PouwRopdeKoningPaas Split-Attention
PouwRopdeKoningPaas Split-Attention
PouwRopdeKoningPaas Split-Attention
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Wim Pouw1, 2**, Gertjan Rop1**, Bjorn de Koning1, and Fred Paas1,3
1. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Psychology, Education & Child Studies, The
Author Note:
Correspondence: Gertjan Rop, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Erasmus
Open Data:
Raw data, analyses scripts, pre-registration experiment 2, and Python experiment code and
stimuli supporting this research report can be retrieved from The Open Science Framework
We would like to express our gratitude to Alex van Straaten, Sven Cammeraat, and Tudor
Cristea for their help during the data collection. We would also like to thank prof. dr. Rolf
Plötzner for providing the materials used in Experiment 3. This research was funded by the
Excellence Initiative grant from the Erasmus University Rotterdam awarded to the Educational
Psychology section. We also thank the Erasmus Behavioral Lab, especially Marcel Boom, for
The split-attention effect entails that learning from spatially separated, but mutually referring
information sources (e.g., text and picture) is less effective than learning from the equivalent
spatially integrated sources. According to cognitive load theory, impaired learning is caused by
the working memory load imposed by the need to distribute attention between the information
sources and mentally integrate them. In this study, we directly tested whether the split-attention
effect is caused by spatial separation per se. Spatial distance was varied in basic cognitive tasks
study), and in more ecologically valid learning materials (Experiment 3). Experiment 1 showed
that having to integrate two pictorial stimuli at greater distances diminished performance on a
secondary visual working memory task, but did not lead to slower integration. When participants
had to integrate a picture and written text in Experiment 2, a greater distance led to slower
integration of the stimuli, but not to diminished performance on the secondary task. Experiment
3 showed that presenting spatially separated (compared to integrated) textual and pictorial
information yielded fewer integrative eye movements, but this was not further exacerbated when
increasing spatial distance even further. This effect on learning processes did not lead to
larger distances between spatially separated information sources influence learning processes,
but that spatial separation on its own is not likely to be the only, nor a sufficient, condition for
The combination of instructional text (written or spoken) and pictorial information (static
or dynamic) is ubiquitous nowadays in textbooks and e-learning resources. Research on this so-
called multimedia learning, which is typically based on Cognitive Load Theory (CLT; Sweller,
Ayres, & Kalyuga, 2011) and the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML; Mayer,
2014), has shown that learning generally improves when learning materials combine pictures and
text (i.e., the multimedia principle; Butcher, 2014). However, simply combining text and pictures
without further deliberation about how to present them to learners likely leads to suboptimal
learning (Ayres & Sweller, 2014; Mayer & Fiorella, 2014). A well-known finding in this respect
is the split-attention effect (e.g., Ayres & Sweller, 2014; Chandler & Sweller, 1991, 1992; Florax
& Ploetzner, 2010; Ginns, 2006; Mayer & Fiorella, 2014)1. The effect entails that when textual
and pictorial information that need to be integrated for learning (e.g., text and pictures) are
spatially separated, learning is hindered as compared to spatially integrated sources. This general
finding has led instructional designers to promote spatial integration of multimedia sources
Often when the split-attention effect is obtained it is merely assumed that the effect is
produced by “splitting attention” over spatially separated information; however the underlying
mechanism of the split-attention effect is rarely directly tested. The general explanation for the
split-attention effect is provided by CLT (Sweller et al., 2011), and dictates that diminished
learning is caused by increased cognitive load imposed by spatial separation (Paas & Sweller,
Note that the “split-attention effect” can have a different meaning outside of educational
psychology. This then concerns the degree to which humans can visually track or detect two or
more (moving) objects at once (e.g., Awh & Pashler, 2000). In this study, we focus on the split-
2014). The need to search for related elements in the textual and pictorial information sources,
corresponding information has been argued to impose an extraneous cognitive load (e.g.,
Sweller, Van Merrienboer, & Paas, 1998). Given that working memory is limited in capacity and
duration (Baddeley, 2000; Barrouillet & Camos, 2007; Cowan, 2001; Miller 1956; Puma et al.,
2018), this reduces working memory resources available for processes that are relevant for
(Sweller, 1994). Consequently, learning is hampered. For integrated sources though, the burden
myriad of studies have shown that, in line with this explanation, spatially integrated learning
materials impose a lower cognitive load and lead to higher learning outcomes than spatially
separated learning materials (Bodemer, Ploetzner, Feuerlein, & Spada, 2004; Chandler &
Sweller, 1991, 1992; Mayer, Steinhoff, Bower, & Mars, 1995; Tarmizi & Sweller, 1988; see
However, the split-attention effect may not be caused by spatial separation of related
information per se. Several techniques exist that can be used to resolve the split-attention effect
that are not resolving spatial separation per se. For example, the direction of learners‟ attention
by signaling the corresponding parts of the text and picture is frequently employed (De Koning
& Jarodzka, 2017; Jamet, 2014; Van Gog, 2014). Research has shown that mental integration of
textual and pictorial information is improved when corresponding text and parts of the picture
are presented in the same colour (De Koning, Tabbers, Rikers, & Paas, 2009; Ozcelik, Arslan-
Ari, & Cagiltay, 2010; Ozcelik, Karaku.s, Kursun, & Cagiltay, 2009). Importantly, when a
information sources, comprehension is improved (Mayer, 2014; Schnotz, 2014). Moreover, using
co-referring labels, such as when dividing spatially separated information into smaller segments
and labelling the corresponding text-picture parts with numbers, also reduces the split-attention
effect (Florax & Ploetzner, 2010). It might therefore be that the searching costs that are imposed
by non-integrated information sources are not caused by spatial distance, but because the learner
does not know which pieces of information belong together and has to perform an effortful
automatically signals which information sources belong together. Thus, it is currently unclear
whether split attention is caused by spatial separation, or due to obscurities about which
information sources which impose working memory load on the learner can account for the split-
attention effect. That spatial distance plays a role in the split-attention effect, as originally
(Ballard, Hayhoe, & Pelz, 1995; Gray & Fu, 2004; for a review see Pouw, van Gog, & Paas,
2014). It has been shown that when information that needs to be integrated is spatio-temporally
separated (Ballard et al., 1995; Gray & Fu, 2004), problem solvers change from a perceptually
intensive strategy (less prone to mistakes; higher saccade counts) to what seems to be a memory
intensive strategy (leading to more mistakes; lower saccade counts). More precisely, Ballard et
al. (1995) used a task in which participants had to copy a pattern of colored blocks. When the
distance between the model and the workspace in which participants had to copy the pattern of
blocks was small (model and workspace were separated by 15o), and the cost of direct
acquisition of information was small, participants made more saccades, implying less use of
working memory resources. When this distance between information sources was increased
(70o), thereby elevating the cost of direct visual comparison, participants made fewer saccades
implying more use of working memory resources (see also Haselen, 2000 for a replication). In
the study by Gray and Fu (2004), it was found that participants who memorized task-relevant
information before the main task were more likely to use this memorized information when it
would take more time to attain this information from the computer display given a number of
mouse-clicks. When the number of mouse-clicks that were needed to attain the relevant
information was reduced, participants were less likely to rely on their own memory and would
attain this information in the digital environment. Interestingly, this had the effect that more
mistakes were made when information was less easily attainable as participants were more likely
perfect “information-in-the-world” in the condition where there was low cost of retrieving the
information (i.e., time and effort to get the relevant information from the display). Together,
these studies (Ballard et al., 1995; Gray & Fu, 2004) indicate that there seems to be a trade-off
In more applied settings, comparable findings have been obtained. Johnson and Mayer
(2012), for example, recorded participants‟ eye movements while they learned how car brakes
work using a single-slide multimedia lesson consisting of a diagram and text. When the text was
integrated in the relevant parts of the diagram, participants made more saccades between these
two sources of information than when the text was presented separated from the diagram.
