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Power Distribution Industrial Plants

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Industrial Plants
for Electric
Power Distribution
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7.1 Estimation of a Concrete Value for
the Power Demand 68
7.2 Operating Voltages in Supply and 3
Distribution Grids 72
7.3 Type of Feed-in 76

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for the building management
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Industrial plants constitute a system composed of production facilities, transport and

storage possibilities, as well as office and infrastructure facilities. The electric power
supply of such a heterogeneous system is a central component used jointly by all
facilities and which can have an essential influence on their functionality. Therefore,
the most diverse operational and organizational requirements must be taken into
account for planning such a system.

Totally Integrated Power (TIP) by Siemens stands for consistent solutions in the
planning of the electric power supply for infrastructure, facilities and buildings
of industrial plants. Adjusted to the factory planning of Siemens, TIP provides the
approach for a reliable and efficient operation of the plants.

Based on the TIP expertise, this manual points out the general outline to be observed
for the design and layout of industrial projects during the first planning phases. The
quality and functionality of the products and systems by Siemens specify a broad
field of application, and can thus be dimensioned and configured in multiple respects.
Nevertheless, the overall project and its framework conditions must never be left out
of consideration.

This manual can give ideas and show what an industrial-specific procedure may look
like. Further project-specific support beyond the contents of this manual will be
provided by the TIP contact partners at Siemens.

Sebastian Büschel
Head of Consultant Support Totally Integrated Power

1 Introduction 6 Concept Finding for the Electric Power

1 (Virtualization, Business Agility)4 ­Distri­bution of a Chemical Plant 94
6.1 Description of the Air Separation Process 94
2 Factory Planning 6.2 Consumers and Requirements 94
(MindSphere, Production Process)10
6.3 Network Layout and Basic Concept Parameters 98
2.1 Structure of Factory Planning 11
6.4 Design of the Medium-Voltage Switchgear 99
2.2 Phase Model of Factory Planning 12
6.5 Dimensioning the Medium-Voltage Motor
2 2.3 Digital Factory 12
Feeders 105
6.6 Motor Start with Block Transformer 111
3 Power Supply and Energy Consumption
in ­Factory Operation 18 6.7 Generator Protection 112

3.1 Energy Consumption and Production Value 19 6.8 Network Protection Concept and Energy
3.2 Economic Burdens as a Result of Power Failures 21
6.9 Front Views and Room Planning of
3.3 Power Flow Diagrams 24
3 3.4 Smart Grid for the Industry 26
the ­Medium‑Voltage Switchgear 118

7 Annexes 122
4 Creation of a Planning Concept 34
7.1 List of Standards Cited 122
4.1 Infeed 36
7.2 List of Abbreviations 125
4.2 Infeed Distribution and Network Configuration 38
7.3 Bibliography 127

4.3 Embedded Generation 39
7.4 Units System 129
4.4 Medium-Voltage Switchgear and Low-Voltage
Load Centers at Process Level 50
4.5 Influences on Motor Starting 59

5 Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­

bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 62
5 5.1 Description of the Beverage F
­ illing Plant 62
5.2 Power Demand Estimation for the Plant 65
5.3 Connection to the Supply Grid 67
5.4 Definition of the Load Centers 67
5.5 Placing of the Load Center Substations by the
­Example of LC 4 69
6 5.6 Medium-Voltage Network Protection 70
5.7 Connection of the Photovoltaic Plant 70
5.8 Low-Voltage Distribution Boards for the
Load Centers 78

2 Totally Integrated Power – Contents

Chapter 1
(Virtualization, Business Agility)
1 Introduction

The series of Siemens application manuals on electric • High reliability of supply in the low-voltage distribution
power distribution is based on the general planning network
instructions as described in the planning manuals (such • Integration of embedded generation and energy
as [1.1]). The application manuals substantiate the gen­ storage
eral concepts and descriptions regarding the special • Close connection of manufacturing/production
requirements of the respective applications. In the processes and energy provision (generation, storage,
1 present application manual, an outline of the require­ distribution)
ments for industrial networks is created and imple­ • Strong network feedbacks due to dynamic
mented in sample networks, taking into account the consumers
digitalization and integration of embedded generation. • High number of utilization hours for electrical
The different framework conditions and task definitions equipment and systems.
lead to specific solution approaches. The analysis thereof
and the optimization regarding common customer For simplification, no difference is made in the following
2 requirements such as for example
• cost efficiency (investment and operation)
between manufacturing and production. In economics
literature, a difference is usually made between:
• environmental friendliness • Discrete manufacturing = Irregular demand with single-
• future-proof design item or volume production, and typically a change of
• security of operation the manufactured products from time to time.
constitute the main tasks of an electrical planner. • Repetitive manufacturing = Time- and quantity-related
production of identical products; volume-related
The conception, implementation and operation of indus­ ordering
3 trial networks is comprehensively described in more • Process manufacturing = Production = Batch and flow
detail in the document “Planning Guide for Power Distri­ production; differentiation between batch processes
bution Plants” [1.2] for appropriate planning. This appli­ (discontinuous) and continuous processes.
cation manual takes up the facts in a more fundamental
way and elucidates the procedure by means of two As the manufacturing/production capacity of an indus­
examples. In addition, recent developments regarding trial plant is highly dependent on the power supply, and
the integration of embedded generation and energy thus also on the electric power distribution, the planner
4 storage systems are introduced, and the extensive possi­
bilities are outlined which Siemens offers for the plan­
must in turn urge the customer to supply specifications
in as much detail as possible, or to procure these specifi­
ning and construction of industrial plants. This docu­ cations independently, in order to find an optimally
ment points out a superordinate structure for the proce­ adjusted solution. Among other things, these specifica­
dure to be followed when planning the electric power tions include:
supply of industrial plants, for faster and easier integra­ • Definition of loads: Ideally, the planner receives a plan
tion of the statements made in [1.2] that are much more view containing the essential loads with their electrical
extensive and technically detailed. For an optimal proce­ data
5 dure in the case of extensive planning projects, however, • Process and operational specifications – space- and
the statements in [1.2] should be taken as a basis. time-related
• Requirements on redundancy, availability and
This application manual can be used, on the one hand, flexibility
for getting started in the electrical planning of industrial • Placement and characteristic data of systems for
plants, and, on the other hand, serves as a kind of cat­ embedded generation and energy storage including
alog for projects of enterprises, general contractors, and requested modes of operation
6 factory planners. The last aspect shows that the consis­
tency of a project solution to be elaborated is also influ­
• Characteristic data related to power infeeds by
transmission or distribution system operators.
enced by the consistency of the contractual partner’s
know-how. In almost all cases, the coordination of the boundary
conditions for planning will be an iterative process, in
These are some particularities of industrial networks which the interaction between operator, factory planer,
(see [1.2]): architect, production planner, electrical planner, and
• High load and switchgear/switchboard density other parties involved should be as smooth as possible.
7 • Simple network configurations enabling clear modes
of operation
• High short-circuit power and comparably high short-
circuit current stress

4 Totally Integrated Power – Introduction


Beyond the scope of the “classical” additional knowledge • Simulation and analysis of processes and flows
in electrical engineering planning for industrial plants, (­management systems, production planning systems)
such as experience in factory and production planning, • Automation by control technology (control systems)
plant engineering and mechanical engineering, automa­ • Forecasting and self-regulation via algorithms and
tion and building technology, efficiency considerations, expert systems.
as well as environmental and quality management, the
planner must nowadays keep track of the latest trends: This is represented as a cascaded Industry 4.0 develop­ 1
• Digitalization of the industry, and Industry 4.0 ment path for the transition from Industry 3.0 (conven­
• Simulations and Building Information Modeling tional digitalization for ICT utilization) to I4.0 (Fig. 1/1).
• Business agility and sustainability. Similar current keywords referred to factory planning
are “advanced manufacturing”, “factory of the future”,
These trends as well as the hardware- and software-­ “smart factory”, or “smart industry”. The term “Cyber
related cross-linking of industrial process and production Physical System” (CPS) stands for the technology and
engineering with the information and communications
technology drive the progress in all areas of industrial
the engineering the I4.0 concept is based on 1). Digitali­
zation, CPS, IoT, and cloud-based web services like
operation. For some time already, the industry has MindSphere are elementary components of I4.0.
additionally started another step of cross-linking to
adjust to the latest trends and requirements: the intelli­ The objective of I4.0 is
gent connection between power engineering and pro­ • a cost-optimized flexibilization of all steps in the
cess/production engineering. In this context, energy value chain (keyword: flexibilization)
management assumes an important part in order to • while preserving resources and the environment
optimize power supply, power generation, energy (­keyword: efficiency and environmental awareness) 3
storage, and power distribution on the one hand, and • in conjunction with a timely analysis of boundary
availability, safety, efficiency, as well as flexibility and conditions (keyword: rapidity)
acceleration of the process flows on the other hand. • and the uncomplicated implementation of decisions
(keyword: adaptability)
The interaction during the integration and implementa­ • while maintaining the requested quality
tion of the individual trends becomes the guide for the (­keyword: quality).
future viability of a project, no matter whether as a
greenfield or brownfield. Translated to the planners’ In the end, in the idealized world of full machine-to-­
work, they will analyze their project based on machine communication (M2M), human actions concen­
• the experience made in the past trate, above all, on the planning phase as well as on
• the current options and expectations the elimination of later failures in the flow of production
• the requirements of customers, authorities, the public, or operation.
and the environment in the future, and determine their
solutions in the present.
i) Industry 4.0

For companies, Industry 4.0 (abbrev.: I4.0) means going

deeper step by step into digitalization and the industrial
value chain:
• Digitized acquisition of parameters and process
variables (use of sensors and measuring devices)
• Use of digital manufacturing and production
technology (e.g. actuators, robotics, 3D printing)
• Cross-linking of devices and processes (Internet of
Things: IoT, big data, and database concepts
such as MindSphere)
• Virtualization of devices, plants and systems
(digital twin)
1) Note:Cyber Physical Systems not only play a decisive part for I4.0, but
are also drivers of many future topics like Smart Grid, Smart Mobility,
Active-Assisted Living (AAL), or E-Health.

Totally Integrated Power – Introduction 5


Digitalization Industry 4.0

How is it possible to react autonomously?


1 What is going to happen?

“Be prepared”

Why is it happening?

What is happening?

2 “See”

Computerization Connectivity Visibility Transparency capability Adaptability

3 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Digital acquisition of parameters and process variables

2 Cross-linking of devices and processes
3 Virtualization and simulation (e.g. digital twin)
4 Analysis, dimensioning and automatic control
5 Forecasting for scheduling and resource planning as well as production control, among others
6 Automation, cloud-based web services and “M3” (Machine-Machine-Management)

Source: FIR e. V.,UdZPraxis, 2017

Fig. 1/1: Development path of Industry 4.0 for the digital transformation of companies [1.3]

ii) Building Information Modeling (BIM) construction and operation to modification or retrofit­
ting, and up to removal.
An important component for the planning of industrial
5 plants for I4.0 is the integration of BIM in the factory BIM goes far beyond the conventional 3D planning and is
planning process. The modeling has to observe the cross to be considered as a building- and process-overlapping
connections and overlaps between systems and pro­ coordination and optimization concept [1.4]. In addition
cesses, which in most cases have been completely to the 3D data for the geometry of the building models,
planned in separate projects: it is necessary to collect the data for the other dimen­
• Plant engineering sions of the building information models [1.5]:
• Building technology • 4D – Construction time planning
6 • Power engineering
• ICT systems
• 5D – Construction cost planning
• 6D – Lifecycle information that is characteristic
• Architecture for the operation.
• Business processes
• Manufacturing or production processes The BIM objectives are as follows, in accordance with
• Logistic processes. the VDI Guideline 2552 Sheet 1:
• Optimization of the planning quality
BIM is a first step towards an integrated planning. Tech­ • Increase of the cost security
7 nical planners create separate, digital partial models, • Building efficiency and/or better lifecycle considerations
which then remain saved in a central model for further • Risk minimization through requirements management,
use. The virtual model accompanies the factory construction process models, and integrated schedule
throughout the entire lifecycle: from planning through models

6 Totally Integrated Power – Introduction


• Better overview and control possibilities by data coordination, and integration will grow continuously,
­collection and data administration with a central data which means that the significance of a digital basis for
management diagrams, calculations, simulations, and vouchers – with
• Provision of a standardized tool with extended options BIM as the working tool – will gain importance.
for marketing and public relations.
iii) Business agility and sustainability
The standardized and structured information exchange 1
as well as the higher-level storage of the project data are The term “business agility” refers to the quick response
basic advantages (like in Fig. 1/2, for example). Incom­ of an economic system to changes. This can be trans­
patibilities, coordination problems, intersections, redun­ lated to the complete business environment and thus
dancies, unacceptability, environmental impacts, and the also to the planning of industrial plants. The intensive
problems of time, additional costs, and dissatisfaction cooperation of the parties involved, the implementation
resulting therefrom can be avoided in this way. and documentation of results for other parties included

In line with this, the German VDI Guideline 2552 Sheet 1

in the planning, as well as the creation of optimal solu­
tions that do also consider other installations, can partic­
defines the performance phases of the planning process ularly provide an agile plus. Hereby, the electronic docu­
according to HOAI (German Official Scale of Fees for mentation as requested in the BIM is successfully
Services by Architects and Engineers). While VDI 2552 applied.
Sheet 1 specifies that the establishment of the project
basis and the preliminary planning (performance Flexibility and dynamism are core concepts of business
phases 1 and 2 according to HOAI) shall not take place agility, which shall especially help in the context of
before data drop 3 (project development), it would be increasing complexity and time-critical requirements of 3
desirable – in view of the advantages of an early possi­ the planning. The growing data volume not only needs
bility of coordination – to include the electrical planner to be recorded and stored, but also processed and imple­
already in the demand determination (Tab. 1/1). mented in process updates and plant adjustments.

It has to be observed that the consideration of the opera­ Important criteria for actions can be – as is always
tional processes plays an important part in the factory non-bindingly phrased – the cost-efficiency, environ­
planning (see Chapter 2). In consequence, the BIM model
approach with time and costs as complementary deci­
mental friendliness, and sustainability. 4
sion factors is of particular interest for the planning of
industrial plants. The demand for information multiplies
according to the many factors to be taken into account.
Moreover, inaccuracies or even missing information and
estimations can lead to expensive iteration loops. For
this reason, the planning expenditure for industrial
plants should put a strong emphasis especially on the 5
first three milestones from Tab. 1/1, for the sake of both
time and costs. By increasing the degree of detailing, the
planning expenditure for information, documentation,

Data drop (milestone) Project phase BIM Performance phases of the HOAI
1 Concept study

2 Demand determination Establishment of the project basis

3 Project development Preliminary planning

4 Design / Approval Design planning and approval planning

5 Detailed design Execution planning, site supervision

6 Project close-out Site supervision, documentation, acceptance test 7

7 Operation / Utilization

Tab. 1/1: Milestones (data drops) for BIM planning (acc. to VDI 2552 Sheet 1) in relation to HOAI planning steps

Totally Integrated Power – Introduction 7


Project information model (PIM) Technical models

Coordination model + data Native formats

Common Data Environment (CDE)

1 IFC / CSV *

Results and Results and
documents IFC * Architecture documents
Native formats
Data basis for exchange Execution plans


Data validation / quality assurance

Supporting structure /
Data constructional Simulations
Collision and rule check components
Native formats Tender
Quantities and masses
Data drops / phase report IFC * Building technology Static
Tender documents Native formats calculations

Timeline / construction process /

construction progress Coordination
Electric power Siemens TIP
3 Information on management
and operation
Native formats SIMARIS tools
Tender specification texts
* IFC Industry Foundation Classes
CSV Comma Separated Values BIMobject 3D models

Fig. 1/2: Schematic representation of a standardized data exchange in BIM [1.6]

The actual dilemma of business agility is the apparent Business agility in the planning increases the significance
dropping of a clearly structured flow chart – as specified of the first performance phases (see Tab. 1/1; HOAI: PP1
in the HOAI – in favor of overlapping phases in order to and PP2; BIM: concept study up to project development),
save time and possibly costs. While the current features and BIM can be an important component of agile plan­
of BIM direct the planning towards a standardized pro­ ning, especially in view of another trend: A “disruptive”
cess guidance and the use of tools, the business agility procedure shall divide complex tasks into small seg­
5 accentuates the interaction and response to changes ments, or comprehensive models into partial models,
in planning projects. The significance of these points with which the experts are able to work faster and
increases in the planning – particularly with regard to with special technical competence. The linking of the
developments, improvements and coordination – from individual technical results and the structured data
planning step to planning step. exchange within a BIM project information model
(see Fig. 1/2) enables automatic reviews and feedbacks.
However, if a builder has only a vague idea about a This facilitates and accelerates the analytics, coordina­
6 project, and if the planning target is only specified very
roughly, agile methods support the progress of the
tion and documentation in the project planning.

project. In such cases, only iterative and incremental

procedures will help: Many planning teams work in small
steps, with full transparency between the individual
teams. Transparency is important in order to develop an
understanding for the customer requirements, the
architect, and the planning colleagues. Planning targets
7 are developed and translated into planning approaches.
The results are reviewed and the targets and require­
ments are adjusted.

8 Totally Integrated Power – Introduction

Chapter 2
Factory Planning
(MindSphere, Production Process)
2.1 Structure of Factory Planning 11
2.2 Phase Model of Factory Planning 12
2.3 Digital Factory 12
2 Factory Planning

Scientifically, factory planning is associated to an indi­ Generally, factory planning is always based on an under­
vidual branch, the factory sciences. The multidiscipli­ lying corporate strategy decision, independently of
narity is interesting here, which is not only limited to whether it is prompted by internal or external causes, or
technical knowledge and commercial thinking, but the combination of both. As a general principle, the
is also influenced by progress (Fig. 2/1) in the social, factory shall be cost-effective, flexibly adjustable, as well
natural and even human sciences [2.1]. as socially and environmentally compatible.
In the VDI Guideline 5200 Sheet 1, factory planning is Regarding the planning horizon of corporate deci­
defined as follows: “Systematic, objective-oriented sion-making, the following distinction can be made
process for planning a factory, structured into a [2.2]:
sequence of phases, each of which is dependent on the • Strategic planning (time horizon of 5 years and more)
preceding phase, and makes use of particular methods – long-term corporate goal
and tools, and extending from the setting of objectives • Tactical planning (time horizon of 2-3 years)
2 to the start of production.” A distinction is made
– comparison of operation and goals with market
• Development planning (greenfield) • Operative planning (time horizon of 1 year)
• Replanning (brownfield), including for example – actions and means for achieving targets.
remodeling, conversion, expansions, optimizations
• Clearance and demolition (shutdown) Factory planning can be schematically arranged in a
• Site revitalization (greyfield). structural diagram (Fig. 2/2) according to [2.3].

chn Na
dt tu
an l s
4 g Architecture




Information technology


Materials sciences
Electrical engineering
Food and beverage

5 Physiology Factory
science Management
Orthopedics Communications
H eal

Business administration
ie nc

th s

l sc

ci e

c ia




Art and ethics Education


n sciences

7 Fig. 2/1: Multidisciplinarity of factory sciences according to the FOS categorization of the OECD [2.4]

10 Totally Integrated Power – Factory Planning


Time horizon Level Customer- and value-oriented planning system

Strategic Corporate Business objectives Finance Products Market and Society and
business planning guidelines and quality and prices and suppliers competitors environment
≥ 5 years


Sales and R & D and Production engineering Factory structure Human
2 - 5 years Concept level marketing Services and technology Buildings resources
Production Logistics
and surfaces

Information Building and

Operative: Planning level Production Material flow ICT *
flow energy technology
1 - 2 years
Project planning:
Project level e.g. security of supply and quality, IT security, test planning, warehouse utilization, transports,
shift operation, air conditioning, lighting, power generation and energy storage, operating conditions, ...

Legend: Areas of business planning which provide the framework for factory planning

Areas the factory planning has to coordinate with

Areas of factory planning

* ICT: Information and communications technology

Fig. 2/2: Structure of an integrated planning system similar to VDI 3637


2.1 Structure of Factory Planning concept phase, simple models and simulations can
support the planners, thus relieving them of routine
As a rule, the company management (or at least their tasks. In the digital modelling with BIM (see VDI 2552-1
representatives in case of smaller replanning projects) and Chapter 1), this is implemented by means of the
will be the initiator for factory planning. The starting
point are structural concepts that have to be approved
concept of an increasing level of detail (LoD) for the
planning phases. The level of detail LoD of the model is
by the company management. According to Guideline defined by the level of data depth required for the
VDI 3637, ­respective planning stage (level of development: LOD)
• the production-technical structural concept with regard to economic, technical and geometric
(technological), ­information:
• the logistical structural concept
(related to process organization),
LoD (= LOD) = LoI + LoG
• and the constructional structural concept
(as regards urban development) Level of detail (LoD) = level of information (LoI) + level of
provide the framework for factory planning (Fig. 2/2 geometry (LoG)
depicts a detailed planning structure on the basis of
Guideline VDI 3637). This clearly shows how important a This means: For execution planning, the information
BIM-conforming planning procedure with the help of a must be further refined and the developed factory
digital twin will be in the future. concept must be implemented with further details as

Thanks to the standardization of planning processes,

realistically as possible. For these works, there is a high
potential for the effective use of the tools of the “Digital
the advantages are, among others: Factory” (Chapter 2.3). The latter accelerate the planning
• Reusability of planning results process by pointing out workflows to the involved plan­
• Facilitation of documentation and archiving ners, for example with standardized sample solutions.
of data. Some examples for this are the quick modelling and
arranging of production plants or of parts of the building
At the concept level, for example, decision papers shall technology, such as pipes for example, by means of
be prepared that contain data on the intended budget libraries or features. 7
and the cost-efficiency of investment and operation, as
well as the expected time frame for implementation and
for possibilities of future remodeling. Already in the

Totally Integrated Power – Factory Planning 11


2.2 Phase Model of Factory Planning With database applications and simulation possibilities
extending further into the production and work pro­
Factory planning, especially for new constructions and cesses, digitalization pervades all phases and levels of
conversions, can be divided into phases, too. A corre­ factory planning. Advantages are, among others:
sponding phase model is specified in the VDI Guide­ • Improvement of engineering and automation quality
line 2552 Sheet 1. Compared with the performance • Briefer project preparation and execution
1 phase structures of BIM and HOAI (Tab. 1/1), the require­ • Increase of plant availability and plant safety
ments of the enterprise are taken into account in the • Optimization, training and testing possibilities
planning process at an early stage (Fig. 2/3). Detailed before commissioning.
explanations related to Fig. 2/3 would go beyond the
scope here and can be looked up in the technical litera­ It must be noted that the VDI Guideline 4499 Sheet 1
ture, for example [2.5] and [2.6]. brings the technical and economic aspects of digitali­
zation to the fore. Apart from technology and cost-effi­
2 In this process, an increasing level of detail is created for
layout, organization and processes, as well as for the
ciency, however, the human being is the third, crucial
focus area in planning, which must be integrated in
respective links to other planning disciplines. When all planning in its entirety, observing, among others,
corporate planning tasks are taken into account, the working hours, qualifications, and social bonds. The
complexity of correlations between individual planning guideline refers to another VDI Guideline (VDI 3633
aspects increases. This generally leads to multiple itera­ Sheet 6) that describes the way personnel is displayed
tion loops. According to VDI 5200 Sheet 1, the typical in simulation models.
planning disciplines to be integrated include:
3 • Business planning Generally, the influence of the public and civil society,
• Technology development and connected to that, the social and ecological linkages
• Personnel planning of the factory and production should be considered in
• Financial planning the digitalization of factory planning, as mentioned
• Factory operation. before. In the following, however, the technically ori­
ented planning of electric power distribution is exam­
Regarding the five planning levels in Fig. 2/3, a corre­ ined, so that the social points of contact of the digital
4 sponding five-stage planning scheme can be developed:
• Ideal structure (network-oriented)
factory can only marginally be included here. Neverthe­
less, the ecological influence on the technical design of
• Function and flow scheme (factory) the electric power distribution and therefore on the
• Idealized layout presentation (rough layout) planning process is becoming increasingly stronger.
• Real layout plan (fine layout)
• Arrangement (process and workstation). Virtualization is a decisive aspect of the digital factory.
The consistent digital twin has three characteristics:
Ultimately, the technical planning effort shall result in the product, the production, and the performance of
5 the creation and virtual operation of a digital twin product and production (Fig. 2/4), which shall be made
already from the beginning of planning (Fig. 2/4) when available in one joint data model [2.7].
developing a classical industrial enterprise into a
“­digital factory”.

6 2.3 Digital Factory

In order to be able to systematically establish and ana­
lyze links and processes, a digitalized method of dis­
playing and planning is the way to go. As a starting point
for factory planning, the Guideline VDI 4499 Sheet 1
defines the term “digital factory” as a “generic term for
a comprehensive network of digital models, methods
7 and tools – including simulation and 3D visualization –
integrated by a continuous data management system”.

12 Totally Integrated Power – Factory Planning


Planning characteristics Influencing factors

• Cost-efficiency Processes: Organization: Infrastructure:

• Acceptance • Process- and • Personnel • Buildings and surfaces
• Changeability control technology • Suppliers • Supply technology
• Cross-linking, interfaces • Mechanical engineering • Operational structure • Building technology 1
and plant engineering • Operational flows

Planning phases

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6 Phase 7

Setting of
ment of the
for reali-
support 2
project basis zation

Project management close-out

Planning levels Characteristics 3

• Stipulations of infrastructure connections
Production • Linking of locations
network layout • Influence of business relations

• Macro representation
Factory layout • Arrangement of buildings on the factory grounds
and functional areas in the factory buildings

• Rough representation of the functional areas

(e.g. production and logistic areas)
Rough layout
• Representation of main transport and 5
main material flow paths

• Fine representation with a high degree

of detailing
• Exact arrangement of operational equipment
Fine layout
• Representation of building technologies
and media supplies

• Micro representation
• Flow principles and concatenations
Workstation layout • Fine arrangement of individual operational
equipment in a workstation
Fig. 2/3: Phases of the factory planning process

Totally Integrated Power – Factory Planning 13


Digital Twin Digital Twin Digital Twin

Product Production Performance

Insights from performance with MindSphere

Verification Validation
Virtual Virtual Real production Ideal
delivery machine in
machine production of machine
Specification Commissioning Automation

2 Continuous improvement

Platform: Digital Enterprise Suite

Fig. 2/4: Virtualization with the Digital Enterprise Suite

Siemens offers a complete software portfolio around the MindSphere complements the range for implementing
virtualization of the factory. The Digital Enterprise Suite digital factory planning as a part of Industry 4.0. As an
can generate optimum solutions for the manufacturing open and cloud-based platform (PaaS), MindSphere
operations management (MOM) from multiple compo­ offers a secure, data-technological connection of
nents. Components of the Suite include, for example: devices, machinery and systems. By means of real-time
• Teamcenter – software for product data and product data transmission, applications and services on the
4 lifecycle management (PDM and PLM)
• NX – product design and engineering
platform – for example – can be used for service and
optimization purposes. The comparison of real data
• Simcenter – creation of a digital product twin and with the simulation results can point out problems like
test simulations for performance incorrect stress or delays. Fig. 2/5 roughly illustrates
• Tecnomatix – manufacturing simulation and process the architecture of the MindSphere platform. A closer
optimization description can be found in [2.8].
• COMOS – engineering and asset management,
comprehensive training opportunities for operating MindSphere offers a development environment into
5 personnel which own applications and services can be integrated.
• SIMATIC – integration across operations and predictive The platform developed as an open operating system for
process planning the Internet of Things allows improving the performance
• XHQ – KPI management and real-time performance of systems by recording and analyzing large quantities
for analytics and decision making support of production data. Connectivity, tools for developers,
• SIMIT – system virtualization and simulation of system applications for the collection, visualization, analysis,
states for optimizing process-engineering processes; and further use of data, as well as industry-specific
6 virtual training environment
• TIA Portal – engineering platform, among others for
applications and services constitute the core compo­
nents of MindSphere. The following are examples for
automation and simulation of the automation logic. the four core components (Fig. 2/5):

14 Totally Integrated Power – Factory Planning


MindSphere Applications
Analytics (using

Siemens Partner Industry Starter

Auto F&B O&G + more

Asset Optimized Optimized

Asset Condition Predictive Energy


Management Monitoring Perfomance Maintenance Predictive Resource Usage

Management Maintenance Management


Dashboard Editor /
Data Modeling Trend Prediction Signal Validation Scheduler Library


Model Deploy Anomaly Detection Alarm Management Mobile Native App + more

Core components MindAccess MindConnect MindApps MindServices

Devices / Edge
Edge Analytics


Connectivity Edge Apps 3


Fig. 2/5: Overview of the MindSphere architecture [2.8]

i. MindAccess • Visual Analyzer

provides an overview of the assets configured in
• MindAccess Developer MindSphere. While the Fleet Manager is a tool for
allows access to the development system in order to managing the machinery, the Visual Analyzer serves
develop and test applications, and make them available as a tool for an in-depth data search with the option
in the live system depending on the package to create specific views of aspects

• MindAccess User • TIBCO Jaspersoft™ Service 5

provides an account by means of which the simplifies the creation of dashboards and reports.
MindSphere platform can be accessed; it allows the
use of MindSphere applications, the configuration of ii. MindConnect
assets and users, as well as the storage of data
• Mindconnect Nano / MindConnect IoT2040
• Fleet Manager Hardware (devices) for connection of assets to
provides an overview of the assets configured in
MindSphere, and enables quickly finding relevant assets
MindSphere to enable data collection and data
based on different criteria and managing them
• MindConnect FB 1500
• Fleet Manager Plus TIA portal STEP 7 library which allows for the
adds additional functionalities to the Fleet Manager, connection of the S7-1500 to MindSphere
such as rules with e-mail notification and asset
information, as a Plus option • CMS X-Tools PROFESSIONAL
Condition monitoring system (CMS), a tool for 7
analytics, diagnostics, visualization, and archiving of
dynamic processes in all industrial sectors.

Totally Integrated Power – Factory Planning 15

iii. MindApps

• Product Intelligence
automates the context-dependent evaluation of
product performance data, thus increasing the
transparency of the product and supply chain
1 performance in order to avoid costly recalls, more
swiftly solve quality issues, and deepen customer

• Manage MyMachines
with minimum effort, tool machinery can be monitored
in small and large production facilities to increase their
2 availability and productivity.

iv. MindServices

• MindSphere Academy
stands for universal and diverse training opportunities
on the topic of Industry 4.0. The focus is on
digitalization in companies, the development of
3 applications, technical possibilities and solutions with
MindSphere, as well as the development and
distribution of business solutions in the IoT market

• MindSphere Consulting
provides insights and know-how to support and
facilitate the implementation of MindSphere. The
4 experience of our experts facilitates onboarding and
supports the development of business cases and apps
or customized solutions

• MindSphere Security Service

for securing IoT data at any point. Siemens Plant
Security Services detects threats early on so that weak
points can be analyzed in detail. Appropriate,
5 comprehensive safety measures are implemented to
prevent future attacks.

16 Totally Integrated Power – Factory Planning

Chapter 3
Power Supply and Energy Consumption
in Factory Operation
3.1 Energy Consumption and
Production Value 19
3.2 Economic Burdens as a Result
of Power Failures 21
3.3 Power Flow Diagrams 24
3.4 Smart Grid for the Industry 26
3 P
 ower Supply and Energy Consumption
Contents in ­Factory Operation

According to the aspects of factory planning described to be expected up to the year 2050 in Fig. 3/1 and
in Chapter 2, the stipulated objective of optimized Fig. 3/2 are based on the EIA baseline scenario. For
­planning should not only be an investment in systems OECD countries, a mean growth of 1.5 % of gross
and facilities that is as economical as possible. Next to domestic product (GDP) is assumed between 2018 and
1 the expenses for raw materials, personnel, supplies and 2050. For non‑OECD countries, this value is approx.
services, exemplary cost and performance calculations 3.8 %, with the absolute value of GDP in non‑OECD coun­
for the planned industrial plant also take into account tries potentially reaching only about 45 % of that of the
the power supply costs. In the future, economic and OECD countries by 2050.
energy-relevant considerations will be shaped by polit­
ical framework conditions and environmental aspects As a detail, it remains to be noted that the increase of
even more than today. Fig. 3/1 [3.1] depicts the develop­ end-use energy consumption in OECD countries between
2 ment of end-use energy consumption classified by
energy carriers.
2018 and 2050 is largely caused by an increase in indus­
trial oil and gas consumption in the USA. Electric energy
consumption will not stand out in the future, either. Yet,
Equally, regional differences have an impact in the usage the mean yearly increase of about 1.05 % of industrial
of different energy carriers and the associated future electricity consumption exceeds the total energy
development (Fig. 3/2). The energy consumption values increase of about 0.9 % per annum.

End-use energy consumption World
in 1015 Btu (British thermal unit)


4 500













Liquid fuels Natural gas Coal Electricity Renewables
6 Total

Fig. 3/1: D
 evelopment over time of end-use energy consumption worldwide (total consumption and share of industrial use),
classified by energy carriers [3.1]

18 Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation

End-use energy consumption India End-use energy consumption China

in 10 15 Btu in 10 15 Btu

110 110
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10



















Year Year

Liquid fuels Natural gas Coal Electricity Renewables


End-use energy consumption OECD End-use energy consumption Non-OECD without China and India
in 10 15 Btu in 10 15 Btu

90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30



















Year Year

Fig. 3/2: D
 evelopment over time of end-use energy consumption for industrial use in various regions [3.1],
classified by energy carriers

3.1 E
 nergy Consumption and
Production Value
For a better assessment of the significance of end-use Energy costs can be allocated according to the energy
energy consumption for production plants, all associated carriers used for production (Fig. 3/4). To do this, energy
costs must be considered in relation to other parts of
the production value, such as labor costs and raw
consumption values are linked with average prices for
the individual energy carriers for the sake of simplifica­
­material prices. Based on statistical information, numeri­ tion; this is because the used technologies and the
cal s­ equences for economically significant countries available resources play an important role in the con­
and ­regions can be evaluated (Fig. 3/3). In this process, sumption of the individual energy carriers. Furthermore,
regional differences and the technical development in the prices of individual energy carriers differ significantly
countries and regions noticeably affects the individual between countries and regions. The develop­ment of the
cost shares. The differences resulting from the cost individual components of the production costs over
­allocation in different manufacturing sectors are time, too, has a considerable influence on the resources, 7
­noteworthy, too. procedures and technologies used.

Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation 19

8,000 100 %

Production cost shares

Production value for 2016 in billions US $

7,200 90 %

6,400 80 %

5,600 70 %

4,800 60 % Purchase of goods

and services
4,000 50 %
Gross operating
3,200 40 %
2,400 30 %

1,600 20 %
Personnel expenses

800 10 % Expenses for

2 0 0% energy products
Canada USA Belgium Great Netherlands Spain
India EU-28 Germany Italy Poland

Fig. 3/3: P
 ercentage distribution of production costs (bars, see right) and of the total production value (hashes, see left) in selected
countries / regions in 2016, averaged across the individual manufacturing sectors [3.2]

Examples for price and therefore also cost differences For Fig. 3/4, the consumption data of the energy carriers
among energy carriers: according to Eurostat [3.6] are converted into cost shares
• The allocation of specific costs of energy carriers for the individual energy carriers based on the specific
between domestic production and imports in the energy carrier prices in Tab. 3/1.
different countries [3.3] leads to fundamental price
4 differences
• Natural gas prices in Europe are currently on average 100 €/MWh
about twice as high as in the USA, and even thrice as (between approx. 50 and 150 €/MWh)
high as in Canada [3.4] 30 €/MWh
Natural gas
• Electricity prices for industrial users differ within the (between approx. 3 and 50 €/MWh)
EU by a factor of about 2.5 [3.4]. In the USA, too,
10 €/MWh
electricity prices are on average half the EU average Coal
(between approx. 6 and 15 €/MWh)
• Depending on the industrial plant’s electricity and gas
5 purchase volumes, prices can differ significantly Crude oil
24 €/MWh
(between 23.5 and 25.5 €/MWh)
(on EU average, the ratio in electricity prices between
a “small” and a “large” plant is 1.75 to 1, and the gas
Tab. 3/1: S
 pecific energy carrier prices, derived from
price ratio is 1.3 to 1)
data in [3.3, 3.4, 3.7]
• Since demand charges and energy consumption prices
for electricity and gas are linked, and different taxes
and duties apply in different countries, fictitious The electric energy consumption is the biggest cost factor
6 electricity and gas prices have to be assumed anyway
for an average industrial plant
in the European Union when procuring energy.
To highlight the importance of electric energy in the
• In India, practically only coal and oil products are production, securing reliable operation must also be
currently used in industrial sectors like iron and steel, observed, which is briefly addressed in the following
non-ferrous metals, chemicals, and mechanical section.
engineering [3.5]. One possible reason is the
embedded generation of companies using coal and oil
due to the high level of insecurity in power supply.

20 Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation

Millions Electricity Gas Crude oil, oil products Coal products



15 1









pt n







um tio










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gy on








er C
























Fig. 3/4: Distribution of energy costs in the EU (EU-28 for 2016) for different manufacturing sectors 3

3.2 E
 conomic Burdens as a Result Value of Lost Load (VoLL)
of Power Failures
For the economic evaluation of a power failure, or rather
If the directly influenceable factors on the cost side of a
production plant, like personnel and energy costs, are
for the costs of electric energy not supplied, a character­
istic value has been introduced: VoLL. This value is
considered, the electricity consumption costs do make defined by the EU Regulation 2019/943 as the amount
up a significant share. In addition to that, there are the consumers are willing to pay for uninterrupted electricity
effects of power supply failures on the production flow, supply, in order to avoid, for example, an interruption of
which are caused by external (failure of grid infeed) or production due to a power failure. In electricity trading,
internal events (operational accident with destruction of this amount yet to be determined must be taken into
lines, or as a result of fire). Even small failures can lead to account in the clearing prices (the clearing price defines
production downtimes or even to system damages. A the intersection of supply and demand, and is deter­ 5
typical example for the serious consequences of a failure mined according to 2015/1222/EU by comparing pur­
is the cooling and hardening of melts, making it neces­ chase and sell offers in the electricity market). Using the
sary to remove and exchange entire system components. simple VoLL definition according to the report of the
External problems can be caused by, for example, nat­ European Commission [3.9]:
ural disasters, by cyberattacks, or by maloperation in the
transmission and distribution grids. In a liberalized
market, “non-technical” threats due to speculations in
electricity trading must not be underestimated [3.8]. VoLL =
Operating surplus 6
When grid supply is affected by such external influences, Electricity consumption of the company
the corporate problem management must be ready for
the task. This is because the coverage of damages by
external system operators is usually much too low.

Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation 21

and with statistical values from Eurostat, IEA, Canada production plants are distinguished by multiple indus­
Statistics, and Klems India, a number of estimations trial sectors, so that the dependency on the used
can be calculated that reflect the economic loss in Euro technology and energy carriers in the production
or in another currency which might accrue from the processes as well as regional differences reflect, to
lack or failure of one kilowatt hour or megawatt hour of some extent, the economic significance of a reliable
electric energy (see Fig. 3/5). In Fig. 3/6 and Fig. 3/7, electricity supply.

