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Affine transformation, 83, 105, 118, 130 curve, 127

Algorithm surface, 137
Bezier to power basis conversion find knot span, 68
matrix,269 Gordon surface, 494
bicubically blended Coons surface, knot
502 insertion
compute knot removal error bound curve, 151
curve, 428 surface, 155
constraint-based surface modification, refinement
564 curve, 164
control points of B-spline derivative surface, 167
curves, 98 removal curve, 185
surfaces, 114 NURBS
conversion from NURBS to other circle, 308
spline forms, 590 open conic are, 317
curve surface of revolution, 346
approximation three-sided patch on sphere, 359
global point
to points and derivatives, 417 and derivatives of B-spline
to points, error bounded, 431 curve, 93, 99
local surface, 111, 115
error bounded cubic, 448 on Bezier
error bounded quadratic, 440 curve, 22, 24
global interpolation surface, 39
cubic spline to points, 373 on B-spline
to points, 369 curve, 82
decompose B-spline surface, 103
curve into piecewise Bezier on power basis
segments, 173 curve, 7
surface into piecewise Bezier surface, 36
patches, 177 on rational B-spline
degree elevation curve, 124, 153
curve, 206, 223 surface, 134
surface, 209 power basis to Bezier conversion
derivatives of rational B-spline matrix, 275
642 Index

Algorithm (Cont.): cylindrical, 551

quadratic rational Bezier are, 314 parabolic, 550
remove knots from curve, error Bernstein polynomials, 10, 52, 104
bounded, 429 Bezier
surface comparison with power basis form,
approximation global to points, 24, 25
422 curve, 9, 382
fitting parameter values, 377 definition, 9
interpolation degree elevation, 202-205
global to points, 380 degree reduction, 214, 219-221
local to points, 404 derivatives, 22
swept surface properties, 12-14
trajectory interpolated, 475 surface
trajectory not interpolated, 477 definition, 37
unclamp a B-spline curve, 577 properties, 38
value Blending functions (See also Basis
of Bernstein polynomial, 20 functions), 6
of one B-spline basis function, 74 Breakpoint, 47, 51, 588
and derivatives, 76 B-spline
values basis functions (See also Basis
of nonzero B-spline basis functions), 50
functions, 70 curve (See also Curve, B-spline), 81
and derivatives, 72 programming (See also Software), 593
of nth-degree Bernstein surface (See also Surface, B-spline),
polynomials, 20, 21 100
Approximation, 361

Circle, 1, 26, 28, 32, 45, 244, 254, 279,

Barycentric coordinates, 528 295,296
Basis functions construction of, 298-309
B-spline higher degree rational Bezier,
computational algorithms, 67-78 326-330
continuity, 57, 58 unclamped,578
definition and examples, 50-55 Clamped
derivatives, 57-63, 78 curves, 576
properties, 55-58, 63-67 knots, 571
curve Composite B-spline curve, 181, 192
Bezier, 10, 15-17 Conic
power basis, 6 construction of, 310-320
rational Bezier, 27 eccentricity, 281
rational B-spline, 118 form
products of B-splines, 102, 104 conversion and type
surface classification, 320-325
Bezier, 37 implicit equation, 282, 320
power basis, 35 standard position, 283
rational Bezier, 40 maximum inscribed area, 289,
rational B-spline, 128-130 320
Bending, 547 NURBS,321
circular, 550 rational Bezier, 291, 321
Index 643

Conic, form (Cont.): B-spline, 83, 105

rational power basis, 288, 321 rational B-spline, 118, 130
shape factor (See also Shape factor), Coons surface
261 bicubically blended, 497
shoulder point, 294, 394, 439 bilinearly blended, 496
Constraint-based modification Cross ratio, 524, 547
curves, 555 Cross-boundary derivatives, 497
surfaces, 562 Curve
Constraints, 361 Bezier, 9, 82, 119
Continuity degree elevation, 202-205
in skinning, 469 degree reduction, 214, 219-221
of B-spline B-spline
basis functions, 57, 58 definition and properties, 81-91
curves, 88 derivatives and continuity, 88, 180
surfaces, 109 clamped, 576
of closed B-spline curves, 575 cubic, 8, 12
of piecewise polynomial and rational data structure, 596, 599
curves, 47 derivative of, 2, 6
order of, 47, 588 evaluation of points and derivatives
parametric (C) vs geometric (G), by knot insertion, 151
382,588 fitting
Control net approximation, 410, 413, 427, 438,
Bezier, 37 441
data structure, 600 interpolation, 364, 370, 371, 373,
Control point 388, 392, 395
Bezier,lO implicit form, 1
B-spline, 81 parametric form, 1
data structure, 597 piecewise
infinite (See also Infinite control Bezier, 47, 48
point), 295 polynomial, 47-49, 82
multiple, 90 rational, 47, 50
rational B-spline, 117 power basis form, 6
repositioning, 84, 108, 511, 516, 533, rational Bezier
555,562 definition, 27
minimum length solution, 557 homogeneous form, 30
weighted, 30, 120 properties, 27
Control polygon rational B-spline
Bezier,11 definition and properties, 117-120
B-spline, 82 derivatives, 125-127
data structure, 598 reversal, 263
rational B-spline, 117 splitting/subdivision by knot
Conversion insertion, 151
Bezier to/from power basis unclamped, 576
polynomials, 265, 272 Cusp, 8,13
B-spline to/from piecewise power Cylinder, 40
basis polynomials, 180, 265-278
of conics, 320 Data exchange, 571, 580, 583, 586
Convex hull property, 229 deCasteljau Algorithm, 24, 32, 38, 145,
Bezier, 12, 38 314, 396, 446
644 Index