Moreover, participants‟ understanding of how car brakes work was better in the integrated
condition. In a study by Bauhoff, Huff, and Schwan (2012) participants judged whether or not
two depictions of a mechanical pendulum clock were identical. The spatial distance between
these two depictions was varied, and Bauhoff et al. (2012) observed that participants made fewer
saccades between the two depictions of these clocks when the spatial distance between the
pictures was increased, suggesting higher working memory constraints. Together, these studies
suggest that non-integrated information (Johnson & Mayer, 2012), or increased spatial distance
between information sources (Bauhoff et al., 2012) leads to more memory-intensive strategies,
which provides indirect evidence for the CLT-based explanation of the split-attention effect
described above (Paas & Sweller, 2014; Sweller et al., 2011). So far, however, it has not yet been
investigated within more basic cognitive tasks whether spatial separation affects cognitive load
and task performance directly and to what extent varying the spatial distance between two
more applied settings. If spatial distance is the key factor in producing the split-attention effect, it
could be argued that given a linear relationship between the spatial distance between two
information sources and working memory load (Hardiess, Gillner, & Mallot, 2008; Inamdar &
Pomplun, 2003), the further apart two information sources are, the more likely it will be that
learners‟ working memory is overloaded and that learners experience the negative consequences
of split-attention.
The aim of this study was to investigate whether the split-attention effect can be
explained by the spatial distance between information sources, and whether and how this basic
cognitive phenomenon affects learning processes and outcomes in more ecologically valid
learning materials. We therefore conducted three experiments in which the distance between two
information sources was varied. Experiment 1 intended to assess distance effects using a basic
paradigm wherein participants made similarity judgments based on two pictorial information
sources (cards with symbols) that were separated at different spatial distances. In Experiment 2,
for half of the cards we replaced the symbols on the card with a written description of the
information presented on the card. This enabled us to examine whether the results from
Experiment 1 would replicate when participants had to actively integrate pictorial and textual
information and laid the foundation for the next experiment in which distance effects were
about human brain processes from a multimedia presentation consisting of a picture with
accompanying text. Both information sources were unintelligible in isolation, so participants had
to mentally integrate the pictorial and textual information to understand the process. The picture
and text were either presented in a spatially integrated way (i.e., integrated condition) or spatially
separated in such a way that the picture and text were presented in close proximity to each other
(i.e., small-separation condition) or were separated at a larger spatial distance (i.e., large-
prediction was that with greater distance between two information sources learners would show
decreased performance.
Experiment 1
Drawing on fundamental cognitive science research (e.g., Ballard et al., 1995), this first
experiment aimed to establish an effect of spatial distance when processing two pictorial
information sources. Participants judged the similarity of two cards each containing three
symbols and the spatial distance between the cards was varied. In half of the trials participants
maintained a visual pattern in working memory, leading to additional cognitive load during
lead to diminished performance (Hypothesis 1), and that such diminished performance would be
more pronounced under higher a cognitive load condition (Hypothesis 2). Furthermore, we
predicted that a larger distance between information sources would lead to more demanding
working memory strategies, which would negatively affect retrieval performance of the visual
Fifty-two (Mage = 21.00 years, SD = 3.57 years; 39 female) undergraduate students from
Erasmus University Rotterdam participated for course credits or a 5 euros reward. This study
was designed and conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the ethical committee of
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Psychology, Education, and Child Studies. Note,
for the mixed effects regression analyses for repeated measures reaction time data (which usually
generates small effect sizes d = 0.1) Bruysbaert and Stevens (2018) recommend to use at least
1600 observations per condition for 80% power. In the current experiment we have 3120
observations per condition (1560 for hypothesis 3). A within-subjects design was employed with
the factors Cognitive Load (2 levels: load absent vs. load present) and Card Similarity (3 levels:
no similarity vs. one similarity vs. two similarities), and Distance as a continuous covariate (see
30 cm, and resolution was set at 1920 x 1080. The task was programmed in Python (Toolbox
Stimuli for the card integration task consisted of a full card deck of the Wisconsin Card
Sorting Task (WCST; retrieved from Stoet, 2016). Each card had three feature dimensions
(SHAPE + NUMBER + COLOR) with 4 possible levels (SHAPE: star, cross, triangle, circle;
NUMBER: 1, 2, 3, 4; COLOR: blue, yellow, green, red). The total card deck of 64 cards (4*4*4
levels) was randomly placed on an 8x8 matrix (see Figure 1; matrix = 928 x 928, pixels = 25.77
x 25.77 cm). For each unique card integration trial (60 trials) card selections were
pseudorandomly generated for each participant, such that 20 trials consisted of two cards that
were dissimilar on all dimensions (card similarity = 0), 20 trials contained selections of cards that
were similar on one dimension (e.g., similar in COLOR; card similarity = 1), and 20 trials
contained selections of cards that were similar on two dimensions (e.g., similar in COLOR and
SHAPE; card similarity = 2). Note that a similarity of three dimensions was not possible because
there were only unique cards in a deck. The selection of the cards to be compared for similarity
was signaled by two bright yellow rectangles around the selected cards (see Figure 1).
Participants responded for similarity per dimension using the response buttons „c‟(SHAPE
match), „v‟ (NUMBER match), „b‟ (COLOR match). If there was more than 1 match,
participants had to push two buttons in a row (order was irrelevant). SPACE needed to be
pressed to continue to the next trial. It is important to note that depending on card similarity (0,
1, or 2), more buttons needed to be pressed, as card similarity = 0 required only a SPACE press
(1 key press), while card similarity = 1 required a match button + a SPACE press (2 keypresses),
and card similarity = 2 required two match buttons + a SPACE press (3 keypresses).
The unique set of 60 card integration trials was presented twice, once with and once
without a secondary cognitive load task (order fully randomized). As such, card integration trials
were identical in nature (i.e., matched on card similarity type and distance) across cognitive load
conditions. Figure 3 shows a trial flow with secondary cognitive load task. The final list of 120
trials was randomized in order of presentation. The Euclidean distance (measured in pixels)
between the random selections of cards was the main variable of interest. The distances could
vary between 116 pixels (3.22 cm) for directly adjacent card selections, and 1148 pixels for card
Figure 1. Example of a card integration task trial with cards selected (card similarity = 0). In the
current example participants should respond with the continue button („SPACE‟) as the selected
cards (signaled by yellow rectangles) were not similar on any of the dimensions SHAPE,
NUMBER, COLOR. In the current example the Distance was 478 pixels (12.91 cm).
