Platon Installation Guide
Platon Installation Guide
Platon Installation Guide
Product Guide
Rugged, dimpled high-density
polyethylene (HDPE) membrane that
keeps foundation and flooring dry.
Platon is a rugged, dimpled high-density polyethylene (HDPE) membrane that TYPICAL APPLICATIONS
keeps foundations and flooring dry. Platon creates an impermeable vapour barrier • Foundation waterproofing
and air gap, allowing concrete to breathe while controlling moisture. It has been • Flooring underlayment
used on foundations since the early 1990s, with no product-related leaks.
Platon keeps wet soil away from the foundation wall. Any moisture that may find its
way past the membrane is carried to the foundation drain by the air gap drainage
path. Platon is commonly used to waterproof block walls, poured concrete walls,
permanent wood, existing foundations and Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF).
Platon also isolates flooring from cold, damp concrete. When used beneath a
wooden sub-floor and over concrete in a basement, it makes floors comfortable,
odour free, healthy and dry.
Easy Installation
No specialized training or equipment
required, can be installed year-round
Roll Size
m m² ft ft²
3.05 x 20 60 10' x 65'6" 650
2.44 x 20 48 8' x 65'6" 525
2.21 x 20 44 7'3" x 65'6" 476
2.07 x 20 42 6'9-1/2" x 65'6" 445
1.98 x 20 40 6'6" x 65'6" 426
1.83 x 20 36 6' x 65'6" 394
1.65 x 20 34 5'5" x 65'6" 355
1.13 x 15.2 16.7 44-1/2" x 50' 185
Platon Components
Platon Speedclip Fastener engages 4 dimples and presses the smooth tab against the wall
Platon Moulding Used to seal open edges of the membrane to prevent soil ingress
Platon Plugs Fit into the dimple to provide pull-through resistance for concrete nails (or screws on ICFs)
Toxicity None
Platon is a tough, waterproof membrane that wraps around foundation
to keep wet soil away from the wall.
3. Working from left to right, unroll the membrane along the foundation,
dimples toward the wall, smooth tab at the top, following the chalk line. Keep
the smooth tab tight to the wall.
Platon must wrap the foundation from a point directly touching the top of the
footing up to finished grade or ground level. If the height of the roll permits,
Platon can be creased sharply at the foundation/footing joint and brought out
over the footing.
4. Fasten with Speedclips 30cm (12") apart along the top of the membrane.
The Speedclip dimples mesh with the top two rows of Platon dimples and the
offset presses the smooth tab tight to the wall. Nail (or screw on ICFs) through
the small center hole between dimples.
Alternatively, fasten with Platon Plugs and nails in the second and third row of
dimples, spaced 20cm to 30cm (8" to 12") apart. Secure the smooth tab with
Platon Moulding strips along the top of the tab.
Platon can transform a cold, damp room into a dry, warm and comfortable living Dampness Protection
space. It’s a unique underlay solution that protects laminates, hardwood floors
Lifelong protection against dampness
and carpets from moisture, and adds comfort underfoot.
rising through concrete floors
Virtually all basements have moisture problems. That’s because the moisture
is continually released through the concrete beneath the floor covering. Platon
Healthy, Dry Air
creates a moisture proof barrier and air gap between the floor and concrete,
protecting the floor covering while allowing the concrete to breathe and the Prevents musty odours, mould and
moisture to vent. mildew from entering living spaces
As a result, the finished floor stays dry and warm, without build-up of mould,
mildew or odours that affect the floor covering’s lifespan and indoor air quality. Comfortable
Provides a thermal break so basement
feels like it’s above grade
Platon works with just about any
floor covering—carpet, laminate,
hardwood or vinyl
3. Unroll the next section with the flat tab overlapping the first section and cut
to length. Apply butyl rubber caulk or foam panel adhesive between the flat
tab and adjacent section or use “house-wrap” tape to seal the overlap. At end
of roll joints, mesh four rows of dimples, caulk and tape.
4. Cover the Platon with plywood or OSB sheets (minimum 7/16"). Fasten
through the subfloor and Platon 25mm (1") into the concrete where there is
vertical movement. The 122cm (4') joints between adjacent 122cm x 244cm (4' x
8') sheets should be staggered. Leave 6mm (1/4") clearance around the perimeter
of the subfloor to allow for expansion. Non-load-bearing walls may now be
framed on the subfloor.
Follow the floor manufacturer’s installation recommendations.
Additional instructions specific to Platon are as follows:
Armtec is environmentally conscious
bysupporting limited paper usage.
Bishop’s Falls
St. John’s