Chapter 6 B

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 The purpose of traffic control is to assign the right of

way to drivers and thus to facilitate highway safety by

ensuring orderly and predictable movement of all
traffic on highways.

 The control may achieved by using traffic signals, signs

or markings:
▪ Which will regulate, guide, warn and channel traffic

 The more complex the manoeuvring area, the higher is

the need for properly designed traffic control systems.
 To be effective, the traffic control device must:
▪ Fulfill a need
▪ Command attention
▪ Convey a clear simple meaning
▪ Command the respect of road users
▪ Give adequate time for proper response

 These points called criteria or properties for traffic

control devices
 The following five factors are to achieve the five
▪ Design: (size, colour, shape) that will convey the massage and
command the respect and attention of drivers.
▪ Placement: should be within the cone of vision and provide
adequate response time.
▪ Operation: ensure the fulfilment of traffic operation in
consistent and uniform way.
▪ Maintenance: must be regularly maintained to ensure the
▪ Uniformity: similar devices should be used for similar traffic
and geometric conditions to facilitate the recognition.
 Conflicts occur when traffic streams moving in different
directions interface with each other.
 The three types of conflicts are merging, diverging and
 The number of conflict points at any intersection depend on
the number of approaches, turning movements and type of
traffic control at intersection.
 The primary objective of traffic control system is to reduce
the number of conflict points.
▪ Crossing conflicts, has the higher sever effect and should be
reduced whenever possible.
 Total= 32 conflict
 Design of the intersection control systems has major
objectives which to reduce the number of significant
conflict points and need one decision to make by
 The different types of intersection control are:
1) Yield Signs
2) Stop Signs
3) Multiway Stop Signs
4) Intersection Channelization
5) Traffic Signals
 The choice of control type at intersection depends
mainly on the type of intersection and volume of traffic.
 All drivers required to slow down
▪ Stopping is not mandatory except when necessary to avoid
interfering with approaches that has the right of way.

 Placed on minor approaches (of speed less than 10

mph), where it is necessary to give the right of way to
the major approach.

 This sign is warranted at approaches where there is a

separate or channelized right-turn lane (without
adequate acceleration lane)
 The sign is used when the vehicle approaching the
intersection is required to stop.
 The use of the sign cause inconvenience for drivers.
 Not be used at signalized intersections or on freeways.
 The sign could be used at:
▪ Minor roads when intersect with a major road
▪ At Unsignalized intersections
▪ Where combination of high speed, restrict view and high record of
serious crashes.
 Multiway Stop Signs require that all vehicles
approaching the intersection stop before interring it.

 Used as safety measure and normally used when traffic

volume in all approaches are approximately equal.

 For high traffic volume, traffic signal control should be

Intersection geometry

Unchannelized Channelized
Intersection Intersection
• Lower type with less • Higher traffic
traffic • Need to separate and
• Mainly control by regulate conflicting
traffic signs traffic movements into
define paths through
islands and lines
 Intersection channelization used mainly to separate turn
lanes from through lanes.

 It is consist of lines (markings) or raised islands which

guide the traffic properly into the intersection
▪ Especially used at complex intersections
▪ When raised island used, it can be serve as pedestrian refuge area
as well.
 Guidelines for the use of channels at intersections:
▪ Laying out islands or channel lines to allow natural,
convenient flow of traffic.
▪ Avoiding confusion by using few-well located islands.
▪ Providing adequate radii of curves and lane widths for the
prevailing type of vehicles.
 Purpose of channelization:

Merge traffic
Reduce area of Reduce
Definite paths streams at
conflict crossing time
small angles

Reduce speed Segregate the
prohibited Provide refuge
differentials movements
 Traffic signals can be used to eliminate many
conflicts because different traffic streams used the
intersection at different times.

 Cause it will cause delay to all approaches, it is

should be used only when necessary.

 The most important factor that determine the need

of traffic signal is the traffic volume.
▪ Other factors are pedestrians volume and crash records.

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