Fendo 13 800257
Fendo 13 800257
Fendo 13 800257
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 3 Department of Evidence-Based Medicine, University of São Paulo,
São Paulo, Brazil, 4 Laboratory of Cancer Molecular Genetics, School of Medicine Sciences, Campinas State University,
Campinas, Brazil, 5 Endocrinology and Metabolism, Hospital of the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas
Edited by: (PUC-Campinas), Campinas, Brazil
Alessandro Antonelli,
University of Pisa, Italy
Reviewed by: Context: Although the overt hyperthyroidism treatment during pregnancy is mandatory,
Marco Centanni, unfortunately, few studies have evaluated the impact of treatment on reducing maternal
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Francisco Eduardo Prota,
and fetal outcomes.
Pontifical Catholic University of Objective: This study aimed to demonstrate whether treatment to control hyperthyroidism
Campinas, Brazil
Gabriela Brenta,
manifested during pregnancy can potentially reduce maternal-fetal effects compared with
Dr. César Milstein Care Unit, Argentina euthyroid pregnancies through a systematic review with meta-analysis.
Data Source: MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase, Cochrane Library Central, LILACS/BIREME
Jose Mario Alves Junior
jmalvesj@gmail.com until May 2021.
Study Selection: Studies that compared, during the gestational period, treated women
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
with hyperthyroidism versus euthyroid women. The following outcomes of this
Thyroid Endocrinology, comparison were: pre-eclampsia, abruptio placentae, fetal growth retardation,
a section of the journal
gestational diabetes, postpartum hemorrhage, low birth weight, stillbirth, spontaneous
Frontiers in Endocrinology
abortions, premature birth.
Received: 22 October 2021
Accepted: 27 April 2022 Data Extraction: Two independent reviewers extracted data and performed quality
Published: 24 June 2022
assessments. Dichotomous data were analyzed by calculating risk differences (DR) with
Alves Junior JM, Bernardo WM,
fixed and random effect models according to the level of heterogeneity.
Ward LS and Villagelin D (2022)
Data Synthesis: Seven cohort studies were included. The results of the meta-analysis
Effect of Hyperthyroidism Control
During Pregnancy on Maternal and indicated that there was a lower incidence of preeclampsia (p=0.01), low birth weight
Fetal Outcome: A Systematic (p=0.03), spontaneous abortion (p<0.00001) and preterm birth (p=0.001) favouring the
Review and Meta-Analysis.
Front. Endocrinol. 13:800257.
euthyroid pregnant group when compared to those who treated hyperthyroidism during
doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.800257 pregnancy. However, no statistically significant differences were observed in the
Study Selection (Table 1). Due to the high score, all studies were included in
Two reviewers performed independent eligibility assessments to the systematic review and meta-analysis.
select the studies using predefined inclusion and exclusion
criteria. Any divergence was resolved by consensus or Studies Characteristics
consulting a third reviewer. The inclusion criteria were (I) All included studies were based on a retrospective cohort
pregnant women who have been diagnosed and treated with conducted in India, Hungary, Thailand, Israel, Finland, and
hyperthyroidism during pregnancy and for whom at least one Denmark. The sample sizes ranged from 400 to 1,062,862, and
pregnancy outcome has been assessed and (II) randomized the mean age of studies ranged from 25.5 to 30. The definition of
controlled trials (RCTs) or non-randomized trials (NRS) or hyperthyroidism during pregnancy varied among the included
prospective or retrospective cohort studies with ATD studies, but the studies clearly expressed the treatment of these
treatment in one comparison arm regardless of the patients’ women with antithyroid drugs (Table 2).
number. The exclusion criteria were: (I) non-human studies, (II)
letters, reviews, case reports, editorials, (III) studies without full Study Findings
text, and (IV) studies from which the necessary data could not be No study included the assessment of all eligible outcomes. Data
extracted from the pooled results. describing the presence of pre-eclampsia cases were available in six
out of the seven eligible trials studies; data on gestational diabetes
Quality Assessment mellitus in five studies; fetal growth retardation, stillbirth, and
Study quality was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale to premature birth in four studies; abruptio placentae data were
assess the quality of non-randomized studies in meta-analyses, available in three studies and spontaneous abortion, postpartum
and certainty assessment was performed using GRADE (13, 14). hemorrhage, and low birth weight in only two studies.
