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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Analysis of a Hybrid Energy system in Nolhivaranfaru,


AUTHOR (ID): Abdul Matheen Abdul Rahman (s2100146)

Hassan Meeshaq (s2100439)
Ismail Saudhulla (s2100072)
Ismail Mohamed (s2100334)
DATE : 7 May 2023
Table of Contents
List of Figures..........................................................................................................................................4
List of Tables...........................................................................................................................................4
Literature review......................................................................................................................................7
Electrification in Maldives...................................................................................................................7
Optimization of HRE systems.............................................................................................................7
Load characteristics.........................................................................................................................8
Availability of natural resources......................................................................................................8
Feasible solutions.................................................................................................................................9
Modelling and system components........................................................................................................12
PV System..........................................................................................................................................12
Wind system......................................................................................................................................12
Sensitivity Inputs...............................................................................................................................15
Final design of the system.................................................................................................................16
Meteorological data...............................................................................................................................17
Solar Global Horizontal Index (GHI)................................................................................................17
Solar Direct Normal Irradiance..........................................................................................................17
Wind Resources.................................................................................................................................18
Temperature Resources......................................................................................................................19
Load consumption..................................................................................................................................20
System simulation with HOMER..........................................................................................................21
PV/diesel hybrid............................................................................................................................23
PV/wind/diesel hybrid...................................................................................................................24
PV/wind hybrid..............................................................................................................................24
Results and discussions..........................................................................................................................27

Electrification to small island communities with limited or no access to the grid is one of the major
challenges faced by developing island nations such as Maldives. The current issues with climate
change and rising fuel prices have made the search for an optimal and a cleaner solution for the
problem of electrification, vital for most Maldivians. By combining the available natural resources
with the existing diesel fuel generators, an optimal hybrid energy system can be utilized. This report
aims to analyze the possibilities of implementing a hybrid energy system on the island of
Nolhivaranfaru located in Thiladhummathi atoll. This island serves as an example to a typical island
in Maldives. This report uses HOMER software to develop various possible systems including PV,
wind and diesel components and optimizes them to provide the most cost and energy efficient
systems. By providing a range of data, the software determines a techno-economically feasible
system, and a sensitivity analysis is carried out with respect to the variables concerning solar
irradiance, wind speed and diesel fuel prices. The output of this simulation suggests that the most
feasible system for the island of Nolhivaranfaru is a PV/diesel hybrid system compared to the others.

List of Figures
Figure 1: Map of Maldives....................................................................................................................7
Figure 2: Energy supply mix during the year 2004...............................................................................8
Figure 3: Wind speeds in the Maldives.................................................................................................9
Figure 4: Methodology flowchart..........................................................................................................11
Figure 5: Wind characteristics graph.....................................................................................................14
Figure 6: Diesel fuel consumption curve...............................................................................................16
Figure 7: Sensitivity inputs....................................................................................................................16
Figure 8: System design.........................................................................................................................17
Figure 9: Monthly Averages for Global Horizontal Radiation over a period of 22 years (Jan 1984 – Dec
2015) [16]..............................................................................................................................................18
Figure 10: Maldives solar DNI overview from the 18 years (Jan 1999 - Dec 2017) [17].....................18
Figure 11: Global horizontal irradiation in Maldives over a period of 18 years[18].............................19
Figure 12: Monthly average wind speed at 50m above the surface of Earth over a 30-year period (Jan
1984 - Dec 2013) [16]............................................................................................................................20
Figure 13: Average monthly temperature over 30 years (Jan 1984 - Dec 2013)[16]............................20
Figure 14: Load consumption in Nolhivaranfaru[7]..............................................................................21
Figure 15: Simulation flowchart............................................................................................................23
Figure 16: Comparison of PV/diesel hybrid system with PV/wind/diesel hybrid system.....................25
Figure 17: Electricity produced by the PV/wind/diesel hybrid.............................................................25
Figure 18: Comparison of PV/diesel hybrid with PV/wind/diesel hybrid............................................26
Figure 19: Optimal system design.........................................................................................................28

List of Tables
Table 1: Parameters of the PV module..................................................................................................13
Table 2: Parameters of the wind system................................................................................................14
Table 3: Parameters of a converter........................................................................................................15
Table 4: Parameters of the battery.........................................................................................................15
Table 5: Parameters of the generator.....................................................................................................15
Table 6: Monthly wind speed in Nolhivaranfaru over a period of 30 years..........................................20
Table 7: Electrical devices load.............................................................................................................21
Table 8: Comparative analysis of the systems.......................................................................................27

