Gateway To AIIMS2019-Solution Zoology
Gateway To AIIMS2019-Solution Zoology
Gateway To AIIMS2019-Solution Zoology
6. Answer (3)
Metagenesis is alteration between
Objective Type Questions
1. Answer (2) Polyp & Medusa
Sponge’s body wall is comprised of either
spongin fibres or spicules or both.
Sessile, cylindrical, Motile, umbrella
Spongin is a type of protein that provides
structural support. Asexual reproduction shaped, sexual
2. Answer (2)
In leucon type canal system, spongocoel gets Both are diploid only gametes are haploid.
reduced to form excurrent canal i.e. absent in
ascon & sycon type canal system. Asexual reproduction
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378 Animal Kingdom (General Accounts & Non-chordates) Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
10. Answer (3) 18. Answer (2)
Liver rot or Fascioliasis is caused by Fasciola Heart of arthropods is neurogenic as the action
hepatica, an Endoparasite of intestine of potential/force of contraction for pumping of blood
sheep. is generated by brain.
In Humans, fasciolopsiasis is caused by Alary muscles check only unidirectional flow of
intestinal fluke of man. blood.
11. Answer (4) 19. Answer (2)
A muscular pharynx that helps in sucking of food Compound eyes are more sensitive to intensity of
by its rhythmic pumping action is a characteristic light rather than resolution of image so mosaic
of Aschelminthes [Ascaris] vision become possible.
12. Answer (4) 20. Answer (3)
In Ascaris lumbricoides,
Respiratory structures in different animals.
1st moulting in soil
Buthus [Arachnida] - Book lungs
2nd & 3rd moulting in lung alveoli
Limulus [King crab] - Book gills
4th moulting in intestine
This gives rise to young round worm that releases Periplaneta [Insecta] - Trachea
toxin to generate symptoms of disease. Palaemon [Crustacea] - Gills
13. Answer (3) 21. Answer (3)
Amphid is a chemoreceptor & papillae are tango/ Butterfly - Siphoning type mouth parts
tactile receptor.
House fly - Sponging type mouth parts
14. Answer (2)
Dracunculus Guinea worm Honey bee - Chewing & lapping type
Ancylostoma Hook worm 22. Answer (3)
Trichinella Trichinia worm Lepisma [Silver fish] - Ametabolous metamorphosis;
15. Answer (3) direct development.
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Animal Kingdom (General Accounts & Non-chordates) 379
27. Answer (4) 35. Answer (3)
Respiratory structures in animals : In Echinodermata, adult is radially symmetrical
Book lungs - Aranaeus [Spider] while larva is bilaterally symmetrical.
Dermal branchiae - Asterias [Star fish]
Radial symmetry is secondary adaptation to
Pharyngeal gills - Saccoglossus [Acorn worm]
survive sedentary mode of life.
Ctenidia - Achatina [land snail]
28. Answer (2) SECTION - B
Haemal-perihaemal system of Echinodermata Assertion - Reason Type Questions
is coelomic in origin.
36. Answer (1)
It is open type circulation.
Heart & respiratory pigment are absent. Rhagon type of canal system is found in larva of
animals of class demospongiae.
29. Answer (3)
Larval stages in different animals. Adults of Demospongiae have leucon type of
Cydippid - Pleurobrachia [Ctenophora] canal system.
Amphiblastula - Sycon [Porifera] Both canal system have flagellated chambers
Dipleurula - Asterias [Echinodermata] i.e. lined by choanocytes.
Glochidium - Unio [Mollusca] 37. Answer (2)
30. Answer (2)
Some cnidarians exist in both polyp & medusa
Hyalonema [Porifera] – cell - aggregate body plan
form and there is an alteration of generation
no germ layers between polyp & medusa.
Dugesia [Platyhelminth] – coelom absent
Like in Obelia & Physalia.
Hormiphora [Ctenophora]
Diploblastic organism with blind sac body plan. Such an existence is known as polymorphism
31. Answer (3) [more than one life form] & alteration is known
Echinodermata is placed near to chordata due to as metagenesis.
3 affinities mainly : 38. Answer (1)
1. Deuterostomic body plan
Platyhelminthes are acoelomate animals & the
2. Enterocoelom space is filled with parenchymal cells so their
3. Mesodermal endoskeleton mesoderm is called solid mesoderm.
32. Answer (4)
Parenchyma acts as a medium for transport &
Schistosoma (Platyhelminthes) Ladder like
thus helps in uniform distribution of food
ventral nerve cords
materials absorbed through general body surface.
Aurelia [Cnidaria] Apolar neurons for [in parasitic forms]
39. Answer (1)
Balanoglossus (Hemichordata) Both dorsal &
ventral nerve cords. Cephalization is the property of development of
It is connecting link between non-chordata & head & locating all major sense organs at anterior
chordata. end for betterment of responses in the moving
Pheretima (Annelida) Suprapharyngeal ganglion direction.
act as brain. Bilateral symmetry came into origin in
33. Answer (4) Platyhelminthes & evolved with motility.
Stomochord in hemichordates is ectodermal in
40. Answer (2)
origin while notochord in chordates is mesodermal
in origin. Parasitic Platyhelminthes possess some adaptations
34. Answer (4) :
Ophiothrix [Ophiuroidea] Hooks & suckers for attachment.
In brittle stars, anus is absent; so blind sac Many larval stages that reproduce by
body plan in present. Paedogenesis to increase the number of progeny
Excretory system is absent in Echinodermata. to enhance the chances of survival.
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380 Animal Kingdom (General Accounts & Non-chordates) Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
41. Answer (2) Terrestrial mollusc show pulmonary respiration
Fasciola hepatica is a digenetic parasite as it (pulmonary sac is modified mantle).
completes its life cycle in 2 hosts. Gills are reduced or absent in terrestrial
Primary Host Sheep mollusc.
Secondary Host Aquatic snail Haemocyanin (Blue colour) pigment is
42. Answer (4) dissolved in blood plasma of molluscs.
50. Answer (2)
Cysticercus larva develops in skeletal muscles
of pig completing life cycle in 2º host. Evisceration is removal of gut by Holothurians in
terms of defence.
It is formed from Hexacanth stage by feeding
51. Answer (3)
upon host’s blood & cells.
43. Answer (2) Apolar/non-polar neurons of cnidarians &
ctenophores respond by bidirectional
In Taenia saginata
No. of proglottids is approx. 1400-1600 as
Cell processes
compared to T. solium [850-1000]
Only suckers are present.
44. Answer (4)
Aschelminthes are pseudocoelomate,
prostomic organisms. Cyton
Mesoderm is present in the form of scattered
45. Answer (1)
In insects, no respiratory pigment is present in
blood for transport of gases. No differentiation between Dendrite (Receiver) &
Axon (transmittor)
So, tracheal system evolved for transport of
gases through tracheoles, where tracheolar 52. Answer (2)
fluid acts as stationary medium for gaseous Schistosoma/Bilharzia is unisexual unlike bisexual
exchange & alternate relaxation and character of other platyhelminthes.
contraction of tergo-sternal muscles maintains 53. Answer (2)
pressure gradient for inspiration & expiration.
Echinoderms [Starfishes] can loose their arm
46. Answer (3) in terms of self defence. This is called as
Chloragogen/yellow cells in earthworm are Autotomy.
analogous to liver as they help in excretion, storage
They can regenerate their lost body part
of fat etc.
[Epimorphosis] while in some species whole
47. Answer (2) organism can be regenerated from a small
Cockroach (Insecta) is an arthoropod (non- fragment [Morphollaxis].
chordate) has dorsal & neurogenic heart. Blood/ 54. Answer (4)
Haemolymph is colorless i.e. without any
respiratory pigment. Rhabditis is an example of free-living
48. Answer (3)
Mantle/pallium is a delicate layer of skin that gets Larva formed in Ascaris is rhabditiform.
folded over visceral hump & secretes calcareous 55. Answer (3)
shell. Echinococcus [Dog tape worm]
49. Answer (2) Belongs to class cestoda of platyhelminthes.
Aquatic mollusc show ctenidial respiration i.e. Acoelomate, bilateral symmetry, protostomic
through gills. endoparasite.
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Chapter 2
4. Answer (2)
Branchiostoma [Cephalochordate]
Objective Type Questions
Only chordates that retain all basic characters i.e.
1. Answer (3) notochord, post-anal tail & gill slits throughout life
so called ideal chordates.
Notochord of chordates is solid, mesodermal &
ventral to nerve cord. Urochordates
Notochord & tail present only in larval stages.
Nerve Pharynx
Digestive Notochord may or may not persist in adult.
cord Notochord tube
Tail may or may not persist in adult.
Gills get replaced by lungs in higher animals.
5. Answer (4)
Given animal is Lamprey. [Cyclostomata]
Post-anal part
Mouth Ectoparasite on fishes
Paired-gill slits
Jawless (Agnatha) suctorial & circular mouth.
Notochord persists along with cartilaginous
2. Answer (1) vertebrae.
Chordates have following features that differentiate Paired fins are present in Gnathostomes only.
them from non-chordates :
6. Answer (2)
Ammocete larva forms a connecting link between
Pharyngeal gill slits cephalochordata & cyclostomata.
Post anal tail 7. Answer (2)
Ventral heart Chimaera [Chondrichthyes]
Hollow, single & dorsal nerve cord/CNS. Males have claspers on pelvic fin that act as
copulatory organ.
3. Answer (2)
Operculum present.
Ascidia [Urochordate]
Cloaca absent; urino-genital opening separate.
Open cirulatory system
Internal fertilization.
Tubular Heart
Chimaera is connecting link between
Blood with pigment haemovanadin chondrichthyes and osteichthyes.
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382 Animal Kingdom (Chordates) Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
8. Answer (4) 14. Answer (2)
• Rheoreceptors help in sensing direction of Macropus and Didelphis [Marsupials]
water currents. • Viviparous and females with 2 uteri (didelphic)
• Rheoreceptors are present in all fishes (known and 2 vagina.
as neuromast organs) & aquatic amphibians. • Placenta is less developed (vitello-chorionic
9. Answer (3) placenta) & nipples are abdominal unlike
eutherians that have allanto-chorionic placenta
Ampulla of Lorenzini (thermoreceptors) is the & nipples can be abdominal or thoracic.
character of Chondrichthyes (Scoliodon)
15. Answer (3)
10. Answer (1)
Flightless birds like ostrich & kiwi
• Frog shows external fertilization but parrot
Syrinx, keel, preengland absent generally.
Bones are not pneumatic in some flightless birds
• Camel possess cutaneous glands unlike crow. like penguin but in ostrich some are solid & some
• Man has only left systemic arch while are pneumatic.
crocodile has both. Bones are solid, may be to adopt to different
habits like running, swimming etc.
11. Answer (2)
16. Answer (2)
Flying fish modified pectoral fin [Not truely
flying]. (i) A, B & C are oviparous and only D is
Dog fish Egg case called mermaid purse
(ii) A & B do not posses a diaphragm unlike C &
Sucker fish Modified dorsal fin
Rat fish Placoid scales in young stage [Scales (iii) A is Ectothermic while B, C & D are
then absent]
12. Answer (1) (iv) A & B have monocondylic skull while C & D
• Diaphragm is present in all mammals. have dicondylic skull.
(v) Only B, C & D have 12 pairs of cranial nerves;
• Pinna is absent in aquatic & egg laying
A has 10 pairs.
17. Answer (2)
• Testes are abdominal in aquatic & egglaying
mammals and elephants. Torpedo [Electric ray, chondrichthyes]
Electric organ is modified muscles present
• Number of cervical vertebrae is generally 7 but
between eyes & nostrils.
may vary like in Manatee 6 Sloth 9
18. Answer (1)
13. Answer (2)
All the given characters belong to Ichthyophis
(i) Air sacs are avascular so don’t participate in (limbless amphibian)
gaseous exchange.