In half of the trials (60 trials), a secondary visual cognitive load task was performed (see
procedure). This task is an adapted visual patterns test (Della Sala, Gray, Baddeley, & Wilson,
1997) and has been used to measure visual working memory capacity. For each trial, a random
pattern was generated of 8 black squares filling a 8x8 matrix. This pattern was presented for
memorization for 3000 ms preceding the card integration trial. For the response phase (which
was preceded by a card integration trial) participants recalled the pattern. For each trial the
response buttons were randomly chosen for each matrix cell from a list from a to z (excluding
the response buttons of the integration task, „c‟, „v‟, „b‟), such that letters were not associated
with particular locations across trials. Participants typed in the letters that corresponded with the
pattern of black squares (order irrelevant) and could proceed to the next trial by pressing SPACE.
Figure 2. Visual cognitive load task: presentation phase (left) and response phase (right).
For the instruction phase, 50 practice trials were randomly created per participant. In the
first 3x10 trials participants learned to correctly respond on the integration task to single features,
namely SHAPE, NUMBER, and COLOR. For the subsequent 10 practice trials, participants
needed to respond for similarities to all features (i.e., SHAPE, NUMBER, and COLOR) at once.
In the final 10 practice trials, participants learned to also perform the visual cognitive load task
Figure 3. Example of a single trial with a secondary cognitive load task. A trial without cognitive
load would not have the card integration task preceded/followed by a visual pattern
Participants were seated in a well-lit cubicle at about 50 cm from the computer screen. To
remind participants of the response buttons for indicating similarity between selected cards, the
experimenter had labeled the response keyboard buttons „c‟, „v‟, „b‟, with stickers indicating
First, participants were instructed about the nature of the task. During this instruction
phase, participants were repeatedly prompted to ask questions to the experimenter if they did not
understand the task. Participants learned to press SPACE when cards were dissimilar on all
dimensions (card similarity = 0), and press two buttons when there was a similarity on one
dimension (card similarity = 1, e.g., pressing „c‟ then “SPACE” to continue), and press three
buttons when there were two similarities (card similarity = 2, e.g., pressing „v‟ and „b‟, and then
“SPACE” to continue). After the practice phase, participants performed the 120 experimental
trials. The experiment was administered without breaks, and took about 40 minutes.
For the card integration task, the main measures of performance were accuracy
(integration accuracy) and integration reaction time (integration RT). Integration accuracy was a
dichotomous measure of performance per dimension per trial (e.g., correct [mis]match for
SHAPE, NUMBER, and COLOR; max = 3 points). Integration reaction time was a continuous
measure of performance which entailed the time between card selection onset and participants
finalizing card integration by pressing SPACE. Note, that in the analyses we only focused on
Integration reaction time as we found that accuracy was very high (> 95%), leaving little
For the 60 trials where a secondary cognitive load task was performed the main measure
of interest was Visual Pattern Test (VPT) score (hereinafter VPT score), which was determined
by the number of correctly pressed buttons minus the number of incorrectly pressed buttons with
participants pressed a button more than once this was only scored (in)correctly once. VPT
reaction time was not of main interest because the measure of reaction time is less meaningful
Table 1 shows the main descriptives of performance on the Card Integration task as well
Table 1
Mean (and Standard Deviation) Reaction Time (in Milliseconds) and Integration Accuracy with
95% Percent Confidence Intervals Around the Mean (in Square Brackets) on the Card
Card similarity = 0 2076 (1689) 3.00 (0) 5.55 (2.57) 10792 (4995)
(one keypress) [2004, 2149] [3.00, 3.00] [5.39, 5.70] [10488, 11096]
Card similarity = 1 3405 (2130) 2.95 (0.23) 5.01 (2.76) 11135 (5012)
(two keypresses) [3314, 3497] [2.94, 2.96] [4.85, 5.18] [10830, 11439]
Card similarity = 2 4083 (2058) 2.89 (0.32) 4.42 (3.10) 11314 (5671)
(three keypresses) [3995, 4172] [2.88, 2.91] [4.23, 4.60] [10969, 11659]
In total 6240 trials were run (52 participants x 60 trials x 2 conditions). Following
common practice, we excluded trials further than 3 standard deviations from the mean of the
Integration RT, 64/6240 trials (0.1%). We further restricted our main performance analyses to
only correct trials for the card integration task, and excluded all incorrect trials (5.02% of the
remaining trials).
Hypothesis 1 and 2
lead to diminished performance, which would be more pronounced when cognitive load was
present), we performed a linear mixed effects model (R version 3.4.0, nlme version 3.1-131).
Throughout, we used maximum likelihood estimation with random intercepts for participants.
In building our model, we first entered Cognitive Load as predictor of Integration RT.
This added predictive value compared to a model predicting the overall mean (BIC = 101484.20,
Chi-square change [1] = 12.19, p < .001). We further entered Card Similarity in the model, and
this improved the model as compared to the model with Cognitive Load only (BIC = 98694.37,
Chi-square change [1] = 2807.18, p < .001). Additionally, we entered Distance which did not
improve the model further (BIC = 98702.57, Chi-square change [1] = 0.478, p = .490). Finally,
we entered the interaction between Cognitive Load and Distance, which also did not improve the
model as compared to previous models (BIC = 98709.28, Chi-square change [1] = 1.97, p =
The resulting model with Cognitive Load and Card similarity showed that there was a
main effect of Cognitive Load on Integration RT, b = 265.55, 95% CI = [118.23, 412.85], t(51) =
3.617, p < .001. This indicates that participants were slower to successfully integrate card stimuli
on trials with concurrent cognitive load. Cardmatch Type was a statistically significant predictor
showing an increase in Integration RT when cards were more similar (and more buttons needed
[1265.87, 1396.78], t(5760) = 39.859, p < .001, from zero similarity to two, b = 1987.514, 95%
CI = [1921.07, 2053.95], t(5760) = 58.621, p < .001. Note that in the model with Distance added
there was a positive overall relation with RT, but this was not significant.
Figure 4. Effect of Distance and Cognitive Load on subsequent Integration RT. Each point
represents the mean score for all participants on that particular card distance (only successful
card integrations). Error bars represent 95%CI‟s. Note that card positions at maximum distance
concern fewer observations, and therefore CI‟s are wider and also less influential in the model.
Hypothesis 3
Hypothesis 3 predicted that greater distance between information sources would
negatively affect retrieval performance on the VPT. Figure 5 shows the relation between
Distance of the cards to be integrated and the subsequent performance on the VPT (thus only for
Cognitive Load trials). We further performed a linear mixed effects model similar to the previous
analyses for Hypothesis 1 and 2, with random intercepts for participants and cognitive load
condition. Adding Distance to the model predicting VPT score resulted in a significant increase
in predictive value compared to a model predicting the overall mean, BIC = 14044.85, Chi-
square change [1] = 5.41, p = .020. Adding Card Similarity further improved the model, BIC =
14044.85, Chi-square change [1] = 93.48, p < .001. Adding an interaction between Card
Similarity and Distance did not benefit the model, BIC = 13981.51, Chi-square change [1] =
1.99, p = .370.
