Nursing Cadre 0

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As amended and
approved by President,
Existing as per JIPMER and ratified
the Notified RR by the GB/IB

1. Name of the post Staff Nurse Staff Nurse

2. Number of post 361 544
3. Classification General Central Service Group 'B' Non-ministerial
Group -C Non-Gazetted
4. Pay Band and Grade Pay / Pay 5000-150-8000 PB2 Rs.9300-34800 + GP
Scale Rs.4600
5. Whether Selection post or Non Not Applicable Not Applicable
Selection post
6. Age limit for direct recruits Upto 35 yrs (Relaxable for upto 35 years
Govt. servants upto 40 years
in accordance with the
instructions or orders issued
by Central Govt.)
7. Educational and other Essential: Essential:
Qualifications Required for (i) Diploma in General
Direct recruits Nursing and Midwifery or i) Degree or Diploma in
equivalent. General Nursing and
(ii)(1) Registered as Nurse; Midwifery or equivalent
and from a recognized
(2) Registered as Midwife or University/Institution.
equivalent with any State ii) Registered as Nurse and
Nursing Council. Midwife under Indian
Note: Nursing council Act 1947 /
Qualifications are relaxable any state nursing Council.
at the discretion of the
Competent authority in case
of candidates other wise well
8. Whether age and Educational Not Applicable Not Applicable
Qualifications prescribed for
direct recruits will apply in the
case of promotees.
9. Period of probation if any Two years Two years
10. Method of Recruitment; whether 100% By Direct By Direct Recruitment
By Direct Recruitment or by Recruitment Note:
Promotion or deputation / Vacancies caused by the
absorption and Percentage of the incumbent being away on
vacancies to be filled by various transfer on deputation or
methods long illness or study leave or
under other circumstances
for a duration of one year or
more may be filled on
transfer on deputation basis
from officers of Central
(a) (i) holding analogues
posts on regular basis; or
(ii) with 5 years regular
service in posts in the scale
of Rs.1200-2040(Pre
revised) 5200-20200+2400,
or equivalent and
(b) possessing the
qualifiation and experience
prescribed for direct recruits
in column 8.
11. In case of recruitment by 1As given in column No.11 Not Applicable
promotion / deputation /
absorption grade from which
promotion / deputation
/absorption to be made.
12. If a Departmental promotion Group - C, D.P.C. (for Group –‘B’ Departmental
committee exists what is its confirmation only) promotion committee
composition 1. Additional Medical consisting of (for confirmation
Superintendent-Chairman only)
2. C.N.O. / N.S.- Member 1.Medical Supdt. –Chairman
3. C.N.O. / N.S. of any 2. One Senior Prof. -Member
Central Govt./State Govt. 3. One Prof. -Member
Hospital other than the 4. DDA/Sr. Admn. Officer
concerned hospital - -Member
Member 4. Deputy
Director(Admn.) - Member
13. Circumstances in which UPSC Not Applicable Not Applicable
is to be consulted in making
As amended and
approved by President,
Existing as per JIPMER and ratified
the Notified RR by the GB/IB

1. Name of the post Nursing Sister Nursing Sister

2. Number of post 195 195
3. Classification General Central Service Group 'B' Non-ministerial
Group C Non-Gazetted,
4. Pay Band and Grade 5500-9000 PB2 Rs.9300-34800 + GP
Pay / Pay Scale Rs.4800
5. Whether Selection post Selection Selection
or Non Selection post
6. Age limit for direct Not Applicable Not Applicable
7. Educational and other Not Applicable Not Applicable
Qualifications Required
for Direct recruits
8. Whether age and Not Applicable Not Applicable
prescribed for direct
recruits will apply in the
case of promotees.
9. Period of probation if Two years Two years
10. Method of Recruitment; 100% by promotion. By Promotion
whether By Direct
Recruitment or by
Promotion or deputation
/ absorption and
Percentage of the
vacancies to be filled by
various methods
11. In case of recruitment Staff Nurse with five years Promotion from Staff Nurse
by promotion / regular service in the grade with 5 years regular service in
deputation / absorption working in JIPMER, the grade.
grade from which Puducherry.
promotion / deputation
/absorption to be made.
12. If a Departmental Group C - DPC(for Group –‘B’ Departmental
promotion committee confirmation only) promotion committee
exists what is its 1. Additional M.S. - consisting of
composition Chairman 1. Medical Supdt.
2. CNO/Nursing Supdt. -Chairman
- 2. One Senior Prof.
Member -Member
3. CNO/Nursing Supdt. of 3. One Prof.
any Central Govt. / State -Member
Govt. Hospital Other than 4. DDA/Sr. Admn. Officer
the concerned Hospital - -Member
4. DDA -
13. Circumstances in which Not Applicable Not applicable
UPSC is to be consulted
in making recruitment
As amended and
approved by President,
Existing as per JIPMER and ratified
the Notified RR by the GB/IB