19. Answer (2)
(ii) Air sacs act as reservoirs & take part in
movements of air during respiration, at Scroll/Spiral valve in intestine of fish is (twisted
expiration they act as bellows forcing their air ileum)
out of lungs leaving no dead space. Resposinble for increase surface area for
(iii) Lungs are non-elastic in birds & store no air absorption.
unlike other vertebrates. 20. Answer (1)
(iv) Air sacs act as cooling devices for temperature Poison glands are modified parotid salivary
regulation to compensate for sweat glands. gland.
This is done by internal perspiration i.e. water
Fangs of snakes are modified maxillary teeth.
diffuses from blood into cavities of air sacs &
pass out through lungs, accompanied by loss Haemotoxins kill R.B.Cs, disrupt clotting &
of body heat. cause organ degeneration.
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Animal Kingdom (Chordates) 383
21. Answer (3) 31. Answer (4)
(i) Crocodilians are exception to 3-chambered Fishes, reptiles and birds have monocondylic
heart with partially divided ventricle condition. skull.
(ii) Gills are present in adult amphibians like Amphibians and mammals have dicondylic
Necturus, Proteus etc. skull.
(iv) Mammary glands without teats are present in
32. Answer (1)
prototherians. (Ornithorhynchus).
Chondrichthyes have ventral while osteichthyes
22. Answer (2)
have terminal mouth.
• Chameleon and Chelone are amniotes with
33. Answer (1)
internal fertilization.
Paired appendages are a character of
• Pristis is an anamoniate with internal
Gnathostomes only.
23. Answer (3) 34. Answer (2)
Flight muscles are attached to the keel of All given characters given in the table belong to
sternum. class Aves and Osteichthyes.
24. Answer (4) 35. Answer (2)
Scoliodon & Carcharadon [Chondrichthyes] have to Last 3-4 tail vertebrae of birds fuse to form
swim constantly to avoid sinking as they lack air pygostyle and at the base of tail is uropygial/preen
bladder that maintains hydrostatis. gland.
25. Answer (2)
Loreal pit Thermoreceptor in snakes. SECTION - B
Jacobson organ Olfactory in receptor reptiles.
Assertion - Reason Type Questions
Neuromost cells Rheoreceptor in fishes.
Cochlea Auditory receptor in mammals. 36. Answer (1)
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384 Animal Kingdom (Chordates) Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
41. Answer (3) 51. Answer (2)
Axolotl larva displays paedogenesis i.e. Crop in alimentary canal of birds serves two
reproduction by larva that gives rise to an immature functions :
adult. Storage of food
42. Answer (4) Secretion of crop milk/pigeon milk by both
In Pipa, female shows parental care. parents.
43. Answer (3) 52. Answer (3)
Lungs of birds can’t store air like other vertebrates Only reptiles and birds have monocondylic skull,
so air sacs supplement respiration by acting as mammals have dicondylic skull.
bellows as explained in Q.13. 53. Answer (3)
44. Answer (1) Contraction of diaphragm/phrenic muscle.
Hemidactylus and Aptenodytes have cledoic eggs
that help in successful terrestrial survival so there
increase in volume of thoracic cavity antero-
will be no need of water for fertilization as amniotic
posteriorly that leads to in volume of pulmonary
fluids acts as personal pool for developing embryo.
45. Answer (3)
Only males have pelvic claspers that act as
Decrease in pressure [Boyle’s law]
copulatory organs and can be used as a character
of sexual dimorphism.
46. Answer (1) Inhalation of air from high partial pressure to low
partial pressure by simple diffusion.
All mammals have diaphragm and mammary
glands. 54. Answer (1)
47. Answer (1) Herdmania & Ascidia are primitive chordates
Amphibians have noncledoic eggs.
as larva loses notochord, tail & nerve cord during
48. Answer (2) metamorphosis.
Air cavities are present in long bones of birds to 55. Answer (1)
make them light as a flight adaptation.
Testudo is a vertebrate while Branchiostoma is
49. Answer (3) a non-vertebrate but both are chordates as
Exocetus is bony fish that has swim bladder which they have notochord at some stage of their life.
helps to maintain buoyancy in water unlike sharks But in Testudo, notochord gets replaced by
that lack air bladder. vertebral column in adult.
50. Answer (4) 56. Answer (4)
Lung fishes have both gills & lungs for Fishes have mesodermal scales and lines can
respiration. be used to determine age of fishes [Cycloid
Lung fishes are connecting link between fishes scales].
& amphibians. Reptiles have ectodermal scales.
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Chapter 3
Structural Organisation in Animals
(Animal Tissues)
7. Answer (2)
Desmosomes & hemidesmosomes both are
Objective Type Questions adhering junctions but desmosomes facilitate the
1. Answer (4) adjoining of two adjacent cells together while
Basement membrane underlying epithelial hemidesmosomes allow adhesion of a cell to non-
tissue is cellular underlying basal lamina of basement
Outer layer
comprised of 2 layers 8. Answer (3)
Inner layer Gap Junction facilitate communication between
Outer layer is comprised of glycoproteins & 2 cells by adjoining their cytoplasm.
mucopolysaccharides [Hyaluronic acid]. 9. Answer (2)
Inner layer is comprised of reticular fibres. Fibroblasts are the most abundant cells in
2. Answer (1) connective tissue that secretes matrix & fibres.
Lung alveoli, blood vessels and peritoneum are Histiocytes are macrophages of connective
lined by simple squamous epithelium (single tissue.
layered). Plasma cells form antibodies.
3. Answer (2) Mast cells secrete heparin, histamine &
Brunner’s gland Compound tubular serotonin.
Oil gland Branched alveolar 10. Answer (1)
Submandibular gland Compound alveolar Mast cells secrete - Heparin [Anticoagulant]
4. Answer (3) Histamine [Vasodilators]
Vas deferens and epididymis Stereociliated Serotonin [Vasoconstrictors]
epithelium urethra of male & parotid salivary gland 11. Answer (4)
duct Pseudostratified columnar
Ligament connects bone to bone while tendon is
Larynx & Oesophagus Non-keratinized stratified attaching bone to muscle.
12. Answer (1)
5. Answer (2)
White fat Brown fat
Mammary glands are a type of apocrine gland
Comprised of Multilocular
where a bit of cytoplasm is also released out
through cell along with the secretory product. monolocular white brown adipocyte
6. Answer (4) adipocyte
In transitional epithelium, Produces 20 times
more heat than white
Inner layer Cuboidal cells
Intermediate layers 2-3 layers of polygonal cells
(More number of
Outer layer Large, flat oval cells. mitochondria)
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386 Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
13. Answer (2) 23. Answer (4)
Leptin hormone is produced by adipocytes that Lymph = Blood - [R.B.Cs + platelets + Large
help in weight management. plasma proteins]
Lecithin is a phospholipid present in cell 24. Answer (1)
Striated/Skeletal/Voluntary muscle firbres are
Melanin is skin pigment.
syncytial or multinucleated.
Melatonin is tryptophan derivative hormone
secreted by pineal gland. 25. Answer (4)
14. Answer (1)
Growth of cartilage is unidirectional while of bone I-band A-band
is bidirectional.
15. Answer (2)
Hyaline cartilage Larynx, nasal septum,
tracheal rings & ribs
Yellow elastic cartilage Eustachian tube, H-zone
epiglottis & pinna.
Joints between vertebrae White fibrocartilage. SARCOMERE
16. Answer (4)
Nucleus pulposus is remnant of notochord present 26. Answer (1)
in intervertebral disc.
In intestine, stomach & urinary bladder single unit
17. Answer (4)
smooth muscles are present.
Pubic symphysis is present where two pubic
bones meet ventrally. [White fibro cartilage] 27. Answer (2)
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28. Answer (1) 35. Answer (2)
As explained in Q.25 with diagram White fat is monolocular while brown fat is
P Sarcomere
Q Z-line
Brown adipocytes have more mitochondria so
produce large amount of energy.
R H-zone
36. Answer (2)
S A-band
With the help of Canaliculi, one osteocyte
T I-band communicates with another osteocyte through gap
29. Answer (2)
37. Answer (1)
Nissl’s Granules are present only in Cyton &
dendrites of a neuron. Growth of Bone is bidirectional i.e. forward &
downward elongation of bone as osteoblasts are
Comprised of RER + Ribosomes; help in present towards periosteum & endosteum.
protein synthesis. 38. Answer (2)
30. Answer (3) Matrix of hyaline cartilage is apparently fibreless &
Microglial cells are a type of macrophages that glass like but translucent as it consists of very few
are derived from monocytes of blood that entered fibres in the ground substance.
into nervous tissue during embryonic period. 39. Answer (2)
Pseudo (false) stratified (multilayered) epithelium is Osteoclasts are macrophages that are derived from
comprised of Single layer cells. blood cell line not through osteogenic precursors.
42. Answer (2)
Transitional epithelium is found in urinary
bladder & ureters. Lymph = Blood – [R.B.Cs + platelets + large
plasma proteins].
33. Answer (2)
Gap Junction facilitate rapid transfer of ions & small
Lymph is colourless as there is no coloured
molecules by adjoining cytoplasm of adjacent respiratory pigment in W.B.Cs.
cells. 43. Answer (3)
34. Answer (2) Cardiac muscles are functionally syncytium
Allergens/Injury in a tissue not structurally like skeletal muscles
Cells interconnected by specialized membrane
Stimulates mast cells with gap junctions to facilitate rapid
contractions of muscles along their entire
Secretion of histamine
44. Answer (2)
Actin [in I-band] & myosin (in A-band) are
Increase in diameter & permeability of blood contractile proteins.
45. Answer (3)
Cardiac muscle fibres have longest refractory
Inflammation [Swelling, pain, redness] period.
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388 Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
46. Answer (4) 49. Answer (4)
No neurilemma is present in CNS that brings
Only I-band disappearance during contraction
out regeneration.
& A-band remaining constant.
Schwann cells (a type of glial cells) are
present in PNS only & their wrapping around Sarcomere is the contractile unit found
axons of PNS is called neurilemma. between two Z-lines.
47. Answer (3)
50. Answer (1)
Microglia are smallest glial cells.
48. Answer (2) Due to the presence of peripheral clumps of
Myelin sheath is formed by schwann cells in PNS heterochromatin, plasma cells give cart wheel
& Oligodendrocytes in CNS. appearance to nucleus.
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Chapter 4
Structural Organisation in Animals
(Animal Morphology)
5. Answer (2)
• Location of Gizzard 8th – 9th segment
Objective Type Questions
1. Answer (3) Function Grinding of food.
[Only (a) & (d) are correct] • Humic acid is neutralized by secretion of
Calciferous glands of stomach.
• The first segment of Earthworm that is
surrounding mouth is Peristomium. 6. Answer (1)
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390 Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Morphology) Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
Plantulae are small adhesive pods that are located Outermost layer by Phallic gland
at each joint of tarsus while Arolium / Pulvillus is Middle layer by Ejaculatory duct
present on last tarsomere called as pretarus.
Inner most layer by long tubules of
13. Answer (2) mushroom gland.
• Anal styles & phallic gland are present in male 19. Answer (1)
cockroach only.
Phallic gland Conglobate gland in males only.
• Anal cerci & Arthrodial membrane are present
Mushroom gland Utricular gland in males only.
in both
Collaterial gland in females only.
• Ovipositor is present in males only.
20. Answer (4)
14. Answer (2)
(i) Female cockroach produces 9 – 10 oothecae
• Septal nephridia in Earthworm and malpighian
with 14 – 16 fertilized eggs in each.
tubule in Cockroach
(ii) Development is Paurometabolous.
absorb nitrogenous waste from body fluid & then
discharge it into intestine so that waste is removed (iii) Wings are present only in Adult.
out through Anus.
