(Subject Matter)
a. Teacher’s Guide
b. Learner’s Material
c. Textbook Pages
d. LRMDS Materials Quarter 2 – Module 4: The Quarter 2 – Module 4: The Quarter 2 – Module 4: The Quarter 2 – Module 4: The Quarter 2 – Module 4: The
(SLMs/LASs) Reproductive Parts in Plants and their Reproductive Parts in Plants and their Reproductive Parts in Plants and their Reproductive Parts in Plants and Reproductive Parts in Plants and
Functions Functions Functions their Functions their Functions
e. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, paper,
Resources SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, pens, SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, pens, SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, pens, SLMs/Learning Activity Sheets, quiz notebook or test paper
notebook notebook notebook pens, notebook
A. PRELIMINARY a. Greetings
ACTIVITIES b. Checking of Attendance
c. Prayer
d. Singing of National Anthem
e. Exercise
f. Word of the day
g. Spelling
h. Reading
B. Review the Directions: Give the four types of Directions: Write the types of asexual Directions: Give one example of each Directions: Give one example of Preparation
previous lesson/Drill asexual reproduction in animals. Give reproduction in plants. type of asexual reproduction. each type of asexual reproduction.
each one example.
1. Reproductive Example Reproductive Example
Types of Part Part
Asexual Example 1. sucker 1. sucker
Reproduction 2. 2. runner 2. runner
1. 3. rhizome 3. rhizome
2. 3. 4. storage root 4. storage root
3. 5. corm 5. corm
4. 6. tuber 6. tuber
4. 7. leaf 7. leaf
8. bulb 8. bulb
C. Establishing a Can you differentiate a tuber corm, and Can you differentiate a tuber corm, Giving of Instructions
purpose for the storage root? and storage root?
lesson/ Motivation TUBER
Look at this picture of a potato. What Do you ever wonder why the grass in
part of plant do you think it is? Look at our yard grows so quickly?
the small parts growing on it. What do
you think they are?
D. Presenting Potato reproduced through asexual Grass has a specialized stem called A tuber is similar to a corm in that it is A tuber is similar to a corm in that it Answering the test
examples/instances reproduction especially from a tuber. runners, that is why they reproduce an underground stem in which the is an underground stem in which the
of the new This is our topic for today. fast through asexual reproduction. stem tissue serves as the primary stem tissue serves as the primary
lesson/Motivation storage tissue, but it has no basal storage tissue, but it has no basal
plate. A corm has many buds on its plate. A corm has many buds on its
surface that are commonly referred to surface that are commonly referred
as "eyes." Storage roots, such as to as "eyes." Storage roots, such as
carrots, beets, and sweet potatoes, are carrots, beets, and sweet potatoes,
examples of roots that are specially are examples of roots that are
modified for storage of starch and specially modified for storage of
water. starch and water.
E. Discussing new What is asexual reproduction in plants? What is asexual reproduction in What is asexual reproduction What is asexual reproduction Checking and Recording
concepts and plants? vegetative propagation in plants? vegetative propagation in plants?
practicing new skills
No. 1
F. Discussing new Plants can be reproduced asexually Plants can be reproduced asexually Plants can be reproduced asexually Plants can be reproduced asexually
concepts and using some parts of the mother plant. using some parts of the mother plant. using some parts of the mother plant. using some parts of the mother
practicing new skills Some plant sends out long roots or Some plant sends out long roots or Some plant sends out long roots or plant. Some plant sends out long
No. 2 shoots, and new plants grow from the shoots, and new plants grow from the shoots, and new plants grow from the roots or shoots, and new plants
on the ends. Other plants can grow on the ends. Other plants can grow on the ends. Other plants can grow grow from the on the ends. Other
from roots, buds and cuttings. from roots, buds and cuttings. from roots, buds and cuttings. plants can grow from roots, buds
and cuttings.
The Reproductive Parts of a Stem, The Reproductive Parts of a Stem, The Reproductive Parts of a Stem,
Root, and Leaf Root, and Leaf Root, and Leaf The Reproductive Parts of a
Natural vegetative propagation is a Natural vegetative propagation is a Natural vegetative propagation is a Stem, Root, and Leaf
method where a portion of the plant method where a portion of the plant method where a portion of the plant Natural vegetative propagation is
gets separated from the body of the gets separated from the body of the gets separated from the body of the a method where a portion of the
mother plant and grows into an mother plant and grows into an mother plant and grows into an plant gets separated from the body
independent plant. The parts may be independent plant. The parts may be independent plant. The parts may be of the mother plant and grows into
stem, root, and leaf. stem, root, and leaf. stem, root, and leaf. an independent plant. The parts
may be stem, root, and leaf.
a. Runners are stems that grow a. Runners are stems that grow a. Runners are stems that grow
horizontally above the ground. They horizontally above the ground. They horizontally above the ground. They a. Runners are stems that grow
have nodes where buds are formed. have nodes where buds are formed. have nodes where buds are formed. horizontally above the ground. They
These buds grow into a new plant. These buds grow into a new plant. These buds grow into a new plant. have nodes where buds are formed.