The significant increase in the global population along with industrial development has led to a drastic
rise in energy demand. Due to the rate of energy consumption being high and the insufficiency of the
supply from the energy sources required to meet the load demand, there is often an energy shortage. A
major proportion of the energy demand is met by burning fossil fuels and generating power in a large,
centralized system. Along with the scarcity in these conventional energy sources which have resulted
in its prices to soar, they also have significant detrimental effects on the environment as they increase
the overall CO2 levels in the atmosphere and ultimately lead to the worsening of global warming. The
irreversible effects of global warming led to several economic, social, health and environmental issues
which make it imperative for engineers, researchers and scholars to find a cleaner and a viable
solution. [1]

As of today, the most prosperous and cleanest approach in meeting the energy demand has been
relying on renewable energy sources such as solar, tidal, wind, geothermal etc [2]. However, these
renewable energy resources are always unavailable throughout the year which results in the
development of hybrid energy systems (HES) [1].

Hybrid energy systems consist of one renewable and paired with one conventional energy source or
more than one renewable energy source along with or without a conventional energy source. They can
work as an isolated system or can be connected to the grid as well. The most important feature in HES
is its ability to provide higher efficiency with the combination of renewable energy sources compared
to a single power source [3].

However, choosing the right HES for a location is dependent on several factors such as the
availability of natural resources, fuel costs, state of the economy etc. This complicates the procedure
of finding an optimal HES for the given location and implementing the system. In order to find an
optimal system for a chosen location, the HOMER simulation software is generally used. This
software is a powerful tool used to design and plan a HES which meets the demand and optimizes the
size of the components based on a techno-economic analysis [4].

After extensive research on HESs (Hybrid Energy Systems) and analyzing different case studies, it
was decided that this report will be based on the small inhabited island in one of the Northern atolls in
Maldives known as Nolhivaranfaru (6˚41.8’N, 73˚7.3E).

Maldives is a country well known for its small low-level islands which are encompassed by the sea
and comprises of a total population of 540,000 people [5]. Current changes in the climate and the
detrimental effects of global warming paired with unique geography of this country causes several
economic and environmental issues to Maldivians [6]. Maldives comprises of a total of 26 atolls of
which the capital is known as Male’ and consists of almost one-fourth of the total population of the
country, making it one of the most densely populated cities in the world. The rest of the population
reside in small communities on the numerous outer islands which have a land area ranging from 0.5 –
5 km2. Although districts in Male’ have similar land area compared to some of the outer islands, the
lack of space due to high-rise buildings and narrow roads make it infeasible for the establishment of a
HES. In addition to that, since each island is surrounded by the sea, generating electricity by means of
a grid is impossible which makes the implementation of a generator a necessity [7]. These generators
are built to meet the peak demand and run at low load throughout the rest of the day. Along with the
rising diesel fuel prices and the demand for electricity, this implementation of the generator becomes
inefficient for outer islands [8]. One of the outer islands which has high potential in HESs is
Nolhiavaranfaru situated in the South Thiladhunmathi (Hdh) Atoll as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Map of Maldives

This island comprises of approximately 1854 inhabitants as of the year 2017 which is a typical in a
majority of the islands such as Neykurandhoo, Firun’baidhoo, Kendhikulhudhoo etc. [5] Like all other
islands in Maldives, Nolhivaranfaru is surrounded by the sea and experiences monsoons and has a
tropical climate. By analyzing a suitable HES for this island, the implementation of such a system on
other islands with similar solar irradiance and wind speed levels can be carried out.

In this report, the most optimal HES is determined based on the techno-economic and environmental
criteria and analyses on its potential in replacing the current diesel fuel generators located in every
island. The aim is to decrease the number of required generators and provide an alternative approach
which ultimately provides electricity to its consumers at a cheaper price. By providing the average
diesel fuel prices, average solar irradiance and wind speed as the sensitivity inputs in the HOMER
simulation, this goal can be achieved. The main renewable systems that have been focused on this
report are solar and wind systems due to the consistency in these resources throughout the year. The
import of diesel makes up to 16% of the total imports to Maldives which makes the establishment of a
HES, a promising alternative for a stable economy and a cleaner future [7].