21. Answer (3)
• Probably it is a mode of conservation of water.
Prothoracic gland secretes prothoracic gland
15. Answer (3) hormone [PTGH]/Ecdysone / Moulting hormone.
Because most of the nervous system of cockroach 22. Answer (3)
is situated along the ventral side of body, so it
(i) In female cockroach, 7th sternum is boat shaped
survives for a week even when the head is cut
that forms Genital pouch along with 8th & 9th
16. Answer (2) sterna.
Periplaneta Blatta (ii) In male , Genital pouch is surrounded by 9th
• Well developed • Not so well developed. sternum & 9th and 10th terga.
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25. Answer (4) 32. Answer (4)
(i) Junction of Gizzard & midgut is marked by the A pair of Anterior loops are present in 10th & 11th
presence of 6 – 8 blind tubules called as Hepatic segment, that connect supra – oesophageal vessel
cecae or intestinal cecae. to Lateral oesophageal vessel.
(ii) Junction of midgut - s hindgut is marked by the 33. Answer (2)
presence of 100 – 150 yellow thread like
structures called as malpighian tubules. Blood glands in Earthworm are found in 4th, 5th &
6th segments [Pharyngeal segment] produce blood
(iii) Junction of Gizzard & midgut is marked by the
cells (Leucocytes) & Haemoglobin.
presence of 6-8 blind tubules called as hepatic
cecae or intestinal cecae. 34. Answer (2)
26. Answer (1) Coelomic fluid excedes from the dorsal pores
situated along the mid dorsal line from groove of 12/
The digital formula for the forelimbs of frog is 02233.
13 segment & keeps the skin moist.
The digit formula for the Hindlimbs of frog is 22343
35. Answer (2)
27. Answer (1)
Earthworm is a bisexual animal, shows External &
Bidder’s canal present in kidney of male frog and cross fertilization as they are protandrous.
receives sperms from testes that are attached to
kidney through mesorchium. 36. Answer (1)
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392 Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Morphology) Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
Fat bodies of cockroach have different types of cells Phallic gland Conglobate gland in males only.
that perform different functions : Mushroom gland Utricular gland in males only.
Like urate cells [store & accumulate urate crystals Collaterial gland in females only.
& uric acid] Phallic gland in male cockroch ie also known
conglobate gland & takes part in formation of outer
Trophocytes [to store fat] layer of spermatophore.
Oenocytes [regulate internal metabolism] 45. Answer (1)
• Retinal pigment sneath covers the Rhabdome/ Prothoracic gland secretes prothoracic gland
hormone [PTGH]/Ecdysone / Moulting hormone.
Retina only.
Juvenile Hormone is secreted by corpora allata.
• Crystalline cone is surrounded by Iris pigment
47. Answer (3)
Female genital pouch has female genital pore,
42. Answer (2) spermathecal pores, Collaterial glands etc.
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Chapter 5
5. Answer (4)
Objective Type Questions
A yellow pigment fromCurcuma longa.
1. Answer (3) Used as spice & food colouring agent.
Chemical analysis of living tissues Anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory properties
6. Answer (3)
Lactose [Galactose + Glucose; ,1 4 Glycosidic
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394 Biomolecules Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
9. Answer (3) 17. Answer (4)
Starch is a branched homopolymer of glucose &
inulin is a homopolymer of fructose. Enkephalin
(i) Threonine is an alcoholic amino acid. (i) Enterokinase converts trypsinogen into trypsin.
(ii) Cysteine is a sulphur containing amino acid (ii) Antifreeze proteins [AFPs] bind to small ice
(ii) Methionine is a sulphur containing amino acid. crystals to inhibit growth & recrystallization of
16. Answer (1) ice that would other wise be fatal.
Given structure is of tyrosine amino acid. (iii) Transferases transfer functional groups.
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Biomolecules 395
23. Answer (1) 30. Answer (3)
Replacement of Glutamic acid by valine results in the two strands are anti-parallel, plectonemically
sickle cell anemia. (at position 6) coiled.
Single nucleotide mutation in -globin gene & 5’3’
referred as HbS as opposed to normal adult HbA. 3’5’
24. Answer (2)
GLUT (Glucose Transporter)– 4, enables glucose
transport in cells. Assertion - Reason Type Questions
or Hexacosanol R R R
Oleic acid 1 double bond Tertiary structure has crevice/pocket like structure
(active site) that binds to substrate on the basis of
Linolenic acid 3 double bond structural configuration.
Linolenic acid 2 double bond 38. Answer (1)
Arachidonic acid 4 double bond Non-caloric & non-sweeteners can be used by
Diabetic patients as they are calorie free.
29. Answer (4)
39. Answer (4)
Adenine is a double ring purine base.
Small globular proteins are soluble in water & large
Thymine is a single ring pyrimidine base. globular proteins get coagulated by heat.
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396 Biomolecules Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
40. Answer (2) 44. Answer (3)
Enzyme with EC number 5 2.1.6 belongs to class
HOH2C Adenine Isomerase.
H represents class of enzyme.
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Chapter 6
8. Answer (1)
z Common bite duct + Duct of wirsung or Main
Objective Type Questions
pancreatic duct = Hepatopancreatic duct.
1. Answer (4)
(i) Human teeth are Heterodont [incisor, canines, z Duct of santorini is accessory pancreatic duct
premolars and molars] that opens directly into duodenum.
(ii) Tusks of walrus are modified canines. z Stensen’s duct is duct of parotid gland.
(iii) Enamel is Ectodermal in origin and made up of
9. Answer (2)
2. Answer (1) Loss of Gastric glands
Ascending colon is shortest and sigmoid colon is
3. Answer (3) Loss of secretion of CIF
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398 Digestion and Absorption Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
+ z Bent bones.
Primary active Marasmus
ATP transport.
z Deficiency of protein and calories in infants.
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Digestion and Absorption 399
27. Answer (2) 35. Answer (1)
Lack of roughage results in low motility Acrodont z When teeth are present outside socket.
Faecal matter gets accumulated in rectum
Halitosis z Bad Breath.
Cleft palate [Cleft split/cleave]
z Failure of fusion of two palatine bones.
Bleedy and leaky rectal veins
36. Answer (1)
z Triglycerides Glycerol + 3 fatty acids
z Cholesterol Sterol.
Haemoptysis-the coughing up of blood.
z Phospholipid Glycerol + 2 fatty acid +
28. Answer (3) 1 phosphate attached to N-containing group.
(i) Dorsal respiratory group in medulla regulates 37. Answer (2)
breathing normally.
Total amount taken X physiological calorific value.
(ii) Hunger centre is located in hypothalamus.
Butter 5 × 9.0 k cal/gm
(iii) Broca’s Area in cerebrum controls speech.
Pulses 20 × 4.0 k cal/gm
29. Answer (1)
Rice 100 × 4.0 k cal/gm
z ORS [Oral rehydration solution] helps to restore
water-salt balance. Total 525 k cal/gm
z Ibuprofen is pain-killer 38. Answer (2)
z Antacids reduce acidity specially in stomach. Meconium is green colored waste of foetus that
contains engulfed amniotic fluid and excreta from
z Paracetamol is anti-pyretic i.e., lowers down the
30. Answer (2) SECTION - B
White of egg contains avidin protein that prevents
absorption of B7. Assertion-Reason Type Questions
31. Answer (2) 39. Answer (1)
z Uridyl transferase is required to convert galactose Premolars appear only in permanent teeth so they
into glucose. are monophyodont.
z Deficiency results in accumulation of galactose 40. Answer (2)
i.e., Galactosemia that causes mental z Raw fish has enzyme Thiaminase that can
retardation. destroy vitamin B 1 and can result into B 1
32. Answer (1) deficiency/Beri-beri.
Waldeyer’s Ring has following tonsils. z Raw fish has certain neurotoxins [like saxitoxin]
that attack CNS and can cause muscle paralysis
Pharyngeal tonsil
and respiratory failure.
Tubal tonsil
Eustachian tube 41. Answer (4)
Palatine tonsil CIF is secreted by oxyntic cells and vitamin
B12/CEF is absorbed by CIF
Lingual tonsil 42. Answer (1)
33. Answer (3) Single unit smooth muscles with gap junction are
Duodenum is C-shaped while Jejunum has many present in GIT.
circular folds i.e., plica circulare. 43. Answer (1)
34. Answer (4) HCN is a colorless, poisonous gas is one of the toxic
Miling and polishing of rice eliminates nutrients; thus by products present in cigarette smoke that gets
no vitamin in polished rice. metabolized to form thiocynate.
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400 Digestion and Absorption Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
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Chapter 7
Pleurobrachia Body surface (iv) CO2 combines with amino terminal of globin of
Hb of form Hb CO2.
Limulus Book gills
6. Answer (2)
Locusta Trachea
2. Answer (2) Alveolar ventilation rate = [TV – Dead space]
Breathing rate
> In Birds, air sacs are thin walled, membranous
non-muscular, non-vascular structures that act = [500 – 150] 12
as accessory respiratory organs.
= 350 12
> Act as reservoir but don’t participate in exchange
of gases. = 4200 m/min
(ii) Trachea divides into primary bronchi (right and 7. Answer (4)
left) at the level of 5th thoracic vertebrae.
Vital capacity = TV + IRV + ERV
(iii) Incomplete (C-shaped) cartilaginous rings are
present in trachea, bronchi and initial > All three can be calculated on spirometer.
bronchioles. > RV can’t be calculated on spirometer so FRC
(iv) Exchange of gases occurs at respiratory and TLC can’t be calculated.
bronchioles, Alveolar sac and Alveoli.
8. Answer (3)
4. Answer (3)
> During, inspiration a negative pressure is
> CO 2 of arterial blood principally regulates maintained in pulmonary cavity (i.e. approx. 758
breathing as it acts directly on respiratory center mm Hg) as compared to atmospheric pressure
itself, causing greatly increased strength of both
(i.e. 760 mm Hg) so the air moves in from high
the inspiratory and expiratory motor signals to
pressure to low pressure by simple diffusion.
the respiratory muscles.
> O2, in contrast acts almost entirely on peripheral > At the end of inspiration vol. of air in lungs is
chemoreceptors that transmit appropriate FRC + TV i.e. 2600 – 2800 ml. While FRC is
nervous signals to respiratory centre. ERV + RV i.e. 2100 – 2300 ml.
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402 Breathing and Exchange of Gases Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
9. Answer (1) 15. Answer (2)
z Buffering of CO2 by oxyhaemoglobin occurs z Hyperventilation is exhaling more than you
during O2 transport [Haldane effect] into blood. inhale.
z HCO3 shift from R.B.Cs into plasma and Cl– z Low levels of CO2 causes blood pH to rise and
becomes too alkaline [Respiratory Alkalosis].
shift in R.B.C. in exchange [Chloride shift or
Hamburger phenomenon]. z Causes dizziness, muscle spasm, dry mouth,
heart palpitations, feeling short of breath.
z HCO3 binds to Na+/K+ in ECF.
16. Answer (4)
10. Answer (3)
The affinity of CO with Hb is approx. 200 times
z Diaphragm increases volume of thoracic cavity more as that of O2 so it readily combines with Hb
Antero-posteriorly. to form Hb.CO.
z Ribs and sternum increase volume of thoracic 17. Answer (4)
cavity in the dorso-ventral axis.
Recovery oxygen uptake after exercise is used to
z Phrenic and intercostal muscles generate
pressure gradient in thoracic cavity. z Restore O2 removed from Mb.
