TP 109 09
TP 109 09
TP 109 09
June 1, 2005
Table of Contents
1. PURPOSE AND APPLICATION ....................................................................................................... 3
2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................................... 4
3. SECURITY ........................................................................................................................................... 5
4. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING................................................................................................................... 5
5. TEST SCHEDULING AND MONITORING .................................................................................... 5
6. TEST DATA DISPOSITION............................................................................................................... 6
8. CALIBRATION OF TEST INSTRUMENTS...................................................................................12
9. DIGITAL IMAGE DOCUMENTATION .........................................................................................13
10. DEFINITIONS.....................................................................................................................................14
11. PRETEST REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................................18
12. COMPLIANCE TEST EXECUTION ...............................................................................................20
12.1 LABELING TEST PROCEDURES (TIRES A, B & C).................................................................20
12.2 TREAD WEAR INDICATOR TEST PROCEDURES (TIRES A, B AND C) ...............................22
12.3 PREPARATION OF TIRE(S) FOR CATEGORY A STATIC TESTS ..........................................23
12.4 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS TEST PROCEDURE (S4.2.2.2) .......................................................24
12.5 TUBELESS TIRE RESISTANCE TO BEAD UNSEATING (S4.2.2.3)........................................25
12.6 TIRE STRENGTH TEST PROCEDURE (S4.2.2.4)......................................................................32
12.8 TEST AREA TEMPERATURE – B TIRE.....................................................................................36
12.9 TEST MONITORING - B TIRE ....................................................................................................37
12.10 ENDURANCE TEST PROCEDURES - B TIRE.......................................................................38
12.11 ENDURANCE TEST TIRE ANALYSIS...................................................................................38
12.13 TEST AREA TEMPERATURE - C TIRE .................................................................................40
12.14 TEST MONITORING - C TIRE ................................................................................................41
12.15 HIGH SPEED PERFORMANCE TEST PROCEDURES - C TIRE...........................................42
12.16 HIGH SPEED TEST TIRE ANALYSIS ....................................................................................42
13. POST TEST REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................43
14. REPORTS ............................................................................................................................................43
14.1 FAILED TIRE PROCEDURE AND REPORTING.......................................................................44
14.2 TIRE DATA SHEETS ...................................................................................................................44
14.3 TIRE TEST REPORTING PROCEDURES...................................................................................44
14.4 FINAL TEST REPORT FORMAT ................................................................................................53
14.5 TEST REPORT SUBMISSION.....................................................................................................64
14.6 MONTHLY TEST PROGRAM STATUS REPORT .....................................................................64
List of Figures
FIGURE 1: CATEGORY A SUMMARY AND LABELING DATA SHEET ....................................... 9
FIGURE 2: CATEGORY B ENDURANCE TEST DATA SHEET.................................................. 10
FIGURE 3: CATEGORY C HIGH SPEED TEST DATA SHEET .................................................. 11
FIGURE 4: IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS FOR NEW TIRES ...................................................... 22
FIGURE 5: DIAGRAM OF BEAD UNSEATING BLOCK (Configuration 1) .................................. 30
FIGURE 6: DIAGRAM OF BEAD UNSEATING BLOCK (Configuration 2) .................................. 31
FIGURE 7: INITIAL REPORT OF TIRE TEST FAILURE, FMVSS No. 109 ................................. 47
List of Tables
01 -
09 June 1, 2005 70 FR 25788 May 16, 2005 General update to current standard; added metric
as primary data system, and removed all
reference to obsolete Tire Test Program
Automatic Data Processing System.
The Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance (OVSC) provides contractor laboratories with
Laboratory Test Procedures as guidelines for obtaining compliance test data. The data
are used to determine if a specific vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment meets the
minimum performance requirements of the subject Federal Motor Vehicle Safety
Standard (FMVSS). The purpose of these OVSC Laboratory Test Procedures is to
present a uniform testing and data recording format, and provide suggestions for the use
of specific equipment and procedures. These Laboratory Test Procedures do not
constitute an endorsement or recommendation for use of a any product or method. If
any contractor views any part of the OVSC Laboratory Test Procedures (TP) to be in
conflict with a FMVSS or observes deficiencies in a TP, the contractor is required to
advise the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) and resolve the
discrepancy prior to the start of compliance testing.
Every contractor is required to submit a detailed test procedure to the COTR before
initiating the compliance test program. The procedure must include a step-by-step
description of the methodology to be used. The contractor's test procedure shall contain
a complete listing of test equipment with make and model number and a detailed check
off sheet. The list of test equipment shall include instrument accuracy and calibration
dates. All equipment shall be calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. There shall be no contradictions between the TP and the contractor’s in
house test procedure. Written approval of the in-house test procedures shall be
obtained from the COTR before initiating the compliance test program. The TP is not
intended to limit or restrain a contractor from developing or utilizing any testing
techniques or equipment that will assist in procuring the required compliance test data.
These Laboratory Test Procedures do not constitute an endorsement or
recommendation for use of any product or method. However, the application of any such
testing technique or equipment is subject to prior approval of the COTR.
NOTE: This TP, prepared for the limited purpose of use by contracted independent
laboratories conducting compliance tests for the OVSC, are not rules, regulations, or
NHTSA interpretations regarding the meaning of a FMVSS. Neither is the TP intended
to limit the requirements of the applicable FMVSS(s). In some cases, the TP does not
include all of the various FMVSS minimum performance requirements. Recognizing
applicable test tolerances, the TP may specify test conditions that are less severe than
the minimum requirements of the standard. In addition, the TP may be modified by the
OVSC at any time without notice, and the COTR may direct or authorize contractors to
deviate from these procedures, as long as the tests are performed in a manner
consistent with the standard itself and within the scope of the contract. Laboratory Test
Procedures may not be relied upon to create any right or benefit in any person.
Therefore, compliance of a vehicle or item of motor vehicle equipment is not necessarily
guaranteed if the manufacturer limits its certification tests to those described in the TP.
As a general rule, use of the metric system of weights and measures is preferred.
Performance parameters and test conditions in FMVSS are now specified in metric
units. In this TP, metric values may be followed by English units only for reference (not
necessarily equal). If test equipment is not available for direct measurement in metric
units, the test laboratory shall calculate the exact metric equivalent by means of a
conversion factor carried out to at least five significant digits before rounding consistent
with the specified metric requirement. Metric units shall be used in the Final Test
The metric units used throughout this document with English equivalents in parentheses
are: kilograms (pounds) for force, millimeters (inches) for distance, joules (inch-lbs) for
energy, and kilopascals (lbs per square inch) for pressure. Tire labeling information shall
be recorded in the units presented on the tire.
This standard applies to new pneumatic bias ply and certain specialty tires, specifically
new pneumatic radial tires for use on passenger cars manufactured before 1975, new
pneumatic bias ply tires, and ST, FI, and 8-12 rim diameter and below ties for use on
passenger cars manufactured after 1948. (S2) FMVSS No. 109 specifies laboratory test
requirements for physical dimensions (S4.2.2.2), bead unseating resistance (S4.2.2.3),
tire strength (S4.2.2.4), endurance (S4.2.2.5), and high speed performance (S4.2.2.6);
defines performance requirements (S4.2) including general requirements (S4.2.1) and
test requirements (S4.2.2) as well as tire load ratings; and specifies labeling (or marking)
requirements (S4.3). FMVSS No. 109 does not apply to any tire that has been altered so
as to render impossible its use, or its repair for use, as motor vehicle equipment.
