Manual Nanni Diesel 5.250 Barca
Manual Nanni Diesel 5.250 Barca
Manual Nanni Diesel 5.250 Barca
ISO 9002
TABLE OF CONTENTS I WARNING Signifies that a danger exists which
may cause injuries or death if· specific suitable
1. SAFETY INFORMATION safety measures are not observed.
3. ENGINE IDENTIFICATION I ATTENTION Reminds you of safety measures
• Technical Characteristics or directs your attention to dangerous practices
4. PREPARATION BEFORE STARTING which may cause injuries to persons or damage
the boat or its components.
• Starting the engine The user should take all necessary precautions as
• Stopping the engine regards operation and protection and should seek
• Running in/Guarantee visit the advice of a professional.
• List of guarantee verification operations Disregard for these safety instructions may lead
• Engine oil drain Bodily harm, environmental pollution dangers
• Replacing the oil filter (leaks of dangerous substances), dangers to pro-
• Reducer reverser gear box perty with risks of failure of the essential functions
• Replacing the fuel oil filter . of the engine.
• Replacing the complete injector nozzle fitting OBSERVING THE SAFETY RECOM-
• Cleaning the Cooling system MENDATIONS
• Cleaning the thermostat -Follow the warning and attention labels affixed to
• Replacing the water pump rotor the engine
• Electrical/Battery equipment -Disengage the contact key and turn off the batte-
• Cylinder head ry main switch before performing any work on the
engine or its fittings
• Rocker arm adjustment
-Close the engine cover and replace the protec-
• Recommendations tion devices before starting the engine
• Periodic maintenance table -Always keep the area surrounding the engine
• Recommended on board repair kit clean and free of any debris
1 SAFETY INFORMATION -Place any flammable liquids outside and away
from the engine compartment
These directions for use have been provided to -Never use the engine when under the influence
help you to use your engine and its fittings. They of alcohol or medication
include important instructions which should be ob- WEAR PROTECTIVE CLOTHING
served while operating the engine. These instruc- -To avoid bodily injury, remain clear of rotating
tions must be read by the operator. They should Rarts and do not wear oversize garments close to
be permanently kept in the place where the en- a running engine -Use safety equipment such as
gine is used. glasses, gloves, etc. according to circumstances
These symbols are used to indicate danger. They FUELS AND LUBRICANTS
are intended to attract your attention to those ele- -Stop the engine before adding fuel or lubricant
ments or operations which can endanger you or -Do not smoke and do not draw near with an open
other users of this engine. Read the instructions flame whilst adding fuel', -Wear gloves when
highlighted by the safety symbols attentively. It is checking for any possible leaks.
essential that you read the instructions and the
safety regulations before starting the engine.
-Hot lubricating oil can burn you - allow the engine techniques in association with the skills of the en-
to cool before checking the motor oil level, chang- gineers of MAN and KUBOTA guarantee you the
ing the motor oil, or the oil filter cartridge. best available combination of performance / reli-
-Always use the fuels and lubricants recommen- ability / economy.
ENGINE EXHAUST WARNING I WARNING The installation of your engine must
be performed by a naval vessel mechanics pro-
-Run the engine in a well ventilated place, away fessional, in compliance with the NANNI INDUS-
from persons and animals-the accumulation of en- TRIES installation instructions.
gine exhaust can be toxic These operating instructions contain information
PRESSURE which are necessary for the proper operation of
-Do not open the engine coolant and motor oil res- the engine.
ervoir caps when the engine is warm. Release all Present in over 50 countries through its network
pressure in the line before loosening the caps -Do of agents and authorised dealers, NANNI INDUS-
not check for possible pressure leaks with bare TRIES guarantees your safety world-wide.
hands -wear gloves -liquids ejected under pres- Whether it be parts, labour, or simply advice, eve-
sure may cause serious injury -in case of contact rything has been considered to properly serve
with a spurt of fluid, immediately consult a physi- your needs.
cian Do not hesitate to contact your authorised NANNI
DIESEL dealer.
BATTERY We wish you pleasurable navigation.
-A mixture of highly explosive, inflammable and Read this manual attentively before proceeding
volatile gas, forms when recharging the battery. with the installation of the engine.
Never smoke and do not draw near to the battery Follow the safety measures.
with an open flame or spark.
-Never short circuit the battery terminals I WARNING
-The battery electrolyte is highly corrosive -Wear The proper operation of a marine engine is linked
protective gloves and glasses. to use suitable for the engine and its gear box’s
ELECTRICAL WIRING specifications (type of boat, hours and RPM of
-Turn off engine electrical contact and battery
main switch before any repair to the electrical 3 -ENGINE IDENTIFICATION
-Check the state of the cables and the electrical On all correspondence, requests for information
wiring -a short circuit may cause fire. and orders for parts, it is essential to indicate the
references appearing on the engine and reversing
DISPOSAL OF FLUIDS gearbox identification plates.
