B1.1 U2 GrammarReference-3983837
B1.1 U2 GrammarReference-3983837
B1.1 U2 GrammarReference-3983837
I/He/She/It was going
You/We/They were going
Unit 2 I/He/She/ It was not going
You/We/ They were not going
PAST SIMPLE (weren’t)
1 Forma Interrogativa
Was I/he/she/it going?
Were you/we/they going?
Los verbos regulares forman el pasado añadiendo -ed
al verbo mientras que los irregulares tienen una forma
2 Uso y expresiones de tiempo
propia (ver lista en página 128).
• Acciones en progreso en un momento concreto del
pasado (at the time, at 10 o’clock yesterday morning,
Afirmativa I/You/He/She/It/We/They lived / went during the flight, etc).
At the time, he was trying to make money from his
I/You/We/They did not live / go invention.
He/She/It (didn’t)
We were watching a programme about new technology
at 7 o’clock yesterday evening.
Interrogativa Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they live / go?
• When y while introducen oraciones temporales y se
usan con los tiempos past simple y past continuous
para expresar:
2 Ortografía para el pasado de los verbos regulares
- acciones simultáneas.
• L
a mayoría de los verbos añaden -ed para formar el While he was talking on the mobile, his mother was
participio pasado: talk talked, climb climbed cooking.
• L
os verbos que acaban en -e añaden solo -d: arrive - acciones que se ven interrumpidas por otras.
arrived, live lived While he was cleaning the dust, he had a brilliant idea.
• L
os verbos que terminan en una consonante + una When she was doing an experiment, he phoned her.
vocal acentuada + una consonante doblan la última
consonante: prefer preferred, rob robbed.
Pero: open opened
• E
n los verbos que acaban en consonante + -y se cambia
1 Forma
la -y por -ied: carry carried, study studied
Este tiempo se forma con used to + verb.
3 Expresiones de tiempo
Afirmativa I/You/He/She/It/We/They used to go
yesterday, two hours / days / weeks / months / years
ago, last Sunday / week / month / year, on the 7th May, I/You/He/She/It/We/They (didn’t)
in 1999 / the 14th century. did not
Suelen ir al final de la oración aunque también pueden use to go
colocarse al principio. I/You/He/She/It/We/They never used to go
Josephine Cochrane invented the dishwasher in 1886. Interrogativa Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they use to go?
Yesterday I bought my first mobile.
2 Uso
4 Uso
Se utiliza para expresar hábitos o estados en el pasado
• Acciones y situaciones acabadas en el pasado. pero que ya no ocurren en el presente.
Thirty years ago, people didn’t have mobile phones. We used to have a video when we were younger but
He bought a microwave three weeks ago. now we have a DVD.
• Estados en el pasado. When I was a child, I didn’t use to chat online with my
When I was young, I didn’t have a computer. friends.
My father never used to buy new gadgets when he
was younger but now he does.
Did you use to wear contact lenses when you were at
1 Forma
Se forma con el pasado del verbo to be y el verbo principal Fíjate
en -ing (ver página 104 para la ortografía de esta forma). Para expresar hábitos en el presente se utiliza usually +
He was working on a new project last night at 9 present simple.
o’clock. They usually buy their kitchen appliances at Ikea.
Grammar Reference