A. It shall meet the requirements specified in S4.2 and S4.3 for its tire size designation,
type, and maximum permissible inflation pressure.
B. It shall meet each of the applicable requirements set forth in paragraphs C and D
following, when mounted on a model rim assembly corresponding to any rim that the
tire manufacturer has designated for use with the tire, according to section S4.4 of
FMVSS No. 109.
C. Its maximum permissible inflation pressure shall be either 220, 248, 276. or 414 kPa
(32, 36, 40, or 60 psi, respectively), or 240, 280, 300, 340 or 350 kPa (35, 41, 44, 49
or 51 psi, respectively). For a CT tire (see Section 10. Definitions) the maximum
permissible inflation pressure shall be either 290, 330, 350, or 390 kPa (42, 48, 51 or
57 psi, respectively). Other pressures listed in this TP with their equivalents are:
indicator that will provide a visual indication that the tire has worn to a tread depth
of1.6 mm (1/16 or 0.0625 inch). Except in the case of tires with a 12-inch (304.8
mm) or smaller rim diameter, each tire shall have not less than six treadwear
indicators spaced approximately equally around the circumference of the tire that
enable a person inspecting the tire to determine visually whether the tire has worn
to a tread depth of 1.6 mm (1/16 or 0.0625 inch). Tires with a 12-inch (304.8-mm)
or smaller rim diameter shall have not less than three such treadwear indicators.
E. It shall, before being subjected to either the endurance test procedure specified in
S5.4 or the high-speed performance test procedure specified in S5.5, exhibit no
visual evidence of tread, sidewall, ply, cord, innerliner, or bead separation,
chunking, broken cords, cracking or open splices.
F. It shall meet the requirements of S4.2.2.5 and S4.2.2.6 when tested on a test
wheel described in S5.4 and S5.5.
The contractor shall provide appropriate security measures to protect the OVSC test
specimens from unauthorized personnel during the entire compliance testing program.
The contractor is financially responsible for any acts of theft and/or vandalism that occur
during the storage of test specimens. Any security problems that arise shall be reported
by telephone to the Industrial Property Manager (IPM), Office of Contracts and
Procurement, within two working days after the incident. A letter containing specific
details of the security problem will be sent to the IPM (with a copy to the COTR) within
48 hours.
The contractor shall protect and segregate the data that evolve from compliance testing
before and after each test. No information concerning the compliance testing program
shall be released to anyone except the COTR, unless specifically authorized by the
COTR, the COTR's Division Chief, or the Contracting Officer.
Contractors shall maintain the entire compliance testing area, test fixtures and
instrumentation in a neat and clean condition with test instruments arranged in an orderly
manner consistent with good test laboratory housekeeping practices.
The contractor shall submit a test schedule to the COTR prior to testing. Tests shall be
completed as required in the contract. All testing shall be coordinated with the COTR to
The contractor shall make all preliminary compliance test data available to the COTR
within four hours after the test. Final test data, including digital printouts
and computer generated plots (if applicable), shall be furnished to the COTR in
accordance with the contract schedule. Additionally, the contractor shall analyze the
preliminary test results as directed by the COTR. All backup data sheets, strip charts,
recordings, plots, technicians notes, etc., shall be retained by the contractor for a
minimum of 3 years after conclusion of each delivery order, purchase order, etc. The
COTR shall direct final disposition at that time.
New Pneumatic Tires to be tested under this TP and FMVSS No. 109 will be provided to
the testing laboratories as Government Furnished Test Items (GFTI) test samples.
Receipt of these tires by the testing laboratories will be acknowledged by emailing an
Excel spreadsheet to the COTR in the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance (NVS-220).
The spreadsheet shall include, at a minimum: the standard, manufacturer, brand, name,
size, the TIN for each tire, number of tires received, date received, and any other
relevant information.
The test sample tires (GFTI), as received, will be marked and individually identified with
a test number, which will remain with the tire and be correlated with the standard,
laboratory, fiscal year, program, and test sequence. The tire shall be mounted so that
the identification number will always be to the inside of the rim. The inside of the rim is
the side that faces inboard when installed on a vehicle. During check-in, each tire shall
be marked with its assigned test number by means of a paint stick or equivalent marking
The laboratory will inspect the test tires when received to ascertain their acceptability for
testing and will seek COTR guidance in resolving abnormal conditions. The test tires
shall be handled with care to avoid cuts, scuffs, tears, or any condition that may
adversely affect test validity. It is incumbent upon the laboratory to ensure that no
adverse change has occurred to the tire between the time of the inspection and test
A clean, secure storage area shall be utilized. The tires shall be kept under lock and key
during any non-testing periods and properly stored and protected from grease, oil,
miscellaneous solvents, and any surface dirt that could influence the results of the test
After directed by the COTR and in accordance with the contract, tested tires will be
disposed of destructively to insure the tires cannot be used on the road. The contractor
shall maintain records documenting their destructive disposition for the term of the
contract, which shall be available upon request of the COTR or Contracting Officer.
! Testing Laboratory
! Test Number
! All Data Pertaining to Tire Marking and Identification
! Testing Laboratory
! Test Number
! All Data Pertaining to Tire Marking and Identification
! Testing Laboratory
! Test Number
! All Data Pertaining to Tire Marking and Identification
BRAND: ____________ TIRE SIZE: ___________ LOAD RANGE: __ SPEED RATING: __ MTL NUMBER: ______
TIRE IDENTIFICATION: MANUFACTURER: ___________ MAN.CODE: ___ BRAND: __________ ID NO.: _______
3 HRS CONDITIONING: START: DATE: __/__/__ TIME: ____ Pressure: ____KPA/ __ PSI TEMP: __ C/ __ F
END: DATE: __/__/__ TIME: ___ PRESS: ___ KPA /__ PSI TEMP: __ C/ __ F CONDIT 3 HRS: (Y/N) __
80 KPH (50 MPH)
END: DATE: __/__/__ TIME: ___ PRESS: KPA/_ PSI TEMP: _ C/_ F CONDIT 3 HRS: (Y/N) Y
80 KPH (50 MPH)
REMARKS: _____________________________________________________________________________
Before starting the test program the contractor shall implement and maintain a
measurement and test equipment calibration system in accordance with established
calibration practices. The calibration system shall be set up and maintained as follows:
A. Standards for calibrating the measuring and test equipment shall be stored and used
under appropriate environmental conditions to assure their accuracy and stability.
B. All measuring instruments and standards shall be calibrated at periodic intervals NOT
TO EXCEED TWELVE (12) MONTHS against a higher order standard by the
contractor, or a commercial facility. Records showing the calibration traceability o to
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) shall be maintained for all
measuring and test equipment.
C. All measuring equipment, test equipment and measuring standards shall be labeled
with the following information:
F. As a minimum the measurement and test equipment calibration system will encompass:
(1) Equipment and devices to measure and/or record all test parameters required by
this OVSC Laboratory Test Procedure (TP).
(2) Alignment of the test tire axle with the road wheel axle. Maximum allowable
misalignment is 10 minutes of arc for camber and toe-in.
(3) The roughness and runout of the test wheel. A test wheel shall not be used when
surface roughness exceeds 0.0032 mm (0.000125 inch) or runout exceeds 0.25
mm (0.010 inch) total indicated runout (TIR).
G. Each report will include a list of equipment used for compliance testing, and for each
item the manufacturer, the calibration schedule, the date of last calibration, the accuracy
of the item and a column for remarks; see Test Equipment List and Calibration
Information sample page in paragraph 14.4 of this TP.