VoLL in €/kWh


Great Britain
10 Great Britain Italy USA Netherlands
Italy Spain Canada EU
EU EU India Belgium
Netherlands USA Germany Spain
Belgium Canada EU Poland
1 Spain Great Britain Poland USA
3 0.5

China Netherlands Belgium

Manufacturing Forestry and Mining and Construction
agriculture quarrying

4 Fig. 3/5: Calculated values for the Value of Lost Load (VoLL) of individual industries for some countries and regions in 2016

VoLL in €/kWh

5 50

Great Britain China India Canada

Netherlands Canada USA India
10 USA India Germany Netherlands
Italy USA Netherlands Germany
Germany Great Britain Great Britain Belgium
EU Germany Italy EU
Poland Italy EU Italy
6 1 Belgium EU Belgium USA
Spain Spain Spain Great Britain
India Netherlands Poland Spain
Canada Poland Canada Poland
Metal and Food, beverage, Mineral, Machinery
metal fabrication tobacco no metal
Fig. 3/6: P
 art 1 of the calculated values for the Value of Lost Load (VoLL) in individual production industries for some countries
and regions in 2016

22 Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation

VoLL in €/kWh


India India United Kingdom Great Britain

Germany Spain USA Canada
Netherlands EU Italy Netherlands
EU Belgium Germany Italy
Spain Germany Spain EU
1 Great Britain Great Britain EU Belgium
China Netherlands Canada Spain
USA Canada Poland India
Belgium China India Poland
Textiles, clothing, Chemicals, Wood, wood products, Vehicle construction
leather pharmaceuticals furniture

Fig. 3/7: P
 art 2 of the calculated values for the Value of Lost Load (VoLL) in individual production industries for some countries
and regions in 2016

It becomes clear from the spreading of the values for (between 2021 and 2030, and possibly beyond). The
individual economic sectors and production industries power supply of an industrial plant should already be an
that the simply calculated values can only be a starting issue today that combines cost, efficiency, environ­
point for the economic significance of a secure electric mental and security aspects, the future viability of which
power supply. Furthermore, a dependency on the dura­
tion of the power failure is to be expected. Additionally,
will be considered accordingly in the planning. 4
there will be a correlation of the values with the point of The legal framework for the importance of this task is
time of the electricity supply failures (season and time of provided by the Regulation on the internal market for
day, as well as weekday). electricity of the European Union (Regulation 2019/943/EU
replaces Regulation 2009/714/EC). To implement Regula­
From the statistically determined worldwide creation tion 2019/943/EU, in December 2019 ENTSO-E published
of value and the global electricity consumption in the a draft for calculating the VoLL [3.13] for public review.
production sector [3.10, 3.11], a global VoLL quotient of It must be noted that “other costs” that are specific to 5
about 1.30 € per kWh is calculated for 2016. This value is the industrial sector are added to the costs for the
considerably lower than the VoLL value between 11 and ­production loss in the industry. This includes, for example,
26 € per kWh specified for many EU countries in [3.9]. costs for damages, re-commissioning, material scraps,
Similar values as in Fig. 3/5 to Fig. 3/7 are mentioned in social impacts, customer impression, and many more.
the CEPA study [3.12] conducted by ACER (see Fig. 3/8). [3.13] defines VoLL for an industrial sector as follows:

Due to the development of the underlying statistical

data, it is likely that the VoLL values will increase in the VoLL = Lost production + other costs
future. Increases in productivity on the numerator side
and progress in efficiency on the denominator side will
change the ratio in this direction. In the EU, the Directive
2018/2002/EU on energy efficiency stipulates annual
savings in end-use energy consumption of 0.8 % p.a.

Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation 23

Production sectors, overall about 0 € / - about 24 € / kWh

Electrical equipment (incl. computers) 3 - 24 € / kWh

Textile sector 1 - 12 € / kWh

1 Machinery

Transport equipment
2 - 17 € / kWh

3 - 7 € / kWh

Pulp, print and paper 0.5 - 19 € / kWh

Wood products 0.5 - 9 € / kWh

Food, beverage, tobacco 1 - 3 € / kWh 15 € / kWh (tobacco alone)

Rubber, plastics 1 - 5 € / kWh

2 Metal 0.5 - 4 € / kWh

Chemicals about 0 - 3 € / kWh 7 € / kWh (pharmaceuticals alone)

Fig. 3/8: Estimate of VoLL values of individual industrial sectors according to the CEPA study [3.12]

3 There, the value of Lost production is estimated as: It must be noted that the price-cap for electricity sale
defined by EU countries [3.9], such as 3 €/kWh (Belgium,
Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden) or 1 €/kWh
Lost PNF × SF × annual gross value added (Ireland) or 0.18 €/kWh (Portugal, Spain), is not very
production annual electricity consumption suitable for making emergency and peak load supply
cost-efficient. These prices reflect the current state of
in-house securing of electricity supply in production
plants by means of uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
PNF = Pre-notification factor; indicates to what extent an
announcement of electricity supply problems can reduce
and in-house generators for safety power supply. Along
production problems, for example, by increasing embedded with the preference for volatile power-generating tech­
generation or by short-term purchase; without pre-notification, nologies, they lead to increasingly challenging problems
the PNF is 100 %; [3.13] recommends either an internal for peak load supply and intensified requirements for the
monitoring by the authorities or alternatively calculating with
PNF = 79 % for all industrial sectors (except PNF = 62 % for integration of embedded generating plants into the
agriculture) distribution networks (see next chapter).

5 SF = Substitutability factor; marks the portion of gross value added

that depends on electricity supply. ACER stipulates a value of 0.68
for agriculture/forestry and fishery, and a value of 0.80 for all
other industrial sectors [3.12].
3.3 Power Flow Diagrams
Regulation 2019/943/EU establishes that, in the face of
ecological and economic challenges and objectives, the Another important step towards basic planning of the
regulation of the electricity market with an extension electric power distribution is a rough estimation of
and improvement of value systems and price calculation the power demand for the most important parts of a
6 methods is indispensable. For this reason, the following
was written down for the EU’s internal market in elec­
production plant. In addition, boundary conditions are
defined around the provision of the required electric
tricity in Article 10 of the Regulation 2019/944/EU: power. In a simplified manner, Fig. 3/9 depicts the cor­
relations between the basic components grid infeed/
“Final customers shall have the right to a contract with self-supply/consumers and the connecting elements.
their supplier that specifies: …
To some extent, Fig. 3/9 points out that this is usually
f) any compensation and the refund arrangements not a stringent, one-way process flow. Instead, planning
7 which apply if contracted service quality levels are not the electric power distribution is usually an iterative
met, …“ process – in which multiple iteration loops may become

24 Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation

necessary in the ongoing planning process due to new shares of power flows will increase. Peak and maximum
specifications and adjustments of details – in order to values are required for the design and dimensioning of
take feedbacks and interactions into account. Practically the plant.
all over the world, for example, distribution and trans­
mission system operators demand, or at least wish, Currently, embedded generation and storage of electric
an ever increasing access to high-performance genera­ energy and process heat/steam in cogeneration plants
tion, storage and consumer elements in order to be able mainly serve in-house usage. Regenerative feedback 1
to ensure the stabilization of grid conditions in view of into the supply grid still plays a subordinate role and is
fluctuating grid infeeds. Also, different contributions and accordingly not yet taken into account in statistics and
directions of power flows must be considered during flow diagrams.
power generation with respect to consumer self-supply,
when recharging storage elements, or when intention­ Flow diagrams are frequently used to illustrate statistics
ally feeding energy into the supply grid. and as a basis for the analyses derived from them. In

Power flow diagrams are suitable for roughly describing

principle, the energetic input and output values are
linked with the power demand for the main and ancillary
classical supply relationships in normal operation, with processes of production. During data aggregation, the
a power flow from power generation to consumers. consumers are classified into groups by means of collec­
Statistics generally reflect mean values across a typical tive terms such as heating, cooling, mechanical energy
interval of time. Interest for the direction-dependent of motors, compressed air, or lighting.

Grid infeed
.. g
, . in
ck arg
ba ch
ed ,
fe up
e rt-
tiv ta
ra r s

Customer/utilization objectives:
ne to

ge ra

- Safety of personnel and property

re ene

- Cost-efficiency

- Time-to-Market
- Availability
start-up, feedbacks, ...
Normal power supply NPS,
- Environmental friendliness
- Future-proof design
- ...
Embedded generation,
Design parameters from the
storage user’s point of view:
- Energy efficiency, optimization of
expenses 5
- Process and product quality
- Process duration and operational
Sa nin ba

- Resource consumption, emissions

fe te ck
u ed

ty rru s,

- Modularity, extensibility

po pt ...

- ...
w ibl
er e
su po
pp we

ly r
SP sup
S, p



Fig. 3/9: Cornerstones for basic planning

Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation 25

Onsite Process Nonprocess

Primary Energy Consumption: 21,108 PJ
Generation Energy Energy
422 2,697 371
1,953 Conventional 5,060 Process Heating 429 Facility HVAC
56 Boilers 1,587 388 285
2,482 379
1,130 33 124
Process Cooling 198 Facility Lighting

CHP, and Refrigeration
Cogeneration 443 102
2,466 311 23
276 49 Other Facility
26 73 Other Applications 60 Support
40 Other 286
% of
Fuel Type Electricity 118
Generation 14 42
12,192 Fuel Natural Gas 51 % 247 Electrochemical 66 Onsite
(excludes 5.91 PJ
Byproduct Fuels 36 %
15 Transportation
Coal 7% non-combustion Machine Drives
Generation 226
and Distillate and electricity generation)
1% 49
Residual Fuel Oils
HGL (excl. 1,633 674 Pumps 21 Other
5,290 Gasoline)
380 168 13 Nonprocess
Electricity Other Fuels 4% 21 122
322 Fans
21,108 8.033 Generation
35 329

Generation 377 Compressed Air
and 57
Transmission 12,192 5,838 Electricity
Losses 196 Materials Handling 107
248 Heat/Steam 2,743 2,567 2,980 Export*
885 Generation 637 4,445 560 Materials Processing
68 Energy consumption data source:
Energy 889 110 Other Systems 2014 EIA MECS
PJ = Petajoule Steam Notes:
(10 15 Joule) Distribution Sector-wide aggregate data for year 2014
Losses Energy values and fuel type percentages
Fuel rounded to nearest whole number
Offsite generation shown on net basis
(purchases, sales, and transfers accounted
for), including onsite non-combustion
renewable output
Heat/Steam * Refers to sales and transfers offsite of
electricity to utilities and other entities


Fig. 3/10: Power flow diagram for the industry in the USA in 2014 [3.14]

Fig. 3/10 shows a power flow diagram created on the Systems and Solutions. For industrial production, this
basis of statistical data for industrial production in the means that the electric power supply and distribution of
4 United States of America [3.14]. It is to be noted that all
statistics currently only reproduce the power flow from
industrial facilities is considered for all points of time
during operation, that it is integrated into the production
generation to the consumer. In face of the importance of process chain, and that it should be “smart”, which
energy management and smart grids, it will likely not means, intelligent and controlled with specific objec­
take much longer until further reaching evaluations are tives.
made possible and increasing regenerative network
feedbacks by embedded generating plants can be taken This approach must be taken into account in the plan­
into account in statistics. For the individual industrial ning by depicting and analyzing the energetic require­
5 plants with the respective contracts, this is already ments of the industrial processes and accompanying
normal practice today. processes, as well as the framework conditions of supply
chains and markets, while considering social, societal
and ecological influences – as schematically indicated in
Fig. 3/9. This, however, must not only be about consid­
3.4 Smart Grid for the Industry ering an average, stationary condition at the start of
operations of the production plants. On the contrary,
6 Power flow diagrams only display the conditions in the
annual average, as shown in the previous section. The
the time dependencies throughout the entire opera­
tional lifetime must already be considered in the plan­
increasing use of volatile energy sources such as wind ning phase. The operations management cycle is dis­
and photovoltaics, the application possibilities of storage played in Fig. 3/11 in a circular arrangement, similar to
technologies, additional electricity applications such as other management cycles, as is customary for ISO 9001,
charging battery storages in electric vehicles, as well as ISO 14001 and ISO 50001. The evaluation in the plan­
the requirements and possibilities that energy markets ning phase and the setup of the associated installations
are offering to larger prosumers can no longer be form the basic prerequisites for the economically and
7 described via one-way power flows. Rather, the inter­ ecologically sustainable usage of Smart Energy Systems
connection of generation and consumption of electric and Solutions.
energy, and the flexibility this requires from the grids,
consequently lead to the demand for Smart Energy

26 Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation

Phase 3

Visualize 1
Phase 1 Phase 2

Collect Analyze

Assess Install


Fig. 3/11: Fundamental management process as a basis for Smart Energy Systems and Solutions

The underlying management process (Fig. 3/12) is fully i) Concept finding and simulations
• Already in the early planning phases, Siemens creates
(on the basis of PSS® software) 4
analyses and feasibility studies as a support, or basis, Time is a critical factor in the planning. For this reason,
for decision-making. In this process, concepts and the number of iteration loops during concept finding
models for distributed energy systems (DES) are for the electric power distribution and supply should be
developed and simulations are calculated for all project kept to a minimum, as suggested in Fig. 3/9. However,
phases on the basis of modular simulation software it is important to take different development scenarios
(PSS®), and the results are compared for the industrial plant into account when creating the
• The Microgrid Control product range, based on the concept, as those scenarios help determine the indi­ 5
SICAM product platform, provides a comprehensive vidual optimum and can thus have a significant influence
offer of hardware and software for monitoring, and for on the basic design of the concept. With the help of
local control of power flows and KPIs around Smart simulations, specific scenarios can be run through.
Energy Systems and Solutions
• Via cloud-based services, as they are used in DEOP, the To examine the feasibility, key items are stipulated
energy and power demand can be monitored and regarding the usage of the industrial plant and the
managed in the operational cycle in Fig. 3/11. In
addition, DEOP facilitates analyses and forecasts for
associated infra­s tructure, and time schedules are
defined. The concept for electric power distribution,
energy provision and consumption, and creates links which is adapted to the user’s expectations, is deduced
with other participants in the energy market. from the analysis of simulation results. The use of spe­
cific PSS® software tools (PSS® DE and PSS® SINCAL) for
performing simulations makes it possible to run through
various versions and make a techno-economical compar­
ison of different supply scenarios.

Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation 27

Efficiency and optimization
Transparency and awareness
Installation and control
Planning and resilience

PSS® SICAM DEOP Market platform Energy

Power Simulation Software for Microgrid & PV Plant Controller Distributed Energy OPtimization
Back office

Cloud apps
distributed energy systems Local hardware controller, Digital data, reporting and analyzing services Reliable forecasts, roadmap develop-
On site

to identify technical, economic failsafe and real time for microgrid optimization at investment, ment, trading optimization, ...
and ecological benefits operation, maintenance and planning

Simulating operation Measuring Monitoring / reporting Archiving Virtual power plant
Cost reduction
Economic and Generation Storage
control Optimizing supply Price forecasting Demand response
ecological development control Security of
Dimensioning of Load Peak Load forecasting
Enhancing sustainability Load analyzing
power systems management shaving

CO2 Sustainability
Demonstrating feasibility Monitoring / Islanding / Optimizing own Market interaction
Maximizing efficiency
and reliability reporting blackstart requirements

Fig. 3/12: Integrated approach by Siemens for Smart Energy Systems and Solutions

The analysis of the latter leads to the desired, specific In PSS®-based planning projects, a large number of
optimization of the power supply based on the stipulated versions is calculated in an automated way, and the
3 objectives and prioritizations. For example, a trade-off is selected configurations are considered throughout the
carried out between: anticipated service life, whereby specific boundary
• Safety, availability and reliability conditions such as operational reserves, redundancies,
• Technical feasibility and implementation start-up and run-down scenarios, conversion or modifi­
• Cost-efficiency (OPEX and CAPEX) cation limitations, extensions, and many more can be
• Operability and flexibility defined and taken into account. Fig. 3/13 depicts the
• Sustainability and efficiency three phases:
4 • Independence from suppliers
• Environmental compatibility.
• Project definition (system definition, power-generating
systems, loads, prosumers, ambient conditions)
• Simulation (digital twin, runtimes, operating
For the simulations, a digital twin of the generating conditions)
plants and, if applicable, the storage systems of the • Analysis, financial evaluation, and optimizations
project is created in PSS® DE (PSS® software for simu­ (network and resilience analyses, prioritizations and
lating the implementation schedule for generating comparison of versions, technical assessment criteria,
plants – the so-called “generation dispatch”). Beyond and business KPIs).
5 that, PSS®SINCAL facilitates the construction and inspec­
tion of the energy infrastructure, such as for example Ultimately, the tests serve
that of the electric power supply grid. Based on that, • a better understanding of the correlations in the
scenarios of the planned energy system can be devel­ planned energy system and an accordingly optimized
oped, analyzed and evaluated. The following aspects system design
play a significant role in this: • the assessment of important technical, economic and
• Project-specific time series, for example: load profiles, ecological parameters, which form the basis for the
6 environmental data for sun and wind, temperature
characteristics, labor and demand prices
energy concept, as well as their dependency on
different scenarios
• Data on the medium- and long-term usage behavior for • as stipulation for tender priorities, taking into
the plants, as well as intended corporate development consideration possible monitoring and management
• Estimates on possibilities of variations and their options for Smart Energy Systems and Solutions
prioritization in order to generate assessment criteria • the identification and evaluation of alternatives in
and establish a financial comparability on this basis. order to make the smart industrial grid future-proof.

28 Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation

Project definition Simulation Evaluation and analysis

a) Project-specific time series, load profiles, a) Simulation of the system controller a) Optimization of the generation portfolio
tariff structures, climatic conditions, ... • Cost-based optimization step by step • Evaluation and comparison of the operational behavior
• Siemens MGMS (Microgrid Management System) for variations of the generation portfolio
for day-ahead planning • Deduction of financial core data, such as levelized cost of
• Siemens MGC (Microgrid Controller): consideration of electricity (LCOE) and return on investment (ROI)
algorithms, identical with operational algorithms
• Optimization of electrical/thermal parameters
• Percentage of renewable energies and ecological footprint
• Evaluations regarding cycles and service life of battery
storage systems
Return on investment

Levelized cost Net present

of electricity value Scenario 1

Scenario 2
Embedded Peak load
generation Scenario 3
b) Define scope of tasks: Environmental
technologies, participants, size, friendliness
number, costs, …
b) Reproduction of operational endurance of components b) Grid connection and supply system analyses
Generators • Conventional generators • Load flow considerations and short-circuit calculations

Energy • Energy storage systems, PV plants and wind turbines • Reliability and failure analyses
• Dynamic network calculations
Turbines • Network protection analyses and concepts
• Power quality and network feedbacks
PV • Operational strategy analysis, e.g. for island situation
Wind • Analyses for energy consumption and energy supply
30 %
25 %
20 %

c) Configure framework of tasks: 15 %

10 %
boundary conditions, time schedule, 5%

distributions, strategies, ... 0%

[0] [17] [22] [23] [35] [37] [38] [73] [75] [77] [78] [105][106][107][108]

c) Management of boundary conditions c) Roadmap

• Operational reserves • Implementation plan
• Grid stability conditions • Planning basis for participation in the energy market
• Redundancy requirements • Development plan
• Define permissible value ranges and natural • Show control points and checkpoints
model limits [37]
• Adjustments for time schedules and time series [38]

Completion Future

Fig. 3/13: Process steps in PSS®-based planning projects


ii) Setup of control and monitoring options for means of Microgrid Control with the user interface
Smart Energy Systems and Solutions Microgrid HMI, a corresponding screen view is shown
in Fig. 3/14.
The technical implementation for monitoring, data
collection and evaluation, as well as the comparison The Microgrid system supports the monitoring and 5
between operational data and calculation/study results control of operational equipment such as:
follows in the second phase of Fig. 3/11 and Fig. 3/12. • Conventional generators with piston drive
Already during the planning, the design of the associated (e.g. for CHP plants)
hardware and software must be taken into account. • Turbines
By using uniform algorithms and structures in the • Battery storage systems
previously conducted studies with PSS® DE as well as in • Switchable electrical loads
installations using SICAM, systematic deviations are
• Point of common coupling (PCC)
• Photovoltaic plants
• Wind turbines.
The Microgrid Control product range, a SICAM applica­
tion, allows for an optimal control of locally available In order to comply with the customers’ requirements
generating plants and consumers in order to ensure of achieving their economic and technical objectives,
that agreed objectives, such as a high availability, power Microgrid Controller provides, among others, readily
quality, or self-sufficiency, are achieved. As an example available and comprehensively tested features (see
for monitoring and communication connection by Tab. 3/2). 7

Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation 29

File Microgrid Microgrid Assets Monitoring View Archive

6/22/2018 3:36:28 PM User: siemens Microgrid Communication Overview MGC Connection OK

PV01 Energy Management System HMI WP01

1 GPS Time server Microgrid Controller


PV02 WP02

Ethernet Ethernet
switch switch

PV03 WP03




Com. protocol 1
PCC Com. protocol 2
Com. protocol 3

Fig. 3/14: Overview screen in the Microgrid HMI for the communication status


4 Blackout detection
Island detection
Load Frequency Control (LFC)
Automatic Voltage Control (AVC)
Generator control / monitoring
CHP control / monitoring
5 Battery storage control / monitoring
Intentional islanding
Load flow control (from / to grid)
Tariff monitoring & supervision
SMS messaging
Operation modes

6 Peak shaving
Demand charge reduction
Reserve monitoring
Load shedding & manual restoration
Photovoltaic control / monitoring
Autostart sequencing

7 Load forecasting
Generation forecasting

Tab. 3/2: Readily available features of the Microgrid Controller

30 Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation

The entire control system is based on tested, readily DEOP serves as a web portal as well as for remote moni­
available functions. Furthermore, these functions are toring and benchmarking of plant parameters (energy).
scalable in all their parts, and can therefore be used The cloud application is integrated into Microgrid Control
flexibly. via a web interface. Functions of the cloud application
• Benchmark for system power and performance
iii) Support in operation by means of DEOP
• Optimization of operational planning 1
After installing the flexible, secure and reliable Microgrid • Optimization of setpoint stipulations
Control products, it will be possible during operation to • Integration of web and mobile applications
compress, among others, data, values, notifications, • Monitoring and reporting
alarms, or automated switching and control operations • Optimization of energy use
(see Fig. 3/12) hierarchically and pass them on with the • Improvement of sustainability
help of the energy optimization software DEOP – from • Maximization of efficiency
the indication at the plant and the human-machine
interface through the communication via web interface
• Archiving
• Price forecasting
up to the control room in the monitoring center. Exam­ • Load forecasting.
ples for functionality are:
• Monitoring / control of all system parts (SCADA) The advantages that can be derived from this compared
• Performance and energy management (balance with conventional data processing are displayed sche­
between consumption, generation, storage and matically in Fig. 3/15.
procurement of energy)
• Managing blackout situations (e.g. restart plan after The HMI of DEOP is designed as a dashboard / cockpit to 3
shutdowns) provide information at a higher level via an intuitive user
• Frequency stabilization and voltage stability interface. Decisions at different hierarchical levels in the
(management of dynamic processes in Smart Energy company can be supported in this way. Especially the
Systems and Solutions) linkage to energy markets with requirements that greatly
• Controlling the link with energy markets change depending on the situation illustrates the advan­
(e.g. power control, spinning reserves, virtual power tages of an automated control system for resources and
plant (VPP))
• Managing between island operation and grid supply
plants. 4
(synchronization). An important element of DEOP is the creation of virtual
power plants (VPP) and the exemplary description of
energetically, economically and ecologically relevant
processes. Of course, DEOP can create a link with sup­
plier and consumer markets as well as with distribution
system and transmission system operators (Fig. 3/15).

Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation 31

Today’s typical dilemma of collecting data from various sources

data collection Energy Complicated manual
Energy / 1
Managers collection of quality data

Asset 0
1 0 0 1 1 0
1 0 1
Monitoring 1 1 10 0
1 0 1
0 0 10 0
Asset Performance of assets
Managers difficult to benchmark
0 1 01 1 1
Faults or 1 0
1 0 0 0 0 1
Maloperation 1 1
10 01
1 1
0 O&M No access to full information
for critical decisions

2 Generation
0 1 0 1 0
100 01
0 0 1
1 1
Historical / 0 1 0 1 0 Different reporting standards
01 1 1 0 01
Forecast 1 0 1 All Users and input data from
Information lost or different DES sources
invisible in process

One central system eases the data administration and increases management capabilities
3 Energy
• Energy transparency & KPI
• Benchmarking against
Energy / 1
Managers business plan
1 00 1 1 0 • Decisions support
0 1 0
1 1 10 0
1 0 1
0 0 10 0 • Performance monitoring of
Asset assets – historical & forecast
Managers • Balance resources and assets
01 without compromising costs
Faults or 1
0 1 1

1 0 0
0 1 0
1 1 0
Maloperation 10 01 • Information for critical
1 1 1
0 DEOP O&M operational decisions
Staff • Improvement of maintenance
schedules and saving OPEX
0 1 0 1 0
Generation 0
0 100 01
Historical / 0 0 1
1 1
0 • Efficiency actions and
01 1 1
Forecast 0 All Users
1 • Announcing changes in perfor-
mance profiles by comparison

Regional Energy

Markets Markets

Fig. 3/15: Comparison between conventional data collection and a centralized data cube1) such as DEOP

1) The
data cube is a multi-dimensional form of data organization as it is used, for example, in merchandise management systems.
This way, the possibilities to combine and analyze data are simplified and improved.

32 Totally Integrated Power – Power Supply and Energy Consumption in ­Factory Operation
Chapter 4
Creation of a Planning Concept
4.1 Infeed 36
4.2 Infeed Distribution and
Network Configuration 38
4.3 Embedded Generation 39
4.4 Medium-Voltage Switchgear and
Low-Voltage Load Centers
at Process Level 50
4.5 Influences on Motor Starting 59
4 Creation of a Planning Concept

The project- and process-specific requirements make it

practically impossible to find a universally applicable In the standard IEEE 141‑1993 (“Red book”, [4.1]),
concept for planning the electric power distribution of the following three approximation steps are
an industrial plant. This applies to a new construction
1 (greenfield) as much as to a conversion or expansion

(brownfield) or even a reconstruction (greyfield). 1. A n estimate based on area specifications as

well as on number and ratings of motors, or by
The basic planning phases for factory planning in Fig. 2/3 comparison with similar projects: The actual
must be implemented considering the boundary condi­ cost will range from 15 % below or 40 % above
tions defined by the customer regarding the develop­ the estimate.
ment, update and refinement of a power distribution 2. A n engineering estimate based on a one-line
2 concept. Even for a first rough planning overview, funda­
mental user requirements are needed as a basis in order
diagram [4.1] – hereafter called single-line
diagram: The actual cost will range from 10 %
to take location conditions into account while estab­ below or 20 % above the estimate.
lishing the project basis, and to be able to incorporate an
estimate of the required budget. This also includes the 3. A detailed estimate that is already based on
development of a basic scheme for the electric power manufacturer offers and detailed drawings of
distribution. A cost estimate merely on the basis of the the plant: The actual cost will range from 5 to
floor area size and an average power demand is usually 10 % below or above the estimate.
3 inaccurate. Connection conditions, environmental influ­
ences, safety requirements, the time schedule, process-
and system-related parameters, as well as user expecta­
tions – for example, regarding operational stipulations, Simple power demand and cost estimates for basic
expansion possibilities, and embedded generation of planning should be built on simple data based on the
electricity and heat/steam –, all significantly influence three pillars of electric power distribution in Fig. 3/9 –
the concept and thus the cost situation. infeed, embedded generation, and consumers (storage
4 The North American standard IEEE 141-1993 [4.1], cre­
systems act both as producers and consumers).
Accordingly, it is one of the first tasks of a planner to
ated under former preconditions, assumes for a so-called design a concept based on user requirements as a
“preliminary estimate” that a miscalculation of the actual starting point for planning and configuration of the
costs of up to 40 % (see box) is possible. New develop­ network (Fig. 4/1).
ments such as, among others,
• Smart Energy Systems and Solutions
(see Chapter 3.4)
5 • Energy transparency for a constant adaptation of
the factory
• Substitution of fossil fuel-based technology
by electrical consumers
• Heat recovery
will rather increase the insecurity of cost estimates of an
area-based power demand. From today’s point of view, it
6 therefore only makes limited sense to specify area-based
power values, such as for example in [1.1], even more so
if they are subjected to large fluctuation ranges. For
preliminary estimates, at least a concept draft should be
created. To do this, one usually falls back on empirical
values and concepts from similar projects. Via plausibility
checks and coordination with the customer, a draft for
7 the supply structure is created.

34 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept


Concept finding:

- Analysis of the supply task
- Power demand determination
- Load characteristics
- Power supply options (e.g. primary energy, emissions)
- Supply quality (supply reliability and power quality)
- Creation of variations and realization test
- Concept selection with:
- Selection of the network configuration
- Selection of the network system
- Definition of the technical features

Calculation: 2
- Power and energy balance (consider future developments)
- Load flow (normal / failure / island operation / regenerative feedback)
- Short-circuit currents (prospective / influenced)


- Selection of operational equipment, transformers, cables, switching and protection devices, etc.
- Requirements regarding selectivity and back-up protection
- Consideration of energy management and operational capabilities 3

Comparison of results between concept estimates and user requirements (cf. Fig. 3/9)
- Definition of evaluation stages of individual criteria (e.g. unacceptable, appropriate, acceptable, optimal)
- Weighting for individual criteria
- Evaluation of variations

With positive evaluation: With negative evaluation:

Refine concept and perform detailed Coordinate changed optimization approach

calculations and dimensioning and implement in the “concept finding” step
(design planning) (iteration loop for establishment of the project
basis and preliminary planning – see [1.1]) 5
Fig. 4/1: Flow chart of concept finding

Especially when creating a concept, the development A structural diagram (Fig. 4/2) is helpful for illustrating
and assessment of different variations is crucial for the
quality of planning and feasibility. Process- and opera­
the process of concept finding. The fundamental deci­
sion-making levels for a rough concept are structured in
tion-related design parameters, external boundary a simplified way:
conditions, and known equipment specifications are 1. Infeed
already to be considered in the concept finding phase. 2. Infeed distribution and network configuration
For those variations that seem suitable, calculations and 3. Embedded generation
dimensionings are performed in order to be able to, for 4. Medium-voltage switchgear and load centers at
example, estimate the costs and space requirements, or process level
test the feasibility of other user requirements (as 5. Consumer and load distribution. 7
detailed in Fig. 3/9).

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 35


In Fig. 4/2, the possible variety of alternatives and ence the created concept. In the following, the funda­
options for the individual levels does not become clear mental elements and boundary conditions are described
yet. A possible procedure is sketched in the following that must be taken into account during concept finding
subitems. Further focal points for the design, which, for a reliable electric power distribution in industrial
however, depend on a more detailed knowledge of the plants. However, due to changes and/or extensions of
project, include: the framework knowledge, or by focusing on other
1 • Supply quality of the infeed by the distribution system planning areas, the concept finding can be refined,
operator (DSO) varied, or structured in a completely different way. The
• Short-circuit stress in the medium- and low-voltage TIP contact partners from Siemens can provide support
network (besides the DSO infeed, larger motorized for a project-­specific concept finding
loads and generators must be taken into account) (www.siemens.com/tip-cs).
• Neutral earthing and protection layout for the infeed
distribution level
2 • Evaluation of power quality (e.g. influence from load
changes or start-up of large drives) 4.1 Infeed
• Network system (earthing) for the low-voltage network
in the process distribution level Two characteristics are decisive for the selection
• Network feedbacks and compensation in the entire of the DSO infeed:
network a) The existing infrastructure of the DSO
• Protection layout in the process distribution level. b) C
 ustomer requirements concerning the
current and future power demand.
3 The above-mentioned points do not have a direct influ­
ence on the general procedure in creating the rough An infeed concept can be selected with the help of a
concept, but each piece of information on it can influ­ simple decision diagram (Fig. 4/3):

1 Infeed

Infeed distribution and 20 kV

network configuration

3 Embedded generation


Switchgear and
load centers

10 kV

Consumer and
5 0.4 kV 0.4 kV
load distribution


7 Fig. 4/2: Structural diagram to illustrate the levels of a rough concept

36 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept


• Looping into an existing medium-voltage ring 1), • Supply from the high-voltage grid (nominal connection
typically for smaller industrial plants with the voltage UnDSO = 110 kV) via one or multiple in-house
maximum connected load: transformers 3):
S max ≤ 3 MVA 14 MVA > S max
at nominal system voltage UnS = 10 kV at nominal system voltage UnS = 10 kV
S max ≤ 5 MVA 20 MVA > S max 1
at nominal system voltage UnS = 20 kV at nominal system voltage UnS = 20 kV
• Supply directly from the main transformer Of course, it is important to coordinate the connec­
substation 2), typically via a double radial line tion options with the distribution system operator
with two cable connections: (see, for example, Chapter 4.3 for technical connec­
tion conditions). In this process, further boundary con­
3 MVA < S max ≤ 14 MVA
ditions such as distances, short-circuit currents, use and
at nominal system voltage UnS = 10 kV
5 MVA < S max ≤ 20 MVA
behavior of motors or motor starters and generators,
as well as the required supply quality must be observed
at nominal system voltage UnS = 20 kV (see Chapter 4.4).

3) Ifan embedded supply network is created with in-house transformers,

1) Forlooping into a public medium-voltage cable ring, an upper reference the neutral earthing can be designed specifically for the requirements
power value is common, which constitutes about 50 % of the maximum

of the embedded network (this is an advantage compared with the
transmission capacity of the normally open ring. other two previous versions). For details, see [1.2]. In case of a
2) Thepower limitation in case of direct connection to a main transformer secondary-side delta winding of the transformers, this neutral point
substation is usually determined by its transformer. Frequently, 31.5 MVA cannot be created at the transformer, but must be created via a neutral
transformers (secondary voltage 10 kV) or 63 MVA transformers (secondary earthing transformer on the infeed distribution level. The Consultant
voltage 20 kV) are used, so that a limitation to a third of these ratings Support of Siemens TIP provides assistance for the selection and
results in upper limits of about 14 MVA and 20 MVA. Many consumers use dimensioning of the neutral earthing transformer and the earthing
the earth-fault compensation for neutral earthing. resistance.

10 kV MTS
20 kV
UnS = 10 kV: Smax ≤ 3 MVA ?
into the normally open n. o. ring
UnS = 20 kV: Smax ≤ 5 MVA ? (n. o.) DSO ring


No 5
10 kV MTS
20 kV
Double radial line
UnS = 10 kV: Smax ≤ 14 MVA ?
directly from the busbar
UnS = 20 kV: Smax ≤ 20 MVA ? of the main transformer Infeed
substation (MTS) distribution


110 kV grid

HV/MV transformer
supplied from the
110 kV busbar of

the high-voltage distribution
transformer substation

Fig. 4/3: Decision diagram for the selection of the grid infeed of industrial plants

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 37


If there is no detailed information for basic planning, • Sufficiently long grading times for definite time-
the simple approach is continued and adjusted based on overcurrent protection as main and back-up protection
Fig. 4/1 with changed parameters, if needed. due to lower short-circuit currents 4).
Three basic types (Fig. 4/4) of network configurations
can be differentiated:
1 4.2 I nfeed Distribution and • Radial network
• Ringed network
Network Configuration • Meshed network.
The nominal system voltage of the infeed distribution From this, versions or combinations (Fig. 4/4) can be
is selected according to the supply voltage in derived, such as for example:
Chapter 4.1. IEC 60038 stipulates standard voltages in • Line/bus network
medium voltage (1 kV < UnS ≤ 35 kV) and high voltage • Tree network
2 (35 kV < UnS ≤ 230 kV). IEC 60038 notes that new public
distribution grids should no longer use a voltage level of
• Double radial line network.
It must be noted that Fig. 4/4 only shows structures
6 kV. In industrial applications, the following reasons
and does not provide details on infeed, generation and
speak for higher voltage levels (10, 20 or 30 kV) com­
consumption. The tree network represents a concatena­
pared with 6 kV:
tion of radial networks. If there is a coupler between the
• Lower rated short-circuit making and breaking currents
two infeed distributions, the double radial line network
(assuming the same short-circuit power; Ima and Isc
can be considered a simple combination of individual
at 6 kV are higher by a factor of 1.67 / 3.33 / 5 at
3 10 / 20 / 30 kV)
ringed networks.
• Smaller cable cross-sections (smaller by approx. a
factor of 2 to 3 for 10 kV, and up to approx. a factor of
4) Lowershort-circuit currents cause a lower thermal let-through energy (I2t)
6 to 10 at 30 kV compared with 6 kV; assuming the
and a smaller peak short-circuit current (ip). The longer disconnection times
same power or short-circuit power to be transmitted) resulting therefrom have a positive influence on the possible grading levels
• Higher energy efficiency (due to lower network losses) of the definite time-overcurrent protection.

Basic types

Radial network Ringed network Meshed network

Variations of the basic types

6 Line / bus network Tree network Double radial line network

7 Fig. 4/4: Network configurations for power distribution

38 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept


Operationally required versions of the ringed and double • To improve a company’s ecological footprint
radial line network which differ in normal operation can • To use energetically recyclable production residues,
be divided into “open” and “closed” modes of operation. such as for example in the wood and paper industry, or
The “open ring” corresponds to a line/bus network. In so-called coupling gases in the steel industry.
“open double radial line”, each individual ring is accord­
ingly open in normal operation. Due to an increasing interest in embedded generation in
the industry, with cogeneration or regenerative energy 1
Attention: The basic principle is that a “closed” operation consumption of wind, sun and biomass, the distribution
is not possible in case of infeed from two separate and transmission grids are impacted, too. Large power
sources of energy providers. SIPLINK from Siemens offers plants which significantly contribute to network support
a possibility to couple separate sources. Thanks to the are becoming rarer. Volatile, small energy producers
converter technology, the grids can be adjusted accord­ which are partially connected to the grid via inverters
ingly, for example for frequency adjustments as they are are supposed to replace such large power plants in
necessary in South America when a 50 Hz grid (Argentina,
Paraguay) is to be coupled with a 60 Hz grid (Brazil), or
increasingly distributed grids. Therefore, greater
emphasis must be placed on sufficient functionality in
for the supply of US American industrial plants (chemicals, terms of grid stabilization for smaller generating plants
oil & gas) operated in Asia. Parallel operation of supply as well.
grid and generator is possible if the generator is synchro­
nized. For parallel operation of embedded generating plants
with the public grids, an automatically controlled inte­
When selecting the network type, it must be observed gration of the plants is required both for normal opera­
that the project-specific framework stipulates the tion and in case of failure. Commonly, the transmission 3
­individual weighting of individual criteria and, if appli­ and distribution system operators specify the connection
cable, defines specific criteria in order to prefer or requirements in their grid codes. As a general rule,
exclude a network type. Since the medium-voltage national and international standards as well as directives
infeed network in industrial plants is typically designed and empirical values form the basis for these codes
as a radial, ringed or double radial line network, Tab. 4/1 (Tab. 4/2). It is important to know that, due to the larger
shows important criteria for comparing these three restructuring which is underway in the global electricity
network configurations. The estimation of the criteria
can support decision making during project planning.
market, there is a constant process of adjustment in
laws, standards, specifications, directives, ­stipulations,
and conditions. For this reason, when these documents
are referred to, the latest version at the time must be
4.3 Embedded Generation
There are various reasons for operating an embedded
generating plant in parallel with a distribution grid: 5
• If process heat is required, electric energy can be
produced simultaneously when energy carriers are
transformed by cogeneration
• In case of insufficient public electric power supply
that can impair production processes
• For emergency power supply of safety-relevant
applications as described in IEC 60364-5-56 (electricity
sources for safety services 5)), for example
• To avoid or reduce energy consumption costs,
especially of apportionments, taxes or similar
additional charges (e.g. system usage charges) in
connection with energy consumption and peak load

5) Note:
According to IEC 60364-5-56, two separate infeeds which are
independent of each other are permissible as a safety power supply source
when it is unlikely that both infeeds fail at the same time.