The methods adapted in finding a viable solution for the island are discussed in detail in the
methodology section of this report followed by modelling and the design of the optimal system which
can be utilized in the island of Nolhivaranfaru. The HOMER simulations are elaborated, and the
results are discussed by providing a comparative analysis of the different HESs that can be established
on this island. This analysis considers the costs (net present cost, energy cost, etc.) and the carbon

It is evident that a small community such as Nolhivaranfaru will not have a direct influence on global
energy consumption. However, by improving the economy and living standards of the community by
establishing a HES will provide an ideal example on how small societies can thrive on renewable
resources. It is also important to understand that finding an optimal system does not solve the issue
alone since there are several social and political barriers which would halt the utilization of such a
system. Therefore, it is imperative to raise awareness and educate the community on the importance
of such systems and the how this allows Maldivians to being one step closer to achieving a cleaner

Literature review
Maldives is an archipelago located in the Indian ocean and comprises of approximately 1200 islands.
For decades, this country has been known as a luxury tourist destination due to its marvelous islands
and waters. However, the combination of low-rise islands and significant effects in climate change has
resulted in scientists predicting the complete submergence of the Maldives by 2100 [10]. Similar to
other island nations, Maldives also generates electricity by utilizing Petroleum imported from
neighboring countries which causes significant economic and environmental issues. To assist in
providing a cleaner alternative with fruitful outcomes in the future, the Government of Maldives have
taken upon the initiative to pursue projects pertaining to renewable energy resources and overcome
potential barriers. The development of appropriate measures will reduce the GHG emissions and
enhance the living standards of Maldivians in the long run as well. The evaluation of HES suited for
various locations in Maldives are completed using HOMER simulations by taking the electrical costs,
available resources, fuel costs and other such factors into consideration [7].

Electrification in Maldives
The dependence on the import of fossil fuels is mainly the result of the absence of any natural gas or
fossil fuel reserves in the country. A generous portion of fossil fuels is targeted towards electricity
generation [6]. The rapidly growing tourism industry has resulted in a significant growth in the living
standard of the Maldivians which has ultimately led to an increase in the population by 2% every year
in the past decade. Along with the construction of high-rise buildings and growth in economic sectors
such as fisheries and tourism, the demand of fuels has increased significantly over the past decade.
The consumption of commercial energy has increased from approximately 74 Mtoe in 1994 to 213
Mtoe in 2004 which shows an annual average growth of 11%. Apart from electricity generation,
transportation also contributes to the consumption of fuel as well. As shown in Figure 2, the highest
demand among the energy supply mix is for diesel fuel oil.

Figure 2: Energy supply mix during the year 2004

[7], [11]

The unique geography in Maldives pose challenges when building a comprehensive power
infrastructure. As a result, small independent power systems are installed on each island to generate
electricity. During the year 2013, the total installed capacity was calculated to be approximately
268.8MW where most of the installation of 61MW took place in Male’ city (the capital) [7]. Due to
the dependence of imported fuel, the country is subject to the issues of fluctuating global fuel prices
which result in detrimental effects in the economy [6].

Optimization of HRE systems

To obtain an accurate simulation of an optimum HRE system, HOMER software is used. During the
assessment of suitable systems for islands, it is important to consider three main factors; load
characteristics, availability of natural resources and investment costs. Data from these sections will be
used as the input for the system design and analyzed to obtain sensitivity results [12].

Load characteristics
The location's load characteristics are of utmost importance for optimizing a HES. For instance, given
that the peak demand on an island is during the evening, it is impossible to meet the demand by
utilizing solar power alone. This peak demand can be partially met using a battery [7]. The current
load characteristics data shows that the load consumption in the outer islands in Maldives is quite
consistent with a variation of approximately 15%-30% during the peak hours which is usually
between 9am-4pm [12]. However, the load consumption in Male’ City is approximately 4-5 times
higher than that of the outer islands due to the use of air conditioning units and the relatively large
population [7].

Availability of natural resources

The establishment of a PV or a wind source is dependent on the availability of the natural resources in
the country. This is mainly determined by considering the solar irradiance and the wind speed of the
locations [7].

