energy:- SSSC aids in
control of transmission line parameters and improved stability integrating renewable energy sources into the grid by
are required. Some of the key applications of SSSC include: providing dynamic control over transmission parameters.
This is particularly important as renewable energy
 Power Flow Control:- SSSC is used to control power flow generation often introduces variability and uncertainty into
on transmission lines. By dynamically adjusting the the power system.
impedance, it allows grid operators to optimize power  Preventing Voltage Collapse:- SSSC helps prevent voltage
flow, relieving congestion in the network and preventing collapse by maintaining suitable voltage levels in the
overloads on specific lines. system. It contributes to grid stability during contingencies
 Voltage Stability Enhancement:- SSSC helps enhance and disturbances, reducing therisk of widespread outages.
voltage stability by regulating voltage levels within  Contingency Management:- SSSC assists in managing
acceptable limits during both steady- state and transient contingencies by providing a rapidresponse to changing
conditions. This is crucial for maintaining the reliability of grid conditions. It helps stabilize the system during events
the power system. such as sudden load changes, line outages, or other

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 3 Single Line Diagram

Fig 4 Simulation Diagram

Fig 5 Three Phase Voltages Fig 6 Three Phase Source Voltages

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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Authors Profile

graduated from JNTU Hyderabad with 75% aggregate and received Master of Technology from JNTU Hyderabad with76%, research
scholar in Annamalai University .He is working as assistant professor in Methodist college of engineering & technology.

IJISRT24JAN1868 2325

Volume 9, Issue 1, January – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Is pursuing B.E in the Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Methodist College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad.
She completed intermediate in IIIT Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge & Technology, Basar andcompleted school in Sharadha
Concept of High School, Parkal, Warangal.


Is pursuing B.E in the Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Methodist College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad.
He completed intermediate in Deeksha Junior College, Nirmal and
completed school in Ravi High School, Ravi Nagar, Nirmal

Is pursuing B.E in the Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Methodist College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad.
He completed Diploma in Govt Model Residential Polytechnic Utnoor, Adilabad and completed school in Sri Saraswati Shishu
Mandir, Kissan
Gally, Bhainsa, Nirmal.


Is pursuing B.E in the Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in Methodist College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad.
He completed intermediate in Sri Chaitanya Junior Kalasala,Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad and
completed school in International Indian School, Al Rawdha, Riyadh, KSA

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