This document provides guides for assessing a teacher's planning competence and implementing competence. The planning competence guide contains 7 aspects of assessment with multiple indicators for evaluating elements of a lesson plan such as objectives, materials, activities, assessment, and time allocation. The implementing competence guide contains 8 aspects for observing a teacher's delivery of a lesson, including opening and closing the lesson, using media and language, motivating students, and managing time. Both guides include scoring rubrics to evaluate teachers on a scale.
This document provides guides for assessing a teacher's planning competence and implementing competence. The planning competence guide contains 7 aspects of assessment with multiple indicators for evaluating elements of a lesson plan such as objectives, materials, activities, assessment, and time allocation. The implementing competence guide contains 8 aspects for observing a teacher's delivery of a lesson, including opening and closing the lesson, using media and language, motivating students, and managing time. Both guides include scoring rubrics to evaluate teachers on a scale.
This document provides guides for assessing a teacher's planning competence and implementing competence. The planning competence guide contains 7 aspects of assessment with multiple indicators for evaluating elements of a lesson plan such as objectives, materials, activities, assessment, and time allocation. The implementing competence guide contains 8 aspects for observing a teacher's delivery of a lesson, including opening and closing the lesson, using media and language, motivating students, and managing time. Both guides include scoring rubrics to evaluate teachers on a scale.
This document provides guides for assessing a teacher's planning competence and implementing competence. The planning competence guide contains 7 aspects of assessment with multiple indicators for evaluating elements of a lesson plan such as objectives, materials, activities, assessment, and time allocation. The implementing competence guide contains 8 aspects for observing a teacher's delivery of a lesson, including opening and closing the lesson, using media and language, motivating students, and managing time. Both guides include scoring rubrics to evaluate teachers on a scale.
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Appendix 1.
Document Analysis Guide Used to Assess Planning Competence
Teacher’s Planning Competence
Term of : Teacher, Class :
Lesson Plan No : Date of Teaching :
Aspect Indicator Scor Description of Plan
e 1. Formulating 1. Learning indicators are objectives relevant with basic and/or competence indicators 2. The number of indicators is sufficient 3. Objectives are relevant to indicators 4. Objectives are achievable and measurable 5. Objectives are sufficient 6. Objectives comprise ABCD components (Audience, Behavior, Condition, Degree 7. Objectives use operational verbs 2. Preparing 1. Preparing materials for regular materials learning. 2. Preparing materials for enrichment learning 3. Preparing materials for remedial learning 4. Materials are appropriate with students’ cognitive development 5. Materials are appropriate with students’ emotional development 6. Materials are sufficient for language exposure 7. Materials are conceptually correct 8. Materials are linguistically accurate 9. Materials are presented in context 10. Materials integrate Indonesian values and cultures 3. Planning the 1. The main activities implement activities scientific approach, project- based learning, problem-based learning, inquiry/discovery learning, genre-based approach, task-based instruction, etc. 2. The main activities are graded appropriately 3. Activities are learner centred 4. Activities are relevant with the chosen method 5. Activities are relevant with students’ characteristics 6. Activities are sufficient to achieve the objectives of learning 4. Determining 1. Using relevant multi sources of learning learning sources, media 2. Employing IT-based learning media 3. Media are appropriate with objectives 4. Media are appropriate with materials 5. Designing 1. Assessment techniques are assessment and appropriate with indicators evaluation instruments 2. Assessment instruments are appropriate with indicators 3. Designing instruments for assessing attitudes 4. Designing instruments for assessing knowledge 5. Designing instruments for assessing skills 6. Preparing appropriate scoring rubric for assessing attitude 7. Preparing appropriate scoring rubric for assessing knowledge 8. Preparing appropriate scoring rubric for assessing skill 9. The instruments for assessing knowledge comprise LOTS 10. The instruments for assessing knowledge comprise HOTS 11. There are clear instructions