Figure 3: Wind speeds in the Maldives


Figure 3 illustrates the general wind speeds in different locations in Maldives. From the map it is
evident that the highest wind resources are available north from the capital city Male’ and is suitable
for small scale village applications. The potential wind resources decrease south from Male’ and the
lowest resources are found in the southernmost atolls. The highest wind speeds are generally recorded
during the northwest monsoon from May till October and the lowest during the northeast monsoon,
which lasts during January and December. From observation and analysis of the monsoon patterns,
the capability of building a hybrid system is high. This is because the solar irradiation is lowest during
windy monsoons due to the overcast and the inter-monsoon periods provide brighter sunshine along
with low wind density [7].

Investment costs

A complete cost analysis has been completed to predict the costs associated with various system
configurations. These estimations are done based on an initial or investment cost or an annual or a
recurring cost standpoint. Some of the major categories in the initial costs include the instalment costs
and the training costs. For an isolated island, the training costs would be considerably higher for both
wind and photovoltaic systems. However, the training required for a photovoltaic system is
considerably lower than a wind system due to the reduced complexity in operation and maintenance.
In addition to that, the instalment of a photovoltaic system is generally lower than a wind-energy
system as well [6].

Feasible solutions
For most of the outer islands (islands not involving the capital city, Male’), analysis on HOMER in
most of the literatures suggest that 100% renewable energy systems are not optimal in Maldives due
to the monsoon periods and variations in solar and wind energy resources. Alternatively, a wind-
diesel hybrid or a solar-diesel hybrid system is more economically feasible. This is because these
systems provide electricity at a lower cost compared to the base case which only utilizes diesel fuel
generators at lower efficiencies in outer islands [7].



Figure 4: Methodology flowchart

Figure 4 illustrates the methodology which proposes a generic method to analyze suitable hybrid-
renewable-systems for the island of Nolhivaranfaru. This includes three main tasks; research,
simulation and analysis. The research phase consisted of reading past case studies and the general
concept behind HES. Once an adequate amount of research was done on the general overview, a
location was selected. For this report, the island of Nolhivaranfaru was selected and further research
was carried out. This provided the relevant information required for the simulation of the HES.

Based on previous case studies, a design was proposed, and the simulation was initiated. Three main
factors were taken into consideration when determining the appropriate system for the island;

 Costs of the components

 Electric load
 Availability of natural resources (wind and solar)

By observing the effect of altering these factors, a final design was established, and the analysis
began. During the analysis, different parameters were compared to obtain a feasible result. After
comparing the economics and analyzing the system which lowers the most amount of GHG
emissions, a winning system was finalized.

Modelling and system components
The selection of the components used in the system required crucial consideration to the costs and the
past models used in the island. The design was finalized by simulating different components and
analyzing the best for the island in terms of the cost, efficiency and environmental benefits.

PV System
The PV system for this design is based on the flat plate panel, Sunpower X21-335-BLK. The
parameters of this component are summarized below in Table 1.

Parameter Values
Rated Capacity (kW) 20 kW
Operating temperature (˚C) 43 ˚C
Efficiency (%) 21 %
Capital ($) $15,000
Replacement ($) $10,500
O/M ($/year) $50
Time (years) 20 years
Derating factor 90%
Area (m2) 1.629668 m2
Table 1: Parameters of the PV module

The capital cost of the PV panel was calculated with respect to the instalment, transportation, wiring
and training cost of the workers. Compared to wind energy, the costs of training are considerably less,
and this serves as an advantage in the implementation of solar energy [8]. In addition to that, natural
factors such as the accumulation of dirt will contribute to a decrease in the total energy output of the
solar panel and this value is expressed as the derating factor.

The solar photovoltaic power output can be calculated by considering these parameters. One of the
equations that can used to calculate the useful power of the solar panels are given below:

𝑃 = 𝜂𝐺𝐴
Equation 1 [6]

where P is the power output, 𝜂 is the efficiency of the panel, G is the total solar irradiation incident on
the cell and A is its surface area. By assuming the total solar irradiance incident on the cell to be the
average solar irradiance in the island of Nolhivaranfaru, the power of the photovoltaic cell can be
calculated as below:

𝑃 = 0.21 × 5.3 × 1000 × 1.629668 × 3600

= 6.530 MW

Wind system
The wind power system in the design is based on the wind turbine, Eoltec Scirocco E5.6m-6kw. This
turbine was chosen due to the low wind speeds of approximately 5m/s on the island of
Nolhivaranfaru. The parameters of this chosen wind turbine are given below in Table 2.

