Unit I Introduction To Substantive Criminal Law:: First
Unit I Introduction To Substantive Criminal Law:: First
Unit I Introduction To Substantive Criminal Law:: First
Elements of Criminal Liability: Joint and Constructive Liability, Common Intention, and
Common Object Provisions for providing for group liability in crimes, including sections 34
and 149 of the IPC, are exceptions to the general rule of criminal liability that a man should
be held liable for his own criminal acts and not for those of others. These provisions
providing for vicarious liability and group liability are intended to deter people from
committing offences in groups and to spare the prosecution from proving the specific
actus reus of each member of the group.
General Exceptions: A person may not always be punished for a crime that he has
committed. Section 76-106 covers defences that exculpate criminal liability, which include
mental incapacity, minority and insanity, involuntary intoxication, and crimes done with
Private Defence: The right of private defence has come to be recognised by all civilised
societies as a preventive and protective right where state protection is not available; this right
is essentially protective, preventive, and never punitive. There are limitations on the exercise
of this right, both in relation to offences against the human body and specific offences against
property. The extent of this right, against whom it can be exercised, when this right
commences, and how long it lasts are elaborated on in the IPC.
Abetment: Abetment as a crime where a person helps another in the commission of a crime
comes under Sections 107–120 of the Code.
Offences against State and Public Tranquilly: These kinds of offences are not only an
offence against the person and property of an individual but also an offence against the state.
They are group offences that are generally committed by a large number of people, resulting
in a breach of peace. Broadly, they can be categorised into Waging War, Sedition, Rioting,
and Affray.