2nd ESO
Wood and its composition.
Properties of wood.
The manufacturing process of wood.
Classification of natural wood.
Derivatives of wood.
Working with wood: techniques and tools.
Wood is a vegetable raw material obtained from trees and bushes. It has a complex
chemical nature, but we can say that is mainly composed of cellulose fibres and
lignin which make the fibres hard and rigid.
The following picture shows the cross section of a tree trunk and its parts:
Bark is exterior layer that protects the plant made of death cells.
Cambium is a thin layer of live cells where growth takes place.
Sapwood is a recent growth layer. It is softer and has a lighter colour then
heartwood and pith. It is used for more artistic woodwork.
Heartwood is the hardest, driest and darkest part. It is the best for woodwork.
Pith is the central part of the trunk. It is not very resistant and it is not
generally used.
When a tree is cut down you can see the rings (concentric circles), the number or
rings usually indicate the age of the tree.
It is economically available.
It is permeable; wood can absorb or emit liquids or gases because it has tiny
holes called pores.
It is easy to work with.
It is easily machinable. Remember that machinability refers to the ease with
which a material can be cut (machined) permitting the removal of the material
with a satisfactory finish at low cost.
Its hardness depends on the type of wood but in general is hard but can be
penetrated by objects such as screws or nails.
It is less dense than water, so it floats.
It is a good electrical and heat insulator but it burns easily.
It is a good acoustic conductor.
It is a renewable and biodegradable resource but it is available in limited
It has a good mechanical resistance against: it is resistant to tension,
compression or bending (it can be bended in the direction of its fibres
without breaking).
Activity 1. Fill the text using the following words: card, raw material, renewable,
fuel, light, construct, trees, lignin, paper, noise, cellulose and vegetable.
Activity 2. What are the rings of a tree trunk? What indicate wider rings?
Activity 4. The process of getting wood consists of the following parts: transport
logging, pruning, debarking, drying and cutting. Sort them on the following sentences:
1. __________: the act of cutting the trunk of the tree so that is falls to the
2. __________: branches are removed so that the tree trunk (log) is clean.
3. __________: logs are taken to the sawmill using different means of
transport (road, rail, sea or rivers) depending on the terrain (if it has
mountains, rivers, etc.) and the available infrastructure.
4. __________: the bark is removed.
5. __________: logs are cut or processed to obtain beams, planks, boards,
sheets, strips, etc.
6. __________: the quantity of water is reduce to it does not change shape
with changes in temperature. There are two ways of doing it: natural drying
(consists of stacking the Wood so that sufficient space is left between the
pieces of wood for air to circulate); artificial drying (consist of circulating hot
air in the space between the pieces of wood inside warehouse). Artificial
drying is faster but more expensive.
The manufacturing process of wood consists of the following steps:
The classification of wood divides them into hard and soft, referring to a botanical
difference rather than to any definite degree of hardness. The two groups differ in cell
structure, appearance and general properties.
From a botanical point of view, hardwood trees have broad, flat leaves that fall off
after maturity. The softwood trees have needle or scale-like leaves which they retain
all year; they are the evergreens. Most hardwoods are stronger and less likely to dent
than the softwoods; they also hold nails and screws more securely.
These terms can be confusing since some leaf bearing trees can have very
softwood and some coniferous trees can have very hardwoods.
From this mechanical point of view wood can be classified into very soft, soft,
semi-hard, hard and very hard. You can see some examples on the following picture:
On the following picture you can see different woods and different grains and colours:
Derivatives of wood are made from sheet, chips or fibres of wood which are
compressed and glued together. These derivatives include artificial boards and
cellulose materials.
Cellulose materials are made from the cellulose of the wood and are they are used to
make paper and cardboard.
Activity 6. Classify the following tools: handsaw, bench vice, gimlet, carpenter´s
square, rasp, hammer, bar clamp, ruler, tenon saw, file, mallet, drill, glue gun,
scissors and fret saw.