Parameter Values
Rated Capacity (kW) 6 kW
Hub height (m) 18 m

Capital ($) $47,545
Replacement ($) $28,245
O/M ($/year) $838
Time (years) 20 years
Table 2: Parameters of the wind system

Similar to the capital cost calculation of the PV panel, the installation, training and the transportation
costs of the wind turbine are taken into consideration [8].

The power output generated by the wind turbine can be calculated using the manufacturers
characteristic curve shown in Figure 5 and the wind speed at hub height which can be expressed by
the equation given below. The wind characteristics graph is taken from the HOMER simulation of the
wind turbine.

Figure 5: Wind characteristics graph

( 𝑧
𝑣0 ) = ( 𝛾
Equation 2 [13]

where (v) is the wind speed at the measured height (z), (v0) is the measured wind speed at the
reference height (z0) and (𝛾) is the ground surface friction coefficient. Generally, the 𝛾 value is
assumed to be 1/7 [13]. By assuming the wind speed calculated at the default height (30m) is the
speed corresponding to the rated capacity, 12m/s at 6.0kW, the wind speed at the chosen hub height
can be found.
𝑣 18 7
( )= )
12 30
𝑣 = 11.2 𝑚/𝑠
By referring to Figure 5, the power output can be estimated to be approximately 5.8 kW.

A device is required to convert the AC/DC components for energy flow [14]. Due to this the
converter, Xantrex Technology PV10-208 is added to the system. The parameters for the converter are
given below in Table 3.

Parameter Values
Capacity (kW) 37 kW
Efficiency (%) 98% (8)
Capital ($) $6,000 (8)
Replacement ($) $5,000 (8)
Time (years) 20 (8)
Table 3: Parameters of a converter

The capacity of the converter was adjusted to meet the peak daily electric load of the island.

As a storage device for the design, the battery, Surrette 6 CS 25P was chosen. This battery was chosen
due to its relatively low cost in terms of transportation and replacement. Further parameters of the
battery are listed in Table 4.

Parameter Values
Nominal Voltage (V) 6V
Nominal Capacity (kWh) 6.91 kWh
Capital ($) $1,080 (12)
Replacement ($) $1,020 (12)
O/M ($/year) $25 (12)
Time (years) 20 year (8)
Throughput (kWh) 6879.30 kWh
Table 4: Parameters of the battery

The storage capacity of the battery can be calculated using the equation provided below:
𝐶𝑤ℎ = 𝐸𝐿 × 𝐴𝐷 × 𝜂𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣 × 𝜂𝐵𝐴𝑇 × 𝐷𝑂𝐷
Equation 3 [13]

Where 𝐸𝐿 is the total energy demanded by the load (kWh/day), the AD is the daily autonomy, DOD is
the depth of discharge of the battery, 𝜂𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣 and 𝜂𝐵𝐴𝑇 are the efficiencies of the converter and battery

Generators are added to the design to meet the peak load since renewable systems alone cannot meet
the demand all year-round. For this design, the generator chosen is a CAT-50kVA-50Hz-PP. This
generator has a capacity of 40kW as shown in Table 5 although currently the island contains a 39kW
and a 28kW generator to meet the demands. The parameters of the generator chosen for this design
are shown below in Table 5.

Parameter Values
Capacity (kW) 40 kW
Initial capital ($) $34,000
Replacement ($) $28,000
O/M ($/op.hour) $0.025
Time (years) 20 years
Minimum load ratio (%) 40%
Lifetime (hours) 15,000
Table 5: Parameters of the generator

The generator's diesel fuel consumption is considered when analyzing the optimal HESs. The
equation used to calculate this value is given below

𝐹𝐷𝐺,𝐶 = 𝐴𝐷𝐺 × 𝑃𝐷𝐺,𝑟 + 𝐵𝐷𝐺 × 𝑃𝐷𝐺,𝑔

Equation 4 [15]

Where 𝐹𝐷𝐺,𝐶 is the fuel consumption rate in L/hr, 𝑃𝐷𝐺,𝑟 and 𝑃𝐷𝐺,𝑔 are rated power and the supplied
power to the generator respectively while 𝐴𝐷𝐺 and 𝐵𝐷𝐺 are the coefficients of the fuel consumption
curve shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Diesel fuel consumption curve

Sensitivity Inputs
The HOMER simulation software requires variables for the analysis to take place. The sensitivity
inputs for this simulation were based on the diesel fuel price, wind speed, solar irradiance and nominal
discount rates as shown in Figure 7. These inputs were chosen based on the different values present in
the respective graphs and the trend in the price ranges.

