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100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Ccmhohocken. PA 19428
Repcmted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM

Standard Specification for

Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Plate’
This standard is issued under the fixed designation B 551/B 551M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (0 indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 5. Ordering Information

1.1 This specification* covers three grades of zirconium 5.1 Orders for this material under this specification
strip, sheet, and plate. should include the following information:
1.2 Unless a single unit is used, for example corrosion 5.1.1 Quantity (weight or number of pieces),
mass gain in mg/dm*, the values stated in either inch-pound 5.1.2 Name of material (zirconium strip, sheet, or plate),
or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard. The 5.1.3 Grade number (see 4. I),
values stated in each system are not exact equivalents; 5.1.4 ASTM designation and year of issue,
therefore each system must be used independently of the 5.1.5 Finish and appearance (Section lo), and
other. SI values cannot be mixed with inch-pound values. 5.1.6 Additions to the specification and supplementary
1.3 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to requirements, if required.
the test method portions of this specification: This standard NOTE-A typical ordering description is as follows: 9000-lb (5000 kg)
does not purport to address ail of the safety concerns, if any, sheet, 0.098 in. (2.5 mm) by 12 in. (300 mm) by 144in. (3.5
associated with its use. It is the responsibilityof the user of m), ASTM B 55 1, dated -, Grade R60705.
this standard to establish appropriate safety and health
practices and determine the applicabilityof regulatory limi- 6. Materials and Manufacture
tationsprior to use. 6.1 The sheet, strip, or plate covered by this specification
shall be formed with conventional forging and rolling
equipment found in primary ferrous and nonferrous metal
2. Referenced Documents plants.
2.1 ASTM Standards: 6.2 The sheet, strip, and plate shall be supplied in the
E 8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic recrystallized annealed condition.
7. Chemical Composition
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
Determine Conformance with Specifications4 7.1 The material shall conform to the requirements as to
chemical composition prescribed in Table 1.
7.2 The manufacturer’s ingot analysis shall be considered
3. Terminology the chemical analysis for sheet, strip, and plate, except for
3.1 Descriptionsof Terms Specific to This Standard: hydrogen and nitrogen, which shall be determined on the
3.1.1 annealed-denotes material that exhibits a finished product.
recrystallized grain structure. 7.3 When requested by the purchaser and stated in the
3.1.2 lot-a lot shall consist of all material produced from purchase order, a product analysis for any elements listed in
the same ingot at one time, with the same cross section, and Table 1 shall be made on the finished product.
with the same nominal metallurgical parameters. 7.3.1 The manufacturer’s analysis shalI be considered as
verified if the check analysis confirms the manufacturer’s
reported values within the tolerances prescribed in Table 2.
4. Classification
4.1 The strip, sheet, or plate is to be furnished in four 8. Tensile Requirements
grades as follows: 8.1 The material, as represented by the test specimens,
4.1.1 Grade R60702-Unalloyed zirconium. shall conform to the tensile properties prescribed in Table 3.
4.1.2 Grade R60704-Zirconium-tin. 8.2 For sheet and strip, the bend test specimen shall stand
4.1.3 Grade R60705-Zirconium-niobium. being bent cold through an angle of 105” without fracture in
4.1.4 Grade R60706-Zirconium-niobium. the outside of the bent portion. The bend shall be made on a
radius equal to that shown in Table 3 for the applicable
1 This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee B-10 on
Reactive and Refractory Metals and Alloys and is the direct responsibility of 9. Permissible Variations in Dimensions
Subcommittee B10.02 on Zirconium and Hafnium.
Current edition approved Apr. 10, 1997. Published May 1998. Originally 9.1 Thickness-The variation in thickness of strip, sheet,
published as B 55 I - 7 I. Last previous edition B 55 1 - 92. and plate are given in the following tables:
2 For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications, see related Specifi-
9.1.1 Hot- and cold-rolled sheet, Table 4.
cation SE55 1 in Section II of that Code.
3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.0 1. 9.1.2 Hot-rolled strip, Table 8.
4 Annual Book of ASTM Srandards, Vol 14.02. 9.1.3 Cold-rolled strip, Table 11.