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 39


Legend Radial network

1) Current transformer for protection DSO infeed

2) Voltage transformer for measuring
3) Voltage transformer for protection (optional) Property limit
4) Combined current transformer with 2 cores 2) 2)
1 for measuring and protection
5) Voltage transformer for protection
4) Billing *) 4)

*) Switchgear-specific “system instrument transformers” 3) 3)

for billing


Design features for medium-voltage network Radial network

Cable fault, The faulty cable run is removed / disconnected by the switching and
medium-voltage side (marked areas) protection device. There is no switchover possibility to the other
4 → Connected transformers and associated consumers are no longer

Protection technology Low expenditure (outgoing feeder protection with switch-

disconnector/fuse combination)

Network monitoring in operation Separate expenditure with current and/or voltage transformers
as well as measuring / indicating devices

5 Voltage dip in case of short circuit Low for feeders not affected by the fault, in case of protection
with HV HRC fuses and correspondingly brief disconnection times
(< 10 ms)

Danger to persons Low, as the arc energy released in the event of a short circuit is
mostly low due to the short disconnection time (< 10 ms) and the
current-limiting effect of HV HRC fuses [1.2]

Availability No redundancy, therefore low availability for the affected feeder in
case of fault

Installation of the switchgear Under certain circumstances, the switchgear may be installed directly
in the production hall (e.g. consideration of ambient conditions like
temperature, dust, humidity, and many more)

7 Note: Due to the planning complexity, no generally valid estimates can be made in the above table. All specifications refer to generalized empirical values.
As described in Fig. 4/1, the draft of a concept must be substantiated with data and specifications, and must be further verified and refined (or, if required,
also completely changed) on the basis of calculations and dimensioning.

Tab. 4/1: Features of medium-voltage network configurations

40 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept


Ringed network Double radial line network

DSO infeed DSO infeed

Property limit Property limit

2) 2) 2) 2)
4) Billing *) 4) 4) Billing *) 4) 1
3) 3) 3) 3)

1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)
1) 1)
1) 1)

5) 1)
1) 1) 5)

1) 1)
1) 1) 5)

Ringed network, normally closed (n. c.) Double radial line network, normally open (n. o)

Protection technology with direction detection is required The faulty cable run is selectively separated / disconnected by the
to selectively separate / disconnect the faulty cable run switching and protection device
→ Connected transformers and associated consumers are → From fault occurrence to fault clearance, including switchover in
supplied without interruption thanks to the ringed concept
(n. c.)
the double radial line network, connected transformers and associated
consumers are not supplied; consumers might have to restart again then
High expenditure (circuit-breaker plus protection device Medium expenditure (circuit-breaker plus protection device with current
with current and voltage transformers including direction transformers)

Easily possible thanks to the functionality integrated in Easily possible thanks to the functionality integrated in protection
protection devices (e.g. SIPROTEC) devices (e.g. SIPROTEC)

Can be considerably higher, as a disconnection time of

70 up to 120 ms has to be taken into account in case of
Can be considerably higher, as a disconnection time of 70 up to 120 ms
has to be taken into account in case of protection via circuit-breaker for
protection via circuit-breaker for fault detection, tripping, fault detection, tripping, internal time of the circuit-breaker, arcing time,
internal time of the circuit-breaker, arcing time, plus plus the set time delay (typically 0 to 1 s)
the set time delay (typically 0 to 1 s)

Higher, as the disconnection time of 70 to 120 ms Higher, as the disconnection time of 70 to 120 ms with circuit-breakers
with circuit-breakers can lead to more than 7 times the can lead to more than 7 times the arc energy values compared with
arc energy values compared with HV HRC fuses (for an HV HRC fuses (for an example, see [1.2]); accordingly, higher expenditure

example, see [1.1]); accordingly, higher expenditure for for protection is required (e.g. dimensioning of the switchgear design)
protection is required (e.g. dimensioning of the switchgear

Redundancy without interruption of supply (n. c. ring); Redundancy given, but gap in supply due to switchover from one radial
voltage dip (see above) is to be observed line to the other

Separate electrical service room required for the Separate electrical service room required for the switchgear to prevent
switchgear to prevent hazards due to high short-circuit hazards due to high short-circuit energy – or other constructional
energy – or other constructional measures measures

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 41



Regions Organization Standard

Worldwide CENELEC IEC/TS 62786

Europe CENELEC EN 50549-1/-2

1 Australia / New Zealand Standards AS / NZ AS/NZS 3010

North America IEEE IEEE 1547, IEEE 2030

China State Grid Corporation Q/GDW 480-2015

Rules, directives, regulations

Regions Organization Directive, regulation

European interconnected system ENTSO-E e.g. NC RfG, NC DCC

2 North America NERC e.g. BAL-001, BAL-003, MOD-027

Australia AEMC e.g. NER V132

Tab. 4/2: E
 xamples of international standards and specifications as well as directives and regulations for the connection
of power-generating plants in parallel with the public electricity grids

4.3.1 Standards, Specifications

The international Technical Specification IEC/TS 62786 is The Regulation 2016/631/EU defines a typification for
broadly formulated, as it not only includes 50 Hz grids, the requirements on power-generating plants regarding
60 Hz grids, and low-voltage systems, but also medi­ the voltage level for grid connection and the maximum
um-voltage systems without power limitations. Accord­ electrical active power output (type A, B, C and D; see
4 ingly, in the required values for designing embedded
generating plants, value ranges are frequently specified
Fig. 4/5 and Chapter 4.3.2). For a system voltage of
110 kV and more at the point of connection, the require­
which must then be narrowed down based on the ments for type D must always be fulfilled. Additionally,
national or local situation. Additionally, further limita­ type D is also to be used for lower system voltages when
tions, requirements and instructions are stipulated in the stipulated power threshold values of the maximum
the national and international transpositions of the capacity of power-generating modules are exceeded
Technical Specification. In the European transposition, (see Fig. 4/5).
for example, a series of standards (EN 50549) is drawn
5 up which normatively takes into account a subdivision The Regulation stipulates individual value ranges for
regarding system voltage and performance classification the typification in the different European regions (Conti­
according to the European Regulation 2016/631/EU nental Europe, Great Britain, Northern Europe, Ireland
(known as NC RfG = Network Code on Requirements for and Northern Ireland, Baltic States). It is remarkable that
Generators). the margins for the typification in the directives and
regulations of the DSO and TSO are used by the different
countries according to their specific conditions.

42 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept


Area of maximum active power limitation for type A
Area of maximum active power limitation for type B
Extension area type B, dependent on the area for type A
Area of maximum active power limitation for type C 1
Extension area type C, dependent on the area for type B
Area of maximum active power limitation for type D
Extension area type D, dependent on the area for type C

Continental Europe

Great Britain
EU 2016/631

Northern Europe
Ireland +
North. Ireland
Baltic States

Belgium 1)
DSO / TSO / Country only MV


Switzerland 3)
up to 110 kV

Italy 4)

Germany 5)
Spain 6)

Denmark 7)
A1 (11 kW) A2 (50 kW)

England 8)

800 W 0.1 MW 1 MW 10 MW 100 MW

RfG Requirements of General Application; 2019; Elia (Belgium)
2) TOR Erzeuger (TOR Generator; one edition each for type A, type B, type C, type D); 2019, E-CONTROL (Austria)
3) Empfehlung Netzanschluss für Energieerzeugungsanlagen (Recommendation for grid connection of power-generating plants);

2014; VSE/AES (Switzerland)

4) CEI 0-16; 2019; Norma Italiana CEI (Italian standard)
5) VDE AR-N 4110 (TAR Medium Voltage); 2018; VDE/FNN (Germany)
6) N orma técnica de supervisión de la conformidad de los módulos de generación de electricidad segun el Reglamento

UE 2016/631 (Technical supervision standard for conformity of power-generating modules according to Regulation EU
2016/63); 2019; Red Eléctrica (Electricity grid) (Spain)
7) Technical Regulation 3.2.3; 2017 and Technical Regulation 3.2.5; 2016; Energinet (Denmark)
8) Engineering Recommendation G99; 2019; ENA (England)

Fig. 4/5: Power-specific categorization for power-generating modules at a grid connection voltage of less than 110 kV in Europe

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 43


4.3.2 R
 equirements for Grid Connection of On the basis of the typification in the Regulation
Power-Generating Plants 2016/631/EU, the standards EN 50549-1 and -2 take the
modules of type A and type B in low-voltage systems
Regulation 2016/631/EU differentiates the requirements (EN 50549-1) and medium-voltage systems (EN 50549-2)
for grid connection of a power-generating plant regard­ into account.
ing this typification, and also for synchronous and
1 non-synchronous grid connection. For CHP plants, the Exception: Power-generating modules with an
maximum electrical active power output is used as a way apparent power output of up to 150 kVA can also be
for typification. The fundamental requirements for the connected to the medium-voltage grid according to the
different types can be roughly summarized as follows: requirements of EN 50549-1. It is always possible to
make agreements with the DSO, and the country-, DSO-
Type A: or TSO-specific provisions, directives, conditions, and
• General requirements to secure the power-generating regulations (examples in Fig. 4/5) must be observed.
2 capacity
• Limited automated response If different requirements interfere with each other,
• Minimum system operator control protection and automatic control must be applied hierar­
• Avoiding larger generating capacity dips in wide parts chically according to EN 50549-1 and -2 (decreasing
of network operation significance from 1. to 7.):
• Minimizing critical events and determining
intervention measures if system-critical events 1. Generating unit protection (e.g., the protection
do actually take place. equipment of the generating unit must not trip
3 before the interface protection when a) the DSO
Type B: does not agree or b) foreseeable operating
• Broader range of automated, dynamic responses for conditions do not require it), including the driving
higher resilience to operational events, and limitation engine, if applicable
of the effects of network events 2. Interface protection and protection against faults
• Requirements for ensuring dynamic response options within the generating plant
• More extensive control options for the system operator 3. Voltage support during faults and step changes
4 and accordingly required information. in voltage
4. Active power response by remote control
Type C: for distribution grid support or due to local
• Precise, stable and highly controllable dynamic overfrequency in the grid
response of important system services in real time 5. Active power response to underfrequency in
to ensure security of supply the grid
• Enabling coordinated operator action in overall 6. Control of reactive power and active power
power‑generating facilities in different situations 7. Other control commands for active power
5 during trouble-free operation as well as in case of regulation, for example due to self-optimization
grid disturbances. stipulations, for economic reasons, or according to
local market conditions.
Type D:
• Higher voltage level of the grid connection For CHP plants embedded in industrial plants, active
of generating plants (according to EU Regulation power requirements shall be agreed between the pro­
2016/631: ≥ 110 kV) for ensuring a stable ducer and the system operator. The above priority list
6 interconnected system operation in Europe. can be adapted accordingly.

In the European interconnected system, the require­

ments for the high-voltage grid of 110 kV and beyond
are homogenized. IEC/TS 62786 and EN 50549-1 and -2
stipulate a common framework for the medium- and
low-voltage systems. In detail, these may differ from
the characteristics requested by national or local trans­
7 mission and distribution system operators.

44 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept


The ­requirements according to EN 50549-1 and -2, which

Frequency in Hz

Maximum permissible active power reduction ΔP

can only briefly be discussed in here, include:
47.5 48.0 48.5 49.0 49.5 50.0

relatively to the momentary active power PM

1. In normal operation:
a. Permissible minimum operating periods with 5%
grid connection for defined frequency ranges 6)
→ see Tab. 4/3 10 %
b. Permissible minimum active power at
underfrequency → see Fig. 4/6 15 %
c. For the minimum requested range of nominal
voltage Un, the following applies for the agreed
20 %
system connection voltage Uc:
EN 50549-1: 0.85 Uc ≤ Un ≤ 1.1 Uc
Requirement acc. to EN 50549-1 and -2
EN 50549-2: 0.9 Uc ≤ Un ≤ 1.1 Uc Most stringent requirement acc. to EN 50549-1 and -2
(IEC/TS 62786: 0.9 Uc ≤ Un ≤ 1.1 Uc)
Fig. 4/6: M
 aximum permissible active power reduction at

6) The
requirement for frequency support in the European interconnected
system was triggered by experiences with the increasing energy provision
from photovoltaic plants in the low-voltage network (50.2 Hz problem) as
well as from wind power and embedded generating plants (49.5 Hz
problem) [4.3]

Frequency in Hz 47.0 47.5 48.0 48.5 49.0 49.5 50.0 50.5 51.0 51.5 52.0

EN 50549-1/-2 Minimum requirements 30 min Unlimited 30 min

More stringent
20 s 90 min Unlimited 90 min 15 min

Frequency in Hz 47.0 47.5 48.0 48.5 49.0 49.5 50.0 50.5 51.0 51.5 52.0

Continental Europe 30 min Unlimited 30 min

EU 2016/631
Northern Europe 30 min Unlimited 30 min 5
Great Britain 20 s 90 min Unlimited 90 min 15 min

Ireland /
90 min Unlimited 90 min
Northern Ireland

Baltic States 30 min Unlimited 30 min

Frequency in Hz 45.0 47.0 49.5 50.0 50.5 52.0 57.0

Unlimited operation possible Unlimited Unlimited operation possible

Power frequency 50 Hz
Frequency for a limited Frequency for a limited
operating time (0.5 s to 90 min) operating time (0.5 s to 90 min)
IEC/TS 62786

Frequency in Hz 57.0 59.5 60.0 60.5 61.8

Unlimited operation possible Unlimited Unlimited operation possible

Power frequency 60 Hz
Frequency for a limited Frequency for a limited
operating time (0.5 s to 90 min) operating time (0.5 s to 90 min)
Tab. 4/3: F
 requency-dependent time stipulations for grid operation of power-generating plants according to EN 50549‑1 and ‑2,
2016/631/EU and IEC/TS 62786

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 45


2. For grid-critical states: b. Control modes for voltage control according to

a. Voltage support by means of reactive power EN 50549-1 and -2, out of which only one may be
provision 7) active exclusively:
→ see Fig. 4/7 - Mode of setting point for Q
(setpoint for reactive power output)
- Mode of setting point for cos φ
1 (setpoint for cos φ)
7) Voltagesupport can be requested from the DSO according to IEC/TS 62786 - Q(U) (reactive power output as a function of
or EN 50549-1 and -2. In 2016/631/EU, voltage support by means of
reactive power is only described for type B, C and D. In EN 50549-1 and -2, voltage)
the requirements for low or medium voltage at nominal voltage are - Q(P) (reactive power output as a function of
illustrated as a P/Q diagram respectively (active power as a function of active power); not possible for power-generating
reactive power), and, in case of deviations from this, as a power-voltage
diagram (ratio of voltage U to nominal voltage Un as a function of the ratio plants according to EN 50549-1
of reactive power Q to design active power P D). - cos φ (P) (power-related control of cos φ)

3 Required reactive power characteristics at nominal voltage Un

For generating plants type A and B at the medium-voltage grid (EN 50549-2)

P Default requirement
PD, standard Smax
Stringent requirement
PD, stringent

4 Design freedom area

Further requirement
in some countries

0.2 · PD, standard

0.2 · PD, stringent 0,1 · Smax Q / PD
-0.484 -0.33 0 0.33 0.484
Under-excited Stringent Over-excited

For generating plants type A and B at the low-voltage network (EN 50549-1)

P Requirement
Design freedom area
Further requirement

in some countries

0.1 · Smax Q / PD

-0.484 0 0.484
Under-excited Over-excited

Fig. 4/7: Reactive power behavior of power-generating plants for grid support according to EN 50549‑1 and ‑2

46 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept


c. Voltage-related active power reduction e. Frequency support by means of active power

→ At critical overvoltage, the speed of power response 8)
reduction may only be 33 % per second as a → see Fig. 4/8
maximum for a 100 % change

d. Permissible rate of change of frequency (ROCOF):

IEC/TS 62786: Agreement of individual
countries (note: 2.5 Hz/s is 8) The active power provision at underfrequency (LFSM-U) is not a “must”
requirement for power-generating plants according to EN 50549-1 and -2
requested in some (“must” applies to electric energy storages and, according to 2016/631/EU,
countries) only for power-generating plants of type C and type D. For power-gener­
ating plants type C and D, there can additionally be an agreement
EN 50549-1 and -2: At least 2 Hz/s for non- according to 2016/631/EU for the frequency-sensitive mode FSM for
synchronous generators ΔP / P ref between 1.5 % and 10 %). The requested changes in active power

at underfrequency/overfrequency are described by providing information
At least 1 Hz/s for on parameters such as delay, threshold frequency, droop/slope, dead
synchronous generators band of frequency, and relative active power range.

Required reactive power characteristics at active power PD

and deviations from the nominal voltage Un
For generating plants type A and B at the medium-voltage grid (EN 50549-2)

U / Un Range for I = Imax = constant with P < PD

Area is limited by the curve:
(1 / 0.95)2 - 1

Q / PD = ((U/Un +0.05) / 0.9)2 - 1 ·
(1 / 0.90)2 - 1 4
Q / PD
-0.33 0.33



Under-excited Over-excited

For generating plants type A and B at the low-voltage network (EN 50549-1)

U / Un Range for I = Imax = constant with P < PD

Area is limited by the curve:
Q / PD = (U/Un / 0.9)2 - 1
1.05 6
Q / PD
-0.484 0.412 0.484


0.90 Limit of minimum

requirement with
active factor = 0.9

Under-excited Over-excited

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 47


Active power increase at underfrequency (LFSM-U)

Change in active power ΔP/Pref

60 %

50 %

1 40 %

30 %
LFSM-U acc. to EN 50549-1 and -2 (red area):
Droop s: 2 % ≤ s ≤ 12 % 20 %
Threshold frequency f2: 49.5 Hz ≤ f2 ≤ 49.8 Hz
(Dotted red line: s = 5 %, f2 = 49.8 Hz,
10 % Frequency in Hz
corresponds to gradient g = -40 % per Hz for fN = 50 Hz)
50.2 50.6 51.0 51.4 51.8 52.2

2 48.2 48.6 49.0 49.4 49.8

-10 %
LFSM-O acc. to EN 50549-1 and -2 (blue area):
Droop s: 2 % ≤ s ≤ 12 %
-20 %
Threshold frequency f2: 50.2 Hz ≤ f2 ≤ 52.0 Hz
(Continuous blue line: s = 5 %, f2 = 50.2 Hz,
-30 % corresponds to gradient g = -40 % per Hz for fN = 50 Hz)
Droop s = - (Δf / fn) / (ΔP / Pref)
-40 %

Δf / fn = Per-unit change in frequency
-50 %
to the nominal frequency fn
ΔP / Pref = Per-unit change in power
-60 %
to the reference power Pref
Active power reduction at overfrequency (LSFM-O)

Fig. 4/8: Frequency-dependent active power response according to EN 50549‑1 and ‑2 ( - - - - LFSM-U; _ _ _ _ _ LFSM-O)

f. Dynamic grid support iii) Current reduction in converter connected
→ In case of failures and step changes in voltage power generating plants
(typically caused by short circuits), the unwanted As an additional requirement at critical voltage,
disconnection of the power-generating plant and a converter connected power-
potential grid instability resulting from this are to be generating plants must be able to reduce their
avoided: current as quickly as technically possible to 10 %
5 i) Voltage-time profiles in case of failures of rated current (or below) (see EN 50549-1
FRT capability (to maintain a stable operation and -2).
with design-conforming failures) → see Fig. 4/9
[4.4] provides an overview of all the differences among
ii) Reactive current infeed
European countries when it comes to the implementa­
In case of short-term step changes in voltage, a
tion of the RfG network code. Especially in Europe, the
dynamic reactive current provision has to occur
topic of grid connection of embedded generating plants
beyond the previously described voltage support.
6 For power-generating plants in the low-voltage
is highly dynamic, so that short-term changes must be
distribution network, this is generally not
required, but it can be agreed on. Synchronous
generators offer sufficient support by system
design. Normative requirements for non-
synchronous power-generating plants are
described in EN 50549-2. The additional reactive
7 current is to be supplied at least up to the level of
the rated current. However, no electricity infeed
is required at U < 0.15 · Uc (declared supply
voltage Uc)

48 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept


U / Un
OVRT for (0 ; 0.125) (0.1 ; 1.25)
power-generating plants: 1.2
(5 ; 1.2) (60 ; 1.15)
(0.1 ; 1.2)
(5 ; 1.15)
(60 ; 1.1)
Overvoltage-time limiting curve (0 ; 1.0)

for grid connection in case of fault 0.8

EN 50549-1 and EN 50549-2 0.6 1



0 0.5 4.5 5 5.5 59.5 60 60.5 Time in s
Default requirement

UVRT for synchronous

U / Un
power-generating plants:
(0 ; 1.0)
1.0 (180 ; 0.9)
(1.5 ; 0.85)
Undervoltage-time limiting curve 0.8
(0.15 ; 0.7)
(180 ; 0.85)
for grid connection in case of fault (0.7 ; 0.7)
EN 50549-1 and EN 50549-2 (0.25 ; 0.7)
EN 50549-1
(0 ; 0.3)
(0.15 ; 0.3)
EN 50549-2 0.2
(0 ; 0.05) (0.25 ; 0.05)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 180 Time in s
Default requirement
Stringent requirement

U / Un
UVRT for non-synchronous
power-generating plants:
(0 ; 1.0)
1.0 (180 ; 0.9)
(1.5 ; 0.85) (2 ; 0.85) (3 ; 0.85)
Undervoltage-time limiting curve 0.8 (180 ; 0.85)
for grid connection in case of fault
EN 50549-1 and EN 50549-2
EN 50549-1 (0.2 ; 0.15)
EN 50549-2 0.2
(0 ; 0.15)

(0 ; 0.05) (0.25 ; 0.05)
0 (0.2 ; 0.05)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 180 Time in s
Default requirement
Stringent requirement

 oltage-time characteristics according to EN 50549‑1 and ‑2 * (also called FRT characteristics) for describing the voltage
Fig. 4/9: V
behavior in case of fault

* Remark: 2016/631/EU and EN 50549‑1 and ‑2 do not fully coincide. For example, the behavior in case of underfrequency (UVRT in Fig. 4/9) is only
required in 2016/631/EU for types B, C and D. EN 50549‑1 and ‑2 recommend this for type A as well. The same is true for the reactive power provision
for voltage support. In EN 50549‑1 and ‑2, LFSM-U (Fig. 4/8) is also proposed for type A and type B.

This also becomes evident when it comes to electromag­ In EN 50549-1 and -2, the conformity with the relevant
netic compatibility (EMC). According to IEC/TS 62786, requirements of the Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/53/EU
power-generating plants must comply with the basic as well as with the requirements of EN 50160 on power
requirements of the standard series IEC 61000. quality are determined. With respect to power quality,
EN 50549-1 and -2 point out how the latest IEC 61000 IEC/TS 62786 and EN 50549-1 and -2 agree that local 7
series is oriented towards consumers. The standard requirements must be taken into account. They also
series IEC 61000 is currently being revised and, if agree that power-generating plants must not feed any
required, adjusted to include power-generating plants. direct currents into the grid.

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 49


4.3.3 Interface Protection The protection measures for the IPR, listed in Tab. 4/4,
can be derived from the requirements for voltage and
Switching and protection equipment may be used to frequency protection (according to EN 50549-1 and -2).
ensure that the requirements on power-generating plant
operation are met, as illustrated schematically in Fig. 4/10.
The interface protection relay (IPR) acts on the interface
1 switch. The IPR responds to 4.4 M
 edium-Voltage Switchgear
• Faults in the distribution grid and Low-Voltage Load Centers
• Unintentional islanding
• Voltage and frequency conditions outside of the set at Process Level
limit values.
The terms “load centers” and “switchgear” make it clear
On the DSO’s request, the IPR may act on another that, next to the energy- and power-specific criteria of
2 switching device with an adequate delay in case the
interface switch fails. In the same way, the DSO can
the loads, especially the spatial framework conditions of
the industrial plant must be taken into account during
request a UPS for the interface protection to ensure a concept finding for the electric power supply. In a first
delay or to deal with UVRT behavior. step, it must be clarified – based on the existing tech­
nical data and the installation or arrangement of loads
The interface protection system (IPS) must be an and consumers – which voltage levels should be prefer­
­independent facility which is not integrated in the ably provided. Generally, it is frequently more cost-­
generating units. Exceptions are converter connected efficient to install and operate only few voltage levels.
3 power-generating plants according to IEC/TS 62786,
and so-called micro-generating plants according to Apart from the supply voltage of 230/400 V for typical
EN 50549-1 (low-voltage connection and maximum low-voltage consumers – such as lighting, information
rated current of 16 A of the power-generating plant; and communication technology, safety and automation
above that, the DSO is permitted to determine a applications, as well as smaller drives – larger motorized
threshold value), in which an interface protection and a loads of more than 250 kW should be connected to a
measuring point can be integrated in the generating medium-voltage distribution of 10 kV.
4 units of the power‑generating plant.

Distribution grid
Producer’s network
Point of connection

5 Main switch

Interface protection relay

non-island operation Interface switch

Producer’s Generating unit switch
island operation

Power-generating unit

7 Fig. 4/10: S
 chematic example for the connection of a power-generating plant to a distribution grid based on IEC/TS 62786 or
EN 50549‑1 and ‑2

50 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept


Setting ranges
Protection function EU standard ANSI code Threshold Pickup
value range time range
Undervoltage protection EN 50549-1/-2 27 < 0.2 Uc ≤ U ≤ 1.0 Uc 0.1 up to 100 s
27 << 0.2 Uc ≤ U ≤ 1.0 Uc 0.1 up to 5 s
Overvoltage protection EN 50549-1/-2 59 > 1.0 Uc ≤ U ≤ 1.2 Uc 0.1 up to 100 s 1
59 >> 1.0 Uc ≤ U ≤ 1.3 Uc 0.1 up to 5 s
10-minute mean value for overvoltage protection EN 50549-1/-2 1.0 Uc ≤ U ≤ 1.15 Uc

Underfrequency protection EN 50549-1/-2 81 < 47 Hz to 50 Hz 0.1 up to 100 s

81 << 47 Hz to 50 Hz 0.1 up to 5 s
Overfrequency protection EN 50549-1/-2 81 > 50 Hz to 52 Hz 0.1 up to 100 s
81 >> 50 Hz to 52 Hz 0.1 up to 5 s
Positive phase-sequence undervoltage protection EN 50549-2 27D 0.2 Uc ≤ U ≤ 1.0 Uc 0.2 up to 100 s
Negative phase-sequence overvoltage protection EN 50549-2 47 0.01 Uc ≤ U ≤ 1.0 Uc 0.2 up to 100 s
Zero-sequence overvoltage protection EN 50549-2 59N 0.01 Uc ≤ U ≤ 1.0 Uc 0.2 up to 100 s

Tab. 4/4: Protection settings for the interface protection according to EN 50549‑1 and ‑2

The short-circuit currents of large motors must be s­ ubstations and loads. Further boundary conditions
observed, which additionally stress the infrastructure of that are important for the structural concept of the load
electric power distribution in case of short circuit. The center are not taken into account.
higher the operating voltage, the lower the short-circuit
current at equal short-circuit power. The short-circuit The load center determination is an iterative process for
current at 6 kV, for example, is 67 % higher than at
10 kV. Further advantages of a higher voltage are:
which numerous detailed pieces of information should
be available and adjustments should additionally be
• Reduction of cable cross-sections possible, such as for example shifting the consumers,
(cost-efficiency of the switchgear) and thus the load center. To create a first concept draft
• Lower network losses for the supply of the load centers for low-voltage con­
• Advantages in terms of protection technology by sumers, it is sufficient to consider the voltage drop in
extending the grading time ranges 9). the low-voltage system and the line lengths associated
with it, as well as the requirements for the short-circuit
4.4.1 Low-Voltage Load Centers power on the low-voltage side. 5
The advantages of a distributed low-voltage supply of L ine lengths and voltage drop
load centers regarding short-circuit currents and voltage When dimensioning cables and lines in the low-
drop as compared with a centralized supply are illus­ voltage network, the permissible current-carrying
trated qualitatively in [1.1]. The standard IEC 60364-8-1 capacity in dependency of the installation conditions
basically only describes in a qualitative way that the is decisive for determining the cross-section. For the
number of load center substations depends on criteria
such as the load distribution and the associated area
cross-section determined in this way, the result is a
line length of 100 m as a maximum in order to keep
in the building. The background of the load center deter­ the voltage drop less or equal to 2 % [1.2].
mination described in IEC 60364-8-1 is a reduction of
losses by minimizing distances between transformer This can be verified by means of two simple
a) When checking with SIMARIS design, a
100 m connection cable is dimensioned for
9) Lowershort-circuit currents cause a lower thermal stress for the a low-voltage motor with a maximum power 7
operational equipment (let-through energy I2t and dynamic peak of 250 kW. With cos φ = 0.9 and an efficiency
short-circuit current ip). For this reason, longer disconnection times are
permissible which, in turn, positively influence the possible grading levels of 0.95, the result is a maximum current of
of the definite time-overcurrent protection. about 422 A. In case of installation type C,

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 51


this means a cable cross-section of 300 mm2 for Short-circuit power and voltage stability
a PVC-insulated copper cable, and the voltage Voltage dips behave inversely proportional to the
drop remains below 2 %. short-circuit power at the point of connection or
b) Estimation according to equation 63 in common coupling. Commonly, the devices become
DIN VDE 0100 Supplement 5: more expensive if a higher short-circuit power is
requested. Furthermore, in case of fault, the
1 lperm = lstand ⋅ Un / IB ⋅ Δu severity and the extent of damage can increase
with: lperm = permissible line length due to the higher currents. The relative impedance
lstand = s tandardized value for the voltage ukr of the transformers is crucial for this.
permissible line length according The following key issues should be considered
to DIN VDE 0100 Supplement 5; when designing the load centers:
the unit of lstand is (m ⋅ A)/(V ⋅ %) – For a cost-effective design, the initial symmetrical
Un = nominal voltage short-circuit current capacity of a load center’s
2 IB = maximum operational current transformers S k“ (transformer) should be less
than approx. 45 MVA (I k“ = 66 kA) at 400 V.
Δu = percentage for voltage drop
ukr = Σ S rT / S k“ (transformer) gives the following
Example: Un = 400 V; IB = 422 A; multi-core maximum total rated power of the transformers
cable 300 mm2 for an individual substation in the load center,
depending on ukr:
→ stipulation: line l = 100 m
lstand = 53.9 m (according to DIN VDE 0100
Σ SrT (ukr = 4 %) ≤ 1.8 MVA
3 Supplement 5 for PVC copper multi-core cables Σ SrT (ukr = 6 %) ≤ 2.7 MVA
of 300 mm2, results in:
– A higher total short-circuit power of the
Δu = lperm / lstand ⋅ IB / Un = 100 m / 53.9 m ⋅
transformers from about 60 MVA to 90 MVA
422 / 400 = 1.96 %)
(corresponds to I k“ from 85 kA to 130 kA)
For placing one or more load centers, the mitigates the voltage dips which are caused, for
distance must not be assumed as a line length example, by the direct-on-line start of large
of 100 m. The line routing in the room must motors. For the range from 60 MVA to 90 MVA
4 rather be taken into account, with rectangular with ukr equaling 4 % and 6 %, the respective
layouts and bypassing of obstacles. range of the total transformer power for an
individual substation in the load center results as
2.4 MVA ≤ Σ S rT (ukr = 4 %) ≤ 3.6 MVA
3.6 MVA ≤ Σ S rT (ukr = 6 %) ≤ 5.4 MVA
Requested short-circuit withstand
strength I k“ of the switching and 55 kA 66 kA 85 kA 100 kA 130 kA
protection devices

S k“ = √3 · 400 V · I k“

Corresponding short-circuit withstand

38 MVA 45 MVA 60 MVA 70 MVA 90 MVA
strength S k“ of the transformers

6 S max(transformer) = S k“ · u kr

1 busbar / substation 1.5 MVA 1.8 MVA 2.4 MVA 2.8 MVA 3.6 MVA
Maximum total power
S max (transformer) for transformers 2 busbars / substations 3.0 MVA 3.6 MVA 4.8 MVA 5.6 MVA 7.2 MVA
with u kr = 4 %
3 busbars / substations 4.5 MVA 5.4 MVA 7.2 MVA 8.4 MVA 10.8 MVA

1 busbar / substation 2.3 MVA 2.7 MVA 3.6 MVA 4.2 MVA 5.4 MVA
Maximum total power

S max (transformer) for transformers 2 busbars / substations 4.6 MVA 5.4 MVA 7.2 MVA 8.4 MVA 10.8 MVA
with u kr = 6 %
3 busbars / substations 6.9 MVA 8.1 MVA 10.8 MVA 12.6 MVA 16.2 MVA

Tab. 4/5: M
 aximum total power of transformers depending on the requirements for the short-circuit behavior and the number
of load centers (number of substations or connection busbars)

52 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept


At a total power in the load center of more than It becomes evident that the calculated values of
2.7 MVA or 5.4 MVA, the power is distributed to the maximum total power of the transformers
several substations (or separate connection reflect the simple dependency on the number of
­busbars). load centers (substations or connection busbars)
as well as on the impedance voltage ukr of the
As an overview for the different short-circuit ­transformers. Additionally, Fig. 4/11 illustrates the
withstand strengths of the switching and protection correlations between the short-circuit withstand 1
devices and the associated short-circuit power of strength of the operational equipment and the
the transformers, a table (Tab. 4/5) can be created. transformers at a connection busbar.

