Welcome Message & Your Lecturer

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Welcome to the 2021 academic year!

On behalf of the UFS School of Accountancy, I wish you all of the best with
your studies during the 2021 academic year. I urge you to make full use
of the teaching and learning interventions on offer to maximise your
academic potential. These interventions have been refined over many
years and are therefore proven effective if appropriately utilised, even in
an online learning environment.

Moreover, our B.Com Accounting, B.Acc, Postgraduate Diploma, and

Honours programmes are accredited by the leading professional
accounting bodies – which attests to the quality of our programmes, and
confirms that what you are studying is relevant to the job market.

Make the most of the special opportunity that you have been provided with!
Remember that you are but part of a very small percentage of school-
leavers who can study at this level.

The following quote by Vince Lombardi, an

American football star, is particularly apt: “The
price of success is hard work, dedication to
the job at hand, and the determination that
whether we win or lose, we have applied the
best of ourselves to the task at hand.”

Prof Frans Prinsloo, Director: School of Accountancy

Dear student,

Welcome to EFIN1614, Financial Accounting. This module will

be presented online during 2021. The following lecturer are
responsible for teaching this module. Here is all the information
that you will need to contact your lecturer, as well as other
relevant staff in the School of Accountancy.

Lecturer: Mr. Rudi Louw
Office number: Stef Coetzee building, Office room no. 129
Email address: louwrj@ufs.ac.za

Phone number: (051) 401 3373

Consulting hours 1. Make an appointment via email./WhatsApp groups
2. Online via Blackboard collaboration
Tuesdays :11:00 – 13:00 (Topic discussion)
Thursdays:10:00 – 12:00 (Homework/Tutorials)
Friday :10:00 – 12:00 (4 week program:
Additional support)
2. School of Accountancy – General information

2.1 Support Staff

Reception and Switchboard of the SOA

Office Monday to Friday: 07:45 to 16:30 with lunch break 12:45 to 13:30
 (051) 401 2333
✉ info.soa@ufs.ac.za
All email queries have to include the following information:
• Student number or ID number
• Course that you are doing, including year of study or the module
code that the enquiry relates to
• In the subject line, a keyword so that the receptionist on duty
knows what your query relates to, i.e. ‘Registration’ or ‘Fees’ or
‘HoD’ or ‘BAcc programme’ or ‘BComAcc programme’.


Office Monday to Friday: 8:00 -16:00
✉ info.soa@ufs.ac.za
For all academic support queries, including academic advising and
appointments for academic advising, please send an email to the
above email address.
All email queries have to include the following information:
• Student number or ID number
• In the subject line, a keyword so that the receptionist on duty
knows what your query relates to, i.e. which programme the
query relates to, i.e. B Acc. or
B Com Acc., etc.
 (051) 401 2333

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