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Land Use Policy 84 (2019) 1–11

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Land Use Policy

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A conspiracy of silence: Subsistence hunting rights in the Brazilian Amazon T

a,b,⁎ a,b a,c
André Pinassi Antunes , George Henrique Rebêlo , Juarez Carlos Brito Pezzuti ,
Marina Albuquerque Regina de Mattos Vieiraa,d, Pedro de Araujo Lima Constantinoa,
João Vitor Campos-Silvaa,e, Rogério Fonsecaa,f, Carlos César Durigana,g,
Rossano Marchetti Ramosa,h, João Valsecchi do Amarala,i, Natalia Camps Pimentaa,j,
Tiago Juruá Damo Ranzia,k, Natália Aparecida Souza Limaa,l, Glenn Harvey Shepard Jra,m
RedeFauna – Rede de Pesquisa em Diversidade, Conservação e Uso da Fauna da Amazônia, Brazil
Laboratório de Manejo de Fauna, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Núcleo de Altos Estudos Amazônicos (NAEA), Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Belém, Pará, Brazil
Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil
Instituto de Biologia e Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Alagoas (UFAL), Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
Laboratório de interações fogo, fauna e florestas protegidas-LaIFFF, Departamento de Ciências Florestais, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal do
Amazonas, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
WCS Brasil – Associação Conservação da Vida Silvestre, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Núcleo de Pesquisa e Monitoramento, Prevfogo, Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA), Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil
Grupo de Pesquisa em Ecologia de Vertebrados Terrestres (ECOVERT), Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá (IDSM), Tefé, Amazonas, Brazil
Instituto Socioambiental (ISA), São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brazil
RESEX do Cazumbá-Iracema, Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade (ICMBio), Sena Madureira, Acre, Brazil
Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres (CETAS), Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi/MCTI, Belém, Pará, Brazil


Keywords: Subsistence hunting is an important cultural activity and a major source of dietary protein and other products for
Wildlife use and management indigenous and non-indigenous populations throughout Amazonia. Nonetheless, subsistence hunting occupies an
Food security and sovereignty uncertain legal status in Brazil, leaving many traditional and rural Amazonian populations subject to arbitrary
Indigenous rights interpretation and enforcement of contradictory laws. The Brazilian Wildlife Protection Act of 1967, which
Traditional people rights
helped to stem the slaughter of wild animals for the international hide market, made the hunting of all wild
Environmental Brazilian legislation
Sustainable use reserves
animals illegal. Later, only indigenous peoples had their rights to hunting explicitly recognized in Brazilian laws.
Indigenous lands Exceptions for other traditional and rural populations were then introduced, allowing subsistence hunters to own
and license guns and hunt with them in a “state of necessity” or “to quench hunger” through the Brazilian
Disarmament Statute and Environmental Crimes Law. These legal inconsistences mean that there is no single
regulatory framework for subsistence hunting in Brazil. This scenario of uncertainties jeopardizes the estab-
lishment of consistent sustainable hunting management practices across Brazilian indigenous lands, sustainable
use reserves and agrarian reform settlement areas. This article analyzes the relevant legislation and examines
evidence from key studies with a view towards implementing robust, scientifically informed and practically
feasible co-management strategies for indigenous and sustainable use reserves in the Brazilian Amazon. By
focusing on subsistence rights, food sovereignty and organizational autonomy as guaranteed in international
agreements ratified in Brazil, the framework presented here involves empowerment and technical training of
local people in Amazonia to monitor and manage their own resource base.

1. Introduction properly attracted the interest of the speculative and creative minds of
our time? We do not believe so. This phenomenon is so marked and
“What are the hidden factors of the true conspiracy of silence presents itself with such regularity that, far from a work of chance, it
around hunger? Is it simply a work of chance that this theme has not seems conditioned by the same general laws that regulate other social

Corresponding author. Present/permanent address: Estrada do Bexiga 2584, Bairro Fonte Boa, Tefé, Amazonas. CEP: 69553-225, Brazil.
E-mail address: aapardalis@gmail.com (A.P. Antunes).

Received 15 July 2018; Received in revised form 26 February 2019; Accepted 27 February 2019
Available online 07 March 2019
0264-8377/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.P. Antunes, et al. Land Use Policy 84 (2019) 1–11

