Use of Television and Video in Nursing Education
Use of Television and Video in Nursing Education
Use of Television and Video in Nursing Education
Mechanical systems
The dream of seeing distant places is as old as the human imagination. Priests
in ancient Greece studied the entrails of birds, trying to see in them what the
birds had seen when they flew over the horizon. They believed that their gods,
sitting in comfort on Mount Olympus, were gifted with the ability to watch
human activity all over the world. And the opening scene of William
Shakespeare’s play Henry IV, Part 1 introduces the character Rumour, upon
whom the other characters rely for news of what is happening in the far
corners of England.
For ages it remained a dream, and then television came along, beginning with
an accidental discovery. In 1872, while investigating materials for use in the
transatlantic cable, English telegraph worker Joseph May realized that
a selenium wire was varying in its electrical conductivity. Further investigation
showed that the change occurred when a beam of sunlight fell on the wire,
which by chance had been placed on a table near the window. Although its
importance was not realized at the time, this happenstance provided the basis
for changing light into an electric signal.
The efforts of Jenkins and Baird were generally greeted with ridicule or apathy.
As far back as 1880 an article in the British journal Nature had speculated that
television was possible but not worthwhile: the cost of building a system would
not be repaid, for there was no way to make money out of it. A later article
in Scientific American thought there might be some uses for television, but
entertainment was not one of them. Most people thought the concept was
Not everyone was entranced. C.P. Scott, editor of the Manchester Guardian,
warned: “Television? The word is half Greek and half Latin. No good will come
of it.” More important, the lure of a new technology soon paled. The pictures,
formed of only 30 lines repeating approximately 12 times per second, flickered
badly on dim receiver screens only a few inches high. Programs were simple,
repetitive, and ultimately boring. Nevertheless, even while the boom collapsed
a competing development was taking place in the realm of the electron.
Electronic systems
With his first hundred thousand dollars of RCA research money, Zworykin
developed a workable cathode-ray receiver that he called the Kinescope. At
the same time, Farnsworth was perfecting his Image Dissector camera tube. In
1930 Zworykin visited Farnsworth’s laboratory and was given a demonstration
of the Image Dissector. At that point a healthy cooperation might have arisen
between the two pioneers, but competition, spurred by the vision of corporate
profits, kept them apart. Sarnoff offered Farnsworth $100,000 for
his patents but was summarily turned down. Farnsworth instead accepted an
offer to join RCA’s rival Philco, but he soon left to set up his own firm.
CCTV (closed-circuit television) is a TV system in which signals are not
publicly distributed but are monitored, primarily for surveillance and security
Older CCTV systems used small, low-resolution black and white monitors with
no interactive capabilities. Modern CCTV displays can be high-resolution
color, providing the CCTV administrator with the ability to zoom in on an
image or track something (or someone). Talk CCTV allows the administrator
to speak to people within range of the camera's associated speakers.
• Monitoring traffic.
The use of CCTV surveillance in public places has fueled privacy concerns in
many parts of the world.
Disadvantages of Television
Nowadays, almost every house has a tv set for entertainment and information.
As we discussed above, there are lots of advantages to watching television.
But besides a lot of benefits, TV has some disadvantages as well. We cannot
ignore its adverse side effects. These side effects severely affect our life and
health as well.
Here we will discuss in details about the disadvantages of watching television
point-wise to under better.
1. Negative effect on health
Watching most of the time, television is not suitable for health. It is the
foremost significant side effect of watching tv mostly on kids. If we watch
television most of the time, then we will face lots of health-related problems
as body pain, back pain, eye irritation pain.
In every house, people and mostly kids watch the full television days and
sitting on the sofa or chairs. For this, children and adults do not go outside for
playing or any sports activities.
Kids are becoming addicted to watching cartoon channels. Because of this,
they become more irritative. The one major reason for obesity in kids is
watching television for long hours. At the time of eating and drinking, kids like
to sit only in place of walking after a meal.
2. Wastage of time
The television is an excellent source of joy and entertainment, but the
excessive use of television is so harmful to the kids and adults both. If any
popular serial or programs come on TV, then all people or all members collect
in the television room to watch.
But usually, time-wasting is there to watch unnecessary serials or programs. In
examinations time mostly kids waste time to see the tv.
3. Lack of meeting with families
For television and its channels of popularity, it is seen that families and kids
avoid going anywhere to meet at the time of their favorite program. In sports
seasons and particular program, time fond of television does not go out or
anywhere as they want to sit only in front of the TV.
Because of this distance between the two families increase. In this way,
television is not as good as people give priority to tv more.
Adverse effect on children and kids – Various numbers of programs
broadcasted which are not suitable and related to children’s mentality as per
their age who are less than 18 years old. These types of plans leave a terrible
impression on children, and they adopt the wrong way, affecting their study
and career.
4. Encourage the disputes
Because of television, new conflicts and arguments happen in families. Some
shows leave a wrong impression on the mind of males and females, and their
thinking changes a lot. For these changes, they become compelled to fight, and
unexpected disputes take birth.
5. Addiction to Cartoons
Each house is severely affected because of cartoon channels, and the kids and
children are so addicted and like a mad to watch the different cartoon
channels. Kids sit on the sofa for long hours, and they do not feel hungry and
other things. Only they concentrate on cartoons.
Because of this, children do not go out for the play, and so their physical
activities go down. Lots of parents are so anxious and worry for this habit and
addiction to children. It affects the mindset of kids and children severely.
6. The negative impact of a false advertisement
We see that day by day, the crowd around a false ad on television is increasing
quick. Many ads come on tv. These are like: a variety of local and branded
products are also being sold through advertisement.
Most of these advertisements are fake and against the rule and mindset of
children and kids. Because of this, they like only that item, whatever does not
Some advertisements are related to only adults, but if they sit with kids and
children, then they also watch this and their mind disturbed and change from
their career and study.
In the above discussion and analysis of television utility and its advantages and
disadvantages, we conclude that the use of television is a useful invention. Still,
the use of tv gives many side effects if not used properly.
There should be a balance in usage, and especially for kids and children, we
should be more conscious and try to avoid unwanted and unsuitable programs.
Anything if used more than limit and improper, then it is harmful.
Nursing education principles and concepts R Sudha 2nd edition
The chapter of 3. Instructional media and methods page no:139-140