6. Allocating time There is a proportional
distribution of time in the pre, main, and post activities 7. Remedial and 1. Remedial program is planned enrichment appropriately program 2. Enrichment program is planned appropriately 8. Overall 1. The lesson plan meets the arrangement standardized components 2. The lesson plan is arranged based on Basic Competence and school context Total Score: 43 indicators x 10 = 430 Max. Score: 430 : 43 = 10 Appendix 2. Observation Guide Used to Assess Implementing Competence
Teacher’s Implementing Competence
Term of Teaching : Teacher, Class :
Lesson Plan No : Date of Teaching :
Aspect Indicator Score Description
of Learning Process 1. Opening a 1. Teacher motivates and makes lesson students ready to learn
2. Teacher explains the learning
goals 3. Teachers explains how the presented material is related to the previous one 4. Teacher informs the coverage of the materials 5. Teacher explains the techniques and the stages of learning 6. Teacher informs the scope of assessment 7. Teacher informs the technique of assessment 8. Teacher gets information about the level of students’ understanding of the lesson 2. Organizing the 1. Activities are systematically activities implemented and facilitate the achievement of learning goals 2. Activities are learner centered
3. Activities facilitate the learning
of knowledge 4. Activities facilitate the learning of skill 5. Activities develop students’ collaboration skill 6. Activities develop students’ critical thinking skill 7. Activities develop students’ creativity 8. Activities develop students’ spiritual attitude 9. Activities develop students’ social attitude 10. Teacher uses concrete examples and illustration 11. Teacher models good behavior 12. Teacher implements varied kinds of activities and/or interaction patterns 13. Teacher plays a variety of roles 3. Using media 1. Teacher uses varied kinds of media 2. Teacher implements the media appropriately 3. The implemented media engage students in the learning process 4. Using 1. Teacher uses comprehensible communicative language language 2. Teacher uses correct language (word choice, grammar) 3. Teacher uses appropriate language 4. Teacher uses correct spelling, pronunciation, stress, and intonation 5. Motivating 1. Teacher is enthusiastic students 2. Teacher employs classroom setting which supports learning 3. Teacher guides students to understand a concept or to involve in thinking of the concept 4. Teacher ensures students about the doability of every task through clear example and instruction 5. Teacher provides a chance of asking and giving questions 6. Using time Teacher manages time effectively effectively to implement every stage of learning 7. Closing a lesson 1. Teacher facilitates students to make conclusion 2. Teacher facilitates students to make reflection 3. Teacher checks students’ understanding 4. Teacher informs what to learn and/or gives assignments for the coming learning Total Score: 38 indicators x 100 = 380 Max. Score 380 : 38 = 10 Appendix 3. Observation Guide Used to Assess Assessing and Evaluating Competence Teacher’s Assessing and Evaluating Competence
Term of Teaching : Teacher, Class :
Lesson Plan No : Date of Teaching :
Aspect Indicator Score Description of
Assessment and Evaluation 1. Assessing 1. Teacher assesses students’ attitudes, spiritual attitude knowledge, and skills
2. Teacher gives descriptive
feedback to reach the spiritual attitude 3. Teacher assesses students’ social attitude 4. Teacher gives descriptive feedback to reach the social attitude 5. Teacher assesses students’ knowledge 6. Teacher gives descriptive feedback to reach the targeted knowledge 7. Teacher assesses students’ skill 8. Teacher gives descriptive feedback to reach the targeted skill 9. Teacher uses HOTS questions to assess students’ knowledge 10. Teacher uses LOTS questions to assess students’ knowledge 11. Teacher uses appropriate assessment rubrics 2. Classifying and 1. Teacher classifies the score to processing the map student qualification results 2. Teacher reports the score 3. Making Teacher interprets the score interpretation, classification to identify the determining the need for enrichment and correlated remedial program problems 4. Identifying the 1. Teacher conducts remedial and needs for enrichment programs follow-up, carrying out follow-up, analyzing the results of evaluation 2. Teacher identifies room for improvement for teaching the same materials in the future 3. Teacher sets up teaching policies for the next class Total Score: 17 indicators x 100 = 170 Max. Score: 170 : 17 = 10