1. Name of the post Public Health Nurse Public Health Nurse

2. Number of post 9 9
3. Classification General Central Service Group 'B' Non-ministerial
Group-C, Non-
Gazetted, Non-
4. Pay Band and Grade Pay / Rs.5500-150-9000 PB2 Rs.9300-34800 + GP Rs.4800
Pay Scale
5. Whether Selection post or Non-Selection Not Applicable
Non Selection post
6. Age limit for direct recruits Between 22 to 30 yrs upto 35 years
(Relaxable for Govt.
Servants upt 40 years in
accordance with the
instructions or orders
issued by the Central
7. Educational and other i) Matriculation or its i) Degree in Nursing or equivalent
Qualifications Required for equivalent. from a recognized
Direct recruits ii) Registered Nurse University/Institution.
with a Diploma in ii) Registered as Nurse and
Public Health Nursing Midwife under INC Act 1947.
from a recognised iii) Diploma in Public Health
Institution. OR B.Sc., Nursing from a recognized
(Nursing) Degree Institute.
iv) Three years experience as Staff
Nurse in a recognized
8. Whether age and Age:No. Not Applicable
Educational Qualifications E.Q:Yes
prescribed for direct
recruits will apply in the
case of promotees.
9. Period of probation if any Two years Two years
10. Method of Recruitment; By promotion failing By Direct Recruitment
whether By Direct which by direct
Recruitment or by recruitment.
Promotion or deputation /
absorption and Percentage
of the vacancies to be filled
by various methods

11. In case of recruitment by Promotion from Staff Not Applicable

promotion / deputation / Nurses with 5 years
absorption grade from regular service in the
which promotion / grade.
deputation /absorption to
be made.
12. If a Departmental 1. M.S. - Chairman Group –‘B’ Departmental
promotion committee 2. HoD Concerned promotion committee consisting of
exists what is its - Member (For confirmation only)
composition 3. DDA - Member 1.Medical Supdt. -Chairman
4.Administrative 2.One Senior Prof. -Member
Officer/ Assistant 3.One Prof. -Member
Administrative Officer 4.DDA/Sr. Admn. Officer
- Member Secretary. -Member

13. Circumstances in which Not Applicable Not Applicable

UPSC is to be consulted in
making recruitment
As amended and
approved by President,
Existing as per JIPMER and ratified
the Notified RR by the GB/IB

1. Name of the post Psychiatric Nurse Psychiatric Nurse

2. Number of post 1 1
3. Classification General Central Service Group 'B' Non-ministerial
Group-C, Non-Gazetted,
4. Pay Band and Grade Pay Rs.5500-150-9000 PB2 Rs.9300-34800 + GP
/ Pay Scale Rs.4800
5. Whether Selection post or Selection Not Applicable
Non Selection post
6. Age limit for direct 28 years. Relaxable for upto 35 years
recruits Govt. servants upto 35
years in accordance with
the instruction of orders
issued by the Central
7. Educational and other Essential: i) Degree in Nursing or equivalent
Qualifications Required i) Matriculation or its from a recognized
for Direct recruits equivalent qualification. University/Institution.
ii) Registered A Grade ii) Registered Nurse and Midwife
Nurse and Midwife under INC Act 1947.
iii) Three years experience iii) Diploma in Psychiatric
as Staff Nurse in the Nursing from a recognized
Department of Psychiatry. Institute.
iv) Diploma in Psychiatric iv) Three years experience as
Nursing from a recognised Staff Nurse in a recognized
Institute. Hospital/Institution.