Decomposition of B-splines into surface, 36

piecewise Hyperbola, 26, 282, 290, 293
polynomials, 162, 168 IGES,580
Degree parametric splines, 270, 277
elevation, 188-212, 326 Implicit equation
reduction, 212-227 compared with parametric form, 4, 5
Derivatives of: of curve, 1
Bernstein polynomials, 17 of surface, 2
Bezier curves, 22 Infinite control point, 295, 298, 309, 312
B-spline Inflection point, 8
basis functions, 57--63 Interpolation, 361
curves, 88, 91-100 Inverse knot insertion, 154, 512, 525,
with respect to the weights, 520 532
surfaces, 109-115 Isoparametric curve, 35
composition of two functions, 247 extraction by knot insertion, 161
parametric on Bezier surface, 37
curves, 2 on B-spline surface, 109
surfaces, 4 on rational B-spline surface, 135
power basis
curves, 6 Knot
surfaces, 36 insertion, 141-161,309,326
rational basis functions, 555 refinement, 162-179, 265, 533
rational B-spline removal, 179-188,272,427,533,
curves, 125-127 576
surfaces, 136-138 Knots
clamped open (nonperiodic), 66, 572
Ellipse, 26, 282, 290, 293 damped vs undamped, 571
construction of full, 320 data structure, 598
definition, 50, 51
Fitting, choosing merging, 162
knots, 365, 370, 371, 374, 389, 398, multiplicity, 57, 58, 64
412 nonperiodic (clamped open), 66, 572
parameters, 364, 365, 376, 386, 389, partitioning of the control polygon,
398 147
Flattening, 542 periodic vs nonperiodic, 574
Frenet frame, 479 span, 51
uniform and nonuniform, 66, 571
Global fitting algorithms, 363, 405
Gordon surface, 485 Least squares approximation, 410
Line, 7, 10
Homogeneous Local fitting algorithms, 363, 382, 437
coordinates, 29 Local support, 49, 55, 118, 128
representation Lofted surface (See also Skinned
of circular are, 33 surface), 457
of NURBS curve, 120 Loop, 8, 13
of NURBS surface, 132
Horner's method Newton iteration, 230
curve, 6, 9 Node, B-spline, 512, 516, 530
Index 645

NURBS representation of Projections of curves and surfaces

bilinear surface, 333 parallel, 236
Coons surface, 496 perspective, 237
ellipsoid, 349
elliptic paraboloid, 349
general cone, 338
general cylinder, 334
basis functions (See also Basis
Gordon surface, 485
functions), 118, 534
hyperbolic paraboloid, 334
curve (See also Curve, rational
planar surface, 334
B-spline), 117
ruled surface, 337
surface (See also Surface,
skinned surface, 457
rational B-spline), 128
sphere, 344
surface of revolution, 340
curve definition, 27
swept surface, 472
surface definition, 40
swung surface, 455
functions, 26
three-sided patch on sphere, 351
Reparameterization, 44, 241-263, 265,
torus, 344
269, 271, 589
with a
Offsetting, 475, 479, 552, 588
linear function, 250, 263
Order, 50
linear rational function, 255
piecewise polynomial function, 250
Parabola, 7, 11, 26, 282, 290, 293 piecewise rational function, 251
Parametric error, 221 polynomial function, 245
Parametric form, 1,4
comparison with implicit equation
form, 4, 5 Shape factor, 261, 293
derivative of, 2, 4 Shape invariant (See also Shape
of curve, 1 factor), 261
of surface, 2 Shape operators, 533
surface normal vector, 4 Skinned surface, 457
Partition of unity, 16, 27, 38, 57, 118, Smoothing functions, 471
128 Software, 593
Periodic vs nonperiodic curves, 575 arithmetic routines, 616
Perspective map, 30, 121 data structures, 596
PRIGS, 585 data types, 594
Point error control, 607
inversion (See also Point, projection), example programs, 618
229 memory allocation, 601
projection system structure, 626
to curve, 229-232 utility routines, 613
to surface, 232-234 Sphere, 2
Polynomial, 6 STEP, 290, 583
Power basis form, 5, 9, 24 Surface
derivative of, 6 Bezier, 37, 38, 105, 130
of curve, 5 B-spline
of surface, 35 definition, 100
Programming, B-spline (See also derivatives and continuity, 109
Software), 593 properties, 105-109
646 Index

Surface (Cont.): Tensor product

data structure, 601 B-spline basis functions, 102, 104
evaluation of points and derivatives surface, 34
by knot insertion, 161 Transformations of curves and surfaces,
fitting 236,240
approximation, 419, 432 Twist vectors, 500
interpolation, 376, 399
implicit form, 2 Uniform parameterization, 2
isocurves, 35, 37 Unclamped
normal vector, 4, 36 circle, 578
reversal, 265 curve, 576
parametric form, 2 knot, 571
partial derivatives of, 4
power basis form, 35 Variation diminishing property, 12, 38,
rational Bezier, 40 87, 119, 131
rational B-spline Vector space of piecewise polynomial
definition, 128 curves, 47, 48
derivatives, 136-138 functions, 63-66
properties, 130
splitting/subdivision by knot
~arping, 533, 538, 542
insertion, 158
tensor product definition, 34, 50
differentiation with respect to, 520
Swept surface, 472
modification of, 120, 130, 131, 261,
Swung surface, 455
518, 526, 531
negative, 186, 469
Tangent vector inversion, 235 rational Bezier, 27
Tension, 561 rational B-spline, 117, 120, 131

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