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#j/b B 551/B 551M

TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements”

Element Grades
R60702 R60704 MO705 R60706
Zirccfrium + hafnium, min 99.2 97.5 95.5 95.5
Hafnium. max 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
Iron + chromium 0.2 max 0.2 to 0.4 0.2 max 0.2 max
Tin .. 1 .o to 2.0 ... ...
Hydrogen, max 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
Nitrogen, max 0.025 0.025 0025 0.025
Carbon, max 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Niobium ... 2.0 to 3.0 2.0 to 3.0
Oxygen, max b:l’6 0.16 0.18 0.16
4 By agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer, analysis may be required and limits established for elements and compounds not specified in the taM
of chemical composition.

TABLE 2 Permissible Variation in Check Analysis Between

Different Laboratories
Permissible Vartatton &I
Product Analysis, 46
Hydrogen 0.002
Nitrogen 0.01
Carbon 0.01
Hafnium 0.1
iron + chromium 0.025
Tin 0.05
Niobium 0.05
Oxygen 0.02

TABLE 3 Tensile Requirements

R60702 R60704 R60705 R60706
Tensile strength, min, ksi (MPa) 55 (380) 60 (415) 80 (550) 74 (510)
Yield strength, min, ksi (MPa) 30 (205) 35 (240) 55 (380) 50 (345)
Elongation in 2 in. or 50 mm, min, %4 16 14 16 20
Bend test radiuse 5T 5T 3T 2.5T
A When a sub-size specimen is used, the gage length shall be as specifted in Test Methods E 8 for that specimen.
e T equals the thickness of the bend test specimen. Bend tests are not applicable to matertal over 0.187 in. (4.6 mm) in thickness.

9.1.4 Plate, Table 16. 10. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance

9.2 Widthand Length-The variation in width and length 10.1 Flat-rolled product in the hot-rolled condition shah
are given in the following tables: be furnished with one of the following finishes as designated
9.2.1 Hot- and cold-rolled sheet, Table 5. on the order.
9.2.2 Hot-rolled strip, Tables 9 and 13. 10.1.1 Not descaled,
9.2.3 Cold-rolled strip, Tables 12 and 13. 10.1.2 Mechanically descaled, or
9.2.4 Plate, Table 17. 10.1.3 Mechanically descaled and pickled.
9.3 Crown Tolerances-The variations in crown toler- 10.2 Material in the cold-rolled condition shall be fur-
ances are given in the following tables: nished with a bright cold-rolled finish, or finished by
9.3.1 Hot-rolled strip, Table 10. mechanical or chemical methods.
9.3.2 Cold-rolled strip, Table 14. 10.3 The following types of edges are available:
9.4 Camber Tolerances-The variations in camber toler- 10.3.1 Mill edge,
ances are given in the following tables. 10.3.2 Slit edge,
9.4.1 Hot- and cold-rolled sheet, Table 6. 10.3.3 Sheared edge, and
9.4.2 Hot- and cold-rolled strip, Table 15. 10.3.4 Machined edge.
9.4.3 Plate, Table 19.
9.5 Diameter-The variation in diameter tolerance for
circular plates is given in Table 20. 11. Significance of Numerical Limits
9.6 Weight-The permissible variation in weight for zir- 11.1 For the purpose of determining compliance with the
conium sheet is given in Table 7. specified limits for requirements of the properties listed in
9.7 Flatness-The permissible variation from a flat sur- the following table, an observed value or a calculated value
face for zirconium plate is given in Table 18. shall be rounded as indicated in accordance with the
rounding methods of Practice E 29.