Apparent power Maximum permissible short-circuit current of the switchboards and devices
of transformer /
55 kA 66 kA 85 kA 100 kA 130 kA

2,500 kVA /

2,000 kVA /

1,600 kVA /

1,250 kVA /
1,000 kVA /

800 kVA /

630 kVA / 5

630 kVA /

500 kVA /

400 kVA /

Parallel operation of 2, 3 or 4 transformers, commonly used

Parallel operation of 5 or 6 transformers, not very often in use

Parallel operation of more than 6 transformers, only under special conditions 7

Fig. 4/11: O
 verview of short-circuit requirements on low-voltage switchboards and devices depending on
different transformer configurations

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 53

iii) M
 aximum output of the individual transformers
It is required that the relative voltage drop Δu of the
in the load center
supply line between the load center(s) and the motors
If switch-disconnectors with HV HRC fuses are
remains below 2 %. As described in item i), this can be
preferred as transformer protection on the medium-
achieved if the line length is shorter than 100 m. For
voltage side (advantages being the limitation of
using the HV HRC fuses according to the above item iii),
short-circuit current and short-circuit duration in
a power of 1,000 kVA or 1,250 kVA per transformer is
1 case of fault), a maximum transformer rating is
selected for the medium-voltage supply with 20 kV.
recommended as follows:
This way, the total power of the minimum four or three
800 kVA at 10 kV transformers required is higher than 3.5 MVA, in line
with the total power of the motors. The two selected
1,250 kVA at 20 kV
concepts are:
By using HV HRC fuses for transformer protection,
smaller cable cross-sections for the transformer 1. One load center substation:
2 feeders result in the event of short circuit thanks to In order to comply with the 100 m line length, the
load center substation must be installed centrally.
the lower let-through energy (lower I2t values)
(advantages compared with circuit-breakers: Two versions can be selected here. On the one hand,
limitation of let-through current as well as faster all transformers – with 4 times 1,000 kVA or 3 times
fault clearance). If, however, a selective fault 1,250 kVA – are connected to a common busbar.
­clearance is requested between the HV HRC fuse In this case, operational equipment with a short-­
(on the medium-voltage side) and the transformer circuit withstand strength of I k“ = 100 kA (4 times
1,000 kVA) or I k“ = 85 kA (3 times 1,250 kVA) are
3 circuit-breaker (on the low-voltage side), the fuse-
link must be analyzed more closely, as the HV HRC to be used according to Tab. 4/5 and Fig. 4/11
fuses typically are not fully selective with the (Fig. 4/12 illustration a). For a low short-circuit
transformer circuit-breaker on the low-voltage side. withstand strength of I k“ = 55 kA, not all transformers
are operated in parallel: For the 1,000 kVA
The procedure for concept finding with the help of table transformers, it is two that are operated at two
Tab. 4/5 is explained by means of an example (Fig. 4/12). busbars each, or one transformer each at three
In this process it is demonstrated that different concepts busbars for the 1,250 kVA transformers (Fig. 4/12
4 can be created for one or multiple load centers depending
on the requirements. The following is stipulated:
illustration b).
2. Two load center substations:
• A service room with a floor area of 100 m x 100 m If a central installation is not possible for spatial
• In this room, 12 low-voltage motors of 250 kW power reasons and the transformers shall be installed close
each are almost evenly distributed (with active power to the wall, the solution involving the four 1,000 kVA
factor cos φ = 0.9 and efficiency η = 0.95, the result transformers is appropriate, as at least two separate
is a total apparent power of about 3.5 MVA) load centers must be established (Fig. 4/12 illustration c).
5 • The motors should be supplied via one or multiple
load substations with transformers (primary voltage
Depending on the requirements, the short-circuit
withstand strength of the operational equipment can
Uprim = 20 kV / secondary voltage Usec = 0.4 kV). then be selected with I k“ = 55 kA or more. The line
length of 100 m is also accomplished in case of corner

54 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept


a) Centralized installation with high short-circuit power on a common busbar

with with
4 × 1,000 kVA transformers 3 × 1,250 kVA transformers

50 m 50 m 50 m 50 m

50 m 50 m 50 m 50 m

50 m 50 m 50 m 50 m

50 m 50 m 50 m 50 m

b) Centralized installation with low short-circuit power on separate busbars

2 busbars with 3 busbars with

2 × 1,000 kVA transformers each 1 × 1,250 kVA transformers each

50 m 50 m 50 m 50 m 3
50 m 50 m 50 m 50 m

50 m 50 m 50 m 50 m

50 m 50 m 50 m 50 m

c) Installation at the sides of the room (or corners), with lower short-circuit power

Via 2 spatially separated load substations with

2 × 1,000 kVA transformers each

100 m 5

100 m 100 m

100 m

Fig. 4/12: Placement of load centers depending on the low-voltage cable length and the installation options

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 55


4.4.2 Medium-Voltage Switchgear direct-on-line starts can amount up to 5 to 7 times the

rated value, and can therefore be the cause for critical
In case of larger motorized loads (commonly above 250 kW), voltage dips in the higher-level distribution grid. It must
it is reasonable to connect to a medium-voltage level. be checked whether the starting currents can cause a
As opposed to electric power distribution for low-voltage voltage drop of more than 10 % [1.2].
loads, the line length is negligible in medium-voltage
1 distribution systems when considering the voltage drop. For a simple verification, the short-circuit power pro­
For the connection of 10 kV motors to a medium-voltage vided by the transformer is compared with the power
switchgear, for example, the line length (with the same required at motor start.
conductor cross-section) can be 25 times longer than in
the low-voltage network – with all assumptions previ­ Transformer short-circuit power:
ously made for the voltage drop, this means 2.5 km. “ = S rT · 100 / ukr
S kT

2 Typical loads which should be directly connected to the

medium-voltage distribution system are large-scale
Motor starting power:
S sM = S rM · (IsM / IrM)
three-phase asynchronous motors. During connection,
the voltage drop caused by the start of the motors must Voltage drop:
be taken into account. The arising starting currents in “
Δu = S sM / S kT

3 Single-line diagram: Impedances for voltage drop estimation:

Supply grid 110 kV

Transformer Usec22 · ukr

SrT = 80 MVA ZTrafo =
Uprim2 / Usec2 = 110/20 kV

ukr2 = 11 % ZTrafo(80 MVA) = (20 KV)2 · 0.125 / 80 MVA =
= 0.625 Ω
Medium-voltage distribution 20 kV

Transformer Transformer Usec12 · ukr

ZTrafo =
SrT = 5 MVA SrT = 5 MVA SrT
Uprim1 / Usec1 = 20/10 kV Uprim1 / Usec1 = 20/10 kV
ukr1 = 7 % ukr1 = 7 % ZTrafo(5 MVA) = (10 KV)2 · 0.07 / 5 MVA =
= 1.4 Ω
Motor distribution 10 kV
5 Block motor
SrM = 4 MVA M M M M M
Group of motors (4 nos.)
SrM = 1 MVA
ZMotor =
SrM · IsM / IrM
IsM / IrM = 6 IsM / IrM = 6 ZMotor(1 MVA) = (10 KV)2 / (1 MVA · 6) =
Time-graded motor start = 16.7 Ω
Δu = 3 · Ik · ZTrafo
ZMotor(4 MVA) = (10 KV)2 / (4 MVA · 6) =
= 4,17 Ω

Voltage drop at motor terminals: Voltage drop in the medium-voltage distribution 20 kV:

6 IrM =
3 · Usec1 Ik = Is 20 kV = IsM ·
and therefore resulting in
SrM Usec1
Ik = IsM = (IsM / IrM) · ΔuTr = 3 · IsM · · ZTrafo(80 MVA) =
3 · Usec1 Uprim1
resulting in SrM
SrM = (IsM / IrM) · · ZTrafo(80 MVA)
ΔuM = (IsM / IrM) · · ZTrafo(5 MVA) Uprim1

7 ΔuM (4 MVA) = 6 · 4 MVA / 10 kV · 1.4 Ω = 3.36 kV = 33.6 % ΔuTr (4 MVA) = 6 · 4 MVA / 20 kV · 0.625 Ω = 750 V = 3.75 %
ΔuM (1 MVA) = 6 · 1 MVA / 10 kV · 1.4 Ω = 0.84 kV = 8.4 % ΔuTr (1 MVA) = 6 · 1 MVA / 20 kV · 0.625 Ω = 187.5 V = 0.94 %

Fig. 4/13: Comparison of a staging motor start with the direct-on-line start of a large medium-voltage motor

56 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept

With (Uprim1 = 20 kV) remains below 5 %, so that the effects

S kT Transformer initial short-circuit power on the power quality and thus on other consumers stay
S rT Transformer rated apparent power within acceptable limits.
ukr Transformer impedance voltage in percent It must also be observed that the voltage drop at the
S sM Short-circuit power contribution due to motor start motor does not become too high, as the torque of an
asynchronous motor is square dependent on the voltage.
S rM Motor rated apparent power
IsM / IrM Ratio of starting current to rated current of This, in turn, leads to an extension of the starting time 1
motor (Fig. 4/14). For the starting duration t s, the following
applies approximately:
The more precise determination of the voltage drop via
impedances is described in IEC 60909-0. In Fig. 4/13, it is Starting duration t s = J · n / (9.55 · Macc)
shown based on a simple example how a time-graded with
motor start (also called “staging” start) of multiple J Total moment of inertia which must be
smaller asynchronous motors affects the voltage drop
compared with a direct-on-line start of a large motor
accelerated (in kgm2) 2
n Operating speed (in revolutions
(cable impedances are disregarded so that a maximum
per minute: rpm)
feedback is assumed). For both cases in Fig. 4/13, the
Macc Acceleration torque (in Nm),
voltage drop in the medium-voltage distribution grid

1.2 3
Motor voltage / Rated voltage

1.0 U = Ur
U1 ≈ 0.75 ⋅ Ur

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Speed / Rated speed


2.0 5
Motor torque / Rated torque



0 5 10 15 20 25
Time in s

Fig. 4/14: Example for the extension of the motor starting time by means of a voltage reduction 7

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 57


Torque M Power P over

over speed n speed n

Winding motor, M P
spinning machines,
facing lathe M ~ 1/n
P ~ const.

n n

Conveyor belts, M P
cranes, elevators, P~n
rolling mills, M ~ const.
planing machines

2 n n

Eddy current brakes, M P

calenders, printing M~n P ~ n2
machines, smoothening,

3 Fans, centrifuges,
n n

centrifugal pumps
M ~ n2

P ~ n3
n n
Power at the shaft P = Torque M · Speed n / 9,550
Fig. 4/15: Starting behavior of different motor applications

with the acceleration torque itself being square depen­ switching on and off as well as regulating individual
dent on the voltage. Overall, the acceleration moment motors.
which is important for motor ramp-up must be suffi­
cient to accelerate the drive to rated speed in the time Regarding feedback in the higher-level medium-voltage
5 permissible for the starting type. Under certain circum­ grid, the impedances of the network components as well
stances, the requirements might also increase regarding as the starting currents of the relevant drives are deci­
the stress of the operational equipment in the electric sive, as shown in Fig. 4/13. The voltage dip at the rele­
distribution network, such as for example in the design vant point in the network can be determined from this.
of feeders with contactor-fuse combinations. The technical possibilities of limiting an excessively high
voltage drop at motor start (as in the example of
Furthermore, the starting time depends on the starting Fig. 4/13) are shown in the next section.
6 class and the mode of operation (see [1.1]). The different
starting characteristics of the motor applications also Note: When smaller motors are connected to the low-
play a role (Fig. 4/15) in selecting the motor starter voltage network, many power suppliers only permit
(see Chapter 4.5). direct-on-line start, meaning that, as a general rule,
different starting types must be selected in order not to
For a staging operation of several motors, suitable stress the upstream and the feeding grid excessively
SINAMICS frequency converters can be used (Fig. 4/16). (Chapter 4.5). In most cases, when using larger medium-
Pumps and compressors are typical applications for voltage motors, it is advisable for both the user and the
7 which the pressure or flow rate must be variable. planner to coordinate with the power supply ­company.
Above all, efficiency advantages and operating time
­optimizations of the motors can be achieved by

58 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept


converters as variable frequency drives offer the great

advantage of a flexible motor control with optimum use
of torque across the entire operating range of the motor.

Furthermore, a design advantage of converters without

energy recovery (so-called “2-quadrant converters”;
under certain circumstances, the network feedbacks of 1
diode rectifiers are to be observed and filters to be
installed) is that they do not contribute to the short-­
circuit current. In converters with energy recovery
SINAMICS converter
(so-called “4-quadrant converters”; use of transistors for
input and output switching operations), the current
limitation can also intervene to limit the short-circuit
current. However, it must be observed to protect the
converter electronics (see Fig. 4/17). When using fre­
quency converters, the technical requirements for the
connected motors (pulse-width modulated output
voltage with high-frequency harmonics) must absolutely
be observed, such as for example for the shaft fan, the
winding, and the bearing insulation.


As frequency converters have only low but continuous 3
losses during operation (for many drive systems con­
sisting of motor and frequency converter, a range of
ratings between 40 and 70 percent of the rated power is
Fig. 4/16: M
 otor staging for graded start and regulated operation
by means of control via a frequency converter efficient), it should be considered in the planning that
a base load is operated without frequency converters.

Other important assessment criteria for the selection of

a suitable motor starter are:
4.5 Influences on Motor Starting • Breakaway and starting torque for the application
• Mechanical stresses and wear for movable drive
About two thirds of electrical industrial consumers are ­components (bearings, axes, shafts, gears, worms,
three-phase asynchronous motors. Generally, a starter belts, wheels, chains, etc.)
combination consisting of a switching and protection • Switching frequency in operation
device is used as a motor feeder in electric power distri­ • Problems with abrupt starting and stopping, such as
bution. According to the requirements of the motor for example water hammer in pipes 5
application and the electrical network, a starting method • Sensitivity regarding network feedbacks, like the
(Fig. 4/17) is selected: voltage dip due to a high starting current
• Direct-on-line start • Operational and/or efficiency-enhancing speed control
• Star-delta combination 10) • Short-circuit withstand strength of components.
• Soft starter
• Frequency converter. In Tab. 4/6 (see also [4.5]), the main features of the four

Important device standards are, for example,

starter types (specifications for low-voltage application)
are listed.
IEC 60947‑4‑1 and ‑2 for low voltage, as well as the
standard series IEC 62271 for medium voltage (e.g.
IEC 62271‑100, IEC 62271‑106, IEC 62271‑110 and the
basic standard IEC 62271‑1). According to the standard
series IEC 61800 as well as IEC/TS 60034‑25, frequency

10) Other
“classical” starting methods are auto-transformer starters and block
transformers as well as the use of reactors

Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept 59


Direct-on-line starter Star-delta starter Soft starter Frequency converter

Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Switch-disconnector Circuit-breaker

with fuses

e.g. 3 × 3NE

Contactor Contactors e. g.
e.g. SIRIUS 3RT 3 x SIRIUS 3RT Cable / line
Electronic overload relay Motor management Soft starter
e.g. SIRIUS 3RB system e.g. SIRIUS 3RW
e.g. SIMOCODE pro 3UF
Cable / line Cable / line Cable / line
with fuses
e.g. 3 × 3NE

2 M
Motor 3-pole
Motor 3-pole
Motor 3-pole
Frequency converter
e.g. SINAMICS G120

Cable / line

Motor 3-pole
M e.g. SIMOTICS VSD10 Line

3 Fig. 4/17: Switching and protection systems of the different motor starting methods

Direct-on-line / Star-delta Soft starter Frequency

reversing start combination converter
Speed control No No Limited Yes

4 Starting current 5 to 7 times In 2 to 2.5 times In 1 to 3 times In Approx. In (motor

Typical range of ratings Up to 4 kW 4 kW up to approx. From 4 kW Universal use
250 kW
Reduction of current peaks No Yes Yes Yes
Starting moment / ramp-up Maximum torque Low starting moment; Continuous increase of Full motor moment in
problematic for some torque without the entire speed range
applications impulses
5 Start / stop Abrupt Small jerk while Smooth start and Optimum adjustment
switching over during partially also stop
start (star → delta);
abrupt stop
Space requirements Low High Medium High
Mechanical stress of the High Medium Low Low

6 Device wear Mechanical wear in the

Present Low Not present

Communication capability Optional Optional Optional Optional

Safety functions Integrated optionally Additional hardware Optional Integrated optionally
Investment costs Low Medium Medium High
Thyristor losses during Transistor losses,
Power loss Low Low start, and possibly partially energy
7 during braking recovery capability

Tab. 4/6: Features of typical low-voltage starters

60 Totally Integrated Power – Creation of a Planning Concept

Chapter 5
Concept Finding for the
Electric Power Distribution
of a Beverage Filling Plant
5.1 Description of the Beverage ­
Filling Plant 62
5.2 Power Demand Estimation
for the Plant 65
5.3 Connection to the Supply Grid 67
5.4 Definition of the Load Centers 67
5.5 Placing of the Load Center Substations
by the E­ xample of LC 4 69
5.6 Medium-Voltage Network Protection 70
5.7 Connection of the Photovoltaic Plant 70
5.8 Low-Voltage Distribution Boards
for the Load Centers 78
5 C
 oncept Finding for the Electric Power
Contents Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

To illustrate the basic considerations of Chapter 4, the For filling, the glass bottles must be previously cleaned
two following chapters describe examples for the con­ and checked for damages. Cans must also be checked for
cept finding of an electric power distribution of indus­ manufacturing residues before filling. In disposable
trial production plants. This chapter focuses on the systems, the PET bottles are delivered as blanks and
1 low-voltage distribution for a beverage filling plant, and blown to the required size under heat and pressure in
Chapter 6 on the medium-voltage distribution of a the blow molder. This process is called stretch blow
chemical plant. For the beverage filling plant, a photo­ molding.
voltaic plant is intended to be used for power supply.
After that, all lines direct to the next process step for
filling with the exact amount of liquid depending on the
size of the bottle or can. Carbonic acid is added in the
2 5.1 D escription of the Beverage filling process. Then, the bottles are closed with a top,
or the cans with a lid. The filled bottles go through a
­Filling Plant
testing machine again which shall ensure that no foreign
The beverage filling plant for soft drinks described in objects are enclosed in the product.
here is a new construction. Soft drinks are usually made
from a syrup based on sugar, which is processed in the At the end of the actual filling plant, the bottles or cans
mixing plant together with treated water and additives. are transported to the labeling machine to get their
Before filling, carbonic acid may be added. In the labels. The packaging machines follow, which either
3 sample plant, separate lines are used for filling glass place the cans in cardboard boxes or the bottles in
bottles (content 0.3 l), PET bottles (content 0.5 l), and boxes, or, as in the case of the PET bottles, just provide
cans (content 0.33 l) (Fig. 5/1). Some initial information a plastic wrap including tape handle. Subsequently, the
for the plant is given in Tab. 5/1. To reduce energy costs ready and packaged products are stacked on pallets and
and improve the ecological footprint of the plant, photo­ transported to the warehouse or depot, or they are
voltaic modules are installed on the roof of the plant, directly loaded for transport.
which shall feed a power of about 3 MVA into the network
4 (see Chapter 5.7). Island operation without grid supply
is not intended.

Production information Plant information

5 days a week
Production period Building floor area 19,600 m2
around the clock

Annual production period 48 weeks a year Extension area 9,800 m2

Plant operating time 15 years Throughput of PET bottles 50,000 nos. per hour

1.9 liters of water for

Use of water Throughput of glass bottles 50,000 nos. per hour
1 liter of soft drink

Annual water consumption 526 million liters Throughput of cans 50,000 nos. per hour

6 Annual soft drink production 277 million liters PV plant infeed 3.0 MVA

Tab. 5/1: Basic data of the beverage filling plant

62 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

Crystal sugar Liquid sugar 1

sugar silo Dissolved sugar Filter





Gravel filter Additives



Batch mixing plant
Buffer tanks mixing plant


Water storage


Fig. 5/1: Process scheme for a beverage filling plant

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 63

Sugar treatment
Water treatment

Concentrate & mixing

Chemicals Boiler Boilers Blow

molder Washer
Maintenance / Refrigerators
Filling Filling Filling
technical equipment machine machine machine
Refrig Refrig
Extension Capper Crown
refrigerators Refrig Refrig
Test Test Test
Low-pressure machine machine machine
Extension Labeler Labeler
140 m

compressors comp comp Shrink Packer: Shrink

2 High-pressure



230 m

HP HP Line 1 Line 2 Line 3

Laboratory comp comp PET 0.5 l Glass 0.3 l Can 0.33 l
HP HP 50,000 50,000 50,000
comp comp bottles / h bottles / h cans / h

rooms Depot

140 m 70 m

300 m

Fig. 5/2: S
 implified plan view of the building for the sample plant (the optional extension by three filling lines is marked with
dotted lines)

To illustrate a planned, future extension with three new For starting operations with three filling lines, a building
filling lines, the additional space is shown in dotted lines floor area of 140 by 140 meters is taken as a basis. To
on the floor area (Fig. 5/2). Furthermore, the floor area add three new filling lines, the building section has to
strongly depends on the requested storage capacities on be expanded by 70 meters (light blue area in Fig. 5/2).
the grounds. The degree of automation and the condi­ When the filling plant is extended, the photovoltaic plant
tions for charging the electrical forklifts and conveyors shall also be upgraded from 3 MVA to 4.5 MVA.
6 also play an important part. The information in Fig. 5/2
is therefore only to be considered as a rough assumption
for the total area (dotted limiting line).

64 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

5.2 P
 ower Demand Estimation If the area utilization is examined in more detail, the
for the Plant power demand (with a simultaneity factor of 0.8) for the
extension with 3 filling lines at the beginning of produc­
When a plant is planned, the information status on the tion is reduced to an approximate value between 5.9 MW
boundary conditions will constantly change. For example, and 9.8 MW 1). For the complete plant with 6 filling lines,
a rough estimation based on a simple area consideration the calculated power ranges between 10.2 MW and
can be done first. In the course of project development, 17 MW 2). 1
a load list will be available in most cases.

5.2.2 P
 ower Demand Determination with
5.2.1 A
 rea-Dependent Power Demand Load List
With the plan view and the area distribution for the
Normally, the load lists are provided along with the
definitions of the spatial divisions and the production
plant, the power demand can be estimated based on the requirements. They will anyway be required later on
information given in [1.1]. When estimating with 600 to during dimensioning with the planning tool SIMARIS
1,000 W/m2 for the food and beverage industry, two design. In the load overview Fig. 5/3, only some special
items should be taken into account: consumers are shown in the individual rooms – without
lighting and socket outlets, for example – or summarized
1. For office buildings, dispatch areas, laboratories, as consumer groups.
chemical production processes (hereafter called 3
“chemicals”), and maintenance, considerably lower Based on the load lists stipulated by the customer and on
values are assumed according to [1.1]. the summary of all consumers, a total load of about
2. For compressors, cooling devices and boilers, the 7.2 MVA or 12.8 MVA results in the final state. All loads
areas required for the extension are planned right can be supplied via low-voltage connections.
from the beginning. This means that the extension
areas have to be left free.

Without considering these two items, the resulting

power demand for a building area of 19,600 m2 with 600
up to 1,000 W/m2 and a simultaneity factor of 0.8 would
range between 9 MW and 16 MW. If the extension with
an area of 9,800 m2 is included, the resulting total power
demand would range between 13.5 MW and 24 MW.

1) According to the information given in [1.1], the following is assumed at
the beginning of production:
- Office buildings approx. 2,300 m2 → 20 to 40 W/m2
- Laboratory and chemicals approx. 1,300 m2 → 100 to 200 W/m2
- Maintenance/services, depot approx. 2,590 m2 → 5 to 15 W/m2
- Extensions for refrigerators,
compressors approx. 1,450 m2 → 5 to 15 W/m2

- Production areas approx. 11,960 m2 → 600 to 1,000 W/m2
2) Forthe final state, the following is assumed:
- Office buildings approx. 2,300 m2 → 20 to 40 W/m2
- Laboratory and chemicals approx. 1,300 m2 → 100 to 200 W/m2
- Maintenance/services, depot approx. 4,900 m2 → 5 to 15 W/m2
- Production areas approx. 20,900 m2 → 600 to 1,000 W/m2

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 65

Sugar treatment
Water treatment
200 kVA
225 kVA Concentrate & mixing
LC 3
Chemicals Boiler Boiler
55 LC 4
kVA Blow

1 45 kVA molder Washer

Spare parts / 45 520 kVA Filling Filling Filling
maintenance kVA machine machine machine
Refrig Refrig
Extension 30 Capper Crown
refrigerators kVA Refrig Refrig
Test Test Test
LC 2 Low pressure 440 machine machine machine
compressors kVA
Labeler Labeler
Extension 30 LP LP
140 m

MV compressors kVA comp comp Packer:

Shrink Shrink

infeed packer trays packer
comp comp
High pressure 900 Palletizer Palletizer Palletizer
compressors kVA 1,510 kVA 1,330 kVA 1,290 kVA
HP HP Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
Laboratory comp comp PET 0.5 l Glass 0.3 l Can 0.33 l
200 kVA HP HP 50,000 50,000 50,000
comp comp bottles / h bottles / h cans/ h
LC 1

3 rooms Delivery

305 kVA 40 kVA

140 m 70 m

Power demand of individual parts of the plant

Power Power
Room Application ­d emand Line Application ­d emand
in kVA in kVA
Computer room 65 Conveyor belts 360
Filling line 1 (PET)

Air conditioning 100 Packaging 400

Load center LC 1

Office section
Fire alarm / fire protection 50 Cleaning (Cip) 40
Lighting / socket outlets 90 PET stretch blow machine 250
Safety system 120 Filling and closing 240
Laboratory rooms
Light, air conditioning,
Lighting / socket outlets 80 220
Dispatch Lighting / socket outlets 40
Conveyor belts 425
Filling line 2 (glass)
Load center LC 4

Low-pressure compressors Compressors 440 Packaging 135

center LC 2

High-pressure compressors Compressors 900 Cleaning (Cip) 40

Extension* Compressors 30 Bottle rinsing 240
Filling and closing 270

6 Water treatment
Treatment plants 225
Light, air conditioning,

Boiler 55
Load center LC 3

Sugar treatment 150 Conveyor belts 240

Mixing plant
Filling line 3 (can)

Mixer 50 Packaging 330

Cooling facility Refrigerators 550 Can cleaning 240
Laboratory connections 15 Cleaning (Cip) 40

Lighting / socket outlets 30 Filling and closing 230
Maintenance / Light, air conditioning,
Lighting / socket outlets 45 210
technical equipment control
* For the extension rooms, the first power demand estimation is for lighting and socket outlets only.

Fig. 5/3: Load overview and load centers for the production plant from Fig. 5/2

66 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

5.3 Connection to the Supply Grid This value and also the symmetrical short-circuit
power match well with the values lk“ = 14.6 kA and
A comparison of the requirements from the previously S k“ = 505.2 MVA (see Tab. B4.5 in [1.2]) stipulated in [1.2].
made power demand estimation with the evaluations in The differences can be explained by means of the above
Fig. 4/3 shows that a double radial line connection from simplified estimation. A more exact specification, where
the busbar of a main transformer substation is suitable. the ratio of resistance to reactance (R/X) is taken into
According to IEC 60038, 10 kV (11 kV) or 20 kV (22 kV) account, is described in IEC 60909‑0. In order to con­ 1
are the nominal system voltages which are preferred sider reserves for motor feedbacks, a short-circuit
for three-phase systems today (the specifications are ­withstand strength of Isc = 20 kA is requested for the
voltage values between phase conductors; IEC 60038 operational equipment. Due to the power demand of
indicates two series for nominal system voltages – the 7.2 MVA or 12.8 MVA, a rated busbar current of 630 A
values in brackets belong to the second series). Due to (lb = 12.8 MVA / (√3 · 20 kV) = 370 A) is sufficient for
the advantages of higher system voltages described in medium-voltage switchgear at a nominal system voltage
Chapter 4.2, power systems with a nominal voltage of
30 kV (33 kV) will become increasingly important in the
of 20 kV. 2
future. Since the 20 kV voltage levels still prevails signifi­
cantly, the connection on the medium-voltage side is
done with Un = 20 kV. 5.4 Definition of the Load Centers
Attention: The nominal system voltages for North America, The individual load centers (Fig. 5/3) are determined by
13.8 kV for example, are specified in “Series II” of Table 3 means of the load overview and the plan view of the
of the standard. building. When determining the total transformer power 3
for supplying the load centers, the following is taken
In the medium-voltage grids of the power suppliers, the into account according to Chapter 4.4.1:
neutral point is usually earthed via an arc suppression • Limitation of line lengths between the low-voltage
coil (resonance-earthed neutral). The selection of the load center substations and the consumers
neutral point earthing influences the design of the • Ensuring the n-1 redundancy
protection concept and the selection of the protection • Selection of the initial symmetrical short-circuit power
instrument transformers [1.2]. – regarding cost optimization when there are no
particular requirements
According to IEC 60909-0, the required short-circuit – regarding the power quality (e.g. start-up of
withstand strength for the switchgear and switching ­powerful motors or impulse load due to large
devices in the medium-voltage distribution can be deter­ ­consumers).
mined in a simplified way via the short-circuit impedance
Zk and the short-circuit current Ik: If only the line lengths are considered, three load centers
might suffice. In this process, one common load center
Zk = (c · U2n ) / S k“ (1)
would have to be established for the office section and 5
lk = (c · Un ) / (√3 · Zk) (2) the high-performance compressors. If the function and
feedback behavior of the compressors is additionally
Equation (1) is inserted in (2), so that the voltage factor c taken into account, Fig. 5/3 suggests a division into four
is cancelled and the short-circuit current lk can be calcu­ load centers. This way, the ICT consumers in the office
lated from the nominal system voltage Un and the initial section are better separated from disturbances by the
symmetrical short-circuit power S k“: production area. The four areas marked in color in

lk = S k“ / (√3 · Un )
Fig. 5/3 identify the supply areas of the individual load
center substations:
If the symmetrical short-circuit power S k“ is not known, • Load center substation LC 1: 545 kVA
a symmetrical short-circuit power of 500 MVA – at a • Load center substation LC 2: 1,370 kVA
highest voltage for the equipment of 7.2 kV, 12 kV, • Load center substation LC 3: 1,120 kVA
17.5 kV and 24 kV – can be used according to IEC 60076‑5
in conformity with European and North American • Load center substation LC 4: 4,130 kVA
­practice: 7
lk“ = 500 MVA / (√3 · 20 kV) = 14.45 kA

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 67

For the filling area, a further subdivision according to (with a short-circuit withstand strength of the opera­
the 3 filling lines on the low-voltage side (with tional equipment of I k“ ≤ 66 kA), the total power of the
1,510 kVA, 1,330 kVA and 1,290 kVA for the individual transformers in the individual load center substations
lines) would be appropriate from a performance and (LC 2 to LC 4, according to Tab. 4/5 for ukr = 6 %) may
process perspective. amount to a maximum of 2.7 MVA per substation.
In order to additionally ensure the n-1 availability,
1 For installing fuse-switch-disconnectors as described 3 x 800 kVA transformers each are selected for the
in Chapter 4, individual transformers smaller or equal to supply of the low-voltage distribution boards.
1,250 kVA are to be selected (Uprim = 20 kV or 800 kVA As shown in Fig. 5/4, the filling lines for LC 4 are to be
at Uprim = 10 kV). Fig. 5/4 shows a single-line diagram for supplied separately. Two 630 kVA transformers with
the medium-voltage distribution with the transformer adequate reserve are sufficient for the load center
connections for the load center substations. ­substation LC 1.

2 Due to the customer requirements and the given

design of the production plants, the medium-voltage
For power supply in industrial plants, dry-type trans­
formers are preferably used according to IEC 60076‑11.
distribution network is to be set up as a ringed network GEAFOL cast-resin transformers are characterized by:
(see Tab. 4/1). Since there are no specific requirements • Low fire load
regarding the short-circuit power or dielectric strength, • No requirement for special fire protection measures
and a cost-efficient system design is intended • No risks that might intensify a fire

Infeed 1 from main Infeed 2 from main
transformer substation transformer substation

GIS 20 kV, 630 A SDC, 3-ph. SDC, 3-ph.
20 kA / 1 s
VCB, 20 kV, VCB 20 kV,
MV infeed 630 A M
630 A M

VCB 20 kV, 3 MVA
SDC, 3-ph. SDC, 3-ph. SDC, 3-ph. SDC, 3-ph.

1) 630 A 1)
SDC, 3-ph. M
SDC, 3-ph.
M VCB 20 kV, M VCB 20 kV, M VCB 20 kV, M VCB 20 kV, M Z
630 A 630 A 630 A 630 A

SDC, 3-ph.
Reserva Reserva M

VCB 20 kV,
250 A M

20 kV, 630 A, 20 kA / 1 s - Office, laboratory, dispatch LC 1 20 kV, 630 A, 20 kA / 1 s - Compressors LC 2

VCB 20 kV, VCB 20 kV, VCB 20 kV, VCB 20 kV,

M 630 A M 630 A M 630 A M 630 A
SDC-F, 3-ph. SDC-F, 3-ph. SDC-F, 3-ph. SDC-F, 3-ph. SDC-F, 3-ph.
SDC, 3-ph. SDC, 3-ph. SDC, 3-ph. SDC, 3-ph.

5 Tr 1.1
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
800 kVA ONAN
Tr 1.2
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
800 kVA ONAN
Tr 2.1
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
800 kVA ONAN
Tr 2.2
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
800 kVA ONAN
Tr 2.3
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
800 kVA ONAN

20 kV, 630 A, 20 kA / 1 s - Machine hall, chemical LC 3

Legend: VCB 20 kV, VCB 20 kV,

LC Load center substation M 630 A M 630 A
SDC-F Switch-disconnector with fuses SDC-F, 3-ph. SDC-F, 3-ph. SDC-F, 3-ph.
SDC Switch-disconnector SDC, 3-ph. SDC, 3-ph.
VCB Vacuum circuit-breaker M M

PV Photovoltaic plant as network infeed, specified through an impedance Z

TR Transformer
GIS Gas-insulated medium-voltage switchgear

1) Transfer measurement
Tr 3.1 Tr 3.2 Tr 3.3
Treatment Treatment Treatment
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5 20/0.4 kV Dyn 5 20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
800 kVA ONAN 800 kVA ONAN 800 kVA ONAN

20 kV, 630 A, 20 kA / 1 s - Filling plants line 1, 2 and 3 LC 4

VCB 20 kV, VCB 20 kV,

630 A SDC, 3-ph. 630 A
SDC, 3-ph. M

SDC-F, 3-ph. SDC-F, 3-ph. SDC-F, 3-ph. M SDC-F, 3-ph. SDC-F, 3-ph. SDC-F, 3-ph. M SDC-F, 3-ph. SDC-F, 3-ph. SDC-F, 3-ph.
SDC, 3-ph. SDC, 3-ph.

7 Tr 3.1.1
Line 1
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
Tr 3.1.2
Line 1
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
Tr 3.1.3
Line 1
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
Tr 3.2.1
Line 2
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
Tr 3.2.2
Line 2
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
Tr 3.2.3
Line 2
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
Tr 3.3.1
Line 3
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
Tr 3.3.2
Line 3
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
Tr 3.3.3
Line 3
20/0.4 kV Dyn 5
800 kVA ONAN 800 kVA ONAN 800 kVA ONAN 800 kVA ONAN 800 kVA ONAN 800 kVA ONAN 800 kVA ONAN 800 kVA ONAN 800 kVA ONAN

Fig. 5/4: Single-line diagram for the medium-voltage ring of the filling plant

68 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

• Measures for groundwater protection center is ideal. The distances to the individual consumers
• Power increase up to 140 % of rated power (GEAFOL are minimized in this way, thereby also keeping the
transformers with S r ≥ 500 kVA) by means of installed, voltage drop in the network as low as possible. The
temperature-dependently controlled radial-flow fans protection of the transformers by means of HV HRC fuses
• Utilization of overload capability as a “hot” redundancy is advantageous in this context; their current-limiting
to increase the supply reliability effect mitigates the released energy between the
• No loss of service life when utilizing the overload ­medium-voltage switchgear and the transformer in the 1
capability event of a short circuit. This way, personnel and equip­
• No danger of impermissible switching overvoltages ment risks are reduced.
due to resonance excitation of the windings when
switching on or off using a vacuum circuit-breaker. If there is no space at the core of the production level for
installing the equipment, and there is no possibility to
create an intermediate level above or below the area to

5.5 P
 lacing of the Load Center
be supplied, LC 4 can at least be installed at the edge
of the production area (or at the building wall) as the
Substations by the E
­ xample of LC 4 distance to the consumers permits to do so here. It is a
good compromise to place the medium-voltage switch­
When placing the LC 4 substation, the following has to gear including the medium-voltage ring cabling outside
be observed: of the production area, and install the transformers
• Low voltage drop (supplied via medium-voltage radial lines and protected
• Low material costs by HV HRC fuses, Fig. 5/4) as well as the low-voltage
• Good heat dissipation and pressure relief distribution boards for the production lines at the room 3
• Easy accessibility of the equipment (e.g. during wall near the individual lines. Frequently, they are,
maintenance and replacement of components). however, concentrated at the edges of the room
(Fig. 5/5).
From an electrotechnical perspective, the placement of
the electrical service rooms (for the transformers and
low-voltage distribution boards) at the core of the load

LV1-1 LV1-2 LV1-3 Legend:

molder Washer
MV Medium-voltage switchgear
Filling Filling Filling
machine machine machine
Space for low-voltage switchboards and
Capper Crown LV1
transformers in the production room
Test Test Test
machine machine machine
LV2 Placement of the low-voltage switchboards
85 m LV2-1 LV2-2 LV2-3 and transformers upstream or downstream
Shrink Packer:
from the production room
packer packer

Palletizer Palletizer Palletizer

1,510 kVA 1,330 kVA 1,290 kVA
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3
PET 0.5 l Glass 0.3 l Can 0.33 l
50,000 50,000 50,000
bottles / h bottles / h cans / h

70 m

Fig. 5/5: Placement of the power distribution boards for LC 4

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 69

5.6 M
 edium-Voltage • The rated output power of the voltage transformer
Network Protection corresponds to the intended load of the protection
Since the medium-voltage network spans the entire filling
plant, and the infeed from the power supplier as well as No island operation is intended in this protection con­
the connection of the embedded generating plant to the cept. Protection concepts for island operation are briefly
1 medium-voltage network takes place here, protection is addressed in Chapter 5.7.3. In Fig. 5/6, the switching
particularly important. device assumes the function of the interface switch in
the supply line of the PV plant to LC 2 (see
The objectives of protection are: Chapter 4.3.3). The blue dotted lines mark the connec­
• Disconnection of a fault in the network as quickly as tion between the two interface protection relays 7SJ82
possible to minimize personal injuries and equipment and the interface switch.
2 • Selective shutdown of faulty parts of the network to
prevent impacts on system parts not affected by the fault.
The two medium-voltage spare feeders shown in Fig. 5/4
are not significant for the protection concept of the
medium-voltage ring without extension, and are there­
This is achieved by means of digital protection devices, fore not represented in Fig. 5/6. Today, fiber-optic con­
such as for example the SIPROTEC devices from Siemens. nections are commonly used for the communication
between the protection devices. Besides the protection
Differential protection relays (e.g. 7SD82, 7SD85) are concept for the power distribution, a measurement
used for the protection of cable runs (primary protec­ concept for monitoring and diagnostics must be created.
3 tion, red arrows in Fig. 5/6) in the network. Faults on the The procedure is illustrated in the application manual on
cable runs are detected and cleared instantaneously energy transparency [5.1], and the use of the product
(in less than 0.1 s) by the differential protection. The families SICAM, SENTRON and SIMATIC is described.
back-up protection with definite time-overcurrent protec­
tion devices (e.g. 7SJ82, 7SJ85; green arrows in Fig. 5/6)
provides a high level of safety. As a back-up protection,
the definite time-overcurrent protection clears faults on 5.7 C
 onnection of the
4 the cable runs in reserve time (< 0.3 s). Parameterized
as a directional and interlocked protection, the definite
­Photovoltaic Plant
time-overcurrent protection devices additionally take An embedded generating plant with photovoltaic
over the protection of switchgear (purple arrows in ­modules (PV modules) is to be integrated into the supply
Fig. 5/6), “outside” of the coverage for the primary pro­ concept (Fig. 5/6) to reduce the energy and power
tection. This way, a quick and selective fault clearance ­procurement from the supply grid and, at the same
can be realized within the switchgear in case of a fault. time, minimize the ecological footprint of the production
plant by using renewable power-generating technology.
5 As shown in Fig. 5/6, the definite time-overcurrent For grid connection, the requirements described in
protection devices 7SJ82 are suitable for the selective Chapter 4 must be observed. The protection concept
fault clearance of the incoming cables. According to the must especially fulfill the requirements of IEC/TS 62786
grid connection conditions for embedded generating or EN 50549‑2 for the medium-voltage interface
plants (Chapter 4.3.2), the devices can be installed for ­protection.
the interface protection of the photovoltaic plant
(description of the PV plant in Chapter 5.7). According to For the example, an energy storage is not provided,
6 EN 50549‑2, the accuracy requirements must be
observed for the voltage transformers for interface
so that the size of the PV plant is essentially limited by
the installation conditions, the roof area, and an appro­
protection (marked blue in Fig. 5/6): priately covered share of the power demand of the
• Minimum accuracy class 3P according to IEC 61869‑3 production plant. Due to the volatility of solar utilization,
(for the overvoltage protection, zero-sequence a partial island operation without energy storage is not
system 59N, class 3P/0.5 is requested) reasonable either. The PV plant will therefore not be
• Rated voltage factor (rated time according to able to replace a generator for continuing with
IEC 61869‑3 and IEC 60044‑7): ­production.
7 – 1.9 for voltage transformers between earth and
phase conductor
– 1.2 for voltage transformers between phase

70 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

Infeed Infeed

7SJ82 7SJ82
n.c. I>> 0.6 s Overcurrent: n.c.
Overcurrent: I>> 0.6 s
I> v 0.1 s 46, 49, 51, 51N 46, 49, 51, 51N I> v 0.1 s
Interface protection (PV): Interface protection (PV):
27<<, 27<, 27D, 59>, 59>> 59N, 27<<, 27<, 27D, 59>, 59>> 59N,
81<<, 81 <, 81>, 81>>, 47 81<<, 81 <, 81>, 81>>, 47
Overcurrent: I>> 0.3 s
51, 51N

n.c. n.c. n.a. n.c. n.c.

7SJ82 7SJ82
I>> 0.3 s

I>> 0.3 s
Directional Directional
overcurrent: overcurrent:
67, 67N, 51, 51N 7SD82 7SD82 67, 67N, 51, 51N
Differential Differential PV

protection: 87L protection: 87L

7SD82 7SD82
Differential Differential
7SJ82 protection: 87L protection: 87L 7SJ82 7SJ82
I>> 0.3 s

I>> 0.3 s
Directional Directional Overcurrent: I>> 0.6 s
overcurrent: n.c. n.c. overcurrent: 49, 51, 51N, 67, 67N I> v 0.1 s
67, 67N, 51, 51N 67, 67N, 51, 51N
Substation Substation
LC 1 LC 2

n.c. n.c.
7SJ82 7SJ82
I>> 0.3 s

I>> 0.3 s
Directional Directional
overcurrent: overcurrent:
67, 67N, 51, 51N 7SD82 7SD82 67, 67N, 51, 51N
Differential Differential
protection: 87L protection: 87L

protection: 87L 7SJ82
I>> 0.3 s

n.c. overcurrent:
67, 67N, 51, 51N
LC 3

I>> 0.3 s

7SD82 67, 67N, 51, 51N
protection: 87L

7SD82 7SD82
Differential Differential
7SJ82 protection: 87L protection: 87L 7SJ82
I>> 0.3 s

I>> 0.3 s

Directional Directional

overcurrent: n.c. n.c. overcurrent:
67, 67N, 51, 51N 67, 67N, 51, 51N
LC 4

n.c. n.c.

Normally closed
Normally open
ANSI device numbers (IEEE/ANSI C37.2):
27 Undervoltage protection
27D Undervoltage protection,
Overvoltage protection
Overvoltage protection,
I> v Short-circuit tripping in the forward direction; this means in the direction of the line positive phase-sequence system zero-sequence system
47 Overvoltage protection, 67 Directional time-overcurrent protection
backward Short-circuit direction determination backward; this means in the direction of the busbar negative phase-sequence system 67N Directional earth-fault detection
forward Short-circuit direction determination forward; this means in the direction of the line 49 Thermal overload protection 81< Underfrequency protection
51 Inverse time-overcurrent protection 81> Overfrequency protection
Blocking 51N Earth-fault detection 87L Line differential protection
Interface protection

Note: Consider adding grading times for faults at the beginning of the ring!

