Love Marriage Vs Arranged Marriage Essay
Love Marriage Vs Arranged Marriage Essay
Love Marriage Vs Arranged Marriage Essay
Composing an essay on the topic of "Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage" is a challenging endeavor
that requires a thoughtful exploration of cultural, societal, and personal perspectives. This subject
delves into the complex dynamics surrounding the two prevalent forms of matrimony, demanding a
comprehensive analysis of their merits, drawbacks, and the cultural contexts that shape them.
One must navigate through the myriad aspects associated with love marriages, such as the autonomy
and emotional connection between partners, juxtaposed against the stability and familial support
often associated with arranged marriages. The writer needs to consider societal expectations,
individual preferences, and the evolving nature of relationships in contemporary society.
Expressing nuanced viewpoints while avoiding stereotypes or biased perspectives adds an additional
layer of difficulty to the task. The essay should strive to strike a balance, acknowledging that both
forms of marriage have their strengths and weaknesses, and that the ideal choice depends on
individual circumstances.
Crafting a coherent and persuasive argument in favor of one type of marriage over the other, or
advocating for a middle ground, is no small feat. It requires not only a clear understanding of the
subject matter but also the ability to articulate thoughts and ideas effectively. The essay should be
well-structured, with a compelling introduction, a body that explores multiple facets, and a
conclusion that synthesizes the information presented.
In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage" in an essay demands a
blend of research, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of human relationships and societal
norms. It is a challenge that requires careful consideration of cultural contexts, historical perspectives,
and individual experiences. Nevertheless, with dedication and a meticulous approach, one can
successfully navigate this intricate subject, delivering an essay that is both informative and thought-
For assistance with similar essays and more, individuals can explore services such as , where expert writers can provide guidance and support in crafting well-researched
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Love Marriage Vs Arranged Marriage EssayLove Marriage Vs Arranged Marriage Essay
The Soft Drink Manufacturing And Carbonated Beverages...
In the United States, The Soft Drink Manufacturing and carbonated beverages market
is dominated by three major companies. They are Coca Cola, PepsiCo, and the Dr.
Pepper Snapple Group. These companies account for 66% of the total market shares
Coca Cola (28.6%), Pepsi Co Inc (26.8%), and the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group (8.6%).
The carbonated soft drinks account for 65%, and noncarbonated beverages account for
35% of the industry market. The demand for soft drinks is driven by consumer tastes
preferences and demographics. The United States soft drink manufacturing sector has 250
companies that have revenue combined with $40 billion dollars according to recent
reports. The carbonated soft drinks global sales are equal to an estimate of $350 billion
dollars per year. The global sales revenue includes nonalcoholic beverage industry as well
as ice tea and bottled water.
The soft drink industry has two manufacturers that work together to bring drinks to the
market. It is flavoring syrup, and concentrate, and soft drink manufacturing. The supply
chain depends on the syrup producer as the driver of the operation. The industry is made
up of flavoring syrup and concentrate and soft drink manufacturing. The bottled soft
drinks follow a product life cycle, from sugar producer to bottle, to distributor, to
merchant, and then to the final consumer. Before beverages even reach the consumer,
they may be distributed through a variety of different channels
Invention Of The Civil War Essay
In the early 1860 s, new inventions and technologies in the United States completely
evolved our country s fate during the time of the Civil War. For instance, photographs,
telegraphs, certain medications, and artillery were all monumental advances in the mid
nineteenth century. And more importantly in the Civil War, which affected our nation
greatly in the future. The most influential technological breakthrough at the time was the
telegraph. This invention revolutionized the outcome of the war by providing swift
communication between President Abraham Lincolnand the Union generals (Wheeler).
Lincoln was the first president to utilize the telegraph and it increased the Union s
likelihood of winning the war. The Confederates were at a disadvantage because they
lacked the technology their revivals acquired; therefore, the South had to wait several
weeks or months to receive valuable information such as military orders (Wheeler).
The telegraph was an essential apparatus constructed by Samuel Morse as a result of his
determination to invent a device that would transport ... Show more content on ...
Luckily they solved how to deliver messages to people who lived far away (Timmons).
They were able to send messages by the Morse Code which, assigned a set of dots and
dashes to each letter of the English alphabet and allowed for the simple transmission of
complex messages across telegraph lines (The Morse Code: The Telegraph). The deaths
of Morse s loved ones eventually caused the occurrence of the creation of the telegraph
and the Morse Code. He wanted to be able to communicate with his family in the past
and for others to be able to communicate with their family more conveniently in the
future. Since he wanted others to communicate with people more efficiently Lincoln was
able to give orders on the battlefield which led to the North winning the Civil
Color Of Color And Color Essay
Color chart a brief explanation
You must have heard of color charts by now! Today, most companies are making use of
charts to represent different objects. Color is subjective, and each color represents
different ideas. Basically, it is found that there are different shapes of a single color
which are referred to with different names. With the help of a chart it is possible to
describe the color of bromeliad parts. Now, there is no need of referring to a color as red
or yellow, instead, you have possibility of using a number from the chart.
Firstly, it is vital for you to know the meaning of color charts. They are also referred to as
color reference cards which are defined as flat physical objects that come with a variety
of color samples. It is either a one page chart or available in the form of swatch books or
even color matching fans.
Printable color chart templates appear to be very handy. This can help you carry the
copy in your wallet and refer to colors as and when necessary.
The color wheel is considered to be a chart that would reflect different colors that you
probably see in a rainbow or the colors obtained when white light passes through a
prism. Basically, the color wheel contains 12 shades and follows the basic principle of
color theory. Primary colors need no mixing! Once you have the primary colors in hand,
there is no chance of mixing it with any other colors.