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04 B 551/B 551M

TABLE 4 Permissible Variations in Thickness of Hot- and TABLE 7 Permissible Variations in Weight of Hot- and
Cold-Rolled Zirconium SheetA Cold-Rolled Zirconium Sheet
Permissible Variations in The actual wefght of any one item on an ordered thickness and s&e in any finish
Specified Thickness, in. (mm) Thickness, pfus and is limited in overweight by the fdfowing tolerance:
minus, In. (mm) Any item of 5 sheets or less or any item estimated to weigh 200 lb (100 kg) or
fess, may actually weigh as much as 10 % over the estimated wefght.
0.146-0.1675. excl(3.7-4.6) 0.014 (0.35)
Any item of mere than 5 sheets and estimated to weigh more than 200 lb (100
0.131-0.145 (3.31-3.69) 0.012 (0.30)
kg) may actually we$h as much as 7*/2 % over the estimated weight.
0.115-0.139 (2.91-3.39) 0.010 (0.25)
There Is no under toferance fn wefght for zirconium sheets, under tolerance
0.099-0.114 (2.51-2.90) 0.009 (0.23)
balng restrfcted by the pennfsslbfe thiiesS varfatfons. Only random (0~ mill
0.084-0.098 (2.12-2.50) 0.008 (0.20)
size) sheets may be ordered on a square foot (meter) basis, and the number
0.073-0.063 (1 M-2.1 1) 0.007 (0.18)
0.059-0.072 (1.49-l .83) of square feet (meter) shipped mayexceedthe number ordered by as much
0.006 (0.15)
as 5 %.
0.941-0.058 (1.04-l .48) 0.005 (0.13)
0.027-0.040 (0.67-I .03) 0.004 (0.10)
0.017-0.026 (0.42-0.66) 0.003 (0.08)
0.008-0.016 (0.19-0.41) 0.002 (0.05)
0.006-0.007 (0.15-0.18) 0.0015 (0.04) TABLE 8 Permisslble Variations in Thickness of Hot-Rolled
0.005 (0.13) 0.001 (0.025) ZirconhrmStrip
4 Thiiness measurements are taken at least % in. (9.5 mm) In from edge. varlauonfrmspacl6adThiis
for LWths Given, Over and
Spadfled Width, in. (mm) hdr. ln.A (mm)
TABLE 5 Permissible Variations In Width and Length of Hot- and 0.187-0.118, ind 0.119-0.083, incf
Cold-Rolled Zirconium Sheet To 3%. ind 0.006 (0.15) 0.005 (0.13)
Specified Width, in. (m) for Permissible Variations Over 3*/z-1 2, ind 0.007 (0.16) 0.906 (0.15)
Thicknesses Under s/r6 in. (4.6 mm) in Width, in. (mm) Over 12-I 6, lncl 0.008 (0.20) 0.008 (0.20)
Over 18-24. exd 0.010 (0.25) 0.010 (0.25)
24-46, excl(7-14) +‘/a, -0 (+3.2. -0)
46 and over (14) +vis, -0 (+4.8. -0) “Thickness measurements shaft be taken % in. (9.5 mm) from edge.
Tolerances do not include crown.
Specifksd Length, ft (m) PermissiMe Variations
in Length, in. (mm)
Up-l 0, incl (3) +v2, -0 (+13, -0) additional sheet, strip, or plate of double the original number
Over 1 O-20. incl (3-6) +l, -0 (+25, -0) from the same lot, each of which shall conform to the
requirements specified.
12.4.3 Retesting after failure of initial retests may be done
TABLE 6 Camber Tolerances for Hot- and Cold-Rolled Zirconium only with the approval of the purchaser.

Specified Width, in. (mm)

Tolerance per Unit 13. Test Methods
Length of any 8 ft (24 m). in. (mm)
13.1 Tension Tests-Conduct the tension test in accor-
2436, fnd (600-900) ‘1s (3.2)
Over 36 (900) %a (2.4) dance with Test Methods E 8. Determine the yield strength
*Camber is the greatest deviation of a side edge from a straight line, the
by the offset (0.2 %) method. Determine the tensile proper-
measurement beffg taken on the concave side with a straightedge. ties using a strain rate of 0.003 to 0.007 in./in. (mm/
mm)/min through the yield strength. After the yield strength
Rounded Unit for Observed or has been exceeded, the cross-head speed may be increased to
fiw-Y Calculated Value approximately 0.05 in./in. (mm/mm)/min to failure.
Chemical composition and tolerances nearest unit in the last right-hand 13.2 Chemical Tests-Conduct the chemical analysis by
(when expressed as decimals) place of figures of the specified hit the standard techniques normally used by the manufacturer.
Tensile strength and yield strength nearest 1000 psi (10 MPa)
Elongation nearest 1%
14. Inspection
14.1 The manufacturer shall inspect the material covered
12. Number of Tests and Retests by this specification prior to shipment and, on request, shah
12.1 One longitudinal tension test shall be made from furnish the purchaser with certificates of test. If so specified
each lot (see 13.1). in the purchase order, the purchaser or his representative
12.2 One chemistry test for hydrogen and nitrogen con- may witness the testing and inspection of the material at the
tent shall be made from each lot of finished product (see place of manufacturer. In such cases the purchaser shah state
13.2). in his purchase order which tests he desires to witness. The
12.3 Two bend tests, one in the longitudinal and one in manufacturer shall give ample notice to the purchaser as to
the transverse direction, shall be made from each lot (see the time and place of the designated tests. If the purchaser’s
8.2). representative does not present himself at the time agreed
12.4 Retests: upon for the testing, the manufacturer shall consider the
12.4.1 If any sample or specimen exhibits obvious surface requirement for purchaser’s inspection at the place of
contamination or improper preparation disqualifying it as a manufacture to be waived,
truly representative sample, it shall be discarded and a new 14.2 The manufacturer shall afford the inspector repre-
sample or specimen substituted. senting the purchaser, without charge, all reasonable facilities
12.4.2 If the results of any tests of any lot do not conform to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in
to the requirements specified, retests shall be made on accordance with this specification. This inspection shall be so