manifestations of our culture. It is a silence premeditated by the soul of resources pertaining to their lands according to their institutions and
culture itself: it was the interests and discriminations of moral, political worldview. In this, we believe that the regulation of subsistence
and economic orders of our so-called Western civilization that turn hunting on traditional peoples’ lands could work as a driving force to
hunger a forbidden subject, or at least unwise to be approached pub- legitimize their engagement in environmental decisions affecting them.
licly”. In Brazil, over 250 different groups of Amerindian peoples are
–Josué de Castro (1946), former FAO president legally considered to be indigenous peoples, with ancestral land rights
Josué de Castro’s (1946) words referred to the uncomfortable re- specifically guaranteed in the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution and
lationship of avoidance that mid-century elites maintained towards the 1973 Indian Statute. Among non-indigenous traditional peoples, only
topic of food security among marginalized peoples of the world. Brazil’s Afro-Brazilian communities known as “quilombolas” are legally and
Wildlife Protection Act of 1967, and its subsequent ratification of the explicitly recognized (Article 68th of the 1988 Brazilian Federal
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Constitution). According to the National Policy for the Sustainable
Fauna and Flora (CITES) in 1973 helped put an end to more than a half Development of Traditional Peoples and Communities (NPTPC, Decree
century of uncontrolled slaughter of wild animals for the international 6040/2007), traditional communities (“quilombolas”, “ribeirinhos”,
market in luxury pelts and hides (Antunes et al., 2016). Yet these leg- “seringueiros”, “castanheiros”, “quebradoras-de-babaçu”, “caiçaras”
islative victories for biodiversity conservation has, once again, led a and others non-indigenous traditional peoples) constitute “culturally
new “conspiracy of silence” around the topic of food security for mar- differentiated groups that recognize themselves as such, who have their
ginalized peoples: the generalized ban on wildlife hunting made it own forms of social organization, occupy and use territories and natural
technically illegal to hunt wild game, though of course traditional and resources as a condition of their cultural, social, religious, ancestral and
rural populations, especially in Amazonia, continued hunting as they economic reproduction, by using knowledge, innovations and practices
had for centuries. Ever since, traditional and rural populations of the generated and transmitted through tradition” (Article 3). These groups
Amazonian hinterlands have occupied a dubious legal space, hunting at are distinct from rural populations and peasants, who typically are
the margins of legality and subject to unpredictable, arbitrary en- agricultural laborers or small farmers living in rural areas. For the scope
forcement of wildlife laws. of this article, analyzing both legal and technical perspectives for the
Hunting is an important element of subsistence and economic self- regulation of subsistence hunting in the Amazon, we treat “indigenous
reliance for indigenous, traditional and rural communities in Amazonia. peoples”, “non-indigenous traditional peoples” (from now on, “tradi-
Yet the connections of traditional peoples with wildlife run deeper than tional peoples”) and “peasants” or “rural populations” separately, since
just food security, touching on fundamental questions of identity, legal regulatory frameworks in Brazil are often independent from each
spirituality, cosmology and health (Castro, 1996; Descola, 1998; Fausto, other.
2007; Shepard, 2015). In Brazil, there is a wide-ranging but fragmented set of legal in-
This article emerged from the workshop entitled “Caça de struments that in fact pertain to the rights of indigenous, traditional and
Subsistência em Áreas Protegidas no Estado do Amazonas: rural populations on the issue of subsistence hunting, without reg-
Conhecimento Atual, Questões Legais e Desafios práticos para o ulating it de jure. First, there are regulations and penal sanctions that
Manejo” (Subsistence Hunting in Protected Areas in Amazonas State: relate to the protection of hunted fauna, and are essentially prohibitive
Current Knowledge, Legal Issues and Practical Challenges to in nature. These include the Wildlife Protection Act and the 1998
Management, in free translation from Portuguese), held in November Environmental Crimes Law, which states that hunting in Brazil is only
2016 in Manaus, Amazonas state. The meeting included the voices of legal when the hunter or his family is in a “state of necessity”. This first
traditional community leaders, indigenous people, field technicians and category also includes the only Brazilian law that uses the term ‘sub-
wildlife researchers from governmental agencies, non-governmental sistence hunter’ explicitly– namely (and somewhat ironically) the
organizations, universities and research institutions. The workshop’s “Disarmament Statute.” Second, there are national laws and interna-
central goal was to define subsistence hunting in a more nuanced way tional treaties that pertain to human rights, and to traditional peoples
than typically treated in environmental law and conservation science, more specifically. Finally, there are regulations pertaining to land use
and bring hunting out of the informality and “silence” to which it has that define where, how and by whom natural resources can be accessed,
been relegated by Brazilian law. The meeting also sought to contest the used and managed. Such land use regulations include legislation about
2016 opinion of a federal prosecutor attached to Brazil’s federal wildlife parks and protected areas in Brazil, indigenous lands formally re-
management agency, the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity cognized by governments, sustainable use conservation units or ex-
Conservation (ICMBio), who supported an almost complete ban on tractive reserves where human populations are allowed to reside and
subsistence hunting in federal “sustainable use” reserves, a category use natural resources, and other kinds of protected areas. Given the lack
that includes National Forests, Extractive Reserves, and Sustainable of broader regulations and definitions, many subsistence hunters re-
Development Reserves (Legal Opinion 0553/2014/PFE-ICMBIO-SEDE/ main in a situation of dubious rights and legality.
PGF/AGU). The RedeFauna - Rede de Pesquisa em Diversidade, In this article we first evaluate the legal rights of indigenous peoples
Conservação e Uso da Fauna da Amazônia - (Research Network on with regard to hunting, as defined in Brazilian laws and international
Diversity, Conservation and Use of Wildlife of Amazônia) emerged from treaties. Then we expand our analysis to traditional peoples and other
this meeting. The network has evaluated a law proposal, still under rural populations for whom subsistence hunting is an important cultural
consideration by the Brazilian Congress (Proposed Law 6268/2016), activity and a fundamental part of food security and sovereignty. Then
which would revise the historic Wildlife Protection Act. Though the we discuss case studies and model projects of participatory hunting
1967 law is clearly in need of updating, the current initiative, supported monitoring that are appropriate for contrasting the legal context of
by conservative politicians, emphasizes commercial and sport hunting indigenous lands and extractive reserves in Brazil. We identify practical
while mostly disregarding traditional livelihoods and subsistence solutions for implementing legal rights in these specific reserve cate-
hunting. gories and overcoming the reigning policy of informality. These two
The recognition that hunting, along with fishing, trapping and specific categories of protected areas, indigenous lands and extractive
gathering from forested areas, an important factor in maintaining tra- reserves, provide model settings where subsistence hunting rights can
ditional livelihoods, is enshrined within the universal definition of be regulated and implemented. Finally, we suggest that hunting rights
subsistence economy and traditional activities in Convention 169 of the should be expanded by strengthening the involvement of other tradi-
International Labor Organization (ILO 1989). In addition, traditional tional peoples, peasants and rural populations inhabiting remote areas
and indigenous peoples also have the right to participate in decision- not included in the above-mentioned categories of protected area.
making on the use, management and conservation of the natural

A.P. Antunes, et al. Land Use Policy 84 (2019) 1–11

Box 1
Chronological list of the main Brazilian legal instruments on hunting, wildlife use, conservation, wildlife and territorial management, and rights of
indigenous, traditional and rural populations. See also Fig. 1.