-The different fluids used for the operation of the A-Type 1 2 3
engine may be toxic and hazardous to your health. B- Serial number
Carefully read the instructions appearing on the C- NANNI Serial number
labels of these products. D- Specification
-Observe the environmental protection regula- IMPORTANT : Note the serial number and the
tions relative to the disposal Of motor oil, fuel, en- engine and transmission model designations.
gine coolant fluid, filters and batteries Keep a copy of this information in a safe place.
- Fill with motor oil and transmission fluid NOTE: Qualities and quantities of oil are described
- Fill with heat exchanger coolant fluid in the table of technical characteristics
- Check tension of belts
- Check that the different connectors and oil and
water change plugs are properly tightened Composition 13
- Check that the electrical cable terminal, battery Main disposable cartridge filter
terminals, battery switch, extension wiring con- Fuel pump (A)
nectors are properly tightened Injection pump (8)
- Check the electrolyte level of the batteries High pressure injector pipe (C)
- Check the acceleration and stop controls (by Injectors
moving them several times) Fuel system purge
- Check for proper synchronisation of the “gas and - Check the fuel level in the reservoir
crutch” lever (essential in the case of a single le- - Open the fuel valve. Unscrew the thumbwheel A.
ver control). Clutching must terminate when start- Move the fuel pump hand lever; if necessary, turn
ing to accelerate. the crankshaft for resistance.
- Perform a final check of the clamps as well as a - Move the hand pump a certain number of times
visual check of the marine propulsion assembly. If to expunge any air bubbles in the return system.
necessary, retouch the paint on the assembly and - Retighten the thumbwheel A
the accessories. - Start
I DANGER Do not do not draw near to the bat- I DANGER - Do not smoke, or draw near with an
tery with an open flame or spark. A mixture of ex- open flame or spark.
tremely explosive gas forms when the battery is - Always mop up any spilled fuel .
being recharged - Do not short circuit
• The battery electrolyte is highly corrosive: if the
battery acid comes in contact with the skin, imme- It consists of two different systems: the closed
diately wash with soapy water - in case of contact liquid coolant system and the external sea water
with the eyes, rinse abundantly with water and im- system.
mediately consult a physician. Closed liquid coolant system
- Start with the positive terminal when connecting It consists of a pump controlled by the crankshaft
cables to the battery. by means of a V-belt, a heat exchanger and a
- Start with the negative terminal when discon- thermostat.
necting cables from the battery Sea water system
I WARNING It consists of a pump, a heat exchanger for the
• Do not allow fuel or lubricant to spill on the en- fresh water, a water injection elbow
Coolant fluid 11 12 14 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT
Recommendations for the first use
-Check that the heat exchanger fluid drain plug Engine 16
and the carter motor are tightened. A Battery
-Prepare a permanent antifreeze mixture with B Alternator
50% antifreeze and 50% fresh water. The neces- C Starter
sary quantity is indicated in the technical specifi- D Glow plug
cations. E Stop solenoid
a) Engines with A and B caps: Fill the mixture into F Oil pressure alarm
the A filler hole until the maximum fill level is rea- G Water temperature alarm
ched; close cap A. Pour the mixture into the B filler H Water temperature gauge (option)
hole until the maximum fill level is reached; close I Connector
cap B. Start the engine and verify the A level af- J Oil pressure gauge (option)
ter several minutes. Subsequent checks are to be Instrument panel 17 18 19 20
made only with the A cap; do not again open the a -Water temperature alarm indicator
B cap. b -Oil pressure alarm indicator
b- Engines with A cap: Fill the mixture into the A fill c -Glow plug indicator
hole until the maximum fill level is reached; close d -Battery charge indicator
the cap. Start the engine and verify the A level af- e -Audible alarm buzzer
ter several minutes. f -Starter key
Close the cap and start the engine. g -Stop button
Allow the engine to run for 2 to3 minutes whilst h -Instrument lighting
gradually accelerating. i -Connector
-Stop the motor and top off the heat exchanger j -Tachometer with integrated hour counter
fluid level. k -Voltmeter
-The additional fills will be only with fresh water I -Oil pressure gauge
when the engine is cold m -Water temperature thermometer
-Every two years, at the beginning of the boating
season, completely empty the cooling system, Wire position Colour Function
clean it with fresh water, and then refill it following 1 Red Positive
the above instructions. 2 Black Negative
3 Brown Starter
I DANGER Fill the engine with coolant liquid only
4 Brown 1 Glow Plug
when the engine is turned off and cold
-Do not smoke or draw near with a flame. 5 White Stop
-Stay clear of rotating parts while the engine is op- 6 Grey Oil pressure sensor
erating. 7 Violet D+ alternator
8 Grey-1 Oil alarm
I ATTENTION: Never add undiluted antifreeze. 9 Yellow-green Water alarm
Connection for hot water 13