Tools for…
Cutting or
bracing hitting measuring gluing drilling Planning
On the following picture you can see some examples of removable and permanent
Activity 7. The process of getting wood can be represented by the following pictures.
Number the pictures of the following table in the correct order, write the name and
give a brief explanation of each step:
Activity 10. Complete the following Smart Art with the name of the tools used for
each operation:
Activity 11. Label the tools and indicate the type of operation in which each one is
Designing a mini presentation about wood and environment
Read the following articles:
Watch the following video:
How could we reduce the consumption of wood and its derivatives? How can
deforestation be avoided? What does the concept “sustainable development” mean?
Look for information about those questions. Organize the information and design a
small presentation in pairs. Use Power Point online (Office 365) to design it.
La madera y sus propiedades térmicas y acústicas
A ruler is one of the most common measuring instruments. It comes in There are several types of squares made of flat steel or aluminum, the
many sizes and shapes, depending on what it is needed for The metallic carpenter’s square is actually shaped like an L.
ruler is a rectangle made of metal with a scale.
Function Function
It is used to measure and draw short lengths. It is used to check and mark angles and straight lines. The
carpenter's square allows us to check and draw 45º and 90º
It has two parts, one fixed and the other is movable. The tail stop slides Vices have two parallel jaws, one is fixed and the other is movable. It
along the bar to the fixed head. With the screw you can clamp the piece can be threaded in and out by a screw and lever.
between the two parts
Function Function
It is used to fix pieces to the workbench.
It is used to clamp pieces to the workbench or to clamp together two
pieces that are being glued.
ball peen (de bola) nail (de orejas) carpenter´s (de peña)
Fret saw is used to cut thin wood. A tenon saw is used to make more
precise cuts. Keyhole saw is used to make curved cuts
MITRE BOX Suitable for: BAND SAW Suitable for:
Wood, metal and plastic Wood and plastic
A mitre box helps to cut precise 45 or 90 degree angles in small pieces of Function
wood or plastic. It is an electric saw used to cut wood and plastic. Its blade moves with a
reciprocating motion, it goes up and down. It is used to make straight,
angled or curved cuts. The blade must be chosen depending on the
material to cut.
Suitable for: Suitable for:
DRILL Wood, metal, plastic, stone, concrete,
DRILL BIT Wood, metal, plastic, stone, concrete,
etc. etc.
TALADRO Type of operation: DRILLING BROCA Type of operation: DRILLING
Function Function
A drill is a tool fitted with a cutting tool, a drill bit, used for making holes in various Drill bits are cutting tools used to remove material to create holes. They usually
materials. The bit is gripped by a chuck at one end of the drill and rotated while have a circular cross-section. Drill bits come in many sizes and shape and can create
pressed against the material. holes in many different materials. In order to create holes drill bits are attached to a
drill, which powers them to cut through the workpiece, typically by rotation.
Sandpaper consists of sheets of paper with abrasive material glued to one Function
face. Sandpaper is used to remove material from surfaces to make them Eye protection is needed when there is a high material removal rate
smoother. (electric drilling and sawing).
A.- Realiza las siguientes actividades utilizando las muestras de madera que
te entregará el profesor:
Nº de
Tipo de madera Acabado
B.- Con ayuda de las maderas naturales, contesta las siguientes preguntas:
1. ¿Qué colores tienen?
2. ¿Cuáles te parecen más duras?
3. ¿Cuáles te parecen más blandas?
4. ¿Cuáles te parecen más densas? ¿Crees que flotarán en el agua?
5. ¿Aprecias las diferencias entre sus vetas? ¿Cómo son esas diferencias?
6. ¿Hay diferencias en su acabado? ¿Cuáles?
7. Sabiendo que las muestras que se te han presentado son: haya, cedro rojo,
castaño, sapelly, pino y roble, ¿podrías decir cuál es cada una?
Nº de Nº de
Madera Madera
muestra muestra
Haya Cedro rojo
Castaño Sapelly
Pino Roble
Nº de
Tipo de muestra