B1.1 U2 GrammarReference-3983837

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I/He/She/It was going
You/We/They were going
Unit 2 I/He/She/ It was not going
You/We/ They were not going
PAST SIMPLE (weren’t)

1 Forma Interrogativa
Was I/he/she/it going?
Were you/we/they going?
Los verbos regulares forman el pasado añadiendo -ed
al verbo mientras que los irregulares tienen una forma
2 Uso y expresiones de tiempo
propia (ver lista en página 128).
• Acciones en progreso en un momento concreto del
pasado (at the time, at 10 o’clock yesterday morning,
Afirmativa I/You/He/She/It/We/They lived / went during the flight, etc).
At the time, he was trying to make money from his
I/You/We/They did not live / go invention.
He/She/It (didn’t)
We were watching a programme about new technology
at 7 o’clock yesterday evening.
Interrogativa Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they live / go?
• When y while introducen oraciones temporales y se
usan con los tiempos past simple y past continuous
para expresar:
2 Ortografía para el pasado de los verbos regulares
- acciones simultáneas.
• L
 a mayoría de los verbos añaden -ed para formar el While he was talking on the mobile, his mother was
participio pasado: talk talked, climb climbed cooking.
• L
 os verbos que acaban en -e añaden solo -d: arrive - acciones que se ven interrumpidas por otras.
arrived, live lived While he was cleaning the dust, he had a brilliant idea.
• L
os verbos que terminan en una consonante + una When she was doing an experiment, he phoned her.
vocal acentuada + una consonante doblan la última
consonante: prefer preferred, rob robbed.
Pero: open opened
• E
 n los verbos que acaban en consonante + -y se cambia
1 Forma
la -y por -ied: carry carried, study studied
Este tiempo se forma con used to + verb.

3 Expresiones de tiempo
Afirmativa I/You/He/She/It/We/They used to go
yesterday, two hours / days / weeks / months / years
ago, last Sunday / week / month / year, on the 7th May, I/You/He/She/It/We/They (didn’t)
in 1999 / the 14th century. did not
Suelen ir al final de la oración aunque también pueden use to go
colocarse al principio. I/You/He/She/It/We/They never used to go
Josephine Cochrane invented the dishwasher in 1886. Interrogativa Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they use to go?
Yesterday I bought my first mobile.

2 Uso
4 Uso
Se utiliza para expresar hábitos o estados en el pasado
• Acciones y situaciones acabadas en el pasado. pero que ya no ocurren en el presente.
Thirty years ago, people didn’t have mobile phones. We used to have a video when we were younger but
He bought a microwave three weeks ago. now we have a DVD.
• Estados en el pasado. When I was a child, I didn’t use to chat online with my
When I was young, I didn’t have a computer. friends.
My father never used to buy new gadgets when he
was younger but now he does.
Did you use to wear contact lenses when you were at

1 Forma
Se forma con el pasado del verbo to be y el verbo principal Fíjate
en -ing (ver página 104 para la ortografía de esta forma). Para expresar hábitos en el presente se utiliza usually +
He was working on a new project last night at 9 present simple.
o’clock. They usually buy their kitchen appliances at Ikea.
Grammar Reference


Para formar sustantivos que indican profesiones se
• A
 veces pueden usarse indistintamente used to o usan los siguientes sufijos.
past simple.
She used to live by the sea in the 1950s.
She lived by the sea in the 1950s.
• P
 ero cuando se utilizan verbos que indican acciones -or: invent inventor
únicas acabadas en el pasado solo se puede usar -er: develop developer
past simple.
He used to design strange appliances when he was -ian: mathematics mathematician
young. (Solía diseñar aparatos raros cuando era joven. -ist: science scientist
Se refiere a un hábito que ya no tiene.)
He designed a strange appliance when he was
young. (Diseñó un extraño aparato cuando era joven.
Acción única en el pasado.)


La diferencia de uso entre estos dos tiempos es la
relación que establecen con el pasado.
• Se usa past simple para expresar una acción
finalizada en el pasado. Suele ir con una expresión
de tiempo que indica cuándo se realizó dicha acción.
People made millions of mobile calls last year.
My life changed when I bought my hearing aid two
months ago.
• Se usa present perfect para hablar sobre una acción
que comenzó en el pasado y tiene relevancia en el
People have made millions of mobile calls since its
Life has changed with new technology.


Estas expresiones suelen ir con present perfect.

• Just
Expresa una acción que acaba de ocurrir. Se coloca
delante del participio pasado.
We’ve just read about the invention of dynamite. I
can explain everything to you.
• Already
Se usa en oraciones afirmativas e interrogativas para
indicar que una acción ha ocurrido o se espera que
ocurra antes de lo esperado. Se coloca delante del
participio pasado.
Has he already turned in his physics assignment?
Today is the deadline.
They’ve already visited the Science Museum. Now
they want to go to the National Gallery.
• Y
Se usa en oraciones negativas e interrogativas para
hablar de acciones que no han ocurrido todavía. Se
coloca al final de la oración.
The new gadgets exhibition hasn’t started yet.
Have you been to the Faraday Museum yet?
Yes, I have. It was very interesting.

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