1. Law 3071 / 01 January 1916 - Civil Code

2. Decree 23672 / 02 January 1934 - Hunting and Fishing Code
3.Decree-Law 1210 / 12 April 1939 - Hunting Code
4. Decree-Law 5894 / 20 October 1943 - New Hunting Code
5. Ordinance 123 / 26 March 1945 - Regulates Article 6 of the Decree-Law 5894
6. Ordinance 64 / 13 April 1953 - Regulates Article 6 of the Decree-Law 5894
7. Law 5197 / 03 January 1967 - Wildlife Protection Act
8. Law 6001 / 19 December 1973 - Indian Statute
9. Brazilian Federal Constitution / 05 October 1988
10. Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization (ILO) / 07 June 1989
11. Decree 592 / 06 July 1992 - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
12. Legislative Decree 02 / 03 February 1994 - Approves the text of the Convention on Biological Diversity
13. INCRA Ordinance 268 / 23 October 1996
14. Law 9605 / 12 February 1998 - Law of Environmental Crimes
15. INCRA Ordinance 477 / 04 November 1999
16. Law 9985 / 18 July 2000 - National System of Conservation Units (SNUC)
17. Decree 4340 / 22 August 2002 - Regulates articles of Law 9985 (SNUC)
18. Environment Ministry (MMA) Normative Instruction 26 / 21 November 2002
19. Law 10826 / 22 December 2003 - Disarmament Statute
20. INCRA Normative Instruction 15 / 30 March 2004
21. Decree 5051 / 19 April 2004 - Promulgation of ILO Convention 169
22. Decree 5758 / 13 April 2006 - National Plan for Protected Areas (PNAP)
23. Law 11346 / 15 September 2006 - National System of Food and Nutritional Security (SISAN)
24. Decree 6040 / 08 February 2007 - National Policy for the Sustainable Development of Traditional Peoples and Communities
25. Decree 6514 / 22 July 2008 - Provides for administrative infractions and sanctions to the environment
26. Law 11959 / 29 June 2009 - Fishing Code
27. Complementary Law 140 / 08 December 2011 - Regulates Article 23 of CF
28. Decree 7747 / 05 June 2012 - National Policy for Territorial and Environmental Management of Indigenous Lands - PNGATI
29. Dispatch 0430/2013/PFE-ICMBIO-SEDE/PGF/AGU / 10 June 2013
30. Opinion 0553/2014/PFE-ICMBIO-SEDE/PGF/AGU / 03 December 2014
31. Environmental Ministry (MMA) Ordinance 162 / 11 May 2016
32. Proposed Law 6268/ Presented on 10 October 2016 - Revokes Law 5,197/1967 and provisions of Law 9605/1998
33. Opinion 00098/2017/COMAF/PFEICMBIO/PGF/AGU / 08 June 2017
34. Opinion 00176/2017/COMAF/PFE-ICMBIO/PGF/AGU / 20 November 2017
35. Decree 9311 / 15 March 2018

2. Methods 3. Results

We analyzed Brazilian legal instruments and international conven- 3.1. Hunting rights of indigenous peoples
tions to which Brazil is a signatory, focusing on those making reference
to hunting, wildlife use and conservation within the context of the The cultural importance of hunting is enshrined in article 23 of the
rights of indigenous peoples and non-indigenous traditional and rural International Labor Organization’s Convention 169 on Indigenous and
populations (Box 1; Fig. 1). We evaluate important case studies and Tribal Peoples (ILO 1989), signed in Geneva on 27 June 1989, and
discuss the scientific data concerning subsistence hunting and regula- formally adopted in Brazil by Decree 5051/2004. The Convention
tion, weighing the demographic and ecosystemic impacts of hunting provides a broad definition of subsistence economy and other tradi-
against evidence for socioecological resilience. We discuss the legal tional activities, asserting the deep connections of indigenous peoples
meanings and social indicators surrounding the concept of “state of to wildlife and legitimizing their engagement in environmental deci-
necessity”, the tenuous loophole upon which the legality of subsistence sions that affect their lands and livelihoods:
hunting in Brazil has depended since the 1998 Law on Environmental “The rights of the concerned peoples to the resources within their
Crimes. In order to better conceptualize the field of study, we assess the territories should be specially protected… Traditional and subsistence-
long history and socioecological diversity of subsistence hunting in related activities of the peoples concerned, such as hunting, fishing and
Amazonia. Finally, we consider future scenarios for the sustainable use harvesting, should be recognized as important factors in maintaining
of wildlife within a legal regulatory framework that would reconcile the their culture, self-sufficiency and economic development. With the
cultural and territorial rights and food sovereignty of indigenous and participation of these peoples, and where appropriate, governments
traditional populations and peasants with sustainable uses of biodi- should strengthen and encourage these activities” (ILO 1989, Article
versity and ecosystem conservation. 23) (emphasis added).
Despite the lack of clarity in the definitions of the Wildlife
Protection Act of 1967, hunting rights for indigenous people in Brazil
were unquestionably assured by later legislation. The Indian Statute of

A.P. Antunes, et al. Land Use Policy 84 (2019) 1–11

Fig. 1. Brazilian legal instruments on hunting, wildlife use and conservation, wildlife and territorial management, and rights of indigenous, traditional and rural

