Pintor Idp 2023

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Office Performance Commitment and Review Form

Part IV – Development Plan

Development Intervention Resources Success Indicator

Strengths Development Needs Timeline
Activities Needed and Outputs
Functional Competency/ies:

KRA 1: Content knowledge and


1. Applied knowledge of content within

and across curriculum teaching areas.
(PPST 1.1.2) office Documents/Pictures
2. Used a range of teaching strategies that 2. Used a range of teaching 2. Used a range of teaching August 2023- supplies, Accomplishment
enhance learner achievement in strategies that enhance learner strategies that enhance learner February 2024 laptop Report
literacy and numeracy skills. (PPST achievement in literacy and achievement in literacy and Video
1.4.2) numeracy skills. (PPST 1.4.2) numeracy skills. (PPST 1.4.2)
3. Applied a range of teaching strategies Outstanding Rating
to develop critical and creative in KRA 1 for
thinking, as well as other higher-order Goal: At the end of the SY, I objective 2.
thinking skills. (PPST 1.5.2) should have conducted a range
of teaching strategies that
enhance learner achievement in
KRA 2: Learning Environment and literacy and numeracy.
Diversity of Learners

4. Displayed proficient use of Mother Development Intervention: Self-

Tongue, Filipino and English to managed learning
facilitate teaching and learning. Used differentiated,
5.Established safe and secure developmentally appropriate Activities:
learning environments to enhance
learning through the consistent
learning experiences to address 1. Search for strategies that
learners’ gender, needs, will apply with the
implementation of policies, guidelines
and procedures. strengths, interests and literacy and numeracy.
2. Video presentation with
6. Maintained learning environments that experiences. (PPST 3.1.2)
promote fairness, respect and care to literacy and numeracy.
encourage learning. 3. Unlocking of words and
solving problems.
4. Activities that will
KRA 3: Curriculum and Planning
7. Established a learner-centered
Planned, managed, and enhance student’s
culture by using teaching strategies implemented developmentally literacy and numeracy.
that respond to their linguistic, sequenced teaching and learning 5. Develop videos with
cultural, socio economic and religious processes to meet curriculum literacy and numeracy.
8. Adapted and used culturally
requirements and varied
appropriate teaching strategies to teaching contexts. (PPST 4.1.2)
address the needs of learners from
indigenous groups.
9. Set achievable and appropriate
learning outcomes that are aligned with
learning competencies.

KRA 4: Assessment and Reporting

10. Used strategies for providing
timely, accurate and constructive
feedback to improve learner
11. Utilized assessment data to
inform the modification of teaching
and learning practices and programs.
12. Build relationships with
parents/ guardians and the wider
school community to facilitate
involvement in the educative process.

KRA 5: Personal Growth and

Professional Development
13. Participated in professional
networks to share knowledge and to
enhance practice.
14. Developed a personal
improvement plan based on reflection
of one’s practice and ongoing
professional learning.
15.Performed various related
works/activities that contribute to the
teaching-learning process.

COMPETENCIES At the end of the SY, I should
have display emotional maturity
Self-Management and enthusiasm for and is
challenged by higher goals.
- Sets high quality, challenging,
1. Set personal goals and directions, realistic goals for self and others.
needs and development. Development Intervention:
2. Undertaken personal actions and Reflection Journal
behavior that are clear and purposive
and takes into account personal goals Activities:
and values congruent to that of the 1. Set goals for the school year
organization. -Displays emotional maturity and
enthusiasm for and is challenged 2. Write a reflection journal end
3. Displayed emotional maturity and of the month
by higher goals.
enthusiasm for and is challenged by 3. Make sure that my reflection
higher goals
journal aligns with my goals.
4. Prioritized work tasks and
schedules (through Gantt chants,
checklists, etc.) to achieve goals.
5. Set high quality, challenging,
realistic goals for self and others

Professionalism and Ethics August 2023 - office My reflection journal

1. Demonstrated the values and February 2024 supplies,
behavior enshrined in the Norms and
Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees (RA internet
6713). connectivity
2. Practiced ethical and professional
behavior and conduct taking into
account the impact of his/her actions
and decisions.
3. Maintained a professional image
being trustworthy regularity of
attendance and punctuality, good
grooming and communication.
4. Made personal sacrifices to meet the
organization's need
5. Acted with a sense of urgency and
responsibility to meet the
organization's needs, improve system
and help others improve their
effectiveness Result Focus

-Avoids rework, mistakes and

Result Focus wastage through effective work
methods by placing organizational
1. Achieved results with optimal use of needs before personal needs.
time and resources most of the time
2. Avoided rework, mistakes and -Delivers error-free outputs most
wastage through effective work methods of the time by conforming to
by placing organizational needs before standard operating procedures
personal needs. correctly and consistently. Able to
3. Delivered error-free outputs most produce very satisfactory quality
of the time by conforming to standard of work in terms of
operating procedures correctly and usefulness/acceptability and
consistently. Able to produce very completeness with no supervision
satisfactory quality work in terms of required.
usefulness/acceptability and
completeness with no supervision
4. Expressed a desire to do better and
may express frustration at waste or
inefficiency. May focus on new or
more precise ways of meeting goals
5. Made specific changes in the
system or in own work methods to
improve performance. Examples may
include doing something better,
faster, at a lower cost, more
efficiently, or improving quality,
customer satisfaction, morale,
without setting any specific goal.

-Drives consensus and team

Teamwork ownership of decisions.

1. Willingly done his/her share of

2. Promotes collaboration and
removes barrier to teamwork and goal
accomplishment across the
3. Applied negotiation principles in
having a win-win agreements
4.Driven consensus and tear
ownership of decisions
5. Worked constructively and
collaboratively with others and across
organizations to
accomplish organization goals and Service Orientation
-Develops and adopts service
Service Orientation improvement programs through
simplified procedures that will
1. Explained and articulated organizational further enhance service delivery.
directions, issues and problems.
2. Taken personal responsibility for
dealing with and/or correcting customer
service issues and concerns
3. Initiated activities that promote
advocacy for men and women
4. Participated in updating office vision,
mission, mandates and strategies based on
DepEd strategies and directions.
5.Developed and adopted service
improvement program through simplified
procedures that will further enhance service
delivery. Innovation

-Translates creative thinking into

tangible changes and solutions
Innovation that improve the work unit and
1. Examines the root cause of problems and
suggests effective solutions.
2. Fosters new ideas, processes, and
suggests better ways to do things (cost
and/or operational efficiency).
3. Promoted a creative climate and
inspires co-workers to develop original ideas
or solutions.
4. Translated creative thinking into
tangible changes and solutions that
improve the work unit and organization.
examples may customer
5. Used ingenious methods to accomplish
6. Demonstrated resourcefulness and the
ability to succeed with minimal resources


Ratee Rater Approving Authority

Date Submitted: August 25, 2023

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