10 Yellow-green 1 Water temp sensor
An installation for on board hot water may be con-
11 Blue Tachometer (on
nected to the engine by diverting water from the
terminal w)
internal fresh water system. Consult us for further
Information. 5. ENGINE OPERATION
Sea water filter
It is recommended that a water filter between the
pump and seacock be fitted. Check the filter regu- STARTING THE ENGINE
larly. I DANGER -Firmly close the engine cover
and replace the protective elements before
I ATTENTION: Before starting the engine, check starting the engine
to see that the seacock is open since dray opera- -Check the diesel fuel level
tion, even for only a few seconds, can damage the -Open the diesel fuel feeder valve
water pump rotor. -Open the sea cock valve
After cleaning the sea water filter, carefully close -Check the engine and gear box motor oil levels
the cover in order to avoid air entering into the -Check the level of coolant fluid
pump. -Close the battery valve
-Check that the gear box control lever is in the
neutral position
-Desynchronise the clutch gas control by using in your engine and that you not attain maximum
the device on the box engine performance except during short periods.
-Position the gas control lever in the accelerate Never race your engine immediately after starting,
position without having allowed it to warm up.
-Turn the starter key clock-wise, the oil alarm indi- Guarantee visit
cator will illuminate and the buzzer will sound This mandatory visit with an authorised NANNI
-Then preheat by holding the key in the clockwise DIESEL representative will take place either af-
position (for 5 to 10 seconds depending upon the ter 20 hours of operation. Every new engine is
outside temperature) guaranteed against all parts defects according to
-Then push the starter key and turn it clock-wise the terms and conditions specified on the certifi-
until the engine starts. Release it immediately af- cate of guarantee which is furnished to the buyer
ter the motor has started upon delivery of the engine (warranty card to be
-Check the indicators and other functions after the returned).
engine starts -Immediately stop the engine if the
buzzer sounds, if the temperature rises abnormal- LIST OF GUARANTEE VERIFICATION
ly or if the other indicators illuminate OPERATIONS
I ATTENTION Search for and eliminate tl}e
cause before starting the engine I DANGER To avoid bodily injury, stop the en-
- Allow the engine to run at approximately 1000 gine and allow it to cool, turn off the battery
rpm main switch before any repair Follow the safe-
-Check that the sea water funs freely from the ty and environmental protection instructions
waste pipe Change the lubricant of the:
-If the engine does not start on the first attempt, -Engine
repeat the steps after waiting 30 to 60 seconds -Reverser gear box
after each attempt
-The diesel fuel pre-fiIter
I WARNING Never cut the electrical circuit by Check:
using the battery main switch whilst the engine is
-The level of the coolant fluid
running. This may cause damage to the alternator.
-The adjustment of the valves
STOPPING THE ENGINE -The tightness of the intake and exhaust manifold
-Return the control lever to the idle/neutral posi- -The tightness and the operation of the diesel fuel
tion system
-Allow the engine to idle for several minutes in -The tightness of the cooling system
order to stabilise the temperature -Push the stop
button -The belt tensions
-Turn off the battery main switch, close the sea- -The tightness of the screws and bolts
cock as well as the fuel valve. -The tightness of the engine mounts
IMPORTANT : Once the boat has been towed, -The alignment of the engine
stop the motor and turn off the sea water inlet -The stuffing box
valve to avoid accidentally filling the motor up with -The lubrication of the stuffing box
sea water.
TWIN-ENGINED BOATS : If using only one mo-
tor when sailing, close the back motor’s sea water -The oil filter cartridge
inlet valve. Do not forget to open it up again before -The diesel fuel filter cartridge.
starting up this motor. Electrical equipment
I ATTENTION -Check the engine and the en- -The tightness of the contacts and cable terminals
gine compartment for any possible leaks. -The level and density of the battery electrolyte
-The alternator charge
-The correct operation of the instrument panel
Running in
During the first 20 hours of operation, it is recom- Perform:
mended that you take precautions to properly Run -A check of the condition of the battery.
6. MAINTENANCE I DANGER Stop the engine and turn off the bat-
tery main switch before making any repairs to the
I DANGER To avoid bodily harm, stop the en- electrical system
gine and allow it to cool, turn of the battery
main switch before making any repairs Battery
Follow the safety and environmental protec- -Check the battery charge once per season -The
tion instructions density of the electrolyte should be between 1
The performance level of lubricants necessary for .270 and 1 .285
the proper operation of the engine and the recom- -The electrolyte should be check periodically. The
mended maintenance schedule are described on level should be maintained at 1 cm above the ac-
the next page. cumulator plates. Add distilled water, if necessary.