A.P. Antunes, et al. Land Use Policy 84 (2019) 1–11

1973 guarantees their “exclusive exercise of hunting and fishing in the “Food and nutritional security is the right of traditional peoples and
areas they occupy” (Article 24, Paragraph 2). Article 231 of the Federal communities to regular and permanent access to quality food in suffi-
Constitution of 1988 further guarantees their rights to traditional ter- cient quantity without harming access to other essential needs, based
ritories and use of natural resources. Indigenous people continue on food-promoting health practices that respect cultural diversity and
hunting in their lands throughout Amazonia with little discussion about that are environmentally, culturally, economically and socially sus-
their permission to do so (Souza-Mazurek et al., 2000; Pezutti and tainable.” The policy also explicitly promotes “articulation and in-
Chaves, 2009; Linke, 2009; Carneiro, 2015; Constantino, 2015). How- tegration with the National System of Food and Nutrition Security
ever, given the rapid and widespread socioecological changes in Ama- (NSFNS)”.
zonia (Levi et al., 2009; Parry et al., 2010; Sarti et al., 2015; In contrast to the dubious status of hunting, subsistence fishing is
Constantino, 2016), appropriate management through an adaptive clearly defined, regulated and legalized in the Brazilian Fisheries Code
perspective that respects indigenous rights and involves them in deci- (Law 11959/2009) “when used for domestic consumption or exchange
sion making seems timely. for non-profit purposes and using gear permitted by specific legisla-
tion.” Historically, however, hunting and fishing were regulated jointly
3.2. Subsistence hunting restrictions for traditional and rural peoples beginning with the 1916 Civil Code. The subsequent 1934 Hunting and
Fishing Code (Decree 23672) established specific permissions for fish-
Outside recognized indigenous lands, the situation for traditional ermen and hunters throughout national territory. In 1939, the Hunting
peoples, peasants and other rural populations, and even indigenous and Fishing Code was revoked and replaced by the Hunting Code (D.L.
peoples is quite different. Contradictory laws and incongruous legal 1210), stating that all “Brazilians in the exercise of their civil rights”
concepts regarding human rights vs. wildlife protection result in an could hunt, while defining the distinctive categories of “professional
uncertain legal status for the practice of subsistence hunting. According hunter,” who obtained profit from hunting activities, as opposed to
to the Wildlife Protection Act of 1967 the “use, persecution, destruc- “amateur hunter,” who “aims exclusively for purposes of sport” (Article
tion, hunting or harvesting” of wildlife is universally prohibited 7). In 1943 a new Hunting Code (D.L. 5894) was promulgated, with the
throughout Brazil. Brazil’s adoption of the CITES treaty further re- same structure as the previous one. The Fishing Code was established in
inforced the prohibition, through the regulation of international wild- a separate law, and from that moment onward, fishing and hunting
life trade. Thus in theory, hunting in Brazil became illegal. However, in have followed contrasting legal and regulatory pathways, despite the
practice, it merely fell into silence: unreported, undocumented, an in- fact that they are complementary activities for obtaining protein in
convenient reality that was best overlooked. Nevertheless, the 1967 much of rural Brazil, especially the Amazon. In 1945 and 1953,
Wildlife Protection Act contains the following caveat: “If regional pe- Ordinances 123 and 64, respectively, offered the most complete reg-
culiarities allow hunting, the formal permission will be established in a ulatory instruments for hunting in Brazilian history, dividing species
regulatory act by the Federal Public Power”. into categories of "game animal", "rare", "dangerous" and "protected"
Three decades later, the Law of Environmental Crimes (9605/1998) and establishing hunting seasons, refuge areas, rules and annual quotas
clarifies that hunting is considered legal when practiced “in a state of for hunters, all defined according to regional specificities. While spe-
necessity, to quench the hunger of the agent or his family”. The lack of a cific government agencies were created to regulate and monitor fish-
clear legal definition or adequate technical regulations regarding sub- eries within an adaptive legal framework that sought to guarantee
sistence hunting means that individual hunters are subject to the in- sustainability, hunting regulation has been left to individual environ-
terpretative whims of law enforcement and wildlife protection agents in mental law enforcement agents. Since the 1967 Wildlife Act and espe-
judging their “state of necessity”. This ambiguity has resulted in the cially the 1998 Law of Environmental Crimes, such environmental
insecurity and marginalization of subsistence hunters at multiple levels: agents have been instructed by prosecutors to cite hunters caught with
social, nutritional, legal, and jurisdictional. In repeated instances, dead animals and guns, leaving it up to the judge or police to assess
Brazilian law enforcement has criminalized subsistence hunting. whether the defendant was in a “state of necessity” or not. Penalties and
Further confusion is illustrated in the Brazilian Disarmament Statute legal jeopardy for hunters depend on the subjective perceptions and
(10826/2003), which implicitly contradicts the 1998 law by estab- discretionary whims of the authorities.
lishing that “residents in rural areas who are more than twenty-five (25)
years old who prove to be dependent on the use of firearms to provide 3.3. Hidden subsistence hunting in ancillary laws for traditional and rural
for their family’s food subsistence will be permitted by the Federal peoples
Police to possess a firearm in the category ‘subsistence hunter’ and to
use a shotgun of 16 gauge or less”. Adding still more layers to this complex and chaotic legal situation,
In addition as noted previously, the 23rd Article of ILO Convention subsistence hunting rights are also open to interpretation within the
169 further seeks “to guarantee to traditional peoples and communities framework of ancillary socioenvironmental laws that, although making
their territories and access to natural resources they traditionally use no specific reference to hunting, do guarantee traditional peoples’ ac-
for physical, cultural and economic reproduction”, calling governments cess to natural resources. These laws create a broad framework that
to assume responsibility to “ensure that these activities are encouraged could be used to assert, as fundamental civil rights, both ancestral and
and strengthened”. While ILO Convention 169 makes direct mention of contemporary forms of resource use that are crucial for cultural and
indigenous and tribal peoples, it is not clear if this convention also physical reproduction, nutrition and well-being. The International
encompasses other traditional peoples communities (Oliveira Júnior, Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (enacted in Brazil by Decree
2014), whose social, cultural and economic conditions likewise distin- 592/1992) specifies “all people may freely dispose of their wealth and
guish them from other segments of the national population, and whose natural resources. In no case shall a people be deprived of their means
activities are regulated wholly or partially by their own customs and of subsistence.” Brazil’s 1988 Federal Constitution states that the state
traditions. will guarantee: the “adequate use of available natural resources and
The Brazilian National Policy for the Sustainable Development of preservation of the environment” (Paragraph II, Article 186, Chapter
Traditional Peoples and Communities (NPTPC, Decree 6040/2007) re- III, Title VII – Economic and Financial Order); “the full exercise of
presents a crucial legal instrument defining traditional peoples and cultural rights to everyone” (Article 215, Section II, Chapter III, Title
establishing guidelines, objectives and actions aimed at guaranteeing VIII - On the Social Order); “to protect wildlife and wild plants, and
their rights. In contrast to ILO Convention 169, NPTPC does not contain prohibit by law those practices that endanger their ecological function,
a clear statement on hunting rights. However, the commitment of cause extinction of species or expose animals to cruelty” (Section VII,
NPTPC to the food sovereignty of traditional populations is evident: Article 225, Chapter VI, Title VIII – On the Social Order). Among the