Each final test report shall include color digital images of the test setup, which will
include the test equipment and instrumentation used for each phase of testing; the
minimum size of the digital images shall be 100 x 150 mm (4 x 6 inches).
Pretest color digital images shall be taken of each tire that is subject to a performance
test; there shall be one image of each tire side capturing the complete tire side. A 5
megapixel (minimum) digital camera shall be used with a resolution of at least 1800 x
1200 pixels. The digital images shall be saved until all tires of that make and model
have completed all performance testing and labeling inspection with passing results.
In the event of an apparent test failure or any test anomaly, the pretest digital images for
that tire must be saved until deletion is directed by the COTR. Further, digital images of
each test failure occurrence shall be taken and saved until deletion is directed by the
COTR; images of the apparent failures shall show the point of failure from each point of
view that can add significant detail. Also, the COTR may direct that one or more of any
of these digital images be included in the report and be provided in electronic format to
OVSC, see paragraph 14.1 of this TP.
If digital images of test tires are included in the report, they shall be at least 100 x 150
mm (4 x 6 inches), and a digital title of explanation shall be provided for each image,
presented either on the image or adjacent to it on the report page.
A tire test report, validated by the Tire Test Data Management System, or Tire Test
Reporting System, that has been certified as meeting NHTSA acceptance criteria and which
is signed by the COTR or his representative.
That part of the tire made of steel wires, wrapped or reinforced by ply cords, that is shaped
to fit the rim.
A pneumatic tire in which the ply cords that extend to the beads are laid at alternate angles
substantially less than 90� to the centerline of the tread.
The designated OVSC official who is responsible for assuring laboratory compliance with
contractual obligations.
Any parting within the tread, sidewall, or innerliner of the tire extending to cord material.
A pneumatic tire with an inverted flange tire and rim system in which the rim is designed with
rim flanges pointed radially inward and the tire is designed to fit on the underside of the rim
in a manner that encloses the rim flanges inside the air cavity of the tire.
The layer(s) forming the inside surface of a tubeless tire that contains the inflating medium
within the tire.
The designated OVSC official responsible for the acceptance of test results and the
resolution of any problems.
The maximum load a tire is rated to carry for a given inflation pressure.
A number assigned by OVSC to each tire line to be tested at the initiation of the compliance
testing program.
The load rating at the maximum permissible inflation pressure for that tire.
Any parting at any junction of tread, sidewalls, or innerliner that extends to cord material.
The linear distance between the exteriors of the sidewalls of an inflated tire, including
elevations due to labeling, decorations, or protective bands or ribs.
A mechanical device made of rubber, chemicals, fabric and steel or other materials, which,
when mounted on an automotive wheel, provides the traction and contains the gas or fluid
that sustains the load.
A pneumatic tire in which the ply cords which extend to the beads are laid at substantially
90� to the centerline of the tread.
A special test initiated by a complaint, a field inspection, failed standard test, or at the
discretion of COTR.
A metal support for a tire or a tire and tube assembly upon which the tire beads are seated.
The linear distance between the exteriors of the sidewalls of an inflated tire, excluding
elevations due to labeling, decoration, or protective bands.
The parting of the rubber compound from the cord material in the sidewall.
The sum of the section width and the outer diameter of a tire determined on the test rim.
With reference to a tire to be tested, any rim that is listed as appropriate for use with that tire
in accordance with S4.4. For purposes of this section and '571.110 of this chapter, each rim
listing shall include dimensional specifications and a diagram of the rim.
That portion of a tire that comes into contact with the road.
The following subsections discuss particular details of the Laboratory Test Procedures
form requirements.
Tires tested in accordance with the requirements of FMVSS No. 109 must be
tested on a rim designated as a test rim in the Tire and Rim Association Year
Book, the Tire and Rim Association Supplementary Service Data Book, the Tire
and Wheel Engineering Data Book of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and
Traders Limited (SMMT), the Japan Automobile Tire Manufacturers Association,
the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS-D4202), or the European Tire and Rim
Technical Organization practices (ETRTO). (Alternate rim widths are not
acceptable without authorization from the COTR.)
A laboratory must obtain written approval from the COTR to use a rim other than
those specified. Prior to initial usage, the conformance dimensions of each test
rim shall be verified by physical and appropriate measurement. Physical test rim
measurements shall include the use of calibrated dial gage indicators; ball gage;
mandrel, diameter, and contour gages; and TRA sliding type gauge or equivalent.
Test rim measurements shall include those for lateral and radial runout. The rim
is to be measured at the bead seat area as defined by the Tire and Rim
Association Year Book. Maximum allowable runout is 0.762 mm (0.030 inch) for
radial and 1.016 mm (0.040 inch) for lateral. Each test rim shall be remeasured
immediately after a tire failure on that rim. If no failures occur, each rim shall be
measured at least every 25th mounting. A log of these measurements shall be
maintained and made available to the COTR.
If, at any time, a rim dimension falls outside of its dimensional tolerances, that rim
shall not be used for testing in this program. The test rims are to be identified
numerically and assigned specifically to a tire so as to establish that the tire was
tested on a specific rim. The test data sheet will indicate the rim used and the
before and after test rim visual inspection results. This visual inspection will
include at least a check for obvious deformation of pilot hole, bolt holes, rim
contours, cracks, etc. Test rim contours are interchangeable in terms of J, JJ and
JK rim flange configuration 4, Test Logs. A log of the progress of each test shall
be entered routinely during the test on a form suited to the individual test
laboratory. The COTR must concur with the log format for maximum attainable
standardization of all testing laboratories. This log shall be retained by the
laboratory and made available upon request by the OVSC to support test report
data. In the event of a failure of a test tire, the contractor shall follow the Failed
Tire Procedure, see paragraph 14.1 of this TP.
A compliance test is not to be conducted unless all of the various test conditions
specified in the applicable OVSC Laboratory Test Procedure have been met. Failure of
a contractor to obtain the required test data and to maintain acceptable limits on test
parameters in the manner outlined in the applicable OVSC Laboratory Test Procedure
may require a retest at the expense of the contractor. The retest costs will include the
cost of the replacement item of motor vehicle equipment and all costs associated with
conducting the retest. The original test specimen used for the invalid test shall remain
the property of OVSC, and the retest specimen shall remain the property of the
contractor. If there is a test failure, the contractor shall retain the retest specimen for no
more than 2 years. If there is no test failure, the contractor may dispose of the test
specimen upon notification from the COTR that the final test report has been accepted.
NHTSA's Contracting Officer is the only NHTSA official authorized to notify the contractor
that a retest is required. The retest shall be completed within 2 weeks after receipt of
notification by the Contracting Officer that a retest is required. If a retest is conducted,
no test report is required for the original test.
Upon COTR approval of the spreadsheet submitted to OVSC (See 7. Test Sample
Identification and Storage), the laboratory may begin testing in accordance with the test
categories in the adjoining table.
1 Labeling X X X
2 Tread Wear Indicator X X X
3 Physical Dimension X
4 Bead Unseat X
5 Tire Strength X
6 Endurance X
7 High-Speed Performance X
NOTE: Care must be taken to schedule test and inspection completion in a coordinated
manner permitting testing of each FMVSS No. 109 test set within 5 days.
Each manufacturer of a new tire shall certify that his product complies with FMVSS No.
109, by labeling the tire with the symbol DOT as shown in FIGURE 4. The laboratory will
confirm that the DOT symbol is in compliance with information in FIGURE 4.