8. Whether age and Age:No.E.Q:Yes Not Applicable

Qualifications prescribed
for direct recruits will
apply in the case of
9. Period of probation if any Two years Two years
10. Method of Recruitment; By promotion failing By Direct Recruitment
whether By Direct which by direct
Recruitment or by recruitment.
Promotion or deputation /
absorption and
Percentage of the
vacancies to be filled by
various methods
11. In case of recruitment by Promotion from Staff Not Applicable
promotion / deputation / Nurse with 5 years regular
absorption grade from service in the grade.
which promotion / Preferance will be given
deputation /absorption to to those possessing
be made. Diploma in Psychiatric
12. If a Departmental Group C - DPC Group –‘B’ Departmental
promotion committee comprising of promotion committee consisting
exists what is its 1. Director - Chairman of (For confirmation only)
composition 2. M.S. - Member 1.Medical Supdt. -Chairman
3. DDA/AO - Member 2.One Senior Prof. -Member
3.One Prof. -Member
4.DDA/Sr. Admn. Officer

13. Circumstances in which Not Applicable Not Applicable

UPSC is to be consulted
in making recruitment
As amended and
approved by President,
Existing as per JIPMER and ratified
the Notified RR by the GB/IB

1. Name of the post Sister Tutor Sister Tutor (Hospital)

2. Number of post 2 2
3. Classification General Central Service Group- Group 'A' Non-ministerial
C, Non-Gazetted, Non-
4. Pay Band and Grade Pay / Rs.6500-200-10500 PB3 Rs.15600-39100 + GP
Pay Scale Rs.5400
5. Whether Selection post or Non-Selection Selection
Non Selection post
6. Age limit for direct Not Applicable Not applicable
7. Educational and other Not Applicable Not applicable
Qualifications Required
for Direct recruits
8. Whether age and Not Applicable Not applicable
Qualifications prescribed
for direct recruits will
apply in the case of
9. Period of probation if any Two years Two years
10. Method of Recruitment; By promotion By Promotion
whether By Direct
Recruitment or by
Promotion or deputation /
absorption and Percentage
of the vacancies to be
filled by various methods
11. In case of recruitment by By promotion from Nursing Promotion from Nursing
promotion / deputation / Sisters/Public Health Sister/ Public Health Nurse/
absorption grade from Nurses/Psychiatric Nurses who Psychiatric Nurse with 5 years
which promotion / have undergone training in regular service in the grade.
deputation /absorption to Sister Tutor/Nursing Tutor in a
recognised Institution with five
be made.
years service in the grade after
appointment there to on regular
12. If a Departmental 1. Director - Chairman Group –‘A’ Departmental
promotion committee 2. M.S. - Member promotion committee
exists what is its 3. DD(A) - Member consisting of
4. A Group A Officer - Member.
composition 1.Director - Chairman
2.Medical Supdt.-Member
3.Dean -Member
4.One Senior Prof. -Member
13. Circumstances in which Not Applicable Not Applicable
UPSC is to be consulted
in making recruitment
As amended and
approved by President,
Existing as per JIPMER and ratified
the Notified RR by the GB/IB

Assistant Nursing Assistant Nursing

1. Name of the post
Superintendent Superintendent
2. Number of post 34 43
General Central Service Group-
3. Classification C, Non-Gazetted, Non- Group 'A' Non-Ministerial
Rs.6500-200-10500 PB3 Rs.15600-39100 +
4. Pay Band and Grade Pay / Pay Scale
GP Rs.5400
Whether Selection post or Non Selection
5. Selection
Selection post
6. Age limit for direct recruits Not Applicable Not Applicable
Educational and other Qualifications Not Applicable
7. Not Applicable
Required for Direct recruits
Whether age and Educational Not Applicable
Qualifications prescribed for direct
8. Not Applicable
recruits will apply in the case of
9. Period of probation if any Not applicable Two years
Method of Recruitment; whether By 100% by promotion By Promotion
Direct Recruitment or by Promotion
10. or deputation / absorption and
Percentage of the vacancies to be
filled by various methods
JIPMER Hospital:
Nursing Sisters/Ward Sisters, Promotion from Nursing
In case of recruitment by promotion /
Psychiatric Nurses, Public Sister/ Public Health
deputation / absorption grade from
11. Health Nurses with five years Nurse/ Psychiatric Nurse
which promotion / deputation
regular service in the grade with 5 years regular
/absorption to be made.
working in JIPMER, service in the grade.
Group C - D.P.C. consisting of Group –‘A’ Departmental
1. A.M.S. - Chairman promotion committee
If a Departmental promotion 2. C.N.O./Ng. Supdt -Member consisting of
12. committee exists what is its 3. D.D.A./Chief Admn. Officer 1.Director -Chairman
composition - Member 2.Medical Supdt. -Member
3.Dean -Member
4.One Senior Prof.Member
Circumstances in which UPSC is to Not Applicable
13. Not Applicable
be consulted in making recruitment
SCHEDULE As amended and
approved by President,
Existing as per JIPMER and ratified
the Notified RR by the GB/IB

