A 000 989 88 03 11 Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
A 000 989 88 03 11 Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
A 000 989 88 03 11 Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
Mercedes-Benz AG
70546 Stuttgart
Telephone +49 711 17-0
E-mail (competent person):
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
Hazardous ingredients
CAS No. EC No. Substance name Concentration Classification SCL/ M/ ATE
according to
Regulation (EC) No
1272/2008 [CLP]
64742-54-7 265-157-1 Distillates (petroleum), 50 < 100 % Asp. Tox. 1; H304 ATE(oral): ≥ 5001
hydrotreated heavy paraffinic mg/kg
ATE(dermal): ≥
3001 mg/kg
vapour): 5.53
AFT019 PMA 1<5% Eye Irrit. 2; H319 Eye Irrit. 2;H319:
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
Following inhalation
Provide fresh air.
In the event of symptoms refer for medical treatment.
Following ingestion
Do NOT induce vomiting.
Call a physician immediately.
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
4.2 Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
May cause irritation of the skin and eyes.
4.3 Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Notes for the doctor
Treat symptomatically.
Additional information
Co-ordinate fire-fighting measures to the fire surroundings.
Collect contaminated fire extinguishing water separately. Do not allow entering drains or surface water.
Cool endangered containers with water spray and possibly remove them from fire site.
Fire residues and contaminated firefighting water must be disposed of in accordance with the local regulations.
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
Storage class
10 Combustible liquids that cannot be assigned to any of the above storage classes
Materials to avoid
Do not store together with:
Food and feedingstuffs
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
DNEL Consumer
CAS No. Substance name DNEL value DNEL type Remark
64742-54-7 Distillates (petroleum), 1.2 mg/m³ long-term inhalative (local)
hydrotreated heavy paraffinic
1218787-32- 2,2'-(C16-18 (evennumbered, C18 0.214 mg/kg long-term oral (repeated)
6 unsaturated) alkyl imino) diethanol bw/day
1218787-32- 2,2'-(C16-18 (evennumbered, C18 0.214 mg/kg long-term dermal
6 unsaturated) alkyl imino) diethanol bw/day (systemic)
1218787-32- 2,2'-(C16-18 (evennumbered, C18 0.214 mg/kg long-term dermal
6 unsaturated) alkyl imino) diethanol bw/day (systemic)
1218787-32- 2,2'-(C16-18 (evennumbered, C18 0.745 mg/m³ long-term inhalative
6 unsaturated) alkyl imino) diethanol (systemic)
CAS No. Substance name PNEC Value PNEC type Remark
64742-54-7 Distillates (petroleum), 9.33 mg/kg Secondary Poisoning , Nahrung
hydrotreated heavy paraffinic
1218787-32- 2,2'-(C16-18 (evennumbered, C18 0.000214 mg/L aquatic, freshwater
6 unsaturated) alkyl imino) diethanol
1218787-32- 2,2'-(C16-18 (evennumbered, C18 2.14e-005 mg/L aquatic, marine water
6 unsaturated) alkyl imino) diethanol
1218787-32- 2,2'-(C16-18 (evennumbered, C18 1.692 mg/kg sediment, freshwater
6 unsaturated) alkyl imino) diethanol
1218787-32- 2,2'-(C16-18 (evennumbered, C18 0.1692 mg/kg sediment, marine water
6 unsaturated) alkyl imino) diethanol
1218787-32- 2,2'-(C16-18 (evennumbered, C18 5 mg/L soil
6 unsaturated) alkyl imino) diethanol
1218787-32- 2,2'-(C16-18 (evennumbered, C18 1.5 mg/L sewage treatment plant
6 unsaturated) alkyl imino) diethanol (STP)
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
Hand protection
Glove materials data [type, thickness, breakthrough time/duration of use, permeation rate]: Nitrile rubber (protection index
6, >480 min, 0.4 mm)
For special purposes, it is recommended to check the resistance to chemicals of the protective gloves mentioned above
together with the supplier of these gloves.
The protective gloves to be used must comply with the specifications of EC directive 89/686/EEC and. the resultant
standard EN374.
Body protection:
Protective clothing
Respiratory protection
Respiratory protection necessary at:
insufficient exhaust
prolonged exposure
Suitable respiratory protection apparatus:
Filtering device (full mask or mouthpiece) with filter:
light brown
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
Viscosity kinematic
33.5 mm²/s (40°C)
Solubility(ies) Water solubility practically insoluble
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
Skin corrosion/irritation
Practical experience/human evidence
Frequent and prolonged contact with the skin may cause skin irritation.
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
Animal data
Result / Evaluation Method Source, Remark
Causes serious eye irritation.1Specific
Concentration Limit (SCL) Eye Irrit. 2;
H319: C ≤ 75%
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
Skin sensitisation
Animal data
Result / Evaluation Dose / Concentration Method Source, Remark
sensitising CAS No.67124-09-8 1-(tert- OECD 406, OECD 429 Specific Concentration Limit
dodecylthio)propan-2-ol (SCL) Skin Sens. 1B; H317:
14.2 % ≤ C ≤ 100 %
not sensitising. CAS No.1218787-32-6 2,2'- OECD 406
(C16-18 (evennumbered,
C18 unsaturated) alkyl
imino) diethanol
Species Guinea pig
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
Reproductive toxicity
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
STOT-single exposure
STOT SE 1 and 2
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
Irritation to respiratory tract
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
Narcotic effects
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
STOT-repeated exposure
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
Aspiration hazard
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
The allocation of waste identity numbers/waste descriptions must be carried out according to the EEC, specific to the
industry and process.
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Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EC) No.
1907/2006 (REACH)
A 000 989 88 03 11
Servolenkungsöl/ Lenkgetriebeöl MB 236.3
Print date 20.04.2023
Revision date 01.01.2023
Version 4.0 (en)
replaces version of 05.11.2021 (3.0)
Classification for mixtures and used evaluation method according to regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 [CLP]
The mixture is classified according to the available hazard data for the constituents as defined in the classification criteria
for mixtures for each hazard class in Appendix I of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008.
Additional information
Adhere to existing national and local rules referring to chemicals.
The above information describes exclusively the safety requirements of the product and is based on our present-day
knowledge. The information is intended to give you advice about the safe handling of the product named in this safety data
sheet, for storage, processing, transport and disposal. The information cannot be transferred to other products. In the case
of mixing the product with other products or in the case of processing, the information on this safety data sheet is not
necessarily valid for the new made-up material.
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