The markings must be placed between the maximum section width and the bead on at
least one sidewall, unless the maximum section width of the tire is located in an area that
is not more than one-fourth of the distance from the bead to the shoulder of the tire. If
the maximum section width falls within that area, those markings must appear between
the bead and a point one-half the distance from the bead to the shoulder of the tire, on at
least one sidewall. The markings must be in letters and numerals not less than 1.98 mm
(0.078 inches) high and raised above or sunk below the tire surface not less than 0.38
mm (0.015 inch). The tire identification and DOT symbol labeling must comply with 49
CFR Part 574 – Tire Identification and Record Keeping. All markings shall be inspected
for presence and recorded on the appropriate Data sheet for both intended outboard
sidewall and other sidewall.
The laboratory will confirm that each tire has been labeled on at least one sidewall with
the name of the manufacturer, or brand name and number assigned to the manufacturer.
Size, spacing and type of characters shall be as those specified in FIGURE 4.
Each tire shall have permanently molded into or onto both sidewalls, in letters and
numerals not less than 1.98 mm (0.078 inches) high, the following information:
(1) One Size Designation, except that equivalent inch and metric size designations
may be used;
(4) Generic name of each Cord Material used in the plies (both sidewall and tread
area) of the tire;
(5) Actual Number of Plies in Sidewall, and the actual number of plies in the Tread
Area, if different
The above information shall be positioned on at least one sidewall in an area between
the maximum section width and bead of the tire. In no case shall the information be
positioned on the tire so that it is obstructed by the flange of any rim designated for use
with that tire.
The laboratory will confirm that the DOT symbol is in compliance with information
in FIGURE 4. Figure is from 49 CFR 574.5.
At least six treadwear indicators are required to be equally spaced around the
circumference of the tire, except that tires with a 12-inch or smaller rim shall have at
least three indicators similarly spaced.
The TREAD WEAR INDICATOR TEST is to check for compliance with S4.2.1(d) of
FMVSS No. 109. Tread wear indicators on a worn tire will appear as solid bands across
the tread surface when the tread has a remaining depth of 1.6 mm ± 0.396 mm (0.0625
inch ± 0.0156 inch).
The tire rim will be visually examined, inside and out, prior to assembly and any rim
found defective or questionable will not be used. Any tire defects noted shall be
recorded in the remarks section on the test data sheet.
The tire shall be mounted on a preassigned test rim which is painted and clean. If the
same test rim is used for physical dimension, bead unseat, and strength tests, care shall
be taken that the tire beads in particular are clean and that both the tire and rim are dry.
If this tire and rim assembly is to be used for bead unseat test, the tire is to be mounted
with no bead lubricant or adhesives.
The tire shall be inflated to the indicated specified inflation pressure (+ 13.8 kPa to – 0
kPa or+ 2 to - 0 PSI) as stated on the test data sheet and as specified in Table II, of
FMVSS No. 109, presented herein.
The rim number shall be assigned by the testing laboratory and shall be recorded in the
space provided on the forms. The actual rim size used shall also be recorded on the test
data sheet in the space provided. When mounting or dismounting tires, proper tools and
procedures should be used. Failure to comply with proper procedures may result in
incorrect positioning of tire, tube, or rim causing the assembly to burst with explosive
force sufficient to cause serious physical injury or death. Never mount or use damaged
tires, tubes or rims.
WARNING: Never inflate beyond 276 kPa (40 psi) pressure to seat beads. Never
stand, lean, or reach over the assembly during inflation.
Inspect both sides of the tire to be sure that beads are evenly seated. If both beads are
not properly seated when pressure reaches 276 kPa (40 psi), completely deflate
assembly, and reinflate.
WARNING: Inflating beyond 276 kPa (40 psi) air pressure when trying to seat tire
beads is a DANGEROUS PRACTICE that may break a tire bead (or even the rim) with
explosive force, possibly resulting in serious in injury or death.
The tire and rim assembly shall be conditioned at ambient room temperature for a
minimum of 24 hours. The room temperature, date, and tire conditioning start and end
times and total hours will be recorded on the test data sheet. Record all time using the
24-hour clock. The test tire during conditioning or testing shall not be exposed to
fluctuations in temperature exceeding °C, +0° –9° (°F, + 0°, - 16°) of the starting
conditioning temperature.
NOTE: Do not check or adjust inflation pressure during conditioning period. At the end
of the conditioning period record the total hours for conditioning, check and record the
inflation pressure in the space provided and adjust the inflation pressure to specified
inflation pressure and record. If loss of air exceeds 13.8 kPa (2 psi) during the
conditioning period, determine cause, correct if possible, and recycle tire through the
conditioning period. If tire is untestable for this, or any other reason, guidance shall be
requested from the COTR.
The Physical Dimensions Test Procedures are to check for compliance with S4.2.2.2 of
FMVSS No. 109.
The tire shall be marked radially from bead to bead across the tread at 6 intervals
equally spaced around the tire circumference. Starting at the tire serial number location,
mark each test area number 1 through 6, going in a clockwise direction around the tire,
with the serial number facing the technician.
Overall tire width measurements are taken at these six predesignated points. Care
should be taken that these measurements include any engraved or embossed 8s,
design, label, or other form of embellishment that might be a part of the sidewall. The
plane of the calipers when adjusted to the fully closed position against the sidewall is to
be perpendicular to the circumferential plane of the tire. Each of the six measurements
(rounded off to the nearest thousandth of a millimeter or hundredth of an inch) are to be
recorded on the test report format and mathematically averaged. The result is recorded
on the test data sheet as the average overall width. The overall width shall not be more
than + 7% of the section width specified in a submission by the manufacturer. The
preprinted test reports contain the calculated values. Therefore, the recorded overall
width must fall within the preprinted tolerance or it is a failure.
The tire section width is measured at the same six predesignated points as overall tire
width. However, measurements shall be taken from sidewall to sidewall less
embellishments. The six measurements are recorded individually, then mathematically
averaged. The result is recorded on the data sheet in the space provided. The section
width shall not be more than + 7% of the section width specified in a submission by the
The outside diameter of the inflated tire is to be determined by measuring the maximum
circumference of the tire along the tread centerline and then dividing this dimension by Pi
(3.14). The outside diameter is recorded on the test report in the space provided.
The actual size factor, which is the sum of the average tire section width and the outer
diameter, is computed by the testing laboratory. The result is recorded on the test report
in the space provided. The actual size is required to be equal to or greater than the
preprinted minimum size factor.
If the tire fails any aspect of the physical dimension requirements, indicate the word
"FAILED" on the data sheet and do not continue with bead unseating test without approval
from the COTR.
The Bead Unseating Test Procedures are to check for compliance with S4.2.2.3 of FMVSS
No. 109.
Prior to commencing the test, wash the tire with mild detergent, dry it at the beads, and
mount without lubrication or adhesives on a clean, painted test rim.
To ensure proper bead seating, the tire shall be inflated not to exceed the maximum
inflation pressure as indicated on the tire sidewall and the test data sheet under "Tire ID"
information. Then the inflation pressure shall be immediately reduced to that specified
on the test data sheet for the bead unset test and as specified in Table II of FMVSS No.
109, presented herein.
The tire shall be marked radially at 5 equally spaced locations on the valve side of the
sidewall. The mark shall continue to the tread shoulder and across the tread to the
opposite shoulder. One of the marks should coincide with the previously established
mark located at the identification number from the physical dimension test.
The unseat test marks are to be identified by the addition of a "circle" at the approximate
midpoint of the sidewall and numbered 1 through 5 starting at the identification number,
going counter clockwise around the tire, with the valve facing the technician.
Rigidly mount the tire and rim assembly in a horizontal plane (± 2 degrees).