As predicted by Hypothesis 3, the model shows that greater Distance resulted in lower
VPT scores, b = -0.000492, 95% CI = [-0.00091, -0.0008], t(2767) = -2.33, p = .020. This means
that for every 100 pixels (ca. 2.77 cm) in distance the model predicts a decrease in performance
of 0.05. Furthermore, card similarity again affected performance such that higher similarity
(higher keypresses) resulted in lower VPT scores. Going from zero to one similarity decreased
performance by b = -0.546, 95% CI = [-0.77, -0.32], t(102) = 3.617, p < .001, from zero
similarity to two, b = -1.13, 95% CI = [-1.36, -0.90], t(102) = -9.624, p < .001.
Note that the b-value is so small because it expresses a relationship between 1 pixel change in
distance relative to one point change in the VPT score. The effect of 100 pixels change in
distance can be calculated by multiplying the current b-value with a 100 (i.e., 0.05 VPT point
Figure 5. Effect of card integration distance on subsequent performance on the visual pattern test
score (VPT score). Each point represents the mean score for all participants on that particular
card distance (only successful card integrations). Error bars represent 95% CI‟s. Note, that card
positions at maximum distance concern fewer observations, and therefore CI‟s are wider and
Based on CLT, we predicted that when information that needs to be integrated is spatially
separated, problem solvers will have to mentally carry over information to integrate it with the
spatially distant information source. In the current Experiment, we did not find that spatial
distance between information affected information integration time (Hypothesis 1 and 2).
However, we did obtain that integration of information at higher spatial distances resulted in
lower performance on a secondary visual working memory task (Hypothesis 3). This fits an
explanation assuming that integrating information sources that are more distant from each other
invites a more memory-intensive strategy that in turn leads to interference of information already
maintained in working memory, leading to lower retrieval performance (Gray & Fu, 2004). That
spatial distance affected performance on the visual cognitive load task and not the card
integration task suggests that unintegrated information can be successfully dealt with in terms of
reaction time losses through a more memory intensive strategy, but this comes at the cost of
other processes that also make use of the working memory system. The current finding that
working memory can effectively step in to solve the task in time aligns with the finding of Gray
and Fu (2004) who suggested that participants adopt a strategy that allows for the quickest
It is important to note that in Experiment 1, participants had to compare and contrast two
pictorial stimuli, while the split-attention effect in multimedia is generally studied with materials
consisting of a combination of text and pictures (e.g., Ayres & Sweller, 2014; Chandler &
Sweller, 1991, 1992; Florax & Ploetzner, 2010; Ginns, 2006; Mayer & Fiorella, 2014).
Therefore, we were interested whether the results of Experiment 1 would replicate when
participants needed to integrate pictorial and textual information using the present paradigm.
Experiment 2
Experiment 2 was a direct replication of Experiment 1, with one small adjustment. Half
of the Wisconsin cards were substituted with a written description of the information presented
on the card it replaced. For example, instead of the picture with one red star, the three
dimensions (i.e., number, color, and object) were written on a card. In this experiment,
participants had to compare an original WCST card with a containing a written description on
the three dimensions, allowing us to test whether the results of Experiment 1 would replicate
when participants have to integrate textual and pictorial information. This experiment, and all
planned analyses were pre-registered, and all analyses, data, and materials are retrievable
Fifty (Mage = 20.34 years, SD = 3.00 years; 46 female) undergraduate students from
Erasmus University Rotterdam participated for course credits. The same within-subjects design
The apparatus and stimuli were identical to Experiment 1, with two small exceptions.
First, the stimuli for the card integration task were expanded with a textual variant of each
WCST card. As a result, 128 cards were used, which where again randomly placed on an 8x8
matrix, with half of the cards pictorial, and the other half textual (see Figure 6). Second, the
experiment was quite taxing and boring to complete. Fifteen trials consisted of two cards that
were dissimilar on all dimensions, 15 trials with consisted of cards that were similar on one
dimension, and 15 trials that consisted of cards that were similar on two dimensions. The
Figure 6. Example of the card-integration task used in Experiment 2, in which participants had to
compare a pictorial and textual version of the card. In the current trial participants should
Main descriptives for the Card Integration task and the VPT task are provided in Table 2.
Table 2
Mean (and Standard Deviation) Reaction Time (in Milliseconds) and Integration Accuracy with
95% Percent Confidence Intervals Around the Mean (in Square Brackets) on the Card
r -0.015 -0.013 -0.015 .020
Note. Data before trimming.
For this experiment, 4500 trials were run (50 participants x 45 trials x 2 conditions). RT
values higher or lower than 3 standard deviations from the mean of the Integration RT, 35/4500
trials (0.008%) were excluded from analyses. Similar to Experiment 1, our main performance
analyses were executed with data for correct trials, excluding RT‟s for all incorrect trials (85.6%
trials remaining).
Hypothesis 1 and 2
random intercept). Cognitive Load was entered as predictor of Integration RT, which added
predictive value compared to a model predicting the overall mean (BIC = 71756, Chi-square
change [1] = 17.75, p < 001). Next, we entered Card Similarity to the model, improving the
model as compared to Cognitive Load only (BIC = 70642, Chi-square change [1] = 1130.61, p <
.001). Furthermore, entering Distance improved the model even further (BIC = 70593, Chi-
square change [1] = 7.72, p = .005). We also looked for possible interactions between Distance
The resulting model with Cognitive Load, Card similarity, and Distance showed an effect
of Cognitive Load on Integration RT, b = 795.42, 95% CI = [459.44, 1131.40], t(49) = 4.76, p <
.001, indicating slowed responses on trials with concurrent cognitive load. Cardmatch Type led
to increased Integration RT when cards were more similar, going from zero to one similarity
increased RT by b = 2404.93, 95% CI = [2221.19, 2588.65] , t(3719) = 25.65, p < .001, from
zero similarity to two, b = 3383.40, 95% CI = [3191.74, 3575.06], t(3719) = 34.59, p < .001.
Finally, and most importantly, higher distance between cards lead to higher RT‟s, b = 0.492,
95% CI = [0.145, 0.838], t(3719) = 2.78, p = .006. In conclusion, higher distance between picture
and text reliably slowed down Integration RT‟s, confirming our main hypotheses.
Hypothesis 3
We predicted that increased distance between information sources would negatively
affect retrieval performance on the secondary task (VPT). We again performed a linear mixed
model, with random intercepts for participants. Adding Distance to the model did however not
add predictive value as compared to the model predicting the overall mean, BIC = 9283, Chi-
square change [1] = 0.919, p = 0.34. Adding Card Similarity to the model did improve predictive
value, BIC = 9281, Chi-square change [1] = 17.78, p < .001. Adding an interaction between Card
Similarity and Distance did not benefit the model, BIC = 9294, Chi-square change [1] = 2.03, p =
.363. In conclusion, card distance did not lead to reduced accuracy on the secondary VPT task.
