Recruitment Rules Formulation, Amendment & Monitoring System 13 Point Schedule - Annexure I

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Recruitment Rules Formulation, Amendment & Monitoring System

13 Point Schedule - Annexure I

Year: 2020

Recruitment Rules for Post of , Medical Social Welfare Officer , In Min / Dept , Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Name of Post No of Posts Classification Pay Level in the Pay Matrix Whether Selection post /
Non Selection Post

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Medical Social Welfare Officer 8(2020) *Subject to variation General Central Service 6 Not Applicable
dependent on workload Non Ministerial Non-Gazetted
Group, B

Age Limits for Direct Recruits

Not exceeding 30 Years (relaxable for govt servants upto 5yrs in accordance with instructions or orders issue by central govt. )
6(a)Crucial description:
The crucial date for determining the age-limit shall be as advertised by the SSC.

Educational and other Qualification required for direct recruits


Qualification:(a) Bachelor degree from a recognized Board or Institute and Experience:-

(b) Two years diploma in Social Work.
Master Degree in Sociology or Social Work with specialization in Medical Social Work
from a recognized University or Institute.

Qualification:- Experience:Two years experience in Medical Social Work in
a recognized Organization/Institute.

Whether age & Period of Probation if Method of Recruitment,whether by direct recruitment or by promotion or by
educational any deputation/absorption and percentage of the vacancies to be filled by various methods.
qualification prescribed
for Direct Recruitment
will apply in the case of

8 9 10

Method Percentage

AGE: NA 2 100
10.Deputation Failing which by Direct Recruitment
Edu.Qual: NA

In case of recruitment by Prom/Dep./abs. grades from which prom/dep./abs to be made


Officers of the Central/State Government /Union Territories :

(a)(I) holding analogous on a regular basis in the parent cadre or Department ;or
(ii) with six years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in Level- 5 ( Rs 29200 -92300) in the pay matrix or equivalent in
the parent cadre or department ; or
(iii) with ten years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in level -4 ( Rs 25500 -81100 ) in the pay matrix or equivalent
in the parent cadre or Department and (b) possessing educational qualifications and experience as prescribed for direct recruits under column ( 7).

Standard Notes:

The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other
organization/department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years. The Maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be
Not exceeding 56 years as on the last date of receipt of applications
If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, what is its composition


Departmental Promotion Committee Departmental Confirmation Committee

1. not applicable (Chairman) 1. 1. Additional medical superintendent , Safdarjung hospital (Chairman)
2. 2. Head of the department , Safdarjung hospital (member)
3. 3. Deputy director administration incharge of Medical Hospital Section in
Directorate General of Health Services (member)
4. 4. Director ( Administration) , Safdarjung hospital (member)

Circumstances in which UPSC to be consulted in making recruitment


Consultation with Union Public Service Commission is not necessary.

Communication with DoPT:

Remarks by DOPT:

Name of Post No of Posts Classification Pay Level in the Pay Whether Selection Age Limits for Educational and
Matrix post / Non Selection Direct Recruits other Qualification
Post required for direct

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

ok ok ok ok ok ok ok

Whether age & educational qualification prescribed for Direct Recruitment will apply Period of Probation if any Method of
in the case of promotees Recruitment,wheth
er by direct
recruitment or by
promotion or by
ion and
percentage of the
vacancies to be
filled by various

8 9 10

ok ok ok

In case of recruitment by Prom/Dep./abs., If a Departmental Promotion Committee exists, Circumstances in which UPSC to be consulted
grades from which prom/dep./abs to be made what is its composition in making recruitment

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ok ok ok

Communication with Min/Dept: The Draft RRs is agreed to subject to the modifications/observations made against each column and the
draft notification section. The same needs to be finalized in consultation with UPSC and Ministry of Law
and Justice and with the approval of the competent authority. This has the approval of JS(Estt).

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