Adjust the fixture so that the point of application of the block is as specified in FIGURE 5
The load arm is to be parallel (± 2 degrees) to the tire and rim assembly at the time of
initial engagement.
Check, and if necessary readjust the inflation pressure. Record the actual inflation
pressure on the test data sheet within 15 minutes of the start of the test.
After mounting the tire and rim assembly in the fixture which is applicable as shown in 5
BLOCK against the tire side wall, apply a load through the block to the tire outer sidewall
at the distance specified in TABLE 1 – WHEEL SIZE FORCE APPLICATION TABLE for
the applicable wheel size. Do this at a rate of 50.8 mm per minute ± 1.6 mm (2 inches
per minute ± 0.0625 inch) with the load arm parallel to the tire and rim assembly at the
time of initial engagement. With the force measured through the block in a vertical
direction at the center line of the beam, apply the load until the bead is unseated from
the rim or until the minimum acceptable force preprinted on the test data sheet is
exceeded by a value of at least 22.68 kg (50 lbs) and not more than 45.4 kg (100 lbs).
The minimum acceptable force is referenced in S4.2.2.3 of FMVSS No. 109. The force
applied during each load application (accurate to ± 11 kg or ± 25 lbs) is to be
automatically and continuously recorded. Five such applications are to be made during
the test of each tire at the points marked on the sidewall. Record the actual force
applied to each application in the space provided on the applicable data sheet. If the
automatic recorder fails during a test, continue the test and record all data from visual
readings. Immediately inform the laboratory monitor for resolution of the problem and
disposition of the test results.
In addition, the test data sheet requires an entry for confirming whether or not the bead
unseated for the specific load application. These 5 spaces require an entry of "Yes" or
"No," as warranted.
The last application will be continued until the bead is unseated or contact is made with the rim.
The value of the actual force applied at this time shall be recorded on the data sheet. A tire is
considered to be a bead unseat failure when the tire bead separates from its bead seat on the
rim at a force application below that prescribed in the standard, causing a massive loss of air.
Ensure that the test specified inflation pressure has been established immediately prior to each
of the five force applications.
Conduct the test at five equally spaced positions around the circumference of the tire. After the
first instance of unseating of the bead, the tire must be reseated, inflated to the specified
inflation pressure, and reconditioned for 30 minutes prior to continuing the test series. Check
for leaks and continue until five applications have been performed. Upon completion of the test
series, the technician who performed the test will state the test results by indicating the
applicable description: PASSED or FAILED.
If the tire has failed do not continue with the strength test without approval from the COTR. The
technician will enter his initials and the date of test completion in the space provided on the test
data sheet.
The Tire Strength test procedures are to check for compliance with S4.2.2.4 of FMVSS No.
The test tire shall be inflated to the specified inflation pressure (+ 13.8 to – 0 kPa or + 2
to - 0 PSI) as indicated in Table II of FMVSS No. 109, presented herein, and recorded.
The tire shall be conditioned at ambient room temperature for a period of three hours
minimum. Upon completion of this conditioning period, the tire inflation pressure shall be
checked and recorded in the space provided on the data sheet. Adjust the tire's inflation
pressure to the test-specified inflation pressure and record it prior to commencing the
test, then mount the assembly on the plunger test fixture and start the test within 15
minutes after pressure adjustment. If loss of air exceeds 13.8 kPa (2 psi) during the
conditioning period, determine cause, correct if possible, and recycle tire through the
conditioning period.
The tire shall be marked according to the procedure outlined in the bead unseating test
at five equally spaced positions. The markings have been made cross the tread surface
to the opposite-serial shoulder.
The plunger application shall be made at tread center and at these five circumferential
locations. The plunger, as necessary, is to be set off center so that a tread groove is not
subject to direct penetration. Care must be taken that the tire is free of dirt, chalk or
moisture at the point of contact with the plunger. The plunger must be free of rubber
residue from previous applications or any other foreign matter.
Use the 19.0-mm (0.750-inch) diameter cylindrical steel plunger for P-metric tires; the
hemispherical end is forced against the tread rib as near to the centerline as possible at
the rate of 50.8 mm per minute ±1.58 mm (2 inches per minute ±0.0625 inch). The
The breaking-energy test values shall be as specified in Table I of FMVSS No. 109,
presented herein, and provided on the data sheet. The force applications shall exceed
the appropriate value by at least 11.3 joules (100 in-lbs), and not more than 16.9 joules
(150 in-lbs), unless the tire fails at a lower value.
Table I-A C For Bias Ply Tires With Designated Section Width 152 mm (6 Inches) and Above
Table I-B C For Bias Ply Tires With Designated Section Width Below 152 mm (6 Inches)
Below 220 330 440 220 440 220 440 220 440 220 440
160 mm (1,950) (2,925) (3,900) (1,950) (3900) (1950) (3900) (1950) (3900) (1950) (3900)
J (in-lbs)
160 mm 294 440 589 294 589 294 589 294 590 294 589
or above (2,600) (3,900) (5,200) (2,600) (5200) (2600) (5200) (2600) (5200) (2600) (5200)
J (in-lbs)
Cord Material (Inch-Pounds)
Rayon 186
Cord Material (Inch-Pounds)
Rayon 113
The force in kilograms (pounds), penetration in millimeters (inches), and energy in joules
(inch-pounds) for each load application shall be recorded in the appropriate space
provided on the test data sheet. If the tire fails to break before the plunger is stopped by
reaching the rim, record the force and penetration as the rim is reached and use these
values in the formula indicated below.
If all of the five required plunger applications have been conducted in order and all
results are at least equal to the specified minimum breaking energy, the resultant
notation will show that W is determined to be greater than the minimum requirement
If none of the first 4 applications have resulted in carcass breakage, below the minimum
energy value, the fifth and last plunger application is to be taken beyond the minimum
limit to casing failure or to the point of tire compression against the rim, which ever
occurs first. The resultant average of the five applications shall be entered in the space
provided for actual average on the test data sheet.
If any plunger application penetrates the tire at less than the minimum specified breaking
energy, 4 additional plunger applications shall be conducted to failure between
previously unfailed positions. The recorded actual average shall be the result of the 5
complete penetrations.
If any plunger application contacts the test rim before the minimum specified breaking
energy is reached, the tire shall be put on a different rim that has more clearance in the
test area, and the test repeated.
When repeated penetrations are applied to the tire, an inner tube may be installed or the
tire may be repaired.
Upon completion of the test series, the technician who performed the test will indicate
the test result by circling the applicable description: PASSED or FAILED. If the tire fails,
notify the COTR immediately. The failed tire procedure will be followed. The same
technician will enter his initials and date of test completion in the space provided on the
test data sheet.
The tire and rim shall be visually examined, inside and out, prior to assembly, and any rim
found defective or questionable will not be used. Record any noted tire defects in the
Remarks section on the appropriate data sheet, including any tread separation, sidewall,
ply, cord, innerliner, or bead separation, chunking, broken cords, cracking or open splices.
Notify the COTR before testing if any of these defects are present.
The tire shall be mounted with lubrication on an approved test rim and inflated to the
specified inflation pressure as indicated on the test data sheet and specified in Table II of
FMVSS No. 109, presented herein.
Record the actual rim size and rim number in the spaces on the appropriate data sheet.
The tire and rim assemblies will be conditioned at an ambient temperature of 38°C, +0°,
–9° (100°F, +0°, –16°) for at least three hours prior to the start of endurance testing, and
shall remain at this temperature throughout the remainder of the test phase. The room
temperature, inflation pressure, date and tire conditioning start time will be recorded on
the test data sheet. All times recorded will be by the 24-hour clock.
