Sankalp Test Paper

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(Batches: e-SANKALP-2325 S1 & T1)

I I T – JEE, 2 3 2 5 Paper Code

Time: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 126
A. General
1. Write your Name, Enrolment number in the space provided on this booklet as soon as you get the paper.
2. Blank papers, clipboards, log tables, slide rules, calculators, cameras, cellular phones, pagers, and electronic
gadgets of any kind are NOT allowed in the examination hall.
3. Use a ball point pen do darken the bubbles on OMR sheet as your answer besides Name, Enrolment
number, Phase, Paper sequence, Venue, Date along with your signature on OMR sheet.

B. Question Paper Format

The question paper consists of three parts (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics). Each part consists of
three sections.
4. Section–1 (01 – 06) contains (06) Multiple Choice Questions which have Only One Correct answer. Each
question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme.
Full Marks : +3 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases
5 Section–2 (07 – 09) contains (03) Multiple Choice Questions which have one or more than one
correct answer. Each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme.
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen;
Partial Marks : +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen;
Partial Marks : +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen and
both of which are correct;
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a
correct option;
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered);
Negative Marks : –2 In all other cases.
6. Section–3 (10 – 12) contains (03) Non-Negative Numerical Value Questions, the answer to each
question is a Non-Negative Numerical Value. For each question, enter the correct numerical value
corresponding to the answer and each question carries +4 marks for correct answer. There is no
negative marking.

Enrolment No. :

Name : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Batch : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Session :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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SECTION – 1 : (Only One Option Correct Type)

This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

1. Figure shows a massless semicircular ring that is hinged at O. A and O

B are two small and equal masses, A is welded to the ring while B
can slide on the smooth ring. The system is released from the
position shown, oscillation are allowed to die out due to small viscous
friction between the ring and B. The system then settles into an
equilibrium state. If the ring’s radius is R, then, the vertical separation A C
between the hinge and ring’s centre in equilibrium state is
(A) (B) R
R 2R B
(C) (D)
5 5 Figure

2. Lower surface of a plank is rough and lying at rest on a rough

horizontal surface. Upper surface of the plank is smooth and
has a smooth hemisphere placed over it through a light string as
shown in the figure. After the string is burnt, trajectory of C.M. of
the sphere is
(A) a circle (B) a ellipse C
(C) a straight line (D) a parabola

3. Find the distance of centre of mass from origin of the plate bounded y
by two parabola y = x2 and x = y2 (where x and y are in meter).
9 9
(A) 2m (B) 2m
10 20
1 1
(C) m (D) m
2 2 2 x

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4. A ring of mass 4m is kept on a smooth horizontal surface. The

radius of ring is R. A small ball of mass m is also kept very close
to the circumference of ring as shown in figure. Now, a velocity v0
is given to the ball towards right. The normal force between small
ball and ring at t = 0 is
mv 02 mv 02
(A) (B)
R 4R v0
4 mv 02 5 mv 02
(C) (D)
5 R 4 R

5. The distance of centre of mass from O of a uniform plate having quarter

circular inner and outer boundaries of radii a and b from centre O.
4 2  b3  a 3  4 2  b3  a 3 
(A)   (B)  
3   b2  a 2  3   b2  a2  O
4b a 
3 3
4 b a 
3 3

(C)  2  (D)  
  b  a2  3  b2  a2 

6. A scalene triangular lamina of uniform mass density and negligible thickness has one of its
 
vertices at the origin. The position vectors of its other two vertices are a and b . The location of
its centre of mass will be
   
ab ab
(A) (B)
2 3
   
2(a  b) 3(a  b)
(C) (D)
3 4

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SECTION – 2 : (One or More Than One Options Correct Type)

This section contains 3 multiple choice type questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D) out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.

