1 KPC TMOSZydwj To ADQQj 1618149367
1 KPC TMOSZydwj To ADQQj 1618149367
1 KPC TMOSZydwj To ADQQj 1618149367
Nature of documentation
Documentation provides
Who Performed
Who Reviewed
Special characteristics
[i.e. .5 yrs from the date of signing of Audit Report, to be assessembled within 60 days of signing ]
Note : Confidential other than as required under law/court or after permission from client.
(2) C.P An Audit procedure designed to cheek I.C. applied at Assertion level.
Test of control
Substantive procedure
Test of control Perform if need is there
T or
He expects that I.C are good
Timing of TOC Particular period If done at interim period then cover remaining
Throughout the period
I Interim period
Consider changes
P Previous Audit
If not obtained
If unable
Documentation Q/D
If uses previous experience then how he reached about relying on such document
Evaluation of mis-statement identified during the Audit
Scope To evaluate the effect of Identified and uncorrected mis -stat, during Audit, on the fin. Stat.
(1) Mis-statement A difference between the reported Fin-stat. items and required
for the item to be in accordance with F.R.F.
Mis-statement that the auditor has accumulated during Audit and that have not been corrected .
Accumulation of Identified mis-statement
He shall accumulate mis-statement identified during Audit, other than those clearly trivial.
If he considers them to be material, may consider Revision of Audit planning including per forming additional procedures.
If mgmt
Consider their reasons