At the end of the conditioning period, record time, date, temperature, and whether total
conditioning was at least three hours; check and record the inflation pressure in the
space provided, then adjust the pressure to that specified on the form. If loss of air
exceeds 14 kPa (2 psi) during the conditioning period, determine cause, correct if
possible, and recycle tire through the conditioning period. If tire is untestable for this or
any other reason, guidance shall be requested from the COTR.
During the test, the air temperature in the test area shall be 38°C, +0°, –9° (100°F, +0°, –
16°). The location for the temperature sensing device to determine the test area
temperature shall conform to the following:
A. For each tire position, the temperature sensor shall be located 305 mm +76 mm (12 +3
inches) out from the edge of the rim flange at any point on the circumference on either
side of the tire.
B. The sensor shall be located away from any wall or ceiling and not in a path where it can
be influenced by intakes or outlets, room ventilators, exhaust vents, generators, etc.
The test area temperature shall be recorded on the data sheet at the start and end of each
4, 6, and 24 hour test period. If a tire fails during a test, use the temperature at the time of
failure as the temperature for the end of the test period.
Prior to test commencement the test wheel position number, the machine number, and
whether the machine is hydraulic or pneumatic shall be recorded. At the end of the 4, 6 and
24-hour test periods, record the tire inflation pressure in the space provided.
The following parameters with operating tolerances as indicated shall be automatically and
continuously recorded:
! Tire speed in kilometers per hour: 80 kph+ 0 to – 3.2 kph (50 miles / hour + 0 to – 2
! Time (Cycles)**
4 hours + 0 to – 2 minutes
6 hours + 0 to – 3 minutes
24 hours + 0 to – 10 minutes
* The reading in kilograms must be made from load cells located directly on or adjacent to
the test tire axle. Load cells located on the test tire carriage are acceptable provided the
load recording indicates when the tire is actually engaged or disengaged from the test
** The recording of time intervals must be performed so that it can be related directly to
other appropriate test parameters. For example, a strip chart recorder, used to record the
speed of the B Test, may be used to record time intervals implicitly provided that the chart
paper drive speed is constant and known.
In any instance of automatic retraction the tire need not be examined until the conclusion of
the remainder of the testing on the scheduled run. A tire retracted early and not found
deficient after visual inspection may be submitted to laboratory analysis in the presence of
the COTR before the test report is submitted. If the analysis of the tire shows ply separation
or other non-compliance conditions the tire shall be classified as a failed tire and the failed
tire procedure shall be followed. If the tire does not show ply separation or other non
compliance condition the test for this tire shall be aborted. In any case the tire shall not be
re-run on the test wheel to amplify the suspected defect.
At the conclusion of the first 4 hours of testing and of the first 10 hours of testing, the test
load for each tire shall be changed.
The load step changes will be accomplished without tire inflation pressure adjustments,
unloading of the test tire or change of speed. If an interruption is necessary because of
safety considerations or for any other reason, approval of deviation from this procedure shall
be obtained from the COTR.
NOTE: Do not adjust the tire inflation pressure during the 34 hour endurance run,
and maintain loads at value corresponding to each test period.
In the case of an emergency interruption such as a general power loss, the laboratory must
decide to continue or abort the test. If the test is continued, the validity of the test shall be
determined by the COTR before the report is submitted.
The Tire Endurance Procedures are to check for compliance with S4.2.2.5 of FMVSS No.
Within 30 minutes after tire conditioning mount the tire and wheel assembly on a test axle
and press it against a flat-faced steel test wheel 1.7 meters (67.23 inches) in diameter and
at least as wide as the section width of the tire to be tested. Apply the required load as
referenced in S5.4.2.3 of FMVSS No.109. Conduct the test at 80 kph (50 mph) for the 4, 6
and 24-hour periods, without pressure adjustment or other interruptions. The first 5 minutes
of the 6- and 24-hour periods, during which the load is being increased to the new required
loading, are to be counted as part of the next higher cycle. The loads for the 4-, 6- and 24
hour periods are 85%, 90% and 100% load as a percentage of tire maximum load rating,
The test data is to be checked for completion and content immediately upon finishing the
test. All required data entries on the test data sheet will be completed. The entries are to
be reconciled with the test requirements and the results.
Immediately after running the tire the required time, measure its inflation pressure. Allow the
tire to cool for one hour. Then deflate the tire, remove it from the test rim, and visually
inspect it. After completion of the endurance test no tire shall have tread, sidewall,
innerliner, ply, cord, or bead separation, chunking, broken cords, cracking or open splices.
Tire pressure at the end of the test shall be no lower than starting pressure.
Any unusual conditions or defects found shall be marked on the tire and recorded on the
test data sheet. In the event of a failure because of air loss, the laboratory shall immediately
double check all lines between the tire and measuring device to insure that the cause of the
air loss was a failure of the tire and not due to problems with valves, lines, fittings or
measuring devices. The rim shall also be inspected before and after the tire is dismounted.
If a defect is detected in the tire, record the information on the test data sheet and notify the
COTR immediately (within the first working day). The Failed Tire Procedure will be followed
(paragraph 14.1 of this TP). A defective rim shall be the basis for voiding the test and a
complete rerun with a new tire will be made.
If the tire examination does not reveal any evidence of unusual conditions or defects, the tire
should be considered as having passed the requirement of the standard. The word
"Passed" shall be indicated on the test data sheet and the tire shall be held by the laboratory
for disposition instructions.
Authenticating the completion of the test, the technician who performed the test shall
inscribe his initials and date of test completion in the spaces provided. The cognizant
laboratory individual responsible for the tire test program shall inscribe his signature and
date in the spaces provided.
The tire and rim will be visually examined, inside and out, prior to assembly, and any rim
found defective or questionable will not be used. Any tire defects noted shall be recorded in
the remarks section of the data sheet, including any tread separation, sidewall, ply, cord,
innerliner, or bead separation, chunking, broken cords, cracking or open splices. Notify the
COTR before testing if any of these defects are present.
The tire shall be mounted with lubrication on an approved test rim and inflated to the
specified inflation pressure as indicated on the test data sheet and specified in Table II of
FMVSS No. 109, presented herein.
The tire and rim assemblies will be conditioned at an ambient temperature of 38°C, +0°,
–9° (100°F, +0°, –16°) for at least three hours prior to the start of high speed testing and
shall remain at this temperature throughout the remainder of the test phase. The room
temperature, inflation pressure, date, and tire conditioning start time will be recorded on
the test data sheet. All times recorded will be by the 24-hour clock.
At the end of the conditioning period, record time, date, temperature, and whether the
total conditioning was at least three hours; check and record the inflation pressure in the
space provided, then adjust the pressure to that specified on the form. If loss of air
exceeds 13.8 kPa (2 psi) during the conditioning period, determine cause, correct if
possible, and recycle tire through the conditioning period. If tire is untestable for this or
any other reason, guidance shall be requested from the COTR.
During the test the air temperature in the test area shall be 38°C, +0°, –9° (100°F, +0°, –
16°). The location for the temperature sensing device to determine the test area
temperature shall conform to the following:
A. For each tire position, the temperature sensor shall be located 305 mm +76 mm (12 +3
inches) out from the edge of the rim flange at any point on the circumference on either
side of the tire.
B. The sensor shall be located away from any wall or ceiling and not in a path where it can
be influenced by intakes or outlets, room ventilator, exhaust vents, generators, etc.
