Foundation Checklist Translation in Arabic
Foundation Checklist Translation in Arabic
Foundation Checklist Translation in Arabic
Foundations Inspection
Inspection Checklist
Risk Assessment
lTo Check
Yes No N\A
1 lnspection criteria
Were there any modifications irLthqproiect that is differel[Jrom the RD0 Soil Report and Constriction
1.'l prans.. etc.)? *C;vtrry.flt L V*ial ROr\ ty- 6 $:^e\ .'r
^p{& .'zJ cb? Jo
1.2 dill
During the inspection was the technical reserves in the RDO maintained?
2 EARTHWORK - Excavation ,/Lz)v qW 4li--& *
2.1 ls the excavation as per drawings [L X W X D] 1, tltl4Ar uri,b "/29)t -,tu I d2
2.2 Is Bed compacted properly "1 -,.=,..., ,* ))l Jp -'
z.J ls Excavation dry ,2L U ze)t )o
2.4 ls there backfilling with excavated material ;Pe)tpt.wpr);)o-
2.5 ls Blinding concrete placed ! Lr(/yJ fi*-*"2J v :,r-'2 J-?) )a
2.6 Anti-Termite treatment. c1;.ll .21 J k-
3 FoRMwoRK aQb)l LlrrU u?V * ,t-X l3-to
ta ^--4- \)J
O -tJ. '-lJ - -.a- ) )-2 ) -l-e-
3.1 ls there available onsite the erection design drawings and specifications for the formwork'system according to SBC t-
J.Z ls the rssue of load limits and is back-propping of lower floors addressed? ) d,-9 *-o ,*U ) | ;;;--, , Dl --r: )) b-
J.J Forms surface complies with project specification ? ) ?t U t;*l Pai ,a; \ J: 4---a b)\ o, n)l .l-o t
3.4 Joints properlvtied and seared u,p4 )f-u u v iait i- -r -I r"r -
Clean forms and adjacent surface to re66ive concrete. Remove chips.l,vood sA/i dust..dirt and other debris iust
before pouring concrete -r4)t ,1, 7'r; OW;b, cl )iilV\ ZJ)\,i ').-D L, ,
ls the formwork assembly stable. even whqn expoled t-o Oif6renftofO cpmbinationf- -
Vrl- .)L2Yl ie Vi\ u-
o i,nl *2 c) t 6t )t -16
aa ls shutter release agent applied?
c ,')l ar, ,, z-A i-z )@
3.8 Level / Plumb / Alignment is maintained as per approved qFu{*ffi;,U G-b ,O:r*ll q- i;&--_- 9 ) . q )^ .) t -lo-
3.9 Croncrgte coypr maintained as per approved drawings? t','tirz)j,'e, t-b , -', \, 'P) t')<,x -, ./)
4 elvriifdffiirirts&Jl)ei)t -,p(rJ\ _' s2V *
4.1 lnstallanchorbolts,accuratetylocatedasperdrawinst t;fbhz)l )aL y/l Wb *-4\J\, )D-
42 lnstall dovetail anchor slots in concerts structures indicated
,. \.- i'(i-b )ul.t, qotb)I z- lo' .'")l >'; it sL
4.3 Water - stop as per drawing? ,. tb)b) tJ-b ot-Jt ) l 9--O c -)- la
4.4 Pipe Sleeves installed as per drawing?
LWb 7 0b n*;^'o*', ; (/'J I
2l:)l t-a1,,? Lb X
q.r Grade of steel delivered as required Otap*iN Wrd ,-r,.U )
Required clearance of steel from forms provided . +<-st-, _ tt .r ) I ta d)2)) ,.-l - -> )l c
.k )
5.J Length of sptices and staggered sptices as required. *9 _ _)\ , . 3)'yb ,i,
u"r-Di *l .Z t \ 9 I A
5.4 Bends within radius and tolerance are uniformly ma{e...
, .
q6 Additionarbars at intersections, openinss, ano corn?rs$ftrfrott Gb b\"ilii;i,V," fZl*--ell |10 t'-t IA
lo,17.)l lo -f, ,) .- tt
5.6 Bars cleaned of materials that affect bond
- ^-o ) I 6) r( tt tOl \ ,ts 'o d,JD
57 Bars tied and supported to avoid displacement
-D -tl , )-1) ! it.
I- ; /)l '-r -lc
5.8 Spacers, tie wires, chalrs as required.
7 rt
a Lo
-7 Q
5.9 No conduit or pipe placed below rebar material except where ,ppror"J zzl'a 2,1 -t1
a t -l.O
5.10 Adequate clearance provided for deposit of concrete. "r)1, J-
tJ ,J
*,-2 -l , e( z-t IA
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