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Respectable to all the juries,

Dear happy audience...

The sky in the morning is not complete without the sun

The sky in the night is not complete without the moon
But the sky in the night with the moon is not beautiful without the stars

Much stars that I called Interstellar, Interstellar will be nothing without the only God and the
almighty. He is our God Allah SWT. The Lord of the world, the master of judgment, the creature
of everything. He makes nothing to be something. He makes no one to be someone. He makes
impossible to be possible. He only needs to say Kun fayakun

Soekarno is the first president of Indonesia. George Washington is the first president of USA.
Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte is the first president of France. But Muhammad SAW is the prophet
and the messenger of Allah. He doesn’t have an instagram but he has many followers more
than us. He doesn’t have facebook but his syariah run well in this world till now. He isn’t
youtuber but he has many subscribers. Who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness,
from the bad moral to the good moral, from the jahiliyyah era to the islamiyyah era, namely
islam religion.

From the few reviews above, here I’m Winne Princessa, will deliver a speech under the title,

The Existance of Islamic Boarding School to Create Golden Generation

Dear Happy Audience,

“The youth of today are the leaders of the future".
Islam teaches its people to always maintain good relations with others. Good to relatives,
friends, and neighbors. In surah An-Nisa 'verse 36, Allah SWT has said as follows:

The conclusion of the verse above is Remember that Allah is One, keep your ethics well to
everyone because Allah does not like arrogant people.
Then, how about islamic boarding school?
Is it a good place to give islamic habituation for youth?
What do you think everyone?

Let’s attention to this proveb!

"If we get friends with perfume sellers, then we will also be infected with the fragrance". Just
like that is an association and friendship. In our subconscious, we will be affected by the things
that are owned by us.
So, at boarding school we will gather in religious environment. Moreover, Boarding schools can
play a vital role in shaping the development of youth, and when it comes for creating excellent
Islamic youth, they can provide a unique environment for holistic growth. That was why islamic
boarding school is the most appropriate place for youth to get all the kind of general science
and religion with an islamic ethics habit. These are reasons why islamic boarding school give
awesome impact for youth:

1. Immersive Islamic Environment

2. Moral and Character Development
3. Peer Influence
4. Enhanced Spiritual Practices
5. Mentorship and Guidance
6. Well-Rounded Education

Dear Happy Audience,

Islam views education as something important that must be given for youth from an early age.
Islamic education must be regulated and guided by various parties, among which the most
responsible in terms of forming the personality of the youth are parents or family, teachers, and
the community. Youth education is an educational activity given for youth who are carried out in
accordance with the Islamic religious foundation, namely the Qur'an and hadith. Having islamic
ethichs and qwesome skills based on your passion is the key for being golden generation. And,
you've to know that it's only get it easily when you're learning at Islamic Boarding School.

So, now, we are youth should have this big motto like the hadits below thas has been narrated
by Anas Bin Malik:

‫ﻣَﻦْ ﺧَﺮَجَ ﻓِﻰ ﻃَﻠَﺐِ اﻟْﻌِﻠْﻢِ ﻓَﻬُﻮَ ﻓِﻰ ﺳَﺒِﻴﻞِ اﻟﻠَّﻪِ ﺣَﺘَّﻰ‬
"Whoever goes out for studying to get knowledges, then he is in the way of Allah until he

Dear Happy Audience,

Travel to Indonesia as The Dreamland

Don’t forget to buy lemper

Don’t feel the end of the event

I said goodbye and see you later

Please apologize me for all of my mistakes. When there is a word of mine that is not pleasing, if
it is good it comes from Allah SWT and as for the lack of me, I am a normal human being.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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