Fig. 5/6: Protection concept for the medium-voltage ring

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 71

Currently, PV modules with an area of approx. 2 m2 For an infeed power of the PV plant of more than 2 MVA,
supply a solar electric power of 400 to 500 Wpeak under the usual way is to connect it to the medium-voltage
ideal conditions of use (peak value; i.e. power peak value distribution system. The infeed is done via the substa­
for defined standard test conditions (STC) per square tion LC 2.
meter of module area). For an electric total rated output
of 3 MVA 3), the roof of the production building would be
1 enough. When extending the production, the PV plant
shall be expanded to a total electric power of 4.5 MVA 3). 5.7.1 PV Plant with String Inverters

For network connection, the electric energy supplied by The inverters KACO blueplanet 150 TL3, devices with
the PV modules must be converted from DC voltage to an AC power of 150 kVA, are suitable for the intended
AC voltage. Two known solar inverter types are string PV plant. For a total PV power of 3 MVA, each ten of
inverters and central inverters. In the case of the string these inverters are connected in parallel to two sections
2 inverter, multiple PV modules are connected in series
to a smaller inverter. Thanks to the parallel connection
(Fig. 5/7a). The connection to the 20 kV medium-voltage
ringed network is done via a transformer to the switch­
of the string inverters, higher ratings can be achieved. gear for the load center LC 2. When extending the
For the central inverter, the PV modules are connected PV plant to 4.5 MVA, an additional transformer for a
to a large converter on the DC voltage side. power of 1.5 MVA must be installed (Fig. 5/7b). The
installation of a 4.5 MVA transformer is also imaginable
For connection to the distribution network, Siemens in the initial installation phase (3 MVA power), so that in
offers both string inverters and central inverters to suit case of an extension of the PV plant, only the systems on
3 the different application profiles. Siemens technical the low-voltage side of the transformer are extended by
consultants offer support for the selection of appropriate the additional section with ten inverters (Fig. 5/7c).
types. For the use in the considered range of ratings
between 3 and 4.5 MVA, both types of inverters are
suitable. Both Siemens device families (KACO blue­
planet 150 TL3 and SINACON PV) have a very high effi­ 5.7.2 PV Plant with Central Inverter
ciency of up to 99 % and, moreover, low harmonic dis­
4 tortion factors of less than 3 %. In case of a central inverter SINACON, the DC cables of
the PV generating modules are led to the four so-called
In the selected range of ratings, the usage focus areas power stack converter modules (Fig. 5/8). Thanks to
of the two inverter types overlap. For smaller ratings, the liquid cooling and optional heating, the PV central
systems with string inverters are generally more cost-­ inverter SINACON can also be used in an extremely wide
efficient: range of ambient air temperatures (from -40 °C to +60 °C).
• Easier adjustment to different
solar radiation conditions
5 • Easier expansion possibilities
• Usually only partial failure of the plant
in case of fault.

In larger plants, in contrast, the advantages of central

inverters prevail:
• Easier installation
6 • Lower troubleshooting effort.

7 3) The
rating information corresponds to the electric apparent power at the
inverter output of the PV plant. The maximum possible input power of the
solar modules installed in the PV plant (direct voltage DC) must be greater,
and is commonly indicated as peak power of the solar modules in “Wpeak ”.
The area of 140 × 140 m would, if fully equipped, enable a PV module peak
power of more than 3.9 MWpeak.

72 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant


3 MVA, Dyn5 20 kV / 660 V

PV generator

Inverter busbar 1 Inverter busbar 2

String combiner with

DC disconnector RS485

Inverter: Inverter:

10 x KACO 10 x KACO
blueplanet 150 TL3 blueplanet 150 TL3


Transformer Transformer

3 MVA, Dyn5 20 kV / 660 V 1.5 MVA, Dyn5
20 kV / 660 V
PV generator

Inverter busbar 1 Inverter busbar 2 Inverter busbar 3

String combiner with

DC disconnector RS485

10 x KACO
10 x KACO
10 x KACO
blueplanet 150 TL3 blueplanet 150 TL3 blueplanet 150 TL3


4.5 MVA, Dyn5 20 kV / 660 V
PV generator

Inverter busbar 1 Inverter busbar 2 Inverter busbar 3

String combiner with

DC disconnector RS485

Inverter: Inverter: Inverter:
10 x KACO 10 x KACO 10 x KACO
blueplanet 150 TL3 blueplanet 150 TL3 blueplanet 150 TL3

Fig. 5/7: P
 V power-generating plant with string inverters
a) For initial installation with PV plant with 3 MVA apparent power
b) For PV plant with 4.5 MVA apparent power: Extension of the initial installation (3 MVA PV plant) by a
   separate transformer feeder of 1.5 MVA 7
c) For PV plant with 4.5 MVA apparent power: The 4.5 MVA transformer already considered during
   initial installation (3 MVA PV plant) is expanded by a 1.5 MV PV feeder

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 73

3-winding transformer
4.56 MVA, Dd0d0 20 kV / 630 V

Central inverter:

2 1 .............. 14 15 ............. 28

1 ............................... 14 15 .............................. 28
Combiner box with Combiner box with Combiner box with Combiner box with
DC disconnector DC disconnector DC disconnector DC disconnector

PV generator PV generator PV generator PV generator

Fig. 5/8: PV power-generating plant with central inverter

5.7.3 P
 rotection-Technological Integration
of Embedded Generating Plants in
5 Island Operation
Based on the protection concept shown in Fig. 5/6, the Fig. 5/9 illustrates the integration of power-generating
requirements for the network connection of power-­ plants with a protection concept for island operation. In
generating plants (see Chapter 4.3.2) can also be this process, not the entire network of the plant operator
pointed out if island operation is requested. This is must be able to switch over to island operation. This is
realistic for production plants in which energy is eco­ illustrated by the two versions in Fig. 5/9 (option 1:
nomically recovered from residual products, and thus partial network substation LC 2, and option 2: overall
6 only a small portion of the total energy amount required
for operation must be provided by additional energy
network). There are multiple other options which are
not further specified. It is also remarkable that, in island
sources and energy storages. From the wood processing operation, the switching device for interface protection
in paper manufacturing, for example, organic residual (PV) of Fig. 5/6 can then be used as a switching device
products accrue which can be used in CHP plants in an of the generating unit.
energetically similar way to fossil fuels.

74 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

Infeed Infeed

Point of connection Point of connection

Interface protection: Interface protection: Main 1
switch 27<<, 27<, 27D, 59>, 59>> 59N, switch
27<<, 27<, 27D, 59>, 59>> 59N,
(Interface 81<<, 81<, 81>, 81>>, 47 (Interface
81<<, 81<, 81>, 81>>, 47
switch switch
Main substation
option 2) option 2)
for MV infeed


Switch of

option 1
LC 1 LC 2

option 1

LC 3

LC 4

Option 1: Island operation only for the substation LC 2 with power-generating plant connection

Option 2: Island operation for the complete medium-voltage ring 7

Fig. 5/9: Examples for protection concepts to enable island operation with embedded generating plants

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 75
MS-LTS 4.1.1 MS-LTS 4.1.2 MS-LTS 4.1.3
SDC with fuse SDC with fuse SDC with fuse
In (switch) = 200 A In (switch) = 200 A In (switch) = 200 A
In (fuse) = 63 A In (fuse) = 63 A In (fuse) = 63 A
3 x SIB: 3001413.63 3 x SIB: 3001413.63 3 x SIB: 3001413.63

MS-K/L 4.1.1 MS-K/L 4.1.2 MS-K/L 4.1.3


15 m 15 m 15 m
XLPE 3 x 35 XLPE 3 x 35 XLPE 3 x 35

Transformer 4.1.1 Transformer 4.1.2 Transformer 4.1.3

Sn = 800 kVA / AN Sn = 800 kVA / AN Sn = 800 kVA / AN
ukr = 6 % ukr = 6 % ukr = 6 %
20/0.4 kV Dyn5 20/0.4 kV Dyn5 20/0.4 kV Dyn5
4GX59643E 4GX59643E 4GX59643E

Non-automatic circuit-breaker
S 4.1.1 S 4.1.2 S 4.1.3
Busbar Busbar Busbar

25 m 25 m 25 m
LI-AM20005B-55 LI-AM20005B-55 LI-AM20005B-55


LS 4.1.1 LS 4.1.2 LS 4.1.3

In = 3,200 A
Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
In = 2,000 A In = 2,000 A In = 2,000 A
3WA11203NB611AA2/LSIN 3WA11203NB611AA2/LSIN 3WA11203NB611AA2/LSIN


TN-S Un = 400 V
In = 250 A

Cu 1(3x50/50/25)

In = 200 A

TN-S Un = 400 V

Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
In = 63 A In = 63 A
3VA21635HK360AA0/LI 3VA21635HK360AA0/LI

K/L AV 1 K/L AV 2
Cable/Line Cable/Line
10 m 10 m
Cu 1(3x16/16/16) Cu 1(3x10/10/10)


TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V

LS AV 1.1 LS AV 1.2 LS AV 1.3

Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker
In = 16 A In = 16 A In = 16 A
5SY61166/B 5SY61166/B 5SY61166/B

K/L AV 1.1 K/L AV 1.2 K/L AV 1.3 LS AV 2.1 LS AV 2.2 LS AV 2.3

Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker
25 m 25 m 25 m In = 16 A In = 16 A In = 16 A
Cu 1(1x2.5/2.5/2.5) Cu 1(1x2.5/2.5/2.5) Cu 1(1x2.5/2.5/2.5) 5SY41166/B 5SY41166/B 5SY41166/B
5SV33126 5SV33126 5SV33126
K/L AV 2.1 K/L AV 2.2 K/L AV 2.3
Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line
L AV 1.1 Lighting L AV 1.2 Lighting L AV 1.3 Lighting
25 m 25 m 25 m

Indoor Indoor Indoor Cu 1(1x2.5/2.5/2.5) Cu 1(1x2.5/2.5/2.5) Cu 1(1x2.5/2.5/2.5)
In = 4.56 A In = 4.56 A In = 4.56 A
Un = 230 V Un = 230 V Un = 230 V
1+N-pole 1+N-pole 1+N-pole

10x 10x 10x

L AV 2.1 Socket outlets L AV 2.2 Socket outlets L AV 2.3 Socket outlets
Indoor Indoor Indoor
In = 10.5 A In = 10.5 A In = 10.5 A
Un = 230 V Un = 230 V Un = 230 V
1+N-pole 1+N-pole 1+N-pole

10x 10x 10x

M a Palletizing
M a Packaging conveyor
Control cabinet M a Labeling
M a Bottle conveyor
In = 122 A Control cabinet In = 160 A for packaging In = 49.1 A Control cabinet In = 314 A Control cabinet
Un = 400 V Un = 400 V Un = 400 V Un = 400 V
3-pole for palletizing 3-pole conveyor 3-pole for labeler 3-pole for bottle conveyor
L b Pallet. - aggr./ctrl. L b Pack.conv. - aggr./ctrl. L b Labeler - aggr./ctrl. L b Bottle conv. - aggr./ctrl.
Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor

In = 12.2 A In = 16 A In = 4.9 A In = 31.4 A
Un = 400 V Un = 400 V Un = 400 V Un = 400 V
3+N-pole 3+N-pole 3+N-pole 3+N-pole
K/L a K/L b K/L b K/L a K/L b K/L b
Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line
5m 1m K/L a 1m 10 m 1m K/L a 1m
Cu 1(3x50/-/25) Cu 1(3x6/6/6) Cable/Line Cu 1(3x6/6/6) Cu 1(3x10/-/10) Cu 1(3x6/6/6) Cable/Line Cu 1(3x6/6/6)
5m 5m
Cu 1(3x70/-/35) Cu 1(3x185/-/95)


SDC with fuse SDC with fuse SDC with fuse SDC with fuse
In = 250 A LS b In = 250 A LS b In = 125 A LS b In = 500 A LS b
3 x 3NA3144 size 1 Circuit-breaker 3 x 3NE12272 size 1 Circuit-breaker 3 x 3NA3832 size 00 Circuit-breaker 3 x 3NE13342 size 2 Circuit-breaker
3KF33250MF11 size 1 In = 16 A 3KL55301AB01 size 2 In = 16 A 3KF23120MR11 size 00 In = 16 A 3KL61301AB02 size 3 In = 32 A
3RT10552AP36 3VA11965EE360AA0/LI 3RW40562BB44 3VA11965EE360AA0/LI 3RT20451AP00 3VA11965EE360AA0/LI 3RW40752BB44 3VA11325EE360AA0/LI
3UF71131BA010 M-UV M-UV 3UF71121AA010 M-UV M-UV

L Filling information system TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V
Indoor LT LT LT LT
In = 50.1 A Switch-disconnector Switch-disconnector Switch-disconnector Switch-disconnector
Un = 400 V In = 200 A In = 200 A In = 200 A In = 630 A
3+N-pole 3KD36320PE100 3KD36320PE100 3KD36320PE100 3KD46320QE100


Cu 1(3x16/16/16) K/L K/L K/L K/L
Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line
10 m 5m 10 m 5m
Cu 2(3x95/95/50) Cu 1(3x120/120/70) Cu 2(3x95/95/50) Cu 2(3x185/185/90)


LS Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
Circuit-breaker In = 400 A In = 400 A In = 400 A In = 630 A
In = 63 A 3VA24405HN320AA0/LSI 3VA24405HN320AA0/LSI 3VA24405HN320AA0/LSI 3VA23635HN320AA0/LSI
70.00 m 65.00 m 60.00 m 57.00 m 55.00 m 50.00 m 45.00 m 42.00 m 40.00 m


Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
In = 400 A In = 630 A In = 100 A In = 100 A
3VA24406HN320AA0/LSI 3VA25635JP320AA0/LSI 3VA21105HN360AA0/LSI 3VA21105HN360AA0/LSI


Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line
10 m 5m 5m 10 m
Cu 2(3x95/95/50) Cu 2(3x240/240/120) Cu 1(3x16/16/16) Cu 1(3x50/50/25)

6 LT
In = 200 A
In = 500 A
In = 200 A
In = 200 A

TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V

SDC with fuse SDC with fuse SDC with fuse SDC with fuse
In = 200 A LS b In = 250 A LS b In = 80 A LS b In = 80 A LS b
3 x 3NA3140 size 1 Circuit-breaker 3 x 3NE1272 size 1 Circuit-breaker 3 x 3NE18200 size 000 Miniature circuit-breaker 3 x 3NE18200 size 000 Miniature circuit-breaker
3KF33250MF11 size 1 In = 16 A 3KL55301AB01 size 2 In = 125 A 3KL52301AB01 size 00 In = 6 A 3KL52301AB01 size 00 In = 6 A
3RT20471AP00 3VA11965EE360AA0/LI 3RW40562BB44 3VA11125EE360AA0/LI 3RW40372BB14 5SY63066/B 3RW40372BB14 5SY63066/B

K/L a K/L b K/L a K/L b K/L a K/L b K/L a K/L b
Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line
5m 1m 5m 1m 5m 1m 5m 1m
Cu 1(3x16/-/16) Cu 1(3x6/6/6) Cu 1(3x70/-/35) Cu 1(3x50/50/25) Cu 1(3x10/-/10) Cu 1(3x2.5/2.5/2.5) Cu 1(3x10/-/10) Cu 1(3x2.5/2.5/2.5)

L b Stretch p. - aggr./ctrl. L b Shrink p. - heat./aggr./ctrl. L b Cleaning - aggr./ctrl. L b Screw cap - aggr./ctrl.
Indoor Indoor Indoor Indoor
In = 6.2 A In = 124 A In = 5 A In = 4.9 A

Un = 400 V Un = 400 V Un = 400 V Un = 400 V
3+N-pole 3+N-pole 3+N-pole 3+N-pole

M a Stretch pack.

Control cabinet M a Shrink p.
Control cabinet M a Cleaning
Control cabinet M a Screw cap
Control cabinet for
In = 62.5 A for stretch packaging In = 148 A
Un = 400 V
for shrink packaging In = 50 A
Un = 400 V
for cleaning machine In = 49.2 A
Un = 400 V
screw cap production
Un = 400 V
3-pole 3-pole 3-pole 3-pole

Fig. 5/10: Single-line diagram of the electric power distribution for filling line 1 according to the dimensioning with SIMARIS design

76 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant
Generator 4.1 d
Pn = 1,800 kW
Sn = 2,250 kVA
Un = 400 V

K/L 4.1 d
15 m
Cu 10(3x240/240/120)

LS 4.1 d
In = 4,000 A


TN-S Un = 400 V
In = 2,500 A

Additional outgoing feeder

for generator test operation

M a CO2 evaporator M a Compressed air M Blower

M Motor Motor Motor
3 In = 49.2 A
Un = 400 V
Control cabinet In = 74.5 A Control cabinet for In = 363 A FC cabinet for
Un = 400 V Un = 400 V
3-pole for CO2 evaporator 3-pole compressed air production 3-pole stretch blower
L b CO2 evap. - aggr./ctrl. L b Compr. air - aggr./ctrl.
Indoor Indoor
K/L b

K/L a In = 4.9 A In = 7.4 A
Un = 400 V Un = 400 V Cable/Line
Cable/Line 2m
5m 3+N-pole 3+N-pole
Cu 2(3x150/-/150)
2 x Cu 1(3x10/-/10) K/L b K/L a K/L b
Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line FU
1m 5m 1m Frequency converter
Cu 1(3x6/6/6) Cu 1(3x16/-/16) Cu 1(3x6/6/6) G120P cabinet
MC-LS-YD a 6SL37101PE346AA0
Circuit-breaker In = 460 A
In = 160 A Un = 400 V
3RT105542AP36 MC-LS-DS a
Circuit-breaker 3RT14566AP36
3RT10443AP00 LS b LS b
3UF71131BA010 In = 75 A LTS-S
Circuit-breaker 3RV23414KC10/I Circuit-breaker
In = 16 A In = 16 A SDC with fuse
3RT20451AP00 In = 560 A
3VA11965EE360AA0/LI 3UF71121AA010 3VA11965EE360AA0/LI
3 x 3NE14352 size 3
M-UV M-UV 3KL61301AB02 size 3
TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V
Switch-disconnector Switch-disconnector
In = 500 A In = 200 A
3KD44320QE100 3KD36320PE100

K/L K/L K/L a
Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line
10 m 5m 5m
Cu 2(3x95/95/50) Cu 1(3x185/185/95) Cu 2(3x240/-/120)

TN-S Un = 400 V


Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
SV 4.1.1

B 4.1.1
100 m

In = 400 A In = 250 A In = 630 A

3VA24405HN320AA0/LSI 3VA23255HN320AA0/LSI 3VA24635HN320AA0/LSI

35.00 m 30.00 m 25.00 m 22.00 m 20.00 m 15.00 m 10.00 m


Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
In = 400 A In = 400 A In = 250 A In = 400 A
3VA23405HN320AA0/LSI 3VA24405HN320AA0/LSI 3VA23255HN320AA0/LSI 3VA24406HN320AA0/LSI

K/L a K/L K/L K/L

Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line
5m 5m 10 m 5m
Cu 2(3x95/-/50) Cu 2(3x95/95/95) Cu 1(3x95/95/50) Cu 1(3x240/240/120)

In = 500 A
In = 200 A
In = 200 A
SDC with fuse
In = 315 A TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V
3 x 3NE12302 size 1 MC-LTS a MC-LS-DS a MC-LTS a
3KL55301AB01 size 2 SDC with fuse Circuit-breaker SDC with fuse
In = 200 A LS b In = 50 A LS b In = 250 A LS b
3RT14566AP36 3 x 3NA3140 size 1 3RV23414HC10/I 3 x 3NE12272 size 1
Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
3KF33250MF11 size 1 In = 16 A 3RT20451AP00 In = 16 A 3KL55301AB01 size 2 In = 16 A
3RT20471AP00 3VA11965EE360AA0/LI 3UF71121AA010 3VA11965EE360AA0/LI 3RW40552BB44 3VA11965EE360AA0/LI
Frequency converter K/L a K/L b K/L a K/L b K/L a K/L b
G120P cabinet Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line
6SL37101PE321AA0 5m 1m 5m 1m 5m 1m
In = 205 A Cu 1(3x16/-/16) Cu 1(3x6/6/6) Cu 1(3x10/-/10) Cu 1(3x6/6/6) Cu 1(3x35/-/16) Cu 1(3x6/6/6)
Un = 400 V

K/L b L b Mixer - aggr./ctrl. L b Heat exchanger - aggr./ctrl. L b Ventilation - aggr./ctrl.
Cable/Line Indoor Indoor Indoor
2m In = 6.2 A In = 4.9 A In = 11 A
Cu 2(3x50/-/50)

Un = 400 V Un = 400 V Un = 400 V
3+N-pole 3+N-pole 3+N-pole

M a Filling
FC cabinet M a Mixer
Control cabinet M a Heat exchanger
Control cabinet M a Ventilation
Control cabinet
In = 82.2 A for filling In = 62.6 A for mixer In = 49.2 A for heat exchange In = 110 A for ventilation
Un = 400 V Un = 400 V Un = 400 V Un = 400 V
3-pole 3-pole 3-pole 3-pole

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 77

5.8 L
 ow-Voltage Distribution Boards For industrial applications, a linear power distribution
for the Load Centers system with a busbar trunking system is typically
planned along the production line. An individual busbar
Apart from the load center substations LC 1 (office run is drawn as a sub-distribution for each filling line.
section and dispatch), LC 2 (compressors), and LC 3 As an example, it is sufficient to look at filling line 1 in
(cooling and treatment), the electrical consumers of Fig. 5/10 more closely, as the same procedure can be
1 the three filling lines are separately supplied via substa­ followed for the other low-voltage distribution circuits.
tion LC 4 (Fig. 5/3), through one transformer substation Fig. 5/10 shows the single-line diagram as it is used for
with a low-voltage main distribution board each. The the billing, dimensioning, and project planning with the
dimensioning of the switching and protection devices for SIMARIS tools. The switchgear assemblies are shown as
the six individual low-voltage distribution boards of the examples for the individual results. The low-voltage
load centers LC 1 to LC 4 is done using the SIMARIS tools. switchboard SIVACON S8 from Fig. 5/11 corresponds to
The starting point is the load overview in Fig. 5/3. the main distribution board with the three transformer
2 A similar procedure applies to all six low-voltage distri­
infeeds, the two outgoing feeders for the NPS and SPS,
as well as the associated longitudinal coupler. In the
bution boards, starting from the distribution structure medium-voltage switchgear 8DJH in Fig. 5/12, the entire
(network systems, redundancies, transformer arrange­ load center LC 4 is shown according to Chapter 5.4 for
ments, cables and/or busbar trunking system, obser­ the three filling lines.
vance of consumer specifics, etc.) through the calcula­
tions and dimensioning up to the exact determination Tab. 5/2 contains the load data of the consumers of
of the suitable product types, so that it is sufficient to filling line 1 and the respective intended starter type
3 perform any further considerations for two low- for the motors. The individual applications are divided
voltage distribution boards. into motor loads and resistive loads, such as for example
auxiliary power units, control modules, and heating.
On one hand, the different motor starter combinations Approximately 10 % of the required motor power are
are addressed based on filling line 1. On the other hand, assumed for the resistive loads. For heating the pack­
it can be shown for the load center LC 1 (office section aging film to create a shrink-wrapped packaging, an
and dispatch) how circuit-breakers with electronic additional resistive load of about 75 kVA is taken into
4 ­characteristic tripping curve that come close to a fuse
(SENTRON 3VA with ELISA release) optimize the power

distribution regarding cable and busbar cross-sections Fig. 5/10 also illustrates that combinations are selected
as well as selectivity, and thus contribute to the cost-­ which are typical for a requirement-conforming motor
efficient design and increase of system availability. start. During selection, energizing and de-energizing
of the motor, the starting and stopping behavior, as well
as the operational behavior and the motor protection
in case of overload are considered. When planning the
5 5.8.1 M
 otor starter Combinations for electric power distribution, the short-circuit protection
Filling Line 1 and the overload protection of the supply line must be
designed, apart from the motor protection.
The loads connected in the filling line 1 must be supplied
via a low-voltage distribution which allows for a power The overload and short-circuit protection of the motor
transmission of at least 1,510 kVA. Due to the requested feeders can be executed in both non-fused and fused
redundancy, an infeed in the normal power supply technology:
6 (NPS in Fig. 5/10) via three 800 kVA GEAFOL trans­
formers would be appropriate. The safety power supply
• Non-fused technology
– with circuit-breaker for short-circuit and
(SPS in Fig. 5/10) is connected to the NPS through a overload protection
coupler. In case of failure through the transformers, the – with circuit-breaker (for short-circuit protection) and
SPS busbar continues to be supplied from a generator overload relay (thermal or electronic)
connected to it. This is a specialty of the sample plant, or a motor management device as well as contactors
which reflects that frequent interruptions in power for tripping (for overload protection)
supply by the distribution system operator (DSO) can • Fused technology with fuse-switch-disconnector
7 occur in the system environment. (the fuses take on the short-circuit protection) and
overload relay (thermal or electronic) or a motor
management device as well as contactors for tripping
(for overload protection).

78 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

Incoming Incoming Incoming Incoming

feeder feeder feeder Outgoing feeder Bus coupler feeder Outgoing feeder
4.1a 4.1b 4.1c NPS NPS/SPS 4.1d SPS



400 400 400 1,000 800 1,000 600

Fig. 5/11: Low-voltage switchboard SIVACON S8 for the main distribution of filling line 1 (dimensions in mm)
To determine the load behavior at motor start, four It must be observed that the motor protection contained
different combinations are used in filling line 1, which in the converter cannot be used in case of multi-motor
serves as an example: operation with frequency converters. In Tab. 5/3, the
• Direct-on-line start with overload relay/control unit combinations of starters and protection devices stored
and contactor in SIMARIS design are specified with the corresponding
• Star-delta start with overload relay/control unit
and three contactors
Siemens device series for the four different motor start
types. Additional devices and possible combinations
• Start with soft starters that limit, protect and switch can be found in the respective catalogs [5.3], [5.4] and
• Start with frequency converters that limit and protect. [5.5], as well as in the white paper [4.5] and in guide­
lines such as [1.1] and [1.2].
In this process, soft starters and frequency converters
can take over the overload protection. When using soft According to IEC 60204, a protection of the motors
starters and frequency converters with fused tech­ against overheating is mandatory as from a power of
nology, semiconductor fuses are used. 0.5 kW. The protection can be provided by means of 7
overload protection, overtemperature protection, or
current limiting.

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 79

Ring- Ring-
panel 4.1 a 4.1 b 4.1 c sectionalizer 4.2 a 4.2 b 4.2 c sectionalizer 4.3 a 4.3 b 4.3 c panel

310 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 430 310

3 Fig. 5/12: Medium-voltage switchgear 8DJH of the load center LC 4 for the three filling lines (dimensions in mm)

Nominal NPS - SPS / Quan-
Application Load type Motor start SIMARIS no. of tap-off
current Voltage tity
Motor Soft starter M a 110.0 A 1
Ventilation 10 m SPS / 400 V
Aggr. / control system L b 11.0 A 1
Stretch blower Motor Frequency converter M 15 m 363.0 A SPS / 400 V 1
4 Heat exchange
Aggr. / control system
Direct (non-fused) M a
L b
20 m
49.2 A
4.9 A
SPS / 400 V
Compressed air Motor Direct (non-fused) M a 74.5 A 1
22 m SPS / 400 V
production Aggr. / control system L b 7.4 A 1
Motor Direct (fused) M a 62.6 A 1
Mixer 25 m SPS / 400 V
Aggr. / control system L b 6.2 A 1
Motor Star-delta M a 49.2 A 1
CO2 evaporator 30 m SPS / 400 V
Aggr. / control system L b 4.9 A 1

Filling Motor Frequency converter M 35 m 82.2 A SPS / 400 V 1
Motor Soft starter M a 314.0 A 1
Bottle conveyor 40 m SPS / 400 V
Aggr. / control system L b 31.4 A 1
Motor Soft starter M a 49.2 A 1
Screw cap production 42 m SPS / 400 V
Aggr. / control system L b 4.9 A 1
Motor Direct (fused) M a 49.1 A 1
Labeling 45 m SPS / 400 V
Aggr. / control system L b 4.9 A 1
Automatic Motor Soft starter M a 50.0 A 1
50 m SPS / 400 V
cleaning unit Aggr. / control system L b 5.0 A 1

6 Packaging conveyor
Aggr. / control system
Soft starter M a
L b
55 m
160.0 A
16.0 A
SPS / 400 V
Motor Soft starter M a 148.0 A 1
Shrink packaging 57 m SPS / 400 V
Heat. / Aggr. / Ctrl. L b 124.0 A 1
Motor Direct (fused) M a 122.0 A 1
Palletizing 60 m SPS / 400 V
Aggr. / control system L b 12.0 A 1
Stretch film wrapping Motor Direct (fused) M a 62.5 A 1
65 m SPS / 400 V
machine Aggr. / control system L b 6.2 A 1
Filling information
L 70 m 50.1 A SPS / 400 V 1
7 system

Lighting UV 4.6 A NPS / 230 V 10

Socket outlets UV 10.5 A NPS / 230 V 10

Tab. 5/2: Load list for filling line 1 for dimensioning with SIMARIS design according to Fig. 5/10

80 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

Max. mech. Device

Short-circuit protection Overload protection
power protection 1)

Fused / Switching / Switching Fuses /

non-fused protection device device circuit-breaker

Overload relay, thermal Contactor

45 kW

Fused Fuses

Overload relay, electronic


250 kW 3)

Motor management device Contactor

250 kW 3)

Direct-on-line Contactor
SIRIUS 3RV, 250 kW
start SIRIUS 3RT

Overload relay, electronic Contactor

22 kW
Overload relay, electronic Contactor
SIRIUS 3RV, 250 kW 3)
Motor management device Contactor
250 kW 3)

Overload relay, thermal

3 contactors
15 kW 3
Star-delta Overload relay, electronic 3 contactors
Non-fused SIRIUS 3RV, 200 kW
Motor management device 3 contactors
200 kW

Fuses Contactor
Soft starter SIRIUS 3RW30 18.5 kW
Soft starter Fused
Fuses 4)
Soft starter SIRIUS 3RW40 250 kW

Freq. converter SINAMICS G110M 4 kW

(decentralized devices) G110D, G120D 7.5 kW

Freq. converter SINAMICS

Fuses Contactor
Fused G120, G120X (built-in 250 kW
Freq. converter SINAMICS Contactor Fuses
250 kW
Frequency G120P, G150 (cabinet units) SIRIUS 3RT SENTRON 3NE
converter Freq. converter SINAMICS
Circuit-breaker Contactor
G120, G120X (built-in 250 kW

Non-fused Circuit-breaker Freq. converter SINAMICS Contactor Fuses

400 kW
SENTRON 3VA, 3WA G120P, G150 (cabinet units) SIRIUS 3RT SENTRON 3NE

Circuit-breaker Freq. converter SINAMICS Circuit-breaker

> 400 - 560 kW
SENTRON 3VA, 3WA G120P, G150 (cabinet units) SENTRON 3WA
1)  evice protection in the frequency converter cabinet
2) I n combination with a switch-disconnector, such as e.g. Siemens 3KF, 3NJ, 3NP
3) T he contactor SIRIUS 3TF6 can be designed for motor ratings up to 450 kW (in low-voltage distribution networks, it is recommended to limit the motor

rating to about 250 kW during direct-on-line start)

4) Type-tested device combination in which the soft starter takes over the function of the contactor; other soft starters in the SIRIUS program

are, for example, 3RW50, 3RW52 and 3RW55 [IC10]

Tab. 5/3: Device combinations stored in SIMARIS design for the start and protection of low-voltage motors 7

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 81

Motor protection

only temperature-
Protection of the motor for only current- current- and
dependent, e.g.
dependent, e.g. with temperature-­
with thermistor
overload relay dependent
motor protection relay

overload in continuous operation ✓ ✓ ✓

long starting and braking processes ❍ ✓ ✓

irregular intermittent periodic duty ❍ ✓ ✓

too high switching rate ❍ ✓ ✓

single-phase operation and current

✓ ✓ ✓

2 voltage and frequency fluctuations

application of the brakes on the rotor

connection with locked rotor in case of

✓ ✓ ✓
stator-critical motor

connection with locked rotor in case of

✓ ❍ ✓
rotor-critical motor

increased ambient air temperature – ✓ ✓

3 hindered cooling – ✓ ✓

✓ full protection
❍ conditional protection
– no protection

Tab. 5/4: Comparison of the motor protection methods

4 The use of a SIRIUS 3RN2 thermistor motor protection The Siemens portfolio for motor protection is completed
device as a direct motor protection is appropriate by, for example, the current monitoring relays SIRIUS 3RR
• for motors which frequently start and brake and the non-fused compact starters SIRIUS 3RA6, which
• at high ambient air temperatures or in environments in are installed in the control cabinet in a space-saving
which cooling might be impaired (e.g. due to dust) design as a unit including circuit-breaker, contactor and
• in case of very long starting and braking processes electronic overload relay. For more on this and on other
• in combination with frequency converters at low components around motor starters and motor protection
5 speeds. devices, see [5.3]. It should be noted again at this point
that for the planning of drive powers as from 250 kW at
In rotor-critical motors, the overtemperature detection 400 V, medium-voltage motors are the preferred choice,
in the stator windings can lead to a delayed and thus as the dynamic voltage drop and the high starting cur­
insufficient protection. In this case, an additional protec­ rents can otherwise lead to problems in the low-voltage
tion, for example via an overload relay, is to be provided network.
according to the standard. In Tab. 5/4, the effectiveness
6 of different motor protection methods is compared.
Due to the I2t detection contained in the SINAMICS
In SIMARIS design, the values for typical motor data of
standard-compliant Siemens low-voltage motors are
firmware, the SINAMICS frequency converters provide stored for preselection. However, the corresponding
a simple protection against thermal overload as standard. tested starter combination can also be dimensioned for
A more precise motor protection can be achieved by any other motor. The white paper [4.5], the planning
means of temperature detection with additional manual [1.1] and the configuration manual [5.6] provide
­temperature sensors. more information on motor start.

