Minor-1 QP Section - 1 Solutions
Minor-1 QP Section - 1 Solutions
Minor-1 QP Section - 1 Solutions
1) The estimated mass rate of emission of SO from the chimney of a thermal power plant located in a semi-
tropical climate is 108 kg/s . The flue gas is being emitted at a flow rate of 72000 m /hr. Estimate the
height of the chimney so that the concentration of pollutants at the ground level are within permissible
limits. Assume the dimensionless coefficient for the rate of precipitation as 1, the maximum permissible
ground level pollutant concentration is 0.25 μg/𝑙, the diameter of chimney as 1.5 m.
[5 marks]
𝐴 = 240 (semi − tropical), 𝐹 = 1 (given), 𝐷 = 1.5m, (given)
𝑀 = 108 kg/s = 108 × = 30 g/s
𝑉 = 72000 m /hr = m /s = 20 m /s
0.25 × 10 mg
𝐶 = 0.25 μg/l = = 0.25 mg/m
10 m
240 × 30 × 1 × 1.5
𝐻= = 270 m
8 × 0.25 × 20
2) Consider the configuration of a chimney and a close by building as shown below. What should be
minimum height of chimney from aerodynamic shadow consideration?
[4 marks]
𝐵 8
= = 0.267 < 2.5 (Type 1: Independent Narrow building)
𝐻 30
𝐻 ≮ 0.36𝐵 + 2.5𝐻 = 0.36 × 8 + 2.5 × 30 = 77.88 m
3) Estimate the lateral deflection at the top of a 250 m high reinforced concrete chimney due to wind forces
shown below. Assume that the chimney has a cylindrical shape with an annular cross section having 10 m
external diameter and 8 m internal diameter, and modulus of elasticity of reinforced concrete composite
used in this chimney as 40 GPa. Also justify whether the estimated deflection is within the permissible
limits or not, as per the provisions of IS 4998:2015. Note: Ignore the inertia offered by the self-weight of
the chimney.
[7 marks]
𝑞 = 140000 N/m
𝐿 = 250 m
𝐸 = 40 × 10 N/m
𝜋 𝜋
𝐼= × (𝐷 − 𝑑 ) = × (10 − 8 ) = 298.81 m
64 64
𝑞𝐿 14 × 10 × 250
𝛿 = = = 5.72 m
8𝐸𝐼 8 × 4 × 10 × 298.81
𝐻 250
𝛿 = = = 0.5 m
500 500
𝛿 >𝛿
6) Calculate the surface temperature drop across the chimney shell at a cross section having an internal
diameter of 3.5 m and outer diameter of 4.5 m. The gas temperature inside the chimney is 120 °C and the
ambient air temperature outside the chimney shell is 30°C. Assume the coefficient of heat transmission
from gas to inner surface of chimney shell as 30 W/m2/K, the coefficient of heat transmission from outside
surface of chimney to the surrounding air as 60 W/m2/K, and coefficient of thermal conductivity of
concrete as 1.73 W/m/K.
[6 marks]
𝑇 = 120°𝐶,
𝑇 = 30°𝐶,
𝑑 = 4.5 m,
𝑑 = 3.5 m,
4.5 − 3.5
𝑡= = 0.5 m,
𝑑 = 𝑑 + 𝑡 = 4 m,
𝐶 = 1.73 W/m/K, 𝐾 = 30 W/m /K, 𝐾 = 60 W/m /K,
7) Design the vertical reinforcement in a chimney cross section for resisting a factored uniaxial bending
moment of 12500 kNm and a factored axial load of 34400 kN. Assume the grade of concrete as M60,
grade of steel as Fe415, the outer and inner diameters of the annular cross section as 2.7 m and 2.4 m,
respectively. Provide a clear cover of 75 mm and assume the diameter of the outer circumferential
reinforcement as 25 mm. Report the answer in terms of diameter of the bar, number of bars to be provided
and their centre to centre spacing. Ignore thermal effects in the design.
[8 marks]
𝑓 = 60 × 10 = 60
m mm
𝑓 = 415 × 10 N/m
2.7 + 2.4
𝑟= = 1.275 m
(2.7 − 2.4)
𝑡= = 0.15m
𝑃 34400 × 10
= = 3.00
𝑓 𝑟𝑡 60 × 10 × 1.275 × 0.15
𝑀 12500 × 10
= = 0.85
𝑓 𝑟 𝑡 60 × 10 × 1.275 × 0.15