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Breathing and Exchange of Gases 403
24. Answer (4) 32. Answer (3)
z Apneustic breathing is characterized by z Due to positive pressure breathing, mouth
prolonged inspiration gap with a pause at full remains closed at the time of pulmonary
inspiration. breathing to maintain high pressure in buccal
z It sends signals to DRG to delay the shut off cavity so eating and breathing cannot be
signal of pneumotaxic centre. possible at same time.
z This occurs due to sudden trauma or lesion on z In reptiles, birds and mammals where a
wall of lower pons. negative pressure is maintained in lungs as
compared to atmospheric pressure so
25. Answer (1) breathing and eating can be done at same
z Central chemoreceptors are mainly affected by time.
H+ in CSF indirectly from CO2 in blood. 33. Answer (1)
z Peripheral chemoreceptors affected by
Dead space consists of the air that never passed
arterial O2.
to lungs and no exchange occurs in dead space
26. Answer (3) like [Trachea, pharynx etc.] When expired air gets
mixed with this air the partial pressure of CO2
27. Answer (3)
34. Answer (1)
Cyanide causes cytotoxic hypoxia as there is
z Increase in pCO2 shifts the oxygen-dissociation
diminished cellular metabolic capacity for using O2
curve towards right. [BOHR’S EFFECT].
because of no flow of electron through ETC. and
makes the respiratory enzyme not sensitive/ HbO2 + CO2 HbCO2 + O2
receptive to substrate by binding non-competitively.
z To obtain oxygen dissociation curve pO2 has to
28. Answer (1) be increased so the value of P50 increase.
100 ml. blood carries 20 ml. of O2 but supplies 15
ml. of O2 to tissue during strenuous exercise.
Value of pO2 at which 50% Hb gets saturated.
SECTION - B 35. Answer (2)
CO2 is having more solubility (in water) and more 38. Answer (1)
affinity for Hb as compared to O2.
Coelomic fluid oozes out of dorsal pores to keep
31. Answer (4) the skin of earthworm moist and it facilitates
cutaneous respiration in earthworm.
Bronchitis is inflammation of bronchi mainly caused
by environmental pollutants. 39. Answer (1)
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404 Breathing and Exchange of Gases Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
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Chapter 8
Body Fluids and Circulation
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406 Biotechnology Principle and Process Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Biotechnology Principle and Process 407
28. Answer (2) 38. Answer (2)
Angina pectoris Frank starling Law Already explained.
Acute chest pain due to O2 supply (ischaemia) Fick’s principle Cardiac output =
due to atherosclerosis (blockage due to deposition Oxygen consumption per minute
of cholesterol). Concn of oxygen in – Oxygen concn.
29. Answer (2) oxygenated blood in deoxygenated blood
High Na+ intake will increase blood pressure & thus Bowditch principle All or none Law
decreases heart rate & contractility 39. Answer (3)
Polycythemia is abnormal increase in R.B.C count
30. Answer (4)
Frank starling law states that the heart equalizes SECTION - B
the output of the right & left ventricles and keeps the
same volume of blood following to both the systemic Assertion-Reason Type Questions
& pulmonary circulation.
40. Answer (1)
31. Answer (4)
Albumins maintain high solute concentration in blood
CABG A surgical procedure in which a blood & thus regulate flow of plasma across the membrane.
vessel from another part of body is grafted to coronary 41. Answer (2)
artery to bypass an area of blockage. Macrophages have variable names in different
PTCA A non-surgical procedure to treat CAD tissues; clasmatocytes in connective tissue.
where a stent is a metallic, fine wire tube i.e., 42. Answer (2)
permanently placed in an artery to keep the artery Antibodies against donor’s R.B.Cs in host will perform
open & allow the blood to circulate. phagocytosis & haemolysis occurs.
32. Answer (4) 43. Answer (3)
Leaky & bleeding veins are called varicose/ Rh negative people will have antibodies against Rh
haemmorhoids. antigen only when they are exposed to Rh antigen.
44. Answer (4)
33. Answer (2)
Plasma thromboplastin (intrinsic pathway) is also
QRS complex represents ventricular depolarisation
involved in blood clotting.
S-T internal represents ventricular contraction
45. Answer (3)
T wave represents ventricular repolarisation
Deficiency of factor IX-anti hemophilia-B factor causes
34. Answer (2) christmas disease / Haemophilia-B.
Myocardial infarction Death of a part of heart due 46. Answer (1)
to interrupted blood & O2 supply. Pericardium is comprised of 2 layers:
35. Answer (3)
Lymphocytes are present in lymph.
36. Answer (4) Parietal Visceral
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Chapter 09
7. Answer (2)
Glomerular filtration pressure is opposed by plasma
Objective Type Questions protein pressure (i.e. Colloidal osmotic pressure)
1. Answer (3) so net pressure that favour glomerular filtration is
(50-27) 23 mm Hg.
z Ammonia is highly toxic [than urea and uric
acid] 8. Answer (1)
z Ammonia needs maximum amount of water for FW 50 mosmolL–1
its Excretion.
2. Answer (2)
300 mosmolL–1
Urea in shark and TMAO in bony fishes are used
to maintain desired osmolarity as both are non-
3. Answer (3) Will suffer from Endosmosis
Buthus - Guanine Maintains osmoregulations by active
Uptake of ions as water is moving inside
(Scorpion) through Gills and skin by diffusion.
Ambystoma - Ammonia 9. Answer (1)
(Tiger salamander) Juxta glomerular cells that secrete renin are
Land snail - Uric acid mainly present in afferent arteriole and some in
efferent arteriole.
Carcharodon - Urea
4. Answer (1) 10. Answer (2)
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410 Excretory Products and their Elimination Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
11. Answer (3) 18. Answer (2)
in concentration of plasma proteins z Glucose, Bicarbonates and sodium are
absorbed in PCT so none of them is present
at the end of PCT.
plasma has lower colloidal osmotic pressure
z Creatinine has to be secreted out.
19. Answer (4)
less opposing force to GFR
Water reabsorption is obligatory in PCT while
facultative in DCT and collecting duct.
in GFR (Under the influence of ADH).
12. Answer (3) z Parathhormone increases Ca2+ resorption from
Haemoglobin is a respiratory pigment present in bones to maintain Ca2+ in ECF and decrease
R.B.Cs that carries 4 oxygen molecules bound to phosphate reabsorption from renal tubules.
Fe2+ z 90% of the water is reabsorbed by PCT
13. Answer (1) [obligatory] and rest 10% is facultative i.e.
PCT is the site of maximum absorption; 100%. under the control of ADH.
Glucose and amino acids are absorbed in PCT; so 20. Answer (3)
they are not present in urine of a normal person. Urea gets filtered by pressure based passive
14. Answer (3) filtration through glomerulus.
Sympathetic stimulation causes relaxation of 21. Answer (1)
urinary bladder while parasympathetic stimulation z ANF (Atrial natriuretic peptides is secreted by
causes contraction of urinary bladder and Atria of heart and acts as a vasodilator and
relaxation of urethral sphincters thus facilitating. thus helps to reduce B.P.
z It also acts as a switch off signal to RAAs.
z Diabetes insipidus means in ADH secretion
resulting in more urine output. 22. Answer (2)
z Renal arterial pressure will cause . Extrinsic / Neurogenic regulation is done Ans
ADH is responsible for water absorption from DCT 23. Answer (3)
and collecting duct [Facultative absorption.] z PAH [ Para - aminohippurate] passes through
16. Answer (1) kidneys and therefore, the rate at which
kidneys can clear PAH from the blood reflects
Vasa-recta Counter current exchanger juxta total renal plasma flow.
medullary nephrons.
z Inulin is small, inert polysaceharide molecule
17. Answer (2) that readily passes through the glomeruli into
z Blood loss, dehydration and blood urine without being reabsorbed by renal
osmolarity will cause in vol. of blood. tubules.
z When a substance is freely filtered and not
osmoreceptor send a signal to hypothalamus reabsorbed or secreted by renal tubules, then
the rate at which that substance is excreted in
urine is equal to the filteration rate of the
trigger pituitary substance by kidneys.
24. Answer (3)
release of ADH (i) in plasma albumin
water absorption in blood colloidal osmotic pressure
blood volume becomes normal in GFR.
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Excretory Products and their Elimination 411
(ii) dilation of afferent arterioles 32. Answer (1)
Henle loop is responsible to make urine Hypertonic
in GHP by reabsorption of water.
(4) (1)
Lowest clearance - Glucose Argino
Renal calculus - Oxalates
Diuresis clearance - Alcohol Aspartate
29. Answer (3)
3 ATP are required for synthesis of urea in urea 38. Answer (4)
cycle. All are ketone bodies
30. Answer (2)
z Diabetes mellitus, when glucose is not utilized CH3 CH3
by cells so there is in blood sugar.
z Body uses fat to create energy so more ketone
bodies are released due to burning of fat.
z Presence of ketones bodies in urine represents H3C OH
ketonuria. -hydrobutyric acid
31. Answer (3) O O
Arginase is required at last step of ornithine cycle
when Arginine is hydrolysed into ornithine and
urea. Acetoacetic acid
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412 Excretory Products and their Elimination Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
49. Answer (2)
z in blood volume due to absorption of Na+
Assertion - Reason Type Questions (influence of aldosterone) and water (influence
39. Answer (1) of ADH), atria of heart releases ANF to switch
off RAAs to maintain constant osmolarity of
Down the descending limb of loop of Henle solute blood and GFR.
concentration increases [i.e. from 300 400
600 800 .... 1200] as water is absorbed and z Immunosuppressants can be given to inhibit
this segment is almost impermeable for exaggerated responses of immune system
electrolytes. towards body’s own cells.
40. Answer (3) 50. Answer (4)
Uric acid is insoluble in water. z Maximum urea in hepatic vein.
41. Answer (2) Minimum urea in renal vein.
All metanephric kidney [in Amniotes] have loop of z Urea is synthesized in liver.
Henle i.e. short in cortical but long in juxta- 51. Answer (1)
medullary nephrons.
z Organisms that can tolerate a wide range of
42. Answer (3) salinity are called euryhaline.
z Angiotensin II acts as a vasoconstrictor. z Organisms that live in a narrow range are
z Aldosterone stimulates absorption of Na+ in called stenohaline.
PCT and DCT. To further increase blood volume 52. Answer (2)
or GFR.
z Glomerulonephritis can be an autoimmune
z This is stimulated by a fall in RBF/GFR. condition also i.e. when antibodies attack
43. Answer (2) kidney.
Ammonia i.e. produced by deamination process in z Immunosuppressants can be given to inhibit
exaggerated responses of immune system
liver [Amino acid
glucose] is highly towards body’s own cells.
toxic and needs large amount of water for its
removal. 53. Answer (4)
44. Answer (4) z ADH acts on DCT and collecting duct for
reabsorption of water.
z Loop of Henle is short and vasa recta is
reduced or absent in cortical nephrons. z Alcohol is an inhibitor of ADH.
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Chapter 10
7. Answer (3)
Calsequestrin protein holds Ca2+ in sarcoplasmic
Objective Type Questions reticulum in resting muscle.
1. Answer (4) 8. Answer (4)
Knee and elbow joint are examples of hinge joint All or None principle :
as they allow movement only in one plane.
(i) A threshold stimulus causes an excitable cell
2. Answer (2) (nervel muscle) to contract maximally.
In given diagram,
(ii) Below threshold value no contraction.
A is fascicle
Above threshold value maximum
B is myofibril contraction.
3. Answer (3) 9. Answer (1)
Myosin itself acts as an ATPase enzyme to
hydrolyse ATP to create energy i.e. required for
formation of cross-bridge.
