Pintor Idp 2023
Pintor Idp 2023
Pintor Idp 2023
COMPETENCIES At the end of the SY, I should
have display emotional maturity
Self-Management and enthusiasm for and is
challenged by higher goals.
- Sets high quality, challenging,
1. Set personal goals and directions, realistic goals for self and others.
needs and development. Development Intervention:
2. Undertaken personal actions and Reflection Journal
behavior that are clear and purposive
and takes into account personal goals Activities:
and values congruent to that of the 1. Set goals for the school year
organization. -Displays emotional maturity and
enthusiasm for and is challenged 2. Write a reflection journal end
3. Displayed emotional maturity and of the month
by higher goals.
enthusiasm for and is challenged by 3. Make sure that my reflection
higher goals
journal aligns with my goals.
4. Prioritized work tasks and
schedules (through Gantt chants,
checklists, etc.) to achieve goals.
5. Set high quality, challenging,
realistic goals for self and others