Examples are peppermint and Examples are peppermint and Examples are peppermint and These buds grow into a new plant.
strawberries. strawberries. strawberries. Examples are peppermint and
b. Suckers are upright shoots that b. Suckers are upright shoots that b. Suckers are upright shoots that
grow from buds found at the base of grow from buds found at the base of grow from buds found at the base of b. Suckers are upright shoots that
stems of parent plants. The banana, stems of parent plants. The banana, stems of parent plants. The banana, grow from buds found at the base of
bamboo, and pineapple are some bamboo, and pineapple are some bamboo, and pineapple are some stems of parent plants. The banana,
examples of plants that can reproduce examples of plants that can reproduce examples of plants that can reproduce bamboo, and pineapple are some
from suckers. from suckers. from suckers. examples of plants that can
c. A bulb contains an underground c. A bulb contains an underground c. A bulb contains an underground reproduce from suckers.
stem. Leaves are attached to the stem. stem. Leaves are attached to the stem. stem. Leaves are attached to the stem. c. A bulb contains an underground
These leaves contain much stored These leaves contain much stored These leaves contain much stored stem. Leaves are attached to the
food. At the center of the bulb is an food. At the center of the bulb is an food. At the center of the bulb is an stem. These leaves contain much
apical bud. Also attached are lateral apical bud. Also attached are lateral apical bud. Also attached are lateral stored food. At the center of the bulb
buds. The apical bud will produce buds. The apical bud will produce buds. The apical bud will produce is an apical bud. Also attached are
leaves and a flower while the lateral leaves and a flower while the lateral leaves and a flower while the lateral lateral buds. The apical bud will
buds will produce new shoots. As the buds will produce new shoots. As the buds will produce new shoots. As the produce leaves and a flower while
plant grows and develops, it will form a plant grows and develops, it will form a plant grows and develops, it will form a the lateral buds will produce new
new bulb underground. Examples are new bulb underground. Examples are new bulb underground. Examples are shoots. As the plant grows and
onions, tulips, and garlic. onions, tulips, and garlic. onions, tulips, and garlic. develops, it will form a new bulb
d. A rhizome (also known as d. A rhizome (also known as d. A rhizome (also known as underground. Examples are onions,
rootstocks) is a type of plant stem rootstocks) is a type of plant stem rootstocks) is a type of plant stem tulips, and garlic.
situated either at the soil surface or situated either at the soil surface or situated either at the soil surface or d. A rhizome (also known as
underground that contains nodes from underground that contains nodes from underground that contains nodes from rootstocks) is a type of plant stem
which roots and shoots originate. When which roots and shoots originate. which roots and shoots originate. situated either at the soil surface or
separated, each piece of a rhizome is When separated, each piece of a When separated, each piece of a underground that contains nodes
capable of producing a new plant. rhizome is capable of producing a new rhizome is capable of producing a new from which roots and shoots
Examples are ginger and crabgrass. plant. Examples are ginger and plant. Examples are ginger and originate. When separated, each
crabgrass. crabgrass. piece of a rhizome is capable of
e. Tuber. New plants will grow out of producing a new plant. Examples
swollen, modified roots called tubers. e. Tuber. New plants will grow out of e. Tuber. New plants will grow out of are ginger and crabgrass.
Buds develop at the base of the stem swollen, modified roots called tubers. swollen, modified roots called tubers.
and then grow into new plants. Buds develop at the base of the stem Buds develop at the base of the stem e. Tuber. New plants will grow out
Examples are potato, cassava, and and then grow into new plants. and then grow into new plants. of swollen, modified roots called
sweet potato. Examples are potato, cassava, and Examples are potato, cassava, and tubers. Buds develop at the base of
f. Leaves of some plants grow into a sweet potato. sweet potato. the stem and then grow into new
new plant if they become detached f. Leaves of some plants grow into a f. Leaves of some plants grow into a plants. Examples are potato,
from the parent plant. Other plants new plant if they become detached new plant if they become detached cassava, and sweet potato.
grow small plants on the edge of their from the parent plant. Other plants from the parent plant. Other plants f. Leaves of some plants grow into
leaves. These small plants are called grow small plants on the edge of their grow small plants on the edge of their a new plant if they become
plantlets. One example is Kataka-taka. leaves. These small plants are called leaves. These small plants are called detached from the parent plant.
plantlets. One example is Kataka-taka. plantlets. One example is Kataka-taka. Other plants grow small plants on
the edge of their leaves. These
small plants are called plantlets.