4. Answer (3) A-band
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414 Locomotion and Movement Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
11. Answer (1) 18. Answer (3)
Cellular membranes become leaky Autoantibodies attack Ach receptors on muscle
after death
Ca2+ leak out of SR into sarcoplasm and allow Weakening of muscle due to non-binding of Ach
myosin heads to bind to actin
Injection of Ach E inhibitor
ATP synthesis Chases shortly after breathing
Ach start binding to receptor
(at least some)
Cross-bridges can’t detach
Muscles are in state of rigidity (Rigor mortis)
19. Answer (2)
12. Answer (2)
Low Ca2+ in body fluid [due to deficiency of PTH]
Sarcoplasmic reticulum is not high.
13. Answer (3)
More Ca2+ available for binding to troponin
Intercalated disc are a feature of cardiac muscles;
acts as booster of contraction as provided with gap
Contraction without stimulus
14. Answer (1)
Abdominal wall Cylindrical, unbranched,
multinucleated muscle.
No repolarisation
One myosin filament in a myofibril is surrounded
by 6 actin filaments. One action filament in a Latent period
myofibrl is surrounded by 3 myosin filaments.
20. Answer (2)
16. Answer (1)
Phosphocreatine helps in resynthesis of ATP in
An explained in Q.9 muscle.
17. Answer (1) 21. Answer (4)
Muscle The only movable bone in skull is mandible (Lower
Muscle glucose 22. Answer (3)
lactic acid
Patella is a sesamoid bone that originates by
Corl's ossification of tendon
23. Answer (3)
Blood Hyoid is the only bone that does not attach to any
lactic acid other bone directly.
Liver 24. Answer (2)
lactic acid
Glenoid cavity is present in scapula to which
20% oxidised humerous gets attached to form ball and socket
to CO 2 + H2O joint.
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Locomotion and Movement 415
25. Answer (2)
Superior Border
In embryonic stages C7T12L5S5Co4 Clavicle
(Vertebral formula) spinous Acromion process
Fossa Coracoid Process
In adult stages C7T12L5S(5)Co(4)
Glenoid Cavity
5 sacral vertebrae fused to form a synsacrum
4 coccygeal vertebrae fused to form a coccyx. Body of Scapula
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416 Locomotion and Movement Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
40. Answer (3) 43. Answer (2)
Bones are held together by white collagen fibres in Muscular dystrophy is a genetic disorder that
fibrous joints/fixed joints
occurs due to deficiency of dystrophin protein [i.e.
41. Answer (2) encoded by dystrophin gene.] Which helps in
Ribs are called bicephalic because they have two repairing of wear and tear of sarcolemma.
articulating surfaces on their dorsal end.
44. Answer (3)
42. Answer (2)
Visceral/smooth muscles are unstriated, involuntary Fatigue can be due to lack of oxygen or
muscles. accumulation of lactic acid.
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Chapter 11
8. Answer (3)
GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter while
Objective Type Questions adrenaline, Ach and Glutamate are excitatory
1. Answer (1) neurotransmitters
9. Answer (2)
Hypothalamus along limbic system is c/a
In photopigment, Opsin + Retinal are present. Emotional Brain.
Protein Aldehyde of Vitamin A 10. Answer (3)
Cerebellum is a part of Hind Brain.
2. Answer (3)
11. Answer (4)
Knee jerk reflex is a spinal reflex
Foramen of monro / interventricular foramen is
3. Answer (3) present between lateral ventricles & 3rd ventricles.
Nissl’s granules [RER + RNA] are present only in Lateral Ventricle
cyton & dendrites.
Interventricular Cerebrum
4. Answer (3) Foramen
Third Ventricle Diencephalon
Piamater Arachnoidmater Duramater
Cerebral Aqueduct Midbrain
5. Answer (2) Fourth Ventricle Pons
Polarity at site A when get reversed at generation Medulla Oblongata
of action potential is called as depolarisaction. Central Canal Spinal Cord
When membrane regains its resting potential, again Fig. : Schematic representation of the Ventricles
charging polarity is called repolarisation of Human brain
Function controlled by cerebrum : Facial (vii) is a mixed cranial nerve which supply to
Thinking, learning muscles of the face.
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418 Neural Control and Coordination Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Neural Control and Coordination 419
43. Answer (2)
Tympanic membrane ear drum transmits sound
Assertion - Reason Type Questions
vibrations to internal ear via ear ossicles
36. Answer (2) (M I S) foundin middle ear.
Cerebrum is largest part of brain i.e. divided into 44. Answer (4)
two cerebral hemispheres. Multipolar neurons have one Axon and many
Cerebellum is 2ndlargest part of brain and has dendrites. Multipolar neurons are found in adults in
highly convoluted surface. brain and spinal cord and apolar neuron’s in
37. Answer (2) embyo.
Neurons remain in G. phase and do not divide. 45. Answer (1)
They show Auxetic growth i.e. increase in cell size
Excitatory means to have ability to respond against
not in cell number.
a stimulus i.e. due to the potential difference
38. Answer (1) across the membrane mentained by Na+ – K +
In myelinated nerve fibres, impulse jumps from one pump.
node to another [Saltatory conduction] while in
46. Answer (3)
non-myelinated nerve fibres impulse travels from
one point to another. Convoluted surface is to increase the surface area.
39. Answer (2) 47. Answer (2)
Association area is present between sensory and Dorsal / posterior root Sensory in nature
motor neurons and relay impulses between them.
Ventral / Anterior root Motor in nature
Response is generated on the basis of previous
memory & experiences. 48. Answer (1)
40. Answer (3) Glaucoma can result into blindness due to
Organ of Corti helps in hearing while vestibular intraocular pressure that can damage the optic
apparatus helps to maintain equilibrium. nerve.
41. Answer (1) 49. Answer (1)
Conditioned reflexes are acquired after birth unlike
Alzheimer's disease is caused dme to
unconditioned reflexes
degeneration of cholinergic neuron. It is
42. Answer (3) characterised by less of memory also known as
Maximum refraction of light occurs at cornea. dementia.
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Chapter 12
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Chemical Coordination and Integration 421
12. Answer (4) 21. Answer (4)
Hormones are non-nutritive intercellular messengers Hormones are chemically steroids (Testosterone)
that are produced in trace amounts. Or
13. Answer (1) Proteins (Insulin)
Neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary) does not Or
secrete any hormone. It only stores and releases
Biogenic amines (Melatonin)
hormones [ADH × Oxytocin] secreted by
22. Answer (3)
Estrogen and testosterone are steroid hormones,
14. Answer (1)
lipophilic and thus bind to cytoplasmic receptors.
Thyroid gland is the only gland that stores its
23. Answer (3)
CRH decides timing of birth.
15. Answer (2)
Glucocorticoid/Cortisol mainly help in secretion of
T3/T4 (Iodothyronines) surfactant in lungs
Are derivatives of tyrosine 24. Answer (4)
Transported through blood
Exhibit calorigenic effect i.e. Heat production Relaxin, also known as uterine releasing factor is
responsible for relaxation of uterus and pubic
16.Answer (1)
symphysis at the time of parturition.
Calcitionin’/TCT is hypocalcemic hormone.
25. Answer (1)
It decreases blood calcium level by mobilizing it into
LH [Luetinizing hormone] is responsible for
development of corpus luteum from empty graafian
Collip’s hormone/PTH is hypercalcemic hormone. follicle and then ovulation by rupturing Graafian
17. Answer (4) follicle.
Decrease in PTH 26. Answer (1)
Inhibin acts on pituitary to suppress FSH.
Hypocalcemia Enterokinase is an enzyme required for activation of
ANF secreted by myocytes of wall of Atria.
Delay in blood clotting as Ca2+ is an important factor
in clotting. 27. Answer (3)
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422 Chemical Coordination and Integration Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
31. Answer (2) 42. Answer (3)
Proteinaceous hormones are not lipophilic, so bind Hypothalamus is connected to Anterior pituitary only
to the receptors on plasma membrane of target cell.
via hypophyseal portal circulation.
32. Answer (4)
43. Answer (4)
Regulatory hormones are secreted into hypophyseal
portal system through median eminence. Failure of secretion of vasopressin leads to diabetes
33. Answer (3) insipidus in patient i.e. Loss of excess water in urine.
Glucagon is hyperglycemic hormone that promotes Diabetes mellitus is due to hyposecretion of insulin.
glycogenolysis in hepatocytes. 44. Answer (1)
34. Answer (1)
Castration leads to decrease in testosterone that
Erythropoietin promotes R.B.C production and is
will cause high pitch voice as the vocal cords don’t
secreted by JG cells of kidney.
get mature in absence of androgen to enlarge in
35. Answer (3)
Alloxan is a toxic glucose analogue, which
selectively destroys insulin-producing cells in the 45. Answer (3)
pancreas. Adrenaline uses the cAMP as secondary
36. Answer (1) messenger so its concentration is increased.
Juvenile diabetes mellitus is due to no secretion of 46. Answer (1)
insulin as -cells have been destroyed or lost.
ANF acts as a vasodilator and thus helps in
decreasing blood pressure.
47. Answer (1)
Assertion - Reason Type Questions
Failure of secretion of testosterone lead to failure of
37. Answer (3) development of secondary sex organs and secondary
Insulin can’t be given orally as it is a protein and will sexual characters.
get digested by gastric enzymes.
48. Answer (2)
38. Answer (1)
Pitocin/oxytocin is secreted by hypothalamus and
Decrease in secretion of Glucocorticoids and
causes contractions of smooth muscles of uterus
mineralocorticoids will results into Addison’s disease.
to facilitate birth.
[Anemia, Anorexia, Low B.P, Low BHR etc]
39. Answer (3) 49. Answer (1)
Increase in estrogen may be due to tumour of adrenal Hormone - receptor complex causes alternation in
gland or Genetic disorder (Klinefilter syndrome) can gene expression by initiating transcription of desired
be a reason for Gynaecomastia. (Breast development genes.
in ). 50. Answer (2)
40. Answer (3) Corpus luteum secretes progesterone (mainly) and
Cortisol stimulates proteolysis and lipolysis. Estrogen to maintain pregnancy after ovulation.
41. Answer (3) 51. Answer (2)
Thyrocalcitonin is hypocalcaemia hormone that
Relaxin dilates uterus and public symphysis to
decreases blood calcium level by moving it into
facilitate birth.
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Chapter 13
Reproduction in Organisms
8. Answer (2)
z Gemmulation occurs in Spongilla but not in
Objective Type Questions Hydra.
Clones are genetically & morphologically identical z Menstrual cycle is present in primate
to their parent as they are formed by mitotic mammalian females.
division; there is no crossing over & thus no mixing 12. Answer (2)
of genes. Menstrual cycle occurs in primate females i.e.
6. Answer (2) monkeys, apes & humans.
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424 Reproduction in Organisms Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
15. Answer (3) 27. Answer (1)
z Gametogenesis that is formation of Gametes & Organisms exhibiting external fertilization release a
Gamete transfer are pre-fertilization events. large number of gametes as there are chances of
z Formation of zygote & Embryogenesis are destruction of gametes due to harsh environmental
post-fertilization events. conditions.
16. Answer (2) 28. Answer (2)
Male gametes are produced in much larger number
Gametes are transferred into female body with the
in comparison to female gametes to enhance
help of copulatory organ during internal fertilization.
chances of fertilization.
17. Answer (4) 29. Answer (2)
Male gamete is motile & small while female Spermatogenesis & oogenesis
gamete is non-motile/stationary in majority of Gamete transfer event
organisms including humans.
18. Answer (4) Embryogenesis Post-fertilisation event
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Reproduction in Organisms 425
z Formation of zygote & embryogenesis are
post-fertilization events.
Assertion - Reason Type Questions
z Cell division [i.e. increase in number of cells by
36. Answer (2) mitosis] & cell differentiation [i.e. specialisation
Single celled organisms get split into daughter cells of cells to form tissues & organs] are two key
so there is no natural death. features of embryogenesis.