82 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

5.8.2 S
 electivity by Means of Appropriate is essential here, as they know how to use tools like
Selection of Circuit-Breaker Types SIMARIS and are able to evaluate the results.
in Sub‑Distribution Circuits and
This application manual can provide important informa­
Integration of a Static UPS System
tion on what to keep in mind during the design.
The design of the switching and protection equipment By no means is it a general instruction for how to pro­
for the low-voltage distribution board of the load center ceed to achieve full selectivity in a given project. More­ 1
LC 1 not only takes into account the supply of office over, the described example confirms that software tools
workplaces, but also the protection of a server rack can contribute to facilitating the task of planning, but
with single-phase supplied servers (current demand the technical competence of the user actually deter­
In = 26.8 A per rack) as well as the fire detection and fire mines the quality of the results significantly.
protection equipment by means of a static UPS system.
The lighting and socket outlets for the office rooms are As a first intervention, the load protection for the socket
distributed to three sub-distribution boards with sepa­
rate circuits for lighting and socket outlets (Fig. 5/13).
outlets and lighting facilities is permanently increased
up to a rated current Ir of 16 A. This way, the cable
cross-sections change as well.
According to [5.7], the UPS system is reproduced in
SIMARIS design using three components. The UPS recti­ The comparison between Fig. 5/13 and Fig. 5/14 illus­
fier with battery charge is simulated by an equivalent trates how the entire chain from the infeed up to the
load and supplied via the SPS. The inverter output corre­ consumers must be contemplated for selectivity consid­
sponds to an infeed which supplies the consumers erations. The more distribution steps there are between
­connected to the UPS. As the considered UPS has a the infeed and the consumers, the more complex it can 3
separate input for the internal bypass, this input is con­ get to design the protection grading selectively. More­
nected to the NPS. It must be noted that no internal UPS over, modifications in one circuit can also have conse­
connections are reproduced in Fig. 5/13, and that the quences for the other circuits, which must be taken into
circuit-breakers for the internal bypass and the inverter account.
as well as the distribution board busbars “USP-Out” and
“USP-In” are fictitious and only required for the simula­ The new electronic overcurrent tripping unit ETU340 (ELISA)
tion in SIMARIS design. More information on the UPS
simulation with SIMARIS design can be found in [5.7] or
for the molded-case circuit-breakers SENTRON 3VA2
from Siemens features an easily adjustable tripping
inquired via the responsible TIP contact partner. characteristic that resembles the one of fuses and with
the help of which selective gradings can perhaps be
Since there should not occur a total shutdown of all achieved more easily. The outgoing feeder circuit-breakers
lighting facilities and all consumers connected to the LS AV 1 (between sub-distribution board SD NPS and
socket outlets in the office section in the event of a fault sub-distribution board SD NPS 1; as well as SD NPS 2
in any of the end circuits, full selectivity is required for and 3, analogously) and LS AV 1.1 or LS AV 1.2 to the
the NPS sub-distribution boards in the office section. In sub-distribution boards SD NPS 1.1 or SD NPS 1.2 5
Fig. 5/13, the suitable protection devices are already (the circuit-breakers for SD NPS 2.1 and 2.2, as well as
arranged in the network. This, however, needs some SD NPS 3.1 and 3.2, analogously) are such 3VA2 circuit-
readjustments in the dimensioning with SIMARIS design. breakers with ETU340 according to Fig. 5/13. In Fig. 5/15,
the curves of the circuit-breaker LS AV 1.1 and LS AV 1.2
As a starting point for the readjustments, Fig. 5/14 from the selectivity-optimized SIMARIS calculation
shows the result of a fully “automated” dimensioning (see Fig. 5/13) are compared with the “automated”
with SIMARIS design. To do this, the network configura­
tion is set up and the boundary conditions for infeeds
SIMARIS calculation (see Fig. 5/14). 6
and consumers are stipulated. The switching and protec­ Nevertheless, additional solutions could possibly be
tion devices marked yellow in Fig. 5/14 identify partial found, and the comparison is only meant to illustrate as
selectivity, and the switching and protection devices an example how diverse the starting points for project
marked green identify full selectivity. Even if the planning can be. More information on the correlation
switching and protection devices of the main distribution between selectivity and design of a distribution network
board MD NPS are fully selective, it does not suffice to structure, especially when it comes to the molded-case
only adjust the switching and protection devices of the circuit-breaker 3VA, can be found in the selectivity 7
sub-distribution boards in order to achieve full selectivity manual [5.8].
for them, too. In fact, the experience of technical planners

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 83

MS-LTS 1.1 MS-LTS 1.2

SDC with fuse SDC with fuse
In (switch) = 200 A In (switch) = 200 A
In (fuse) = 63 A In (fuse) = 63 A
3 x SIB: 3001413.63 3 x SIB: 3001413.63

MS-K/L 1.1 MS-K/L 1.2


15 m 15 m
VPE 3 x 35 VPE 3 x 35

Transformer 1.1 Transformer 1.2

Sn = 630 kVA / AN Sn = 630 kVA / AN
ukr = 6 % ukr = 6 %
20/0,4 kV Dyn5 20/0,4 kV Dyn5
4GX58643E 4GX58643E

S 1.1 S 1.2
Busbar Busbar
15 m 15 m
LI-AM10005B-55 LI-AM10005B-55

2 LS 1.1
In = 1,000 A
LS 1.2
In = 1,000 A

LS AV 1 LS AV 2 LS AV 3 LS Ventilation
Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
In = 250 A In = 250 A In = 250 A In = 160 A
3VA23256HK320AA0/LI 3VA23256HK320AA0/LI 3VA23256HK320AA0/LI 3VA21165HN360AA0/LSI

K/L AV 1 K/L AV 2 K/L AV 3 K/L Ventilation

Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line

25 m 45 m 70 m 40 m
Cu 1(3x50/50/25) Cu 1(3x50/50/25) Cu 1(3x50/50/25) Cu 1(3x95/95/50)

TN-S Un = 400 V P Indoor
In = 148 A
Un = 400 V
to SD NPS 3 3+N-pole
Loads and distribution like NPS 1
LS AV 1.1 LS AV 1.2
Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker to SD NPS 2
In = 63 A In = 63 A
3VA21635HK360AA0/LI 3VA21635HK360AA0/LI Loads and distribution like NPS 1

K/L AV 1.1 K/L AV 1.2

Cable/Line Cable/Line
20 m 20 m
Cu 1(3x16/16/16) Cu 1(3x10/10/10)

SD NPS 1.1 SD NPS 1.2

TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V

LS AV 1.1.1 LS AV 1.1.2 LS AV 1.1.3

Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker LS AV 1.2.1 LS AV 1.2.2 LS AV 1.2.3
In = 16 A In = 16 A In = 16 A Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker
5SY61166/B 5SY61166/B 5SY61166/B In = 16 A In = 16 A In = 16 A
5SY41166/B 5SY41166/B 5SY41166/B
5SV33126 5SV33126 5SV33126
K/L AV 1.1.1 K/L AV 1.1.2 K/L AV 1.1.3
Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line
25 m 25 m 25 m
Cu 1(1x2.5/2.5/2.5) Cu 1(1x2.5/2.5/2.5) Cu 1(1x2.5/2.5/2.5)

5 K/L AV 1.2.1
K/L AV 1.2.2
K/L AV 1.2.3
25 m 25 m 25 m
L AV 1.1.1 Lighting L AV 1.1.2 Lighting L AV 1.1.3 Lighting
P Indoor
In = 4.56 A
P Indoor
In = 4.56 A
P Indoor
In = 4.56 A
Cu 1(1x2.5/2.5/2.5) Cu 1(1x2.5/2.5/2.5) Cu 1(1x2.5/2.5/2.5)

Un = 230 V Un = 230 V Un = 230 V

1+N-pole 1+N-pole 1+N-pole

10x 10x 10x L AV 1.2.1 Socket outlets

L AV 1.2.2 Socket outlets
L AV 1.2.3 Socket outlets
In = 10.5 A In = 10.5 A In = 10.5 A
Un = 230 V Un = 230 V Un = 230 V
1+N-pole 1+N-pole 1+N-pole

8x 8x 8x

Fig. 5/13: Single-line diagram for the office section of the load center substation LC 1

84 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

Generator 1.1
Pn = 264 kW
G Sn = 330 kVA
Un = 400 V

K/L 1.1 c K/L 1.1 d

Cable/Line Cable/Line

5m 30 m
Cu 2(3x120/120/120) Cu 2(3x240/240/120)

LS 1.1 c LS 1.1 d
Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
In = 400 A In = 630 A
3VA23405HM420AA0/LIGN 3VA24635HN420AA0/LSIN


TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V

LS 1 ext. bypass LS 1 int. bypass LS to rectifier & battery charger LS SV 1.1

Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker
In = 250 A In = 250 A In = 160 A In = 6 A
3VA23255HM420AA0/LIGN 3VA23255HM420AA0/LIGN 3VA21165HN360AA0/LSI 5SY61066/B

K/L SV 1.1.1
S ext. bypass S int. bypass S to rect.&batt. Cable/Line
Busbar Busbar Busbar

5m 5m 5m Cu 1(1x1,5/1,5/1,5)
BD2-A-250 BD2-A-250 BD2-A-160

Emergency lighting
P Indoor
In = 4,56 A
Un = 230 V
10 times in total
12x for every 12 consumers
for emergency lighting
with different cable
lengths “xx”

Internal Inverter Rectifier &

UPS inverter output
In = 144 A
battery charge
Rectifier / battery charge
Equivalent load
In = 159 A
Un = 400 V
Un = 400 V
Dummy inverter output 3-pole
LS 2 int. bypass In = 250 A
Circuit-breaker 3VA23255HM420AA0/LIGN
In = 250 A

UPS output UPS input

TN-S Un = 400 V TN-S Un = 400 V

LS USV 1.1
In = 160 A

S USV 1.1
LS 2 ext. bypass BD2-A-160
In = 250 A


TN-S Un = 400 V

LS USV 1.1.1 LS USV 1.1.2 LS USV 1.1.3 LS USV 1.1.4

Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
In = 32 A In = 32 A In = 32 A In = 80 A
5SY71326/B 5SY71326/B 5SY71326/B 3VA10804ED360AA0/LI

K/L USV 1.1.1 K/L USV 1.1.2 K/L USV 1.1.3 K/L USV 1.1.4
Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line
15 m 15 m 15 m 40 m
Cu 1(1x6/6/6) Cu 1(1x6/6/6) Cu 1(1x6/6/6) Cu 1(3x35/35/16)

Fire alarm and protection

Rack 1&2 Rack 3&4 Rack 5&6
Indoor Indoor Indoor In = 75.8 A
In = 26.8 A In = 26.8 A In = 26.8 A Un = 400 V
Un = 230 V Un = 230 V Un = 230 V 3+N-pole
1+N-pole 1+N-pole 1+N-pole

2x 2x 2x

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 85

MS-LTS 1.1 MS-LTS 1.2

SDC with fuse SDC with fuse
In (switch) = 200 A In (switch) = 200 A
In (fuse) = 63 A In (fuse) = 63 A
3 x SIB: 3001413.63 3 x SIB: 3001413.63

MS-K/L 1.1 MS-K/L 1.2


15 m 15 m
XLPE 3 x 35 XLPE 3 x 35

Transformer 1.1 Transformer 1.2

Sn = 630 kVA / AN Sn = 630 kVA / AN
ukr = 6 % ukr = 6 %
20/0.4 kV Dyn5 20/0.4 kV Dyn5
4GX58643E 4GX58643E

S 1.1 S 1.2
Busbar Busbar
15 m 15 m

LI-AM10005B-55 LI-AM10005B-55

LS 1.1 LS 1.2
Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
In = 1,000 A In = 1,000 A
3WA11102EB611AA2/LSIN 3WA11102EB611AA2/LSIN


In = 100 A

K/L AV 1
25 m
Cu 1(3x35/35/16)

LS AV 1.1
In = 63 A

K/L AV 1.1
20 m
Cu 1(3x16/16/16)

SD NPS 1.1

TN-S Un = 400 V

LS AV 1.1.1 LS AV 1.1.2 LS AV 1.1.3

Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker
In = 6 A In = 6 A In = 6 A
5SY61066/B 5SY61066/B 5SY61066/B

K/L AV 1.1.1 K/L AV 1.1.2 K/L AV 1.1.3

Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line
25 m 25 m 25 m
Cu 1(1x1.5/1.5/1.5) Cu 1(1x1.5/1.5/1.5) Cu 1(1x1.5/1.5/1.5)

L AV 1.1.1 Lighting L AV 1.1.2 Lighting L AV 1.1.3 Lighting
P Indoor
In = 4.56 A
P Indoor
In = 4.56 A
P Indoor
In = 4.56 A
Un = 230 V Un = 230 V Un = 230 V
1+N-pole 1+N-pole 1+N-pole

10x 10x 10x

Fig. 5/14: S
 implified single-line diagram with selectivity marking (yellow = partially selective; green = fully selective) for
the office section according to an automated dimensioning with SIMARIS design

86 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant


TN-S Un = 400 V

LS AV 2 LS AV 3 LS Ventilation

Circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker
In = 100 A In = 100 A In = 160 A
3VA20105HN360AA0/LSI 3VA20105HN360AA0/LSI 3VA21165HN360AA0/LSI

K/L AV 2 K/L AV 3 K/L Ventilation

Cable/Line Cable/Line Cable/Line
45 m 70 m 40 m
Cu 1(3x35/35/16) Cu 1(3x35/35/16) Cu 1(3x95/95/50)

TN-S Un = 400 V P Indoor
In = 148 A

Un = 400 V
LS AV 1.2 to SD NPS 3 3+N-pole
In = 63 A Loads and distribution like NPS 1
to SD NPS 2
K/L AV 1.2
Cable/Line Loads and distribution like NPS 1
20 m
Cu 1(3x10/10/10)

SD NPS 1.2

TN-S Un = 400 V

LS AV 1.2.1 LS AV 1.2.2 LS AV 1.2.3

Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker Miniature circuit-breaker
In = 13 A In = 13 A In = 13 A
5SY61136/B 5SY61136/B 5SY61136/B
5SV33126 5SV33126 5SV33126

K/L AV 1.2.1
K/L AV 1.2.2
K/L AV 1.2.3
25 m 25 m 25 m
Cu 1(1x1.5/1.5/1.5) Cu 1(1x1.5/1.5/1.5) Cu 1(1x1.5/1.5/1.5)

L AV 1.2.1 Socket outlets L AV 1.2.2 Socket outlets L AV 1.2.3 Socket outlets

Indoor Indoor Indoor
In = 10.5 A In = 10.5 A In = 10.5 A
Un = 230 V Un = 230 V Un = 230 V
1+N-pole 1+N-pole 1+N-pole

8x 8x 8x 7

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 87

Fully selective sub-distribution circuit with 3VA2 circuit-breakers and ETU 340 (ELISA)

LS AV 1.1 Lower Switch

10 4
LV 1.1.1 Envelope of upstream devices
3VA21635HK360AA0/LSI LS AV 1.1

1 IR [A] 50 tR [s] 1.300

10 3
Ikmax = 16.859 kA
Ikmin = 2.205 kA
Envelope of downstream devices

Ii [A] 945
10 2

10 1

t in s

10 0


10 -1

10 -2

10 -3
10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5
I in A

Partially selective sub-distribution circuit with 3VA2 circuit-breakers and ETU 350 (LSI)

LS AV 1.1 Lower Switch

10 4
LV 1.1.1 Envelope of upstream devices
3VA20635HN360AA0/LSI LS AV 1.1
IR [A] 50 tR [s] 10 Ikmax = 13.962 kA
Ikmin = 1.862 kA
10 3
Isel-overload = 1.02 kA
Envelope of downstream devices

Isd [A] 400 tsd [s] 0,4

10 2

Ii [A] 756 10 1
t in s

10 0


6 10 -1

10 -2

10 -3
10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5
I in A

Fig. 5/15: C
 omparison of the selectivity outputs of SIMARIS design for circuit-breakers LS AV 1.1 and LS AV 1.2:
top, “optimized” according to Fig. 5/13; bottom, “automated” according to Fig. 5/14

88 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

5.8.3 C
 oncept Examples for Low-Voltage are calculated without taking into account the upstream
Distribution Boards by the Example network influences and line impedances (the overview in
of Filling Lines 1 to 3 Fig. 4/11 is a graphical implementation of the values):

Due to the adjacent arrangement of three filling lines in S Tr

one production hall, the distribution concept in Fig. 5/10
I“k =
is only one of many possible options in the industrial √3 · ukr · 400 V
environment. An adjustment or change of requirements
can lead to different focal points and concepts in plan­ The results are verified by means of SIMARIS design
ning. As some basic concepts for the low-voltage main calculations. In SIMARIS design, the line impedances are
distribution boards of the three filling lines are briefly taken into account, which explains the differences in
addressed in the following as examples, the consumers the values in Tab. 5/5.
of the three individual lines can be joined as equivalent
loads and the generator infeeds can be disregarded.
Design-specific characteristics of the concepts can be
In concept 1., the supplies of the individual filling lines
remain separate in all operating states. On the one hand,
found in Tab. 5/5 and in the single-line diagrams in switching operations are avoided, but on the other hand,
Fig. 5/16. Characteristics of the examples are: a larger number of components (e.g. nine 800 kVA
transformers in total) must be accepted for (n-1) avail­
1. T
 hree supply substations (with three 800 kVA ability. The lowest maximum value of the short-circuit
­transformers each) for the separate supply of the currents (rough calculation: 58 kA; SIMARIS: 55 kA) is
individual lines advantageous regarding the short-circuit withstand
2. T hree supply substations (with two 1,000 kVA strength of the devices. 3
­transformers each) for the supply of the lines, with
couplers between the parts of the low-voltage In normal operation, the concepts 2.1, 2.2 and 3.1 are
switchboard more convenient regarding the protection of persons
2.1 When a transformer fails: Coupling and equipment, as the maximum short-circuit currents
of two lines (3 × 1,000 kVA for two lines + are lower than in concept 1. Since the maximum
2 × 1,000 kVA for the third line) short-circuit currents in case of failure are higher than
2.2 W hen a transformer fails: Coupling of the five
remaining transformers (5 × 1,000 kVA for
in concept 1., a higher short-circuit withstand strength
of the switching and protection devices is required
three lines) as well. The concepts 2.1 and 2.2 might not differ in
3. T hree supply substations to supply the lines: The their general design, but different (n-1) failure actions
coupling through a bypass busbar enables a separate are performed. It becomes apparent that it is more
installation of the low-voltage switchboards advantageous to not close all couplers between the
3.1 With 2 × 1,000 kVA transformers with fans substations when a transformer fails, and thus switching
(a power increase to 1,400 kVA is possible with all remaining five transformers in parallel (concept 2.2).
fan operation) per substation, which are coupled It is sufficient to close one coupler in order to supply two 5
through the bypass busbar when a transformer lines with three transformers and to continue to supply
fails one line separately with two transformers (concept 2.1).
3.2 W ith 2 × 1,250 kVA transformers per substation, The resulting short-circuit currents are therefore lower.
which are coupled through the bypass busbar
when a transformer fails The transformer configuration and the treatment in case
4. Supply of the three lines through a busbar trunking of failure of concept 3.1 largely corresponds to that of
system ring with four individual infeeds from one
1,250 kVA transformer each with fans for the
concept 2.1. The difference in concept 3.1 is the bypass
busbar which, compared with concepts 2.1 and 2.2,
(n-1) failure supply with only three transformers. allows for a spatially separate installation of the low-
voltage switchboards (closer to the individual filling
Rough calculations are performed for the considered lines) and also enables the right-hand and left-hand
basic concepts. The maximum short-circuit currents I“k substation to be coupled (Fig. 5/15: “3.1” and “3.2”) even
if the intermediate substation fails completely. Thus, in
case of such a (n-2) availability, only four transformers
are required to supply the total load of about 4,350 kVA. 7

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 89

Distribution concept One substation One substation per filling line – One substation per filling line – Four substations
for the low-voltage per filling line – couplers between the substations coupled through in the busbar
supply separated substations ­bypass busbar trunking system
ring supply three
filling lines
Example / single-line 1. 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4

diagram (Fig. 5/16)
Transformers in normal 3 × 800 kVA 3 × 2 × 1,000 kVA 3 × 2 × 1,000 kVA 2 × 1,000 kVA 2 × 1,250 kVA in 1 × 1,250 kVA
operation and main in 3 substations with open with open with fan in 3 substations, each
switchboards couplers in a couplers in a 3 substations, connected with fan in
substation substation connected through an 4 substations
through an open bypass
open bypass busbar
Transformers 3 × 800 kVA in 3 × 1,000 kVA 5 × 1,000 kVA 3 × 1,000 kVA 3 × 1,250 kVA 1 × 1,250 kVA
2 at (n-1) failure
operation and main
coupled for
2 lines
coupled for
3 lines
(fan) coupled
for 2 lines
coupled for
2 lines
each with fan in
3 substations
switchboards 2 × 800 kVA 2 × 1,000 kVA 2 × 1,000 kVA 2 × 1,250 kVA
in affected for the third line (fan) for the for the third line
substation third line
Ventilation of the Natural Natural Natural With fan Natural With fan
transformers in ventilation (AN) ventilation (AN) ventilation (AN) (AF) ventilation (AN) (AF)
(n-1) failure operation

3 Rough calculation without considering line lengths (cables / busbars)

Maximum theoretical
short-circuit stress: approx. approx. approx. approx. approx. approx.
Normal operation / 58 kA / 38.5 kA 48 kA / 72 kA 48 kA / 120 kA 48 kA / 72 kA 60 kA / 90 kA 120 kA / 90 kA
(n-1) failure
Validation by means of calculation with SIMARIS design considering line lengths (cables / busbars)
Short-circuit stress
from simplified
approx. approx. approx. approx. approx. approx.
4 calculation:
Normal operation /
55 kA / 38 kA 47 kA / 68 kA 47 kA / 108 kA 48 kA / 66 kA 58 kA / 79 kA 98 kA / 80 kA
(n-1) failure

Tab. 5/5: Typification and some characteristics of the low-voltage concept examples for the three filling lines

With the fans being installed on the transformers, a It must absolutely be observed that other values result
5 power increase for the 1,000 kVA transformers up to for the concepts 3.1 and 3.2 regarding switching and
1,400 kVA 4) can be achieved in case of failure. Alterna­ protection devices, cables, and busbar trunking systems.
tively, as shown in concept 3.2, transformers can be The calculation of the short-circuit currents of the
used without installed fans, but with a power increase ­transformers is based on the rated values, regardless of
up to 1,250 kVA. In doing so, however, the maximum fan installation. The short-circuit current to be expected
short-circuit currents increase compared with concept 3.1. is therefore independent of the power increase provided
by fan installation.
6 Even with the limitation to the failure of only one trans­
former, and if a bypass busbar is used, it is not possible
4) By means of forced ventilation, the maximum output of a transformer in to do without the power increase of the transformers
failure situations can be increased by about 40 %. Besides the energy
consumption for fan operation, the power losses due to the transformer in the concepts 3.1 and 3.2, compared with concept 2.1.
increase squarely with the power increase, which must also be taken The dimensioning with SIMARIS design shows that the
into account for room ventilation. The Windows PC tool SITRATO provides additional line lengths of the bypass busbar between
support in determining the ventilation parameters, and can be installed
the transformers lead to an unequal distribution of
7 using the SIMARIS Suite from Siemens. It applies generally that the
distribution transformers can be operated efficiently when they are currents to the transformers, and thus three 1,000 kVA
utilized at 40 to 50 % capacity. It can thus easily become uneconomical transformers no longer suffice to provide the power
when larger transformers or a redundant transformer are not used because
of the installation of fans, which is especially true if the transformers are for two filling lines.
constantly highly utilized in normal operation [5.9].

90 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant

15 m

800 kVA

25 m 1.
Three separate infeeds and distributions
via 3 switchboards 1
with 3 × 800 kVA GEAFOL transf. each
100 m

1,450 kVA

Line 1 Line 2 Line 3

15 m

1,000 kVA

25 m 2.1 + 2.2
Separate infeeds with
3 × 2 × 1,000 kVA GEAFOL transf.,

via a common low-voltage
100 m
switchboard with open couplers

1,450 kVA

Line 1 Line 2 Line 3

15 m 4
1,250 kVA /
1,000 kVA AF
3.1 + 3.2
25 m
Separate infeeds with
(3.1) 3 × 2 × 1,000 kVA GEAFOL transf.
with fans (AF),
(3.2) 3 × 2 × 1,250 kVA GEAFOL transf.,
25 m 25 m coupled through a bypass busbar

(normally open)
100 m

1,450 kVA

Line 1 Line 2 Line 3

1,090 kVA Busbar trunking system ring
1,090 kVA 1,090 kVA
1,090 kVA with four infeeds with one
40 m 40 m 1,250 GEAFOL transf. each,
with fan

15 m 10 m

1,250 kVA AF
15 m 50 m 15 m 10 m 15 m

1,250 kVA AF

Fig. 5/16: Examples for low-voltage concepts for (n-1) supply of the three filling lines

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant 91

The busbar trunking system ring in concept 4 prevents a

“one-sided” supply that can be interrupted in case of
failure. All loads of the three filling lines are simulated
by means of a simplified distribution to a busbar trunking
system ring. The transformers indeed are installed
individually (four substations), but are coupled among
1 themselves from two sides through busbar trunking
systems. This way, in the busbar trunking system ring
it is not necessary to switch on through couplers, other
than in the case of individual supply. At the same time,
a compensation of the currents occurs, and the maximum
short-circuit currents are determined by the quantity and
power of the coupled transformers. When a transformer
2 fails, the availability for all filling lines is achieved by
increasing the transformer power by means of fan instal­
lation. When dimensioning cables and busbar trunking
systems as well as switching and protection devices, the
higher short-circuit currents in case of parallel connec­
tion of the transformers in normal operation must be
taken into account.

3 Beyond these four concepts, there are innumerable other

possibilities and versions. Here, only some few aspects
and variations of the concepts could be briefly addressed.
More exact evaluations must be undertaken project-
specifically. The technical consultants of Siemens provide
support in this.

92 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for the Electric Power Distri­bution of a Beverage Filling Plant
Chapter 6
Concept Finding for the
Electric Power Distribution
of a Chemical Plant
6.1 Description of the Air Separation
Process 94
6.2 Consumers and Requirements 94
6.3 Network Layout and Basic Concept
Parameters 98
6.4 Design of the Medium-Voltage
Switchgear 99
6.5 Dimensioning the Medium-Voltage
Motor Feeders 105
6.6 Motor Start with Block Transformer 111
6.7 Generator Protection 112
6.8 Network Protection Concept and
Energy Management 113
6.9 Front Views and Room Planning of
the ­Medium‑Voltage Switchgear 118
6 C
 oncept Finding for the Electric Power
Contents ­Distri­bution of a Chemical Plant

Other than for the beverage filling plant in Chapter 5, • 650 tons of liquid oxygen daily
the example considered in here for an air separation • 2,000 tons of liquid nitrogen daily
1 plant (ASP) uses many powerful electric motors, which • 40 tons of liquid argon daily.
are usually supplied directly with medium voltage.
Therefore, the electric power supply of low-voltage For their generation, an ASP with two parallel operating
consumers is not described in detail in the sample plant. process units is designed. Since the process units are
set up identically, only one line is shown in the following,
as well as the additional links between the two lines.
6.1 D
 escription of the Air Separation Unless stated otherwise, the data in the tables and the
2 Process graphics are referred to one line.

The primary task of the ASP is gaining liquid oxygen from

the ambient air. Three gas components can be extracted 6.2 Consumers and Requirements
from the earth atmosphere, with a mass percentage of
Besides the industrial processes, the electric power
75.5 % nitrogen (N2) - 23.1 % oxygen (O2) -
distribution of the ASP must also consider the opera­
1.3 % argon (Ar) 1)
tional facilities, such as control rooms, staff rooms,
3 Air separation according to the low-pressure process is office rooms, meeting rooms, as well as installation
the most common procedure for oxygen production, and rooms for air conditioning, fire protection, and electronic
it is also known as cryogenic rectification. This term infrastructure. In addition to the two product lines, the
characterizes essential process steps: operational facilities are combined in four factory build­
• “Cryogenic” characterizes the temperature reduction ings (Fig. 6/2). Each building is supplied by a separate
for liquefaction of gases transformer. The block diagram of the ASP in Fig. 6/2
• “Rectification” means countercurrent distillation of roughly shows the spatial conditions and does not repre­
4 liquefied gases. sent a site plan with exact positions or dimensions.

The process is schematically shown in Fig. 6/1. For the process control room in Fig. 6/2, it is stipulated
that two medium-voltage switchgear assemblies sepa­
First, the air sucked in from the environment is cleaned, rated by a fire protection wall are connected via a sec­
compressed to a pressure of about 6 bar and cooled tionalizer circuit-breaker. Possible installation versions
down afterwards. The multi-step separation process uses reflect the safety requirements for the separation of the
the boiling point differences of the individual gases two process lines:
5 (O2: -183 °C; Ar: -186 °C; N2: -196 °C). The liquefied air is • Functional separation: One switchgear assembly with
then separated in a double-column rectification system, bus sectionalizer in one room
consisting of a high-pressure column (approx. 6 bar) • Fire protection separation: Two switchgear assemblies,
and a low- pressure column (approx. 1.5 bar). coupled through a connection, are separated from
Pre-separation of oxygen (column sump), argon (middle each other by a fire protection wall / fire protection
section) and nitrogen (column top) takes place in the facility; close proximity
high-pressure column according to the boiling point • Spatial separation: Separate installation of two
6 differences. The liquefied gases are led into the low-
voltage column, where still unseparated oxygen shares
(electrically interconnected) switchgear assemblies in
individual rooms, which are not next to one another.
are largely separated. The pure liquefied gases are
­supplied by pipeline to large industrial customers near Two buildings for the control system, which are set up
the production plant, or transferred to tanks for storage redundantly, must be assigned to the product lines.
or transportation. For the sample plant, the following The load list in Tab. 6/1 combines one of these two
output is estimated: buildings with the consumers of one of the two
­production trains.
1) Note:Volume percentage: 78 % nitrogen (N2) - 21 % oxygen (O2) -
1 % argon (Ar)

94 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


Release of gaseous
nitrogen & oxygen
Refrigeration &
expansion of air
Storage & filling
of liquefied gases 1
8 Process control


Gas release unit

Filtered &
Liquid nitrogen
storage tank 2
compressed air

Filtration & further Heat

compression of air Expander exchanger

2 Turbo
Liquid argon
storage tank

Air cleaning unit

Cryogenic decomposition
of air
Cryogenic rectification
of argon 4
Pre-cleaning & Exhaust
compression of air gas
Low-pressure Raw argon
column column

Liquid nitrogen

Raw material
liquid argon
6 Pure argon
Heat exchanger /
air filter

Storage & filling
of liquefied gases
1 Air compressor
column Liquid oxygen
5 storage tank

Water cooling 7
Fig. 6/1: S
 chematic process representation of air separation (the numbers 1 to 8 of the components identify
the assignment for Tab. 6/1)

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 95


Central power supply:

- DSO connection
1 - HV/MV transformers (110/30 kV)
- 30 kV MV main distribution
- MV transformers (30/10 kV)

Liquefied gas Liquefied gas

storage tank storage tank

2 N2 O2 Ar Ar O2 N2

Liquef. Liquef.
3 Pumps 4 G G 4 Pumps 3
4 4
Rectifi- Heater Heater Rectifi-
3 cation
8 8
7 cation
LV dis- Control Process center: Control LV dis-
tribution room - 10 kV MV distr. room tribution

450 m
- Transf. (10/0.4 kV)

Booster Pumps Pumps Booster

2 6 6 2

4 Fan
Cooling 5 5
MAC ... ... MAC
1 1

10 10
9 9
Factory Factory
Factory building: building: building: Factory building:
- Transf.(30/0.4 kV) Tr.(30/0.4kV) Tr.(30/0.4kV) - Transf.(30/0.4 kV)
- LV distribution LV distrib. LV distrib. - LV distribution

370 m
Nominal voltages: Legend:
30 kV level G Generator MAC Air compressor Ar Argon
HV High voltage Tr. Transformer O2 Oxygen
10 kV level
LV Low voltage Transf. Transformer N2 Nitrogen
0.4 kV level MV Medium voltage DSO Distribution system operator

Fig. 6/2: Block diagram for the ASP ground sketch (numbers correspond to the identification in Fig. 6/1 and Tab. 6/1)

96 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


Total apparent
No. Quantity Description Load type Voltage Active power Current Starter
1 1 Air compressor (MAC) Motor 1) 10 kV 11,200 kW 13,397.10 kVA 773.50 A VFD 3)
Turbo compressor
2 1 Motor 1) 10 kV 5,800 kW 6,937.80 kVA 400.60 A VFD 3)

3 1 Liquefaction Motor 1) 10 kV 4,840 kW 5,789.50 kVA 334.30 A Soft
4 2 Pump Motor 1) 10 kV 2 × 300 kW 717.70 kVA 41.44 A Direct
5 11 Fan for cooling Motor 1) 0.4 kV 11 × 40 kW 526.30 kVA 759.70 A VFD 3)
6 2 Cooling water pump Motor 1) 0.4 kV 2 × 175 kW 418.70 kVA 604.30 A VFD 3)
7 4 Electric process heater 0.4 kV 4 × 287 kW 1,148.00 kVA 1,657.00 A -
load 2)
8 1 Process control Others 2) 0.4 kV 200 kW 227.30 kVA 328.05 A -
9 1 Factory building 1.1 Others 2) 0.4 kV 2 MVA -
10 1 Factory building 1.2 Others 2) 0.4 kV 1.6 MVA -
1) The mechanical power of the motors is specified. The following applies: cos φ = 0.88 and efficiency η = 0.95
2) Resistive load: cos φ = 1; other loads: cos φ = 0.88
3) VFD starter without feedback

Tab. 6/1: C
 onsumer list for a single product line and two of the four factory buildings as starting point for the electric power
distribution concept of the ASP

In addition, the following has to be observed when • For future extensions / power increases, a reserve of at
designing the electric power distribution: least 20 % has to be provided for the transformers
• International design of the basic concept according to • In order to ensure the power quality of the network
IEC standards (total voltage drop < 10 %) and a reliable motor start,
• The two trains of the ASP can be operated separately the voltage drop for the motor start is to be limited to
from each other; the electric power supply shall approximately 25 % (at the motor terminals).
accordingly be set up separately
• In case of a failure of one of the two grid infeeds, On the basis of a power demand estimation by means of
the remaining infeed must be able to continue supplying the building surfaces and taking into account the critical
the two process lines including the factory buildings loads in the buildings, two transformers (30 kV/0.4 kV)
without restrictions each with a rating of 1.6 MV and 2 MVA (connections 9
• The process loads on the low-voltage side must be able and 10 in Tab. 6/1) are considered when designing the
to continue to operate also in case of maintenance medium-voltage distribution, as stipulation for the four
work or a power failure at the transformer factory buildings in Fig. 6/2.
• In case of a power failure of the associated infeed, the 5
power supply of the control cabinets and the operator For rating the apparent power demand of the entire
interfaces (HMI) of an ASP train must remain in plant (S r,ASP), the apparent power data of the consumers
operation 1 to 8 from Tab. 6/1 are multiplied with the associated
• As embedded generating plants, a generator with an simultaneity factor sf (for consumers 1 to 4, sf = 0.9, and
apparent power of 16 MVA shall be planned for each of for consumers 5 to 8, sf = 0.75), and are summed up
the two process lines. In case of a failure of the DSO afterwards. This sum of the loads is supplemented with a
infeed, each of the two generators can supply the
process consumers of the 0.4 kV level (5, 6, 7, 8) of
reserve of 20 %. For this, the rated apparent power of
the two transformers for the supply of the factory build­
both lines ings 9 and 10 is added, and finally the resulting sum total
• Two infeeds from the high-voltage grid (nominal is doubled (for two process lines):
system voltage 110/220 kV) are assumed as linkage to
the power supply S r,ASP = [(Σ S10 kV ⋅ 0.9 + Σ S 0.4 kV ⋅ 0.75) ⋅ 1.20 +
• The simultaneity factors (sf) for the loads are Σ SFactory building] ⋅ 2 = [(26.84 MVA ⋅ 0.9 + 2.32 MVA ⋅
estimated with the typical values for industrial plants:
sf (medium-voltage motor) = 0.9
0.75) ⋅ 1.20 + 3.6 MVA] ⋅ 2 = 69.4 MVA 7
sf (low-voltage load) = 0.75

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 97


6.3 N
 etwork Layout and Basic ii) N
 eutral earthing at the medium-voltage level
Concept Parameters The type of neutral earthing [1.2] can also be
selected in coordination with the distribution system
According to the decision diagram in Fig. 4/3, a connec­ operator in accordance with the grid infeed from the
tion to the high-voltage grid should be aimed at, prefer­ high-voltage level and the in-house 110/30 kV
ably at the 110 kV level of the distribution system oper­ transformers. In the industrial power supply, the
1 ator (DSO), with in-house feeding transformers. In case low-­impedance neutral earthing has proven itself,
of an infeed from the high-voltage grid, the voltage since no great risk is expected by too high touch
of the distribution level can be freely selected. voltages during operation of an impedance-earthed
For economic reasons, a higher voltage is desirable “ is
neutral if the short-circuit-to-earth current I k1
when using several large motors. On the one hand, the limited to values below 2,000 A. The limitation of
influence of the motor starting currents on the voltage the short-­circuit-to-earth current is additionally
stability at the point of connection is reduced in this important to restrict the impact on the voltage of
2 way. On the other hand, lower normal currents stand for
a more cost-effective design of the switchgear outgoing
the low-voltage network in case of short circuit (e.g.
voltage band -10 % ≤ ΔU / UnN ≤ +10 %). For the 30 kV
feeders. The following nominal voltage levels are taken level, low-impedance neutral earthing is selected
into account in the design: with a limitation of the short-circuit-to-earth current
• 110 kV grid infeed “ to 1,000 A [1.2].
I k1
• 30 kV distribution level
• 10 kV consumer/process level for individual ratings For neutral earthing of the 10 kV process level, the
greater than 250 kW medium-voltage motors have to be paid attention to.
3 • 0.4 kV consumer/process level for individual ratings In order to avoid core burning, the single-phase
with a maximum of 250 kW. short-circuit current must be limited to values lower
than 200 A [1.2]. Fault clearance must then occur
Network configuration
i)  without time delay.
The following criteria matter when selecting the
network configuration: iii) T
 ransformers for the 10 kV intermediate
• Continuous operation of both process lines substation of the process loads
4 (even if one of the two grid infeeds fails)
• Selective shutdown in case of fault
A 10 kV switchgear each is provided for supplying the
two process lines, whereby a sectionalizer (open in
• Simple network monitoring and network control normal operation) ensures the connection between
• Optimization of expenses regarding the protection the two lines. However, in case of failure with closed
system. sectionalizer, the two 30/10 kV infeed transformers
must be sufficient for the total load of the two lines.
The following features of the process level also Consequently, the rated apparent power of the two
exert an influence on the selection of the network transformers must be at least 63 MVA each.
5 configuration:
• Relatively short distances between medium- iv) T
 ransformers for the low-voltage process level
voltage consumers (< 500 m; see Fig. 6/2) The loads of the 0.4 kV-process level are supplied
• Requirements on the power quality by two transformers of 1.6 and 1 MVA on each line.
• Number and physical location of the load centers The transformers as well as the associated low-
• Short switching interruptions are permissible voltage switchboards are installed near the loads, but
for the work processes (control rooms, automation they are spatially separated from the 10 kV
6 and similar must of course be protected without
substations for the medium-voltage consumers.

v) T
 ransformers of the 30 kV level
The comparison of the network types in Tab. 4/1 Apart from the two transformers for the supply of the
makes clear that the double radial line network offers 10 kV process level, two 30/0.4 kV transformers of
the most advantages due to the mentioned boundary 1.6 MVA and 2 MVA are provided on each line at the
conditions. 30 kV level to supply the factory buildings.

98 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


vi) T
 ransformers for the infeed level supplied through a medium-voltage switchgear
Since each infeed should be sufficient to supply the with sectionalizer. For the low-voltage process
two process lines and all of the four factory buildings consumers, separate substations with medium-
(S n,ASP = 69.4 MVA), 110/30 kV infeed transformers voltage switchgear, transformer, and low-voltage
with a rated apparent power of 80 MVA each are switchboard are installed, so that the line lengths
selected. of the low-voltage system remain below 100 m
(see Chapter 4). Cross-connection between the two 1
vii) Operating modes switchgear sections at the 10 kV level for the supply
To create a distribution concept, the following of the low-voltage process consumers ensures
operating modes are considered: redundancy in case of failure on the supply line
• Normal operation: belonging to the process line of the 10 kV medium-
– Both grid infeeds are in operation voltage switchgear in the process control room.
– T he two process lines are supplied and operated
separately from each other
– T he two factory buildings (9, 10) are supplied by
in-house transformers of the 30 kV voltage level 6.4 Design of the ­Medium‑­Voltage
– One generator each with a rating of 16 MW can Switchgear
feed into the 10 kV voltage level separately for
each process line Based on the single-line diagram in Fig. 6/3, the suitable
• Failure operation with only one infeed medium-voltage switchgear assemblies are selected.
– T he grid infeed ready for operation supplies the For this, the ratings of the operational equipment for the
two process lines and all of the factory buildings eligible switchgear types [1.2] must be compared with 3
– One generator each with a rating of 16 MW feeds the expected loads. The following requirements are to
into the 10 kV voltage level separately for each be clarified:
process line • Rated voltage Ur ≥ nominal system voltage Un
• Failure operation without public supply • Rated current of the busbar and the feeders
– T he two generators are operated separately from Ir ≥ maximum expected normal current Ib
each other (no parallel operation) • Rated short-circuit breaking current
– T he consumers of the 10 kV and 30 kV voltage
level are not supplied
Isc ≥ initial symmetrical short-circuit current I k“
• Rated short-circuit making current Ima ≥ 2.5 ⋅ I k“
– T he generators supply the loads of the (the factor 2.5 is set for peak withstand currents
0.4 kV level 2) according to IEC 62271-1 3)).
• Failure operation for the low-voltage process
consumers in case of a failure on a connection A precondition for determining the above-­mentioned
between the central 10 kV process distribution and ratings of the medium-voltage switchgear is the calcula­
the process-line-specific 10 kV sub-distribution tion of the initial symmetrical short-circuit currents I k“ for
board the different short-circuit events. For this, the imped­ 5
– T he direct connection to the process infeed is ances of transformers, generators and motors are calcu­
interrupted lated and concatenated as described in IEC 60909-0.
– Consumers are supplied through the power
distribution of the second process line.

viii) S
 ingle-line diagram for the power distribution
Based on the data, positionings and assignments
made before, a first draft of a power distribution
structure can be created; however, the more
detailed dimensioning and specification of
individual components follow later. In the case of
3) Note:
The factor 2.5 (for 50 Hz grids; for 60 Hz grids, factor 2.6) is set
the single-line diagram in Fig. 6/3, the medium-
for determining the rated peak withstand currents of a medium-voltage
voltage consumers of the two process lines are switchgear tested according to the series of standards IEC 62271
(peak factors of the rated short-circuit making current are to be selected 7
according to IEC 62271-100).
The initial symmetrical short-circuit current as well as the peak short-circuit-
2) Since
one of the generators is sufficient to supply the low-voltage current at the respective mounting location of the switchgear are
consumers of both lines, a redundant supply is ensured. calculated according to IEC 60909-0.

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 99


In Tab. 6/2, the formulas for the individual components Motors with a variable frequency drive (VFD) without
and for the concatenations in case of series and parallel feedback (braking operation) as motor starter can be
connection of the components are stated. The use of the neglected in the calculations according to IEC 60909-0.
formulas is shown more clearly with the sample calcula­ For the following calculations, the worst case is consid­
tions for short-circuit events at the 30 kV level and at the ered. For selecting the switchgear of the 30 kV level and
10 kV level. the 10 kV level, the maximum short-circuit currents at
1 both voltage levels must be determined.

Process line 1 Process line 2

110 kV / 50-60 Hz 110 kV / 50-60 Hz

80 MVA 80 MVA
uk = 12.5 % uk = 12.5 %
110/30 kV 110/30 kV
Dyn5 *) Dyn5 *)
1 kA 1 kA
5s 5s

n. c. n. c.
n. o.

n. c. n. c.

16 MVA / 10 kV 16 MVA / 10 kV
1.6 MVA 2 MVA 63 MVA 63 MVA 1.6 MVA 2 MVA
uk = 6 % uk = 6 % uk = 11 % uk = 11 % uk = 6 % uk = 6 %
30/0.4 kV 30/0.4 kV 30/10 kV G G 30/10 kV 30/0.4 kV 30/0.4 kV
Dyn5 Dyn5 Dyn5 Dyn5 Dyn5 Dyn5
0.2 kA 0.2 kA
10 9 5s 5s 10 9

4 n. c.
n. c.
n. c.
n. o.
n. c.
n. c.
n. c.

n. c. n. o. n. o. n. c.