7. A block of mass M has a circular cut with a frictionless surface as shown. The block rests on the
horizontal frictionless surface of a fixed table. Initially the right edge of the block is at x = 0, in a
co-ordinate system fixed to the table. A point mass m is released from rest at the topmost point
of the path as shown and it slides down. When the mass loses contact with the block, its position
is x and the velocity is v. At that instant, which of the following options is/are correct?

(A) The x component of displacement of the center of mass of the block M is :  .
(B) The position of the point mass is : x =  2 .
(C) The velocity of the point mass m is : v = .
(D) The velocity of the block M is: V =  2gR .

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8. A hemi-spherical cavity is created in solid sphere (of radius y

2R) as shown in the figure. Then
(A) xcm = R/15
(B) ycm = 
40 O
(C) zcm = zero 2R C x
(R, 0)
(D) none of these.

9. A particle of mass 1 kg is moving along positive x-axis with velocity of 3 m/s. Another particle of
mass 2kg is moving along positive y-axis with a velocity of 6 m/s. At time t = 0, 1 kg is at (3m, 0)
and 2 kg at (0, 9 m), x-y plane is horizontal plane. Then choose the correct option(s).
(A) If surface is smooth, the centre of mass of the particles is moving in a straight line, y = 4x + 2
(B) If surface is rough and both particles have the same value of coefficient of friction  = 0.2,
then the centre of mass will stop after time t = 3.0 sec
(C) If surface is rough and both particles have the same value of coefficient of friction  = 0.2,
then coordinate of centre of mass where it will stop finally is (1.75 m, 12 m)
(D) If surface is rough and both particles have the same value of coefficient of friction  = 0.2,
then the centre of mass will stop after time t = 1.5 sec

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SECTION – 3: (Numerical Answer Type)

This section contains THREE questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For
each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded‐off to the
second decimal place; e.g. xxxxx.xx).

10. In the figure, one fourth part of uniform disc of radius ‘R’ is shown. The
distance of the centre of mass of this object from centre ‘O’ is 2 . Find
the value of k. 90o

11. Two masses are kept on a smooth horizontal table as shown in the figure. m
Mass 2m is given a velocity v perpendicular to the string parallel to the table.
2mv 2
The tension in string is T  . Value of n is

2m v

12. A thin disc of non uniform mass distribution y

is shown in x-y plane. Surface mass density
of disc varies according to relation  =
osin, where o is a positive constant and 
is the angle made by position vector of any
point on disc with positive x-axis. The y- R
coordinate of centre of mass of disc is  x
. Find the value of k. O C

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SECTION – 1 : (Only One Option Correct Type)

This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE option is correct.

1. For a reaction mechanism

 2A  fast 
A 2   

A  B  product  slow 

Which of the following relation is correct?

k 3k eq
(A) Rate  K 3 B  k1  A 2  (B) Rate  K 3  A 2 
1/ 2
B 
k 2 k3
d B   A  B  d A  k
(C)     K 3K eq  2    (D)     K 3 1  A 2  B 
1/ 2

dt  A 2  dt k 2

2. CH3CHO(g) undergoes decomposition at very high temperature according to first order parallel
CH3CHO  g  
 CH4  g   CO  g 
CH3CHO  g 
CH2CO  g   H2  g 
The mol % of CH4 in the reaction mixture excluding CH3CHO would be:
50k1 100k1
(A) (B)
k1  k 2 k1  k 2
150k1 200k1
(C) (D)
k1  k 2 k1  k 2

3. For a first order reaction: A  nB (with n-possibly fractional), the concentration of the product
varies with time as (A0 is the concentration of A at time t = 0).
(A) B   nA 0 1  e 2kt  (B) B  nA 0 t
(C) B   nA 0 1  e kt  (D) B   nA 0  e  kt 

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4. For the reaction,

A  B + C
Following data are obtained

Conc. of A(in M) 2 0.5 0.25 0.0625

Time (in min) 0 20 30 50

What will be the rate of reaction (in mol. L-1 min-1), when conc of ‘A’ is 3M.
(A) 2.079 x 10-3 (B) 6.75 x 10-1
(C) 7.5 x 10 -2 (D) none