1. Name of the post Deputy Nursing Deputy Nursing

Superintendent Superintendent
2. Number of post 5 5
3. Classification General Central Service Group 'A' Non-ministerial
Group-B, Gazetted, Non-
4. Pay Band and Grade Rs.7500-250-12000 PB3 Rs.15600-39100 + GP
Pay / Pay Scale Rs.5400
5. Whether Selection post Selection Selection
or Non Selection post
6. Age limit for direct Not Exceeding 30 yrs Not Applicable
7. Educational and other Essential Not Applicable
Qualifications Required A)i) Degree in Nursing from
for Direct recruits a recognised University or
ii) Five years experience in
Nursing in a Supervisory
capacity in a well established
Hospital/Nusing Home.
B)i) Matriculation pass from
a recognised
Univeristy/Board/School or
ii) A Grade Nursing and
Midwifery Certificate from a
recognised Institution or
iii) Diploma in Nursing
Administration from a
recognised Institution or
iv) Seven years experience in
Nursing in a supervisory
capacity in a well-established
Hospital/Nursing Home
Diploma in Nursing
Administration from a
recognised Institution or
equivalent (for A only).

8. Whether age and No Not Applicable

prescribed for direct
recruits will apply in the
case of promotees.
9. Period of probation if Two years Not Applicable
10. Method of Recruitment; By Prmotion failing which By Promotion
whether By Direct by direct recruitment
Recruitment or by
Promotion or deputation
/ absorption and
Percentage of the
vacancies to be filled by
various methods
11. In case of recruitment Promotion Promotion from Assistant
by promotion / Assistant Nursing Nursing Superintendent / Sister
deputation / absorption Superintendent/Sister Tutor Tutor with 3 years regular
grade from which with three years regular service in the grade.
promotion / deputation service in the respective
/absorption to be made. grades.
12. If a Departmental Group B - D.P.C. Group –‘A’ Departmental
promotion committee 1. Director, Administration promotion committee
exists what is its and Vigilance - Chairman consisting of
composition 2. Assistant Director General 1.Director -Chairman
(Medical)-ember 2.Medical Supdt. -Member
3. Nursing Adviser - Member 3.Dean -Member
4. DDA (O&M) - Member 4.One Senior Prof.-Member
The proceedings of the DPC
relating to confirmation shall
be sent to the UPSC for
approval. If, however, these
are not approved by the
UPSC a fresh meeting of the
DPC to be presided over by
the Chairman or a Member of
the UPSC shall be held.

13. Circumstances in which Consultation with the UPSC Not Applicable

UPSC is to be consulted necessary while making
in making recruitment direct recuitmen
SCHEDULE As amended and
approved by President,
Existing as per JIPMER and ratified
the Notified RR by the GB/IB

1. Name of the post Nursing Superintendent Nursing Superintendent

2. Number of post 1 1
3. Classification General Central Service Group-A Group 'A' Non-ministerial
4. Pay Band and Grade Pay Rs.8000-275-13500 PB3 Rs.15600–39100 +
/ Pay Scale GP Rs.6600
5. Whether Selection post Selection-Cum-Seniority Selection
or Non Selection post
6. Age limit for direct Not Exceeding 35 yrs Not Applicable
7. Educational and other Essential Not Applicable
Qualifications Required i) Masters Degree in Nursing or
for Direct recruits M.Sc., Degree in Nursing from a
recognised University or
ii) Should be a Registered Nurse
and Registered Midwife in a State
Nursing Council register.
iii) Three years experience in
Nursing in a Hospital/Nursing