0.3 MW 0.3 MW 4.84 MW 5.8 MW 11.2 MW 0.3 MW 0.3 MW 4.84 MW 5.8 MW 11.2 MW
4 4 3 2 1 4 4 3 2 1

G Generator
M Motor
1.6 MVA 1.6 MVA SoSt Soft starter
uk = 6 % uk = 6 % VFD Variable frequency drive

uk = 6 % uk = 6 %
10/0.4 kV 10/0.4 kV 10/0.4 kV 10/0.4 kV Σ Total load of
Dyn5 Dyn5 Dyn5 Dyn5 multiple consumers
*) In the case of
Dyn transformers,
a neutral-point generator
has to be planned for
earthing the 30 kV level


200 kW 1,148 kW 200 kW 1,148 kW
8 7
M M 8 7

350 kW 440 kW 350 kW 440 kW
6 5 6 5

Fig. 6/3: Single-line diagram for the ASP power supply concept (the numbers 1 to 10 comply with the identification in Fig. 6/1 and Tab. 6/1)

100 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


Motor Generator 1) Transformer 2)

Impedance Z UrM2 cos φ ⋅ η UrG2 ⋅ χd“ u kr ⋅ U2rT

ZM = ZG = ZT =
s M ⋅ P rM S rG S rT

Initial short-circuit c ⋅ Un
current I k“ I k“ =
√3 ⋅ ZK 1
Associated values c Voltage factor (according to IEC 60909-0, the following applies: c = 1.10
for maximum short-circuit currents and high voltage greater than 1 kV)
Un Nominal voltage
cos φ Power factor
η Efficiency
sM Motor starting factor s M = I sM / IrM (see Chapter 4.3)

P rM Rated active power of the motor
UrM Rated voltage of the motor
χd“ Subtransient generator reactance in percent (100 % = 1)
S rG Rated apparent power of the generator
UrG Rated voltage of the generator
u kr Short-circuit impedance of the transformer in percent (100 % = 1)
S rT Rated apparent power of the transformer
UrT Rated voltage of the transformer

Calculation steps
Parallel connection Series connection Transformer ratio
Ztot Ratio
1 tr = Uprim / Usec
= + 1 + ... + 1
Z1 Z2 Zn Z1 + Z2 + ... + Zn = Ztot
Z2 = Z1 · t 2r

1)  or direct connection of a generator, a correction factor is stated in IEC 60909-0 for the calculation of Z G: Z GK = Z G · KG
F 4
with KG = (Un / UrG) · [c / (1 + χ“d · 1 - cos 2 φ rG )]; whereby Un = nominal system voltage, UrG = rated generator voltage,
cos φ rG = rated power factor of the generator at rated operation; here, KG = 1 is set for concept finding
2) I n IEC 60909-0, a correction factor for the calculation of Z is stated for two-winding transformers: Z
T TK = Z T · K T
with K T = 0.95 · c / (1 + 0.95 · χ T ); whereby χ T = relative reactance of the transformer; here, K T = 1 is set for concept finding

Tab. 6/2: F
 ormulas for initial short-circuit currents and impedances of transformers, generators, and motors feeding back,
as well as their interconnection in distribution concepts

6.4.1 S
 hort-Circuit Current Calculation for For the short-circuit calculation, it is easier to calculate
a Short Circuit at the 30 kV Level with the impedances, as described in Tab. 6/2.
To illustrate the calculations with the component imped­
Based on the design of Fig. 6/4, a short circuit is assumed ances, Tab. 6/3 shows the input variables for the calcula­
in one of the 30 kV supply lines to the factory buildings tions, a simple equivalent diagram, as well as the indi­
(e.g. to the transformer for building ⑨ in Fig. 6/3). The
worst case that only one infeed supplies both process
vidual partial steps. To determine the motor starting
currents, a typical value of s M = 6 is set for the starting
lines is assumed, and that the sectionalizer in the 30 kV factor [6.1]. This value must also be set for the soft
switchgear is closed. In this case, not only the grid infeed starter, as it has to be assumed that the motor has
through the 80 MVA transformer contributes to the short switched over to direct operation after the start and that
circuit, but also the two generators and the motor con­ the soft starter is therefore bridged when a short circuit
sumers at the 10 kV level. occurs, so that there will be a direct feedback through
the line.

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 101


The calculated initial symmetrical short-circuit current With the formula for the initial symmetrical short-circuit
I k“ tot(30kV) of 19.2 kA is a maximum, as both process current according to IEC 60909-0, the following results
lines are supplied through one infeed transformer for the calculation with the impedances:
(in case of a short circuit in normal operation, the contri­
c ⋅ Un
butions of the motors and the generator from the second I k“ tot(30 kV) = = 19.2 kA
line would not feed back. In this case, I k“ tot(30 kV) is √3 · Ztot(30 kV)
1 16.4 kA).

110 kV / 50-60 Hz

80 MVA
uk = 12.5 %
110/30 kV

I k“ T2

3 n. c.

I k“ tot n. c. n. c.

4 I “k T1(30 kV)
16 MVA / 10 kV 16 MVA / 10 kV
63 MVA 63 MVA Ik“T1(30 kV)
10/30 kV uk = 11 %
30/10 kV
G G uk = 11 %
30/10 kV 10/30 kV

I k“ T1(10 kV)
Dyn5 Dyn5
Ik“T1(10 kV)
I k“ G I k“ G

n. c. n. c. n. c.
n. c. n. o. n. c. n. c.

n. c.

n. c. n. o. n. o.

I “k M4 I k“ M4 I k“ M3 I k“ M4 I k“ M4 I “k M3

0.3 MW 0.3 MW 4.84 MW 0.3 MW 0.3 MW 4.84 MW

4 4 3 4 4 3

Fig. 6/4: Simple single-line diagram for illustration of the short-circuit situation at the 30 kV level

102 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


Parameters Motor Motor Motor Generator Transformer Transformer

M4 M4 M3 G T1 T2
Voltage factor c 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Rated voltage Ur 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV 10 kV 30 / 10 kV 110 / 30 kV
Efficiency η 0.95 0.95 0.95
Power factor cos φ 0.88 0.88 0.88 1
Motor starting factor s M 6 6 6
Active power P r 300 kW 300 kW 4,840 kW
Rated apparent power S r 16 MVA 63 MVA 80 MVA
Subtransient generator reactance χd“ 11.9 %
Short-circuit impedance of the
11 % 12.5 %
transformer u kr
Transformer ratio t r 3 3

Short-circuit current calculation through concatenation of impedances Equivalent diagram

Impedances of the loads at the 10 kV level:

Z M3 = (10 kV)2 · 0.88 · 0.95 / (6 · 300 kW) = 46.44 Ω
Step 1
Z M4 = (10 kV)2 · 0.88 · 0.95 / (6 · 4,840 kW) = 2.879 Ω
Z G = (10 kV)2 · 0.119 / 16 MVA = 0.7438 Ω

Step 5
Impedances of the loads at the 30 kV level: c · Un
110 kV

I k“ = T2
Z' M3 = Z M3(30 kV) = 46.44 Ω · 9 = 418.0 Ω √3 · Ztot 30 kV
Step 2 c · Un
~ I k“ Ztot
Z' M4 = Z M4(30 kV) = 2.879 Ω · 9 = 25.91 Ω √3

Step 4
Z' G = ZG(30 kV) = 0.7438 Ω · 9 = 6.694 Ω 1
Ztot = 2 1

Impedances of the transformers at the 30 kV level: 1

+ Z‘T1

Step 3
1 2 1
Z' T1 = 0.11 · (30 kV)2 / 63 MVA = 1.571 Ω + +
Z‘M3 Z‘M4 Z‘G
Z' T2 = 0.125 · (30 kV)2 / 80 MVA = 1.406 Ω
Step 3 ‘
Z T2
Concatenation of individual impedances for total impedance 2
ukr · U rTx ‘
Z T1 ‘
Z T1
Z ‘Tx =

1 Step 2

Z M4 ‘
Z M4 ‘
Z M3 Z G‘ ‘
Z M4 ‘
Z M4 ‘
Z M3 Z G‘
Ztot = = T1
2 1 Z ‘x = Zx · t 2r T1
10 kV
Step 4 + ZM4 ZM4 ZM3 ZG ZM4 ZM4 ZM3 ZG
1 1.406 Ω
+ 1.571 Ω Step 1 G G
1 + 2 + 1 2
U n ·cos φ · η
25.91 Ω 418.0 Ω 6.694 Ω Zx = s · Pr
M4 M4 M3 M4 M4 M3

= 0.9930 Ω
Short-circuit current determination with Ztot at the 30 kV

Step 5 level:
I k“ = 1.1 · 30 kV / (1.732 · 0.9930 Ω) = 19.2 kA

Tab. 6/3: S
 hort-circuit current and impedance calculations as well as equivalent diagram for illustration of a short circuit
at the 30 kV level of the ASP

6.4.2 S
 hort-Circuit Current Calculation M3, M4 and G have already been calculated for the 10 kV
for a Short Circuit at the 10 kV Level level. Only the values Z' T1 and Z' T2 must be converted
with the ratio factor tr = 30 kV/10 kV to ZT1 and ZT2.
Based on the design of Fig. 6/3 (normal operation, After that, the concatenation at the 10 kV level can be
­sectionalizer at 30 kV level open), a short circuit is calculated. On the following page, Tab. 6/4 shows the
assumed in one of the 10 kV supply lines to one of the equivalent diagram, the data taken from Tab. 6/3, and
switchgear assemblies for the low-voltage process the associated calculations.
supply (Fig. 6/5).
The formula for the initial symmetrical short-circuit
For the total impedance, the shares from the infeed current according to IEC 60909-0 results in: 7
via the transformers T1 and T2 and that from the feed­
back of the three motors M3 and M4 as well as of the c ⋅ Un
I k“ tot(10 kV) = = 30.2 kA
generator G must be considered. The impedances for √3 · Ztot(10 kV)

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 103


110 kV / 50-60 Hz

80 MVA
uk = 12.5 %

110/30 kV

I k“ T2

n. c.
n. o.

n. c.

2 63 MVA
16 MVA / 10 kV

I k“ T1(30 kV) uk = 11 %
30/10 kV G
30/10 kV Dyn5

I k“ T1(10 kV) I “k G
n. c. n. c.
n. c. n. o.

3 I k“ tot
n. c. n. o.

I “k M4 I “k M4 I “k M3


0.3 MW 0.3 MW 4.84 MW
4 4 3

Fig. 6/5: Simple single-line diagram for illustration of the short-circuit situation at the 10 kV level

5 Short-circuit current calculation through concatenation of impedances Equivalent diagram

Impedances of the transformers at the 10 kV level:

110 kV
Step 1 ZT1 = Z‘ T1 / t 2r = 1.571 Ω / 9 = 0.1746 Ω
ZT2 = Z‘ T2 / t 2r = 1.406 Ω / 9 = 0.1562 Ω ZT2‘
30 kV
c · Un
~ Ik“ Ztot
ZT1‘ √3
Impedances of the loads at the 10 kV level: T1

From Tab. 6/3 Z M3 = (10 kV)2 · 0.88 · 0.95 / (6 · 4,840 kW) = 2.879 Ω
10 kV
Z M4 = (10 kV) · 0.88 · 0.95 / (6 · 300 kW) = 46.44 Ω
Z G = (10 kV)2 · 0.119 / 16,000 MVA = 0.7438 Ω
ZT1 M4 M4 M3
ZG Ztot
Total impedance: ZM4 ZM4 ZM3
Step 2 Ztot(10 kV) =
= 1 / [1 / Z M3 + 2 / Z M4 + 1 / Z G + 1 / (ZT1 + ZT2)] = 0.2102 Ω
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
1 c · Un
ZTx = ZTx‘ / tr2 Ztot =
1 2 1 1 Ik“ =
Short-circuit + + + √3 · Ztot
I k“ (10 kV) = 1.1 · 10 kV / (1.732 · 0.2102 Ω) = 30.2 kA ZM3 ZM4 ZG ZT1 + ZT2

Tab. 6/4: S
 hort-circuit current and impedance calculations as well as equivalent diagram for illustration of the short-circuit current
calculation for a short-circuit at the 10 kV level of the ASP

104 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


6.4.3 S
 election of the Medium-Voltage For the medium-voltage switchgear of the 10 kV level,
Switchgear Types it has additionally to be observed that, independently
from the project-specific boundary conditions, different
The basis for switchgear selection are the rated voltage starter combinations are required for the various motor
and the rated current of the feeding transformers, as starter types (Tab. 6/5):
well as the short-circuit currents resulting from the • Direct-on-line starter (motor M4)
previous sections. From the overviews of possible – Vacuum circuit-breaker 1
switchgear types in Tab. 6/5 and Tab. 6/6, as well as from – Vacuum circuit-breaker and vacuum contactor
the parameters relevant for selection, a switchgear with – Switch-disconnector with HV HRC fuses
the matching design values is then selected. (maximum 250 A) and vacuum contactor
• Soft starter (motor M3)
i) Conditions for the design values and selection of the – Vacuum circuit-breaker and vacuum contactor
switchgear at the 30 kV level: • Frequency converter (motor M1 and M2)
Ur ≥ 30 kV
– Vacuum circuit-breaker in combination with the
converter (e.g. SINAMICS).
Ir(30 kV) ≥ S rT2 / (√3 ⋅ Ur) =
80 MVA / (√3 ⋅ 30 kV) = 1,540 A According to the selection table Tab. 6/5, only the NXAIR
remains as switchgear type for the 10 kV distribution
With I k“ tot(30 kV) = 19.2 kA follows level. The NXAIR with a rated short-circuit breaking
current of 40 kV is selected for the ASP.
Isc ≥ 19.2 kA
Apart from the flexibility of the feeder selection for
Ima ≥ 2.5 ⋅ 19.2 kA = 48 kA motorized consumers and a good suitability for installa­ 3
tion near the chemical processes, air insulation and the
Therefore, the types NXPLUS and 8DA or 8DB can be high reliability of the well-proven switchgear also play an
selected from Tab. 6/5. For the 30 kV distribution level of important part when selecting the NXAIR.
the ASP, the type 8DA is selected. Due to the hermetic
enclosure, the 8DA can be used independently from the iii) At the 10 kV level, the switchgear type NXPLUS C
site altitude, and it is especially safe for operation and is used for supplying the two transformers of the
suitable for use in aggressive ambient conditions thanks
to the single-phase metal-enclosed busbar layout.
0.4 kV process level. This switchgear type stands out
for its robustness, modularity and flexibility in case of
operational extensions.
Technical data of the 8DA switchgear used:
Busbar system: Single busbar
Rated voltage: 36 kV
Operating voltage: 30 kV 6.5 D
 imensioning the Medium‑­
Rated normal current: 2,000 A Voltage Motor Feeders 5
Rated short-time As already stated in the consumer list in Tab. 6/1, the
withstand current: 25/3 kA/s mechanical performance, rated voltage, efficiency, and
ii) Conditions for the design values and selection of the the power factor are important data for dimensioning
switchgear at the 10 kV level: the motor feeders in the medium-voltage switchgear.
Apart from this motor data, the following information is
Ur ≥ 10 kV additionally required:
Ir(10 kV) ≥ S rT1 / (√3 ⋅ Ur) =
• Data of the feeding transformer, such as for example
primary and secondary voltage, apparent power, and
63 MVA / (√3 ⋅ 10 kV) = 3,637 A
short-circuit impedance
I k“ tot(10 kV) = 30.2 kA results in • Short-circuit power of the feeding grid
• Starting current and starting frequency of the motors
Isc ≥ 30.2 kA
• Permissible voltage drop at the busbars during motor
Ima ≥ 2.5 ⋅ 30.2 kA = 75.6 kA start (typically 5 % as a maximum).

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 105


Consumer / Protection Switching Rated Rated Rated Rated Siemens Typical

feeder function function voltage short-circuit ­current of ­current of switchgear ­applications
breaking busbar feeders type 1)
8DJH 12
20 kA / 1 s 630 A 630 A
blue GIS

630 A 630 A 8DJH
25 kA / 1 s 1,250 A 1,250 A SIMOSEC
2,000 A 2,000 A NXAIR C
12 kV
NXPLUS C Medium-voltage
31.5 kA / 1 s 2,500 A 2,500 A / switchgear
NXPLUS for primary and
40 kA / 1 s 5,000 A 3,150 A 8DA/B secondary distri­
Directly to
50 kA / 1 s 4,000 A 4,000 A NXAIR bution, as well as
Vacuum medium-voltage
2 circuit-breaker 20 kA / 1 s 630 A 630 A 8DJH Motor Control
only via 1,250 A 1,250 A SIMOSEC
(IEC 62271-100) Centers (MCC);
2,000 A 2,000 A NXAIR C motor feeders:
breaker) 25 kA / 1 s
24 kV NXPLUS C / soft starter or
2,500 A 2,500 A frequency
­converter in
31.5 kA / 1 s 2,500 A 2,500 A NXPLUS
­s eparate housing
40 kA / 1 s 5,000 A 3,150 A 8DA/B
630 A 630 A 8DJH 36
medium- 25 kA / 1 s
3 voltage 1,250 A 1,250 A NXPLUS C
36 kV
­consumers 31.5 kA / 1 s 2,500 A 2,500 A NXPLUS
40 kA / 1 s 5,000 A 3,150 A 8DA/B
630 A 200 A 2) 8DJH
25 kA / 1 s 1,250 A 200 A 2) SIMOSEC
12 kV 2,000 A 200 A 2) NXAIR C
Directly to 2,500 A 200 A 2) NXPLUS C
the transf. 31.5 kA / 1 s
4,000 A 200 A 2) NXAIR
via the
Switch- 20 kA / 1 s 630 A 200 A 2) 8DJH Transformers
disconnector without 1,250 A 200 A 2) SIMOSEC
with contactor 24 kV 2,000 A 200 A 2) NXAIR C
HV HRC fuses 25 kA / 1 s
(IEC 62271-105) 2,500 A 200 A 2)
36 kV 20 kA / 1 s 630 A 200 A 2) 8DJH36
31.5 kA / 1 s 2,500 A 450 A 2) NXPLUS C - M edium-voltage
With 12 kV motors
vacuum 50 kA / 1 s 4,000 A 400 A 2) NXAIR
- Compensation
contactor 2)
24 kV 25 kA / 1 s 2,500 A 450 A 2) NXPLUS C systems
1) T he switchgear from Siemens meet the safety integrity level SIL 2 according to IEC 61508-1 (corresponds to the performance level PL = d
according to ISO 13849-1)
2) The maximum permissible rated current depends on the HV HRC fuse used

Tab. 6/5: Selection table of medium-voltage switchgear for general consumers

6 At first, it is checked whether the type of motor start

(direct-on-line start, soft start, or frequency converter)
When starting motors with starting currents less than or
equal to 600 A are switched, high switching overvolt­
selected respectively for the four motor types (feeders ages can arise. To limit these overvoltages to harmless
no. 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Fig. 6/3) is suitable to limit the values, surge arresters or surge limiters are installed.
voltage drop at the motor terminals to approximately Single motors with reactive power compensation are an
25 %. For the NXAIR, and due to the required normal exception. These motors do not require a protection
­currents, vacuum circuit-breakers are selected for line circuit if the capacitors are permanently connected to
protection of the motor feeders 1, 2 and 3. A numerical the motor and no series-connected reactor is used for
7 protection device SIPROTEC 5 (7SJ8 or 7SK8) is selected compensation. Accordingly, a surge arrester is necessary
for monitoring and tripping (Fig. 6/6). The motor is for feeder 2, whereas it is only recommended for feeders
protected via the motor starter (soft starter or frequency 1 and 3.

106 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


Consumer / Protection Switching Rated volt- Rated Rated Typical Siemens Typical
feeder function function age short-circuit current of motor switchgear applications
breaking busbar rating of type 1)
current the feeders
31.5 kA / 1 s 2,500 A NXPLUS C - Pumps
Vacuum 6 kV < 7.5 MW 3) - Compressors
circuit-breaker Without 50 kA / 1 s 4,000 A NXAIR

Motor direct-
10 kV
31.5 kA / 1 s 2,500 A
< 12.5 MW 3)
- Conveyor and
elevator systems 1
50 kA / 1 s 4,000 A NXAIR - Fans
on-line start - Transformers
or via block 31.5 kA / 1 s 2,500 A < 1.3 MW NXPLUS C - Compensation
transformer With 6 kV systems
­v acuum 50 kA / 1 s 4,000 A < 2.1 MW NXAIR
HV HRC fuses Typical motor
contactor 31.5 kA / 1 s 2,500 A < 2 MW NXPLUS C
3TM 10 kV starting current:
50 kA / 1 s 4,000 A < 1.7 MW NXAIR 5 to 7 × In 2)

- Pumps
- Compressors
circuit-breaker ­contactor - Fans
Soft starter 2.3 - 6.9 kV 50 kA / 1 s 720 A < 6 MW SIMOVAC-AR
(Siemens 12SVC4/8 Typical motor
3AE/3AH/3AK) (in separate starting current:
housing) 3 × In 2)
25 kA / 1 s 2,000 A NXAIR C
2.3 - 11 kV 31.5 kA / 1 s 2,500 A < 10 MW
50 kA / 1 s 4,000 A NXAIR
- Pumps
25 kA / 1 s 2,000 A NXAIR C - Compressors
- Fans
Frequency circuit-breaker PERFECT NXPLUS C /
4.16 - 13.8 kV 31.5 kA / 1 s 2,500 A 4 - 35 MW
converter (Siemens HARMONY NXPLUS
Typical motor
3AE/3AH/3AK) GH150
50 kA / 1 s 4,000 A NXAIR starting current:
1 × In 2)
25 kA / 1 s 2,000 A NXAIR C
1.4 - 10.3 kV 31.5 kA / 1 s 2,500 A 1.4 - 30 MW
50 kA / 1 s 4,000 A NXAIR
1) T he switchgear from Siemens meet the safety integrity level SIL 2 according to IEC 61508-1 (corresponds to the performance level PL = d
according to ISO 13849-1)
2) F or motor starting currents less than 600 A, an overvoltage protection is required (exception: motors with internal reactive power compensation)
3) See [1.2] figure C8.3

Tab. 6/6: Selection table of medium-voltage switchgear for more special consumer connections
Depending on the neutral earthing, minimum rated voltage transformers, this combination ensures both line
voltages can be determined based on IEC 60099-4 to and motor protection. Alternatively, the Reyrolle devices
dimension the surge arresters (Tab. 6/8). As an imped­ 7SR1 can be used, which are especially suitable for
ance-earthed neutral is given, a rated voltage of 12 kV is motor protection. As overload protection devices, they
selected for the surge arresters. detect an overload situation and trip the feeder by

For the smaller motors in feeders 4, surge arresters must

means of the vacuum contactor. 6
be provided for. Furthermore, HV HRC fuses and vacuum In motor feeders, the HV HRC fuses in charge of short-
contactors are the best choice as switching and protec­ circuit protection protect the switching devices (here for
tion devices in the NXAIR switchgear with regard to the example, the vacuum contactors) that do not feature a
rated motor currents and the starting conditions. For short-circuit breaking capacity, and also the cables.
the motor feeders with direct-on-line starting, vacuum HV HRC fuses for the protection of high-voltage motors
contactor/fuse combinations are installed to ensure a are used in combination with vacuum contactors for
high number of operating cycles. In connection with the rated voltages Ur in the range of 7.2 kV ≤ Ur ≤ 12 kV. 7
high-quality numerical protection devices SIPROTEC 5 Vacuum contactors are switching devices which are
(7SK8, see Fig. 6/6) and the matching current and suitable for switching currents in the range of their

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 107


Feeder 1 Feeder 2 Feeder 3 Feeder 4

Active power P rM 11.2 MW 5.8 MW 4.84 MW 0.3 MW
Starting factor s M 1 1 3 6
Starting current I sM 773.5 A 400.6 A 1002.8 A 124.3 A
Calculation of
“ = (√3 · Un · I sM) / (S rT / u kr)
Δu = S sM / S kT
voltage drop
Voltage drop Δu 2.34 % 1.21 % 3.03 % 0.38 %
Protection device: Protection device: Protection device:
Tripping: vacuum CB Tripping: vacuum CB Tripping: vacuum CB
Protection device:
Motor protection VFD VFD Soft starter
Tripping: vacuum
2 contactor
Overvoltage protection recommended required recommended required
Hz)kV/50 Hz)
kA/12 NXAIR (40
Hz)kV/50 Hz) NXAIR
Hz)kV/50 Hz)
Hz)kV/50 Hz)

HV HRC fuses
HV HRC fuses
HV HRC fuses
HV HRC fuses
3 x 63 A 3 x 63 A 3 x 63 A 3 x 63 A
Vacuum CB
Vacuum CB
Vacuum CB
Vacuum CB Vacuum CB
Vacuum CB
Vacuum CB
Vacuum CB Vacuum CB
Vacuum CB
Vacuum CB
Vacuum CB
1,250 A 1,250 A 1,250 A 1,250 A 1,250 A 1,250 A 1,250 A 1,250 A 1,250 A 1,250 A 1,250 A 1,250 A 7SK8 7SK8Vacuum
Vacuum contactor
Vacuum contactor
400 A 400 A 400 A 400 A

3 Single-line diagram
for the designEarthing Earthing
Current transformer
Current transformer
3 3
Current transformer Current
Earthing Earthing
Current transformer
3 3
Current transformer Current
Earthing Earthing
Current transformer
3 3
Current transformer Current
Earthing Earthing
Current transformer
3 3
Current transformer
switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch switch
Surge arrester
Surge arrester
Surge arrester
Surge arrester Surge arrester
Surge arrester Surge arrester
Surge arrester Surge arrester Surge arrester
Surge arrester Surge arrester Surge arrester
Surge arrester
Surge arrester
Surge arrester
(optional)(optional)(optional)(optional) (12 kV) (12 kV) (12 kV) (12 kV) (optional)(optional)(optional)(optional) (12 kV) (12 kV) (12 kV) (12 kV)
(12 kV) (12 kV) (12 kV) (12 kV) (12 kV) (12 kV) (12 kV) (12 kV)

converterconverter Frequency
Frequency converterconverter Soft starter Soft starter
Soft starter Soft starter

M M M1Motor
Motor M M1Motor
M M1Motor M1 M M M2Motor
Motor M M2Motor
M M2Motor M2 M M M3Motor
Motor M M3Motor
M M3Motor M3 M M M4Motor
Motor M M4Motor
M M4Motor M4

4 Common motor data

Transformer data
Rated voltage Ur = 10 kV; efficiency of motors = 0.95; cos φ = 0.88
S rT = 63 MVA; u kT = 11 %

Tab. 6/7: Data and selection of the switching and protection devices for the motor feeders at the 10 kV level

rated current. When switching normal currents, they To prevent the fuse from being impermissibly tripped or
feature a high number of operating cycles (1,200 oper­ pre-damaged, the HV HRC fuses that are exclusively used
5 ating cycles per hour when using the Siemens vacuum for the short-circuit protection of the motor circuit are
contactor 3TM). The end of the mechanical endurance is selected according to:
not reached until after approximately 10 6 operating • Rated voltage Ur and rated motor current IrM
cycles at rated current. Therefore, vacuum contactors are • Motor starting current IsM
especially suitable for switching high-voltage motors. • Motor starting time t sM
Due to the low breaking capacity (rated short-circuit • Starting frequency (motor starts per hour)
breaking current of 3TM up to Isc = 5,000 A), however, • Ambient air temperature 4).
6 they cannot break high short-circuit currents. The pro­
tection of the vacuum contactor in case of short circuit For selection of the numerical overload protection
must be taken over by the current-limiting HV HRC fuses. relay as well as the motor protection combination of
In all, a coordination of the motor protection between HV HRC fuse and vacuum contactor, the following has to
fuse and contactor is necessary, taking the motor start be checked (Fig. 6/7 shows curves and points for the
requirements into account. Depending on the switchgear 300 kW motors for feeder 4 in Tab. 6/8):
type and voltage level, the motor protection combina­
tion of vacuum contactor and fuse can be used up to a
7 rated short-circuit breaking current of 50 kA.
4) The increased temperature results in a worse heat dissipation to the
environment of the HV HRC fuse, so that a reduction of the rated current
has to be considered; manufacturer information is to be observed.

108 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


FG Function group

Crtl Control

CB Circuit-breaker

RTD Indications from RTD box

27 Undervoltage protection
FG voltage/current
32 Power protection, active power
CB1 CB2 50/51 50N/51N 67

67N 67Ns FL 38 Temperature supervision

FG circuit-breaker CB2 46 Unbalanced-load protection

79 Ctrl 48 Starting time supervision

49R/49S Thermal overload protection, rotor/stator

50/51 Time-overcurrent protection, phases

SIPROTEC 7SK82/85 50N/51N Time-overcurrent protection, earth

FG motor
CB1 59/59N Overvoltage protection: “3-phase”, or “zero-
27 32 38 46 48 49S 49R sequence component U0”, or “positive phase-
50/51 59 59N 66 67Ns sequence system U1”, or “universal Ux”

FG analog units 66 Restart inhibit for motors

RTD 67 Directional time-overcurrent protection, earth 3

FG circuit-breaker CB1 67Ns Sensitive earth-fault detection for resonant-
earthed and isolated systems
M RTD Ctrl
79 Automatic reclosing

Fig. 6/6: Examples for line and motor protection as well as for motor control (with abbreviations and ANSI device designation numbers)

1. T he current-time characteristic of the HV HRC fuse short-circuit breaking current IsHHmin of the HV HRC fuse
must be above the motor starting current (IsHHmin can be found in the data sheets of the
characteristic IsM and the motor starting time t sM HV HRC fuses IB > IsHHmin )

2. T he tripping characteristic of the overcurrent 4. A tested combination of HV HRC fuse and vacuum
protection must be above the characteristic for IsM contactor that is suitable for the required stress values 5
and t sM (the overload relay has an impact on the (particularly regarding thermal and dynamic short-­
vacuum contactor) circuit currents) must be installed in the switchgear.
This is usually verified for the intended combination
3. T he take-over current IB (intersection of the current- by the switchgear manufacturer. The permissible
time characteristic of the HV HRC fuse with the values can mostly be found in the technical data of
­tripping characteristic of the overcurrent protection, the corresponding switchgear.
point B in Fig. 6/7) must be greater than the minimum 6
Maximum system voltage Us

Minimum rated voltage Ur in kV for 3.6 kV 7.2 kV 12 kV 17.5 kV 24 kV 36 kV

Solidly earthed neutral system 3 6 9 15 18 27

System with isolated neutral or for delta winding 6 9 15 24 30 45
Impedance earthed neutral system 3 9 12 15 21 33
System with earth-fault compensation 6 9 15 24 30 45

Tab. 6/8: Design of the rated voltage Ur for surge arresters according to IEC 60099-4

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 109


Fuses with a current-time characteristic that is espe­ combination provide curves or tables which take the
cially designed for a motor should be preferred due to starting time, starting frequency and motor starting
their low heat loss. To select suitable fuses, the manu­ current of the motor feeder to be protected into
facturers of switchgear with a vacuum ­contactor/fuse account.

To show the correlations, no HV HRC fuse is selected

1 Number of starts per hour K factor
from a table given by the manufacturer, but the charac­
2 0.59 teristics are entered in a time-current diagram. In this
process, however, the influence of the motor starting
4 0.53
time and the starting frequency still needs to be consid­
8 0.48 ered. In IEC 60644, the K factor is defined accordingly,
which describes this influence on the current-­c arrying
16 0.43
capacity of the HV HRC fuse (according to IEC 60644,
2 32 0.39 a permissible pre-arcing characteristic of a fuse-link is
specified by multiplication of the current values from
Tab. 6/9: K factors for motor HV HRC fuses from SIBA [6.1] the current characteristic with the K factor).


3 in s




25 A

40 A

50 A
63 A

80 A



tsM = 5 s A*

5 8


101 2 3 4 56 8 102 2 3 4 56 8 103 2 3 4 56 8 104

6 IrM = 20.7 A IsM(A*) = IsM / K = Current

= 124.3 A / 0.48 = 259 A in A

IsM = 124.3 A IsHHmin = 200 A Isc(3TM3) = 5 kA

Motor current characteristic
Motor current characteristic (A*) modified with K‑factor (Tab. 6/9)
HV HRC fuse characteristic 80 A (SIBA fuses [6.2]: Article No. 30 102 53.80)
Minimum short-circuit tripping current of 80 A fuse

Tripping characteristic of numerical protection relay SIPROTEC 7SJ82
Rated short-circuit breaking current of vacuum contactor 3TM3: Isc = 5 kA
B Characteristic intersection (HV HRC fuse - time-overcurrent protection): B

Fig. 6/7: Characteristics diagrams for selecting a suitable combination of protection devices for motor M4

110 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


In Tab. 6/9, K factors are stated for HV HRC fuses make 6.6 M
 otor Start with
SIBA [6.1]. Block Transformer
For the K factors or the motors M4, the following Under certain circumstances, the use of a soft starter or
applies: a frequency converter can be omitted for individual
• Motor starting time less than 10 s medium-voltage motors by connecting the motor to a
• Starting frequency maximum 6 starts per hour block transformer as a more cost-effective motor starter 1
• Maximum 2 starts in immediate succession. version. This can be done, for example, if no automatic
motor control is necessary during normal operation.
To illustrate the interaction of motor start, HV HRC fuse, If, during the start, there is a lower voltage applied than
and overcurrent protection when dimensioning a suit­ the rated motor voltage, the starting current that must
able combination for the motor feeder M4, in Fig. 6/7, be provided by the feeding grid is also reduced.
the characteristics of motor, HV HRC fuse, overcurrent Due to the block transformer ratio, the current on the
protection, and vacuum contactor are entered, and
important points for the selection are marked. The
high-voltage side at the transformer is reduced by the
square, and thus also the feedbacks of the motor start
associated device parameters and calculations for the on the network. It has to be checked whether the block
selection matching with motor M4 are likewise stated in transformer is sufficient to limit the voltage drop during
Fig. 6/7. the start to the desired extent.

Process line 1
110 kV / 50-60 Hz

SrT(grid) = 80 MVA Δu = SaM / S“kT(red) = (√3 · Ur · IaM) / (SrT(red) / ukr(red))

ukr(grid) = 12.5 %

110/30 kV
1 kA

n. c.

SsM(30 kV) = √3 · Ur · IsM(30 kV) = U 2r / Ztot(30 kVA)

n. c.
IsM(30 kV) = Ur / [√3 · Ztot(30 kVA)]

Ztot(30 kVA) = Ztot(10 kV) · t 2r

16 MVA 8 MVA
1.6 MVA 2 MVA 63 MVA
ukr = 8 % ukr = 8 %
Ztot(10 kV) = ZT(10 kV) + ZsM

ukr = 6 % ukr = 6 % ukr = 11 %

30/0.4 kV 30/0.4 kV 30/10 kV 30/10 kV 30/10 kV
Dyn5 Dyn5 Dyn5 Dyn5 Dyn5 ZT(10 kV) = U 2r · ukr / SrT
0.2 kA 0.2 kA 0.2 kA
10 9 5s 5s 5s +

M M ZsM = Ur / (√3 · IsM)

n. c.
11.2 MW 5.8 MW

n. c. 1 2

0.3 MW 0.3 MW 4.84 MW 5.8 MW 11.2 MW
4 4 3 2 1
i) ii)
Fig. 6/8: S
 ingle-line diagram for connecting the two sample motors, and equivalent diagram for determination of impedances and
voltage drop in Tab. 6/10

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 111


i) Motor 1 ii) Motor 2

Active power P rM 11.2 MW 5.8 MW

Starting factor s M 6 6
Rated current IrM 773.5 A 400.6 A

Motor impedance Z sM 1.244 Ω 2.402 Ω
Data of block transformer S rT = 16 MVA; u kr = 8 % S rT = 8 MVA; u kr = 8 %
Transformer impedance Z T 0.5 Ω 1Ω
Total impedance (secondary side) Ztot (10 kV) 1.744 Ω 3.402 Ω
Total impedance (primary side) Ztot (30 kV) 15.70 Ω 30.62 Ω
Motor starting power (primary side) S sM (30 kV) 57.32 MVA MVA29.39 MVA
Data of grid transformer S rT(grid) = 80 MVA; u kr(grid) = 12.5 %
2 “
Short-circuit power of grid transformer S kT(grid) 640 MVA
Calculation of voltage drop “ = (√3 · Ur · I sM) / (S rT / u kr)
Δu = S sM / S kT
Voltage drop Δu 8.96 % 4.59 %
Calculation of motor starting voltage with
I sM(10 kV) = Ur / [√3 · Ztot(10 kV)] → UsM(10 kV) = √3 · I sM(10 kV) · ZsM
block transformer UsM (10 kV)
Motor starting voltage UsM (10 kV) 7,133 V 7,061 V

3 Relative torque ΔM ~ [UsM (10 kV) / Ur] 2 51 % 50 %

Tab. 6/10: Results of the sample calculations for the use of a block transformer

It is likewise to be observed that the starting torque is is too large for the voltage drop at the 30 kV level,
reduced by the square with the motor current or the ­compared to the stipulation of a maximum of 5 %.
motor voltage. If the voltage drop is accomplished, it In contrast, motor 2 can be started via a block trans­
4 must therefore be checked whether the starting torque
and the starting duration are sufficient to ensure normal
former with the data from Fig. 6/8 with a permissible
voltage drop of 4.59 %. In the following, however,
motor operation without any problems. the original concept with the connection of these two
motors via frequency converters is taken as a basis
For the sample calculations of the block transformer, again.
the two large motors are considered, which shall be
operated via frequency converters. For verification of
the motor starting torque, it is assumed that 50 % of the 6.7 Generator Protection
5 maximum starting torque are sufficient. Due to the
square dependence (torque M ~ motor starting voltage Type tests as specified in IEC 62271-100 are performed
UsM2), the terminal voltage at the motor must not drop as a rule for all Siemens circuit-breakers. The generator
below 71 % of the rated voltage. circuit-breakers are additionally tested according to
IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013. This standard for generators
Fig. 6/8 schematically shows the connection of the two above 10 MVA takes into account the increased require­
sample motors 1 and 2 at the 30 kV level via a block ments to which the circuit-breakers are subjected when
6 transformer. The impacts on further network setup
(e.g. in Fig. 6/8, in dotted lines, for the 63 MVA trans­
switching generators (Fig. 6/9):
• For generator-source faults: high DC components and
former 30 kV/10 kV) are not considered. The results are the missing current zeros resulting therefrom
stated in Tab. 6/10. • For system-source faults: higher TRV rates of rise
(edge steepness of the transient recovery voltage)
Regarding the stipulation that the motor starting torque • Higher test voltage levels.
must exceed at least 50 % of the nominal operating
torque, both motors could be started via a block trans­
7 former. However, the network feedback of 8.96 % due to
the start of the large motor 1 (main air compressor MAC)

112 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


Fault location a): System-source 6.8 N

 etwork Protection Concept
short circuit with constant AC component and Energy Management
Measuring devices, digital protection devices, current
and voltage transformers, as well as evaluation and
control units must be adjusted to each other. For this,
both the grid connection conditions (see Chapter 4) and 1
the corporate requirements have to be observed. For a
better overview, the network protection concept and the
measurement concept for the energy management are
I k“ T described separately. The SICAM A8000 process con­
troller together with the Microgrid Controller are pro­
a) vided as a central connection point for controlling the
I k“ G
embedded generating plants for both ASP process lines.
The facilities are mirrored for the two process lines and,
thanks to the communication linking, the redundancy
for controlling these important components can be

i) N
 etwork protection concept
To develop the protection concept, the procedure is
as follows: 3
Fault location b): Generator-source 1. Specification of protection targets, which result
short circuit with no zero transitions from the design of the distribution system as well
as from the project-specific and operational
Fig. 6/9: S
 hort-circuit stress of a generator breaker for requirements (e.g. switch positions for stipulated
a) supply via transformer b) supply via generator modes of operation of the plant, generator
operating modes)
The particular requirements lead to a special construc­ 2. Selection of the protection devices according to
tion and design of the generator breakers. Conventional the individual protection targets (e.g. transformer,
circuit-breakers usually cannot meet these requirements. generator, motor, line) and the most appropriate
Selection criteria for the generator breaker are: degree of protection (e.g. definite time-overcurrent
• Rated voltage protection, differential protection, distance
• Rated current protection)
• Behavior in case of system-source short circuit
• Behavior in case of generator-source short circuit.
3. Dimensioning and selection of suitable protection
current transformers.
For this, a calculation of the short-circuit currents is
Additionally, the neutral earthing has an essential
carried out taking into account the two fault locations
influence on the protection concept, the protection
(system-side – generator-side) and the operating states
functions to be selected (e.g. sensitive earth-fault
of the plant. Coordination preferably takes place be­
detection, direction detection), the selection and
tween the generator manufacturer and the circuit-­
design of the protection current transformers (for
breaker manufacturer. Essential circuit-breaker charac­
teristics to be tested are:
example, zero-sequence current transformers for
detecting small earth-fault currents in isolated and
• DC component of the short-circuit breaking current
compensated networks, voltage transformers for
• Asymmetrical breaking current.
direction detection).
Depending on the type, the capability of the vacuum
circuit-breakers for generator switching applications is For the medium-voltage side network protection in
sufficient for rated currents up to 14 kA, apparent power the electric power distribution concept, numerical
up to 500 MVA, rated voltages up to 24 kV, and rated protection relays are used. Depending on the use
short-circuit breaking current Isc up to 110 kA. Type SION case, SIPROTEC 5 devices are provided, as shown in 7
3AE2185 circuit-breakers are used for the two 16 MVA Fig. 6/10. The protection functions of the individual
generators of the ASP. The technical data is given in the devices are listed in Tab. 6/11 according to the num­
brochure [6.3], also for further circuit-breaker types. bering in Fig. 6/10.