The test area temperature shall be recorded on the data sheet at the start and end of each
high speed test cycle. If a tire fails during a test use the temperature at the time of failure as
the temperature for the end of the test period.
Prior to test commencement, record the test wheel position number, the machine number,
and whether the machine is hydraulic or pneumatic.
At the end of each test cycle, i.e., 80 kph (50 mph) break-in, cooling cycle, 121 kph (75 mph)
for 30 minutes, 129 kph (80 mph) for 30 minutes, and 137 kph (85 mph) for 30 minutes,
record the tire inflation pressure in the space provided on the data sheet. The following
parameters with operating tolerances as indicated will be automatically and continuously
* The reading in kilograms must be made from load cells located directly on or adjacent
to the test tire axle. Load cells located on the test tire carriage are acceptable provided
the load-recording indicates when the tire is actually engaged or disengaged from the
test wheel.
** The recording of time intervals must be performed so that it can be related directly to
other appropriate test parameters. For example, a strip chart recorder, used to record
the speed of the C Test, may be used to record time intervals implicitly provided that the
chart paper drive speed is constant and known.
In any instance of automatic retraction, the tire need not be examined until the
conclusion of the remainder of the testing on that scheduled run. A tire retracted early
and not found deficient after visual inspection may be submitted to laboratory analysis in
the presence of the laboratory monitor before the test report is submitted. If the analysis
of the tire shows ply separation of other non-compliance condition the test for this tire
shall be aborted. In any case the tire will not be re-run on the test wheel to amplify the
suspected defect.
The High Speed Performance Test Procedures are to check for compliance with S4.2.2.6 of
FMVSS No. 109. Within 30 minutes after tire conditioning, mount the tire / wheel assembly
on a test axle and press it against a flat-faced steel test wheel 1.7 meters (67.23 inches) in
diameter and at least as wide as the section width of the tire to be tested. Apply the
required load as referenced in S5.4.1 of FMVSS No. 109.
The break-in cycle shall be conducted for 2 hours at 80 kph (50 mph). At the conclusion of
the run, unload the tire and allow it to cool to 38°C, +0°, –9° (100°F, +0°, –16°). In no case
will the cooling cycle be less than 2 hours. Start and end times for both break-in and cooling
cycles shall be recorded in the designated spaces on the data sheet. Upon completion of
the cooling cycle, the tire pressure shall be readjusted to the specified test pressure and
recorded as end of cooling cycle kPa (PSI) on the test data sheet. Record the tire
temperature reading at the end of the cooling cycle on the report form.
NOTE: The inflation pressure is not adjusted and test load is maintained at the
specified value after the 121 kph (75 mph) startup.
The test will commence within 30 minutes after the 2-hour cooling cycle or 30 minutes after
the hottest tire reaches 38°C, +0°, –9° (100°F, +0°, –16°) if cooling period exceeds 2 hours.
All test cycles (121, 129 and 136 kph or 75, 80 and 85 mph) will be conducted for 30
minutes each without interruption.
Record test start and stop times for each cycle of the high speed test on the data sheet.
Maximum of 2 minutes is authorized between test cycles to change speed, to be counted as
part of next higher cycle.
The test data is to be checked for completeness and content immediately upon finishing the
test. The test data shall substantiate the test conclusions.
Immediately after running the tire the required time, measure and record its inflation
pressure. Allow the tire to cool for one hour. Then deflate the tire, remove it from the test
rim, and visually inspect it. After completion of the high speed performance test no tire shall
have tread, sidewall, innerliner, ply, cord, or bead separation, chunking, broken cords,
cracking, or open splices; document any occurrences.
Any unusual conditions or defects found shall be marked on the tire and recorded on the
data sheet. If the posttest tire pressure is less than the initial pretest tire pressure, follow the
failed tire procedure (see 14.1), and record the tire pressure, the time the test ended, the
time the reading was taken and the ambient temperature, and immediately double-check all
lines between the tire and measuring device to ensure that the cause of the air loss was a
failure of the tire and not problems with valves, lines, fittings, or measuring devices. The rim
shall also be inspected before and after the tire is dismounted. If a defect is detected in the
tire, record the information on the data sheet (indicate the word "Failed") and notify the
COTR immediately within the first working day in accordance with the Failed Tire Procedure
as described in the Reports section. A defective rim or test equipment shall be the basis for
voiding the test. A complete rerun with a new tire using nondefective equipment shall be
made at the laboratory's expense.
If the tire examination does not real any evidence of unusual conditions or defects, and the
posttest tire pressure is at or above the pretest tires pressure, the tire should be considered
as having passed the requirement of the standard. The word "Passed" shall be indicated on
the data sheet, and the tire shall be held by the laboratory for disposition instructions.
Authenticating the completion of the test, the technician who performed the test will inscribe
his initials and date of test completion in the spaces provided, or in the appropriate screen
fields. The cognizant laboratory individual responsible for the tire test program shall inscribe
his signature and date in the spaces provided,
2. Check data sheets and digital images. Make sure all required data is recorded in
appropriate places on proper compliance test data sheet.
3. Contact COTR for disposition of the test tires and digital images.
In the case of a performance test failure, the Final Test Report shall be submitted to and
received by the COTR for acceptance within 3 weeks of test completion, or received
before the end of the fiscal year, whichever comes first. The Final Test Report format to
be used by all contractors can be found in 14.5 FINAL TEST REPORTS below. Where
there has been no indication of a test failure, each Final Test Report shall be submitted
to the COTR within 3 weeks of test completion, or be received before the end of the
fiscal year, whichever comes first. Payment of contractor's invoices for completed
compliance tests may be withheld until the Final Test Report is accepted by the COTR.
Contractors are requested NOT to submit invoices before copies of the Final Test Report
are provided to the COTR.
Contractors are required to PROOFREAD all Final Test Reports before submitting them
to the COTR. OVSC will not act as a report quality control office for contractors.
Reports containing a significant number of errors will not be reviewed until corrections
are made.
Data reporting begins when the Excel spreadsheet is approved by the COTR and
continues throughout the testing procedures.
In the event of a performance failure of any tire, the COTR shall be notified immediately
by telephone and fax or email, and provided the information outlined in FIGURE 7.
Labeling failures may be reported after machine tests are completed and the final report
is assembled. The laboratory shall store a failed or suspect tire in a secure location as
soon as testing on that tire is completed. Automatically recorded charts and test logs will
be required by the COTR; upon OVSC notification of tire failure, ask for specific
instructions as to what documentation should be provided. See paragraph 9,
Photographic Documentation, of this TP for digital image requirements of a tire with an
apparent test failure.
Passed tire reports will not require submission of automatically recorded charts, but such
data will be maintained at the laboratory at least until the original test report is returned
indicating validation and acceptance. Passed tire disposal will be in accordance with
contractual provisions and this TP; see TEST TIRE HANDLING, STORAGE and
DISPOSAL under paragraph 7 of this TP.
The Tire Test data sheets will be the official record of test results for each tire test set.
The Tire Test Report consists of up to four pages for reporting results of each test
category and recording labeling compliance results. Tire Test Report pages are identified
as follows:
The laboratory specialist will transcribe test data onto the data sheet using black ink or
indelible pen as each of the various test operations is completed. Any corrections must be
crossed out and initialed. All test operations must be completed within 5 working days of
each other, and when all tests are completed, the Summary portion of the form is to be filled
in completely and authenticated. The entire report is then to be mailed to the OVSC within 5
working days within the schedule identified in paragraph 14 of this TP. See Data Sheets
provided as FIGURES 1, 2 and 3.
The detailed procedures for completing each section of the forms are covered in the
remaining paragraphs of this section.