Figure 7: Sensitivity inputs

Final design of the system
The final design of the system from which the simulation was carried on is illustrated below:

Figure 8: System design

The generator and the wind turbine are connected as components which generate AC and the PV is
connected in the DC side of the system along with the storage unit. Varying search spaces were
implemented in the simulation to analyze the capacity of different components. However, the base
design remained the same for all systems.

Meteorological data
Solar Global Horizontal Index (GHI)
The solar global horizontal index can be defined as the total amount of terrestrial irradiance received
by the horizontal surface of the Earth. In the HOMER software, the solar GHI is calculated by adding
the Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI), Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance, and ground-reflected radiation.

Figure 9 demonstrates the change in the average solar GHI in the island of Nolhivaranfaru over a span
of 22 years while Figure 11 illustrates the variation in GHI in Maldives over 18 years. Since
Nolhivaranfaru is in one of the Northern most islands, the daily total GHI is approximately 5.3
kWh/m2 [16].

Figure 9: Monthly Averages for Global Horizontal Radiation over a period of 22 years (Jan 1984 – Dec 2015) [16]

Solar Direct Normal Irradiance

Hanimaadhoo is an island situated to the south of Nolhivaranfaru and is in the same atoll. The DNI of
both islands are approximately the same with minor differences since they are only about 9km apart
from each other. Figure 10 demonstrates the DNI of Hanimaadhoo where the solid black line
represents the average daily sum of DNI over a period of 18 years with its maximum and minimum
peaks. The solid red line represents the variation in DNI during the year 2017.

Figure 10: Maldives solar DNI overview from the 18 years (Jan 1999 - Dec 2017) [17]


Figure 11: Global horizontal irradiation in Maldives over a period of 18 years[18]

Wind Resources
The average monthly wind speed on the island of Nolhivaranfaru from the year 1984 to 2013 is
plotted against time as shown in Figure 12. The annual average wind speed during this period is
approximately 5.01m/s.

Figure 12: Monthly average wind speed at 50m above the surface of Earth over a 30-year period (Jan 1984 - Dec 2013) [16]

Month Wind Speed (m/s)

Jan 4.270
Feb 3.700
Mar 3.140
Apr 3.300
May 5.590
Jun 7.570
Jul 6.910
Aug 6.350
Sep 5.900
Oct 5.240
Nov 3.870
Dec 4.290
Table 6: Monthly wind speed in Nolhivaranfaru over a period of 30 years

Temperature Resources
The average monthly air temperatures against time in the island of Nolhivaranfaru between 1984 and
2013 is illustrated in Figure 13. The annual average temperature during this period is 27.60˚C.

Figure 13: Average monthly temperature over 30 years (Jan 1984 - Dec 2013)[16]

Load consumption

Figure 14: Load consumption in Nolhivaranfaru[7]

The load consumption pattern of most of the outer islands are similar since the peak consumption
takes place at night. As shown in Figure 14, the highest demand on the island of Nolhivaranfaru is
approximately 24kW and this is due to the usage of streetlights. The electrical load profile for a
typical household on the island of Nolhivaranfaru can be assumed as shown in Table 7. The peak
power and the working hours throughout the day are assumed for each device. Due to the tropical
climate, cooling devices such as air conditioning units and fans are used during the entire day. They
contribute a large percentage to the total power spent per household.

Device Power (kW peak) Working hours/day Total kW/day

Refrigerators 0.37 (18) 24 8.88
Air conditioning unit 1.35 10 13.5
TV 0.113 7 0.791
House lights 1.2 16 3.2
Stove 2.0 5 10
Washing machine 0.6 1 0.6
Air fans 0.12 14 1.68
Total kW/day =
38.651 kW
Table 7: Electrical devices load

System simulation with HOMER
HOMER Pro simulation is a software which determines the optimal systems for a given amount of
input data by simulating numerous sets of systems. This software runs on three main parts: simulation,
optimization and sensitivity analysis.