Disagreements were discussed between the investigators until a
consensus was reached. Meta-Analysis of Selected Studies
Among all outcomes evaluated, only preeclampsia, low birth
Data Extraction weight, miscarriage and preterm delivery showed a statistically
One reviewer extracted all relevant information from acceptable significant difference. The pooled data from the network meta-
studies, including design, sample size, population details, analysis showed that euthyroid pregnant women, compared to
recruitment process, hyperthyroidism exposure, method of pregnant women who underwent treatment for hyperthyroidism
treatment, and outcomes. If data were reported in separate during pregnancy, had a lower incidence of preeclampsia: 4.3%
metrics, extracted outcome data were converted to a standard vs. 10.2% (RD=0.04; 95% CI: 0.01 to 0.08; I2 = 66%; p=0.01)
metric to estimate treatment effects. (Figure 2); low birth weight fetuses: 10.6% vs. 26.4% (RD=0.08;
95% CI: 0.01 to 0.16; I2 = 0%; p=0.03) (Figure 3); spontaneous
Statistical Analysis abortions: 13.6% vs. 16% (RD=0.03; 95% CI: 0.02 to 0.04; I2 = 0%;
Statistical analyses were performed using the Review Manager p< 0.00001) (Figure 4) and, premature birth: 4.0% vs. 9.8%
software, version 5.4 (RevMan 5.4; Cochrane Collaboration, (RD=0.03; 95% CI: 0.01 to 0.05; I2 = 38%; p=0.001) (Figure 5).
Oxford, UK). Dichotomous data were analyzed by computing Random-effects analysis method was used to adjust for inter-
risk differences (RD) with fixed- and random-effect models study heterogeneity and certainty assessment was very low for all
employed according to the level of heterogeneity. Sensitivity outcomes (Table 3).
analysis with funnel plot for ≥50% heterogeneity was not For the other outcomes evaluated, the pooled data of the
performed because, as a rule of thumb, tests for funnel plot network meta-analysis did not show statistically significant
asymmetry should be used only when at least ten studies are difference between the groups, as follows: abruptio placentae
included in the meta-analysis. Also, the power of the tests is low (RD=0.00; 95% CI: -0.01 to 0.01; I2 = 0%; p=0.94), fetal growth
when there are fewer studies. retardation (RD=0.02; 95% CI: -0.05 to 0.09; I2 = 67%; p=0.61),
gestational diabetes mellitus (RD=0.02; 95% CI: -0.00 to 0.03; I2 =
13%; p=0.08), postpartum hemorrhage (RD=-0.00; 95% CI: -0.03
to 0.03; I2 = 0%; p=0.95) and stillbirth (RD=-0.00; 95% CI: -0.00 to
0.00; I2 = 0%; p=0.34). Random-effects analysis method was used
Study Selection to adjust for inter-study heterogeneity when necessary and
After searching five databases and exploring reference lists, 1,225 certainty assessment was also very low for all outcomes (Table 3).
potential studies were identified. The studies were uploaded to
Endnote, where duplicates were excluded. After the exclusions,
seven studies contained enough data to be included in a meta- DISCUSSION
analysis (Figure 1).
According to the 2017 ATA guidelines, poor control of
Quality Assessment thyrotoxicosis is associated with pregnancy loss, pregnancy-
All seven studies were considered as high quality by the induced hypertension, prematurity, low birth weight,
Newcastle-Ottawa scale, as they scored between 7 and 8 intrauterine growth restriction, stillbirth, thyroid storm, and
maternal congestive heart failure (3). Unfortunately, there are little placental abruption, delayed fetal growth, gestational diabetes,
data on the effect of controlling thyrotoxicosis during pregnancy on postpartum hemorrhage, stillbirth.
maternal outcomes. Moreover, the risk for adverse maternal Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by high
outcomes in women who had overt hyperthyroidism treated blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, most
with ATD during pregnancy differs in various studies, which often the liver and kidneys. Pre-eclampsia incidence range from 2 -
may be due to differences in inclusion criteria, sample size, and 7,5%; some risk factors are hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus,
study design (5–11). age, and race (15, 16). Hyperthyroidism is a well-known risk factor
The present meta-analysis compared almost 6,000 pregnant for pre-eclampsia, especially poorly controlled (5, 17). In addition,
women treated for hyperthyroidism with 1.3 million euthyroid hyperthyroidism could aggravate a preexisting condition (e.g.,
pregnant women, demonstrating that the treatment for hypertension) by predisposing to pre-eclampsia, or it can even
hyperthyroidism and restoration of the euthyroid state can trigger pre-eclampsia. Our data show that the development of
supposedly reduce the incidence of five essential outcomes: preeclampsia was 4% lower in the pregnancies of euthyroid women.