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 113


110 kV / 50-60 Hz

80 MVA
uk = 12.5 %
110/30 kV

SICAM A8000 Microgrid Controller


Fiber-optic cable
(communication protocol: IEC 61850) 67,47 1)

2 3 4 7SJ82
50, 51
50N, 51N

7UT85 7SJ82 16 MVA / 10 kV

50, 51, 87T 50, 51

50, 51
50, 51
50N, 51N 50N, 51N G
50N, 51N 50N, 51N 63 MVA
uk = 11 %
30/10 kV
6 7 8 5
51V, 59N, 81
24, 32R, 27TH 7VE85 7SJ82
50N,51N 25, 87T, 64F 25 50, 51
40, 46, 49 50HS 50N, 51N

7SK82 7SK82 7SJ82 7SJ82 7SJ82

50,51,50N,51N 50,51,50N,51N 50, 51 50, 51 50, 51
27, 32, 38
46, 48, 49, 59
27, 32, 38
46, 48, 49, 59
50N, 51N 50N, 51N 50N, 51N
11 12 11 12

10 10 10
Back-up protection Back-up protection
7SD82 7SJ82 7SD82 7SJ82

9 9 87L
87N T
50, 51
50N, 51N
87N T
50, 51
50N, 51N


M M M M M 11
87N T
11 7SD82
87N T
0.3 MW 0.3 MW 4.84 MW 5.8 MW 11.2 MW

Protection application Protection function Protection device

1 Infeed from DSO Time-overcurrent and feeder protection SIPROTEC 7SJ85

4 2 Transformer feeders 30/0.4 kV

Transformer feeders 30/10 kV:
Transformer differential protection SIPROTEC 7SJ82

3 Primary protection Transformer differential protection SIPROTEC 7UT85 2)

4 Back-up protection Time-overcurrent and feeder protection SIPROTEC 7SJ82
5 Interface 3) Time-overcurrent and feeder protection SIPROTEC 7SJ82
6 Interface switch Time-overcurrent and feeder protection SIPROTEC 7SJ82
7 Generator Generator protection SIPROTEC 7UM85
8 Paralleling device SIPROTEC 7VE85

9 Motor feeders (motor and line) Paralleling device SIPROTEC 7SK85
10 Motor feeders (line) Time-overcurrent and feeder protection SIPROTEC 7SJ85
Connecting lines10 kV:
11 Primary protection Differential protection SIPROTEC 7SD82
12 Back-up protection Time-overcurrent and feeder protection SIPROTEC 7SJ82
1) Functions for the interface protection are marked in blue
2) For transformer feeders with line lengths of more than 500 m, a differential protection relay SIPROTEC 7SD82 is recommended
3) The protection device ⑥ protects the interface and serves for tripping the interface protection (measurement and decision are made in protection device ①)

Fig. 6/10: M
 ain components, protection functions, and links in the network protection concept for the ASP
(red arrows identify the circuit-breakers that can be tripped by the protection device)

The basics for dimensioning and selection of the protec­ In order not to damage the connected protection device,
tion current transformers are the standard IEC 61869-2 the current transformer must reach saturation in due
and the application guidance IEC/TR 61869-100. time. However, it must not reach saturation too early, so
The requirements on the protection current transformers that the linear ratio is not lost too early, causing imper­
are stipulated by the corresponding protection device, missible errors (Fig. 6/11). Since the current transformer
7 and can be found in the respective manuals (e.g. for dimensioning quickly becomes complex, Siemens offers
SIPROTEC 5). the PC tool CTDim for this. Additionally, the TIP technical
consultants will be pleased to provide support in
designing the current transformer.

114 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


ANSI Function Abbrev.

24 Overexcitation protection U/f

25 Synchrocheck, synchronizing function Sync
27 Undervoltage protection U<
27TH Stator earth-fault protection with 3rd harmonic U03.H<
32R Reverse-power protection -P< 1
40 Underexcitation protection 1/xd
46 Negative phase-sequence system overcurrent protection, unbalanced-load protection I2>, I22t>
47 Overvoltage protection, negative phase-sequence system U2>
49 Thermal overload protection θ, I²t
50/51 Time-overcurrent protection, phases I1>

50N/51N Time-overcurrent protection, earth IN>
51V Voltage-dependent time-overcurrent protection t=f(I,U)
59/59N Overvoltage protection “3-phase”, or “zero-sequence system U0”, or “positive phase-sequence U>
system U1”, or “universal Ux”
64F Rotor earth-fault protection IRE>, RRE<
67 Directional time-overcurrent protection, phase I>, <(U,I)
81 Frequency protection: “f>” or “f<” or “df/dt” f<>; df/dt<>
81O Overfrequency protection f>
81R Rate-of-frequency-change protection df/dt<> 3
81U Underfrequency protection f<(AFE)
87N T Earth-fault differential protection ΔIN
87T Transformer differential protection ΔI

Tab. 6/11: P
 rotection functions of the SIPROTEC devices for the ASP protection concept with ANSI code (IEEE C37.2) and abbreviations
of functions (IEC 60617); further device functions and more details are given in [6.4] and [6.5]

ii) Measurement concept and • Power values per phase: active and reactive
energy management system ­component
For energy transparency in the distribution network, • Active factors per phase and as sum
measured values are acquired at the following • Power factors per phase and as sum
three levels: • Harmonic content of voltage (THDU) and current
• Infeed (THDI) per phase and as sum
• Distribution • Flicker, etc. (depending on device). 5
• Consumer feeders. Due to the in-house medium-voltage network after
At the infeed – the point of connection (PoC) to the DSO infeed, the control measurement can of
the customer –, the measuring point operator mea­ course also be done at the medium-voltage level of
sures the energy procured from or, if applicable, fed the user.
back into the distribution grid [5.1]. No regenerative
feedback of the embedded generating plants into For the measurement concept shown in Fig. 6/12, the
the grid is intended for the ASP. measuring devices SICAM Q100, P850 and P50 from
Siemens are used according to the requirements of the
In order to check the data made available by the different levels.
measuring point operator to the plant operator, and to
receive more detailed information, the customer can Typical measured values of the three acquisition levels
carry out additional control measurements. Measuring [5.1] are:
devices with network analysis functions are suitable 1. Infeed – transfer/control measurement:
for such control measurements. The measuring Active/reactive energy, active/apparent/reactive
devices can deliver the following values: power, frequency, voltages, currents, active factors 7
• Sum energy across the three phases (cos φ), power factors (lambda), harmonics (THD),
• Energy values per phase: active and reactive and further power quality factors

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 115


Ip Is / Isr
burden = 20 VA
-5 %
Is SIPROTEC Connected
protection burden = 40 VA

1 device 5

5 10 Ip / Ipr
Protection current transformer
100 / 1 A = rated primary / secondary current
20 VA Cl. 5P10
2 Rated values:
Accuracy limit factor Ip Primary current to be measured
Core type, e.g. Ipr Rated primary current
P = protection current transformer Is Secondary current to be measured
Accuracy class Isr Rated secondary current
Rated burden

Fig. 6/11: Classification of current transformers according to IEC 61869-2 and current transformer saturation for various burdens

2. Infeed – embedded generation: quality and fault recorders). Long-time data and events
Active energy, active/reactive power, voltages, are evaluated directly in the device, and are shown as a
currents, frequency, active factors report according to the power quality standards (e.g.
3. Distribution levels and transformers: EN 50160).
Currents, active factors, power factors, harmonics
of currents The SICAM P850 are multifunctional devices for acquisi­
4 4. Consumer level:
Measurements depend on the load requirements
tion, display and transmission of measured electrical
variables such as alternating current, alternating voltage,
(see [5.1]); at least, active/reactive power and power types, harmonics, etc. The measuring variables
currents are usually measured. can be transmitted to a PC and to the control and protec­
tion system via the communication interfaces, or they
In addition, the evaluation, analysis and assessment of can be shown on an optional display.
the measured values, especially for power quality, must
always be considered. By detecting anomalies at an early As an all-in-one device with an internal 2 GB storage,
5 stage, failures and damages can be avoided. Therefore, SICAM P850 offers new recording functionalities in
the measuring devices should be able to provide the addition to the monitoring function:
basic data for a power quality analysis. With Power • Sine recording and acquisition with voltage and
Quality Analytics (PQA), Siemens offers a corresponding current trigger settings in COMTRADE
service, for which a discussion of experts with the • Recording of mean, minimum and maximum values
customer is the essential feature for assessment. of different network parameters in flexible intervals
in CSV
6 The multifunction measuring device SICAM Q100 is used
for acquisition, visualization, analysis, and transmission
• Flexible data export in CSV and/or COMTRADE formats.

of electrical measuring variables, such as for example With the web server integrated in the device, parame­
alternating current, alternating voltage, frequency, terization and measured-value output is carried out via
power, harmonics. The acquisition, processing, and HTML pages on the connected PC/notebook. In case of
accuracy of measuring variables and events correspond devices with display, parameterization via the function
to the standard IEC 61000-4-30 Class A for power quality keys on the front, as well as measured-value output via
measurement. Besides the monitoring function, the the display are also possible.
7 device offers a combined recording and analysis func­
tion: Measured values can be recorded in programmable
time intervals by means of various recorders (e.g. power

116 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


SICAM P50 is a power meter with a graphical display Other device characteristics are:
and background illumination for flush mounting or • Easy parameterization with the parameterizing
standard rail mounting for acquiring and/or displaying software SICAM P Manager as well as via the front
measured values in electrical power supply systems. keys.
More than 100 values can be measured, including r.m.s. • Graphical display with background illumination with
values of voltages (phase-to-phase and/or phase-to- up to 20 programmable screens
earth), currents, active/reactive/apparent power and • Real-time clock, so that measured values and states 1
energy, power factor, phase angle, harmonics of currents can be recorded with time stamp
and voltages, total harmonic distortion (THD) per phase • 1 MB memory including memory management
plus frequency and symmetry factor, energy output, as • Recording and display of limit-value violations and
well as external signals and states. log entries

110 kV / 50-60 Hz Infeed control with
Microgrid Controller:

1 Point of connection (PoC)

80 MVA
2 Main switch
uk = 12.5 %
3 Interface switch
110/30 kV
4 Generator circuit-breaker
Microgrid Controller
Q100 1 SICAM A8000
5 Generator control
Fiber-optic cable
(communication protocol: IEC 61850) 2

P850 P850 P850

16 MVA / 10 kV 4
63 MVA G 5
uk = 11 %
30/10 kV
P850 P850

P850 P850 P850 P850 P850

P850 P850 5


0.3 MW
0.3 MW
4.84 MW
5.8 MW
11.2 MW

1.6 MVA 1 MVA

P50 uk = 6 % P50 uk = 6 %
10/0.4 kV 10/0.4 kV
Dyn5 Dyn5

Fig. 6/12: Measurement concept for energy management of the ASP and infeed control with the Microgrid Controller

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 117


• Integrated battery for records: Limit-value violations

or energy values (meter values), for example, are not
lost even in case of failure of auxiliary power, but they
remain available in the measurement memory up to
3 months.

1 Further technical data and features of the SICAM devices

are given in the product catalog [6.6].

The Microgrid Controller (Fig. 6/13), as a power manage­

ment system (PMS) application, monitors and controls
the electric power distribution system at the various
voltage levels, including the DSO infeed, on the customer
2 side at the 30 kV transformer secondary side, and the
generators at the 10 kV level, both during normal
­operation and in case of fault states. In case of a power
supply interruption in the infeed or the generators, the
system must initiate a fast changeover of the prioritized
consumers to the available power supply. Thus, the
impacts on the normal production processes in the plant
shall be minimized. The PMS must functionally enable
3 both automatic operation and user-led operation.
Fig. 6/13: A
 utomation box as a system application of the
Microgrid Controller

For the ASP, the Microgrid Controller must automatically

ensure that no regenerative feedback of the generators
occurs in the feeding grid, and that the generator infeed 6.9 F
 ront Views and Room Planning
is optimally controlled according to the operating condi­ of the ­Medium‑Voltage Switchgear
tions. The grid connection conditions of the DSO must
4 be complied with. As described in Chapter 4.3, these
conditions follow national stipulations, standards, laws
Following the dimensioning of the switching and
­protection devices for medium-voltage switchgear
or guidelines (see Fig. 4/5). The basis for this are interna­ assemblies at the 30 kV level and the 10 kV level, the
tional regulations and standards (Chapter 4.3), which dimensions, weights and installation conditions can be
reflect the recognized state of the art. determined. An important help for this is the engi­
neering tool SIMARIS project. Whereas the front view of
For infeed control via the Microgrid Controller, the the medium-voltage switchgear 8DA for the 30 kV level
measuring points and switching devices marked with is shown including all the panels in Fig. 6/14, only about
5 blue boxes in Fig. 6/12 are selected in the network half of the medium-voltage switchgear NXAIR for the
­protection and measurement concept of the ASP – process distribution at the 10 kV level is shown in
in accordance with Fig. 4/10. The connection of the Fig. 6/15, since the panels marked by dotted lines are
Microgrid Controller with the automatic generator con­ mirrored. The smaller medium-voltage switchgear
trol is schematically shown as separate box (5). The assemblies NXPLUS C of the two process lines are
Microgrid Controller can, of course, be accessed via a ­identically designed, so that showing of one of them
user interface (HMI). is sufficient (Fig. 6/16).

118 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant


Circuit- Circuit- Circuit- Circuit- Circuit- Circuit- Circuit- Circuit-

breaker breaker breaker Metering breaker Combination breaker Metering breaker breaker breaker
panel panel panel panel panel panel panel panel panel panel panel


152 600 600 600 600 600 1,200 600 600 600 600 600 152

7,504 Dimensions in mm
Depth: 1,625 mm

Minimum distances:

Control aisle ≥ 800mm This information does not correspond to any construction
Wall distance on the right for operation ≥ 100 mm execution data and drawings.
Wall distance on the right for replacement ≥ 500 mm Further planning instructions for switchgear installation
Wall distance on the left for operation ≥ 100 mm can be found in Catalog HA 35.11 [6.7].
Wall distance on the left for replacement ≥ 500 mm
Wall distance to the rear
for wall-standing arrangement ≥ 100 mm
for free-standing arrangement ≥ 800 mm
Ceiling height ≥ 2,850 mm

Fig. 6/14: Front view and data for installation of the 30 kV switchgear 8DA

Left-hand switchgear half 10 kV
Contactor Circuit- Circuit- Circuit- Circuit- Metering Circuit- Bus sectionalizer with bus riser panel Circuit- Circuit- Generator Bus sectionalizer with bus riser panel
panel breaker breaker breaker breaker panel breaker breaker breaker circuit-breaker switchgear
panel panel panel panel panel panel panel panel


435 435 800 800 800 800 1,000 1,000

1,000 800 800 800 1,000 1,000 6

Minimum distances: Ceiling height:

Control aisle for operation ≥ 1,250 mm Ceiling height with pressure relief duct: Dimensions in mm
Control aisle for panel replacement ≥ 1,750 mm ≤ 17.5 kV / ≤ 40 kA 1 s or 0.1 s ≥ 2,500 mm
Wall distance on the right ≥ 150 mm
Wall distance on the left ≥ 150 mm Ceiling height without pressure relief duct:
≤ 12 kV / ≤ 25 kA 1 s or 0.1 s ≥ 2,800 mm
Wall distance for contactor panel: ≤ 12 kV / 31.5 kA 1 s or 0.1 s ≥ 3,000 mm
Wall distance on the right ≥ 150 mm ≤ 12 kV / 40 kA 1 s or 0.1 s ≥ 3,500 mm
Wall distance on the left ≥ 150 mm ≤ 17.5 kV / ≤ 31.5 kA 1 s or 0.1 s ≥ 3,500 mm
≤ 17.5 kV / 40 kA 1 s or 0.1 s ≥ 3,500 mm
Wall distance with pressure relief duct on
the opposite side of the switchgear: This information does not correspond to any construction
Wall distance on the right ≥ 500 mm execution data and drawings.

Wall distance on the left ≥ 500 mm Further planning instructions for switchgear installation
can be found in Catalog HA 25.71 [6.8].
Wall distance at the rear:
for cable connection at the front ≥ 150 mm
for cable connection at the rear ≥ 500 mm

Fig. 6/15: F
 ront view of one half of the switchgear assembly including bus sectionalizer, as well as data for installation of the
10 kV switchgear NXAIR

Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant 119


Circuit- Circuit- Circuit- Circuit-

breaker breaker breaker breaker
panel panel panel panel


600 600 600 600


Depth: 1,225 mm Dimensions in mm

4 Wall distances:
Wall distance at the rear ≥ 50 mm
Wall distance on the right ≥ 50 mm
Wall distance on the left ≥ 50 mm
Control aisle ≥ 800 mm
Control aisle for extension (600 mm panels) ≥ 1,400 mm
Control aisle for extension (900 mm panels) ≥ 1,600 mm

5 Ceiling height: ≥ 2,500 mm

Minimum door openings for transport:

Panel width Switchgear depth Switchgear height Door clearance [W x H]
600 mm 1,100 mm - 1,225 mm 2,250 / 2,650 mm 900 mm x 2,500 mm
900 mm 1,225 mm 2,250*) / 2,650 mm 1,200 mm x 2,500 mm

*) Spoiler is delivered loosely

This information does not correspond to any construction

6 execution data and drawings.

Further planning instructions for switchgear installation
can be found in Catalog HA 25.71 [6.8].

Fig. 6/16: Front view and data for installation of a medium-voltage switchgear NXPLUS C

120 Totally Integrated Power – Concept Finding for a Chemical Plant

Chapter 7
7.1 List of Standards Cited 122
7.2 List of Abbreviations 125
7.3 Bibliography 127
7.4 Units System 129
7 A nnexes

7.1 List of Standards Cited

guidelines, Year Title

1 2009/714/EU 2009
Conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity
(Predecessor of 2019/943/EU)
Harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
2014/30/EU 2014
Harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on
2014/53/EU 2014
the market of radio equipment

2015/1222/EU 2015 Establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management

2016/631/EU 2016 Network code on requirements for grid connection of generators

2018/2002/EU 2018 Energy efficiency

2019/943/EU 2019 Internal market for electricity

3 2019/944/EU 2019 Common rules for the internal market for e

­ lectricity

AS/NZS 3010
2017 Electrical installations – Generating sets
(Australia / New Zealand)
Regola tecnica di riferimento per la connessione di utenti attivi e passivi alle reti AT
ed MT delle imprese distributrici di energia elettrica
CEI 0-16 (Italy) 2016
(Reference technical rules for the connection of active and passive consumers to the
HV and MV electrical networks of distribution companies)

4 Errichten von Niederspannungsanlagen – Beiblatt 5: Maximal zulässige Längen von

Kabeln und Leitungen unter Berücksichtigung des Fehlerschutzes, des Schutzes bei
­Kurzschluss und des Spannungsfalls
DIN VDE 0100 Sup. 5 2017
(Erection of low-voltage systems – Supplement 5: Maximum permissible lengths of
cables and lines in consideration of fault protection, protection in case of short circuit,
and voltage drop)
Requirements for generating plants to be connected in parallel with distribution
EN 50549-1 2019 ­n etworks – Part 1: Connection to a LV distribution network – Generating plants up to
and including Type B
5 Requirements for generating plants to be connected in parallel with distribution
EN 50549-2 2019 ­n etworks – Part 2: Connection to a MV distribution network – Generating plants up to
and including Type B

EN 50160 2010 Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public electricity networks

Engineering recommendation: Requirements for the connection of generation equip­

ENA G99 (England) 2019
ment in parallel with public distribution networks

6 IEC 60038 2012 CENELEC standard voltages

IEC 60044-7 1999 Instrument transformers – Part 7: Electronic voltage transformers

IEC 60076-5 2007 Power transformers – Part 5: Ability to w

­ ithstand short-circuit

IEC 60076-11 2018 Power transformers – Part 11: Dry-type t­ ransformers

7 IEC 60099-4 2014 Surge arresters – Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems

IEC 60204-1 2016 Safety of machinery – Electrical equipment of machines – Part 1: General requirements

122 Totally Integrated Power – Annexes


guidelines, Year Title

IEC 60364-5-56 2018

Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 5-56: Selection and erection of electrical
equipment – Safety services
IEC 60364-8-1 2019 Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 8-1: Functional aspects – Energy efficiency

IEC 60617 2011 Graphical symbols for diagrams

IEC 60644 ed. 2.1 2019 Specification for high-voltage fuse-links for motor circuit applications

Telecontrol equipment and systems – Part 5-103: Transmission protocols – Companion

IEC 60870-5-103 1997
standard for the informative interface of p
­ rotection equipment

IEC 60909-0 2016 Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. s­ ystems – Part 0: Calculation of currents

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 4-1: Contactors and motor-starters –

IEC 60947-4-1 2018
­Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 4-2: Contactors and motor-starters –
IEC 60947-4-2 2020
Semiconductor motor controllers, starters and soft-starters

IEC 61000 Series of standards: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-30: Testing and measurement techniques –

IEC 61000-4-30 2015
Power quality measurement methods

IEC 61800 Series of standards: Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems

IEC 61850 Series of standards: Communication networks and systems 4

IEC 61869-2 2012 Instrument transformers – Part 2: Additional requirements for current transformers

Instrument transformers – Part 3: Additional requirements for inductive voltage

IEC 61869-3 2011
­t ransformers

IEC 62271 Series of standards: High-voltage switchgear and controlgear

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 1: Common specifications for alternating

IEC 62271-1 2017
current switchgear and controlgear

IEC 62271-100 2008 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 100: Alternating-current circuit-breakers

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 106: Alternating current contactors,

IEC 62271-106 2011
­contactor-based controllers and motor-starters

IEC 62271-110 2018 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 110: Inductive load switching
Instrument transformers – Part 100: Guidance for application of current transformers in
IEC/TR 61869-100 2017
power system protection
Rotating electrical machines – Part 25: A.C. electrical machines when used in power
IEC/TS 60034-25 2014
drive systems – Application guide

IEC/TS 62786 2017 Distributed energy resources connection with the grid

IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013 2015

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Part 37-013: Alternating-current generator 7

IEEE 141 1993 Recommended practice for electric power distribution for industrial plants

Totally Integrated Power – Annexes 123


guidelines, Year Title

1 IEEE 1547 2018

IEEE Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Distributed Energy Resources
with Associated Electric Power Systems Interfaces
Guide for smart grid interoperability of energy technology an information technology
IEEE 2030 2011
operation with the Electric Power Systems (EPS), end-use applications, and loads

IEEE C37.2 2008 Electrical power system device function numbers, acronyms, and contact designations

ISO 9001 2015 Quality management systems – Requirements

ISO 14001 2015 Environmental management systems – Requirements with guidance for use

ISO 50001 2015 Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for use

Norma técnica de supervisión de la conformidad de los módulos de generación de

­electricidad según el Reglamento UE 2016/631
NTS v1.0 (Spain) 2019
(Technical supervision standard to harmonize electricity generating modules with

3 2016/631/EU)

Q/GDW 480-2015 (China) 2015 Technical rule for distributed resources connected to power grid

Technical regulation
2016 Technical regulation 3.2.1 for power plants up to and including 11 kW
3.2.1 (Denmark)
Technical regulation
2016/17 Technical regulation 3.2.2 / 3.2.3 / 3.2.5 for PV / thermal / Wind power plants above 11 kW
3.2.2 /.3 /.5 (Denmark)

4 VDE AR-N 4110 (Germany) 2018

Technical rules for the connection and operation of customer installations to the
­m edium-voltage grid (TCR medium voltage)

VDI 2552 Sheet 1 2020 Building information modeling – Fundamentals

Simulation of systems in materials handling, logistics and production – Representation

VDI 3633 Sheet 6 2001
of human resources in simulation models

VDI 3637 1996 Data collection for long term factory planning

5 VDI 4499 Sheet 1

2008 /
Digital factory – Fundamentals
bestätigt 2015

VDI 5200 Sheet 1 2011 Factory planning – Planning procedures

124 Totally Integrated Power – Annexes


7.2 List of Abbreviations

3G Mobile radio standard 3rd generation
FOS Field of science and technology

FRT Fault-ride-through
FSM Frequency-sensitive mode
AAL Active-assisted living
ACER Agency for the Cooperation of Energy
Regulators G

AEMC Australian Energy Market Commission GB Gigabyte

ANSI American National Standards Institute GDP Gross domestic product
GPS Global positioning system
API Application programming interface
ASP Air separation plant
AVC Automatic voltage control H
HGL Hydrocarbon gas liquids
B HMI Human-machine interface
HOAI German Official Scale of Fees for Services by
BIM Building information modeling
Architects and Engineers
Btu British thermal unit
HTML Hypertext markup language 3
HV High voltage
HV HRC High-voltage high-rupturing capacity
CAPEX Capital expenditure HVAC Heating - ventilation - air conditioning
CB Circuit-breaker
CDE Common data environment I
CENELEC Comité Européen de Normalisation
Électrotechnique (European Committee for
I4.0 Industry 4.0 4
Electrotechnical Standardization) ICT Information and communications
CEPA Cambridge Economic Policy Associates Ltd
IEA International Energy Agency
CHP Combined heat and power
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
Cip Cleaning in place
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics
CMS Condition monitoring system Engineers
CPS Cyber-physical system IFC Industry foundation classes 5
CSV Comma separated values IPR Interface protection relay
IPS Interface protection system
D IoT Internet of things
DEMS Distributed energy resource management IT Information technology
DEOP Distributed energy optimization K 6
DES Distributed energy systems KPI Key performance indicator
DSO Distribution system operator
LCOE Levelized cost of electricity
EIA U.S. Energy Information Administration LFC Load frequency control
ENA Energy Networks Association LFSM-O Limited frequency sensitive mode – 7
ENTSO-E European Network of Transmission System overfrequency
Operators for Electricity LFSM-U Limited frequency sensitive mode –
EU European Union underfrequency

Totally Integrated Power – Annexes 125


LoD Level of detail R

LOD Level of development R & D Research and development
LoG Level of geometry
1 LoI Level of information
ROCOF Rate of change of frequency
ROI Return on investment
LV Low voltage RPM Revolutions per minute
RTD Resistance temperature detector
M2M Machine-to-machine S
M3 Machine-machine-management
SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition
MAC Main air compressor sf Simultaneity factor
MCC Motor control center SF Substitutability factor
MOM Manufacturing operations management SI Système International d´Unités
MTS Main transformer substation (International units system)
MV Medium voltage SIL Safety integrity level
SMS Short message service
3 N SoSt Soft starter
NC RfG Network code requirements for generators STC Standard test conditions
NERC North American Electric Reliability
Corporation T
THD Total harmonic distortion
THDI Total harmonic distortion current I
4 O & M Operation and maintenance
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation
THDU Total harmonic distortion voltage U
TIA Totally Integrated Automation
and Development
TIP Totally Integrated Power
OPEX Operational expenditure
TRV Transient recovery voltage
OVRT Overvoltage-ride-through
TSO Transmission system operator

5 PaaS Platform as a service
UPS Uninterruptible power supply
PCC Point of common coupling
PDM Product data management UVRT Undervoltage-ride-through
PET Polyethylene
PIM Project information model V
PL Performance level VCB Vacuum circuit-breaker
6 PLM Product lifecycle management VDI Association of German engineers
PMS Power management system VFD Variable frequency drive
PNF Pre-notification factor VoLL Value of lost load
PoC Point of connection VPP Virtual power plant
PP Performance phase
PQA Power quality analytics
7 prim Primary voltage
PSS® Power system simulation software
PV Photovoltaic
PVC Polyvinylchloride

126 Totally Integrated Power – Annexes


7.3 Bibliography

Author Year Title

Planning of Electric Power Distribution: Technical Principles

1.1 Siemens AG 2018

1.2 Kiank, Fruth 2011

Planning Guide for Power Distribution Plants
(ISBN: 978-3-89578-371-5)
acatech – Deutsche Akademie
1.3 2017 Industrie 4.0 Maturity Index (ISSN 2192-6174)
der Technikwissenschaften
Intelligent Power Distribution
1.4 Siemens AG 2019
1.5 BIMpedia Download 2021 https://www.bimpedia.eu/-/1347-dimensionen-der-bim-planung

BIM Workbook – Verständigung
1.6 Bauen digital Schweiz 2018
(BIM Workbook – Understanding)

Fabrikplanung und Fabrikbetrieb

2.1 Schenk, Wirth, Müller 2014
(Factory planning and factory operation)
Dissertationsschrift: Objektorientierte Fabrikplanung
2.2 M. Bergholz 2005
(Object-oriented factory planning)
Vorlesungsfolien Produktionstechnik I (PT1-VL 9)
2.3 E. Uhlmann 2011
(Lecture slides for production technology)
OECD (Organisation for Economic Revised field of science and technology (FOS) classification
Co-operation and Development)
Fabrikplanung – Werksentwicklung und Betriebsrationalisierung
2.5 Aggteleky 1987 (Factory planning – Factory development and rationalization of
Handbuch Fabrikplanung: Konzept, Gestaltung und Umsetzung
wandlungsfähiger Produktionsstätten
2.6 Wiendahl, Reichardt, Nyhuis 2014
(Manual for factory planning: concept, design and
implementation of adaptable production plants)
Realize your digital transformation now
2.7 Siemens AG 2019
(DICM-B00002-01-7600) 4
2.8 Siemens AG 2018 White Paper: Mindsphere (69993-A21)

U.S. Energy Information

3.1 2018 International Energy Outlook 2019
Eurostat Download 2020 https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/de/data/database
EIA Download 2020 https://www.eia.gov/outlooks/aeo/
Reserve Bank of India Download 2020 The India KLEMS database
Principal statistics for manufacturing industries, by North
Statistics Canada Download 2020
American Industry Classification System (Table: 16-10-0117-01)
3.3 Heat Roadmap Europe 2019 EU28 fuel prices for 2015, 2030 and 2050
Study on Energy Prices, Costs and Subsidies and their Impact on
3.4 Trinomcs B.V. 2018
Industry and Households
Government of India – Central
3.5 Statistics Office – Ministry of Statistics 2018 Energy Statistics 2019

and Programme Implementation
Simplified energy balances – annual 2018 [Download https://db.nomics.world/Eurostat/nrg_100a (Download am
data [nrg_100a] 30.07.2020] 30.07.2020)
3.7 BP p.l.c. 2018 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2019
Unsichere Stromversorgung in Zeiten der Energiewende
(Insecure power supply in times of energy transition)
2019 [Download
3.8 D. Röhrlich [www.deutschlandfunk.de/ruesten-gegen-den-blackout-unsi​
id= 456306]
3.9 European Commission 2016
Interim Report of the Sector Inquiry on Capacity Mechanisms
[SWD(2016) 119 final]
Auswertung von Sankey-Diagrammen
3.10 IEA Download 30.07.2020 (Evaluation of Sankey diagrams)

Totally Integrated Power – Annexes 127


Author Year Title

Datenzusammenstellung von (Data compilation of) [https://

3.11 The World Bank Group Download 30.07.2020
Agency for the Cooperation of Energy
3.12 2018 Study on the Value of Lost Load of Electricity Supply in Europe
Regulators (ACER)
Draft: Proposal for a Methodology for calculating the Value of
Lost Load, the Cost of New Entry for generation, or demand
response, and the Reliability Standard in accordance with
3.13 ENTSO-E 2018
Article 23 of the Regulation (EU) 2019/943 of the European
Parliament and of the Council of 5 June 2019 on the internal
market for electricity (recast)

2 3.14
U.S. (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency
Download 30.07.2020
Manufacturing Energy and Carbon Footprints (2014 MECS)
and Renewable Energy

The Institute of Electrical and IEEE 141-1993: IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power
4.1 1993
Electronics Engineers, Inc. Distribution for Industrial Plants
NERC (North American Electric Reliability Standards for the Bulk Electric Systems of North
4.2 2020
Reliability Corporation) America
International Renewable Energy
4.3 2016 Scaling up variable renewable power: the role of grid codes
3 Agency (IRENA)
Implementation of the European Network Code on
4.4 Bründlinger, Schaupp, Graditi, Adinolfi 2018 Requirements for Generators on the European national level
(Conference: Solar Integration Workshop at Stockholm)
White Paper: Starting motors – Technical principles and
4.5 Siemens AG 2020
selection criteria

5.1 Siemens AG 2017 Applications for power distribution – Energy transparency

5.2 European Commssion JRC 2010 Guidelines for PV Power Measurement in Industry
Catalog IC10: SIRIUS – Industrial Controls
5.3 Siemens AG 2021
Catalog LV10: Low-Voltage Power Distribution and Electrical
5.4 Siemens AG 2021
Installation Technology (E86060-K8280-A101-B3-7600)
Catalog D31.1: SINAMICS Inverters for Single-Axis Drives –
5.5 Siemens AG 2018
Built-In Units (E86060-K5531-A111-A1-7600)
Configuration Manual – Load Feeders – Configuring the SIRIUS
5.6 Siemens AG 2017
Modular System (A8E56203880102A/RS-AB/006)
5 5.7 Siemens AG 2020
Technical Series Edition 3 - Modeling of systems for
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) in SIMARIS®design for
application in data centers
5.8 Siemens AG 2016 3VA selectivity configuration manual (3ZW1012-0VA20-0AC1)
Technical Series Edition 16 - Transformer Selection according to
5.9 Siemens AG 2016
Utilisation Profiles

Handbuch Hochspannnungs-Sicherungen
6.1 SIBA GmbH 2011
(Manual for high-voltage fuses)
6 6.2 SIBA GmbH 2020 HV-Catalogue
Vacuum circuit breakers for generator switching applications
6.3 Siemens AG 2020
6.4 Siemens AG 2020 SIPROTEC 5 Catalog, Edition 7 (SIDG-C10059-00-7600)
Planning of Electric Power Distribution: Products & Systems
6.5 Siemens AG 2017
Medium Voltage (EMMS-T10099-00-7600)
SICAM Power Quality and Measurement – Catalog. Edition 6
6.6 Siemens AG 2017
6.7 Siemens AG 2017 Catalog HA 35.11 (EMMS-K1435-A101-B5-7600)
Air-Insulated Medium-Voltage Switchgear NXAIR and NXAIR M
6.8 Siemens AG 2019
– Catalog HA 25.71 (EMMS-K1425-A811-B5-7600)

128 Totally Integrated Power – Annexes


7.4 Units System

SI basic units

Size Unit Symbol / abbreviation

Length Meter m
Weight Kilogram kg

Time Second s

Electric current Ampere A

Temperature Kelvin K

Luminous intensity Candela cd

SI units

Size Unit Symbol / abbreviation Derived

Frequency Hertz Hz 1 Hz = 1 s-1

Force Newton N 1 N = 1 kg ⋅ m/s2 3

Pressure, tension Pascal Pa 1 Pa = 1 N/m2

Energy, quantity of heat Joule J 1 J = 1 N ⋅ m = 1 kg ⋅ m2 /s2

Power, heat flow Watt W 1 W = 1 J/s = 1 kg ⋅ m2 /s3

Electric charge Coulomb C 1C=1A⋅s

Electric voltage Volt V 1 V = 1 J/C = 1 kg ⋅ m2 / (A ⋅ s3) = 1 W/A 4

Electric resistance Ohm Ω 1 Ω = 1 V/A

Electric conductivity Siemens S 1 S = 1 Ω -1 = 1 A/V

Magnetic flux Weber Wb 1 Wb = 1 V ⋅ s

Magnetic flux density Tesla T 1 T = 1 Wb/m2

Inductance Henry H 1 H = 1 Wb/A 5

Luminous flux Lumen lm 1 lm = 1 cd ⋅ sr 1)

Illuminance Lux lx 1 lx = 1 lm/m2

1) sr = steradian (measuring unit for the solid angle sr, so that an area A is enclosed on a sphere with a radius r: sr = A/r 2 )

Totally Integrated Power – Annexes 129


130 Totally Integrated Power – Notes


Totally Integrated Power – Notes 131


We would like to thank the following persons for their

technical support in the preparation of this manual:

Braga, Rodrigo
Englert, Ingo
Erschen, Benjamin
1 Gemsjäger, Ben
Glas, Johannes
Kapinosova, Kateryna
Maschek, Jürgen
Ramirez Jordan, Saul
Shamim, Taiyab
Weber, Ralf
2 Wegehaupt, Klemens

Totally Integrated Power – Consultant Support
Applications for Electric Power Distribution
Industrial Plants

5 Published by
Siemens AG
Smart Infrastructure
Distribution Systems

Siemens AG
6 Dr. Siegbert Hopf
E-mail: siegbert.hopf@siemens.com

Publishing House
Saatchi & Saatchi GmbH
Arnulfstraße 60
80335 Munich, Germany

7 Image Rights
All images and all graphics: © Siemens AG

132 Totally Integrated Power – Imprint

Siemens AG Subject to change without prior notice. The informa-
Smart Infrastructure tion in this manual only includes general descriptions
Distribution Systems and/or performance characteristics, which do not
always apply in the form described in a specific
Mozartstr. 31c application, or which may change as products are
91052 Erlangen developed. The required performance characteristics
Germany are only binding if they are expressly agreed at the
E-Mail: consultant-support.tip@siemens.com point of conclusion of the contract.


All rights reserved. TIP Totally Integrated Power are registered trade-
All data and circuit examples without engagement. marks of Siemens AG. Any unauthorized use is
prohibited. All other designations in this document
may represent trademarks whose use by third
parties for their own purposes may violate the
proprietary rights of the owner.

© 2021 Siemens AG, Berlin and Munich, Germany

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