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m 0757530 ObllZb29 200 m

TABLE 9 Permissible Variations in Width of Hot-Rolled Zirconium Strip

Permissible Variation in Width, in. (mm)
Specified Width, in. (mm) Mill Edge Slit Edge Sheared Edge
Plus Minus Plus Minus Plus Minus
To 3’12, ind (90) ‘/a (3.2) 0 Vu (0.8) ‘/ST?(0.8) VI.3 (1 Ii) ‘/lS (1.6)
Over 3*/z-12, incl (90-300) ‘h (6.4) ‘/a (3.2) ‘I, (0.8) VW (0.8) ‘h (3.2) 0
Over 12-l 8, incl(300-460) 3% (9.5) ‘/a (3.2) %4 (1.2) VW (1.2) ‘10 (3.2) 0
Over 18-24, excl(460-600) ‘13 (13) % (6.4) %4 (1.2) %4 (1.2) =%s (4.8) 0

TABLE 10 Crown Tolerances for Hot-Rolled Zirconium Strip

Permissible Variation in
Thickness from Edge to
Specified Width, in. (mm)
Center of Strip, for Widths
Given, in. (mm)
To 3%, inct (90) 0.003 (0.08)
Over 3-/z-12, incl (90-300) 0.004 (0.10)
Over 12-l 8, incl (300-460) 0.006 (0.15)
Over 18-24. exd (460-600) 0.008 (0.20)