A.P. Antunes, et al. Land Use Policy 84 (2019) 1–11

basic social rights are enumerated: “education, health, food, work, proposed by residents.
housing, leisure, security, social security, maternity, child protection, Even rural or traditional people living inside strictly protected
assistance to impoverished people”; “Everyone has the right to an conservation units (national parks, biosphere reserves) have some legal
ecologically balanced environment, of common use to people and es- rights to natural resources through the so-called Terms of Commitment
sential for health, imposing on the Government and the community the clause (Decree 4340/2002), establishing that “as long as [the in-
duty to defend and preserve it for present and future generations” habitants] are not resettled, the conditions of permanence of traditional
(Article 225, Chapter VI, Title VIII – On the Social Order). Finally, ar- populations… will be regulated by a Term of Commitment negotiated
ticle 24 specifically states, “It is the responsibility of the Union, States between the management agency and local populations, after con-
and Federal District to legislate concurrently on: VI - forests, hunting, sultation of the strictly protected area’s council” (Article 39). “The term
fishing, wildlife, nature conservation, soil and natural resource pro- of commitment should indicate the areas occupied, the limitations ne-
tection, protection of the environment and pollution control” (Chapter cessary to ensure nature conservation, and duties of the management
II, Title III - Organization of the State). agency regarding indemnities, ensuring access of these populations to
The National System of Food and Nutrition Security (NSFNS), cre- their sources of subsistence and safeguarding their ways of life” (Article
ated by Law 11346/2006, establishes that “adequate food is a funda- 39).
mental right of human beings, inherent to the dignity of the human Decree 5758/2006 establishes the National Strategic Plan for
person and indispensable to the realization of the rights enshrined in Protected Areas (NPPA), reinforcing the importance of protected areas
the Federal Constitution, such that the public power must adopt policies while considering the conditions in which local inhabitants live, es-
and actions that are necessary to promote and guarantee food and tablishing that populations living within and around protected areas
nutritional security of the population” (Article 2), “…based on practices should participate in their management. Among the principles listed in
promoting health and respecting cultural diversity” (Article 3). Article 4 the NPPA are: “promotion of participation, social inclusion and the
states that “food and nutritional security cover: conservation of biodi- exercise of citizenship in the management of protected areas, perma-
versity and sustainable use of resources”. nently seeking social development, especially for populations inside
and surrounding protected areas”; “consideration of gender balance,
3.4. Land use categories and sustainable hunting management generations, culture and ethnicity in the management of protected
areas”; and “promoting social participation in all stages of NPPA im-
The National Policy for Territorial and Environmental Management plementation and evaluation.” According to this document, “the es-
of Indigenous Territories (PNGATI), created by Decree 7747/2012, is tablishment of new protected areas, as well as the collaborative man-
the main legal instrument with general guidelines for territorial and agement of existing protected areas, should consider the interfaces of
environmental management of indigenous lands, guaranteeing au- biological diversity with sociocultural diversity, economic aspects, in-
tonomy to indigenous peoples in managing their territories and natural frastructure necessary for national development, South American in-
resources. The “Management Plans” that have resulted from this policy tegration, security and national defense.”
encompass locally specific regulations concerning the use of wildlife by The National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform
indigenous people, ranging from informal social norms to specific (INCRA) guarantees land rights and promotes the social function of
harvest rules to restrict overhunting. PNGATI promotes “recognition, land to rural peoples and peasants through redistributing rural prop-
valorization and development of environmental management as an erties. One of INCRA’s main mechanisms is the establishment
instrument to protect the territories and environmental conditions ne- Settlement Projects. A Settlement Project is a “territorial unit destined
cessary for the physical, cultural and well-being of indigenous peoples to the settlement of families of farmers or rural workers created or re-
and communities” (Art. 03). cognized by INCRA” (Decree 9311/2018), and has specific territorial
Maintenance of traditional livelihoods is also central to the National regulation based on economic viability, environmental sustainability
System of Conservation Units (SNUC), through the publication of Law and territorial development. A wide legal framework has been con-
9985/2000. One of its objectives is “protecting the natural resources structed in Brazil since the 1960s, including the Land Statute (Law
necessary for the subsistence of traditional populations, respecting and 4504/1964). Beneficiary families include peasants, “farmers or rural
valuing their knowledge and culture and promoting them socially and workers - peoples engaged in agricultural or non-agricultural activity in
economically” (Article 4). The main goal of sustainable use conserva- rural areas” (Decree 9311/2018). In accordance with INCRA’s
tion units is to reconcile biodiversity conservation with the sustainable Normative Instruction 15/2004, Settlement Projects “consist of a set of
exploitation of resources by human populations inhabiting protected actions, in an area intended for agrarian reform, with interdisciplinary
areas, promoting resource management strategies that include broad and multisectoral planning, integrated with territorial and regional
participation of reserve inhabitants. An Extractive Reserve (RESEX) is development, defined based on precise diagnoses about the beneficiary
defined as an “area used by traditional populations whose livelihood is public and the areas to be exploited, oriented for the rational use of
based on extractivism… and its basic objective is to protect the liveli- physical spaces and existing natural resources, aiming at the im-
hoods and culture of these populations.” Similarly, the Sustainable plementation of sustainable living and production systems, with a view
Development Reserve (RDS) “is a natural area that shelters traditional to fulfilling the social function of the land and the economic, social and
populations whose existence is based on sustainable systems of ex- cultural promotion of the rural and of their families”.
ploitation of natural resources”. Both RESEX and RDS are managed The environmentally differentiated project modalities include the
through formal management plans and deliberative councils that in- Agroextractive Settlement Project (PAE), a “project for the exploitation
volve a broad participation of local actors in decision-making about of areas with extractive wealth, through economically viable, socially
natural resource use. National Forests (FLONA) also aim to promote just and ecologically sustainable activities, to be carried out by the
“the sustainable, multiple use of forest resources”. Finally, the Wildlife populations that traditionally occupy the respective area”, and
Reserve (Art. 19) is a category intended for “technical and scientific Sustainable Development Project (PDS) – “project of social and ecolo-
studies on the sustainable economic management of wildlife resources”, gical interest destined to the populations that base their subsistence in
however, somewhat ironically, no reserves in this category have been extractivism, family-based agriculture and other activities of low en-
created to date. vironmental impact”. Though not mentioned specifically, hunting is
Environment Ministry (MMA) Normative Instruction 26/2002 es- also as an important source of protein and livelihood for these com-
tablishes “norms for the sustainable use of non-threatened Brazilian munities. For this reason, they suffer from legal inconsistencies where
wildlife, traditionally used by traditional populations in Extractive hunting is involved (Fragoso and Santos, 2000).
Reserves” (Art. 1) through the development of a Technical Project