5. Aqueous AB2 decompose according to the 1st order reaction

AB2  aq 
 A  g  2B   
after 20 min the volume of A(g) collected during such a reaction is 20 ml, and that collected after
a very long time is 40 ml. The rate constant for the reaction is:
(A) 1.435 × 10 – 2 min – 1 (B) 3.465 × 10 – 2 min – 1
(C) 3.46 × 10 min
– 3 – 1 (D) 6.93 min – 1

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6. Match the rate expressions in LIST-I for the decomposition of X with the corresponding profiles
provided in LIST-II. Xs and k are constants having appropriate units.
(I) k  X (P)
rate 
Xs   X 
under all possible initial concentrations of X

(II) k  X (Q)
rate 
Xs   X 
where initial concentrations of X are
much less than Xs

(III) k  X (R)
rate 
Xs   X 
where initial concentrations of X are
much higher than Xs

(IV) k  X (S)

rate 
Xs   X 
where initial concentration of X is
much higher than Xs


(A) I→ P; II→ Q; III → S; IV → T

(B) I→ R; II→ S; III → S; IV → T
(C) I→ P; II→ Q; III → Q; IV → R
(D) I→ R; II→ S; III → Q; IV → R

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SECTION – 2 : (One or More Than One Options Correct Type)

This section contains 3 multiple choice type questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D) out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct.

7. A (half-life = 12.8 hours) transforms to B(38%), C(19%); and D(43%) each by 1 st order kinetics as
shown below. Then which of the following is/are correct:


(A) Partial half life for the formation of D is 29.76 hour
(B) Partial half life for the formation of B is 67.36 hour
(C) Partial half life the formation of C is 33.68 hour
(D) Partial half life for the formation of B is 33.68 hour

8. In a bimolecular reaction, the steric factor P was experimentally determined to be 4.5. The correct
option(s) among the following is(are)
(A) The activation energy of the reaction is unaffected by the value of the steric factor
(B) Experimentally determined value of frequency factor is higher than that predicted by
Arrhenius equation
(C) Since P = 4.5, the reaction will not proceed unless an effective catalyst is used
(D) The value of frequency factor predicted by Arrhenius equation is higher than that determined

9. 2X  g   Y  g  3Z  g  
 Products
The rate equation of the above reaction is given by:
Rate = K[X][Y]o[Z]2
Choose correct statements:
(A) the rate of reaction becomes double by doubling the conc. of (X)
(B) rate of reaction decreases by reducing the conc. of (Y) to half of the original value
(C) the half life of (Z) increases by increasing its conc.
(D) if 75% of (X) undergoes reaction in 20 sec, 50% of (X) will react in 10 sec

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SECTION – 3: (Numerical Answer Type)

This section contains THREE questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For
each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded‐off to the
second decimal place; e.g. xxxxx.xx).

238 206
10. 92 U is known to undergo radioactive decay to form 82 Pb by emitting alpha and beta particles. A
rock initially contained 68  10 g of 238
92 U . If the number of alpha particles that it would emit during
its radioactive decay of 238
92 U to 206
82 Pb in three half – lives is Z  1020 , then what is the value of Z?
(Given NA = 6.02×1023 )

11. Experiment [A] [B] [C] Rate of reaction

No. (mol dm–3) (mol dm–3) (mol dm–3) (mol dm–3s–1)
1 0.2 0.1 0.1 6.0  10–5
2 0.2 0.2 0.1 6.0  10–5
3 0.2 0.1 0.2 1.2  10–4
4 0.3 0.1 0.1 9.0  10–5
The rate of the reaction for [A] = 0.15 mol dm–3, [B] = 0.25 mol dm–3 and [C] = 0.15 mol dm–3 is
found to be Y  10–5 mol dm–3s–1. The value of Y is ……… .