In the current experiment, distance between to-be-compared text-versus-picture cards led
to slower responses on the main task, even after controlling for the amount of keypresses
participants had to make (i.e., Card Similarity). This confirms our hypothesis that physical
Experiment 1 performance on the secondary visual working memory task did not reveal an effect
of distance on visual working memory. One possible explanation for this is that the integration
task in Experiment 1 was unimodal in nature (visual comparison) while in the current task it was
cross-modal (text and visual comparison). Since the the VPT task is a visual working memory
task, it is likely to especially be affected when the concurrent primary task requires a visual
comparison alone, rather than cross-modal comparison which is likely to involve more than
visual working memory capacity. That the cross-modal integration is a different process than
unimodal integration is further signaled by the longer integration time for the cross-modal vs.
relationship between VPT performance on cognitive load trials, while Integration performance
for those trials was relatively higher for Experiment 2, r = - 0.113, 95% CI = [-0.029, -0.102], t
(1906) = -4.956, as compared to the same relationship for Experiment 1, r = - 0.066, 95% CI =
[-0.068, -0.157], t (2922) = -3.578. Thus, as the large overlap in confidence intervals of the
strength as to support our proposed explanation that Experiment 1 was more taxing for visual
All in all, Experiment 1 and 2 have confirmed that an increase in spatial distance between
two stimuli has an effect on cognitive load and integration speed. A next step is to study whether
these effects would scale-up, and also influence learning from more complex multimedia
Experiment 3
The aim of this experiment was to investigate whether increasing the distance between
spatially separated textual and pictorial information yields a stronger split-attention effect when
using a learning task. To this end, participants learned about human brain processes, with
materials adapted from Florax and Ploetzner (2010) consisting of a picture with accompanying
text. The text described the relevant processes also portrayed in the picture, and both sources of
information were needed to fully grasp the process of information transmission (Florax &
Ploetzner, 2010). We created three conditions: the integrated condition (i.e., the text and picture
are spatially integrated), the small separation condition (i.e., the text is segmented and the picture
is labelled, and they are separated by a small spatial distance), and the large separation condition
(i.e., the text is segmented and the picture is labelled, and they are separated by a large spatial
distance). To enable investigating whether text segmenting and picture labelling could
effectively reduce the split-attention effect (cf. Florax & Ploetzner, 2010), in the spatially
separated conditions the text was segmented and the picture was labelled. Eye-tracking
methodology was applied to examine whether an increase in spatial distance leads to a more
memory-intensive strategy, as indicated by fewer transitions between the text and picture (e.g.
Ballard et al., 1995; Gray & Fu, 2004; also see Experiment 1).
We expected that learning (i.e., retention and comprehension) and processing demands
(i.e., cognitive load) in the integrated and small-separation conditions would not differ, because
the segmenting and labelling would alleviate any negative effect of split-attention (Hypothesis
1). This would replicate the results of Florax and Ploetzner (2010). Based on the literature
discussed above, we expected that learning would be more cognitively demanding (i.e., an
increased cognitive load) and learning outcomes (i.e., retention and comprehension) would suffer
in the large-separation condition compared to the small separation and integrated conditions
(Hypothesis 2). To test whether an increase in spatial distance would indeed make learning more
cognitively demanding, we asked participants to rate how much mental effort they invested in
learning the materials (as an indicator of how much cognitive load participants experienced:
Paas, 1992; Paas, Tuovinen, Tabbers, & Van Gerven, 2003). We also asked participants to rate
how much mental effort they invested during the posttest, as participants who gained more
knowledge during the learning phase should be able to attain higher test performance with less
investment of mental effort (Paas & Van Merrienboer, 1993; Van Gog & Paas, 2008).
leading to fewer transitions between the text and picture (e.g. Ballard et al., 1995; Gray & Fu,
2004), and spatially integrating two mutually referencing information sources should lead to
more transitions than spatially separated information sources (cf. Holsanova, Holmberg, &
Holmqvist, 2009; Johnson & Mayer, 2012). Therefore, we expected that participants in the
integrated condition would make the most transitions between the text and the picture, followed
by participants in the small-separation condition, who in turn make more transitions than
participants in the large-separation condition (Hypothesis 3). Fewer transitions are indicative of
fewer integration of the text and picture, which can explain why an increase in spatial distance
would hamper learning (cf. Mason, Pluchino, & Tornatora, 2015, 2016). We also measured the
total fixation duration on the text and picture, as it seems that learning from text and pictures is
mostly text driven, with little to no attention to the picture (cf. Cromley et al., 2010; Hannus &
between the text and picture should aggravate this effect, we expected that the fixation duration
would be longest on the text and shortest on the picture in the large-separation condition,
Participants were 75 undergraduate university students who participated for course credit
possible before the lab facilities closed down for the summer. Given that these sample sizes are
within common sample size ranges in applied educational psychology and given the research
resource constraints we decided to terminate the study for these 75 participants as well as add
additional Bayesian analyses to provide extra indications for the reliability of our data. All
participants had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. For three participants, study times
indicated that they had skipped a part of the learning phase3. The data of these participants were
excluded for further analyses, resulting in a sample of 72 students (Mage = 21.68 years, SD = 2.86
years; 44 female), who were randomly assigned to one of the three conditions: integrated (n =
All materials were adapted from Florax and Ploetzner (2010). They were translated from
German to English, and the distance manipulation was administered by moving the text closer to
the subject, to provide them with enough background knowledge to understand the learning
materials. This background information was presented on paper, and participants could spend as
much time reading the information as they wished. On average, it took around ten minutes.
twelve questions about neural-chemical transmissions and communication in the human nervous
system (e.g. what is a synapse?). These questions had five possible answer alternatives; four of
these alternatives could possibly be correct (e.g., the correct alternative: „The connection of two
nerve cells, which do not physically touch’), while the fifth alternative was always „I don’t
know’. Participants were encouraged not to guess, but to pick the fifth answer alternative when
they were unsure which answer alternative was correct. Participants were awarded one point
when they gave the correct answer and no points when they gave an incorrect answer, or when
These study times were logged by the eye tracker, from which it appeared that the recordings
did not contain the full 18 minutes that the learning phase was programmed to last.
they picked „I don’t know’. Thus, they could score a maximum of twelve points on the prior
Learning materials. The learning materials consisted of one page with text and pictures
concerning information transmission in the human nervous system, presented on the computer
screen. The information transmission process showed how different neurotransmitters are
released into the synaptic cleft, which either activate or inhibit information transfer. The text
consisted of 261 words, divided over 21 numbered segments. In the integrated condition, the text
segments were presented in close proximity of the relevant part of the picture (see Figure 7). In
the two separated conditions, the text segments were presented above the picture, while the
relevant parts of the picture were numbered in the same manner as the text segments (see Figures
8 and 9). We calculated the distance in pixels between the centre of each text segment and the
centre of the associated picture segment (see Figures 7, 8, and 9; e.g., text box 1 and picture box
1). The average text-picture distance was 701 pixels (SD = 72.91) or 19.76 cm for the large-
separation condition, 475.29 pixels (SD = 73.54) or 13.40 cm for the small-separation condition,
and 150.48 pixels (SD = 49.35) or 4.24 cm for the integrated condition.The difference between
the small-separation and large-separation condition was the largest difference possible on the
computer screen used. As in the study of Florax and Ploetzner (2010), the learning materials
were presented in a system-paced fashion and in all conditions participants had 18 minutes to
Figure 7. Learning material in the integrated condition with the AoI‟s as an overlay.