IMPORTANT -These recommendations are es- I DANGER -Never draw near with a flame, and
sential. Following these recommendations will never check the battery with “a spark”, because
prolong the life of your engine and will affect the the gases which may be released are inflamma-
applicability of the guarantee which is provided. ble and explosive -The battery electrolyte is highly
-Do not make any unauthorised modifications to corrosive. If battery acid come in contact with your
the engine. skin, immediately wash with soapy water. eyes,
-Damage caused by the use of parts not bearing a rinse abundantly with water and immediately con-
manufacturer’s reference number are not covered sult a physician
by the guarantee -Do not short circuit.
-Repairs and maintenance must be performed by
an authorised NANNI DIESEL engine repair facil-
ity In order to ensure proper operation of the alterna-
If the engine is used for a number of hours less tor and integrated regulator:
than the number specified for maintenance inter- Never
vals, then maintenance must be performed at -Turn off the battery main switch whilst the engine
least once per year. is running (risk of damage to the regulator)
In this case, it is recommended that maintenance -Reverse the battery terminals. The terminals are
be performed before winter storage. The engine respectively marked + (positive) and -(negative);
will therefore be protected by new, clean lubri- the negative is earthen; the cable terminations
cants. and the cables must be correctly attached.
-Change the charge circuit while the engine is run-
Valve adjustments 22 23
-The valves are adjusted according to their injec- For use of several batteries, install a charge dis-
tion order tributor (consult with us).
-Place the valves in a rocking motion on the cylin- In case of starting the engine with a spare battery
der before being adjusted and jumper cables, proceed in the following man-
-Turn the crankshaft in the direction in which the ner: -Disengage the main battery circuit, connect
engine rotates, so as to place the piston at upper the spare battery to the main battery by connect-
dead centre -Adjust the intake and exhaust valves ing the + to the + and the -to the -. Once the.en-
(refer to the values in the table of technical char- gine starts, disconnect the jumper cables and do
acteristics) not cut the main battery circuit.
You must disconnect the 2 battery cables
Replacement of the water pump rotor
-Close the sea cock 24 25 - You use a battery charger
-Remove the water pump cover - Before any repair to the electrical system
-Extract the used rotor - Before doing any soldering work on a metal hull
-Replace the water pump cover using a new gas-
ket Rinsing the cooling system 8 11 12
-Remove the tube stack and clean it with water The cartridge is of the disposable type
and washing soda -Replace the O-rings and re- -Unscrew the cartridge at the head of the filter
mount the tube stack and the covers
-Coat the gasket of the new cartridge with engine
-Do not forget the copper gaskets on the covers lubricant
assembly screws.
-Screw the new cartridge onto the filter head, then
I WARNING Corrosive products may hazardous tighten it by hand -of a turn (do not use tools)
to your health. Read the instructions on the prod-
_ Check that the filter does not leak when the en-
uct label carefully.
gine is running
Replacement of the diesel fuel filter 30 31 -Stop the engine and add motor oil to the maxi-
mum fill level if necessary
The diesel fuel filter is a disposable-type filter.
-Close the fuel valve
I WARNING Hot oil can burn your-Avoid all con-
-Unscrew the cartridge at the head of the filter
tact with your skin
-Coat the gasket of the new cartridge with engine
Respect the environmental protection regulations
-Screw the new cartridge onto the filter head, then Reversing gear box 10
tighten it by hand -of a turn (do not use tools)
Refer to detailed instructions in the reversing gear
-Open the fuel valve box manual attached to the operating manual
-Purge the system Consult with us for specific reversing gear box in-
-Start the engine and check for sealing formation
I ATTENTION - Always mop up and spilled fuel Reversing gear box control system
-Follow the environmental protection instructions Verify the remote controls regularly. The cable
stroke should be 35 mm on both sides of dead
Replacement of the injectors 32 33 centre (0 -A = 0 -8). The lever must be able to
Remove: move freely to its stroke limits.
-The injectors piping Attention to the lever position 35
-The screw and the diesel fuel return piping
-The complete injector
-Dismantle the injector
Engines equipped with a Turbo: Turbo compres-
sor should be checked every 400 hour for proper
I DANGER: To avoid bodily injury, do not start
the motor without the air filter
IMPORTANT: Allow the engine to idle before stop-
ping the engine
Technical specifications
(*) ATTENTION : The specifications are defined only for use of pleasure craft.
Consult with us for all other uses.