37. Answer (2) 45. Answer (1)
Individuals resulting from Asexual reproduction don’t A haploid parent (with n number of chromosomes)
exhibit any variation as there is no crossing over.
form gametes by mitosis. For example, Drone.
They are formed by mitotic divisions only.
38. Answer (3) 46. Answer (1)
On germination, each gemmule (internal bud) gives Fertilization occurs only when mature gametes
rise to single offspring. come together at the site of fertilization.
39. Answer (1) 47. Answer (3)
Sexual reproduction provides genetic variability to
an offspring due to meiotic divisions & so enhance half set of chromosomes
ability of adaptability. After meiosis, is present
40. Answer (2) (n)
The period of growth is called juvenile phase that in each gamete & diploidy is restored by fusion of
is characterized by increase in size & the end of
Juvenile phase marks the beginning of reproductive
phase i.e. characterised by development of sex 48. Answer (4)
organs, gametogenesis and gamete transfer.
Meiocytes are diploid cells that undergo meiosis to
41. Answer (4) form Haploid gametes.
z Cyclical changes in primate females are called
49. Answer (2)
z Parthenogenesis [virgin birth] is development of
z Cyclical changes in non-primate females are
called Oestrous cycle. new organisms from female gamete without
42. Answer (1)
z Exhibited by non-vertebrates & vertebrates.
Menstrual cycle is defined as the cyclic changes
occurring in primate female’s reproductive system 50. Answer (3)
under the influence of hormones.
Embryonal protection & care is better in viviparous
43. Answer (4) organisms as development occurs inside the
Organisms that are reproductively active throughout female body so there are less chances of rejection
their, reproductive phase are called continous by harsh environments & predators.
breeders while those which are active at a
particular season are called seasonal breeders. 51. Answer (2)
44. Answer (2) Hormonal, genetic & environmental factors play an
z Gametogenesis i.e. formation of Gametes & important role in the changes during the life cycle
Gamete transfer are pre-fertilization events. of an organism.
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Chapter 14
Human Reproduction
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CPE – Dissolves corona radiata 15. Answer (4)
Acrosin – Dissolves zona pellucida z When offsprings are formed by splitting of one
zygote into two are called monozygotic or
12. Answer (4)
identical twins
Sperm penetrates oolemma and acts as a stimulus.
z If 2 sperms fertilize 2 different ova then offsprings
are called non-identical/dizygotic/Fraternal
Depolarisation of oolemma by opening of Na+
channels. 16. Answer (1)
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428 Human Reproduction Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
Castration: Removal of gonads
Inguinal Hernia: Protrusion of abdominal tissue into Blastocoel
(Adipose tissue of intestine mainly) inguinal canal.
Embryonic disc
Hypospadias: A condition is which penile opening
is on the underside rather than the tip. 34. Answer (1)
27. Answer (4)
Foetus is most susceptible to teratogens like
Proximal centriole – First cleavage of Zygote thalidomide during first trimester so the effect is
Distal centriole – Axial filament of tail maximum.
Middle piece – Energy for sperm movement 35. Answer (2)
Tail – swimming movement.
Foetus (chorion) is attached to uterus (Blood) of
28. Answer (2) mother of placenta (Haemochorial placenta)
z Sertoli cells secrete AMF, ABP and inhibin.
Chorion is foetal part and Decidua is maternal part
z Adenohypophysis secrete Gonadotrophins i.e. of placenta that gets shed off at parturition and so
FSH and LH.
Human placenta is called. Deciduos placenta
29. Answer (2)
36. Answer (2)
z Rate of sperm movement in female genital tract
is 1.5 – 3 mm/minute. Foetal ejection reflex is the signal from full developed
foetus and placenta that induce mild uterine
z in motility results in Asthenozoospermia can
lead to infertility. contraction and regulated by neural and hormonal
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Human Reproduction 429
37. Answer (3) 43. Answer (3)
Expansion of infant lungs occurs just before birth At puberty, 60-80,000 follicles are left in each ovary.
and pulmonary breathing starts i.e., stage of [number reduces due to Follicular atresia].
44. Answer (1)
38. Answer (1)
LH reaches its peak in the middle of cycle i.e., 14th
day normally [LH surge] due to the positive feedback
by estrogen Rupturing of Graafian follicle Negative feedback to hypothalamus for GnRH
Ovulation. secrection
39. Answer (3)
Opening of Na channels cause depolarisation of secretion of LH from adenohypophysis
oolemma that makes it impermeable to respond to
a new stimulates (sperm). This is called fast block
to polyspermy. no ovulation.
40. Answer (1)
45. Answer (1)
Holoblastic cleavage.
The rate of cleavage is inversely proportional to
z When division line passes through the entire amount of yolk (Balfour’s Law).
egg dividing it completely, but when it remains
46. Answer (3)
confined to a part of egg it is called as meroblastic
cleavage. In deuterostomes, cleavage is indeterminate, so any
z Occurs in alecithal and microlecithal eggs and other cell can take over the function of a lost/
mesolecithal eggs. damaged blastomere unlike protostomes where the
fate of blastomeres is pre-decided.
Accessory glands in male reproductive system help Amniocentesis is used to diagnose genetic/
to provide nourishment, lubrication, alkalinity and chromosomal abnormality in foetus by taking out
immunity to sperms. amniotic fluid from uterus of pregnant mother.
z Milk secretion is triggered by prolaction that gets In cleavage, there is an increase in nucleo-
inhibited by estrogen during pregnancy. cytoplasmic ratio; nuclear content but
cytoplasmic content as there is little/no growth
z Milk ejection is triggered by oxytocin milk
ejecting hormone. so the size of blastomeres decrease.
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Chapter 15
Reproductive Health
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Reproductive Health 431
10. Answer (2) 19. Answer (2)
Cu ions in CuT decrease sperm motility and fertilizing Tubectomy
capacity to avoid fertilization.
11. Answer (2) z Female sterilisation technique by blocking the
passage of ovum from fallopian tube by ligating
Multiload CuT 375 – Copper releasing
two cut ends of fallopian tube distantly.
LNG-20 – Hormone releasing
z Poor reversibility.
Lippe’s loop – Inert IUD
Progestasert – Progesterone IUD 20. Answer (3)
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432 Reproductive Health Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
25. Answer (2) 34. Answer (4)
Syphilis By Treponema pallidum z Corpus luteum develops and matures under the
1° stage painless, open sore, chancre at point of influence of LH before pregnancy.
z Required to secrete progesterone to thicken and
2° stage Flu like illness (Fever, joint ache). maintain uterine endometrium to maintain
3° stage Neurosyphilis pregnancy.
26. Answer (1) 35. Answer (2)
HSVI usually occurs on lips and not cause a STD
ICSI Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection.
generally while HSV II causes genital herpes
characterized by painful genital blisters. Single sperm is placed in cytoplasm of egg
27. Answer (4) and then zygote embryo is transferred to
Widal test For typhoid mother.
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Reproductive Health 433
41. Answer (3) 46. Answer (3)
Demographic transition explains zero growth rate of Depo-provera (progesterone based) inhibits ovulation
population. and implantation.
42. Answer (3) 47. Answer (3)
Hyper prolactinemia z Genital blisters are caused by HSV-II.
z HSV-I causes oral herpes.
Inhibition of GnRH
48. Answer (2)
in Gonadotropin HIV recognizes CD-4 receptor/marker so enters
through CD-4 mediated endocytosis and kill TH cells
resulting not opportunistic infections due to
No ovulation and menstruation
compromised immunity.
[Lactational Amenorrhoea]
49. Answer (1)
43. Answer (2)
GP 120 on surface of HIV interacts with CD-4
z IUDs are most accepted contraceptive devices
in India. receptor on target cell and then GP 41 gets fused
with cell memb. to allow genetic material to enter
z Act in different ways inside.
Inert IUDs Enhance tubal motility and inhibit 50. Answer (1)
z GIFT [Gamete intra fallopian transfer] is a
Cu-releasing IUDs Suppress sperm motility and
technique to transfer an ovum in fallopian tube of
female and fertilization is in-vivo.
Hormone releasing IUDs Inhibit ovulation and
z Beneficial for those women who are not able to
produce gamete but can provide suitable
44. Answer (2) environment for implantation.
Oral pills are generally a combination of progesterone 51. Answer (1)
and estrogen that inhibit ovulation as progesterone
is anti-ovulatory hormone. Make uterine endometrium ZIFT is zygote intra fallopian transfer that involves
unsuitable for implantation. transfer of embryo (upto 8 blastomeres) into fallopian
Mala-D is a type of monophasic combined pill where
the ratio of progesterone and estrogen remains 52. Answer (3)
constant throughout the cycle, while in multiphasic
pills progesterone increase gradually. Prolactin inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins by
giving a negative feedback to hypothalamus.
45. Answer (2)
53. Answer (3)
Mifepristone is anti-progestin drug and used along
z Chemically a centchroman, developed by CDRI,
with misoprosol to terminate pregnancy of less than
10 weeks.
z For initial 3 months twice a week and then once
54. Answer (4)
in a week
z High contraceptive value by inhibiting Norplant is a subcutaneous implant of progesterone
implantation. that inhibits ovulation.
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Chapter 16
Primordial soup RNA Coacervate DNA. Homology in different animals or plants indicate
their evolution from common ancestors. Therefore,
6. Answer (3)
this helps in the study of how different groups of
z First chemoautotroph evolved were anaerobes. species have evolved from an ancestor.
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Evolution : Theories and Evidences 435
12. Answer (2) 19. Answer (3)
Development of similar adaptive functional Wallace line is an imaginary line on
structures in unrelated groups of organisms is biogeographical map that separates oriental and
called convergent evolution. Australian realms.
13. Answer (2) 20. Answer (2)
Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny Jordan’s Rule Temperature influences the
morphology of certain fishes and is found to have
Development Repeats The ancestral some relation with no. of vertebrae.
of embryo sequence
Bergmans’s Rule Warm blooded animals
14. Answer (2)
become larger in the northern and colder parts of
Palearctic and oriental realm are separated by their range.
high mountain peak (Himalayas).
Cope’s Law There is a tendency for animals to
15. Answer (3) increase in size during the long course of evolution.
Mullerian Mimicry A form of mimicry in which 21. Answer (2)
two or more harmful or unpalatable animals
develop similar appearances as a shared Gause competitive exclusion principle (1934)
protective device. states that species having the same ecological
Cryptic appearance The type of coloring or requirements cannot continue to occupy indefinitely
marking of an animal that helps to camouflage it the same habitat due to interspecific struggle.
in its natural environment. 22. Answer (1)
Aggressive mimicry A form of mimicry in Hardy-Weinberg law states that ‘A random mating
which predators, parasites or parasitoids share population is said to be in Genetic equilibrium
similar signals using a harmless model, allowing [Frequency of occurrence of alleles of a gene is
them to avoid being correctly identified by their
supposed to remain fixed and even remain the
brunel or host.
same through generations] if it is not undergoing
16. Answer (1) any kind of evolutionary change.
z Monarch butterfly and queen butterfly 23. Answer (1)
Mullerian mimicry
Hardy-Weinberg law states that ‘A random mating
z Viceroy butterfly and monarch population is said to be in Genetic equilibrium
butterfly Batesian mimicry [Frequency of occurrence of alleles of a gene is
z Mantis religiosa [European praying supposed to remain fixed and even remain the
mantis] Aggressive mimicry same through generations] if it is not undergoing
z Arantia rectifolia [Leaf like any kind of evolutionary change.
grasshopper] Protective mimicry (cryptic 24. Answer (1)
According to Hardy-Weinberg law,
z Phyllium frondosum Protective mimicry
(p + q)2 = p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
z Dead leaf butterfly Camouflage
17. Answer (3)
z Coevolution occurs when two or more species p = frequency of occurrence of allele A
reciprocally affect each other’s evolution. q = frequency of occurrence of allele a
z It includes many forms of mutulism, Host- p+q=1
parasite, predator-prey relationships between
species as well as competition with in or p2 = Probability of occurrence of individuals AA
between species. q2 = Probability of occurrence of individuals aa
18. Answer (3) 2pq = Probability of occurrence of individuals Aa
Wallace line is an imaginary line on p2 + q2 + 2pq = 1
biogeographical map that separates oriental and
Australian realms. z This is followed by a non-evolving population.