Figure 8. Learning material in the small-separation condition with the AoI‟s as an overlay.
Figure 9. Learning material in the large-separation condition with the AoI‟s as an overlay.
Retention and comprehension tests. Knowledge was tested directly after the learning
two of these questions measured retention (i.e., what potential exists over the cell membrane of a
cell that is not activated?) while eight questions required comprehension of the materials to be
answered correctly (i.e., how would the potential ratio over the membrane be if a non-activated
cell would be permeable to potassium instead of sodium?). The retention questions required
recall of the textual and pictorial information presented in the learning phase, while the
Both retention and comprehension questions had five possible answer alternatives; four of these
alternatives could possibly be correct while the fifth alternative was always „I don’t know’.
Participants were encouraged not to guess, but to pick the fifth answer alternative when they
were unsure which answer was correct. Participants were awarded one point when they gave the
correct answer and no points when they gave the wrong answer, or when they picked the „I don’t
know’ answer. Thus, they could score a maximum of 22 points on the retention questions, and
eight points on the comprehension questions. Generally, participants took about 20 minutes to
Invested mental effort. Participants were asked to indicate how much effort they
invested in learning on a nine-point rating scale (Paas, 1992), ranging from one (extremely low
effort) to nine (extremely high effort). Moreover, participants were asked to indicate how much
effort they invested in answering the complete posttest (i.e., the retention and comprehension
The materials were presented in SMI Experiment Center (Version 3.6; SensoMotoric
Instruments), on a 22 inch monitor with a resolution of 1680 x 1050 pixels. Participants‟ eye
movements were recorded using a SMI RED 250 Mobile eye tracker (SensoMotoric Instruments)
that records binocularly at 250 Hz using SMI iView software (Version 2.8; SensoMotoric
Instruments). The eye tracking data were analyzed using BeGaze software (Version 3.7;
SensoMotoric Instruments).
Participants were tested individually in a dedicated eye-tracking lab. First, they read the
background information, after which the prior knowledge test was administered and participants
were asked to provide their age and gender. Next, participants were seated in front of the
computer monitor with their head positioned in a chin- and forehead rest. The distance to the
monitor was approximately 60 cm. After a short introduction about the experiment, the eye
tracker was calibrated using a thirteen-point calibration plus four-point validation procedure, and
participants were instructed to move as little as possible. Then, the learning phase started, for
which participants were instructed to study the materials to the best of their abilities, because
afterwards they would be tested on what they had just learnt. After the learning phase,
participants indicated how much mental effort they invested during learning, and then completed
the posttest. Finally, participants indicated how much mental effort they invested in answering
Eye-tracking Measures
For the eye tracking analyses, we first checked the accuracy of calibration. Based on this,
five participants were excluded because of inaccurate calibration (i.e., deviation from the four
validation points exceeded 1o visual angle), and three participants because the tracking ratio (i.e.,
the percentage of time for which the eye tracker actually measured the eye movements) was
below 70%. This threshold was chosen a-priori, as it leads to a high average tracking ratio,
without much data loss and has been used before (e.g., Rop, Schüler, Verkoeijen, Scheiter, &
Van Gog, 2018. For the remaining 64 participants, mean calibration accuracy was 0.48o visual
angle (SD = 0.13o), while the average tracking ratio was 95.30% (SD = 4.62%). The participants
were distributed over the conditions as follows: integrated (n = 21), small separation (n = 21),
For the eye tracking analyses, we defined fixations using a 40o/s velocity threshold and a
minimal duration of 100 ms (cf. Holmqvist, Nyström, Andersson, Dewhurst, Jarodzka, & Van de
Weijer, 2011). We created an area of interest (AoI) for each segment of text (leading to 21 text
AoIs), and for each corresponding relevant part of the picture (leading to 21 picture AoIs). The
part of the screen not covered by an AoI was labelled „white space‟. The AoIs had exactly the
same area-size across conditions; distance between text and picture AoIs was systematically
varied according to our experimental conditions. To measure the amount of attention the text and
picture attracted, we calculated the total fixation duration on the picture and the total fixation
duration on the text by summing the fixation duration on each individual AoI (i.e., the fixation
duration on the picture as reported in the results section is the grand total of the fixation duration
on each of the 21 picture AoIs). To measure the text-picture integration attempts (i.e., the
saccades between and within information sources), we used the number of transitions between
the different AoIs. We defined three types of transitions: text-picture transitions, which are
transitions between the text and the picture and vice versa; text-text transitions, which are
transitions between two text blocks; and picture-picture transitions, which are transitions
between two parts of the picture. We only counted the transitions between corresponding parts of
the text and the picture (i.e., a transition from text block 1 into picture part 1, or vice versa),
between consecutive text blocks (i.e., a transitions from text block 1 into text block 2, or vice
versa), and between consecutive picture parts (i.e., a transitions from picture part 1 into picture
All data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA‟s with Condition (small separation, large
as measures of effect size; both can be interpreted in terms of small (ηp2 ~ .01, d ~ 0.2), medium
(ηp2 ~ .06, d ~ 0.5), and large (ηp2 ~ .14, d ~ 0.8) effect sizes (Cohen, 1988). When post-hoc
follow-up tests were performed, we used a Bonferroni correction (i.e., multiplying the p-value
Prior knowledge
Performance on the prior knowledge test (see Table 3) did not differ significantly
between conditions, F(2, 69) = 0.48, p = .619, ηp2 = .01. Hence, conditions were considered
similar in their knowledge about the topic before the learning phase.
Table 3
Mean (and Standard Deviation) Performance with 95 Percent Confidence Interval Around the
Mean (in Square Brackets) on the Pretest (max. = 8), Retention Test (max. = 22) and
The means and standard deviations on the retention and comprehension questions for
each of the three conditions are presented in Table 3. As can be seen in this table, for both the
retention questions, F(2, 69) = 0.39, p = .679, ηp2 = .01, and the comprehension questions, F(2,
69) = 0.13, p = .876, ηp2 < .01, no significant difference on test performance was found between
additional Bayesian analysis with JASP (JASP Team 2016, Version 0.8.4). Bayes Factors (BF)
were computed while operating with non-informative default priors p(M) = 0.5 (Cauchy prior of
h = .75; Rouder, Morey, Verhagen, Swagman, & Wagenmakers, 2016). Jeffrey (1961) classifies
BF = 3-10, strong BF = 10-30, very strong BF = 30-100, decisive BF >100. Note that Bayes
values will be reported hereinafter next to standard statistical measures as an extra measure of
We obtained that there was substantial evidence for the absence of an effect for retention
(BF null-model = 6.30), such that the data were 6.301 times more likely under the null-model as
evidence for the null-model for comprehension (BF null-model = 7.66), such that the observed
data were 7.66 times more likely under the null-model as compared to the alternative model. To
provide another estimate of how much evidence there is for a likely absence of an effect of
Condition, we have performed another JASP Robustness analysis which provides an estimate of
the Bayes Factor‟s sensitivity to changing prior estimates. For this analysis, we compared the
effect of the integrated condition versus the large-separation condition with a Bayesian t-test and
a concomitant robustness analysis. We contrast the integrated condition and the large-separation
condition as this is the most likely contrast to detect the presence of an effect of split attention.