A.P. Antunes, et al. Land Use Policy 84 (2019) 1–11

3.5. “State of necessity” and food sovereignty areas of Acre State, for example, the overwhelming majority of hus-
bandry initiatives in raising chicken, duck, sheep, pig or fish to serve as
The status of subsistence hunting for non-indigenous peoples in protein sources have collapsed for technical, social and environmental
contemporary Brazil depends largely on legal interpretations of the reasons (P. Constantino pers. obs.). In this region, complex infra-
phrase “state of necessity” in the 1998 Environmental Crimes Law. A structure and technology would be required to produce enough meat
2014 opinion by Brazil’s environmental regulation agency, ICMBIO from husbandry to substitute the amount of wildmeat consumed in
(opinion 0553/2014/PFE-ICMBIO-SEDE/PGF/AGU) revealed the fra- subsistence hunting communities (Nunes, 2018). Moreover, domestic
gility of these rights in the face of idiosyncratic legal interpretations. animal husbandry also implies severe impacts on biodiversity, in-
This opinion argued against formal adoption of hunting management cluding habitat conversion or deforestation to create space for animals
agreements with local inhabitants of Tefé National Forest in Amazonas to live and for their food production, the use of chemical fertilizers and
State. The argument hinged on a strict interpretation of the phrase pesticides chemical inputs and the introduction of herd diseases, which
“state of necessity,” claiming that, even though traditional populations can cause much greater impacts on wild fauna and ecosystems than
can continue to inhabit historical territories included within a protected hunting itself (Nunes, 2018). Meanwhile, replacing the same amount of
area’s boundaries, hunting is only legal if the hunter is unable to find bush meat with chicken implies reducing iron intake by 65%, zinc in-
another animal protein source. In other words, hunting is the exception, take by 24% and vitamin C intake by 17% (Sarti et al., 2015). In ad-
not the rule. Such idiosyncratic and arbitrary decisions by state officials dition, people who eat game meat have a healthier nutritional intake,
would appear to threaten the fundamental rights, dignity, social well- consuming less carbohydrates (-10%), more protein (+46%), iron
being, food security, culture, and environmental quality of local peoples (+151%) and zinc (+23%) (Sarti et al., 2015).
as tacitly (though not explicitly) guaranteed in other relevant laws and From the perspective of historical ecology, why raise domestic an-
policies. In practice, this legal opinion would make it impossible to imals if it is possible to manage animals within the surrounding forest
legally regulate wildlife management and subsistence hunting in sus- landscapes, as has been practiced for centuries? Especially given the
tainable use reserves. The opinion in turn undermines governance and fact that resource use is a recognized right of traditional populations, it
social mobilization surrounding socioenvironmental management pro- would appear that relegating subsistence hunting by traditional popu-
cesses already initiated in some reserves, initiatives that might other- lations to a mere “state of necessity” is seriously inappropriate.
wise strengthen conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Although game meat is an indispensable resource for the nutritional
The economy of indigenous and traditional populations in the status of human populations in the Amazon, subsistence hunting rights
Amazon remains dependent on traditional subsistence activities such as must be supported by broader legal instruments that encompass this
hunting, fishing, extractivism, foraging and swidden cultivation, which practice under the perspective of an ancestral and cultural activity in
are all unpredictable sources of food sustenance. The daily diet of accessing natural resources.
Amazonian societies generally shows a restricted repertoire, sufficient Interpretations of “state of necessity” do not take into account the
in carbohydrate and protein intake but sometimes lacking in fat and social and environmental reality of local people. Indeed, one might
calories for most adults (Siren and Machoa, 2008; Dufour et al., 2016). argue that the historic violation of their territorial rights, the predatory
Traditional diets may also be deficient in micro- and macronutrients for extraction of natural resources by outside actors, and the large-scale
children, pregnant and lactating women due to their higher require- environmental degradation resulting from dams, deforestation, high-
ments (Dufour et al., 2016). However, broad, multi-seasonal studies are ways, livestock and commercial monoculture have left these people in a
scarce, and Amazonian diets may be much more complex and diverse constant “state of necessity” with only the minimal natural resources
than once thought (Clement, 2019), especially when taking into ac- necessary for their survival, including hunting. Indigenous and other
count the tremendous diversity of plant protein sources and the broad forest peoples living along the “deforestation arc” stretching across the
local knowledge on food plants (Machado, 2018). Nonetheless, garden southern to central-western Amazon have seen their territories frag-
staples such as bitter or sweet manioc (Manihot esculenta) and plantains mented or completely deforested. The calamitous state of malnutrition
(Musa spp.) provide between 50% and 80% of the total dietary energy among the Guarani-Kaiowá indigenous people in Mato Grosso do Sul
and up to 20% of the protein ingested by Amazonian populations. Other constitute on ongoing “state of necessity,” with animal populations so
cultigens and domesticated or wild fruits complement the intake of depleted in their traditional territories that hunting no longer provides
micro- and macronutrients on a variable basis (Aguiar, 1996; Dufour food security.
et al., 2016).
Hunting has been shown to provide between 8 and 72% of total 3.6. The multiplicity of subsistence hunting in the Amazon
protein consumed by Amazonian populations (Calouro and Marinho-
Filho 1995, Sarti et al., 2015; Dufour et al., 2016), depending on the Any interpretation of the suite of Brazilian laws that does not con-
socioecological and cultural contexts. Per capita ingestion of bushmeat sider subsistence hunting as a traditional resource use activity threatens
in some indigenous and traditional people varies from 150 g to 280 g fundamental rights to an activity with ancient roots in the Amazon
per day (Robinson and Bennett, 2000; Nunes, 2018) Bushmeat ensures (Roosevelt et al., 1991; Porro, 1995; Prestes-Carneiro et al., 2016). We
that vitamin C and iron intake remain generally above typical daily provide a brief conceptualization of subsistence hunting in Amazonia in
recommendations (Sarti et al., 2015). Meat is a particularly important Box 2. In a biome with a continental scale, still quite preserved and
source of sustenance in the Amazon, where micronutrient deficiency mostly on the margins of the global market, the main protein intake for
diseases such as scurvy, beriberi, and anemia are recurrent and often approximately 8 million Brazilian rural people still comes from hunting
aggravated by other endemic diseases, including intestinal parasites and fishing.
and malaria (Castro, 1946; Neumann et al., 2003; Taddei et al., 2011). Hunting assumes a socially structuring function around the food
In addition, amino acids from animal protein are responsible for me- supply (Morsello et al., 2015). Although mostly a male activity, through
tabolizing residual cyanogens from processed bitter manioc, which in which the hunter conceives his social status, women play a fundamental
high concentration can be toxic, affecting cell oxygen transport (Dufour role in the preparation and cooking of meat, as well as in its distribution
et al., 2016). and circulation, acting directly in the construction and maintenance of
Although widespread in other rural areas of Brazil, the raising of family and community ties (Siskind, 1973; Constantino et al., 2008).
cattle, pigs and chicken is not common among many traditional From the family and community level, to small urban areas, trade and
Amazonian peoples. Domestic animal husbandry could be considered as exchange of surplus meat, though devoid of any profit-making purpose,
a strategy to minimize pressure on wildlife populations, especially in can be a structuring factor of subsistence hunting, allowing rural
heavily fragmented areas inhabited by colonists. However, in forested communities (sometimes in extreme isolation) to exchange for goods

A.P. Antunes, et al. Land Use Policy 84 (2019) 1–11

Box 2
A conceptual framework for subsistence hunting in Amazonia.