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436 Evolution : Theories and Evidences Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
25. Answer (2) 34. Answer (1)
Genetic drift Change in allelic frequency of a RNA can act as ribozyme, a special type of
population over generations due to enzyme (so it can perform the task of both DNA
chance that results in evolution. and enzyme), thus RNA is believed to have once
Strongest effect in small population. been capable of supporting independent life forms.
26. Answer (4) 35. Answer (4)
Genetic drift/Sewell-Wright effect is random and Cro-magnon man was omnivorous and they were
non-directional. skilled hunter.
27. Answer (4) 36. Answer (3)
Darwin finches are an example of adaptive In Miller experiment, ratio of gases CH4, NH3 and
radiation/divergent evolution. H2 was 2 : 1 : 2.
37. Answer (1)
If there is 1/16th of original amount is remaining,
then 14C has gone through 4 half lives.
So the age of fossil is 4 5730 years.
Cactus = 22920 years.
eaters Seed eating
birds 38. Answer (2)
z Australopithecus hunted with stone weapons
but essentially ate fruits.
Insect z Australopithecus lived in South Africa 5 mya.
z A. africanus had cranial capacity 450–600 cc.
28. Answer (1) 39. Answer (3)
Homo erectus – 900 cc. Homo sapiens fossilis is nearest ancestor of
Homo sapiens sapiens.
Homo habilis – 650 – 800 cc.
40. Answer (4)
Cro-magnon man – 1650 cc.
Lobefins evolved as first amphibian.
29. Answer (2)
41. Answer (2)
Homo habilis (Handy man)
z About 65 mya, Dianosaurs suddenly
Had brain capacity (650 – 800 cc) that was disappeared from Earth.
more than Australopithecus (450 – 600 cc)
z Giant ferns were present but they all fell to
30. Answer (2) form coral deposits slowly.
z Homo sapiens neanderthalensis replaced z Some of the land reptiles went back into water
Homo erectus. to evolve into fish-like reptiles (Ichthyosaurs)
probably 200 mya.
z Homo sapiens lived aroung 1.5 mya.
42. Answer (1)
z Neanderthal man fossils found in Neanderthal
valley, Germany. z Inter breeding and merging of two species to
form single species is called as Fusion
31. Answer (3) speciation
Cave paintings came around 18,000 years ago in z Autogenous transformation of a species with
the time of cro-magnon man. passage of time due to variation is known as
32. Answer (2) Anagenesis.
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Evolution : Theories and Evidences 437
44. Answer (1) 54. Answer (1)
On primitive earth, life was formed in 2-phases: Animals living in colder region have smaller
z Chemogeny: Formation of organic extremities to minimise the heat loss. [Allen’s law].
macromolecules like carbohydrates, proteins, 55. Answer (1)
nucleic acid etc. were formed by combining of
inorganic molecules. Gause competitive exclusion principle (1934)
states that species having the same ecological
z Biogeny: These macromolecules act as a raw requirements cannot continue to occupy indefinitely
material/building block for cell]. the same habitat due to interspecific struggle.
45. Answer (3) 56. Answer (2)
Coacervates were aggregates of organic molecules z Migration of individuals from one population to
surrounded by a film of water and they were not another and interbreeding with that population
able to reproduce. will result in addition of new alleles into
recepient population and deletion of these from
46. Answer (2) donor population.
First life forms on earth were anaerobic and z This migration of alleles that causes change in
atmosphere was reducing as there was no free O2. allele frequency is c/a gene migration and if it
occurs multiple time, it is c/a gene flow.
47. Answer (2)
57. Answer (4)
z RNA acts as an enzyme and perform the task
of DNA also so it is believed to support once Species is a population or series of population in
the independent life forms. which individual members can interbreed freely with
one another but reproductively isolated from
z Proteins might have taken over most of the members of other species.
enzymatic actions because they are better
58. Answer (1)
Lack of placental mammalian competition,
48. Answer (3)
pouched mammals survived in Australia after
Fossils of lower strata are older than those which continental drift.
are found in upper strata as they got preserved 59. Answer (2)
during sedimentation.
Darwin finches are an example of Adaptive
49. Answer (4) radiation/divergent evolution.
Preserved remains (Hard parts, excreta, whole
organism) or traces of animals, plants and other Fruit
organisms from remote past are known as fossils. eaters
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438 Evolution : Theories and Evidences Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
62. Answer (1) 67. Answer (2)
Geographical barriers prevent interbreeding of Dryopithecus and Ramapithecus were more
population and thus make them reproductively Ape-like, hairy, knuckle walker.
isolated and results in evolution of new species
like Australian marsupials. 68. Answer (1)
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Chapter 17
7. Answer (3)
Measles is caused by a RNA virus Rubeola.
Objective Type Questions
Varicella virus causes chickenpox.
1. Answer (2)
Widal test is diagnostic test for typhoid. Rubella virus causes rubella disease/German
2. Answer (2)
Rhabdo virus causes rabies.
Koch’s postulates are applicable for bacterial
disease except disease like leprosy and viral 8. Answer (2)
Bleeding from nose, mouth & gums are symptoms
3. Answer (1) of Haemorrhagic dengue fever.
DDS is used in treatment of leprosy.
9. Answer (1)
4. Answer (3)
Painful swelling/inflammation of parotid salivary
Mycotoxin is a toxic substance produced by glands is c/a Mumps (a viral infection).
10. Answer (1)
Dinotoxin/saxitoxin is toxin i.e. produced by
Dinoflagellates. Given symptoms are of smallpox; As there are no
Enterotoxin is a toxin i.e. produced in or affecting pock marks in chickenpox.
the intestines, such as those causing food 11. Answer (4)
poisoning or cholera.
HBV is single dsDNA virus; Rest all Hepatitis virus
5. Answer (4)
have ssRNA genome.
Cholera (by Vibrio cholerae)
12. Answer (4)
Discharge of frequent rice water like stool
Maurer’s dot → in Plasmodium falciparum
Dehydration & electrolyte imbalance.
Vomiting & muscle cramps. Zeimann’s dot → in P. malariae
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440 Human Health and Disease Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
14. Answer (1) 22. Answer (1)
Exflagellation occurs during formation of Plasma cells × Myeloma cells = Hybridoma
microgametes (sperm) in gut lumen of mosquito
Are used to produce large amount of monoclonal
from microgametocyte that was formed in Human
23. Answer (3)
15. Answer (1)
Immunosuppressants are used to suppress activity
of T-cells (cell mediated immunity) & can be used
Adult Entamoeba
to treat graft rejection, autoimmune disorders &
(Magna/trophozoite) allergies.
Excystment Binary fission 24. Answer (3)
HLA (Human Leucocyte Antigen) system is also
known as MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex)
Enters into new host
i.e. encoded by genes on chromosome-6
25. Answer (4)
Tetranucleated cyst Opsonization is due to IgG (used as opsonin) to
Encystment tag the molecule for phagocytosis.
Infective Binucleated cyst
stage Mononucleated 26. Answer (2)
Recombinant vaccine i.e. formed by rDNA
16. Answer (2) technology (recombing the DNA of desired source
Microfilarial larva → Wuchereria & vector to introduce it into host cell) is Hepatis-
B vaccine i.e. prepared in yeast.
Rhabditiform larva → Ascaris
Filariform larva → Ancylostoma 27. Answer (2)
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Human Health and Disease 441
32. Answer (4) 42. Answer (1)
Zovirax/Aciclovir z Interferons are glycoproteins that are secreted
by virus infected cells against viruses.
(1) Antiviral medicine i.e. primarily used for
treatment of Herpes simplex virus infections, z They make other cells less susceptible to
chicken pox & shingles. virus.
(2) It is a nucleic acid analogue made from 43. Answer (4)
guanosine. H2L2 i.e. 2 heavy & 2 light chains are comprised
(3) It acts by competitively inhibiting & inactivating of different amino acids in different antibodies that
the specific DNA polymerases preventing provides them specificity & differ in molecular wt.
further viral DNA synthesis without affecting as they have different number of amino acids.
normal cellular processes. 44. Answer (1)
33. Answer (2) Repeated encounter of an Ag generates a
secondary intensified response i.e. exhibited by
Contact inhibition is the property of normal cells to
conversion/maturation of stored/memory B-/T-cell
check uncontrolled growth & this property is not
into effector B-/T-cell.
exhibited by cancerous cells.
45. Answer (3)
34. Answer (1)
IgM is a pentamer
Carcinoma (of Epithelial tissue) are most common
46. Answer (2)
type of cancers.
One type of effector B-cells produce same kind of
35. Answer (3)
Ab [Monoclonal Ab] & different Ab produced by
Heroin/Diacetyl morphine different effector B-cells that are collectively called
White, bitter crystalline compounds obtained from as polyclonal antibodies.
Papaver somniferum (opium plant) 47. Answer (3)
36. Answer (4) Immunosuppressant drugs suppress T-cell
mediated immunity.
48. Answer (2)
Obtained from Erthroxylum coca.
Haplotype is a set of genetic determinants located
is a stimulant & acts on CNS. on a single chromosome, MHC is haplotype
Heavy doses acts as hallucinogen. located on chromosome 6.
Interferes with dopamine. 49. Answer (3)
37. Answer (4) T H cell secrete lymphokines that help in
proliferation of B-cell, synthesis of antibodies &
Psilocybin - Psilocybe maxicana
activity of TC cell.
38. Answer (2) 50. Answer (1)
Alcohol is a suppressant of ADH & thus acts as Antibodies such as IgG cause opsonization i.e.
a diuretic substance & ↓↓ water reabsorption from marking the antigen/microbe for phagocytosis.
renal tubules.
51. Answer (2)
39. Answer (2)
MALT (mucosa associated lymphoid tissue)
Alcoholism can result into gastric carcinoma. constitutes about 50% of total secondary lymphoid
40. Answer (3) tissue & lines the GIT & respiratory tract.
Alcoholic cirrhosis is fibrosis of liver i.e. functional 52. Answer (2)
hepatocytes are replaced with connective tissue HIV gets incorporated into Host genome by
fibres. converting its RNA into DNA through reverse
transcriptase & integrating this DNA to Host DNA
by integrase.
Assertion - Reason Type Questions Macrophages act as HIV factory as the HIV
41. Answer (2) replicates to produce new viruses.
Complement system consists of no cells & a set
of 30 proteins that help in killing of antigen. HIV attacks TH cells to kill them.
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442 Human Health and Disease Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
HIV can be transmitted through: Contact inhibition is the property of normal cells to
check uncontrolled growth of neighbouring cells i.e.
z Unprotected sex not exhibited by cancerous cells as they show
z Infected mother to foetus uncontrolled growth & result into formation of
z Contaminated syringes, needles
55. Answer (2)
z No reported case of transmission through Morphine is obtained from Opium plant & used as
insect bite or sharing utensils etc. an Analgesic & sedative.