Figure 10 shows that a prior width change will not likely render a different conclusion for the
current dataset; even at a maximally constrained prior predicting an effect (H1) our data are not
supportive of H1, although our evidence for the H0 does become less pronounced (from
Figure 10. Prior width effects on Bayes Factor estimation for retention and comprehension
Note. Bayesian T-tests for the integrated condition versus the large separation condition. The
figures (left panel DV = retention, right panel DV = comprehension), provide an estimate of the
sensitivity of the Bayes factors as a function of cauchy prior width changes. Higher (lower)
widths indicate higher uncertainty (or higher certainty) of the effect size assuming the alternative
hypothesis is true (H1). The gray dot indicates the default Cauchy prior width of .707, the red
dot is the prior width where there is very high certainty that there is an presence of an effect.
In Table 4, the means and standard deviations for learners‟ self-reported invested mental
effort during the learning phase and the test phase are presented. The analyses on these scores
revealed no significant differences in invested mental effort during the learning phase, F(2, 69) =
1.75, p = .181, BF null-model = 2.23 (anecdotal evidence), ηp2 = .05, or the test phase, F(2, 69) =
Table 4
Mean (and Standard Deviation) Invested Mental Effort (max. = 9) with 95 Percent Confidence
Interval Around the Mean (in Square Brackets) during the Learning Phase and During the Test
The means and standard deviations for the number of transitions between the different
AoIs are presented in Table 5. On the picture-text transitions (which measure the integration
attempts between the text and the picture), the analysis revealed a large significant main effect of
Condition, F(2, 61) = 60.55, p < .001, BF alternative-model = 1.546 * 1012 (decisive evidence)4,
ηp2 = .67. Follow-up tests showed that participants in the integrated condition made more
picture-text transitions than participants in the small-separation condition, p < .001, d = 2.24,
95% CI = [1.43, 2.96], and the large-separation condition, p < .001, d = 3.10, 95% CI = [2.16,
3.92]. Participants in the two separated conditions did not significantly differ in their number of
picture-text transitions, p = .594, d = 0.54, 95% CI = [-0.08, 1.14]. On the text-text transitions
Here, we report the evidence in favor of the alternative model, which includes Condition as a
(which measure the integration attempts within the text), we again found a large significant main
effect of Condition, F(2, 61) = 32.09 p < .001, BF alternative-model = 2.913 * 107 (decisive
evidence)4, ηp2 = .51. Follow-up analyses showed that participants in the integrated condition
made fewer text-text transitions than participants in the small-separation condition, p < .001, d =
1.57, 95% CI = [0.85, 1.25], and the large-separation condition, p < .001, d = 2.94, 95% CI =
[2.03, 3.74]. Moreover, participants in the small-separation condition made fewer text-text
transitions than participants in the large separation condition, p = .040, d = 0.69, 95% CI = [0.06,
1.29]. Finally, on the picture-picture transitions (which measure the integration attempts within
the picture), the analysis revealed no significant differences between conditions, F(2, 64) = 0.66,
Table 5
Mean (and Standard Deviation) Number of Transitions with 95 Percent Confidence Interval
Around the Mean (in Square Brackets) Between the Text and Picture, Text and Text, and Picture
Fixation Duration
The total fixation duration on the text and picture AoIs for each of the three conditions is
presented in Table 6. Please note that the fixation duration on the text and picture does not equal
the 18 minutes that participants studied the materials. The remaining was time either spend
fixating white space (which covered a considerable part of the learning materials, as we only
labeled the most relevant parts of the picture and text as an AoI; see Figure 7, 8, and 9), was not
fixated at one AoI long enough to be labelled a fixation, or was used to make saccades.
Participants in all conditions allocated an equal amount of attention towards the text, F(2, 61) =
0.60, p = .554, BF null-model = 4.987 (substantial evidence), ηp2 = .02. The amount of attention
allocated towards the picture did not differ significantly between the three conditions, F(2, 64) =
Table 6
Mean (and Standard Deviation) Fixation Duration (in Seconds) with 95 Percent Confidence
Interval Around the Mean (in Square Brackets) on the Text and the Picture AoI’s as a Function
of Condition
Discussion Experiment 3
The present experiment examined whether an increase in spatial distance between text
and picture leads to a stronger split-attention effect in a learning task. Moreover, we aimed to
provide corroborating evidence for the finding by Florax and Ploetzner (2010) that spatial
integration of a text and picture is not necessary to counteract the split-attention effect when the
spatial distance is increased. The results show that spatially integrating text and picture is not a
prerequisite to reduce split attention: We found no differences between the integrated and the
replicates the result reported by Florax and Ploetzner (2010). Moreover, an increase in the spatial
distance between text and picture did not seem to influence learning outcomes and cognitive load
as we found no differences between the two separated (i.e., small vs. large) conditions
(Hypothesis 2). Therefore, it seems that the results presented in Experiment 1 and 2 do not
capitulate into cognitive benefits when learning from text and pictures.
So, we must conclude that the present results indicate that spatial distance does not
influence the occurrence of the split-attention effect during multimedia learning in the present
context. Importantly, one of the reviewers of the current paper suggested that it is still possible
that there is an indirect effect of condition on learning outcomes via an indirect effect of
affected picture-text transitions was related to performance. We found no indication that there
was a reliable indirect effect of condition on performance (retention or comprehension) via the
performance, spatially integrating the text and picture does promote text-picture integration at a
behavioral level, as participants in the integrated condition made more text-picture transitions
than participants in the two separated conditions. Unexpectedly, an increase in spatial distance
between the two spatially separated information sources did not lead to fewer text-picture
integration attempts (Hypothesis 3). This suggests that given a certain separation participants
change information gathering strategies (i.e. behavioral level), possibly indicating a non-linear
relationship between spatial separation and learning processes. That there is a drastic strategy
shift is indicated by the large effect size of d = 2.24 for the small-separation condition and d =
3.06 for the large-separation condition, meaning that, on average, participants in the integrated
condition undertake about 4 or 5 times as many integration attempts between the text and picture
than participants in the separated conditions. Participants in the separated conditions primarily
made transitions between different parts of the text, undertaking about 2 or 3 times as many
integration attempts between the different parts of the text than participants in the integrated
condition. These results also align with previous studies showing that learners mostly focus on
the text in a split-attention format (e.g., Cromley, Snyder-Hogan, & Luciw-Dubas, 2010; Hannus
& Hyönä, 1999; Schmidt-Weigand et al., 2010). Regardless of this large effect of spatial distance
in integrative transitions did not translate into better cognitive performance (i.e., learning
A further finding is that although participants in the separated conditions made more
transitions within the text, they did not allocate more attention towards the text than participants
in the integrated condition, as measured by the fixation duration (Hypothesis 4). It seems that all
participants read all the text, and inspected all relevant parts of the picture. The only major
difference elicited by the spatial integration of the two sources is more integration of the text and
picture, and fewer integrations within the text. Possibly, this did not lead to differences in
learning outcomes as participants in the separated conditions already made a reasonable amount
of text-picture transitions, and further integration of text and picture was redundant for learning.