One example is Kataka-taka.
G. Developing Directions: Give one example of a Direction: Write TRUE if the statement Directions: Read each item carefully. Directions: Read each item
Mastery (Leads to plant found in your community that can is correct about asexual reproduction Then, encircle the letter of the correct carefully. Then, encircle the letter of
Formative be propagated by the reproductive in plants, FALSE if not. answer. the correct answer.
Assessment) parts given below. 1. It is an underground stem where the 1. It is an underground stem where
____1. A bulb is a large round bud leaves are attached. the leaves are attached.
1. Bulbs with a small basal step at the lower A. Bulb B. Tubers A. Bulb B. Tubers
2. Tubers end. C. Suckers D. Runners C. Suckers D. Runners
3. Runners ____2. A sweet potato is a plant that 2. What plant part is situated either at 2. What plant part is situated either
4. Rhizomes grows from a storage root. the soil surface or underground that at the soil surface or underground
5. Suckers ____3. Kataka-taka can be reproduced contains nodes from which roots and that contains nodes from which
from its tuber. shoots originate? roots and shoots originate?
____4. Some plants like Bermuda A. Tubers B. Suckers A. Tubers B. Suckers
grass have horizontal stems that grow C. Rhizome D. Plantlets C. Rhizome D. Plantlets
from the mother plant along the 3. It is a stem that grow horizontally 3. It is a stem that grow horizontally
surface called runners. above the ground. above the ground.
____5. A tuber is an enlarged tip of a A. Runners B. Suckers A. Runners B. Suckers
rhizome. C. Rhizome D. Plantlets C. Rhizome D. Plantlets
4. The upright shoots that grow from 4. The upright shoots that grow
buds found at the base of stems of from buds found at the base of
parent plant. stems of parent plant.
A. Bulb B. Tubers A. Bulb B. Tubers
C. Suckers D. Runners C. Suckers D. Runners
5. They are swollen, modified roots 5. They are swollen, modified roots
where buds develop at the base of the where buds develop at the base of
stem and then grow into new plants. the stem and then grow into new
A. Tubers B. Suckers plants.
C. Rhizome D. Plantlets A. Tubers B. Suckers
C. Rhizome D. Plantlets
H. Finding Practical Why some plants reproduce asexually? Why some plants reproduce Why some plants reproduce Why some plants reproduce
Application of Why would it be better for them? Are asexually? Why would it be better for asexually? Why would it be better for asexually? Why would it be better
Concepts and Skills there any disadvantages? them? Are there any disadvantages? them? Are there any disadvantages? for them? Are there any
in Daily Lives disadvantages?
I. Making Why is asexual reproduction important Why is asexual reproduction important Why is asexual reproduction important Why is asexual reproduction
Generalization and for the survival of plants? for the survival of plants? for the survival of plants? important for the survival of plants?
J. Evaluating Directions: Describe the parts of the Directions: Arrange the letters to form Directions: How do plants below Directions: How do plants below
Learning plant listed below and give its the word. Write a brief description of reproduce? Write only the letter of your reproduce? Write only the letter of
description or function by choosing the following vegetative propagation. answer from the word box. your answer from the word box.
letter of your answer from the given a. b. stolon c. bulb a. b. stolon c. bulb
choices. Reproducti Description/ rhizome rhizome
ve Part Function d. corm e. tuber f. leaves d. corm e. tuber f. leaves
1. Bulb 1.
2. Runner NERRUNS
3. Suckers 3.
4. Leaves 4. BERUTS
5. Rhizomes 5.
a. It develops new roots and stems SECKURS
from the plant nodes where new plants
b. It contains an underground stem.
c. It is the upright shoots that grow
from buds found at the base of stems
of parent plants.
d. It Is a horizontal stem of a plant that
grows beneath the surface of the
e. A young plants grow from the
K. Additional A number of common vegetables can A number of common vegetables can A number of common vegetables can A number of common vegetables
activities for be reproduced asexually. Pick some of be reproduced asexually. Pick some of be reproduced asexually. Pick some of can be reproduced asexually. Pick
application or those vegetables and make a small those vegetables and make a small those vegetables and make a small some of those vegetables and make
remediation vegetable garden in your home. Take a vegetable garden in your home. Take a vegetable garden in your home. Take a a small vegetable garden in your
picture, print and paste it on picture, print and paste it on picture, print and paste it on home. Take a picture, print and
bondpaper. bondpaper. bondpaper. paste it on bondpaper.
Prepared by:
Teacher III
Principal I