TABLE 11 Permissible Variations in Thickness of Cold-Rolled Zirconium Strip

NOTE 1 -For thicknesses under 0.010 in. (0.25 mm) in widths to 16 in. (400 mm) a tolerance of fl0 % of the thickness shall apply; in widths over 16 (400 mm) to 24
in. (600 mm) ind, a tolerance of &I5 % of the thickness shall apply.
NOTE a--Thickness measurements shall be taken % in. (9.5 mm) in from edge of the strip, except on widths less than 1 in. (2.5 mm) where the tolerances are applicebte
for measurements at all locations.
NOTE 3-The tolerances given in this table do not indude crown tolerances.
Permissible Variations in Thickness, for Widths Given, Plus and Minus, in. (mm)
Over 6 Over 9 over 12 Over16 over 20
Specified Thickness, in. (mm) VW (4.8 mm) 1 (25 mm)-3 3 (75 mm)-6
(150 mm)-9 (230 mm)-1 2 (300 mm)-1 6 (400 mmj-20 (500 mm)-24
ind,-1 (25 mm), (75 mm) in., (150 mm) in.,
(230 mm) in., (300 mm) in., (400 mm) in., (500 mm) in., (600 mm) in.,
in. exd excl ind
incl ind ind ind ind
Under sAbO.161. incl(4.8-4.1) 0.002 (0.05) 0.003 (08) 0.004 (10) 0.004 (.lO) 0.004 (.l 0) 0.005 (13) 0.008 (.16) 0.006 (16)
0.160-0.100, ind (4.0-2.52) 0.002 (0.05) 0.002 (.05) 0.003 (.08) 0.004 (10) 0.004 (.lO) 0.004 (.lO) 0.005 (13) 0.005 (13)
0.099-0.069, ind (2.51-l .75) 0.002 (0.05) 0.002 (05) 0.003 (08) 0.003 (.08) 0.003 (.08) 0.004 (.l 0) 0.004 (.10) 0.004 (10)
0068-0.050, ind (1.74-I .3) 0.002 (0.05) 0.002 (.05) 0.003 (.08) 0.003 (08) 0.003 (.08) O.W3 (.08) 0.004 (10) 0.004 (.lO)
0.049-0.040. incl(l.29-1 .W) 0.002 (0.05) 0.002 (05) 0.0025 (06) 0.003 (08) 0.003 (08) O.W3 (.08) 0.004 (10) 0.004 (10)
0.039-0.035. lncl (0.99-0.90) 0.002 (0.05) 0.002 (05) 0.0025 (.06) O.W3 (.08) 0.003 (08) 0.003 (08) 0.603 (08) 0.003 (.08)
0.034-0.029. incl (0.69-0.73) 0.0015 (04) 0.0015 (04) 0.002 (05) 0.0025 (06) 0.0025 (06) 0.0025 (.06) 0.003 (08) 0.003 (08)
0.028-0.026, ind (0.72-0.66) 0.001 (.025) 0.0015 (04) 0.0015 (AM) 0.002 (05) 0.002 (05) 0.002 (06) 0.0025 (36) 0.003 (08)
0.025-0.020, ind (0.85-0.51) 0.001 (.025) 0.001 (025) 0.0015 (.04) 0.002 (.05) 0.002 (05) 0.002 (05) 0.0025 (.06) 0.0025 (.06)
0.019-0.017, inci (0.60-0.43) 0.001 (.025) 0.001 (.025) 0.001 (.025) 0.0015 (.04) 0.0015 (&I) 0.002 (.05) 0.002 (05) 0.002 (.05)
0.016-0.013, ind (0.42-0.32) 0.001 (.025) 0.001 (.025) 0.001 (.025) 0.0015 (.04) 0.0015 (.tq 0.0015 (.04) OW2 (05) 0.002 (05)
0.012 (30) 0.001 (025) 0.001 (.025) 0.001 (025) 0.001 (025) 0.0015 (04) 0.0015 (.04) 0.0015 (94) 0.0015 (.04)
0.011 1.28) 0.001 (-025) 0.001 (.025) 0.001 (025) 0.001 (.025) 0.001 (.025) 0.0015 (.04) 0.0015 (.04) 0.0015 (.@I)
0.010 (.25j 0.001 i.025) 0.001 i.025j 0.001 {.025j 0.001 (.025j 0.001 (.025j 0.001 (.625j 0.0015 i.04, 0.0015 (04j

TABLE 12 Permissible Variations in Width of Cold-Rolled Zirconium Strip (Slit Edge)

Permissible Variations in Width, for Widths Given, Plus and Minus, in. (mm)
Specified Thickness, in. (mm) Under % (13)_3/(a I/Z (13 mm)-6 (150 Over 6 (1 SO)-9 Over 9 (230 mm)-12 Over 12 (300)-20 Over 20 (500)-24
(4.8 mm), in. incl mm), in. incl (230 mm) in., ind (300 mm) in., ind (500 mm) in.. incl (600 mm) in.. exd
Under s/10-0.161. incl (4.8-4.1) . 0.016 (41) 0.020 (.5) 0.020 (.5) 0.031 (.8) 0.031 (8)
0.160-0.100, ind (4.0-2.52) 0.010 (25) 0.010 (.25) 0.016 (.41) 0.016 (41) 0.020 (.5) 0.020 (5)
0.099-0.069, incl (2.51-I .75) 0.W8 (.2) 0.008 (2) 0.010 (25) 0.010 (25) 0.016 (.41) 0.020 (.5)
0.068 and under (1.74) 0.005 (.13) 0.005 (13) 0.005 (13) 0.010 (25) 0.016 (.41) 0.020 (.5)

TABLE 13 Permissible Variations in Length of Hot- and

Cold-Rolled Zirconium Strip
Permissible Variations
Specified Length, ft (m)
in Length, in. (mm)
To 5. incl (1.5) +w, -0 (+9.5. -0)
Over 5-l 0, incl(l.5-3) +vz. -0 (+13, -0)
Over 1 O-20. ind (3-6.1) +%a -0 (+16. -0)

