2024-02-01 Payment of Semester Fee

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Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg • Postfach 3520 • 91023 Erlangen Zentrale Universitätsverwaltung

Ibon Otaegui Chamorro Referat L5 - Studierendenverwaltung

Dario regoyos Halbmondstr. 6, 91054 Erlangen
20100 Errenteria Office: 00.034
Spanien Opening hours: Mo.–Fr. 09:00–12:00 Uhr
Phone: +49 9131 85-71224
Fax: +49 9131 85-24077
E-Mail: studentenkanzlei@fau.de
Erlangen, 01.02.2024
Registration Nr.: 23322271

Semester fees for summer semester 2024

Dear Ibon Otaegui Chamorro,

Please transfer the semester fees of € 67.00 (contribution for Student Services) between
February 1 and February 9, 2024.

Information on transactions from non-SEPA countries: Please transfer the exact amount
in Euros (EUR). All transaction fees must be paid by you. Please instruct you bank to use
OUR for the implementation of fee sharing. If possible, use the same bank that you use
for your day-to-day payments! Avoid payments via payment service providers, because in
many cases it is difficult or impossible for us to identify who is making the payment. For
example, we are seeing this issue with TransferWise, ICETEX, Wells Fargo Wire Money,
Custom House Financial (UK) Ltd.

At the earliest eight days after transferring your fees you can print off your student
documents for the new semester in campo under "Student Service" (tab 'Documents')
and then update your FAU card at the validation machines. Information all about your
FAU card: www.fau.de/education/studienorganisation/die-faucard/.

Note: You can check in campo, under "Student service" and the tab "Bills and
payments" to see whether your payment has been received and the invoice for the new
semester paid.
If the invoice has been paid but it is still not possible for you to access your new documents,
please check in campo under the tab "Locks" whether there is anything preventing you re-
registering for the relevant semester (for example due to a failure to meet the requirements
for the Master's degree program or any overdue health insurance payments.)

If you are still unable to print out your student documents in campo after eight days, please
contact the Student Records Office (studentenkanzlei@fau.de).

If you are using a banking app on your smartphone, you can simply scan the EPC QR
code on the next page in order to pay via SEPA bank transfer.

Sincerely yours,
Student Records Office
EPC QR Code to pay via SEPA bank transfer with your banking App:

Beneficiary Name (Zahlungsempfänger): Staatsoberkasse Landshut

IBAN: DE28 7005 0000 3201 1903 15
Transfer amount (Überweisungsbetrag): EUR 67.00
Reason for payment (Verwendungszweck): 23322271 Otaegui Chamorro,
Beneficiary Address:
Podewilsstraße 5
84028 Landshut
Name and branch of Beneficiary Bank:
Bayerische Landesbank
Brienner Straße 18
80333 München
If you are transferring using the transaction form (as displayed below), please leave out
the field "Kundenreferenznummer". Enter your student registration number and name in the
field "noch Verwendungszweck"!


23322271 Otaegui Chamorro,

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