Along with fishing, gathering, extractivism and swidden cultivation, hunting is an important traditional practice and fundamental com-
ponent of the subsistence economy for indigenous and non-indigenous populations from remote areas of the Amazon, for obtaining food as
well as other culturally important by-products. Hunting assumes a socially structuring function around the food supply in these societies.
Often, surplus meat is locally traded and exchanged to obtain essential items for local welfare, without any profit-making purpose. Hunting
is based on knowledge accumulated throughout generations about natural history, ecological interactions, use of territory and social norms,
permeating a complex normative universe of prohibitions, taboos and preferences. Game offtake profiles, hunting techniques and the
relative importance of hunting in relation to fishing vary in space and time throughout the high complexity of socioecological systems of

essential to local welfare, such as food, clothing, shoes, toiletries etc. peoples (Box 2).
(van Vliet et al., 2015). Fifty years after the enactment of Brazil’s Wildlife Protection Act,
Hunting is based on knowledge accumulated through generations there is no consistent regulatory framework governing subsistence
about natural history, ecological interactions, use of territory and social hunting in Brazil. There has been no progress in regulating subsistence
norms, regulating the interactions between the hunter, wildlife, society hunting in this country, highlighting a certain “necessity of the state” to
and the forest that surround them. The hunter's choices are not merely broaden its legal, technical and scientific understandings about
shaped by the optimization of economic rationality around the costs of hunting. Regulating hunting will prove to be a fundamental step to
obtaining food and energy benefits from the prey. Rather, they ensuring the nutritional and food security, empowerment and au-
permeate a complex normative universe of prohibitions and preferences tonomy of indigenous peoples, non-indigenous peoples and rural pea-
(Ingold, 2004; Shepard, 2015). Indigenous and traditional Amazonian sants, as well as for reducing impacts on animal populations. However,
societies reveal systems of taboos and hunting rules that function as the 1967 law did make provisions allowing for “regional peculiarities,”
informal social institutions, structuring economic and social practices in creating a loophole that might permit governmental regulation of
the use of natural resources (Ross, 1978; Colding and Folke, 2001; hunting activities deemed sustainable.
Shepard, 2002; Hurtado-Gonzales and Bodmer, 2004; Luzar et al., Over the last thirty years, a large body of scientific evidence has
2012; Vieira and Shepard, 2017). Such prohibitions are often sur- focused on the sustainability of subsistence hunting in Amazonia.
rounded by symbolic notions of the social and spiritual relations of Multiple studies have found that subsistence hunting locally reduces the
human beings to animals (Castro, 1996; Descola, 1998; Fausto, 2007). density, abundance and biomass of large and medium-sized game spe-
The game offtake profiles and the relative importance of hunting in cies populations (Bodmer et al., 1994; Bodmer, 1995; Alvard et al.,
relation to fishing vary in space and time throughout the complex so- 1997; Robinson and Bennett 2000; Peres, 2000a, 2000b), with greater
cioecological systems in Amazonia. In riverine communities along the impacts on species with low inherent rates of population growth
larger rivers and tributaries, especially those established in floodplains (Bodmer et al., 1997). More recent studies have been somewhat critical
periodically inundated by white waters, daily fish consumption is of these conclusions, noting that transect methods for estimating animal
among the highest in the world (Isaac and Almeida, 2011). However, densities (Buckland et al., 2004) may underestimate game densities.
river turtles (Podocnemidae) and their eggs, some birds (Anseriformes, Such transect studies have been the main tool used to assess hunting
Phalacrocoracidae and Cracidae), capybaras (Hydrochaeris hydro- sustainability and make decisions regarding wildlife management
chaerus) and primates (Alouatta spp.) are also significant (Lopes et al., (Constantino et al., 2008; Fragoso et al., 2016). Furthermore, the
2012). In non-flooded terra firme forests, game is more diverse and can “sustainability index” used for assessing hunting sustainability
reach similar values or even higher protein offtake than fishing (Robinson and Redford, 1991) does not take into account migration
(Calouro and Marinho-Filho, 2005), due especially to the greater rich- from nearby refuge areas (Joshi and Gadgil, 1991; Novaro et al., 2000,
ness and abundance of ungulates, caviomorphous rodents (Cuniculus Shepard et al., 2012). These so-called source-sink dynamics turn out to
paca and Dasyprocta spp.), large primates (especially Atelidae), and be one of the main mechanisms maintaining hunting sustainability in
tortoises (Chelonoidis spp.). In traditional communities of central Amazonia (Antunes et al., 2016). Moreover, when subsistence hunting
Amazonia with access to both terra firme and floodplains, fishing is is evaluated at a landscape scale, and when not associated with other
relatively more important year round (Endo et al., 2010; Morcatty and sources of environmental impact such as deforestation or commercial
Valsecchi, 2015). During high water season, however, fish disperse hunting, it often shows positive signs of sustainability even for highly
across aquatic landscapes, making their catch more difficult. In this vulnerable prey species such as large monkeys and tapir (Novaro et al.,
season, hunting becomes an essential activity (Terra, 2007; Vieira et al., 2000; Levi et al., 2009; Constantino, 2016), species which have pre-
2015), as animals disperse from floodplains and inundated forests to dicted to be locally extinct using traditional sustainability indices (see
upland terra firme. Subsistence hunting is also an activity of great im- Ohl‐Schacherer et al., 2007).
portance for rural communities and peasants settled along the highways Many such studies also focus only on hunting as a source of game
constructed in the Amazon since the 1970s (Smith, 1976; Ayres and depletion, disregarding management as an inherently socioecological
Ayres, 1979; Bonaudo et al., 2005). process, and also ignoring opportunities for and an interdisciplinary
studies and management to achieve sustainability. Such hunting impact
studies often ignore the socioeconomic role of hunting, local manage-
4. Discussion ment rules and the in-depth knowledge of traditional hunters about the
natural history of animals and ecosystems, as well cultural mechanisms
Intending to put an end to uncontrolled commercial hunting, in of wildlife management. Through self-organization and social mobili-
which millions of animals were slaughtered to supply the international zation, traditional peoples have developed adaptive strategies sup-
market in hides and pelts (Antunes and Venticinque, 2014, 2016), the ported by local rules and institutions, and become more resilient to
Wildlife Protection Act of 1967 played a key role in the recovery of socioecological changes (Kates et al., 2019; Olsson et al., 2004; Ostrom,
wildlife populations in the Amazon. However, it also made subsistence 2009; Campos-Silva et al., 2017). Thus, subsistence hunting should be
hunting illegal in Brazil, ignoring the crucial importance of this activity understood in a broader perspective and evaluated according to
for the food security, livelihoods and culture of millions Amazonian