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!# B 551/B 551M

TABLE 14 Crown Tolerances for Cold-Rolled Zirconium Strip TABLE 16 Permissible Variations in Thickness of Zirconium
Tolerance by which the Thickness at Middle of Plate*
Strip may be Greater than at the Edges, for PerrnissiMe Variations in Thickness for
Widths Given, in. (mm) Widths Given, in. (mm)
Specified Thickness, in. (mm)
Spedfled Thickness,
Over 84-120 in.
To ;;;l25)’ (125:: (5300). (30:;;: ;:OO), in. (mm) To 84 in. (2.1 m), inci
(2.1-3.05 m), inci
ind ind
plus Minus Plus Minus
0.005 (.13)-0.010 (.25), incl 0.00075 (.02) 0.001 (.025) 0.0015 (04)
Over 0.010 (.25)-0.025 (64) 0.001 (.025) 0.0015 (04) 0.002 (.05) 6 (3.2)-J/s (9.5), exd 0.046 (1.17) 0.01 (.25) 0.050 (1.3) 0.01 (25)
ind % (9.5)-% (20) exd 0.054 (1.37) 0.01 (95) 0.058 (1.47) 0.01 (.25)
Over 0.025 (.64)-0.065 (I .65), 0.0015 (04) 0.002 (.05) 0.0025 (06) % (20)-I (25), exd 0.060 (1.52) 0.01 (.25) OB64 (1.62) 0.01 (25)
ind 1 (25)-2 (50)8, inci 0.070 (1.78) 0.01 (.25) 0.074 (1.88) 0.01 (.25)
Over 0.065 (1.65~%s (4.8) 0.002 (05) 0.0025 (.06) 0.003 (08) *For circles, the plus toierances for the specified Thicknesses appiy to the
exd diameter of the circle correspondii to the width ranges shown. For plates of
irregular shape, the plus thickness toierances appiy to the greatest width
corresponding to the width ranges shown.
e For perrnlssibte variations on plates over 2 in. (50 mm) thick, the producer
should bs consulted.
TABLE 15 Camber Tolerances for Hot- and Cold-Rolled
Zirconium Strip”
manufacturer within 60 calendar days from the receipt of the
Toierance, per Ulit Length
of Any 8 ft (2.44 m),
material by the purchaser. Unless otherwise specified, re-
Specified Width, in. (mm)
in. (mm) jected material may be returned to the manufacturer at the
To I’& ind (38) % (13)
manufacturer’s expense, unless the purchaser receives,
Over 1 l/2-24. ind (38-600) ‘A (6.4) within three weeks of the notice of rejection, other instruc-
4 Camber is the deviation of a skle edge from a straight line. The measurement tions for disposition.
is taken by placing an Sft (2.44 m) straight-edge on the concave side and
measuring the greatest distance between the strip edge and the straight edge.
16. Certification
conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the opera- 16.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, a
tion of the works. producer’s or supplier’s certification shall be furnished to the
purchaser and the material was manufactured, sampled,
tested, and inspected in accordance with this specification
15. Rejection and has been found to meet the requirements. When
15.1 Rejection for failure of the material to meet the specified in the purchase order or contract, a report of the
requirements of this specification shall be reported to the test results shall be furnished.