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Chapter 18
Animal Husbandry
9. Answer (4)
MOET allows selection of superior female & then
Objective Type Questions superovulating it by injecting hormone that shows
1. Answer (4) FSH-like activity. Then collection of more than 1
Continuous inbreeding reduces fertility and even embryo & transferred into surrogate mother.
productivity. This is called Inbreeding depression. Genetic mother is ready to ovulate again.
2. Answer (2) 10. Answer (1)
Anthrax is a bacterial disease that is caused by Artificial insemination is to inseminate the female
Bacillus anthracis. artificially. Naturally one bull inseminates one cow
3. Answer (4) but artificially more than 3000 cows are
inseminated with semen of one bull.
Plymouth rock is an American breed.
4. Answer (1) 11. Answer (1)
Coccidiosis: is a protozoan disease that results Project AI in cattle breeding was initiated at IVRI,
into bloody diarrhoea. Izzatnagar, U.P.
Brooder pneumonia (Aspergillosis) : Fungal 12. Answer (3)
respiratory disease of chickens & other birds.
Females are produced by fertilization but drones
Mycosis : Fungal infection. are produced by Arrhenotoky.
5. Answer (1) 13. Answer (4)
Pashmina is extracted from Kashmiri goats capra
Sucrose is non-reducing sugar that is present in
6. Answer (1)
14. Answer (2)
Angoora wool is obtained from Rabbit.
Apis indica → Indian honeybee
Chiru Shahtoosh is obtained from Tibetian
antelope. 15. Answer (2)
7. Answer (3) Isinglass is obtained from the air bladder of perch,
Continuous inbreeding reduces fertility and even cat fishes, Indian salmon and used in clarification
productivity. This is called Inbreeding depression. of wine/beer & preparation of special cement.
8. Answer (1) 16. Answer (4)
Breeding between members of same breed with no Labeo, Catla and cirrhina are used in polyculture
common ancestors upto 4-6 generations is called of fresh water fishes Pomphret is a deep bodied
as out crossing. fish of open seas.
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444 Animal Husbandry Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
17. Answer (2) 27. Answer (1)
Nursery ponds → For hatching Dr. Verghese Kurien is known as Father of White
revolution & architect of India’s modern dairy
Rearing ponds → Fries collected from nursery
pond & grown into fingerlings here.
Stocking ponds → Fingerlings change to fish & 28. Answer (3)
are kept for stocking. Silk is obtained from pupa by killing it in the
18. Answer (3) cocoon by dipping it in boiling water or by steam
or hot air.
Pomphret is most edible marine fish.
29. Answer (1)
19. Answer (1)
Aquaculture is culturing economically beneficial
Coppery gloss is in Tasar silk. aquatic flora & fauna.
20. Answer (4) 30. Answer (1)
Silk obtained from the silk worm cocoon has Marck’s virus causes Marck’s disease in chickens
fibroin protein is having antiparallel β pleated i.e. characterized by T-cell lymphoma.
sheet structure.
Ebola virus : can cause severe bleeding, organ
N –––––––– C failure & lead to death
C –––––––– N
Aspergillus fumigatus: Fungus that causes
21. Answer (4) disease with an immunodeficiency.
Multivoltine silk moths are not reared in Kashmir 31. Answer (1)
as their larval duration is short and adaptable to
Blue revolution refers to remarkable emergence of
warmer places.
22. Answer (4)
32. Answer (3)
Degumming of silk means removal of gummy
substance i.e. sericin by boiling. It leaves the silk Murrah found in Haryana.
soft & lusturous and reduces its weight. Bhadawari found in U.P & M.P.
23. Answer (2) Nilli ravi found in Punjab.
Pebrine disease is caused by Nosema bombycis. 33. Answer (4)
24. Answer (1) Mule is formed by crossing male donkey with
Shagreen is obtained from integument/skin of female horse.
sharks. They are used by Army for mountain Artillery and
25. Answer (2) General service.
Animal dairying : The branch of Agriculture that SECTION - B
encompasses the breeding, raising & utilization of
dairy animals for the production of milk & the Assertion - Reason Type Questions
various dairy products processed from it.
34. Answer (4)
Conventional breeding : Development of new
varieties of plants by using older tools & natural Cow milk is yellowish in colour as it consists of
processes. -carotene (i.e. precursor of vitamin A) while buffalo
milk lacks it.
Mutation Breeding : Process of exposing seeds
to chemicals or radiation in order to generate 35. Answer (4)
mutants with desirable traits to be bred with other Mule is an interspecific hybrid that is produced by
cultivars. crossing male donkey and female horse.
26. Answer (3) 36. Answer (1)
Hisardale = Bikaneri ewe × Marino rams Continuous inbreeding increases homozygosity &
decreases genetic variability due to appearance of
(Cross breed) ( ) ( of Spain)
recessive traits and thus reduces fertility.
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Animal Husbandry 445
37. Answer (1) 40. Answer (1)
Outcrossing involves mating of animals of same Drone [male honey bee] develops from an
breed but with no common ancestors for upto 4-6
unfertilized egg by Arrhenotoky (without fusion so
generations so overcomes inbreeding depression.
it is haploid (n)).
38. Answer (2)
41. Answer (1)
MOET increases herd size in short time with
desirable trait as it involves mating of a superior Mules were produced with these desirable traits
male & female of desired characters, and by i.e. to withstand adverse weather conditions.
inducing superovulation 6-8 eggs are produced per
cycle. 42. Answer (3)
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Chapter 19
6. Answer (1)
z DNA ligase is used for ligation of DNA segments
by joining phospho-diester linkage.
Objective Type Questions
z Nuclease will cleave DNA sequence.
1. Answer (4)
z Polynucleotide kinase catalyzes the transfer of
The correct sequence of constructing a genetically phosphate from ATP to the free –OH end of 5
modified organism is: DNA or RNA.
z Identification of Gene of interest. 7. Answer (3)
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Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS Biotechnology-Principles and Processes 447
12. Answer (3) 19. Answer (4)
z Shuttle vectors are used in both prokaryotic and A sparger is used in sparged stirred-tank bioreactor
eukaryotic hosts and having 2 ori and 2 through which bubbles (sterile air) are sparged to
selectable markers. increase the surface area for oxygen transfer.
z YEP and modified Ti plasmid are shuttle vectors. 20. Answer (3)
13. Answer (2) Screening of transformants is done long ago
downstream processing when host cells with
Vector Phagemid > pBR 322 > PUCB > BAC >
recombinant DNA are selected before they put ito
culture medium.
DNA Carrying Capacity 10 kb > 5-11 kb > upto 21. Answer (2)
15 kb > 300 kb > upto 1400 kb
Foreign gene/DNA is transferrd into lacZ gene of PUC
14. Answer (2) vector.
Agrobacterium is a pathogen of dicot plants and
causes crown gall disease in grapes, tomato, roses Insertional inactivation of lac Z gene
15. Answer (2)
Transformation into host cell
pBR 322 has sites for both restriction enzymes i.e.,
Eco RI and Pst I so we will get 2 bands after get
Add ampicillin into culture medium
electrophoresis i.e., due to the sites cleaved by both
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448 Biotechnology-Principles and Processes Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
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Chapter 20
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450 Biotechnology and its Applications Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
Sense strand gets digested and anti-sense strand gets 12. Answer (1)
incorporated in RISC.
Biofortification The process by which the
nutritional quality of food crops is improved through
Antisense strand generates pair with target agronomic practices, conventional plant breeding or
m-RNA of nematode modern biotechnology.
Biofouling The fouling of underwater pipes and
Hydrolyzes target – RNA other surfaces by organisms such as barnacles and
No translation Bioconcentration The process by which a
7. Answer (1) chemical concentration is an aquatic organism
Erythropoietin – Anemia exceeds that in water as a result of exposure to a
Interleukins – Cancer, immune disorder water borne chemical.
Factor VIII – Haemophilia 13. Answer (4)
Interferon – Leukemia and other cancers The intensity of color is directly related to the
Interferon – Cancer, rheumatoid arthritis. concentration of antigen or antibody.
8. Answer (4) 14. Answer (4)
As there is no C-chain in mature insulin so no
Vaccine are formed in prokaryotic/eukaryotic host
C-chain is produced in Humulin.
by introducing a recombinant DNA [i.e. combination
9. Answer (4) of desired DNA + Vector]
Growth hormone can be used to treat
For example Recombinant Hepatitis – B vaccine
z Hypopituitarism [ in GH and can result into in yeast.
dwarfism, acromicria etc.]
15. Answer (4)
z Healing to injuries i.e. repair and regeneration of
bone, muscle, tendons and ligaments. ANDi [inserted DNA], first transgenic monkey with
z Misused by athletes and so World Anti-Doping green fluorescent protein from Jelly fish, showed
Agency [WADA] put a ban on those who are fluoroscence.
found guilty of taking it. 16. Answer (1)
10. Answer (1)
Dolly was only a clone not transgenic animal.
Gene therapy is used to treat gene defect i.e. to
replace a defective or absent gene with a working Polly and Molly Were first transgenic and
gene so that the body can make the correct enzyme cloned mammals.
or protein and consequently eliminate the root cause Gene introduced was blood
of disease. clotting factor IX.
11. Answer (3) 17. Answer (1)
Lack of functional gene for
Dolly was only a clone not transgenic animal.
ADA [Adenosine deaminase]
Polly and Molly Were first transgenic and
cloned mammals.
Deficiency of enzyme ADA
Gene introduced was blood
clotting factor IX.
No maturation of T-cells
18. Answer (4)
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Biofortification The process by which the 26. Answer (4)
nutritional quality of food crops is improved through cDNA for ADA when introduced in
agronomic practices, conventional plant breeding or T-lymphocytes of host through
modern biotechnology. retro-virus mediated transfer
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452 Biotechnology and its Applications Solutions of Gateway to AIIMS
32. Answer (4) 37. Answer (3)
z Nematode resistant plant was produced by RNA cDNA for ADA when introduced in
i. T-lymphocytes of host through
retro-virus mediated transfer
z RNA i leads to inactivation of target mRNA and
thus inhibiting translation of proteins as
explained in Q. 5. Patient requires periodic infusion of such
33. Answer (1) genetically engineered lymphocytes
Deletion of gene encoding for enzyme
Polygalacturonase from tomato. If gene is isolated from bone marrow and
transferred at early embryonic stages,
Polygalacturonase promotes fruit it could be a permanent cure.
softening by degrading pectin.
38. Answer (4)
z ELISA is based on antigen antibody interaction.
Delayed fruit ripening z ELISA has gained wide popularity especially for
infectious disease; serum diagnosis is too
frequent as it is cheap and rapid.
self life.
39. Answer (2)
34. Answer (1)
ANDi was first transgenic monkey with green
Interferons stimulate killing of neoplastic cells by fluoroscent protein form Jelly fish.
increasing resistance of normal cells to NK cells and
make cancer cells more vulnerable to killing by TC 40. Answer (2)
cells. Dolly was cloned mammal, produced by somatic
35. Answer (1) cell nuclear transfer in Roslind Institute, Scotland.
Modified pBR322 with Lac Z gene are used during 41. Answer (4)
Humulin production that help in blue-white screening Tracy had the gene for alpha-1, antitrypsin.
due to color producing reaction of -galactosidase
42. Answer (1)
with chromogenic substrate.
Genetically modified microbes are designed to
36. Answer (2)
produce desired product by modifying their
CDNA for ADA when introduced in genome.
T-lymphocytes of host through 43. Answer (2)
Retro-virus mediated transfer
Green Revolution resulted in increasing the food
supply almost 3 times by using improved crop
Patient requires periodic infusion of such varieties, agrochemicals and better management
genetically engineered lymphocytes practices.
44. Answer (2)
If Gene is isolated from bone marrow and Because of biopiracy nations are developing laws
transferred at early embryonic stages, to prevent unauthorized exploitation of their
it could be a permanent cure. bioresources.
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