12. The decomposition reaction 2N2 O5  g 

 2N2O4  g   O2  g is started in a closed cylinder at
constant temperature and constant volume conditions, at an initial pressure of 1 atm. After
Z  103 s , the pressure inside the cylinder is found to be 1.45 atm. If the rate constant of the
reaction is 5  104 s1, assuming ideal gas behaviour, the value of Z is_______.
[Given: ln10 = 2. 3]

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SECTION – 1: (Only One Options Correct Type)

This section contains 6 multiple choice type questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C)
and (D) out of which ONE is correct.

1. Let f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, a  0, a, b, c  I. Suppose that f(1) = 0, 50 < f(7) < 60 and 70 < f(8) < 80. If
13k < f(10) < 13(k + 1) for some integer k, then value of k is
(A) 5 (B) 8
(C) 10 (D) none of these

2. Let f(x, y) = (2y2 + 1)x2 + 2(4y2 – 1)x + 4(2y2 + 1)  x, y  R then least value of f(x, y) is
(A) –1 (B) 0
(C) 1 (D) 3

3. 
The number of real values of k for which x 2   k  3  x  3k  14  x 2

  k  7  x  k  4 is a
perfect square is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) 3 (D) 4

4. Let a, b, c be real numbers with a > 0 such that the quadratic equation
ax2 + bcx + b3 + c3  4abc = 0 has non real roots. Let P(x) = ax2 + bx + c
and Q(x) = ax2 + cx + b. Which one of the following is true
(A) P(x) > 0  x  R and Q(x) < 0  x  R
(B) P(x) < 0  x  R and Q(x) > 0  x  R
(C) neither P(x) > 0  x  R nor Q(x) > 0  x  R
(D) exactly one of P(x) or Q(x) is positive for all real x

5. Number of solutions of the equation 3x  2  4x  4  5x  1  4x  5 is

(A) 0 (B) 1
(C) 2 (D) 4

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6. The quadratic polynomials defined on real coefficients

P(x) = a1x2 + 2b1x + c1
Q(x) = a2x2 + 2b2x + c2 where a1  0, a2  0 and P(x) and Q(x) both take positive values
 x  R g(x) = a1a2x2 + b1b2x + c1c2 then
(A) g(x) takes positive value only (B) g(x) takes negative value only
(C) g(x) takes both positive and negative value (D) nothing can be said about g(x)

SECTION – 2: (Multi Correct Choice Type)

This section contains 3 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONE OR MORE may be correct.

7 f(x) = ax2 + bx + c is a quadratic polynomial if 3a + 3b + c = 1 and 4a + 2b + c = 0 which of the

following is/are not possible
(A) b2 – 4ac > 0 (B) b2 – 4ac = 0
(C) b2 – 4ac < 0 (D) c = 4 + 2 3

8. The real values of ‘a’ for which the equation x 4  2x 2a  x 2  6x  a2  3a  0 has all its roots real
(A) a > 4 (B) a  2
(C) a  3 / 4 (D) a  1

9. 0 < c < b < a and the roots ,  of the equation cx2 + bx + a = 0 are imaginary, then
|| || 1 1
(A) = || || (B) 
4 || ||
1 1
(C)  2 (D) none of these
|| ||

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SECTION – 3: (Numerical Answer Type)

This section contains THREE questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For
each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded‐off to the
second decimal place; e.g. xxxxx.xx).

10. If all the solutions of the equation 4x – ( a – 3)2x + ( a – 4) =0 are non positive real numbers,
a 
then   is _______ ( [.] is G.I.F.)

11. If cos2 x – (c – 1)cos x + 2c  6 for every x  R, then minimum value of c is _____

12. A quadratic equation with integral coefficients has two prime numbers as its roots. If the sum of
the coefficients of the equation is prime, then the sum of the roots is __________.

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