TABLE 17 Permissible Variations in Width and Length of Rectangular, Sheared Zirconium Plate
NOTE I -The permissibie variation under the specified width and length is ‘14 in. (6.4 mm).
NOTE 2--Rectangular plates over 1 in. (25 mm) in thickness are not commonly sheared, and are machined or otherwise cut to iength and width or produced in the size
as-rolled, uncropped;
Permissibie Variations Over Speckfed Dimension. for Thickness Given. in. (mm)
Specified Length, in. (m) Specifti Width, in. (m) Under % in. (9.5 mm) %% in. (9.5-l 6 mm), exci % In. (I 6 mm) and Over
Width Length width with Wkfth Length
Under 120 (3.05) Under 60 (I .52) % (9.5) ‘12 (13) ‘/IS (11) % (I 6) ‘/a (13) % (20)
60-84 (1.52-2.1) excl ‘/la (11) % (16) % (I 3) “/la (17.5) % (I 6) ‘/a (22)
84-108 (2.1-2.74) exd ‘/2 (I 3) ?A (20) 6/e (16) 718(22) % (9.5) 1 (25)
108 (2.74) or over =/a (I 6) 7/a (22) 9/r (20) 1 (25) 710(22) I’/s (28.6)
120-240 (3.05-6.1) exci Under 60 (1.52) % (9.5) % (‘16) % (I 3) ‘/a (22) % (16) 1 (25)
60-84 (I 52-2.1) exd v-2 (13) 34 (20) % (18) 713 (22) % (20) 1 (25)
84-108 (2.1-2.74). exd */Is (14) 718 (22) ‘%a (17.5) ‘Ha (24) ‘%a (20.6) I’/, (28.6)
108 (2.74) or over =/a (I 6) 1 (25) Y4 (20) 1’1s (28.6) 7/s (22) 1% (32)
240-360 (6.1-9.15) exd Under 60 (I .52) % (9.5) 1 (25) % (13) I ‘/a (28.6) % (16) I ‘14 (32)
60-64 (1.52-2.1). excl ‘A?(I 3) 1 (25) */a (I 6) 1% (28.6) % (20) 1’1, (32)
84-108 (2.1-2.74) excl Y’S (14) 1 6’5) “/la (17.5) 1% (20.6) 7/B (22) 1% (35)
108 (2.74) or over “/la (17.5) I ‘/s (28.6) 7/a (22) 1% (32) 1 (25) 1% (35)
360-480 (9.15-12.2) excl Under 60 (I .52) %s (11) IVs (28.6) ‘12 (13) I ‘/4 (32) % (16) I ‘/a (38)
60-84 (I .52-2.1). exci ‘IL?(I 3) I ‘A (32) s (16) 1% (35) % (20) I% (38)
84-I 08 (2.1-2.74) exd %a (14) 1 ‘/a (32) % (20) I% (35) 7/a (22) 1 ‘h (38)
108 (2.74) or over Y4 (20) I% (35) 718 (22) I ‘/1 (38) 1 (25) 1% (41)
480-600 (I 2.2-15.24) excl Under 60 (I .52) 7/1e (11) 1’/4 (32) ‘/z (13) 1 ‘/a (38) % (16) 1% (41)
60-84 (I .52-2.1), excl % (I 3) I% (35) % (I 6) 1 ‘/p (38) % (20) 1% (41)
84-I 08 (2.1-2.74) exd =/a (18) 1% (35) 34 (20) I ‘/, (38) 7/s (22) I% (41)
108 (2.74) or over s/, (20) I% (38) va (22) 1% (41) 1 (25) I% (45)
600 (I 5.24) or over Under 60 (I .52) ‘L?(13) I% (45) % (16) I I/a (48) % (16) 1% (48)
60-84 (1.52-2.1) exd % (I 6) 1% (45) % (20) 1% (48) 7/s (22) 17/s (48)
64-108 (2.1-2.74). exd % (I 6) 1% (45) % (20) 1% (48) 7/a (22) V/a (48)
108 (2.74) or over 7/e (22) I% (45) 1 (25) 2 W) 1% (28.6) 2’14 (57)

COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials

Licensed by Information Handling Services
- 07595l10 0632633 =lb9 -

f#-) B 551/B 551M

TABLE 18 Permissible Variations From a Flat Surface for Annealed Zirconium Plate-inch (mm)
NOTE 1 -Variations In flatness apply to plates up to 15 ft (4.6 m) in length, or to any 15 ft (4.6 m) of longer plates.
NOTE 2-If the longer dimension is under 36 in. (1 m). the variation is not greater than % in. (6.4 mm).
NOTE +-The shorter dimension specified is considered the width and the variation in flatness across the width does not exceed the tabular amount for that dimension.
NOTE 4-The maximum deviationfrom a flat surface does not customarily exceed the tabI.& tOieranw for the longer dimension specified.
108 120
48 (1.2 m)-60 60 (1.5 m)-72 72 (1.8 m)-84 84 (2.1 m)-96 96 (2.4 m)-108
SpecifM Thickness, 46 in. (1.2 m) (2.74 m)-120 (3.05 m)-144 144 (3.7 m)
in. (mm) or Under (1.5 n-4 (1.8 m), (2.1 m). (2.4ml, (2.74 m).
(3.05 m), (3.7 ml, and Over
exd exd excl exd exd
exd exd
‘/a (3.2)-‘/d (6.4), exd a/, (20) 1 ‘I’s (27) 1% (32) 1% (35) 1% (41) 1% (41) .
‘14 (6.4)-3/s (9.5), exd ‘VW (17.5) Y4 (20) ‘Ym (24) 1 ‘/a (28.6) 1% (35) l’/lS (36.5) P/‘&(40) K&6) :::
Ye (9.5)-l/z (13), exd ‘h (13) V’S (14) “he (17.5) Y4 (20) ‘We (24) 1% (28.6) 1 ‘/d (32) I’/‘6 (36.5) 1% (45)
% (13~% (20). exd ‘h (13) %e (14) Ye (16) Ye (16) 34s (20.6) 1% (28.6) 1 ‘/a (28.6) 1% (26.6) 1% (35)
% (20)-l (25), exd ‘12 (13) %s (14) a/, (16) Ye (16) % (20) l%e (30) ‘%s (24) 1 (25) 1% (28.6)
1 (25)-1X (38). exd ‘/2 (13) %e (14) V’S (14) %a (14) “/lo (17.5) ‘v’s (17.5) ‘V’S (17.5) % (20) 1 (25)
1 ‘/z (38)-4 (1 00), exd VM (4.8) YIS (6) % (9.5) V’S (11) ‘/2 (13) %e (14) % (16) % (20) ‘I8 (22)
4 (1 OOI-6 (150), exci ‘A (6.4) 3/s (9.5) ‘h (I 31 %a (14) % (16) 9% (20) ‘/a (22) 1 1251 1% 128.61

