FB Business & Ad Manager Plug N Play
FB Business & Ad Manager Plug N Play
FB Business & Ad Manager Plug N Play
We need to create a business Facebook page for your agency as well as Business
Manager for you to hold client ad accounts in, their pages in & their pixels.
You’ll also need a business manager, ad account & pixel for when you run cheap $5 a
day ads later.
Now you need to create a business page for your agency. To see a full step by step
blog post that shows you how to do it - Click HERE
Now you need to link your business manager to your business page in order to be
able to run ads from that page’s name.
1. Go to B
usiness settings.
2. Below Accounts, click Pages.
3. Click + Add.
4. Select Add a Page.
5. Enter the Facebook Page name or URL.
We need to create an ad account for ourselves and then create 4 backup ones too.
1. Go to B
usiness Settings.
2. Click Accounts and click Ad Accounts.
3. Click + Add.
4. Choose Create a new ad account.
5. Repeat this process four times to give you a total of 5 ad accounts (4 backups).
FB Business & Ad Manager ( Plug & Play)
Step 5: Create A Facebook Pixel
You don’t need to setup or install the pixel for now. Just leave it there and we’ll install
it on the website later down the line.