The lower portion of the first page titled "Summary, Labeling Test" is the part of the form
used to record labeling and treadwear indicator compliance. If this information is not labeled
on the tire, it is to left blank and its absence noted in the Remarks section. The entries line
for line are:
A. One size designation, except that equivalent inch and metric size BRAND NAME: Enter
NAME that appears on the sidewall
E. CORD MATERIAL: Enter Rayon, Nylon, Polyester, etc. (Carcass material shall be
entered first, followed by belt material, if belted or radial construction. Do not record belt
material for bias construction.)
L. UTQGS MARKINGS: For P metric tires, identify each Uniform Tire Quality Grading
Standard (UTQGS) category, i.e., Traction, Treadwear and Temperature, and the
respective rating that is labeled on the tire.
TIN (Tire Identification Number): Enter “1” if TIN is on one side, and “2” if it is on both sides.
NOTE: In case of a labeling failure, for items required on both sides of sidewall, enter OS for
Outside Sidewall or OOS for Opposite Outside Sidewall beside items or information appearing
only on one sidewall.
For P-metric tires, identify and record both the Uniform Tire Quality Grading Standard
(UTQGS) category, i.e., Traction, Treadwear and Temperature, and the respective rating
labeled on each tires.
Max. Infl. Press.: kPa/ psi Max. Load Rating kg/ lbs Test Rim: Size No.:___
Test Phases:
• ACTUAL SIZE FACTOR: Enter sum of tire section width and outer
END DATE/TIME (TEST): Enter start and end times for each cycle.
TEST SPEED (80 kph , 50 MPH): Entries for 4-, 6-, 24-hour test.
END DATE/TIME (TEST): Enter start and end times for each cycle.
TEST AREA TEMP START/END: Enter start and end of each period
and cycle.
After the laboratory technicians have completed and transcribed all test data, the laboratory
official responsible to the COTR for the test program completes the Summary section of the
Summary and Labeling Data Sheet. This official will verify the tire identification data against
the labeling requirements (lower portion) and the pre-printed Summary identification data.
He then reviews the labeling test data on the Summary and Labeling Data Sheet, and the
physical dimension, bead unseating, and strength test results on the Category A data sheet,
if applicable.
After evaluating all test results, the designated laboratory official enters PASSED or
FAILED, as appropriate, in spaces provided adjacent to each test category or test item in
the Summary section of the Summary and Labeling Data Sheet.
In case of a failed tire, a brief description of the nature of the failure referencing the
appropriate section of the standard must be given in the appropriate spaces provided under
"Remarks". Other remarks may be entered at the discretion of the laboratory official.
The laboratory official who completed the Summary section will sign and date the report,
enter his official title, and mail the completed original report to OVSC after COTR approval.
Following is a line-by-line description of the items in the Summary section that should be
• Labeling - Tire A, B, C
• Physical Dimension
• Bead Unseat
• Strength
• Endurance
• High Speed
Instructions for the preparation of the Final Test Report are provided below for the
purpose of standardization. The report pages may be secured with a non-permanent
device; staples or binding shall not be used.
A paper cover shall be provided with the following information:
Note: The test lab may not include their internal report number on the cover page.
(1) At the top of the page, enter the Final Report Number such as
109-ABC-XX-001, where:
109 is the FMVSS tested
ABC are the initials for the laboratory
XX is the last two digits of the government Fiscal Year of the program
001 is the Group Number (001 for the 1st test, 002 for the 2nd, etc.)
ABC Laboratories
405 Main Street
Detroit, MI 48070
(8) The words “PREPARED FOR” and under that, the sponsoring agency's
name and address as follows
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance
400 Seventh Street, SW
Room 6111 (NVS-222)
Washington, DC 20590
A disclaimer statement and an acceptance signature block for the COTR shall be
provided as follows:
Leave blank
Leave blank
Date of the report cover (month, date and year) e.g. November 11, 2004
Block 7 — AUTHOR(S)
ABC Laboratories
405 Main Street
Detroit, MI 48070
Leave blank
US Department of Transportation
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance (NVS-222)
400 Seventh Street, SW, Room 6111
Washington, DC 20590
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Block 16 — ABSTRACT
NOTE: Above wording must be shown with appropriate changes made for
a particular compliance test. If there is a failure, replace “None” with the
paragraph of FMVSS No. 109 where the failure occurred and a brief
statement of the failure. Any questions should be resolved with the COTR.
Block 22 — PRICE
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12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period
U.S. Department of Transportation FINAL TEST REPORT
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration October 2005 to December 2005
Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance 14. Sponsoring Agency Code
400 Seventh Street, S.W.
Room 6111 (NVS-222) NVS-222
Washington, D.C. 20590
16. Abstract
Compliance tests were conducted on the subject tire model in accordance with the
specifications of the Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance Test Procedure No. TP-109-09.
Test failures identified were as follows: NONE
18. Distribution Statement
17. Key Words Copies of this report are available from:
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
FMVSS No. 109 Technical Information Services, Room2336 (NPO-405)
Tire Compliance Testing 400 Seventh Street, SW
Safety Engineering Washington, DC 20590
Fax: 202-493-2033
19. Security Classif. 20. Security Classif. 21. No of Pages: 22. Price
(Of This Report) (Of This Page) (enter actual
Unclassified Unclassified number)
Purpose: This tire test is part of the FY 2006 FMVSS No. 109 New Pneumatic Bias Ply and
Certain Specialty Tire Compliance Test Program sponsored by the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), under contract No. DTNH22-C-
05-XXXXX. The purpose of this test was to evaluate tire performance under the
standard. The tire testing was conducted in accordance with the Office of Vehicle
Safety Compliance’s Laboratory Test Procedure (TP-109-09, dated June 1, 2005).
Procedure: Testing was performed to the requirements of the (enter name of test laboratory)
Instrumentation, Calibration and Test Procedure for Testing of New Pneumatic
Bias Ply and Certain Specialty Tires (use name of contractor’s as submitted to the
Office of Vehicle Safety Compliance, National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration), and TP-109-09, NHTSA “Laboratory Test Procedure for FMVSS
No. 109; New Pneumatic Bias Ply and Certain Specialty Tires”.
Failure Data:
(Contractor shall provide a short but complete description of the failure, including the paragraph of the
standard, and the details of the failure. Use digital images if necessary in Appendix C.)
----------Next page------------
(Contractor shall identify any interpretations or deviations form the standard or test procedures; if none,
state NONE
If the test report includes a tire that has failed in a parameter requiring automatically
recorded data, such supporting test data shall be mailed directly to the COTR on the
same date (within 5 days of test completion) the test report is mailed to OVSC.
Contractors are required to submit the first Final Test Reports in electronic format to the
COTR for review and comment. If the contractor agrees with the COTR’s comments, if
any, the contractor will forward the revised Final Test Reports electronically with all
contractor signatures and send ONE HARDCOPY with signatures to the COTR;
additional copies of accepted test reports shall be reproduced by OVSC. No staples,
paper clips or other devices will be used to connect or attach hardcopy report pages.
All HARDCOPIES shall be sent via priority mail courier, such as FedEx, UPS, etc.
Submission of INVOICES shall follow contract direction
Invoices shall be submitted to the NHTSA Contracting Office concurrently with sending
of the final report hard copies and to the address specified in the contract, separately
from report submission, unless specified differently in the contract.
Each testing laboratory shall, on the tenth working day of each month while testing is in
progress, contact the COTR to provide current program testing status. This is to include
test components available, tests started and tests completed.