TABLE 19 Camber Tolerance for Zirconium Plate* TABLE 20 Diameter Tolerances for Circular Plates
Tolerance: ‘/s in. (3.2 mm) x (number of meters/l .5) Tolerance Over Specified Diameter for Given
(number of feet of lenath/5) Diameter and Thickness
(No Tolerance under), in. (mm)
A Camber is the greatest deviation of a side edge from a straight line. The Specified Diameter, in. (m)
measurement is taken by placing a straightedge on the concave side and 6/s (16) and
measuring the greatest distance between the plate edge and the straightedge. TF)nv$.$“sd’ (9 .:;) :d, Over in
in Thickness Thickness A
To 60 (1.5), exd ‘A (6.4) % (9.5) ‘h (13)
17. Referee
W-84 (1.5-2.1), ind Yie (8.0) V’S (11) %‘ls (14)
17.1 In the event of disagreement between the manufac- 84-106 (2.1-2.8), exd 5/s (9.5) % (13) Ya (16)
108-I 30 (2.6-3.3). ind %e(ll) V’S (14) “he (17.5)
turer and the purchaser on the conformance of the material
to the requirements of this specification or any special test A Circular and sketch plates over % in. (16 mm) in thickness are not commonly
sheared and are machined or otherwise wt.
specified by the purchaser, a mutually acceptable referee
shall perform the tests in question. The results of the referee’s
testing shall be used in determining conformance of the alternately staggered. Heat numbers shall occur at least three
material to this specification. times across the width of the sheet and at intervals not
greater than 2 ft (0.6 m) along the length. As an option, when
permitted by the purchaser, each plate, sheet, or cut length
strip may be marked in at least one comer with the number
18. Product Marking of this specification, heat number, manufacturer’s identifica-
18.1 Identification-Unless otherwise specified, each tion, and the nominal thickness in inches or millimetres as
plate, sheet, and strip shall be marked in the respective required.
location indicated below, with the number of this specifica- 18.1.2 Flat strip 6 in. (150 mm) and under in width shall
tion, heat number, manufacturer’s identification, and the be marked near one end.
nominal thickness. The characters shall be not less than 3/8 18.1.3 Coiled sheet and strip shall be marked near the
in. (9.52 mm) in height, shall be applied using a suitable outside end of the coil.
marking fluid, and shall be capable of being removed with a 19. Packaging and Package Marking
hot alkaline cleaning solution without rubbing. The marking 19.1 Unless otherwise specified, material purchased under
shall have no deleterious effect on the material or its this specification may be packaged for shipment either by
performance. The characters shall be sufficiently stable to boxing, crating, single boarding, burlapping, or with no
withstand ordinary handling. protection in accordance with the manufacturer’s standard
18.1.1 Plate, flat sheet, and flat strip over 6 in. (150 mm) practice.
in width shall be marked in lengthwise rows of characters
recurring at intervals not greater than 3 in. (75 mm), the 20. Keywords
rows being spaced not more than 1 in. (40 mm) apart and 20.1 plate; sheet; strip; zirconium; zirconium alloy

The American Sociery for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connectbn
with any kern menlioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determineNon of the valM/fy of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringemnt of such rights, are enUre/y their own responslb//fty.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be revlewed every five years and
if nol rev&o’, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for addiflonal standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your commenls will receive careful consideration at a meeting of Ihe responsible
technical comminee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.

COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials

Licensed by Information Handling Services

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