Intellectual Revolutions
Intellectual Revolutions
Intellectual Revolutions
a. Copernican
Nicolaus Copernicus
- one of the most familiar names among Renaissance scientists
- a mathematician and astronomer who proposed that the sun was stationary in the center of the
universe and the earth revolved around it
- created a concept of a universe in which the distances of the planets from the sun bore a direct
relationship to the size of their orbits.
Charles Darwin
-English naturalist whose scientific theory of evolution by natural selection became the foundation
of modern evolutionary studies
-His proposition that all species of life have descended from common ancestors is now widely
accepted and considered a fundamental concept in science.
-he introduced his scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process
that he called natural selection, in which the struggle for existence has a similar effect to the
artificial selection involved in selective breeding.
c. Freudian
Sigmund Freud
1. Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, who created an entirely
new approach to the understanding of the human personality. He is regarded as one of the most
influential - and controversial - minds of the 20th century.
2. considered to be the father of psychiatry.
3. the man behind the Revolutionary Approach to Human Personality. He developed the
revolutionary of thinking about human mind, he introduces the idea of unconscious.
It is during the stages of development that the experiences are filtered through the three levels of
the human mind. It is from these structures and the inherent conflicts that arise in the mind that
personality is shaped. According to Freud while there is an interdependence among these three
levels, each level also serves a purpose in personality development.
Each stage is processed through Freud’s concept of the human mind as a three-tier system
consisting of the superego, the ego, and the id.
Super ego: functions at a conscious level. It serves as a type of screening center for what is going on.
It is at this level that society and parental guidance is weighed against personal pleasure and gain as
directed by one’s id. Obviously, this puts in motion situations ripe for conflict.
Ego: much like a judge in a trial, once experiences are processed through the superego and the id,
they fall into the ego to mediate a satisfactory outcome. Originally, Freud used the word ego to
mean a sense of self, but later revised it to mean a set of psychic functions such as judgment,
tolerance, reality testing, control, planning, defense, synthesis of information, intellectual
functioning, and memory.
Id: the egocentric center of the human universe, Freud believed that within this one level, the id is
constantly fighting to have our way in everything we undertake.
It came from the Latin word informare, means to give from, shape or character to something. In
a general sense, is processed, organized and structured data. It provides context for data and
enables decision making.
The Basics
The information age began around 1970's and it's still going on today. It is also shown as the
Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age. This era brought about a time period in which
people could access information and knowledge easily.
The Renaissance influenced the information Age by creating the idea inventions, while too
advanced for the time, the basic idea used to develop modern inventions. The Renaissance also
changed literature. At first, only books that told stories of religion and religious heroes were
written. During the Renaissance people began to write realistic books and not just religious
stories. People's mindset about themselves changed. It was no longer about what humans could
do for God, but what humans could do for themselves. This way of thinking is called
The SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION changed the modern era by introducing important scientist such as
Galileo, Copernicus, and Sir Isaac Newton. Their discoveries paved the way for modern tools,
inventions and innovations.
There were many different inventions that came about because of the information age, one of
which was the computer. The internet allowed people to access information with the touch of a
button. The internet has turned society into homebodies, they can do everything online;
shopping, communicating, bill paying, working, education, entertainment, even ordering food.
STEVE JOBS who was created the first effective personal computer called the Apple 1.
BILL GATES is also a huge force in the information age. He founded Microsoft, which creates
almost everything that to do with computers.
The Information Age has changed people, technology, science, economies, culture, and even the
way people think.
The internet is arguably the most important prominent innovations of the Information Age for it
changed the way people do everything.
The Information Age brought about many new inventions and innovations. Many
communication services like texting, email, and social media developed and the world has not
been the same since.
The Information Age is also known as the Age of Entrepreneurship. Now entrepreneurs can start
and run a company easier that before.
- Information Age influenced many factors in the society because it led us to the age of the
- The world has experienced phenomena network growth during the last decade and further
growth is imminent
The Information Age is now. Every era from the Stone Age up to The Industrial Revolution has
led to the world as we know it. Without the information, knowledge and discoveries of those
from the past, we would not be where we are today. The past has shaped our present and will
continue to shape our future.