Therefore, it seems that eliminating the visual search that is often required in a split format by
signalling the corresponding parts of the text and picture is a robust way to avoid split-attention
General discussion
With the current experiments we probed the grounding of the split-attention effect in a
more basic cognitive mechanism as predicted by Cognitive Load Theory (CLT). We predicted
that when information needs to be integrated but is spatially separated, participants will have to
visually decouple for longer periods (depending on distance) from one information source so as
to integrate it with the spatially distant second information source. Subsequently, an increase in
spatial distance between the two sources was expected to impose higher demands on working
memory as longer visual decoupling is required, which will impair learning processes. With
three experiments we examined 1) whether an increase in spatial distance between two to-be-
compared pictorial stimuli would increase working memory load and impair integration
performance, 2) whether such an effect would be present, and perhaps be stronger with picture-
text stimuli, and 3) whether these results would generalize to more complex multimedia learning
materials. Results show that increasing the distance between two pictorial stimuli (i.e., a
leaving integration speed of the visual integration task unaffected. However, when increasing the
reduced, but spatial distance does not affect performance on the secondary visual-working
memory task. Finally, increasing the distance between text and pictures in a multimedia learning
Together, these results show that an effect of distance between two sources of
information (either in a visual integration task, or in a learning task) exists, although this (1) is a
small effect (Experiment 1 and 2), (2) mostly affects learning processes (Experiment 3), and (3)
not always affects primary learning and problem solving outcomes (Experiment 1, 2, 3). Whether
the increase in distance interferes with the learning process seems to depend on the type of
results conceptually replicate prior research, showing that increasing the spatial distance between
two information sources leads to different information gathering strategies (i.e., making more use
of working memory; Ballard et al., 1995; Gray & Fu, 2004). We further extend these findings by
showing that such a change in processing strategy also seems to occur in a learning context,
although it does not directly influence performance on the primary learning task.
Another noteworthy finding is that in Experiment 3, fewer integration attempts did not
translate into diminished learning. While previous research shows that a higher number of
integrative transitions is indicative for better learning (e.g., Hannus & Hyönä, 1999; Johnson &
Mayer, 2012; Mason et al., 2015; 2016), such a positive relation between transitions and learning
outcomes is not always observed (Arndt, Schüler, & Scheiter, 2015; Scheiter & Eitel, 2015).
Schüler (2017) surmises that, while studying a picture or reading the text, learners are able to
retrieve previously seen information from memory as to mentally integrate the two sources
without shifting one‟s gaze. As such, learners can successfully use “knowledge-in-the-head” as
to replace “knowledge-in-the-world” (Gray & Fu, 2004). Of course, it is possible that with
become less successful due to higher working memory demands. Future research should
therefore probe whether an effect of spatial separation does translate into diminished learning
outcomes when complexity of the learning task is increased. In the current study, complexity
between Experiments 2 and 3 differed, but given that the nature of the tasks differed as well, it is
difficult to draw any conclusions regarding the role of task complexity from these experiments.
Besides the visual search for referents in the text and picture, it has been argued that
learners have to keep information active when studying spatially separated learning materials,
which imposes working memory constraints. According to time-based resource sharing models
of working memory, which have recently been introduced to cognitive load theory (e.g.,
Barrouillet, Bernardin, & Camos, 2004; Puma, Matton, Paubel, & Tricot, 2018), reduced
performance in split-attention materials reflects a time-related decay of the memory traces when
attention is switched away from information elements. Therefore, increasing the spatial distance
increase the duration that the elements need to be activated in working memory and consequently
Together, the resources needed for visual search and information maintenance in working
memory are assumed to lead to a high extraneous working memory load, and hamper learning
(Paas & Sweller, 2014). The results of the present study show that at least spatial distance is
important for the split-attention effect, but also that both spatial distance and visual search
related processes are likely to underlie the occurrence of the split-attention effect, and these
processes are not mutually exclusive. Indeed, an increase in distance (meaning that information
has to be kept active for longer periods, while not manipulating searching processes), did not
and 2, when participants‟ working memory was taxed by a secondary visual-working memory
task, an increase in spatial distance did lead to a split-attention effect, even though no visual
search was required (because the to-be-compared stimuli were signaled by a yellow rectangle).
Therefore, both searching related information in the text and picture, as well as keeping
In sum, current results indicate that increased cognitive load demands due to spatial
supporting CLT (Sweller et al., 2011). As such, this study provides a more cognitively basic
grounding of the split-attention effect which could help to counteract the negative effects on
learning in the future. Yet, it is also clear from the results that spatial separation is likely not the
only, nor a sufficient, condition for the “split-attention effect” to occur. Finally, with this study
we hope to inspire further research that integrates basic cognitive research with more applied
This study was conceived and designed when Wim Pouw and Gertjan Rop discussed how
their research backgrounds could be combined to strengthen the scientific basis for Educational
Psychological assumptions. Pouw‟s earlier work mostly concerns problem solving as informed
design principles based on Cognitive Load Theory. Bjorn De Koning has an extensive
background in instructional design and signaling effects, and Fred Paas is an authority on all
these subjects. With this study, we wanted to combine our strengths and approach the split-
attention effect from a more fundamental viewpoint, which is underrepresented in the current
literature. This research fits well into all authors‟ respective research programs, and expands
these programs by tying the fields of embedded/embodied cognition and instructional design
together. At the moment, De Koning, Paas, and Rop are continuing this line of research in their
applied research, trying to shed more light on the learning detriments of spatial distance and
cognitive integration on learning from text and pictures, while Pouw is pursuing more
Author contributions
WP & GR were main contributors of writing the introduction and discussion, BdK co-wrote the
Experiments 1 and 2, and wrote the results sections. WP wrote the method section of Experiment
1 and GR wrote the method section for Experiment 2. GR programmed and analyzed Experiment
3, and wrote the method and results sections with WP contributing to the JASP analyses. WP and
and 3.
Funding: This research was funded by the Excellence Initiative grant from the Erasmus
Ethical Approval: This experiment was designed and conducted in accordance with the
guidelines of the ethical committee of the Department of Psychology, Education, and Child
Studies, at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. All procedures performed in studies involving
human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or
national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or
Informed consent: Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in
the study.
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