8. Whether age and Age:No.E.Q: No. But should Not Applicable

Educational possess Diploma in Nursing
Qualifications prescribed Education and Administration or
for direct recruits will B.Sc., Nursing from a recognised
apply in the case of University or equivalent and
promotees. should be a Registered Nurse and
Midwife in a State Nursing
Council Register.
9. Period of probation if One yr for D/R &Promotees Two years
10. Method of Recruitment; Promotion failing which by By Promotion
whether By Direct deputation failing both by direct
Recruitment or by recruitment.
Promotion or deputation /
absorption and
Percentage of the
vacancies to be filled by
various methods
11. In case of recruitment by Promotion: Promotion from Deputy
promotion / deputation / Deputy Nursing Superintendent, Nursing Superintendent
absorption grade from JIPMER, Puducherry, with two with 5 years regular
which promotion / years regular service in the grade service in the grade.
deputation /absorption to failing which Deputy Nursing
be made. Superintendent, JIPMER,
Puducherry, with five years
combined regular service in the
grades of DNS and ANS.
Where juniors who have
completed their
qualifying/eligibility service are
being considered for promotion,
their Seniors would also be
considered provided they are not
short of the requisite qualifying/
eligibility service more than half
of such qualifying/eligibility
servie or two years, whichever is
less, and have sucessfully
completed their probation period,
promotion to the next higher
grade alongwith their juniors who
have already completed such
qualifying/eligibility service.
Transfer on deputation:
Officers under Central
Government -
A.(I)Holding analogous posts on
regular basis; or
(II) with two years regular service
in posts in the scale of pay of
Rs.7500-12000/- or equivalent;
OR iii) With five years regular
service in posts in the scale of pay
of Rs.6500---10500/- or
equivalent; and
B. Possessing Diploma in Nursing
Education and Administration or
equivalent or B.Sc., Nursing from
a recognised University or
equivalent and should be a
Registered Nurse and Registered
Midwife in a State Nursing
Council Register. (Departmental
officers in the feeder category
who are in the direct line of
promotion shall not be eligible for
consideration for appointment on
Deputation. Similarly,
deputationist shall not be eligible
for consideration for appointment
by promotion).
Period of deputation including
period of deputation in another
ex-cadre post held immediately
preceeding this appointment in the
same or some other organisation/
department of the Central Govt.
shall ordinarilly not exceed three
years.The maximum age limit for
appointment by transfer on
deputation shall be not exceeding
56 years as on the closing date of
receipt of application.
12. If a Departmental Group A DPC (for promotion): Group –‘A’ Departmental
promotion committee 1. Chairman/Member of UPSC promotion committee
exists what is its - Chairman consisting of
composition 2. Joint Secretary, MH&FW 1.Director -Chairman
- Member. 2.Medical Supdt.
3. Addl. Dte.GHS - Member -Member
4. Director (A&V), O/o Dte.GHS 3.Dean -Member
-Member 4.One Senior Prof. -
5. Nursing Adviser - Member Member
13. Circumstances in which Consultation of UPSC is Not Applicable
UPSC is to be consulted necessary on each occasion.
in making recruitment Note: The proceedings of the DPC
relating to confirmation of a direct
recruit shall be sent to the
Commissilon for approval.
If, however, these are not
approved by the Commission a
fresh meeting of the DPC to be
presided over by the Chairman or
a Member of the UPSC shall be
As amended and
approved by President,
Existing as per JIPMER and ratified
the Notified RR by the GB/IB