Author Year Country Design Founding Participants (Database) Mean Study Intervention N Control N Folow-up Hypertireoidism During
Source (age) Size (n) Groups Groups (years) Pregnancy (Definition)
Ajmani 2014 India Prospective Not declared Department of obstetrics and 27,53 400 Hyperthyroidism 2 Euthyroidism 347 01 High Free T4 ([2.0 ng/dl) with
SN et al. Cohort gynecology at Kasturba treated decreased TSH (\0.2 lIU/l)
(5) Hospital
Bá nhindy 2011 Hungary Retrospective Both Hungarian Congenital 25.5 60,994 Hyperthyroidism 187 Euthyroidism 60.807 16 Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse
F et al. (6) Cohort nonindustrial Abnormality Registry (HCAR) treated goitre [Graves’ disease, toxic
and industrial diffuse goitre], Thyrotoxicosis
with toxic single thyroid
nodule, and Thyrotoxicosis
with toxic multinodular goitre
Luewan S 2011 Thailand Retrospective None Maternal– Fetal Medicine Unit, 28.98 563 Hyperthyroidism 180 Euthyroidism 360 14 Pregnant women diagnosed
et al. (7) Cohort Chiang Mai University and treated for hyperthyroidism by
medical records of the patients. endocrinologist based on the
clinical manifestations and
endocrine laboratory
Pillar N 2010 Israel Retrospective None Soroka University Medical 26.5 185,825 Hyperthyroidism 189 Euthyroidism 185.636 19 Overactive thyroid gland,
et al. (8) Cohort Cente treated resulting in the overproduction
and, thus, excess of
circulating free thyroid
hormones (triiodothyronine,
thyroxine, or both)
Sahu MT 2010 India Prospective None King George Medical University, 26.0 633 Hyperthyroidism 5 Euthyroidism 552 03 Elevation in free T4 with an
et al. (9) Cohort and all India Institute of Medical treated undetectable serum TSH
Turunen 2020 Finland Retrospective None Medical Birth Register (MBR) 27,5 571,785 Hyperthyroidism 580 Euthyroidism 550.860 09 The ICD-10 code E05 (all
S et al. Cohort and supplemented with treated digits) and the ICD-9/ICD-8
(10) information from the code both 242
Prescription Register, the
Hospital Discharge Register
and the Register on Congenital
Andersen 2014 Denmark Retrospective None Danish nationwide registers 30.0 1,062,862 Hyperthyroidism 5.229 Euthyroidism 836.905 11 ICD-8: 242.00–242.29 and
SL et al. Cohort treated ICD-10: E05.0–E05.9
(11) [excluding thyrotoxicosis
factitia (E05.4),
with several impacts on maternal health. Obesity is the major risk
factor for diabetes mellitus (15, 16, 18). Also, hyperthyroidism is
(0 – 9)
levels. Both hormonal and immunologic conditions are related to
this phenomenon (19). This meta-analysis suggests that overt
Adequacy of
follow-up of
an increased risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (5, 6, 8–10).
Spontaneous abortion is a tragic situation during pregnancy.
Chromosomal abnormality is the single most common cause
Follow-up for enough
factor, although the molecular mechanism underlying this
association is still not well understood (3). Although small but
significant, our results showed that euthyroid pregnant women
had 3% fewer events of spontaneous abortions.
of outcome
The symbol "*" in each spot means that the characteristic's answer was present in the evaluated article.