A.P. Antunes, et al. Land Use Policy 84 (2019) 1–11

questions such as: Who hunts? Why, what, when and where? An in- because community-based hunting monitoring systems are not officially
terdisciplinary approach is imperative to resolve the conflicts that have recognized in the RESEX, and because of a broader lack of clear in-
persisted for half a century in the Amazon and the rest of Brazil. stitutional understandings of subsistence hunting and traditional peo-
An appropriate regulatory framework can contribute to establishing ples rights, as described above (Almeida and Panjota, 2004).
the governance and management conditions to enhance the sustain- Moreover, the prohibition of hunting jeopardizes the very goals of
ability of subsistence hunting. Several Brazilian laws and international Extractive Reserves. It is important to emphasize that the Extractive
conventions guarantee fundamental civil rights, both ancestral and Reserves emerged as a result of rubber tappers' demands, led by the
contemporary forms of resource use, that are crucial for cultural and charismatic leader Chico Mendes in 1982, in search of agrarian reform
physical reproduction, nutrition and well-being. Notably, regulations adapted to the rubber tappers’ way of life, and aiming to halt defor-
with a territorial focus tend to recognize the right of local populations estation (Allegretti, 1994; Almeida et al., 2002). The weakening of
in managing their territory and the natural resources they historically Extractive Reserves can accelerate the process of economic dependence
use: Management Plans for Protected Areas (provided in SNUC/2000), on more destructive activities such as cattle ranching and large-scale
Plans for Territorial and Environmental Management of Indigenous commercial agriculture, which have caused a recent increase in defor-
Territories (established in PNGATI/2012) and Agrarian Reform estation in the Chico Mendes Extractive Reservation in the state of Acre
Settlements Projects. These policies encourage active participation of (Vadjunec et al., 2009).
local populations in conservation and management of natural resources, It is imperative that animal populations and game harvest are
and are promising tools for subsistence hunting management. The in- monitored scientifically to evaluate hunting sustainability through
terface between local and scientific knowledge is essential for the ela- time. In developing countries, often lacking in environmental govern-
boration of management plans capable of promoting intercultural dia- ance, financing and human resources, participatory monitoring ex-
logue, often mediating negotiations between local populations, other periences have been efficient in the implementation of conservation
social actors and government. actions concomitant with data collection (Danielsen et al., 2000;
One of the main tools for territorial management provided in SNUC Constantino et al., 2012; Vieira et al., 2015) Monitoring of wildlife use
and PNGATI is spatial land use zoning. Based on a participatory pro- and population stocks should be enhanced through the ongoing training
cess, spatial zoning consists of the delimitation within protected areas of local monitors, who, once empowered with the information they
of specific regions under different ecological and socioeconomic char- collect, can act as decision makers on a local and regional scale. Pro-
acteristics, providing rules and categories for the use of natural re- mising results have been demonstrated in monitoring systems that in-
sources in zones of protection, extensive and intensive uses. Such an volve local hunters in data collection and application of this informa-
approach is in consonance with territorial management perspectives tion to develop management strategies and new research questions
historically undertaken by indigenous and non-indigenous peoples, (Vieira et al., 2015) Women, especially hunters’ wives, also play a key
who traditionally preserve sacred areas or places of special spiritual role in hunting monitoring, since they are responsible for meat when it
protection (Joshi and Gadgil, 1991; Wadley and Colfer, 2004; Read arrives in the community. Another way to develop an effective mon-
et al., 2010) and maintain strategies of displacement throughout their itoring system can be achieved through partnerships with local schools,
territory in regard to wildlife migration, phenology and conflict with where children conduct participatory research on wildlife harvests,
neighboring groups (Albert and Le Tourneau, 2007). hunting practices and preferences, thus supporting the community in
Faced with uncertainties about the ecology and resilience of wild- decision-making on local wildlife management, while also providing
life, as well as the numerous variables that affect conservation (Milner- remarkable pedagogic opportunities.
Gulland and Akçakaya, 2001), the delimitation of protected zones In recent years, this interdisciplinary approach has guided global
surrounded by harvest areas allows territorial regulation in a way conventions on biodiversity conservation. The International Union for
analogous to refuge-harvest area dynamics (or source-sink dynamics), the Conservation of Nature establishes that wildlife use, if sustainable,
which comprises one of the most effective wildlife conservation stra- is an important conservation tool, since both social and economic
tegies in Amazonia, especially when it involves participatory research benefits derived from this use provide incentives for people to conserve
and local knowledge perspectives (Shepard et al., 2012; Campos-Silva them (International Union for Conservation of Nature, 2000). In ac-
et al., 2017; Constantino et al., 2018). cordance, the Convention on Biological Diversity encourages and in-
This system has been successfully used in wildlife management by vites its parties to develop a participatory agenda for building sus-
the Kaxinawa indigenous people that inhabit the Indigenous Land in the tainable systems of biodiversity resource use activities, including
Jordão River, in the border of Brazil and Peru. In 1992 their most highly subsistence hunting (Convention on Biological Diversity, 2016). Sub-
prized game animals, the lowland tapir, white-lipped peccary, woolly sistence hunting should be treated in the core of the global conserva-
and spider monkeys, piping guan, and curassow (Constantino, 2016) tionist agenda, as one of its priorities in building a more sustainable and
were deemed locally extinct, and several others were rare (Peres, less unequal human society.
1993). Aware of the situation, the Kaxinawa agreed on delimiting a
refuge area inside their Indigenous Land that integrated a larger source 5. Conclusions
area identified in the adjacent Kaxinawa/Asheninka do Rio Breu In-
digenous Land (Constantino et al., 2008) and the Alto Juruá Extractive Brazilian Wildlife Act since 1967 has prohibited hunting, ignoring
Reserve (Ramos, 2005). In 2005, most of Kaxinawa villages were able not only basic foundations for human dignity but also contradicting
to feed their families with game meat from all the species deemed lo- legal precedents that protect and value traditional ways of life. This and
cally extinct or rare ten years earlier, most likely as a consequence of other prohibitive laws also disregard the natural mechanisms of resi-
the migration of animals from the source protected area and the ex- lience of animal populations to subsistence hunting as evidenced by
clusion of outside hunters (Constantino et al., 2008). Provided with scientific studies on source-sink effects. Finally, such laws and inter-
information from community-based hunting monitoring and zoning, pretations do not consider the processes of community self-organization
Kaxinawa wildlife management was recognized through the Territorial in managing territories and natural resources. As a consequence, the
and Environmental Management Plan (CPI/AC and AMAAIAC 2012). “state of necessity” has been established by the state itself, keeping
However, the refuge area delimited in the Jordão Indigenous Land traditional and rural populations at the margins of their legal and
alone is not enough to ensure sustainable indigenous hunting natural rights, in a constant state of fear, subject to legal, nutritional
(Constantino et al., 2018), requiring a regional approach that would and social insecurity when they are deprived of access to a crucial re-
involve decision-makers in the Alto Juruá Extractive Reserve (RESEX) source for their survival.
to protect a larger source area. Such an approach is unlikely to occur Wildlife management does not mean unrestricted subsistence

A.P. Antunes, et al. Land Use Policy 84 (2019) 1–11

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