 Simulation: This is the initial process where the sets of data provided are built to form several
systems with different combinations of the components
 Optimization: The systems are filtered to fit to the criteria that the location demands
 Sensitivity analysis: Modelling the optimal systems to the uncontrollable man-made or natural
variables [19]

The steps taken for the HOMER simulation of this project to run can be summarized as shown in the
Figure 15. The coordinates, 6˚41.8’N, 73˚7.3E were applied to initiate the simulation followed by the
addition of the electrical load. The community option was chosen in the electric load and the average
load per day was assumed to be 300kWh/day as per the load consumption diagram. After that, the
solar irradiance, wind speed data and temperature data were downloaded from the internet and
uploaded to
the HOMER software. Along with tis data, the range of diesel fuel prices were uploaded as one of the
sensitivity inputs. The size and the capacity of the components are dependent on these values

By assuming the component size that would meet the load demand, the type and capacity of these
devices are selected and used as the input. The costs were calculated based on different research
papers and general cost estimation in Maldives. This step was followed by putting in a range in the
search space that is assumed to meet the demand.

Once these steps have been accomplished, the simulation was made to run, and the results were
observed. Depending on the capacity of the components, occasionally results were infeasible. This led
to an iterative process which required tweaking the component and search space values which would
ultimately give feasible results. If the results are feasible, it is important to observe the optimized
results and the summary provided by HOMER. If the search space provided is inadequate, the
simulation must be run multiple times once the desired results are obtained.

Figure 15: Simulation flowchart

The comparative analysis made in Table 8 which demonstrates all the feasible systems which meet the
solar and wind demand in Nolhivaranfaru at the highest extremes of each input. The definitions of the
values in the table are given below and the next section elaborates the comparative analysis in detail.

 Net present cost: Present value of the revenue that the system makes over the project lifetime
subtracted from the present value of installation and operation.
 Cost of Energy: This is the average cost per kWh of useful energy produced by the system.
 Operating Cost: Value of all costs and revenue subtracted from the initial capital costs.
 Renewability factor: Fraction of energy provided by the system which is from renewable
resources [19]. The equation used to calculate this value is given below:
𝐸𝑛𝑜𝑛−𝑟𝑒𝑛 + 𝐻𝑛𝑜𝑛−𝑟𝑒𝑛
𝑅𝐹 = (1 − 𝐸𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑣𝑒𝑑 + 𝐻𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑣𝑒𝑑 ) × 100%

Equation 5 [20]

Where 𝐸𝑛𝑜𝑛−𝑟𝑒𝑛 and 𝐻𝑛𝑜𝑛−𝑟𝑒𝑛 are the electrical and thermal energy produced by the non-
renewable energy sources respectively and 𝐸𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑣𝑒𝑑 and 𝐻𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑣𝑒𝑑 are the total served electrical
and thermal loads in kWh/year [20].

Table 8 demonstrates the systems in order of its feasibility with the most feasible system being on top.
The top three most feasible systems are the PV/diesel hybrid, PV/wind/diesel hybrid and the PV/wind
hybrid respectively. A comparison of these three systems with each other and the purely diesel system
is provided below:

PV/diesel hybrid
This system is the most feasible due to the large solar capacity and storage unit. The total net present
cost is at the lowest at $564,266 along with the cost of energy which is $0.362 in this system.
However, the amount of fuel consumed per year is higher by 1179L in this system compared the
PV/wind/diesel hybrid along with the renewability factor which is lower by 2.7%. Although the
number of emissions is greater in the PV/diesel hybrid system when compared to the PV/wind/diesel
hybrid system, the latter would result in more money to be saved eventually. In addition to that, the
levelized cost of energy produced by the PV/diesel hybrid is lower ($0.362) than the PV/wind/diesel
hybrid system ($0.37) as shown in Figure 16. This system would enable energy to be provided at a
lower cost than that of the purely PV/wind hybrid and the diesel system. Although the PV/wind
hybrid system provides clean energy, the present net costs are high and would not benefit the
consumers in the long run.