The primary colors may include red,
Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird And A Lesson Before Dying
What effect does racism have on society? (In recent time, campaigns, protests, and riots
have been made with the aim of eliminating racism from society, yet are such efforts
really worthwhile?) In recent times, many have fought for equality of race by
campaigning, protesting, and rioting. Such efforts were made with the aim of eliminating
racismfrom society, yet are such efforts really worthwhile? The answer to that question
is explored in the novels To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and A Lesson Before
Dying by Ernest J. Gaines. Both novels are set in the 1930 s and 1940 s, and they
consider the effect that racism had on Southern American society. They highlight that
racism leads to inequalities economically by creating disadvantages for those of color,
discrimination socially, such as the segregation of Coloured and non Coloured schools,
and systemically in the justice system.
To begin, racism creates social biases in society. The segregation of Coloured people
and whites, coupled with the social norms imposed by Whites, provide evidence of the
social biases that resulted from racism (social hierarchy). Firstly, segregation created
inequality for those of colour. The segregation of classrooms by colour allowed for an
imbalance in working conditions. For example, the classrooms of coloured people were
in poor condition when
Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Relational Database...
1 Relational Database management system
A relational database management system is based many of the databases system based
on relational database model.
A relational database s use is organizing large amounts of data. Relationships database
define the relationship between two points of tables and these database systems are linked
by defining that relationship. Database is a well maintained collection of data. The data
are arranged to model particular part of reality in a way that supports process requiring
information, such as availability and modelling of rooms in hotels in a way that supports
finding a hotel with vacancies.
NumberFirst NameAgeSalary
4Umar1211020 ... Show more content on ...
OODBMS has also over take the favored system for financial application. Similarly, the
OODBMS market is same. The OODBMS continues to find out new application area,
such as the www.
1 Recycle and Sharing: The important advantage of extending the Relational data come
from Recycle and sharing. Recycle comes from the able to extend the DBMS to perform
better functionality,
2 expand Productivity: ORDBMS provide expand productivity both developer and for
the last user
3 Take of experience in developing RDBMS: Another useful advantage is that. the
extended relational. The important body of knowledge that has gone into developing
relational application. This is a better advantage, as many organization would find it too
expensive to change. If the new function is designed appropriately, this kind of idea
should allow organization to take advantage of the better extension.
The ORDBMS increased complexity and increased costs. Further, there are the
proponents of the relational approach and the· essential simplicity and clarity of the.
relational model is lost with these different types of
The Outbreak of the Spanish Civil War Essay
The Outbreak of the Spanish Civil War
To this day the Spanish Civil War is still remembered as the single most pivotal
moment in the history of Spanish politics. The only way of understanding how 600,000
Spaniards were killed between 1936 and 1939 is to ask ourselves why the civil war broke
out in Spain in 1936. There were a number of reasons which led to the civil war in Spain.
The main and most significant being the increased political polarization between the left
and right wing parties.
This polarization primarily began within Spanish society, which had been characterized
by its strong religious beliefs and conservative values, as it remained a strict Roman
Catholic country for many ... Show more content on ...
On the other hand, was the conservative nationalists represented by the Church, the army
and many large landowners and industrialists. Most of which wanted Spain to return to
the Golden Ages of sixteenth century Catholic Spain and were in favour of the Monarchy
in order to remain an authoritarian state. This division was highlighted further by a
number of pronunciamientos[6] and uprisings between the two sides adding to the
increased political tension.
For the right, they saw the defence of religious interests as their fundamental political
task. [7] Whereas, the liberals reflected the increasingly anti Catholic feeling throughout
Spain. Therefore, it can be understood why the liberal views on the Church, and its
policies within the second republic to reduce the Church s power, angered the right wing
parties enough for them to retaliate through a number of uprisings throughout Spain.
Especially during the declaration of the second republic stating that Spain no longer
possessed an official religion.
During the constitutional monarchy of Alfonso CIII, the left was frustrated by the farce
of the electoral system[8], which up until the second republic was formed on the 14th
April 1931, remained in favour of local bosses, also given
Hartford Urban Observation
I decided to write this paper about two zones of Hartford, Connecticut due that I was
doing an assessment of the areas of the city for another class. A little of geography:
Hartford is the Capital city of Connecticut. It has a population of 124,512 habitants
distributed into 18.5 square miles. (Hartford has it, 2016), and is consider one of the
largest cities of Connecticut after Bridgeport and New Haven. The city is located in the
center of the State and has access to the principal highways of the State. It is consider the
Insurance Capital of the world due that many Insurance companies have their headquarter
in the city.
Hartford is divided in 17 neighborhoods each of one had a diversity of cultures and
history that makes the city a melting pot rich city. I visited some of the neighborhoods
during three different days and different hours, the two neighborhoods that impacted me
and that I will describe in this paper are: Downtown Hartford, and Frog Hollow. This
neighborhoods are close to each other, but the differences are evident and I will explain
each one of them. ... Show more content on ...
In my visit I saw the Police Department, the new Baseball Field Dunkin Donuts that is
not in use yet, and many parking lots almost full. I did appreciate many office
buildings and hotels, and also saw the Capital Community College s building. I saw
High school Students walking in uniform, also students from the College, and people
well dress probably from offices and having lunch at that time. The area is more work
related, looks clean and has many fast food places and restaurants around. There was a
bus stop full of people awaiting and boarding the public transportation. The area is work
and business related and it counts with several