4th Batch Course Plane Routine Bitbox Tentative

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4th Batch

Special Course Plan for Job Preparation for ALL (Tentative)

Total class + PDF – 35
extra class (NTRCA/Diploma) -5
Theory subject Suggession/PDF-2
Exam- 10
Course Instructor: bitBox Team

Subject Total Instructor/

Class Date Contact Topics
Name & Time Class Lecturer (Tentative)
Data Type, Variables and
Engr. Harun-Or-
Operator, Control flow Statement
1. 12-01-24 Rashid
and Loop, Function, Array and Class
2. 14-01-24 Assistant Programmer
Programming in String, File. Time:
3. 16-01-24 5 Ministry of Land
C/C++ Output code. 8:10
4. 18-01-24 Author: bitBox
Basic Study and 5 OOP key PM
5. 20-01-24 University: DUET
Concepts… JVM,
Some Output code Program
1 Exam-22-01-24; Time: (9.00- 9.40) PM; Exam Taker: Course Instructor
Basic theory, Keys(primary,
candidate, super, foreign) and E-
R Diagram, Aggregate function,
Join Operation, ACID, DB
1. 24-01-24 Language, Basic Query, Sub
2. 26-01-24 Query and Join Query. Relational Assistant Engineer,
DBMS 3. 28-01-24 algebra, ERD, Apache server, 4 DESCO
4. 30-01-24 MySQL, NoSQL, Trigger University: BUET
5. 01-02-24 Concurrency Control, DDL,
LGWR PROCESS, Data Mining,
Data warehouse, Functional
dependencies, Normalization
2 Exam-03-02-24; Time: (9:00-9:40 ) PM; Exam Taker: Course Instructor
Basic study, Stack, Queue and
Linked List, Tree and Tree
Traversing, Notation, and Heap,
1. 05-02-24
Sorting and Searching Algorithm. Class
2. 07-02-24
Data Structure Dynamic programming, divide Time:
3. 09-02-24 4 BUET
& Algorithm and conquer, greedy method, 8:10
4. 11-02-24
(bellman ford, Dijkstra, TSP), PM
Hash, array, graph, BFS, DFS,
B+ Tree
3 Exam-13-02-24; Time: (9.00- 9.40) PM; Exam Taker: Course Instructor
Kernel, Process state and CPU
1. 15-02-24 Scheduling, Deadlock &
Operating 2. 17-02-24 Deadlock Handling, Short Notes
System and 3. 19-02-24 (Ex- Virtual, Cache Memory, 4
Commands 4. 21-02-24 Paging).
Page replacement algorithm,
Scheduling algorithm

batch processing, cron job,.
.NET, android,
Linux Commands.
4 Exam-23-02-24; Time: (9.00- 9.40) PM; Exam Taker: Course Instructor

All cable media, multicast,

unicast, broadcast, anycast,
Lecturer- Hajee
1. 25-02-24 Mohammad Danesh
Data OSI, TCP/IP Model, Wi-fi, Wi-
2.27-02-24 2 Science and Technology
Communication Max, Bluetooth,
propagation time ,transmission
University: HSTU
time-related math, IbEEE 802

Types of Computer Network,

Connectivity Device, , Topology,
Protocol- SMTP, DNS, ARP,
, circuit switching,pkt swithing

IP, Sub-netting, Engr. Rakibul Islam

1. 02-03-24 RKB
2. 04-03-24 Cryptography(private, public key Assistant Network
3. 06-03-24 encryption)-Digital Engineer,
4. 08-03-24 signature,hasing, One time pad, Department of ICT.
Network & 5
5. 10-03-24 block chiper, DES- Recommended- Janata
3DES,AES,RSA, Bank, Pubali Bank,
Network security- Firewall, DPDC
WAF,NGFW-MITM,replay Author – bitBox
attack, DoS attack, TCP syn University: DUET
flood attack, session hijack
attack, MAC flood attack,zero
day attack, wannaCry,DNS
amplification attack, ARP
spoofing,smurf attack, Land
attack,DHCP starvation and
spoofing attack,DNS cache
poisoning, SSL, VPN,
5 Exam-12-03-24; Time: (9.00- 9.40) PM; Exam Taker: Course Instructor
Assistant Network
Telecom theory, PCM math, Engineer,
Tele- 1. 14-03-24 TDMA math, SNR math, Bit rate Department of ICT.
Communication 2. 16-03-24 math, transmission, LTE, Recommended: ANE,
4G,5G BCC(1st Position)
University: KUET

Cloud Computing, Big Data,

Data Mining and Data Ware Han
Miscellaneous Sugges bitBox
House, E-Commerce. dnot
supervised unsupervised learning, e
LSTM gate

Number System, 1’s and 2’s
Complement, BCD, Excess-3,
1. 19-03-24 Logic Gates, SOP, POS,
Digital 2. 21-03-24 Comparator, Boolean Expression,
Electronics 3. 23-03-24 Simplification, Adder & Sub-
4. 25-03-24 tractor, K-Map, MUX, DEMUX,
Counter, flip flop.
7 segments display,
6 Exam-27-03-24; Time: (9.00- 9.40) PM; Exam Taker: Course Instructor
Assistant Network
CFG, compiler phase, Enigneer , BCC
Theory of 1. 29-03-24
Interpreted language, finite 2 Ex- DPDC, DESCO,
Computation 1. 31-03-24
automata, DFA,NFA Rupali Bank
University: DUET
Different types of Software
Model (SDLC, Waterfall, Agile, Han
SE & System scrum and so on), DFD, CASE Sugges dnot bitBox
Analysis tools and Software Testing (All). tion e
Forward and reverse
Basic Study, Memory & Memory
Hierarchy + Basic Theory and
Flag Register of 8085 and 8086, Md. Ala Uddin
Address Line Author: bitBox
µP & µC 1. 02-04-24 Parity bit, Interrupt, Catch hit 1 Job: BTCL
Math University: DUET
processor (64.32 bit,) Assembly
language, Processor core i, XSLT
7 Exam-04-04-24; Time: (9.00- 9.40) PM; Exam Taker: Course Instructor
Assistant Network
Proposition, Tautology, Enigneer , BCC
1. 06-04-24
Discrete Math Contradiction, Predicate logic. 2 Ex -DPDC, DESCO,
2. 08-04-24
Probability BTRC, Rupali Bank
University: DUET
8 Exam-12-03-24; Time: (9.00- 9.40) PM; Exam Taker: Course Instructor
1. 10-04-24
2. 12-04-24
5 speacial class
3. 14-04-24
for NTRCA /
4. 16-04-24 Based on Job question topics bitBox
5. 18-04-24
Or middle
in schedule
9 Exam-04-04-24; Time: (9.00- 9.40) PM; Exam Taker: Course Instructor
Note: Every Class will start at 8.00 PM and End at 9.30 PM Or Instructor Choice.
†Kvm© BÝUªv±i Ges mevi my‡hvM-myweav Abymv‡i K¬v‡mi ZvwiL I mgq Ges cix¶vi ZvwiL I
mgq cwieZ©b†hvM¨| K›Uv± UwcK‡mi evwn‡iI †Kvm© BÝUªvKUi wbR AwfÁZv I aviYv †_‡K Ab¨ UwcKm cov‡Z cvi‡eb|
10 Final Exam (Overall Department-25/04/2024, Time: (8.30-9.30) PM, Exam taker: bitBox

Course Co-coordinator: বিটিক্স

Executive Member of bitBox Group
For any Query, Please Call:

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