Figure 16: Comparison of PV/diesel hybrid system with PV/wind/diesel hybrid system

PV/wind/diesel hybrid
This system utilizes the same components as the PV/diesel system but with the addition of the wind
turbine. This results in a lower amount of fuel consumption per year and a greater renewability factor.
However, the net present cost is high, and the wind turbine is not utilized as much as the solar cells as
shown in Figure 17. This system also produces an excess electricity of 33.9%. Therefore, this system
is not favorable compared to the PV/diesel system but deems more feasible when compared with the
PV/wind hybrid and diesel systems due to the reduced net present cost.

Figure 17: Electricity produced by the PV/wind/diesel hybrid

PV/wind hybrid
The PV/wind hybrid system is a purely renewable system, meaning the fuel consumption per year is
zero and a 100-year renewability factor. Although this system would provide a promising path for a
cleaner future, the LCOE in this system is higher than the PV/diesel hybrid by $0.012/kWh as shown
in Figure 18. In addition to that, the net present cost along with the cost of energy are higher which
makes this system more expensive.

Figure 18: Comparison of PV/diesel hybrid with PV/wind/diesel hybrid

Architecture Cost
Total fuel Renewability
Generato Converte Batter Net Cost of Operatin Initial (L/yr) factor (%)
PV(kW) Wind (qty)
r (kW) r (kW) y present energy g cost capital
(qty) cost ($) ($) ($/yr) ($)
75 40 37 100 $564,266 $0.362 $10,953 $408,363 2,489 94.4
75 40 1 37 75 $576,712 $0.370 $9,841 $436,644 1,310 97.1
hybrid 100 1 37 100 $582,183 $0.374 $9,504 $446,908 0 100

100 37 175 $596,922 $0.383 $9,820 $457,153 0 100

system 40 37 50 $1.28M $0.819 $68,952 $294,836 61,672 0

syste 40 1 37 50 $1.31M $0.843 $68,307 $342,381 59,504 0

Diese Table 8: Comparative analysis of the systems
Results and discussions
After the simulation was run, the optimal systems were displayed based on the sensitivity inputs.
Although a range was chosen for the nominal discount rate, the most common rate in Maldives is 7%.
Therefore, the most optimal design based on the range of diesel fuel prices and the varying averages
of solar irradiance at the highest wind speed (7m/s) is shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19: Optimal system design

From this diagram, it is evident that the most feasible system is the diesel and solar hybrid system
compared to the diesel, solar and wind hybrid system which is only optimal at low levels of solar
irradiances. Along with a comparatively low initial cost, the solar and diesel hybrid system also
provides the lowest cost of energy.
For a tropical island which receives a fairly constant amount of sun irradiation, the PV/diesel hybrid
system will bring about a great deal of benefits to the islanders in terms of a low electricity costs and a
cleaner future. Compared to the current price of electricity as mentioned before ($0.7/kWh), the solar,
diesel hybrid system reduces almost half of the value.
Since the solar capacity is 75kW and each module in the design is said to have a capacity of 20kW,
the number of cells required for this design is not significant. Considering the small land area in
Nolhivaranfaru, the low requirement of solar cells serves as an advantage in terms of space. This is
the one of the main factors which would limit the usage of a PV/wind/diesel hybrid. The usage of
solar cells along with a wind turbine would require more space and this is not viable for such a small
This report includes an extensive case study on the implementation of a Hybrid system in the island of
Nolhivaranfaru situated in the North of Maldives. After several simulation runs in HOMER software,
it was concluded that a PV/diesel hybrid is the most suitable system for the island. This was
accomplished after taking the electric load, available natural resources and the fluctuations in diesel
fuel prices into account. The main structure of the report was written based on the results from the
simulation and the referencing was completed by using Mendeley Cite.

This report has allowed me to understand the potential of obtaining energy from renewable resources
in Maldives. If hybrid systems such as the one discussed in this report is established in at least one
atoll, it can have a significant impact on the economy and the community in Maldives. This is because
a significant number of Maldivians immigrate to the city due to the availability of jobs, education and
an overall better living standard. The reduction in electricity pricing will result in a lower cost of
living which would ultimately lead to a reduction in the costs of housing, transport etc.

Although Nolhivaranfaru is a relatively small inhabited island compared to most others in various
parts of the world, the analysis of such a system for this community can set as an example for the rest
of the Maldives and the world. The implementation of such a system is especially imperative for a
nation which is greatly affected by the disastrous effects of climate change and a fragile economy
which is only dependent on tourism. Even a slight change in the costs of energy would result in a
significant impact for those living in dire conditions.

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