Sahu MT et al.,
et al., 2014 (5)
Andersen SL
et al., 2020
et al., 2014
Bá nhindy F
Ajmani SN
Turunen S
2010 (8)
2010 (9)
weight, spontaneous abortion, and premature birth) in third-trimester pre-eclampsia, low birth weight, and premature
comparison to euthyroid women. The differences were slight, birth. The mechanisms involved may be several and may be
ranging from 3 to 8%, however significant. The deleterious effect directly or indirectly related to hyperthyroidism, as discussed
of hyperthyroidism affects the three trimesters of gestation, in the above. Also, other causes can be related to these negative
first-trimester spontaneous abortion and during the second and outcomes, such as other autoimmune conditions associated
Abruptio Placentae
3 observational not not serious not serious seriousa none 15/771 (1.9%) 14373/736843 not 0 fewer per 1.000 ⨁x̂ x̂ x̂
studies serious (2.0%) estimable (from 10 fewer to Very low
10 more)
Fetal Growth Retardation
4 observational not not serious not serious seriousa,b none 30/376 (8.0%) 4951/186895 not 20 fewer per ⨁x̂ x̂ x̂
studies serious (2.6%) estimable 1.000
(from 90 fewer to Very low
50 more)
Gestational Diabetes
5 observational not not serious not serious seriousa none 78/963 (8.1%) 59618/798202 not 20 fewer per ⨁x̂ x̂ x̂
studies serious (7.5%) estimable 1.000
(from 30 fewer to Very low
0 fewer)
Postpartum Hemorrhage
2 observational not not serious not serious seriousa none 4/182 (2.2%) 28/707 (4.0%) not 0 fewer per 1.000 ⨁x̂ x̂ x̂
studies serious estimable (from 30 fewer to Very low
30 more)
4 observational not not serious not serious seriousa none 19/5991 (0.3%) 4453/1388472 not 0 fewer per 1.000 ⨁x̂ x̂ x̂
(from 0 fewer to studies serious (0.3%) estimable Very low
0 fewer)
“a” means “Type of study design” and “b” means “Heterogeneity > 50%”.
Alves Junior et al. Hyperthyroidism Control During Pregnancy
with GD (30). Also, GD TRAb could have essential participation there is a residual risk of negative results even when overt
in negative outcomes. TRAb passage through the placenta and hyperthyroidism is treated. This information will help doctors
the action in the thyroid fetus` gland also can determine the and patients manage pregnancy, especially those who needed to
increase of these outcomes (31–33), especially in the third treat hyperthyroidism during this process.
trimester. None of the studies evaluated in the meta-analysis
mentioned the TRAb titers during treatment. The control of
hyperthyroidism and the decrease in TRAb titers do not always
present in the same period (34); thus, TRAb can cause fetus’ DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
hyperthyroidism even with maternal thyroid levels normal.
The original contributions presented in the study are included in
Despite our attempts to eliminate potential biases, this
the article/supplementary material. Further inquiries can be
systematic review has limitations. First, because some studies did
directed to the corresponding author.
not specify if hyperthyroidism was treated, we had to exclude many
patients from the final analyses (35–46). Second, it is important to
emphasize that in carrying out this meta-analysis, we only used
studies that showed the treatment of overt hyperthyroidism during AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
pregnancy. Unfortunately, some studies are not specific about the
degree of control of hyperthyroidism, we presumed that an JA: made considerable contributions to the design and
euthyroid state was reached and maintained in all treated postulation of the study, the definition of technical content,
patients. Also, some studies may have started treatment after the literature research, data analysis, statistical analysis, manuscript
first trimester. Third, the quality of evidence evaluated by the preparation, drafting, writing, critical review, and approval of the
GRADE tool showed a very low certainty of the evidence for all manuscript final version for publication. WB: were involved in
outcomes. The main weak point in the quality of evidence was the the data analysis, statistical analysis, manuscript preparation,
type of study design, leading to a high level of imprecision. In writing, drafting, critical review for important intellectual
addition, we were unable to examine data on subclinical content. LW: Manuscript preparation, writing, drafting, critical
hyperthyroidism and gestational thyrotoxicosis, limiting this review for important intellectual content, and approval of the
meta-analysis to overt hypothyroidism. manuscript final version for publication. DV: provided support
No meta-analysis or systematic review has been published on for the entire process of developing and reviewing this systematic
this topic to our knowledge. In conclusion, treatment of overt review and approval of the manuscript final version for
hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is mandatory and appears to publication. All authors contributed to the article and
reduce some potential maternal-fetal complications. However, approved the submitted version.
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