1. Name of the post Chief Nursing Officer Chief Nursing Officer

2. Number of post 1 1
3. Classification General Central Service Group 'A' Non-ministerial
Group-A, Gazetted Non-
4. Pay Band and Grade Pay / Rs.10000-325-15200 PB3 Rs.15600–39100 + GP
Pay Scale Rs.7600
5. Whether Selection post or Selection-Cum-Seniority Selection
Non Selection post
6. Age limit for direct Not Exceeding 40 yrs Not Applicable
recruits Note: 1. Relaxable for Govt.
servants upto 5 years in
accordance with the
instructions or orders issued
by the Central Govt.
2. The crucial date for
determine the age limit shall
be the closing date for
receipt of applications from
candidates in india and not
the closing date prescribed
for those in Assam,
Meghalaya, Arrunachal
Pradesh, Mizoram,
Manipur, Nagaland,
Tripura, Sikkim, Jammu
and Kashmir state, Ladakh
and spiti diseries and pangi
sub-Division of Chamba
District of Himachal
Pradesh, Andaman and
Nicobar Islands or
7. Educational and other Essential:i) M.Sc., Degree Not Applicable
Qualifications Required in Nursing from a
for Direct recruits recognised University or
equivalent . ii) Should be
Registered Nurse and
Registered Midwife. iii)
Eight years experience
including at least five years
administrative experience in
a hospital. Desirable:Ph.D.
in Nursing.
Note1:Qualification are
relaxable at the discretion of
the UPSC in case of
candidates otherwise well
Note2: The qualifications
regarding experience is/are
relaxable at the discretion of
the UPSC in the case of
candidates belonging to the
SC or ST, if at any stage of
selection, the UPSC is of the
opinion that sufficient
number of candidates from
these communities
possessing the requisite
experience are not likely to
be available to fill up the
vacancies reserved for them
8. Whether age and Age:No.E.Q: No. But Not Applicable
Educational Qualifications should possess Diploma In
prescribed for direct Nursing Education and
recruits will apply in the Administration or B.Sc., in
case of promotees. Nursing from a recognissed
University or equivalent and
should be a Registered
Nurse or Registered
9. Period of probation if any One year for Direct Rectt. One year
10. Method of Recruitment; 50% by promotion failing By Promotion
whether By Direct which by deputation and
Recruitment or by failing both by direct
Promotion or deputation / recruitment. 50% by
absorption and Percentage deputation failing which by
of the vacancies to be direct recruitment.
filled by various methods
11. In case of recruitment by Promotion: Promotion from Nursing
promotion / deputation / Nursing Superintendent Superintendent with 5 years
absorption grade from with five years regular regular service in the grade
which promotion / service in the grade. and possessing Diploma in
deputation /absorption to Note 1: Nursing Education and
be made. Where juniors who have Administration or Degree in
completed their Nursing from a recognized
qualifying/eligibility service University or equivalent.
are being considered for
promotion, their seniors
would also be considered
provided they are not short
of the requisite qualifying/
eligibility service by more
than half of such
qualifying/eligibility servie
or two years, whichever is
less and have sucessfully
completed their probation
period for promotion to the
next higher grade alongwith
their juniors who ahve
already completed such
Note 2:
The eligibility list for
promotion shall be prepared
with reference to the date of
completion by the officers
of the prescribed qualifying
service in the respective
Deputation:- Officers under
the Central Govt/State
a)(1) holding analogous
posts on regular basis; or
(2) with five years regular
service in the scale of
Rs.8000-13500/-; or
(3) with six years regular
service in the scale of 7500-
12000/- or
(4) with eight years regular
service in the scale of
Rs.6500-10500/-; and
b) possessing E.Q. and
experience prescribed for
direct recruits under col.8.
Note:- The Department
Officers in the feeder
category are in the direct
line of promotion shall not
be eligible for consideration
for appointment
ondeputation. Similarly,
deputationists shall not be
el;igible for consideration
for appointment by
promotion. (Period of
deputation including period
of deputation in another ex-
cadre post held immediately
preceeding this appointment
in the same or some other
Organisation/Department of
the Central Government
shall ordinarily not exceed
three years. The maximum
age limit for appointment by
deputation shall be not
exceeding 56 years as on the
closing date of receipt of
12. If a Departmental Group A DPC (for Group –‘A’ Departmental
promotion committee promotion): promotion committee
exists what is its 1. Chairman/Member of consisting of
composition UPSC - Chairman 1.Director -Chairman
2. Joint Secretary, MH&FW 2.Medical Supdt. -Member
- Member. 3.Dean -Member
3. Addl. Dte.GHS - Member 4.One Senior Prof. -Member
4. Director (A&V), O/o
Dte.GHS -Member
5. Nursing Adviser -

The preceedings of the
departmental promotion
committee relating to
confirmation of the direct
recruit shall be sent to the
commission for approval, if
however, these are not
approved by the
commission, the fresh
meeting of the DPC to be
presided over by the
Chairman or Member of the
UPSC shall be held.
13. Circumstances in which Consultation with the UPSC Not Applicable
UPSC is to be consulted in necessary while making
making recruitment direct recruitment and
appointing an officer on

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