DLL - Science 5 - Q2 - W4

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School: Marcos Village Elementary School Grade Level: V

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Czarina P. Tuazon Learning Area: SCIENCE

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Date and Time: NOVEMBER 28 – DECEMBER 1, 2023 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate how how plants reproduce.

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able create a hypothetical community to show how organisms interact and reproduce to survive.

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Describe the reproductive Describe the reproductive parts in Describe the reproductive parts in Describe the reproductive parts Describe the
parts in plants and their plants and their functions. S5LT-IIf- plants and their functions. S5LT-IIf- in plants and their functions. reproductive parts in
functions. S5LT-IIf-6 6 6 S5LT-IIf-6 plants and their
functions. S5LT-IIf-6
The Reproductive Parts in The Reproductive Parts in Plants The Reproductive Parts in Plants The Reproductive Parts in Plants The Reproductive Parts
II. CONTENT Plants and their Functions and their Functions and their Functions and their Functions in Plants and their
A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources flowchart, activitycard, An enlarged chart of health Manila paper, marking pens Manila paper, marking pens Sci-Games
powerpoint practices Illustration of a healthy
and a sick person

Directions: Identify the Let us find out how familiar you are Activity 1 Do you think plants need to Directions: Read each
concept being described in by identifying the plant part being Directions: Describe the parts of reproduce? Why? Give at least item carefully. Then,
each item. Choose your propagated, if it is through stem, the plant listed below and give its three (3) reasons. choose the letter of the
answer roots, leaves, or flower. description or Use the rubrics below as your correct answer.
from the words inside the box function by choosing letter of your guide you on the essay that you 1. Which of the
below. Directions: Write the answer in answer from the given choices. will write. following is the male
organ of a flower?
your paper according to the 1. Bulb
A. Pistil
identified parts of the 2. Pistil Rubrics for the Essay Output
B. Petal
plant used for propagation. 3. Suckers C. Style
1. It is the male reproductive 4. Stamen D. Stamen
organ of a flower. 5. Rhizomes 2. What is the female
2. It is the female organ of a organ of a flower?
flower. a. It is the female organ of the A. Pistil
3. It is a swollen structure at flower. B. Style
the end of the style. b. It contains an underground C. Anther
4. It consists of two lobes that stem. D. Stamen
contains pollen. c. It is a part of a flower which 3. What part of a
flower has a swollen
5. These are the stems that composed of anther and filament.
structure at the end of
grow horizontally above the d. It is the upright shoots that
the style?
ground. grow from buds found at the base A. Ovule
6. The upright shoots that of stems of B. Ovary
grow from buds seen at the parent plants. C. Pistil
base of stems of parent e. A type of plant stem situated D. Stamen
plants. either at the soil surface or 4. It is part of the
7. It contains an underground underground that flower which consists
stem used for food storage. contains nodes from which roots of two lobes that
8. It is a type of plant stem and shoots originate. contain pollen sac and
situated either at the soil pollen grain.
surface or underground WHAT IS IT Activity 2 A. Pistil
that bears nodes from which Directions: Study each picture B. Style
roots and shoots originate. From the previous activity, what below. Identify its reproductive C. Anther
9. It is a swollen and modified parts of the plant are important in part (based also on D. Stamen
root. reproduction? Are you familiar with the jumbled letter), then describe 5. It is an underground
10. It is a plant part that is the different reproductive parts of a its function. Use the table below stem where the leaves
are attached.
produced on the edge of the plant and as your guide in giving your
A. Bulb
leaf. its function? answers.
B. Tubers
C. Suckers
WHAT’S IN Plants are one of the most D. Runners
important living organisms on 6. What plant part is
A plant is made up of different earth. They provide situated either at the
parts, the roots, leaves, stem, benefits to both animals and soil surface or
and flower. Each human beings. They produce underground that
part has a function to make oxygen which is needed contains
the plant healthy. Plants play for the survival of living organisms. nodes from which
a very important role in Overall, different parts of plants roots and shoots
our environment, so it is to have different originate?
our benefit to understand roles to perform. It’s just equally A. Tubers
more about how they work essential to know how they are B. Suckers
and how they reproduce. propagated. Let us C. Rhizome
know the different reproductive D. Plantlets
7. It is a stem that
Directions: Match the plant parts like flower, stem, roots,
grow horizontally
concepts in column A with the and leaf and its
above the ground.
words being described in functions that are important in A. Runners
column B. Choose the letter of their reproduction. Activity 3
the correct answer. Choices Directions: Write True if the B. Suckers
from column statement correctly describes the C. Rhizome
B can be repeated. reproductive part of a D. Plantlets
plant and False if the statement is 8. The upright shoots
wrong. that grow from buds
1. The pistil is the female organ of found at the base of
the flower. stems of parent plant.
A. Bulb
2. The anther consists of two lobes
B. Tubers
The important parts of a flower, that contain the pollen sacs.
C. Suckers
which are the reproductive 3. Suckers are upright shoots that D. Runners
structures, are the grow from buds found at the base 9. They are swollen,
stamen and the pistil (also called of stems of modified roots where
carpel). The pistil is the female parent plants. buds develop at the
organ of the flower. 4. The tubers hold the anther in a base of the stem and
It has three parts: the stigma, the position tall enough to release the then grow into new
style, and the ovary. The stigma is pollen. plants.
the swollen 5. Rhizome are stems that grow A. Tubers
structure at the end of the style. horizontally above the ground. B. Suckers
The style is a long, sticky, slender They have nodes C. Rhizome
where buds are formed. D. Plantlets
tube. The ovary
10. What do you call a
is the enlarged basal portion of the
new plant that grows
pistil which contains the ovules. The at the edge of the
stamen is leaves?
the male organ of the flower. It has A. Plantlets
two parts: the anther and the B. Runners
filament. The anther C. Suckers
is made up of two lobes that D. Rhizomes
contain the pollen sacs. The
filament holds the anther
in a position tall enough to release
the pollen.

Do you know that some plants have

varied ways of propagation? Let’s
take a look at the gumamela plant,
aside from reproducing naturally
through its flower, it
can also be propagated through its
stems by simply cutting a mature
part of the gumamela plant and
putting it in a container/plant box
with soil. After several days
of maintaining its moisture, a new
plant will immerse from it.

The Reproductive Parts of a Stem,

Root, and Leaf

Natural vegetative propagation is a

method where a portion of the
plant gets separated from the body
of the mother plant and grows into
an independent plant. The parts
may be stem, root, and leaf.

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use./discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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