As 15
As 15
As 15
1. Scope:
• This standard is applicable for all employee benefit expenses except
employee share base payment
• Employee benefit means all form of consideration payable by entity to
its employee for the services rendered by employee (Either
consideration is payable in cash or kind)
• Entity is required to recognise employee benefit arising from
• Formal practice
• Informal practice
• Legislative requirement (Legal obligation)
• Employee will include
• Un skilled employee
• Semi-skilled employee
• Skilled employee
• Full time employee
• Part time employee
• Whole-time Directors
• Other managerial personal
• It will not include contract labour and trainee
• Employee benefit will include any benefit provided to spouse, children
and their dependent.
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Accounting Standard 15
If availed
during the If not availed during the year
accumulating Accumulating
No treatment
(Which cannot (which can be carried forward
be carried
Unvested (leave Vested (Cash
against leave) against leave)
No treatment
Provision = No of
unveiled leave X Amt = No. of
probability of unavailed
availment X leave X
Salary per working Salary per
working day
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Accounting Standard 15
a) Demographic assumption
Eg: Labour turnover rate, mortality rate, retirement rate,
med claim rate
b) Financial assumption
Eg: Discount rate, Escalation rate in salary, expected rate
of return on plan asset
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Accounting Standard 15
To plan asset
For benefit paid to employee
PV of DBO Dr.
To cash/bank
f) For recognition of interest income on plan asset by using Expected
Rate of Return
Plan asset a/c Dr.
To Expected Return on PA
FV of PA at the beg 2040
Expected return on PA 5.5%
DBO 2700
Discount rate 6%
Interest cost on DBO (2700×5.5%) 148
Expected return on PA (2040×6%) 122
Net charge to P/L – Expense 26
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Accounting Standard 15
6. Termination benefit:
(a) Termination Benefit is due entity decision to terminate any employee
or Employee decision to opt for voluntary retirement
(b) An enterprise should recognise termination benefits as a liability and
an expense when, and only when:
(i) the enterprise has a present obligation as a result of a past
(ii) it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to
settle the obligation; and
(iii) a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.
(c) HOW to recognize termination benefits: This depends on the specific
terms of the benefits:
• if the termination benefits are expected to be settled wholly
before 12 months after the end of the reporting period, then
recognize it as an expense to profit or loss on undiscounted basis
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